THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. JAN. 24. 1945 PAGE ELEVEN Super Highways Due Motorists In Peace Epoch Washington, Jan. 23 lPi Post war motorists, who want last inter-city travel and unobstructed highways for long-distance mo toring, may look forward to 40, 000 miles of modern four and six lane highways. The public roads administration has been authorized by law to construct this new interstate highway system after the war and is now at work, in coopera tion with state authorities on J plans and locations for the roads. ' it A spokesman told the United; press uuu iuk iit-w siigiiwctya win be similar to uiose constructed iust before the war as far as sur face materials are concerned. However, science has discovered in the past few years better meth ods of constructing durable bases for the roads. flan Presented The present plans call for a sys tem of roads whereby traffic flow will be uninterrupted by cross streams of traffic and trafHc lights. Within cities, the main highways in some places will be either elevated or depressed to avoid interference from city traf fic. V'-tever, there will be means of it wing or entering the high ways at appropriate intervals with merging flows of traffic The spokesman said that the main problem faced in the plan ning of the new roads is the con gestion of traffic to and from large cities. The majority of the cars travelling the roads are go ing in and out of the cities not on long-distance trips. Therefore, ? wnne uit-i v wm uu l'u uumxeren- fltial roads which by -pass large cities for use of through traffic, the main system will go through the cities. , Models Mentioned The new highways the spokes man said, would be patterned along those already constructed around New York City and ones such as the Pennsylvania turn pikemost recent express high way built in the east. The plans call for roads in every state connecting all cities of 1Q0.OOO or more, as well as some new roads between smaller cities. Some of the highways not built will be incorporated in the new system, or the new highways will be built on the beds of the old roads, but in most cases the roads will be entirely new in or der to obtain the most direct flow of traffic The post-war highways oro- fcmplete, but construction will I American Heroes 7 -iirouen Jwamo and mnp . nJor U, j constant fire, Pfc. Frank A. Bezccyski of Detroit operated as lineman and telephone operator in a combat field -artillery section. With visi bUity made poor by heavy rain and harassed at night by Nips only 100 yards away, Bezccyski heroically jet up infantry-field artillery communicauons and was awarded a bronze medal. Wire and other equipment came from War Bond sales. V.s. Trnnry Dtp.r,m. Powell Buffe Powell Butte. Jan. 24 (Soeclal) Lloyd Lewis, principal of the local school has announced that the Bend Gleemen will present a concert at the school house on Tuesday evening, January 3ft at 8 o'clock. This group is made up of 16 businessmen who enjoy singing and is a non-profit or ganization. Mrs. H. H. Musick entertained at supper Friday evening honor ing Earl Herbst who will leave Thursday for induction into the armed forces. Those present in cluded Edith and Ardith Rolf, Vickey Ridgeway, Sidney Hack er, Roe McDaniel, Vern Herbst, Edward and Dorothy Musick, and the honored guest. Mrs. Pearl Herbst was also present. Ralph Gilchrist underwent an operation in the Prineville general hospital Wednesday. Woodson McDanJel returned to his work in Portland Wednesday after spending five days with his, mother, Mrs. Mary McDanieL Mrs. Guy Sears of Bend spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Otto Pauls and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Northcutt re turned from Portland Saturday evening where he has ben receiv