THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, MONDAY, JAN. 22, 1945 PAGE FIYE Local News TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 88 degrees. Minimum last night, 8 degrees, TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 p. nt, 22 de grees; 10 a. 24 degrees. Veloc ilv of wind: 10 p. nk, 5 miles; 10 a. m, S degrees. pvt. Roger Tobias arrived Fri day from Fort Dix, N. J. to spend a lMay furlough with his par ents, Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Tobias. Roger, who enlisted in the air force about 18 months ago, is now an instrument specialist. Paul L. Johnson, carpenter's mate 1c with' the Seabees, has arrived at a California naval base after two years in the South Pa cific, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Johnson, 2042 West Seventh street, have learned. He plans to visit his wife in Seattle when re leased from quarantine, his father stated today. His brother, Lt. Rob ert Johnson, a tower operator with the army air force, is now in the pacific area. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zemke of Madras wAe in Bend on Saturday. Dr. Wayne S. Ramsey, director of the Deschutes department of public health, returned yesterday from Pendleton where he spent last week working with the Uma tilla county health department, which is now without a director. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phelps and children shopped in Bend on Sat urday. They live in Prineville. Mrs. Leland King, daughter, Jackquetta Le, and Mrs. Earl Booth were shopping In Bend from their Redmond homes this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Booth, for mer Los Angeles residents, pur chased property in Redmond in September and soon after Mr. and Mrs. King, formerly of San Fran cisco, moved to Redmond and pur chased adjoining land. R. L. Anderson of Redmond shopped in Bend on Saturday. Fay Howard of Lapine was In Bend on Saturday. Mrs. C. Van Tassel visijed Bend on Saturday from her Redmond home. Mrs. Peter Sympkins of hevlin shopped in this city on Saturday. Pfc. Eugene F. Britain of Bend, a member of an engineer general service regiment in France, has been awarded the good conduct medal for action in Normandy, ac cording td word received here today. The "Wee Women" 4-H club will meet Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Hubert Bartlett in Boyd acres, it was announced today. AH members were urged to attend. The Town and Country club will stage a card party Saturday at JS the-homeof "Mr-.-WMb Mrs, William Selkm, on tne Bend Burns highway, it was reported today. Cpl. Lee V. Ogden, who has been overseas for 18 months, is now stationed at an air service O NOW O M Oimt Walwr M-l nnuuu i luuLun v 1 Mf with Edward ARNOLD LAST CHANCE TONIGHT PACKED ALL DAY SUNDAY BUT WE CAN TAKE CARE OF YOU TONIGHT Qri'Z If Ml HEATHER CHARLES (1UIGIET I . SEE 'EM! HEAR 'EM!! THE'ENTIRE NATIONAL BARN DANCE TKOLTE Tat Buttrain Joe Kelly Lulu Belle anil Srotty The Dinning Sutlers The Hoosier Hot Shirts Arkie. the Arkansas Woodchop XL f&JA ON THE SCRUM a' COAST JM coAsnlt ,-t 1 command supply depot In Eng land, It was learned here today. Cpl. Ogden, whose wife resides at 305 Riverfront, attended the Bend high school, and before enlisting was employed by the Oregon Ship building corporation in Portland. The S.O.S. club will meet Wed nesday at the regular hour at the home of Mrs. B. E. Thompson, 1120 Milwaukee, It was announced today. - - William E. Naylor, administra tive assistant ta the staff of the Deschutes national forest, re turned to Bend todav after snend. ing a week in conferences at thai nemjocK ranger station near Car son, Wash. . 