ii JAW".' Mm i itftfi wiii PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND.-'OREGON, MONDAY.AN. 22, 1945 For a Little, Sell a Lot With Bulletin Classifi Decline ed Ads By Elmer C. Walaier (United PreM Financial Editor) New York, Jan. 22 (IB Stocks declined today for the fourth con secutive session, but rallied from the lows and displayed a steadier undertone at closing time. Early unsettlement was traced to the appointment of Henry A. Wallace to succeed Jesse Jones as secretary of commerce and head of several other government .agencies. The subsequent recov , ery was attributed to belief the appointment will have tough sled' dins in the senate. 1 Other factors In the recent de cline are listed as the Russian sue- cesses seen as hastening the re conversion period with its many problems, and the securities and , exchange proposal to eliminate me noor trader on the major ex changes. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 22 UPi Livestock: cattle 2000. calves 150. Active, steady to strong. Some medium-good steers and beef cows 25c higher. Medium-good steers $13.50-15.00; few good loads $15.85. 16.00. Common medium heifers $9.50-13.00. Fed heifers held around $14.75. Canner-cutter cows $6.00-8.00; medium-good beef cows $10.00 -12.75. ' Bulls $10.00 -11.75. Good-choice vealers $13.50-15.00. Hogs 1400. Active, steady. Good choice 170-279 lbs. $15.75. Good sows $13.50 -14.00. Feeder pigs $15.00-15.25. Sheep 500. Active. Goofl-choice wooled lambs $14.50-15.00. Fall shorn lambs to $14.75. Common grades down to $10.00. Good ewes up to $6.50. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 22 'IB The trade today awaiting another re duction in egg prices Thursday, when all sizes except small will go down one cent. Butter prices were unchanged. Butter Cube 9 score 42 c; 92 score 4214c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41MiC pound. Eggs Price to retailers: AA large 50c; A large 48c; medium A 45c; small 40c dozen. Medford Misses 2 Nazi Prisoners Medford, Ore., Jan. 22 (in Two German prisoners of war were reported today to have escaped from Camp White last night. They had been on work detail and were checked in for lunch at 10 p. m. When the guard made his 10:30 check he found the two prisoners missing. Walter Wenner, 20, was de scribed as being five, feet, six Jnehes tall, weighing 148 pounds, and having blue eyes, blond hair and fair complexion. George Sauerbeck, 24, is five feet, nine Inches tall, weighs about 160 pounds, and has brown eyes, fait, skin, brown hair and a scar on his right wrist. LOGGINO IS RESUMED Lowering temperatures and re sultant freezing of the ground has made it possible for logging op erations to be resumed at the Brooks-Scanlon camp near Sis ters, it was reported today. A re cent thaw had made conditions too muddy and wholesale opera lions were slowed temporarily. 87, HAS FIRST YULE TREE South Bend, Ind. (Hi Christ mas, 1944, will remain especially memorable to Mrs. Sarah C Crites, who, at the ago of 87, en Joyed her first Christmas tree. She said she never knew how one's home could be brightened up with a decorated tree. The tree was given to the lonely womun by her neighbors. RIBBONS TO FILL A STORE Fort Worth, Tex. UP The post' war future of Lt. Col. John D. Landers, Mustang pilot and com mander of the 357th fighter group in England, is all settled by his friends. All he has to do, they say, is open a ribbon store. They think he'd make a go of lt with his 19 decorations. StjUASU SIGN Concord, N. H. (Ul Sign out side a New Hampshire farm house: "For Sale Hand Picked Squash." BEAUTY SHOPS ' HALLOWELL KOLD WAES .lust Ask the Girl Who's Hail One! Well Qualified anil Experienced Operators MAY LAURA HH.1.IE Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 484 MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1538 Awbrey Rd. TcL 829-M Classified Rates Local Paid !n Advance 25 Words One Time 85c 25 Words Three Times .. 