- THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, TUESDAY, JAN. 23. 1945- PXGE SIX Stocks Go Higher, Turnover Is Light " By Elmer C. Wateer (United Prnu Financial Editor) New York, Jan. 23 IB Stocks move higher on light turnover today but toward the close gains were trimmed; by mud pront-taK-Ing. , The realizing reflected a sharp sell-off in the grain markets where closing losses ranged to 2'4 cents a bushel in wheat. : Wall street interpreted the im provement in stock prices, which was an extension of the late small recovery of the previous session, as almost wholly due to renewed Investment demand. While vir tually all leading groups joined the upswing prior to profit-taking, best gains were noted in such issues as International Telephone, Electric power & light 7 per cent preferred, United Dyewood com mon and preferred, and a few chemicals. . International Telephone ran up a full point on Wall street reports that details of the sale of the company's Spanish subsidiary had been completed, but later most of the rise was lost. Chemicals, be lieved to face an extremely bright post-war future, had gains rang ing -to 2 points in Du Pont. Brother. Spotted In Army Foxhole Mrs. Herbert Morris Is reported to have exclaimed with delight when a picture of her brother, Sgt. Robert Fisher, appeared on the screen at a local theatre Sun day night. A ' newsreel showed the sergeant in a foxhole on Ger man soil. Mrs. Morris was ac companied to the theatre by her husband and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stearns, al of whom recognized Bob. Sgt. Fisher, overseas for some time with an infantry unit, was slightly wounded In action recent ly but is recovering rapidly, ac cording to Information just re-i ceived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fisher, 720 Ogdeni avenue. -...,. Hor a Little, Sell a Lot With Bulletin Classified Ads Classified Rafes Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time ..........33c 25 Words-Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $L8B All ward! aw IS add la par word liau nambar ef Inaartlani Ona month run. aarna eapr, Vt day rata MlnlmoBi Charga. S4a LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Clawlfkd Adrartlilnf. Caah In AdraaM Dallr Claaln Tlma II iM P. M. FOB SALE PIANO In good condition. Call 944-W after 5. FOB SALE WANTED COMBINATION COAL and elec tric Westinghouse range. iNorge oil burning heater, electric fan, guaranteed to heat six rooms, both same as new. 2 occasional chairs, 2 end tables, 2 coffee tables, 8-tube cabinet Western Air Patrol radio. Electric washer, elec tric mixall, large fish aquarium, Ini-oo motnl medicine cabinet with plate glass mirror. 1973 Awbrey Road, west side. 3-ROOM semi-modern house and 2 50'xlOO' lots in Redmond. Also 24'x30" basement and foundation on property. John Luelling, 316 A St., Redmond, Oregon. 25 TON first cutting alfalfa hay in stack. Ray Haver, Route 2, Box 55, Bend.. rAC PANr.F hnhv hprl rnr-klne chairs, electric iron, hot plate, ironing Doara, aineiie set, unesi, Hollywood bed, book case, garden innw cnnklnp utensils. A. C. Jean- quenat, 184 E. Kearney, corner E. una. ipni rs Mow nhlnmnnt of New- towns and Spltzenborgs, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50. Exchange , boxes. Fresh apple cider, 55c per gallon. PIouqp hrins- container. Baled hav. straw, peat moss. Crown Feeds Greenwood Feed Co., Greenwood and Division Sts. . ' i.Anv'R WHITE shoe roller skates, almost new. Wooden bear ing rollers. Size 8. Call iai-K. