The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 24, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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    Riders Plannina
Saddlery Show ;
The Rim Rock Riders will stage
their first annual saddlery show
nn Feh. 11 at the cavalrymen's
barracks, It was announced today
by Glenr? Gregg, president of the
eauestrian group. The' show, open
to tile puuiiu, wiii ut-giii at p. in
and continue until 8 o'clock. Be
sides a large display of riding
equipment, entertainment will be
pl'OVldCU, ll waa amiuujitrru.
The committee In charge of ar
rangements is composed of Mrs.
Frank Filey, Mrs. Dean Hollin
shead and Mrs. Nellie Clark. In
charge of the display will be Ken.
C Gulick, Filey, Hollinshead,
Harry Terwilligar, N. R. Gilbert
wind LPS Dodson.
v Members of the group were
scheduled to hold a regular busi
ness meeting on Feb. 12, at which
time the annual election of of,
ricers is to be held.
Sunset Division
Men Reach Fort
Fort Lewis,1 Wash., Jan. 24 IP
After more than -three years in
the jungles of New Guinea and
other southwest Pacific islands,
40 Jap-fighting veterans many
of the members of the "North
west's own" 41st division arrived
at Fort Lewis today en route to
their Washington and Oregon
Those back under the army's
rotation piugiain win ue iciia
signed to duty in the United
Shellhart's PAYDAY SPECIALS Fri. - Sat.
gkkit : msnm.
Your choice
2 lb. box
Egg Noodles
2 cans
can 35c
Quick or
Lge. JPkg.
St ouiasnm
Shrimp, Tropical . lean 39c
Karo Syrup, Dark
Toilet Tissue, Fobrik Soft
Dry Onions
U. S. No. 1
Fin Flavor
JaPLioyen Kiocked 1, ' Z. Farmer Youths ,
arA!W. .WftV8 Get Service Call .
vx'- '" - ' -r:.vr;:
- Curious doughboys scramble over the wreckage of this Jap plane, one of scores knocked out on the ground of
the Nips' airstrip new Ungayen, Luzon. Photo by Stanley Troutman, NEA-Acme photographer lor War Pic
ture Pool. -.
States at the end of their fur
loughs. ... The remainder will re
join their units overseas after a
month-long leave.
There were no Central Oregon
men in the groun reaching Fort
Lewis today.
Buy National War Bonds Now!
Troco Margarine. 2 lbs. 49c
Hershey's Cocoa lb. can 11c
Baker's Chocolate 8 oz. cake 18c
Kerr's Preserves 1 lb. jar 29c
Kerr's Apple Butter 2 lb. jar 30c
Orange Marmalade 2 lb. jar 37c
Kidney Beans ... . can 13c
No. 2 Can
Veg-AII Mixed Vegetables .......jar 18c
Sliced Beets, No. 2 2 cans 25c
Pumpkin, Diamond-A, 2's ..: can 15c
H&D Tomatoes, Solid -No. 2 can 20c
Sweet Potatoes, Taylor's can 20c
Elbow Cut
1 lb. jar 15c
4 rolls 29c
Grapefruit ...3 for 25c
Extra Fancy Texas Pinks
Oranges doz. 49c
Large, Sweet, Juicy Sunkist
10 lb. bag 29c
3 lbs. 25c
LJ I 111 i
nironiTO vvnTes
Poems for Nation
(Bjf United Fim)
The Imperial poetry party was
held in Tokyo Wednesday and
therein may lie the answer to the
question: How does Hirohito
spend his 'time in) an air raid
shelter? .
Chase Si Sanborn
1 Lb. Pkg.
lbs. 23
Drifted Snow
50 lb. sack
ipi '33c
No. 10 bag figFJl
69c 2f
Tokyo radio, recorded by United
Press, San Francisco, reported: :
"The emperor has been spend
ing considerable of his gracious
time lately in the composition of
beautiful poems which were read
in his august presence.
"Although not read, 985 poems
were presented by the people."
Redmond Fliers
Lose to Marines
The Klamath Falls Marines de
feated Redmond's Army Air field
basketball team last night, 55 to
43, on the Prineville high school
court. ,
The win ran the Marines' season
won and loss total to 13 and four,
and was one of the roughest
games the Leathernecks . have
played so far 39 fouls were
called on the two teams.
" Lewis, Army forward, led the
scoring with 15 points, while Mills,
lanky Marine forward, scored 13.
Buy National War Bonds Now!
11 I'M - mmmHmmf'Ij;:k F J-l - - Minnm imiMinimimmKii'ii ririifrniririrfVirViiiiiiMiMir
Other Kroehler Spring-Filled
rpiffli?e H3)eaH Fwimnltee Co.
