The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 24, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Local News
Maximum yesterday, Si degrees.
Minimum last night, 13 degrees.
Temperature: 10 p. m., 18 de
grees; iu b
r..i.u.iiv: 10 p. m., 2 miles; 10
a. m., 5 miles.
Sheriff C. L. McCauley returned
to'his ollice this morning alter
recovering from an attack of in
fluenza. Joo s Daughters will meet at
7 tonieht in tne Masonic temple.
j h. Haner, waruen oi the
Walker Range t ire Patrol associa
tion with headquarters at Lapine,
was here today conierrlng with
officials of tne uescnutes national
j. T. Cralne, of the S. P. & S.
railroad, was here touay irom
wishram. Wash.
The Business and Professional
Women will hold a dinner meet
ing at 7 tonight at Glen Vista.
D. C. Wiles, statipned at the
Reumona army air iieiu, was a
guest last night at the Pilot Butte
The PAL club will meet at 7 to
night with Mrs. Ray Nedrow, 111
Kajph W. Crawford, supervisor
of the uescnuies nauunai loresi,
todav went to Pringle falls to in.
snect construction of a new forest
service bridge over the Deschutes
river at that point.
The North End club will meet at
7:30 tonight with Mrs. C B. Mom
cal. Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Hoover of
Portland, were here today. Hoov
er is president of the Pacific
Trailways. ,
The Pythian Sisters will meet
tonight at 8 o'clock in Norway
), E. B. Bishop, Qrland, Calif.,
H.ntpqnlni. anri tiun nf hie amri.
ncers, D. VV. UUUUCIIUUgll UIIU auu
R. W. Wilcox, were here yester
day in conference with bureau of
reclamation officials and inspect
ing proposed lateral work on the
n i;r f A A
North Unit irrigation, project.
Bishop was one of the recent bid
ders for a contract to install the
The V.F.W. auxiliary will meet
at 8 tonight in Moose hall.
Mrs. V. Lane of Silver Lake is
spending a few days at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Virgi Henkle.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gold, former
Bend residents, became the par
ents of a son on Monday in Port
land. Gold was the former pro
prietor of the Bend Supply com
pany here.
Vernon I. Basler, training offi
cer of the veterans administra
tion, Portland, will visit Bend to-
I imorrow afternoon. Veterans or
lltmnlovers desiring information on
yin-the-job training may consult
witn mm in the office of L.. H.
Helphrey, veterans service officer.
Persons wishing to talk with him
should phone Helphrey, 113, for
an appointment.
The Trinity Lutheran Ladies
Aid will meet at 2 p.m. tomorrow
with Mrs. D. C. Dyer. ,
' Lt. Norman Partridge arrived
Sunday from Dalhart, Tex., army
air field to spend a short leave
Ends Tonight
J17 Gtetr Wllcf
W with Edward ARNOLD m
with Mrs. Partridge and two small
Mrs. Douglas Mulcare of Can-
ju.i wuy is visiting her sister
here, Mrs. Minnie Livingston, 104
Irvine street
The First Christian church ex
ecutive council, will meet at 2 p.m.
i kac , mrs- u Ross,
1506 Galveston.
Mrs. C. p. Niswonger is a pa-
ucin i(i uio oi. unanes nosoital.
Mrs. Calvin Smith has returned
from a visit in Penniotnn
Mr. and Mrs! A. A. Symons left
jramuaji lur l,os Angeles to at
tend the snrino oitt BVn,
The First Lutheran L.D.R. wili
ium a rummage sale in the church
basement tomorrow and also on
FridaV. it was Annnlmwt
Miss Mabel Meek returned to
Denu recently irom Sacramento
Calif., where she was employed by
the army signal corps. She has ac
cepted employment with the post
engineers, Redmond army air
Sgt. Charles O. Fuller, stationed
in HMsna wim tne army medical
corps for the past four years, was
here todav visitina hie mntt..
Mrs. Grace J. Peck, 1437 Daven
port avenue, and other relatives.
The Ladies nf tho Mnnca win
hold a special ritual practice to-
iiiunuw ii p.m. in Moose nan,
it was announced.
Mrs. T.nrnn A riAarHnrff nf Pul.
mond shopped in Bend yesterday.
nu. j,iuya r. worK, now with
the quartermaster's corps in New
Guinea, recently sent a cocoanut
to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Baer. It is
nOW On HisnlaV In the Rdor Totixsl-
ry company window.
Mrs. Harold E. Klzner, Mrs.