3. W. Mansfield of Bums was a week-end visitor in Bend. Minnie Grande and Anna Lam preeht of Prineville, were week end guests at the Pilot Butte inn. R. L. Hetherington of Redmond, spent the week-end in Bend. Maj. William J. Ward, stationed at the Redmond army air field, visited here yesterday, D. C. Mills and C. F. Madison were here Sunday visiting friends. They are stationed at the Red mond army air field. Helen M. Cherry, of the news statf of the Madras Pioneer, spent yesterday in Bend. W. A. McKinley of Shevlin spent yesterday in Bend, , Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Parks of Redmond, were guests yesterday at me i-uui. ouiie inn. . Mrs. Carl Dick is a natient at the St. Vincent hospital in Port land, where she recently under went an appendectomy. Her condi tion is reported good. For the past two years, Mr, and Mrs. Dick have made their home with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gassner, In Portland. The Degree of Honor will meet in Norway hall at 8 p.m. tomor row for officers practice. Returns of the tea towel sale must also be turned in, It was announced. There will be an executive meet ing of the council of the First Christian church Thursday at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Les ley M. Ross, 1506 Galveston. Sgt. Robert S. Fisher, son of James W. Fisher, 120 Ogden street, Bend, was wounded In ac tion In the European area, the war department announced today. Sgt. Fisher entered the army' on Ju ly 30, 1943. He was employed in a local sawmill here, Clarence Smith, aviation radio men 3c, and Kendall Meredith, aviation machinist's mate 3c, were in -Bend today from the Klamath Falls naval air station. Pfc. Elmore E, Ewing, 224 St, Helens place, fcas been awarded the good conduct medal at West over Field, Mass., according to word received here today. The award was made for "exemplary behavior, efficiency and fidelity." The St. Charles hospital reports the. following births;, A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Zahner, 108 Cascade road, on Saturday. A daughter to Mr, and Mrs. Richard Hovernian, Gilchrist, yesterday. Rummaee Sale bv L. D. R. Thursday and Friday, January 25 and 26, in basement of First Lu theran Church, by the library. Adv. Timber Exchange Study Is Pending Klamath Falls, Jan. 22 (Spe cial) The state forestry board will send representatives to Kiam ath Falls to study the possibility of state acquisition of Shevlin Hixon land Involved in the pro posed controversial exchange, it was reported today. Decision to make the investigation was reached at Salem last week when County Judge U. E. Reeder and District Attorney Clarence Hum ble made the request of the for estry board and Governor Earl Snell. The investigation also will be joined by Npls Rogers, state for ester, it was? reported from Salem last week. Official Records Liens ' ! W. B. Anderson filed liens'on , j Saturday against a 1941 Nash se-j I dan owned by Olive Murray for ! 5102.B5 and a cnevroiet ownea Dy i George Pet rie for S25.20, - j Miscellaneous I Guardianship: Mrs. Charles Maynard petitioned to ie ap- ! pointed guardian of her eight mi i nor children: Jackie, Richard, Lee, j James, Kenneth, Raymond, Mil , dred and Mason. I Power of attorney: Mack Camp ! bell to Ada Morley. Sarah De Moye, 70, Dies In Bend j Mrs. Sarah E. De Moye, 70, a i resident of Bend for the past live sf INVISTMEKT etntflCAKSb SMIB ONI ttm fnmifil Vmdmmbr INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Elmer Lehnherr Iirsl Representative 217 Oregon Phone 525 ll 7T I Sunset Division Is Paid Tribute At Ceremonies Portland, Ore,, Jan. 22 W Tribute to the northwest 41st Sunset" division was given Sat-, urday as hundreds of service per-s sonnel and guests watched thej launching rf the S. S. Sunset at! the Swan island shipyards in Port- land. Brig. Gen. Ralph P. Cowgill, commanding officer bl the Oregon state guard, cited achievements ot the famed division in the Pacific fighting and likened the new tank er "as one link in a vast chain of ships spanning a long, deep. treacherous ocean. General Cowgill Is, a former member of the 41st division and a close associate