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 23 IP Livestock: cattle 200, calves 35. Active on limited supply; early sales steady. Medium steers $13.50. Best fed steer Monday $16.00. Common heifers $9.50 10.50. Canner-cutter cows $6.00 7.75. Fat dairy type cows $9.00 9.75 Medium-good bulls quotable $10.00-11.75. Medium-good vealers $12.50-14.00; choice quotable to $15.00. - Hogs 250. Active, steady. Good choice 170-270 lbs. $15.75; 300-325 lbs. $14.50. Good sows mostly $13.75. Feeder pigs salable $15.00 15.25. ' Sheep 100. Load medium-choice wooled lambs from late Monday, unsold. No early sales; asking stead or ud to $15.00 for goou- choice lambs. Good ewes salable $6.00-6.50. BED SPRING, innerspring mat tress, child's bed and innerspring mattress, folding steel bed, new combination wood and coal heater, small radio, sewing machine, stroller, shovel, hoe, rake, coffee table, feather bed, 2 pillows, jel lies, lams, electric lamp, extension cords, water hose, fruit jars, ten nis racket, 3 balls, folding porch irate, baby harness, bed spreads, child's bed spread, blankets, sheets, tenor banjo, Bergmann logger boots 714, ironing board, dust mop, macklnaw, 38, wash board, high chair, rocKing norse. 1925 W. 2nd St. PRE-WAR DAVENPORT, $25.00. 532 Ogden. 3-ROOM HOUSE, 16'x28', shingled roof, and sided, to be moved off Dlace. Man's bicycler in good shape. Phone 37-F-23. Rt. 2, Box 312. W. H. Selken. SMALL ELECTRIC radio, bicycle, large maple baby bed with inner spring mattress, electric refigera- tor $30 needs repair, aresser, oeas, library tables, rockers, breakfast tames, panel ana glass aoors, cream generator, skils. hot water car heater, smoke stands, book shelves, ice boxes, davenport, wash tubs, meat grinders, leather couch, bumper hitches, gas hot plates, heating stoves, Kltcnen ranges. Open evenings. 350 Division. WOOD OR COAL circulating heater In A-l condition, $35.00. Medium size cook stove in good condition, $35.00. South City Lim its Motel office. LARGE BASINETTE In good con dition. C. W. Lundy, Rt. 1, Box 50, just beyond fox farm on south highway. I HAVE a small portable and 5 guaranteed radio consoles. Lib eral discount sale to February 1st. Phone 536, Luckey's Radio Repair, 117 Lafayette. LARGE HEATER in good condi tion. Call after 5 p. m. 1100 Lexington. GOOD MAJESTIC range, $25.00 cash. 1470 East First. WHY DON'T YOU let me fix that muddy driveway with a load of red cinders at $7.00 a heaping load of 4 yards. Phone 838-R. YOU WILL be agreeably surpris ed at the Improvement of your radio's performaice If you will take It to your favorite repair shop, and ask for a tune-up and alignment job. Luckey's Radio Re pair, 117 Lafayette. SMITH & BARNES piano and bench and one. zipper sleeping bag. Can be seen at 1314 Colum bia. . MODERN HOUSES: 4 room com pletely furnished, paved street, $3250, $1500 down, $35 month. West side, 2 bedroom. $3500..$1000 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 3G Oregon. Phone 36-W. TO BUY 2 good used suit cases. 1C4 E. Irving.. ; USED RADIOS Will pay top nviiAo fnr trond used radlna George's Radio Service. New loca- .. nnn (fl-ll I". . TIL frt tjon, ooo wail au j-iiune nu, 3-BEDROOM house close in. Tele phone 1167-J. TO GET in touch with Mrs. High tower. Please call Beauty Quest, Virginia Johnson or Mrs. Thomas. 81 Oregon. Telephone 170. . ; WILL PAY good price for gas range in good condition and if nec essary will sacrifice electric re frigerator in trade. Call 623-W. 843 Harmon. . GOOD USED wool rug, 9'xl2' or 12"xl5 Write No. .10166 care bt Bulletin. TO RENT 2-bedroom modern house on or about February first. Ralph McNeely, Hq. 317 Wing, Redmond Air Base. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED WOOL MACHINE PRESSER . OR SOMEONE WILLING TO LEARN. MASTERCRAFT CLEANERS BEAUTY OPERATOR. Out of state operators acceotable. Li cense by reciprocity. Flease get in touch with the Beauty Quest soon as possible, 81 Oregon Ave. Tele phone 170. SITUATION WANTED MAN EMPLOYED during day can devote several hours dally af ter 4 p. m., bookkeeping or tvping. Write No.-10182 care of Bulletin. USED CABS 1930 CHEVROLET coupe. 5 good tires, excellent condition, under celling price. 