75c 25 Words Six Times $1-35 All worda ner 11 add le per word tlmai number of Iniertlonl One month ran, eama copy, V, day rato Minimum Charge, Sec LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20o Claeilfled Advertising-. Caeh In Advance Daily Cloalnc Time 12:10 P. M. FOR SALE PREWAR DAVENPORT. Priced right. 1545 West 5th. 2 540-EGG electric incubators, $25.00 each. New electric heating unit for 500 chick brooder, $12.00. G. A. Krleer. 10 miles north on old highway. 3-ROOM semi-modern house and 2 50'xlOO" lots in Redmond. Also 24'x30" basement and foundation on property. John Luelllng, 316 A St., Redmond, Oregon. . BUSINESS and INCOME PROP ERTY: One of going Restaurants in Bend. Sell fixtures complete. $7875. $2500 down. HOTEL in Bend, 40 rooms. $5000 down. 32 CITY LOTS for sale. APART MENT HOUSE, and home for sale furnished. $6000. Gilberts Real Estate. APPLES. New shipment of New towns and Spltzenbergs, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50. Exchange boxes. Fresh apple cider, 55c per gallon. Please bring container. Baled hay, straw, peat moss. Crown Feeds Greenwood Feed Co., Greenwood and Division Sts. NOTICE If roads and weather continue to be good we will deliver dry body wood in cord lots to customers who are completely out of dry wood. Delivery promised from 3 to 5 days. Consumers must sign O.P.A. priority statement. Brook ings Wood Yard. Phone 767. BED SPRING, innersprlng mat tress, child's bed and innerspring mattress, folding steel bed, new combination wood and coal heater, small radio, sewing machine, stroller, shovel, hoe, rake, coffee table, feather bed, 2 pillows, jel lies, jams, electric lamp, extension cords, water hose, fruit jars, ten nis racket, 3 balls, folding porch gate, baby harness, bed spreads, child's bed spread, blankets, sheets, tenor banjo, Bergmann logger boots 714, ironing board, dust mop, mackinaw, 38, wash board, high chair,' rocking horse. 1925 W. 2nd St. 3-ROOM HOUSE, 16'x28', shingled roof, and sided, to be moved off place. Man's bicycle In good shape. Phone 37-F-23. Rt. 2, Box 312. W. H. Selken. FOUR ROOM HOUSE: Two bed room, garage, good yard, shade. East Olney. $1200. Terms. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. . 25 TON first cutting alfalfa hay in stack. Ray Haver, Route 2, Box 55, Bend. 1 WOOD RANGE, 30-gallon hot water tank and cast Iron wood heating stove. Call 701 Hill St. COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD furni ture: Refrigerator, gas range, bedroom suite, box springs and mattress, davenport and chuir, di nette set, gas heater, baby bed. All prewar, good condition. A. C. Jeanquenot, 184 E. Kearney. DARK BEDROOM sult$7500, cook stove $15.00, baby's high chair sa.00, kitchen sink $10.00, kitchen cabinet $2.50, small dress er $2.50. 164 E. Irving. SADDLE MARE, coming 4 years, rancii raised, well broken, rangy, weight 1150. High headed but gentle and sensible. No fuzztail. Priced right. C. F. Doerf Icr, 3 mues -norm oi Altalla store. FOUR HEIFERS now milking with first calf, some coming fresh. Pete Klobas, Rt. 2, Box 301, Bend, V, mile north of 4 coiners on Burns highway. DRY PINE slab wood, 16 font length, $7.00 per cord delivered. 130 Canal St., Bend. 3 HEATING STOVES, circulating, round oak and air tile. Iron bed stead. 