THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 24, 1945 PAGE SEVER Railroad Shares Bolster Market By Elmer C. Walzer . (United Freu Financial Editor) !.., Vm-lc. Jan. 24 OF); Re newed interest in railroad shares .... , Al nnnaoal lict nf ctrtoto. llllGQ IliC HI Mat, Wl IV.W fractions to around a point today after a small early decline. Trad ing was light. Wall street viewed the pickup in demand for railroad stocks as an indication that recent heavy selling in that group may have been overdone. The undertone of the market, moreover, in the five previous sessions of decline had Uen such that any concentrated buying in any group of leaders would have provided the neces sary stimulus for a fair recovery, analysts said. During every one of the previ ous five sessions when prices were twwn uu mu avciogct guuu selective buying had been evident among the "peace" stocks and traders believed there was just too much loose money around seeking someplace to go to per mit too extended a decline in stock uriccs. ;, HOLBROOK LISTED MISSING Long Beach, Calif., Jan. 24 (IB Ernie Halbrook, University of Southern California basketball coach in 1943, has been reported missing in action in Belgium since Dec. 16, his father said today. Flag Carrier Vice Adml. Daniel E. Barbey, above, noted expert on amphibi ous operations, sailed his flag ship into LIngayen Gulf ff San Fabian as the U. S. -7th Fleet) .1 aided the Yanks in their inva sion of Luzon. SAVINGS Thursday Friday and Saturday H&D Peas Phone 350 I rriiiay I lifeY Wheat Staco String Beans can 14c Pork and Beans 20oz.can 12c Creamed Honey 33c Heinz Tomato Soup 2 cans 23c H&D Whole Kernel Corn . . .can 16c Kraft Dinner 2 pkgs. 19c Jello or Pudding 3 pkgs. 19c Tea Garden Syrup bottle 37c Quaker Oats, quick or reg., pkg. 29c Walnuts lb. 41c Milk, all brands 4 cans 39c Big Boy SOAP 4 bars 19c For a Little, Sell a Lot Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance Z3 Wonto-One lime 55c K i"88 75c f 1.S5 AUII( All mm. t II wM le pr wort tinn nunuez 01 iiuaruoo Oat m.ntli run Mm copy, Amj rat, Mintam Chare. 34c LINE BATE 10o CAPITALS 20o CUuificd AdxrtUlnc, Cuh In Advftne. DtUj ClMiBt Tim. lt:ll P. M. BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. Stated Communication Thurs., Jan. 25, 8 p. m. M. M. Degree VUUiof BnUiran Welcome George Slmcrviile, bec'y. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary Co Bend Dairy Store FOB SALE 3-ROOM semi-modern house and 2 50'xl00' lots in Redmond. Also 24'x3(r basement and foundation on property. John Luelling, 316 A St., Redmond, Oregon. BULLS of aU kinds, Hereford, Guernsey and Jersey. Some nice milk cows ready to freshen. Sad dle horses and saddles. Franks Service Station, phone 78-J. W. R. Franks, Redmond. RUMMAGE SALE Last 2 days Friday and Saturday. Lottie Nel son, across from the laundry. APPLES. New shipment of New towns and Spitzenbergs, $1.75, $2.00, $2.5Q. Exchange boxes. Fresh apple cider, 55c per gallon. Please bring container. Baled hay, strawj peat moss. Crown Feeds Ureenwood Feed Co., Greenwood and Division Sts. 3 HOUSES on 60 ft. lot, 2, three room semi-modern, furnished, 1 five room modern unfurnished, close in, east side. $3250, $2150 down, balance $25 month, inquire 164 E. Irving. LADY'S WHITE shoe roller i skates, almost new. Wooden bear ing rollers. Size 8. Call 131-R. I GAS RANGE, baby bed, rocking i chairs, electric iron, hot plate, ironing board, dinette set, chest, Hollywood bed, book case, garden tools, cooking utensils. A. C. Jean quenat, 184 E. Kearney, corner E. 2nd. 3 HEATING STOVES, cb-culating, fownd oak and air -tite. Iron bed stead. 