Earl Young and Mrs. Glenn Smith,
all of Prineville, shopped in Bend
Mrs. Peggy Aiken, who has
i i,i i : . . ,
lit-,-,, in iiir- Komn Tima ltnnnw-
went a major operation at the
St. Charles hospital yesterday.
Mrs. William Thomas and Miss
Mabel Young were shopping in
Bend from Madras yesterday.
Earl Small of Silver Lake' is
spending a few days in Bend as
his wife is ill in the St. Charles
A Hmifyhtni uiid Kini-n In iha Qt
Charles hospital this morning to
Mr. and Mrs. Max Schilling. 309
The Eagles auxiliary will meet
in Moose tiall at 8 p.m. tomorrow,
according" to an announcement.
Mrs. Charles Anderson and Miss
Barbara Isham left for Portland
today to attend a meeting called
by a mail order concern.
Rummage Sale by L. D. R.
Thursday and Friday, January 25
and 26, in basement of First Lu
theran Church, by the library.
The Powder Puff announces
that Ardelle De Laney is back op
erating permanently. She wel
comes her old customers. Adv.
Please call at my former resi
dence, 145 Sixth street for clock
and jewelry work. Watches may
be obtained at B14 a. street, l have
moved to North pend and at pres
ent am doing no repairing, but ex
pect to resume jewelry repair
work In about two months.
H. L. Welch, Redmond, Ore.
Whitinsville, Mass. IIP) This
town's latest Wac recruit is Mrs.
Agnes Swift, 39, moth of three
daughters and grandmother of
five children.
Lead ore from the rich Groom
mine in Lincoln county, Nevada,
during the seventies, was shipped
by ox teams overland to the coast
and by boat around South Amer
ica to Wales for smelting.
DON'T take any
chances. Have her
eyes examined at once.
Defective eyes are a han
dicap too great for even
the brightest child. How
can she comprehend
things she only naif sees?
A thorough, complete
examination of your
child's eyes and a fitting,
with Orthogon Full-Vision
Lenses can save her
from serious future
smus -r
oPTicai .
Lingayen Capitol Building Completely Destroyed
(NBA Telephttlo)
This Is all that remains of Lingayen, Luzon, Oapltol Building, completely destroyed by American pretnva
Bion naval bombardment because defending Japs were using the modern stone building as a fortress. Photo
bv Stanley Troutmao, NEA-Acme pbotograuher for War Picture PooL
Church Rally Here
Is Well Attended
A crowd which filled the church
to overflowing, last night attend
ed a churchmen's rally sponsored
by the, Bend -Ministerial associa
tion, at the First Christian church.
Preceeding the general meeting,
more than 150 persons attended a
dinner in the church.
The evening was featured by
the appearance of Dr. N. A. Jep
son, a Seattle chiropractor and
chairman of the Christian Busi
ness Men's committee of that city.
Discussing "that ye may know
the way by which ye must go,
for ye have not passed this way
before," Pr. Jepspp said it was
the duty of all men to support
(heir church and pastor in the
work they are doing. He also told
of the nationwide success of the
"Youth, for Christ Movement.''
Halvarson Present
Hilding Halvarson, a Seattle
business man, sang "Jesus Gave
Me a Song," "Consider the Lil
lies," "The Stranger of Qallilee"
and "So May You." He was ac
companied at the planq by Mrs.
Craig Coyner, , . i Vj ,
WT I. Palmer, pastor ' pf the
First Christian church, acted as
chairman of the rally, and Mrs.
E. A. Tiller of the same churchr
headed the dinner committee.
Young women from the different
churches acted as waitresses at
the dinner.
Late Poll Closing
Bill Not Favored
Salem, Ore., Jan. 24 (IT The
first two "do not pass" recom
mendations made on bills by
house committees were received
by the lower assembly yesterday.
Both reports were accepted, auto
matically postponing action on the
bi)ls Indefinitely.
The two bills receiving an ad
verse report were both election
bills. One would keep poles open
until 10 p. m. on election day, th
other would call for the mailing
of sample ballots to electors be
fore elections.
The report on the bill to keep
the polls open caused considerable
discussion in the house, with some
members feeling that the hill
would facilitate voting in highly
populated districts of Portland.
Casualties Reach
100,000 Monthly
San Francisco, Jan. 24 UPi In
dicating that the total number of
men wounded in combat theaters
has reached nearly 100,000 per
month, Maj. Gen. Norman T.
Kirk, sergeon general of the'U. S.
army, announced today that an
Hdps Nature Relieve MONTHLY
You who suffer such pain with tired,
nervoua, "droRKMl out" feelings
all due to functional periodic dis
turbances start ct once try Lydla
E. Pin It ham's Vegetable compound
to relieve such symptoms. Made
especially for women it help na
ture! Also a grand stomachic tonlo.