9x12 rug. 30-1 Hunter Place. Plume 186-W. WHO'S WHO in BEM AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES Refrigerator Service All Typos of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bund MlnniMinln Phmn HSW TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE Vi Ileo Hive Truck mid Trailer mny he imetl anywhere In the U.S.A. without red ta or spe cial license when transporting your own goods. Iahik trips, short trips anywhere. See your Texaco denier. Mission Service Station Bond Franklin Phone 340 FOR SALE BARBER SHOP for sale at Shev lin. Contact owner at shop. LARGE BASINETTE in good con dition. C. W. Lundy, Rt. 1, Box 50, just beyond fox farm on south highway. LARGE HEATER In good condi tion. Call after 5 p. m. 1100 Lex ington. BICYCLE. with almost new bal loon tires, coal or wood heaters $7.50, 2 good kitchen ranges $15.00 each, breakfast taoie with 4 gooa chairs, 2-burner gas restaurant griddle, 2-burner gas hot plate, electrie refrigerator $30.00 needs repair, pre-war collapsible baby buggy $7.00, bedsteads $1.50 to $5.00, dressers, library . tables, rockers, baby's high chair, chairs 50c each while they last, panel and glass doors, wash tubs, wash boards, meat grinders, round oak table, ball and socket trailer hitch es, bumper hitches, replacement balls for trailer hitches, cream separator, hot water car heaters, children's skis, leather davenport, smoke stand and book shelves. Open evenings. 350 Division. WHY DON'T YOU let me fix that mutldy driveway with a load of red cinders at $7.00 a heaping load of 4 yards. Phone 838-R. FOR RENT 3 ROOM furnished apartment, light clean rooms, hot water heat, wood, water and lights furnished, suitable for 2 people. Call after 5:30. 23614 E. Irving. 4-ROOM MODERN furnished house, 341 Florida. Inquire at 634 Arizona afternoons and evenings. 3-ROOM MODERN house, vacant February 1, 2-room house and 1 room house. All furnished, with water and lights. Call 168 E. Irv ing. Phone 834-W. BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family stylo. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. 4 BEDROOM modern furnished house, large yard and garage, close In. Inquire 237 St. Helens. ROOM for young working woman in pleasant home. Kitchen and liv ing room privileges. $15.00 month. Come between 5 and 6 p. m. 1617 West First. NICE CLEAN modern unfurnish ed 4 room house, close in, to re sponsible adults only. Inquire 246 Florida Ave., afterno.ons. " WANTED WILL BUY good 3mall modern houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices lor good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. TO BUY electric vacuum cleaner. Telephone 623-J. CYLINDER HEAD for right side 193B Ford V-8. SSgt. Vern Hart ford, Route 2, Box 209. Phone 26-F-13. TO GET In touch with Mrs. High tower. Please call Beauty Quest, Virginia Johnson or Mrs. Thomas. 81 Oregon. Telephone 170. TELEPHONE for rural line. Pete Klobas, Route 2, Box 301, Bend, Ore. GOOD USku wool rug, 9 x12' or 12'xl5 Write No. 10166 care of Bulletin. HELP WANTED WOMAN for office work. Must be typist, shorthand desirable but not necessary. Bend-Troy Laun dry. OFFICE GIRL, typing and book keeping experience or training, for insurance office. Inquire 1054 Bond St., or call 331. MAIDS WANTED at Pilot Butte Inn. Apply to housekeeper. EXPERIENCED WOOL MACHINE PRESSER OR SOMEONE WILLING TO LEARN. MASTERCRAFT CLEANERS Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing in Long Distance Household Goods Movement LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Daily Service Every Dav Of the Year Phone 544 HELP WANTED BEAUTY OPERATOR. Out of state operators acceptable. Li cense by reciprocity. Please get in touch with the Beauty Quest soon as possible, 81 Oregon Ave. Tele phone 170. . SITUATION WANTED MAN EMPLOYED during day can devote several hours daily af ter 4 p. m., bookkeeping or typing. Write No. 10182 care of Bulletin. USED CARS 1931 CHEVROLET sedan, heater, good rubber, 5 tires. Phone 579-W or 6. 1254 E. 3rd. 1934 HUDSON "8" sedan, convert ed into panel, fair tires, sealed beam headlights. Needs some work, but is in running condition. $125. Lewis Gilmore Garage, Sis ters, Oregon. . 