334 Hunter Place af ter 5 p. m. 1Mfi Pl.VllinilTH corinn Too !Ur.n 11 (Wi ti ui 11 tion. good rubber. . Cash. Phone 15-F-55, Redmond, Ore. ATTRACTIVE DUPLEX stucco apartments, 3 rooms in each unit, one completely furnished, gas, hardwood floors. Only $3200, $1000 down. ' Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. WEST SIDE, 3 bedroom house, 2 baths, electric range wiring, gas. Reduced from $4500 to $3900. Some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. . YOU WILL like this one: Neat i room modern house. Separate 1 room cabin. Garage, woodshed, 2 stoves. $3250, $500 down, $35 month. Anne Fnrb"S 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. . MISCELLANEOUS WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. ' -.......-.--. SPENCEP SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brlnson. CXane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. ' FOR SALE finest quality Hoover uniforms, 6 styles now available including one style nurse's uni form, long sleeves, ranging in price from $2.98 to $5.50, sizes 12 to 44. Also professional jackets, office coats. Call Elsie A. Dunn, representative of Hoover Mfg. & Sales Co., nationally advertised. Phone 615-J. No. 7 Westonla Apts. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. 6. E, Glayebrook, phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl Road, Bend. WASHING- MACHINE repairing at 136 Greenwood. I have consoli dated with Bend Washer Service and am devoting all my time to keeping your washer in good re pair. Thanks for your patronage, I hope I can continue to serve you at above address. A. J. Palmer, 1651 Galveston. Phone 665-W. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. "The Great Gildersleeve"; Den 5,1 "Red Ryder", and Den 6. "Quiz Kids." Den 2 was voted the next best in the show. Preceding the show, "bob cat" pins were presented to Jimmy Finley, Gary Monicai," Myron De Bunce, Harvey Dudley, Lewis Phi fer, Billy Giltner, James Sinclair, Clifton Lewerenz, Frederick Rus sell, Dennis Trent, Sheldon Young and Adelbert Mclnteer. Dean Benson of Den 2 received the "Wolf" badge,, the presenta tion being made by his mother. Billy Coyner of Den 2 received the "Gold and Silver" arrows from his father. These awards are the highest that a wolf Cub can achiece, and are the first to be presented since Pack 23 was or ganized. Chiefs Presented Cecil Goodfellow, scoutmaster of Scout Troop No. 23, presented the den chief, Wayne Tilse, Sam Lackaff, Ken Burden, Larry Stan difer and Fred Goodfellow with the den chief cord. Larry Standi- fer and Fred Goodfellow were also given a one-year service star for serving one year as den chiefs. Jack Symons, the other den chief, and who Is to receive, a cord and service star, . was not able to at tend last night's pack meeting. Arnold Reinhart, Russell Male and Walter Rhoton, lion cubs who have reached scout age, were la traduced to Scoutmaster Goodfel low as they expressed a desire to join his Troop No. 26. Bob Lamott, scout executive for the Modoc area council, was m troduced by L. M. Ross, cub maS' ter, and gave a short talk on cubbing and the part the parents should take in the cub program. The next meeting of the pack will be held Feb. 26, according to Master. Ross. LOST TAYLOR-TOT baby walker some where near 303 Riverfront. Re turn to Mrs. Student, 303 Riverfront.' GERMAN POINTER, liver color ed bitch. Reward. Write H. Me Mullin, Sisters, Oregon. HANDBOOK an acetylene weld ing, lost Tuesday. Return to Bulle tin or to County Library. - , FOUND ' Simple pitta neadnotwrtck and torturairtw ulth maddening Itch, burn and irritation. bruart'a I'Tramld buppotiionaa anna quick, welcome relict, ineir arena meai cation roeanl reel comfort, reducea train. helpi tighten relaxed mambranee, gentir , lubricetee and aoltenl. Frolectire and ntt-chitnnK, to eaayto uee. uei genuine l 8uart'e Pyramid Supposltorlee t your ;.k.... .1. Ae end 1 .20 on maaer'a money-back guarantee. A in ! mm mm m n " 1 REVERSIBLE COAT, size 12; 1 size 14; 1 snow suit, size 12; 1 pair ice skates, size 13. 