Follow label directions.
PrctPirtus on rtquttt
frtm Priatipct Vnittvritir
Elmer Lehnherr
Loral Representative
217 Oregon Phone 523
earlier plan to place wounded
i evacuated to this country in hos
pitals near their homes has been
Kirk said there was little chance
that the casualty evacuation rate
of 30,000 to 32,000 per month
would decrease. vtntU fighting
Official Records
County Court
Mary E. Malcn estate! A peti
tion that Max A. Cunning be ap
pointed administrator was allowed
by the county judge. Mrs. Malen
died intestate leaving real prop
erty of the estimated value of
Albert L. Jones estate: A peti
tion that Charles E. Rutland be
appointed administrator was al
lowed by the county judge. John
Munierj Maurice Lyons and Frank
Willers were named to act as ap
praisers. Miscellaneous
Power of attorney; Clayton A.
Powell to W. F. Welcome.
Notarial commission: State of
Oregon to Margaret S. Heming
way, .
1.. .. : . - i
Hayes to Salute
KBND on Friday
A salute to radio station KBND
for its aid in Deschutes county
bond rallies will be voiced by Sam
Hayes, nationally known news
commentator, on Friday evening
over the Mutual Don Lee broad-
casting system, lt was learned
here today. . The broadcast will be
at 5 o'clock.
KBND will be mentioned for its
part in two bond rallies, one in
which it assisted in raising $25,
000, and once, when, in coopera
tion with the Bend lodge of
Elks, it aided In selling $75,000 in
Boston Ui Boston university's
film library served approximately
1,500,000 children. with visual edu
cation topics during the past year.
Valued at $25,000, the unusual li
brary consists of about 2,000
films and also Includes radio pro
gram recordings for classroom
Kerosene or coaloil was pro
duced from seepage oil by a meth
od perfected by an American
chemist in 1854; some 50 small
refineries were in operation he
fore the first production in 1859
from a drilled well.
Bend Gleemen
16 Mole Voices
Monday, Jan. 29fh
8:15 p.m.
Tickets on sale at Eriltsen's Stationery, Deschutes Federal
Savings & Loan, First National Bank, p. W. Woolworth.
Admission: $1.00, including fax
Space Courtesy Brooks-Scanlon Lurnbor Company Inc.
and The Shovlin-Hion Company
' 1
Jack Chambers
Now in Tokyo
Hope that TSgt. Robert Cham
bers would soon meet his brother,
Pfc. Jack Chambers, in the Phil
ippines disappeared today when
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carey
W. Chambers, learne i that Jack,
prisoner of the Japanese since the
fall of Bataan, has been moved to
the Tokyo camp, on the Japanese
Mr. and Mrs. Chambers today
were notified, on orders of the
provost marshal general, of Jack's
new location. Only recently, Mr.
and Mrs. Chambers heard from
their son, then In the Philippines,
stating he was in good health.
Bob is with the invasion forces
now nearing the camp in Luzon
where Jack was formerly held.
Junior Hostesses
To Hold Meeting
USO junior hostesses of Bend
have been asked to meet at the
home of their chairman, Mi's.
Walter E. Emard, 529 Delaware,
tonight at 7:30 o'clock.
Primary purpose of the meet
ing will be to plan activities for
the local club, now operating in
me Dasement oi innity episco
pal parish hall on a week-end
Mrs. Emard stresses that all
junior hostesses will be expected
to attend the meeting.
Pacific Veterap
Pfc. Eric Anderson, who was at
tached to a bomber orow at a
Pacific base and served for 27
months In the Pacific theater of
war, has arrived In Bend, to spend
a furlough with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Hans Anderson, 434
Florida avenue.
Pfc. Anderson, who entored the
service on March P. 1042, readied
here Saturday
Oregon State College, Corvallis,
Jan. 24, By making a grade point
average of 3.5 or above for fal)
term, Marie Jean Cox, sophomore
in science at Oregon State college,
earned a place on the honor roll
with 18 hours credit, D. T. Orde-
mfln. aRttnriatn walstl-al- annnllnp.
ed last week. This is a supple
ment to the list of students pre
viously named on the roll. A 3.5
is hiilfwav between an A and a
Buy National War Bonds Now!
Make the men eel that this it truly "one world"
that they're still a vita) part of the life they left
behind, through cheerful, gay letters writfen fre
quently, They're the best morale boosters we can
give them! For faster, prompt service use
Air Mail Stationery
Light Weights in Several Style
Box ..75c $1.00
Buy the Cold Cream' fur
- And We Give Vou
$1.25 Creocomp Cough Syrup............. 98?
