The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 24, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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U.S.E.S. Is Ready
To Help Veterans
In Employment
Washington IP The veterans'
employment service ot' the United
States employment service, war
mannowcr commission, lies pro
vided thp following set of Ques
tions and answers to serve as
guide to veterans seeking new
Q. Where should veterans In
search of work, oilier than re-
lnslatement to former positions
go to receive employment assistance?
A. To the nearest office of the
USES of the war manpower com
mission. "
O. noes the USES operate a
special service for veterans?
A. Yes. Through its veterans'
emplovment service that operates
throueh the 1.500 iwmannnt and
anproximatelv 2.00(1 n-"'t.Hnie or
itinerant offices of the USES. Vet
erans are reeistcved in Incil of-
Hees on special c."riq nnri n sne
cial service is provided for veter
ans through state and local vet-
erans employment representatives.
Q. Under what authority does
the veterans employment service
A. Title IV of the serviceman's
readjustment act of 1944 creates
a veterans placement service
board, "to co-operate and assist
the USES" to maintain a veterans
service devoted to securing em
ployment for veterans.
O. Who are the members of the
veterans employment service
A. The board consists of the ad
ministrator of veterans affairs,
as chairman, the director-of the
national selective service svstem,
and the administrator of the fed
eral security agency, or whoever
mav have the rcsnonslhility of ad
ministering the functions of the
ut;s. ine. Board determines -all A. no. veterans or this war
matters of nollcv relating to the ' have complete freedom of choice
American Victims of Brutal Nazi Massacre
(NE4 Riulio-Telephoto)
Tight-lipped furious Yapks check identification of these bodle of American soldiers, killed by their Nazi cap.
tors In cold blood after they had been captured. Before Germans turned their machine guns on the defense
less men, they first stripped them of their clgarets and all valuable possessions. Only a handful of th
men left to die In the Belgian snow escaped to tell the fiendish story. Photo by Harold Selgman, NEA-Acm
nhntrarranher for War Picture Pool.
maintaining current information
as to the various types of avail
able employment In public ques
tions concerning such services.
Individual Interviews are given
service men who request them
and registrations are taken of
those desiring placement through
the local offices serving the dis
charge centers.
w. is it necessary for a veteran
of this war to secure a statement
of availability in order to obtain
employment or to change employment?
administration of the veterans em
ploment service.
Q. Is proof of war service neces
sary for registration as a veteran
with the USES?
A. Yes. A veteran must show his
discharge papers or other docu
mentary evidence of service dur
ing a recognized war period.
Q. What are the duties of the
state and local veteran employ
ment representatives?
A. They supervise the registra
tion and placement of veterans
throuch local public employment
offices; they endeavor to provide
In employment. They are exempt
ed from all WMC employment
stabilization regulations.
Q. Does the veterans employ
ment service assist members of
families of veterans?
A. Yes. While only veterans of
wars of the United States are reg
istered on special cards, state and
local veterans employment repre
sentatives advise and assist mem
bers of families of veterans who
are in search of work.
Q. What about peacetime vet
erans (those who have served In
the armed forces of the U. S. In
for veterans the maximum of lob time of peace) ?
opportunity In the field of gainful A- Peacetime veterans are regis
employment by securing and tered- on regular employment
service cards on which periods of
military or naval service are de
noted; the full resources of (lie
employment service are at their
disposal, and wherever needed, the
services of the veterans employ
ment representative are available
to them.
supply distributed," they com
plained in their demand for early
OPA action In the situation.
Meat Spoilage
Charges Made
Chicago, Jan. 24 lli High ra
tion point values on choice meat
cuts are preventing an equitable
distribution of the nation's lim
ited supply and resulting in spoil
age that might otherwise be
averted, according to the Nation
al Association of Retail Meat
"Choice cuts of steaks lay In
the Icebox because customers
don't have the points for them,
while low point meats, stews,
shoulder cuts and others are
quickly sold," the secretaries of
79 meat dealers' groups told
Chester Bowles, head of the of
fice of price administration, last
night at conclusion of their three
day meeting.
Present ration point values
"won't let us sell and keep the
Walker R. Young
Named Engineer
Walker R. Young, assistant
chief engineer for the bureau of
reclamation at Denver, has been
promoted to chief engineer to
succeed S. O. Harper who resigned
last Sept. 10, it was learned to
day by the local bureau offices.