9x12 rug. 304 Hunter Place. Phone 186-W. . FOOD MARKET Cream can 15c COLUMBIA'S QUALITY MEATS Prime Rib Roast, grade A ... .lb. 35c 8 Red Swiss Steak, grade A lb. 39c 9 Red Colored Hens - Rabbits . .46c to 50c Fresh and Kippered Salmon - Oysters FOB SALE COMBINATION COAL and elec tric Westinghouse range. Norge oil burning ljeater, electric fan, guaranteed to heat six rooms, both same, as new. 2 occasional chairs, 2 end tables, 2 coffee tables, 8-tube cabinet Western Air Patrol radio. Electric washer, elec tric mixaU, large fish aquarium, large metal medicine cabinet with plate glass mirror. 1973 Awbrcy Road, west side. PRE-WAR DAVENPORT, $25.00. 532 Ogden. WOOD OR COAL circulating heater In A-l condition, $35.00. Medium size cook stove in good condition, $35.00. South City Lim its Motel office. I HAVE a small portable and 5 ! guaranteed radio consoles. Lib- j eral discount sale to February 1st Phone 536, Luckey's Radio Repair, 117 Lafayette. LARGE HEATER in good condi tion. Call after 5 p. m. 1100 Lex ington. GOOD MAJESTIC range, $25.00 cash. 1470 East First. WHY DON'T YOU let me fix that muddy driveway with a load of red cinders at $7.00 a heaping load of 4 yards. Phone 838-R. YOU WILL be agreeably surpris ed at the improvement of your radio's performance if you will take it to your favorite repair shop, and ask for a tune-up and alignment job. Luckey's Radio Re pair, 117 Lafayette. MODERN HOUSES: 4 room com. pletely furnished, paved street, $3250, $1500 down, $35 month. West side, 2 bedroom. $3500, $1000 down, $2o month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ATTRACTIVE DUPLEX stucco apartments, 3 rooms in each unit, one completely furnished, gas, hardwood floors. Only $3200, $1000 down. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon, j Phone 36-W. 2 WEST SIDE, 3 bedroom house, 2 , baths, electric range wiring, gas. j Reduced from $4500 to $3900.! Some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. YOU WILL like this one: Neat 4 room modern house. Separate 1 room cabin. Garage, woodshed, 2 stoves. $3250, $500 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. RADIOS, one table model, onc'WILL BU Sd small modern cabinet model. Income property, ! .uses on west side. P. O. Box 735, 2 -modern houses, 3 not modern. Bend. All furnished. Close in. Call 168. TO BUY 2 good used suit cases. E. Irving. Phone 834-W. j 164 E i,.vin. Food Savings for Friday Saturday 2 Bb. box 31c pkg. 11c Leslie SALT 2 for 15c COFFEE M.I.B. lb. 33c Drip or Regular Umli Swans 35 Family SJTl FLOUR 49 lb. bag $2.29 Pf??' NABISCO I EgjSHREDDED WHEAT FOB SALE ELECTRIC THOR mangle. Fine condition, $16.00. Tenor banjo and case, $17.00. Electric iron $5. Call at third house from King's Mar ket on south highway. Phone 34-F-3, Mrs. Donahue. 18 LEGHORN HENS, Kwix Shave electric razor, banjo, oil heater. 22 Lake Place. SEVERAL SIZES of baby beds, baby high chairs, baby buggies, bedsteads of all kinds, dressers, library tables, rockers, end tables, smoke stands, book shelves, sauare stand tables, leather couch. 1 ptetrin rufHoppntnr !Wfl nwrfc re pair, cream separator, breakfast' set, wash tubs, wash boiler, wash boards, meat grinders, ball and snekpt trnilpr hltrhps irp hnxps 2 burner gas griddle, hot water car heaters, breakfast nook table $2, ironing boards $1.50, daybeds, set of flat irons, heating stoves, kitch en ranges. Open evenings. 350 Di vision. NEW CHAINS, size 750-16, $7.00. Cliff Kribs, 2nd house past N. Junction on Sisters highway. FOB SALE OB TRADE GOOD BATTERY radio for trade for 22 rifle or will sell for $20.00. See it at 1371 Ftesno. FOB BENT ,. BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. 3-ROOM modern furnished apart ment. Refrigerator and washing facilities, $20 per month. Inquire Museum of Wonders, north high- way, MODERN FURNISHED 2-bed-room house near high school and mills. Phonp 302-J. 2 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, close In. Inquire at 6 Irving avenue. 3-ROOM modern apartments; nicely furnished. Large electric ranges and refrigerators, auto matic furnace heat. No children or pets. Phone 416. 5 ROOM modern unfurnished lwugc' 1625 W' 5th St. Phone 898. 