$1.25 Creosoted Cough Syrup..,.,...,,,.. 9fic
$1.25 Creomulsion .,.........$1.12
Pertussin Cough Syrup $1.00
Penslar Horehound & Honey.,., 75c
$1.00 Cirrafed Carbonates 69
Tax Reminders
Go Into Mails
Washington, Jan, 24 MiState
ments of payments due are now
being mailed out to approximately
4,000,000 persons who have not
2 lb. pk. 24c
10 lbs, 81c
1 lb. pkg. 19c
2 lb. pkg. 31 e
Floor Wax 2 large bottles 57c
Wheat Toast Wafers 2 lbs. 15c
Assorted Jelly, 12 oz. jar 27c
Klrawlx-rry, lluxplwrry, Mint
Sunm'd Raisins, 15 oz. pk. 14c
Sun King Raisins.. 2 lbs. 27c
Seedless Raisins... 4 lbs. 49c
Pork & Beans. 2 cans 25c
Van ( amp's, Medium Size
Kidney Beans, No. 2 can 14c
Fancy Hed
Pumpkin ...-No. 2J can 15c
Sw't Potatoes 22 oz. can 23c
Veg-AII Mixed Vegetbls., 18c
Diced Beets glass jar 13c
Chk. Noodle Soup, 4 cans 31c
Vegetable Soup. .4 cans 29c
Itlllll llll
Wyler's Scup Mix, 3 pks. 25c
Chicken Bouillon, 3 pkgs. 25c
A Make-up
that Stays
on Longer.
paid the unforgivon part of their
income tax on 1942 earnings, the
bureau of internal revenue an
nounced today.
The payments are due March
The statements are being Sent
only to those wh,p elected tq
oniy nau oi mo uniorgiven jwjj
Troco Margarine . ,
Alber's Quick Oats
Pancake Flour... 10 lbs. 81c
AJIttrs Buckwheat 1 libs. 33o
Cereal ,-lge. pkg. 32c
Albert Pearl Barley, 1 lb. 12a
Albers Farina,. Ige. pkg. 22a
Cr, of Wheat, 28 oz. pk. 24c
Cheezits ,pkg. 11c
Johnson Floor Wax, bot. 54c
Sunbrighr Cleanser, 4 for 21c
Kitchen Cleanser, 3 far 19c
Shack Dinner ...2
Chicken Nuuille
Victory Dinner... 2 pkgs. 15c
Willi Macaroni, Cliocwi fcauiie
Orange Juice, No, 2 can 26c
ati w
Apricade.,.,12 oz, can 17c
Apple Juice ,,..2 bots. 35c
8ft w
Apple Juice 2 ts. 29
Hood Itlvor
Mixed Fruit Juices gal. 49c
Sun Valloy
Sliced Cranberries.. pk. 21c
KaroSyrup , Ulbs. 15c
!,lght or Dar
Rose Bud Tuna..... can 32c
Paragon Tuna, .... .can 44c
While Meat
White Star Tuna.... can 37c
Canned Milk, 4 tall cans 39c
Worthwhile Values
.from Magill's
Anacin ...... .30 for 29c
Superin ......30 for 39c
For Relief of Pain r
Rubber Gloves . . .pr, 69c
Industrial Type (
Tek Tooth Brush, 2 for 51c
Calox Antiseptic , , . 59c
Astringent ...... pt. 59c
Unicaps ...100 tabs. 2.96
.. All Necessary Vltapilns
Cod Liver Oil.... pi. 1,39
Super D
With M too boi '
itMuyoitH i
Helps Prevent Cold Developing
$QcSlie 37f
Canes - Crutches
tax last March.
The wood rat, unlike the com
mon rat, lives In the clean, open
air of the country, usually in
mountainous sections, with a ,
home in a tiny cave; to scientists
he Is Neqtoma piagister.
Jan. 25 to Jan. 31
2 lbs. 47c
...large pkg. 29c
P&G Laundry S'p, 4 bars 19c
Medium Ivory.... 3 bars 20c
Crys. Whte. Soap, 4 bars 19c
Fels Naptha 5 bars 29c
Rinso Ige. pkg. 24c
Lava Soap . . 3 bars 19c
Pine Tree Soap. . .3 bars 23c
Pglmglive 3 bars 23c
Lifebuoy 3 bars 23c
Woodbury Spec, 4 bars 23c
s, 19c
2 lbs. 27c
large pkg,
Baby Foods
3 cans 23c
South Highway
Phone 815-R