of the late Gen- j eral George A. White, who acti- i vated the division ana neaaea iti until 1941. Mi's. White sponsored the tinker today. The division is composed of personnel from Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, chiefly national guard units. General Praised General White was praised as one foreseeing the Japanese at tack and trying to prepare his soldiers and country for it. Cow- gill said "General White will go down in history as an outstanding soldier and citizen loved by his men. Among accomplishments of the division listed by Cowgill were: First division to go overseas; has served longer overseas than any other division; first division to be trained for jungle warfare; has fought more campaigns than any other division, has killed more Japs than any other division, has captured more prisoners (2,200), awarded presidential citation for outstanding performance, ana leads South Pacific outfits in the number of individual decorations. The division has taken part in the Buna-Gona and Sanananda campaigns in Papua; Nassau bay. Tambu bay, Roosevelt ridge and Salamaua in New Guinea; and Aitape, Wawde, Holtandia and Bi- ak island in Dutch New Guinea. Big Army Needed "Had we properly maintained a strong combined army and navy. it is almost certain that tins war would never have occurred, Cow gill said, "therefore we have no one but ourselves, to blame for this war the loss of our fathers and sons, and our wealth. "Now after more than three years, our army and navy are on the march. For three long years our soldiers and citizens in the Philippines have been lifting their chained hands toward heaven praying to the almighty God for deliverance from brutality and death. Let us pray that we are not too late ..." A. R. Nieman, assistant general manager of the Swan island yard, cited that the new Sunset division was reliving the traditions of the original division in the First world war. Addressing scores of 4Jst division men home on furlough, Nieman said: "We on the produc tion front realize that the difficul ties we encounter are minor in comparison with the hell of wur-1 fare that many of you have been through ..." months and a former resident of Oregon City, tiled at 1258 East Second street yesterday morning. burvtvors include one daughter, Mrs. Frank A Hrav Rpnd; Iwn sons, Carl De Moye, Seattle; Wal- do De Moye, Scio; one brother, E. H. Brock, Oregon City, and fnur m-anHhilHron The body will be forwarded to Oriimn Citv t,r,i i,h f hv- Mica?ftn. oor anH Winclnui riinaral am. ices will be held there at a date to be announced later. . WHEN f 0U BANK OF BEND A HOME OWNED INSTITUTION Carriers Win War Bands l ' - J f ' i JC --if 7 ' - T Above are the winners of a recent "Five Star" war bond award, given to carriers of The Bend Bulletin for mbst efficient service and keeping of records. The bonds are given as prizes when the different carriers have reached the "Five Star standard of efficiency. From left to right are Billy and Bobby Berg, brothers and partners in carry ing route No. 18 in the Carroll Acres district, and Fred Goodfellow, former carrier of Route No. 9. Tannenberg Falls (Continued from Page One) fighting" was in progress. The German command added little to the reports on Silesia, where the Russians had burst into the reich on a 56-mile front within less than 200 miles of Berlin at its most advanced points, and were edeine in on the Oder river line and the Silesian capital of Breslau. Brief Mention Made East of Oppelin. 