Bend Phone
In line with the recent directive
of the national selective service,
ine Deschutes county selective
sei-vlce board today sent more
than a scoi-e cf men engaged in
agriculture to the Portland in
duction center for nre-induetlon
physical examinations. Under the
lucent ruling to ino-ease the mili
tary strength, these men now in
classification 2-C, may be reclassi
fied and called for service If found
physically fit, it was said.
In the group were Wilson Lee
Allen, Joe William Howard, Jr.,
Mai-tin Daly, Jr., Arvel William
Williamson. Samuel Walter Mc
Call, Francis Glenn Kriger,- Del
bert Allan Rutherford, Robert C.
Johnson, Joe Clifford Henry. Rob
ert Bishop Varco, Philip Huppy
Bi-adetich. Clarence Stanley Tor
kelson, Benard Oliver Pedersen,
Byron Fisher Logan, Lowell Dean
Van Tassel. i
Raymond Woodrow Gibson, Ray
John Cowan, James Joe McArdle,
Warren Harvey Cyrus, Marvin Le
on Enlow, Kenneth Charles Lowe
and Danny Rastovich.
First Water Due
For North Canal
In order to determine the loca
tion of a permanent gauging sta
tion, officials of the bureau of
reclamation and Aubrey E. Perry,
Deschutes county watermaster,
plan to turn water into the North
Unit canal as soon- as weather
permits, it was reported today. It
was believed likely that this his
toric event will take place within
a few days.
Plans call for the installation of
the gauging station as close as
possible to the canal intake, just
north of the city limits of Bend.
The station will be used for the
purpose of determining the flow
of water from the Deschutes river
into the big Irrigation waterway.
Austin, Tex. mi-There are 48,
500,000 acres of land leased for
oil and gas development in Texas,
with annual rentals and bonuses
on the leases amounting to $70,
000,000, state statistics show.
H. G. Rainey
First Camera
it'-', , w tj ; -i j b
. (NEA Tetrpliolo)
Rebecca Welles, daughter' of Orson Welles and Actress Rita Hay worth,
loom a bit surprised as she makes her first camera debut at the age ol
1 month in her mother's arms. ,
Mrs. Killenbeck
Of Metolius Dead
Mrs. Guy Killenbeck, 59, died at
the St. Charles hospital at 6 a. m.
today following a brief illness.
An early settler at Metolius, Mrs.
Killenbeck had lived in Jefferson
county for many years and was
well known throughout Central
Survivors include her husband,
two daughters. Miss Ruth Killen
beck of JVIetolfus; Mrs. Fred Deg
ner, Portland, and one son,
Clarence H. Killenbeck of Red
mond. The time of the funeral has not
been set but will be announced
later by the Irvin mortuary of
The largest stock of spring-filled living room suites in Central Oregon and one of the
finest In the state. Full spring construction, choice of upholstery. This is the time to
select a suite for your hornet
NEW LOW PRICE... 149.50
Suites -169-50
L. E. Rainey
Phone 144
George Hansen
Hurt in Belgium
Pfc. George W. Hansen, Jr.,
overseas for several months with
an infantry unit, was recently
wounded in action in Belgium,
friends here have learned. George,
a Bend high school graduate with
the class of 1941, is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. George W. Hansen of
The father of the young soldier
was formerly office manager of
The Shevlin-Hixon Company in
Bend. . While Pfc. Hansen was
attending high school here, he was
a member of the Bend airways
weather bureau staff, serving as
relief observer.
Buy National War Bonds Now!1
. 189-50 -199 so .
Prineville Phone 331
Abbot Surplus
To Go on Sale
Here for a survey of the Cen
tral Oregon market to assure that
the methods of disposal of Camp
Abbot surplus property may best
meet local needs, George H. Play
ter, chief of the disposal section,
Portland sub-office, real estate di
vision of the U. S. Engineers, and
Capt. L. S. Young, architectural
engineer for the Pacific division,
announced this morning that Item
bids will be recognized when the
work of salvage starts. This, it
Is expected, will be in mid-spring.
By then, it is believed, property
acquired by individuals will be
removed with greater ease.
Procedure Explained
Playter and Cant. Young stres
sed that any individual wishing
to purchase even one unit of
equipment offered may do so.
They are of the opinion that much
of the material at Camp Abbot
may find advantageous use in
the Central Oregon area and that
this method of sale will greatly
facilitate local buying.
The call for bids will be issued
Akron, O. UP) -Synthetic rubber
is being used entirely in the man
ufacture of rubber printing plates
and stamps made by the Good
year Tire and Rubber Co. be
cause, the company says, the syn
thetic products outwear those
made of crude rubber by 200 to
300 per cent. The synthetic rub
ber's greater longevity is said to
be due to its resistance to solvents
used in the inks and cleaning
209 so . 219-50
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