1930 CHEVROLET coupe, 5 good tires, excellent condition, under ceiling price. 334 Hunter Place af ter 5 p. m. 1936"PLYM0UTH sedan. Less than 11,000 miles, excellent condi tion, good rubber. Cash. Phone 15 F-55, Redmond, Ore. LOST GERMAN POINTER, liver color ed bitch. Reward. Write H. Mc Mullin, Sisters, Oregon. HANDBOOK an acetylene weld ing, lost Tuesday. Return to Bulle tin or to County Library.' MISCELLANEOUS WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes oi washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid lor used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. ... : SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and sui gical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glayebrook, phone zd-j or can at 1U15 wall St. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, iurnuure ponsn, tne new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl Road, Bend. WASHING MACHINE repairing at 136 Greenwood. I have consoli dated with Bend Washer Service and am devoting all my time to Keeping your washer in good re pair. Thanks for your patronage, I hope I can continue to serve you at above address. A. J. Palmer, 1651 Galveston. Phone 665-W. , PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. THIS CURIOUS WORLD -(f1 1M V NEA 8ERV,Ci IHa a Uig T x5? Sets its name WMf FROM THE ISLAND 'An V XfS t V y. OF CYPRUS, r V WHERE IT WAS V- -5 V PIRST FOUND... XJf -irJ.Mo called ewew... 11 X.-. I AND FINALLY, II jmm i&F A V COfTA. IT ONCE WAS COMPULSORY FOR WEARERS OF f&y mats' oR.MA4ver TO PAY AN ANNUAL TAV OF . FOR THE PRIVILEGE. ' t. h ma u. . pat. or. 12-2. ANSWER: RED RYDER RED DOES NOl HEED Tut? VJMirtG TO STAY AV0AY f KOA THE NVM0SCMr HE PEUEVES-UTfLe-LEAVER. HAS- TAKEN Fy ' hr Explosion of Tar Results in Fire Two persons narrowly escaned serious injury, and damage to the extent of approximately $3,000 re sulted from a fire which late yes terday nearly destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Cooper, 827 Delaware avenue. The fire started in the six-room structure after two gallons of tar which Cooper was heating on the kitch en stove exploded, scattering the flaming liquid around the room. ; , Mrs. Betty Justice, a daughter, i suffered singed hair, and she was forced by thelntense heat to drop ! liitr itrjtrfjiiuili; Willie sue was can ing the fire department. The call was completed over the telephone at the Delaware hotel next door. Cooper's clothing was badly burn ed, but he escaped without serious Injury. Three of the rooms were com pletely gutted by the flames, and considerable furniture in the rear rooms was lost. The loss was partly covered by insurance. Cooper, whose wife and daugh ter were the other occupants of the house at the time of the fire, told firemen that he was heating the tar' to repair a roof on another house. Loan Association Elects Directors- H. H. De Armond, Ward H. Coble and C. J. Lindh, directors of the Deschutes Federal Savings and Loan association who have just concluded three-year terms, were reelected at the annual meet ing of the asociation in the of fices last week. Other officers are George P. Gove, president, and Carl E. Erlckson, vice-president. Lindh is secretary-treasurer. De Armond is the firm's attorney. D. H. Peoples and W. A. Wirtz were elected as official apprais ers. Savings "account's with the firm Increased $122,472.30, or slightly over 25 per cent, In 1944, Lindh said today. Savings accounts in 1943 amounted to $458,954.08. In 1944 they amounted to $581,426.38. Dividends at the rate of 2H per cent were paid during the past year, ne stated, adding that that rate is slightly above the average . now prevailing. ! During 