ing medical aid. H. H. Musick was called to Chowchilla, Calif., Tuesday bv the :am-will take several years toiserious illness of his mother. Mrs. H. H. Musick cooked at school the last three days last week due to the illness of Gary fJegin as soon as conditions tier- mit. Another post-war project will be the repairing and renewing of obsolete roads, now maintained at high cost by the states because no work could be done during the war. BIG SCOUE MADE Madison, Wis., Jan. 24 lU'i A Truax field basketball team swamped the University of Mexi co 73 to 45 last night on the Wis consin field house hardwoods in a game in which the Mexicans showed marked effects of their strenuous "good will" tour. their pie-induction physicals are Hartley fious, uuu bpiuman, hoo ert banour ana rieroert Post, tlm uronin and Earl rierbst wul report lor induction f naay. Hartley hoDbs rcturneu early last weeK from bt. Charles hospi tal where he had been a patient for a week following a tonsilec tomy. Lee Croft and niece, Mrs. Croft anu two cniluren oi tiena, Mr. ana Ivirs. Bruce lsauour, Mr. anu Mrs. Jack Vice, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl fclscher were callers at tne Lynn Fischer home Sunuay anernuon. vickey Kiugeway visiiea at tne William liorsml aud heroert May neia homes at Auaua aiuiua aiternoon. . lrraiicelia Hapgood of Camas, Wash., airiveu aunday lor a week s visit with her sister, Mrs. Rollo Weigand. 'the local grade school basket ball ttrain YVJ3 CCiiitCu by tiic Prineville team Vveanesuay night 16 to 8 but oefeatea the Mauias boys i'rlday evening by a score of 30 to lti. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Ross went to Portland Monday morning where he will undergo an opera t!6n. Betsy Ross is slaving in town with her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Thompson. Mrs. John Kirk entertained at dinner Thursday evening honoring nor son, Johnny. Uuesis lncludeu Mrs. Pearl Herost and sons. Earl and Vern, and Mrs. H. H. Musick and children. E. L. Crott and niece, Mrs. Lulu and Dianne Hay nes, whose mother, ile. Cro" and lwo children ol is regularly employed. ' Joe Post of Post was an over night guest Sunday of his son, Herbert and family. Clarence Reese of near Red mond spent several days last week with his aunt, Mrs. Charles Covey, while his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Reese were in Portland. Mrs. W. J. Page of Seattle is visiting at the Paul Spillman home and with other friends at Powell Butte tor several weeks. Among Powell Butte men to re port in Portland this week for 1 1 if fj For just about any auto supply ; -j llrA 11 item, your nearby Helpful Associ- W" "" "" I pSf II atcd Dealer Is the roan to see. You'll I 1 1 Wi 'hVLmK 1 1 IuaIity Prl"a batteries, tires, 'SgS I rWsa IH to name. few. hull be pleated to I I VSssSgtA ' deal with him, for convenient: - f ili ' ooe-stop errice right in yonr tyOU 1C 0tUt4 j X&gP odgbbroodjforW he YOUR ROOM Will ' jegtjg2i2--f stocks only top qoibty braodi you BE READY! n 1M&0& f ChmPioo Puroiator, War. -- , 1 ' S ocr.Schrader.rUinmaster. .i0JJy j TIDE WATEI USSMUTEB 01 WBWi Bend were supper guests bunday evening of Mr. and Airs, can Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. Luke M. Reif and W. C. McNely were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hitter of Redmond. The Powell Butte Outlaws suf fered their first defeat of the sea son Monday evening at the hands of the Marine quintet of Klamath Falls. The Outlaws drove down Monday afternoon and were de feated 77 to 38. Following the game, the Powell Butte boys were supper guests of the Marines at their mess hall. CLERGYMAN IS SHERIFF Wiscasset, Me. ui The new chief deputy sheriff of Lincoln county can be trusted to adminis ter the law "without fear or fa vor" for he's a clergyman. Sher iff Linwood E. Palmer, Jr., of Noblcboro is a clergyman and a teacher at Lincoln academy. EVEN Bit AG OF CATS San Jose, Cal. lft It may be just the San Jose chamber of commerce publicity man talking, but they swear it's true: "Light nin'," gray kitten mascot for the chamber staff, eats hot dogs and drinks water out of a paper cup. THE SATURDAY EVENING POST STORY COMES TO LIFE! "TALL IN THE SADDLE" with JOHN WAYNE 'GABBY' HAYES CAPITOL THIUFRI.