6 ROOM modern house, $20.00 per month, lights and water included. 1371, Fresno. WANTED USED RADIOS Will pay top HANDBOOK an acetylene weld prices for good used radios. I ing, lost Tuesday. Return to Bulle- Lreorge s Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. ,TO GET in touch with Mrs. High tower. Please call Beauty Quest, Virginia Johnson or Mrs. Thomas. 81 Oregon. Telephone 170. ;WILL PAY good price for gas range in good condition and if nec essary will sacrifice electric re- ffri.ijerator in trade. Call 623-W. 843 Harmon. GOOD USED wool rug, 9'xl2' or 12'xl5 Write No. 10166 care of Bulletin. . TO RENT 2-bedronm modern house on or about February first. Ralph McNeply, Hq. 317 Wing, Redmond Air Base. TO BUY shells that will fit a 32 Ivor Johnson revolver. Will buy or trade other shells for same. Phone 1156. 350 Division. TO BUY for man in service, fold ing camera. Phone 1156. 350 Divi sion. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED WOOL MACHINE PRESSER OR SOMEONE WILLING TO LEARN. IvIASTERCRAFT CLEANERS BEAUTY OPERATOR. Out of state operators acceptable. Li cense by reciprocity. Please get in touch with the Beauty Quest soon as possible, 81 Oregon Ave. Tele phone 170. WOMAN for general work. Des chutes Cottage Hospital. Board, room, $60 per month. Apply 2.'i6 E. Kearney. SITUATION WANTED WOMAN with child wishes house work. Write No. 10219 in tare of the Bulletin. RED RYDER GO BACK, RE.O RYDEfS'J THANro, HANABA. BUT . INDIANBE VERY ANoRYJl EXPECTED 1KOU&LE J 1 7HINIS IF TriEY SEE WHITE AVN f .dwiHE I CAME HERE" J (16EE W HERE M 1HLIR. XjSh&O FIN)D LHTLETj S YONDER' ) YEl-g-CHI RClSYjrTyPEAVER: J l-J With Bulletin THIS CURIOUS WORLD 1 . , AND flgWgg. IK I UNCOVERED DEEP ) A VZ . IN THE EARTH IN ) rTT NEW MEXICO, S A3fc I INDICATE TO !X V"7?v NTV ? SCIENTISTS THAT ) IJ':'"'" Xr. T AN ANCIENT ANO I Jv I ' VIa( NOW EXTINCT C. k AJSw. Xv B l; raceofjxw ft .tAo . W I J1T?V ) WAS HUNTED BY ) if mi f i MX A ON THIS I J "T - Av. rj CONTINENT AT rr'T w TTih mi least 0.000 X, kV,4 ffl&7 and perhaps f I eSa ) AS LON& AGO AS '. IN FIUING OUTOUR TAX BLANKS YOU MUST SHOW THE OtfKOMB OP YOUR Says MEKVIN BUK, SITUATION WANTED MAN EMPLOYED during day can devote several hours daily af ter 4 p. m., bookkeeping or typing. Write No. 10182 care of Bulletin. 15 YR. OLD boy wants work. Call at 45 Lafayette or phone 559-J. -ISED CARS 1936 PLYMOUTH sedan. Less than 11,000 miles, excellent condi tion, goil ri.ibber. Cash. Phone 15-F-55, Redmond, Ore. 2 DOOR '37 Ford, good tires, clean and in good condition. Under ceil ing due to minor defects. 228 Florida. LOST TAYLOR-TOT baby walker some whore near 303 Riverfront. Re turn to Mrs. Student, 303 River front. GERMAN POINTER, liver color ed bitch. Reward. Wrile H. Mc Mullin, Sisters, Oregon. tin or to County Library. GOLD LINK bracelet lost yester day in downtown district. Return to Maslercraft Cleaners. BLACK COIN purse on Oregon or Hunter Place. Please return to Bulletin. LITTLiTgIRL'S dress from New berry's. Size 4K, light print. Any body finding this please bring It to 712 Arizona St. FOUND STRAYED to' rny place, one led brindle cow, right ear cropped. One long yearling Jersey steer with horns.split in both cars. Emil Anderson ranch, Tumalo. MISCELLANEOUS KEYS MADE while you waif, saws filed, skalcs hollow ground, knives and shears sharpened, locks, bicycles, phonographs re paired, soldering, general repair ing. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. SPENCEE'liu7JPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-E-l. Mrs. Edna Boyd Hrinson. O Kane lildg., or Box 161, Bend. WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid fur used wash ers, any condilion. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. TRAINED AUCTIONEER Willi ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glnycbionk, phone 23-J'or call at 1015 Wall St. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 5!M. Llovd Whcadon, 171 1 Steldl Road, Rend. CWH. 1M6 UY NEA BtKVICt. INC -..yV.. T.M.Rto.u.B.PMjjrr. i&S&ttZ GET THE NAME "OOOSBl " FROM THEIR AFRICAN NAME VN&U8A." MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE finest quality Hoover uniforms, 6 styles now available Including one style nurse's uni form, long sleeves, ranging in price from $2.98 to $5.50, sizes 12 to 44. Also professional jackets, office coats. Call Elsie A. Dunn, representative of Hoover Mfg. & Sales Co., nationally advertised. Phone 615-J. No. 7 Westonla Apts. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you llr:e. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Buy National War Bonds Now! He Lands 'Em The U. S. 7th Fleet, which iiinded Yank invasion forces on Luzon, Is commnnded by Vice Adml. T,homni Kinltaid. above. a? . & MIL J"' ' . 'v . ,1 IV WHO'S WHO in BEAUTY SHOPS HALLOWELL KOLD WAVES .lust Ask the Girl Iioh Had One! Well Qualified anil Experienced Operatorn MAY LALKA U1LI.IE Powder Puff Beauty Shop riione 4X1 MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1533 Awbrcy lid. Tel. O'-ill-M j A1 THE CHEE-NE1, OLD AND WISE Medicine VN. &R6UES WITH The ivnjo HAuF&REEPSl VsHCJ TOLET lhile: LEAVER, HOPING TO find The Loe-T TURQUOISE CAVET Classified Ads PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 24 mi Livestock: cattle 300, calves 50. Generally active, strong to higher prlc?s. Few sales fully steady. Steers scarce. Good fed steers quotable to, $16.00. Medium heif ers $12.0(5-13.00. Canner - cutter cows $6.00-8.00. Fat dairy type to $10.00. Medium beef cows to $11.00. Good-choice vealers $13.50 15.00. Hogs 500. Active, steady. Good choice 170-270 lbs. $15.75; 280-330 lbs. $14.50-15.00. Good sows $13.50 14.00. Feeder pigs $15.0015.25. Sheep 100. Quotable steady. Good-choice trucked-in lambs sala FOOD MARKET North Highway Free Delivery Phone 70 "The Store of Personal Service" Pop Corn ........... ... . .pkg. 17c , Georgia Porgie 10 Ounce Ripe Olives jar 27c , Large Size S' '--.! swans(jown tpS Flour ""-"u 50 lb. bag L 1 Corn HO Whole Kernel NO. 2 CAN 15c Jello Pudding . ......... .2 for 15c (ulck Delicious Dessert - Vienna Sausages 2 cans 29c 4 Ounce Raisins .4 lb. pkg. 47c Beets ............ . . .No. 2 can 13c Diced Sweet Potatoes . . . .No. 21 can 23c """'Taylor's Rolled Qaf s bag 35c 4i Lb. Bag Triangle Brand Matches carton 23c m Round Steak 39c Grude A Lamb Chops 39c Gradu A Link Sausage .lb. 41c Grade A Cottage Cheese AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES Refrigerator Service All typci ot Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Boml MlnmwitH Phiini- XHH TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE V2! Bee Hive Trucks and Trailer may lie used anywhere In the U.S.A. without red tape or spu ria! license when trunsiiortittjr your own goods. Lonif trlw, short trips anywhere. See your 1 xacu dealer. Mission Service Station Bond & I' ruiiklin . I'hone 3 10 LITTLE" BEAVER SAY TCAVE IS T BUT- XAJOOVLY YOU ONLY ONE' 6ACRED:CHEE-NE:,TchEE-NEI WHO KN0W9 PART 1 YOU 6TAY sJ J HAVE-UfN SECRET TO L05T AWAY.' T NAVAJ0S RlGHT TO TuR(5UOI66T CAVE, Waff HAVE RiGHT AGO THERE VsOlEE0EI? ifl TuRQUOl? !! ble $14.50-15.00; one choice lot held higher; one load late Tues day $15.25. Good-choice ewes quot able 50c above last week at $6.50-7.00. POBTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 24 un Butter and egg prices were un changed today with eggs due for a one-cent reduction Thursday. Butter Cube, 93 score, 42-'Kc; 92 score, 42V4c; 90 score, 42c; 89 score, 4H4c pound. Eggs - Price to retailers: A A large, 50c; A, largo, 48c; medium A, 45c; small, 40c doze;v and FEED STORE Ritz Crackers Lgo. pkg. 23c Soda Crackers Snowflake 2 lb. caddy 31c Pure Pork pt. 19c BEND BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Goods Movement LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Da? Of the Year Phone 544 By FRED HARMAN