1944 $155,000 of savings j iunus was invested in war Donas. "This makes a total of $255,000 In local depositors funds that are now helping to win the war," ijinun concluded. The first spokens words trans mitted '-by trjephone were sent March 10, 1876. I LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been tit What is the business ofa cartographer p He is a maker of maps and charts. iMfrM,. S&S. f THOUSANDS pF -N Thousands of Vj 77-'J toMMGS ' When the first scent of new grass and buds fills the p , M I ' air, you'll want that new suit! And here's a wonderful . t jt' collection of soft-colored wool beauties! Thoughtfully ' (f. t$ fitted with charming tucks and pleats. Self-covered trM,t buttons and lovely rayon linings. Sires from 1 2 to 20. 'fg ' ' Tailored or ' ''fun - '98 '' . DcisnTcer O w x'n suits - .(y aK 19.75 : MB WmQj Stripes or solid colors, with ' V J "lAt gay buttons! Smart kick fT ' 1 Y''S pleated skirts, rayon lined fJ y ,JLjjjk jackets, in cardigans or notch- E V 'tM V ' jtf . 1 ed-collar styles, bright spring .1 " Is Tv ' "'1 ' colors. Sizes 1 2-20 and 38 to h Jf ' V( .. J 'Cynthia , . J f'i . Rayon Slips - . j;;f Iianorea or tiitoo sups ot I e i tm M I I quality rayon, tearose only. f j I if ".--'. 1 in gored or bias cut. sizes 32- . Ivi'o 11 I l j Girls Outing H V PAJAMAS 4sfe,V c - ! 1.45 itoV A our sPrlnK . - rNLilB A costs! The I I Girls sizes in warm outing pajamas, neat figures - Z I same wonder- I 'I I and smart tail onng dependable Penney 1 " ni npw colors I 1 u..i c: 014 i 1 iv 1 It I'""'-'" I II A V In Classic or I A"""1""" I Women's I Rayon Pajamas 3.98- At Smartly tailored 'Butcher Boy" pajamas in WA. pretty floral prints, pastel backgrounds, 32-40. y 3 duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes County, Administrator of the Estate of Percy B. Davis, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present the same to Mal colm W. Wilkinson, 402 U. S. Na tional Bank Building, The Dalles, Oregon, with vouchers properly verified, as by law required, with in six months from the date here of. Dated this 20th day of January, 1945. GEORGE M. DAVIS, Adminis trator. M.W. WILKINSON, The Dalles, Oregon. Attorney for Estate 46-52-58-64C NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned 'has been duly appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Sadie Alice Lucas, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified, as by law required, at the office of my attorney, H. C. Ellis, Bank of Berid Building, Bend, Oregon, within six months frpm the date GATHERED FDR. THEIR. SACKED HEI-eWftl m w , , 0 mJ - ' 21 75 0 of the first publication of this no tice. Dated and first published this 8th day of January, 1945. ARVILLA MURPHY, Adminis tratrix. H. C. ELLIS, Attorney. 28-34-40-46C DZ NERVOUS RESTLESS IIIGII-STRUriG On "CERTAIN DAYS" Cf Ths Month? do runctionai periodic oistumancea make you feel nervous, fidgety, cranky. Irritable, a bit blue, tired, and "dragged out" at such times? Then start at once try Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to re lieve such symptoms. Plnkham's Com pound la am cms not ouly to relieve monthly pain but also accompanying weak, tired, nervous, restless feelings of this nature. Plnkham's Compound helps nature! Taken regularly this great medicine helps build up rata tail C8 against such distress. Also a grand stomachic tonic Follow label directions. Buy today. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S K 1 RECKON rAI FOFULARIU 1 faiV -PUT "E."R NOT" jr THAT CAW WILL St. J ;V(TUR5l, PACK. NONn) Buy National War Bonds Now Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring Light Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer .Sales and Service Phone 159 644 Franklin Bend, Ore. By FRED HARMAN