1532 Awbrey Road. 18 LEGHORN HENS, Kwlx Shave eleetrle razor, banjo, oil heater. 22 Lake Place. - . 1 WOOD RANGE, 30-gallon hot water tank and cast iron wood heating stove. Call 701 Hill St. DRY PINE slab wood, 16 foot length, $7.00 per cord delivered. 130 Canal St., Bend. 3 HEATING STOVES, circulating, round oak and air tite. Iron bed stead. 9x12 rug. 304 Hunter Place. Phone 186-W. 1 aMalaa FOB BENT 3-ROOM MODERN house, vacant February 1, 2-room house and 1 room house. All furnished, with water and lights. Call 168 E. Irv ing. Phone 834-W. BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. . Phone 31-W. 4-ROOM MODERN furnished house, 341 Florida. Inquire at 634 Arizona afternoons and evenings'. STRAYED to my place, one red brindle cow, right ear cropped. One long yearling Jersey steer with horns, split in both ears. Emll Anderson ranch, Tumalo. MISCELLANEOUS KEYS MADE while you wait, saws filed, skates hollow, ground, knives and shears sharpened, locks, bicycles, phonographs re paired, soldering, general repair ing. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. Cubs Entertain ith Program Mimicking the Jack Benny ra dio program, members of Den 3, of Cub Pack No. 23, last night won first prize' In a "show" staged at the Kenwood school. Many fathers and mothers of the pack members attended the event, which was replete with mirth as the youngsters played the role of famous radio entertainers. ; By winning first place, Den 3 was presented the pack achieve hient plaque. Presentation was made to Mrs. ti. Monlcal, den mother. Sam Lackaff. den chief, and the following members of the den: Marvin Smith, Ernest Mar tin, Lewis Phifer, Myron De Bunce, Billy Uiltner, Harvey Dud ley, Jerry Gulick and Gary Moni Den 3 will remain In possession of the plaque until the next pack meeting, or until won by some other den. Program Listed Other mimic radio programs were staged as follows: Den 1, "Fibber McGee and Molly"; Den 2, "The Great Gildersleeve"; Den 4, score. 42 c; 90 score, 42c; 89 score, 41 c pound. Eggs price to retailers: A A large, 50c; A, large, 48; medium A, 45; small, 4UC aoz. , . Official Records Miscellaneous Honorable discharge: James Joe Fowler, 1205 Cumberland, filed an honorable discharge from the U. S. navy yesterday. Notarial commission: State of Oregon to A. J, Moore. . Circuit Court ' Sheriff's sale: The Bank of Bend purchased property former ly owned by J. A. and Cynthia Ferrell in a foreclosure sale on Monday. PARTY IS HELD' The A-l class of the Methodist church school, Saturday night held a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pollard, 62 Clay street. Games were played, and Rev. Robert Mcllvenna entertain ed by reading palms. Mrs. A. Wat son tf Redding, Calif., house guest of the Pollards, was guest of honor. . ' Buy National War Bonds Now! , THE SATURDAY EVENING POST STORY COMES TO LIFE! "TALL IN THE SADDLE" with . JOHN WAYNE 'GABBY' HAYES CAPITOL THU.-FRI.-SAT. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 23 ip Civilian needs for butter remained unfilled today despite a 5 per cent increase in output. Government orders accounted for consumption of the surplus. Butter and egg prices remained at OPA ceilings. Butter cube, 92 score, 42 'Kc; 92 FOR LUNCHEONS AND SALADS j LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have been appointed admin istrator of the Estate of J. L. Nickel, Deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate should file the same, duly verified, at the office of my attorneys, De Armond & Goodrich, Bank of Bend Building, 'Bend, Oregon, Withiri six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice. ARTHUR G. NICKEL, Admin istrator of the Estate of J. L. Nickel, Deceased. De ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys at Law, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon. 29-35-41-47C ROOM for young working woman in pleasant home. Kitchen and liv ing room privileges. $15.00 month. Come between 5 and 6 p. m. 1617 West First. 