-SAT. 8S AT HELPFUL ASSOCIATED DEALERS n Erichson's Specials- Mean iJLJ f? IFOR MM PAYDAY Friday and Saturday Cake Flour ... . . . .2i lb. pkg. 25c Sfaley Syrup .5 lb. jcr 39c SWANS DOVN GOLDEN Hoody Peanut Buffer .2 lb. jar 47c Grandma Molasses ... .pt. jar 15c Pork and Beans ... .2 cans 29c Van Camp's Jumbo Size Sweet Peas 3 cans 29c Lavoras SOS Fancy Cream Corn, 2 cans 29c Evans No. 2 Tomato Sauce can 5c Sacramento Beets .2 cans 25c Diced or Sliced No. 3 Can Tomatoes, fancy ....can 19c Solid Pack No, 2', Spinach, fancy can 19c No.2Vi String Beans . . .No. 2 can 13c Green Tag Shrimp can 35c llomepolnt Wet Pack Grated Tuna can 25c Oi-can Chief Oval Sardines ... .2 cans 29c In Tomato Sauca Mackerel .can 15c No, 1 TaU Sliced Peaches ..... .can 25c Cock o the Walk Libby's Peaches can 29c No. 2'i Can Bartlett Pears can 27c Tatite o' the Went Fruit Cocktail . . No. 1 jar 39c Llliby't Ginger Bread Mix . . .pkg. 22c Dromedary Heinz Steak Sauce . .bot. 23c Derby Steak Sauce . .bot. 14c Nestles Cocoa, 1 lb. pkg. 19c Dinamite 3 lb. pkg. 34c Junket Freez Mix . .3pkgs. 29c For Making Ice Cream Master Toast pkg. 24c Zwieback Rye Krisp Wafers . . .pkg. 24c Borden CHOCOLATE MALTED MILK 11b. jar 29c iKAPI d MlllAwi.E vvmr pini OT 3C ... ... a KRAFT RELISH CHEESE glass 19c Corn Beef Hash can 25c Deviled Meat, if$ . . .3 cans 29c Orange Marmalade, 2 lb. far 33c Calo Dog Food . .4 cartons 29c Matches, 6 boxes . . .carton 21c CONCORD Grape Jam .... .21 i oz. jar 29c fagfiliiwl Luncheon I Meat 34c Swansdown Cake Flour pkg. 25c CORNED PORK Bonelena Shoulder lb. 39c Loin Veal Chops . . .lb. 44c B Point. Lb. Pickled Pigs Feet... lb. 23c In Hulk, Paiat Free Codfish lb. brick 47c Snow-flake, Point Free Sauerkraut quart 18c In Balk, Point Free Fresh Fish and Oysters J WESSON OIL Pint .......29c Quart .....52c ni.. S or Honeymode Graham Crackers 2 lb. pkg. 31c Cocomalt 1 lb. jar 43c m Wheaties 8 oz. pkg. 10c GRAPEFRUIT Texas Pink 3 for 25c Oranges .... .1 crate 1.93 SunkUt Dry Onions . .10 lb. bag 25c Fresh Peas 2 lbs. 35c Salad Vegetables, pkg. 12c Fresh Tomatoes . . .lb. 15c Winesap Apples, .box 2.98 Bulk Beets 3 lbs. 10c PALMOLBVE SOAP 3 bars 19c Black SiEk Stove Polish ... .18c Household Amonia, quart 23c I'ursnii's Satina 2 pkgs. 13c Ball Bluing pkg. 9c Varjo quart 25c Windex 20 oz. bottle 29c Sal Soda pkg. 10c Chloride of Lime . . . .can 14c Hand Cleaner pkg. 9c Victory Washing Powder ... .pkg. 15c POP 21 (W. Sunbrite Cleanser, 3 pkgs. 14c Purex i gal. 25c Lye, Hudson 3 cans 25c Vanish Bowl Cleaner, can 21c Sani-Flush can 21c Babo Cleaner 2 cans 25c Magic Kleenup Pads, 2 for 5c Borax Chips pkg. 25c Boraxo ...pkg. 14c Bercne giant pkg. 61c )W.HUHW III l-iiinr - - - ii ii ii ii i hum ALLEY OOP 3y V. T. HAMLIN YHAD HIM bO CRAZY FOR THAT HIMP- IWA660 BUSV BUILOIW STORE JUNK, UP GUZ'S IMTERE&T IN HE'D A-&IVE I Mtbt LEMIAM ROVAU J YOU TH' BELT JOOL& I DIDN'T GET WOUND T TALKIN 1KAU& WITH HIM! J AN' THOUGHT YOU ALUNK! BUT. GOSH, FOOZV. I CAN'T AFFORD T'LET OL' GUZ FEEL HE'D PUT SUMPIN OVER : vjr m -m K WHAT'S TH'Vl KNOW THATAi'M AFRAID IT l&7f 'vVOU GUESS? DIFFERENCE BUT NOW HES RUN YOUVE GOT 1MI GUESSXHOLY COW! HOW GUZ'D TH' GRAND WIZER SORE, AM' NOW I I'M JUST IT'S A FACT FEEL... AS IN IT, IT'S TOO ON YER HANDS A DOPE? AND HOW! LONG AS LATE ! J YOU MSY HAVE K X . you put v. r-tSSi wari Vnr J