Walker visited this region in the
summer of 1943, making a tour of
the North Unit Irrigation project.
Wives, Veterans
Invited to Ball
Wives of local men now In the
service, and returned veterans of
world war I today were especially
invited to attend the President's
hirthdav ball in the Elks hall next
Saturday night, It was announced
today by Mrs. J. F. Arnold, Des
chutes county chairman for the
Foundation for Infantile Paraly
sis fund campaign. The dance,
which will be semi - formal, ' is
slated to begin at 9 p.m.
Accompanied by members of
the Women'3 Junior Civic league,
Mrs. Arnold today visited the
Redmond army air field for the
purpose of selling tickets to men
stationed there.
A large birthday cake, to be cut
at the ball, was on display today
in the wlndqw of the Bend Baking
company, which donated It to the
polio fund raising cause.
Tickets to the ball will be placed
on sale tomorrow in Bend stores,
it was saiu. Meantime persons de
siring tickets may obtain them at
the J. F. Arnold offices, 126 Min
nesota avenue, according to Mrs.
Deschutes Gets
Taylor Act Fund
Salem, Ore., Jan. 24 HH The
secretary of state's office has an
nounced distribution of two funds
in its charge.
One is the $15,000 of revenue
derived from state amusement
taxes, of which 60 per cent goes
to public assistance, and 40 per
cent to counties.
The other was the money re
ceived from the federal govern
ment under the Taylor grazing
A total of $26,980.22 was re
ceived under the Taylor act. In
cluded in the amounts distributed
to counties were: Deschutes, for
U. S. grazing districts nos. 2 and
5, $1,159.30; and Crook county, for
grazing dist. no. 5, $1,307.23.
Buy National War Bonds Now!
Jet-Propelled 'Sky Flivver'
-mn-Trm Tin" -
This is the Hellcospeeder, which, because it is Jet-propelled and jet
steered, is said to have more speed, carries more weight, has more
stability and controlability than an ordinary helicopter. Invented
by Antoine Gazda, of New York, the craft omits the auxiliary tail
rotor common to the usual helicopter.
Bend Flier Is Now Credited
With 40 Strikes Against Nips
A 7th AAF Heavy Bomber Base
In the Marianas (Delayed) Lt.
John E. Runge, of Bend, Oregon,
feels that during 40 missions
against the Japs he's done much
to debunk the good luck charm
There were no good luck charms
among members of Lt. Runge's
Liberator "Come Closer," and
they wound up their two score
strikes with little trouble. Flak
and enemy fighter bullets punched
only four small holes in the big
bomber despite its appearance
over such dangerous islands as
Wake, Iwo Jima, Chichi Jima, the
Marianas prior to their Invasion,
and other 7th AAF targets.
"We've had a mighty lucky time
of it," Lt. Runge said. " 'Come
Closer' never failed us, and in 38
flights we made in her we never
had to turn back. Our only abor
tives were when we were flying
another plane."
The crew has two Zeroes to its
credit, both knocked down over
Iwo Jima on the same day.
Staff Sergeant Harold M. Tip-
son, of Wlnooski, Ver., bagged
one from his ball turret, and Tech
nical Sergeant Otis L. Andrews, of
Geneva, 111., destroyed a second
from the left waist position.
"Come Closer's" crew spent an
anxious few minutes one night
over Truk lagoon when, without
warning, the tail turret began to
"I've never moved so fast in
my life," said Staff Sergeant
Thomas W. Denson, of Atlanta,
Ga., "a 25-foot streamer of flame
blew out behind us and I'm sure
that we made a pretty conspicu
ous target. But the engineer Tech
nical Sergeant Jerome M. George,
Winnsboro, S. C, brought back a
carbon dioxide tube and put the
fire out."
Lt. Runge's mother, Mrs. Stella
Runge, resides at 513 Newport
avenue, Bend. He was graduated
from Bend high school and en
tered the army in December 1941.
He has been awarded the distin
guished flying cross with
oak leaf cluster and the air mEi
with. four oak leaf rluei.-w. nar
New Food Stamps
To Be Validated
Six more red stamps will bn
good on January 28 for obtainin,
meats-fats, . and five more blu
stamps will be good on Februarv
1 for buying rationed canned
goods, the Office of Price Admin,
istration announced today.