50 miles south east of Breslau and 25 miles Inside Germany, the Soviets were "able to gain ground after grim fight ing," the Berlin communique said. Its only other reference to the Silesian front was: "In upper Silesia our troops are consolidating their front at the eastern and northeastern fringe of the industrial area and in the area west of Kepno, (a Polish town 11 miles from the frontier) they achieved impressive defensive sue- cesses against strong enemy at - tacks." - , (chief who in 1941 announced thnt the red army had been defeated and only the mopup remained the east, was quoted by Berlin today as telling German news papermen that "this is the time when we have to show our heart is strong" and "the great hour of our biggest test has come." Sale of Bonds Far Under Quota Bond sales in Deschutes county from Jan. 1-15 were far below quota, A. L. O. Schueier, chairman of the county war finance com-1 ! mittee, said today. County sales i totalled $32,566, or 24.3 per cent of j the $133,750 quota. aie were: t s, &at,tsm; IS3.700 and O'a. Sl fKlfl. Fs,l I Bond sales during the first two i weeks nf .7mirv wem Iow' tfhrniiohnilt ho Bfjifn Rhunlnr was informed by Portland head - quarters. Jeffcrsoon and Wasco BENEFIT We. Meneji it Friendliness Is a fine thing, but help fulness is even better. When you End these two together you have a rare and valuable combination. As bankers, we try to keep this thought ever in mind. We try to deal with your financial problems in a practical way ' that will result in some benefit to you. For we know that if we can succeed in doing this you wilt be pleased and satis fied and we benefit, therefore, aa wo benefit you. counties were high for the state. meeting 48 ana -47 percent ol quota respectively. County Court Proceedings BE IT REMEMBERED, That at a regular meeting of the County Court held January 3, 1945, all members being present, the fol lowing business was transacted: In the Matter of Claims Agsinst the County: The following bills were pre sented and ordered paid: GENERAL FUND Ruth Cook, sheriff, clerk hire . , $ 3a40 Aubrey Perry, watermaster 204.78 Donald Shipley, janitor work 21.94 Glen W, niomoson, santiar- lan, mileage zuu Lucy B, Davidson, PJI.N., mileage ti.bui First National Bank, Dee, Elma Mullins, P.H.N. mite- age 25.65 Hazel V. Barclay, P.ll.,, ? mileage , 31.75 (Gladys B, Cochran, PJI.N, j Edith Kostol, clerk, health I dept., misc. exp. jo.: in, George Brooks, prisoners board ... 108.00 Doris Abernathy, court re porter .. . 30.00 Altai Dudley, sheriff's dep uty , a C. E, Boartman, D.A post- age 5.01 J. F, Hoscil, M.U., vita! Stat. O.UU i $40.00. , Pacific Power & Light,- j In the. Milter ot AppOcatioa courthouse electricity 100.82 For Dance Hall Ijcwwei The Bend Bulletin, assessor j The Court approved the appll- 11,85; ipgaE pub. 29.00 40.S5catlon and bond of astern Star County Clerk!, Assn., 1945 Itlranee for a dance hall license association dues 5.00 1 and ordered the Clerk to Issue the I, M. Wells, dpputy sheriff, ! license forthwith, mileage 20.45; luve. 37.70.. SS.ta t West Coast Printinc & Bind t Ing Co., elm j Helen M, Dai ing Cars, supyuva oj.w j express ld.ab; 1 Northwest printing to, I clerk, supplies ., clerk, supplira . J.oo Magitl rtift Co., Jail exp 4.14 U. A, FOUOlaln, BSSOSSOr, ) postage . . -- jM,ds,l',f Hardware Co., 36.00 1.65 1 tuui uiuu v .-v j , Motorists Now Get Ijtrra Gos Mileage Thousands nf Itjotarlxte, taxlcall, truck snil tractor owners are now fretting up to M extra (H mile ac, mitre power and pick-up, mnootiicr rnnninjr and quicker siartinjr wMh a Varu-maUe on their cant. The new, improved, metal Vww-nmile ojieratesi on the Hlipereharite prlnrlplc, "Breathes" aiitomalirully and can be lntalll ly anyone in a few minuttft. Fits ail cam. Nothing to reirulate or adjust. The manufarturern, ihe Viwu-mntle ("arhurelor Co., 7BI7-mO-K HiatB St., Wiuwalnu, His. are offering Varu-matie to any one who will install it on hh car and help Introduw it to others. The will gladly (tend full free particulars If you write them or just send your name and adUrewi on a penny post card today. RAW FURS WANTED Mink - Mujlrat - Lytweat - Sltunk Weasel - Domesirc Rabbit We Wffl Cenlinue ihe Putchate of Deer and Ell Hides. Coy o e petti . . . No. I $ and No. 2s nM ran between one dollar and fifty eenh $i JO) and four dsllart mi fifty eentt ($4.50) with few encepMenal pelH at higher pricet. No. 3s and 4s are practically worthiest. CeeilC, Moore 1133 New port Ave, Bend, Ore, Fhime 613 C I McCauley, sheriff, isl 4.85; auto 30c 5,13 Bend Water Dept.