PAGE TWELVE THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 24, 1945 mm BUY WAR BONDS SUPER HOT SHOT MONEY SAVERS PRICES EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK -J PREflfl si,,s M Meat can 29c Garden Fresh Produce 4 RED POINTS NO. 1 fk A mm BOILER 0,bsatk25C COFFEE Your Choice, All Brands ) N!NS E66S Crade A Large (jOZeilBC 6 25C OLIVES IWcga. 2heaJsl5t TOWELS z"p' 150 sheet roll IQc RAISINS 2 Pkgs. 25c N"s An 19c SUNMAIP. SEEDED OR SEEDLESS DILL PICKLES Uniform Size Full Quart Jars 33c MIRACLE WHIP Kraft Salad Dressing pint 25c SWIFT'S VIENNA SAUSAGE 2 an 25c Red PORTER'S Elbow SUNRISE Jt IMf MACARONI G ,'t MEDAL ) reg. size pkgs. Iflf WHEATIES1 SHILLINGS ST a 23c TRUE n AMERICAN 6 box f MATCHES carton IPHLAKTI SAUCE Heinz Steak, No Points bottle 29c RY-KRISP Family Style pkg. 19c SYRUP Staley's Light or Dark V jarS " 'lib. 29c TISSUE Purex 650 Sheet Rolls 4 rolls 19c SOAP Giant Nu Bora p(g. 49c OATS Albers Large Size Quick or Reg. pkg. 27c Pork Roasts lb. 29c. ; Lean Shoulder Pork Steaks lb. 35c Tender and Lean Beef Roasts lb. 35c Boneless Steer Ground Beef lb. 28c No Cereal or Water Added Sausage lb. 27c Country Style Corned Beef .lb. 36c Boneless Cut Rabbits 49c Fryer Size Smelt .2 lbs. 37c River Fresh Halibut 41c Center Slices Salmon ... 43c Center Slices NOW.. the Ideal Time to Select a 1945 Hart-Schaffner & Marx OVERCOAT Top quality it an integral part of every Hart-Schaffncr S Marx coat. They are built for fit, dis tinctive styling and custom tai loring. There's an H. S. & M. coat that will certainly please. 00 3950-45 Warm Fleeces Big warm coats that are favor ites of men. A wido selection in green, tan and brown. 29.50 - 35.00 YV rO sr?i??. nemngoones . . . AJL-i will mm fx I 1 Topcoats and overcoats in brown, green and grey herring bones. Smart coats, inexpensive ly priced. 24.50 103 Oregon HART-SCHAFFNER M r AQ Ef AND MARX SUITS 3 " iy.3U CURLEE AND OTHER (Q WINTER SUITS ... From iViDU Radar Training Work Stressed Enlistments in the navy's radar training program have shown a tremendous Increase during the past month and much of the credit should he given to school officials In this district, declares Chief Specialist Paul Connet of the Central Oregon navy recruiting station, Bend. Superintendents, principals and Instructors deserve praise, accord ing to the recruiter, for counsel ing students with an aptitude for mathematics and technical sub jects and then assisting them In obtaining this training prepara tory to taking the qualifying test for the radar training program. The fact that such a large vol ume of applicants is being quali fied for the training Is proof that it Is not necessary to have had practical experience In radio work In order to qualify. The Biddy test, which determines whether an applicant has the aptitude, stresses mathematics and general science, with elec tricity, physic.1!, shop work and radio theory being of secondary Importance. Training Vital Records reveal that a person with a solid foundation of mathe matics and general science has an excellent chance of being accepted as a candidate and of successfully passing the ten-month course of advanced radio and electronics embraced by the training. So vital Is the need for radar technicians that the plan of volun tary Induction Into the navy has been reopened to men between 18 and 37, Inclusive, who can meet all requirements and who have had their pre-lnduction physical examination. Seventeen-year-olds and men from 38 to 50Vj, Inclusive, may enlist directly if they can qualify. I The trumpeter swan has n windpipe unlike that of other swans; it makes a vertical loop over a lump in the breast bone and emerges from a sep;uate opening. 0. S.. Army Doctor HORIZONTAL 49 Cognomen 1 Pictured 50 2000 pounda s,Army sur- (1 Network of Seon-gcncral, nerves 53 Five and fivo 54 lie supervises care for WOICKS IIAKI l-'OK NKI'IIKWS Kltchhurg, Mass. mi Although totally hliiui, 71-year-old Mrs. Clara Anrlll of l-'lti-hhurg has knitted !H sweaters for her 20 nep hews in the armed forces. iw lo Previous PaKil 9 By 10 Device for ' carrying dishes 11 Atmosphere .13 Female sheep (Pi.) 15 Military police (ab.) 16 Excellent 17 Vigilante group 18 Totalled 20 Half-cm 21 Behold! 22 Inquires 25 Beyond 27 Daybreak -(comb, form) 28 Paid notice 29 Compensates 21 Shortly 34 Aluminum (symbol) 35 He Is In charge of medical care for American 39 Iron (symbol) 40 Parts of bodies 43 Measure of area 44 Make a , speech ' 47 American ostrich 48 Tantalum (symbol) VERTICAL 1 Current 2 Mineral rocks 17 Vcgctablo 3 Mount (ab.) ID Period 4 Provide with weapons JHiBffl,' raff BmEEgattgei IP " if 1 5 Short sleep 6 Kentucky (nb.) 7 Incursion 8 Gentle 9 Mexican 12 Lively dances 32 Born 14 Harden 35 Msn's nam 16 Distant 38 Matched 37 Angry 3A MnlnnlTinrlMj 23 Lock opener 41 Army food it uisiress signal (slang) 26 Dance stcD 26 Excitement 20 Kitchen ' utensil 30 Keenly ' watchful 42 Gambling p ' gam?. ,. 45 Seal) of pay 40 So be it) 01 Registered nin-80 i p ft b 7 y f !j t - y ' , H far - 4-J 4t" W '.W p H I I 1 1 1 rfcrv'