3-ROOM modern furnished apart ment. Refrigerator and washing facilities, $20 per month. Inquire Museum of Wonders, north highway. WANTED WILL BUY good small modern houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend. Your Studebakcr dealer is & good man to km THROUGHOUT the war, Studebakcr dealer! have be- . come recognized more and more as useful members of their communities. . In order to do everything possible to keep cars and trucks in service, they constantly endeavor to get new and better tools and equipment. They continue to train their mechanics in special procedures worked out by Studebakcr lactory experts. I hey gladly supply the public with reliable infor ' mation on wartime regulations covering ' motor car and motor truck operations. Studebakcr dealers realize the war Is far from over yet. They will gladly con tinue to do everything they can to help you keep your car or truck rolling. THB STUDEDAKER CORPORATION FELIX MOTOR SALES 1022-1026 Bond Street Bend, Oregon Sfidefcoier i Pfonr oncf PocemoU r In Automotive Progrest Save Your Tires With OK RECAPS Highest quality materials and workmanship guaranteed. AVAILABLE NOW Tires for A-Card Holders Third grade tires (certificate obtainable) covered with long wearing OK recaps. Ask about them. O.K.RUBBER WELDERS and Mobil Service C. D. Winn Bond and Franklin Phone 333 Bear Alinemenf Will MaJce YOUR Car Drive Like New All the other things that you do to save gas and tires are wasted unless your car has wheel bal ance and steering aline .ment. You may be totally unaware that anything is wrong until it is too late. Don't drive another day without a BEAR steering test you're just fooling yourself without it. Drive into our garage at your convenience and ask for a check- . . . and remember . . . "RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIE'S" EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE Wall and Greenwood Convert Your Pre-1 940 Car or Truck Headlights to SEALED BEAM LIGHTS Double efficiency at low cost. Reconversion kits available now for Buick '37-'38 Chevrolet '37-'38 Chrysler '36 Dodge '36 CeSoro "35 to '37 Ford ,35-,36.'39 Srudebaker '36 to '38 Terraplane '36-'38 Lafayette '36-'37 And others, including many truck models Houk-Van Allen Tiretont Home & Auto Supply 900 Wall St. Phone 860 Cottage Cheese is a food high In vatamln content. It's an ideal food for this time of the year for lunches. Order Bend Dairy Cot tage Cheese from your delivery man. Bend Dairy Quality Products BUTTER CREAM" EGGS MILK BUTTERMILK ICE CREAM CHOCOLATE MILK COTTAGE CHEESE FOR OVER 25 YEARS HEADOUARTERS FOR DAIRY PRODUCTS OF QUALITY LOCKER PATRONS . . . . . As those'who work in our war plants are essential to war- effort, MEAT is essential in your diet. No other food can wholly replace it. Use your locker for storage of meat- inquire here as to grades now available at money saving prices. 51 Greenwood Ave. Phone 101 ) '; ""Tii 1. 3. 3. Quality of Product Is Essential to Continued Success! ORDER CHICKS EARLY THREE REASONS WHY EARLY CHICKS MAKE MORE PROFIT They are in production when egg: prices are mtrn . Thev mature and feather faster In cold weather There is always a good demand for early broil ers ana rryers. BUY SEXED ROOSTERS AND SAVE MONEY We have heavy or light Cockerels at BIG SAVINGS 4c 10c Each. EVERY FRIDAY Call or Place Your Order Scotty's Feed Store North Hiahwav Phone 776 a aaam.- a mm, j f m . - - RED RYDER . . By FRED HARMAM gillllf Vf INDIANS 1 I -PUT IF TriE-Y'RET PfT!? ' I f You KNEI'JJ (fUT,CO&Of, i QUIT ScLPIrt' LONG' I TO AAKE 1lsOUUV RID V CCME HE.RE TofincO IkjdiajsjS WET 1111LaSo, OR VD NEVER Vs MOWS THEIR CHANCE.' RVT,rv?.rW liTTlc r-TTT I TKODPLrT FOR. ?r fcw jS