Blue stamps are validated on
the first day of each calendar
month. .
Red stamps are validated on the
first day of each rationing period.
Since the February rationiiw
period will last five weeks Instead
of four, beginning January 28 and
ending March 3, six red stamps in
stead of five, given for four week
ration periods, will be good on
January 28, OPA said.
Red stamps that will be good
that day for meats-fats, each
worth 10 points a total of 60
points are Y5, Z5, A2, B2, C2
and D2.
Blue stamps that will be good
on February 1 for processed
foods, each worth 10 points,-a
total of 50 points are H2, J2, K2;
L2 and M2, a total of 50 blue
Des Moines, la. (IP) A sport
perch, one of nature's rare oddi
ties was caught recently in Iowa's
Great Lakes. The fish, 12 inches
long, was a bright blue color.
Perch ordinarily are a yellowish
orange, barred or ringed by sev
eral dark bands.
Typewriter Co.
Authorized Agent for '
Sales and Service
Roytype Ribbons and Carbon
R. C. Allen Adding Machines
AH Makes Typewriters
Phone 12 122 Oregon Ave.
Double Size C'licrumy
Skin Balm
Woodbury Face Powder 50c
And Mugic rilm Makeup
Jergens New Twin Makeup. . .$1.00
ViM Value
60c Yodora Deodorant Cream.. 49c
35c Mum Deodorant Cream.... 29c
Colonial Dames Depilatory 50c
50c Jergen's Lotion 39c
50c Soothe Skin Lotion 39c
$1.00 Chamberlain's Lotion 83c
50c Santiseptic Lotion... 45c
50c Trushay Lotion.. 43c
DuBarry Beauty Lotion $1.00
Porcelain Hand Lotion $2.50
Yardley Complexion Milk 85c
Colonial Dames Hand Cream... 50c
Pacquin's Hand Cream 79c
39c deck
(Fiiioelile Blip)
2 for 25e
3 rolls for 20c
$1.00 Citrated Carbonate 79c
75c Calox Antiseptic 59c
Pint Cod Liver Oil $1.09
Amber Mouth Wash pint 49c
100 McKesson Aspirin 37c
Owl Antacid Powder 50c
Large Owl Analgesic Balm 59c
50c Albolene Chest Rub 47c
$1.00 Soretone Liniment 89c
50c Calox Tooth Powder ... 43c
75c Darol Cough Syrup 69c
50c Milk of Magnesia. '. 33c
$1.00 Albolene Cream 89c
100 Magnesia Tablets 39c
Automatic Electric
By De YllhKs
Box 29c
&B& ' PHONE 50
m-- V "V
March of Times
The March of Dimes is a campaign to raise funds to combat infantile paralysis, one of the
most expensive diseases to treat. Unless a family is wealthy, the financial burden of caring
for victims is almost impossible. That is why it is important to know that the March of
Dimes funds are available to anyone reeding help in recovering from polio. Many stricken
families of moderate means feel that they cannot ask for help. But they can! Arrange
ments may be made for the care of patients depending on their condition, their .family
situation and general needs.
FIVE CENTS of every dime contributed
stays with your local chapter for disbursement among local
agencies and individuals. Not only are grants made to
institutions for the care of infantile paralysis patients, but
funds are also used for individual care.
FIVE CENTS of every dime contributed '
goes to the National Foundation for three specific purposes
. . . research into the causes and methods of prevention of
polio . . . epidemic aid, supplying equipment and supplies
to communities where epidemics occur; and additional
financial aid for local chapters.
the MARCH of DIMES campaign
Fill out coupon at
right and mail it now
with your
generous contribution
This ttxttnmt pttpani Antf rtlnsej bf
with tpptevtl ttn Corrtaittf for NMtioaal FettmMtioB
for io.m'i'Aj Ptttljsii.
Mrs. .1. F. Arnold
126 .Minnesota Ave.
Bend, Ore.
Rfaliiing that "save for the grace of God" there goes my little boy or girl.
I am happy to enclose my check. I've made it larger because I realize there's
a bigger job to do. I wouldn't feel right unless I helped to my limit, especially
since I know half of what I'm giving is being used hire in my community.