-courthouse water 9.70 Gilmore Oil Compuny, sher iff, auto exp. 3M Packer-Scott Co., courthouse exp. -. 9.45 State Ind. Acc. Comm., wa termaster 1.03; peace ol ti ters 9.m ,.. 10.9T J. K. GUI Company, health dept. office exp. ,,, .TO Sharp Dohme, health dept., office exp. . . 3.60 The Bend Buiieon, health dept., office exo, 9.50 ; Brandjs Thrift-Wise, health dept., office exp. 2,0$ (Smith's Electric health ! dept., office exp, . 1,00 A. S. Aloe Company, health ' dept., office exp, 4.82 McGraw-Hill Book Co., health dept. office exp, .... 5.16 Lumbermen Insurance, ! bond premium 90.00 J. S. Davis Company, bond premium ...,... 50.00 The Shiveiy Agency, bond premium . 25,00 Andrew Foley, bond pre ' mium -. 15,00 Bender-Moss Company, cir i cuit court, books ., 8730 Burnice Shumate, health t dept., typist 41 JO A. E. Stevens, commissioner 31,85 E. E. Varco, commissioner 43J0 The Miller Lumber Co., i courthouse fuel :11O0 3. Alton Thompson, school supt., postage 10,00: coat, 11.70; travel 4.48 . 25.18 First National Bank, Dec. , withholding tax 3S0.64 DOG LICENSE FOND Mrs. W. H. Selken, turkeys kilted by dogs . 30,00 Jap Audrain, sheep killed by dogs . &S.00 The Bend Bulletin, dog II- lense receipts ,, 10,50 GENERAL, ROAD FUND Roy AUtngham, salary 10.55 T. C Daly, salary .8S.75 Herbert Frsnklto, salary 198.53 Lee Hollenbeck, salary IStj.S4 Geo. H. McAllister, salary 190,55 T. C. Merchant, salary 165,75 D. D. Tussine, salary 1S0.55 Clarence Walker, salary ,.,.,,183.23 K, E. varco, commissioner, au A. E. Stevens, commissioner 36.40 Moty & Van Dyke, parts . 14.63 Lumbermen's Insurance. P, U & F.l, ! ZS7 Pac. Power & Light, electri city SlOO Bend Water Drpt., water bill 1.45 State Industrial Accident Commission, Ins. ,, 42.00 Feenaughty Machinery Co., equipment 475.00 Central Oregon Garage, parts . ,. 50.52 Bend Iron Works, parts 8J30 Galloways, parts 2.75 J. S. Davis Company, P.L. p.d. . mos ' Eddie s Sales Serv., gen. j exp. ,, , 5.00 withholding fa ...131.97 In the Mutter of Dee To County Owned Lands: At this time the Court signed the following deeds; Ralph A, Bailey et ux Lot 4, Block 142, Second Add. to Bend Park. $30.00. Fritz H. Lundgrcn et ux Lot 6, Block 9, Deschutes. $50,00. James W, 4 Opal V. Day NW4SWK, SWIiNWK, EA- NW4. Spc. 14. Two. 21. SJL 10 JU E.W.M. 51BO.OO, n 1 I - V. H.McCotn et ux-SE"SWH Sec. 36, Twp. 17 S.R. 13 E.W.M. SEE ft"" AT WORK AND RlAY 'wear 2-WAY lenses! THERE ! ns need for you to rcitrict yc-r mmmmt activities limply bemaa you wear Wocatl. Ura',-U Stx light. Top Segment 2-W'a? Lenea provide natural i,uai cocn Vyrt help you to ssMmmm yuf natural youthful visual habiu. Lr ys explain the advsntg-i of wearing t hf l mcsderfi, imprOTtd bifaaala. srmes OPTICOL IEND-OREGON -a" la the MUer of ApoUcUktt For Beer Licenses: The Court approved applies- tions for beer licenses ts follows ; Edward L. & Ruby B, Wells. Brothers, Oregon, Retail Beer Class "C License. A. R. Hammer, Terrebonne, Oregon, Retail Beer Class "B" li cense. A, R, Hammer, Terrebonne, Oregon, Package Store Class "B ' License. . In the Matter of Claim of Indemnity for Bang's Diseased Cattle Skngiitered: At this time the Court ordered the Clerk to draw a warrant In the sum ot $12.00 to George M. Oof felt ta payment of claim of Indem nity for Bang's diseased cattle slaughtered. In the Matter of Application for license to Wreck Motor Vehicles At this time the Court approved the application of Walter Roy (Carroll Acres Wreckers) for li cense as wrecker ol motor ve hicles. , n the Matter of Leasine County Owned Lands: The Court signed the following teases; Frank Henderson NEMSWM, Sec 6, Twp. 17 S.R. 12 E.W.M. (1 yr. at 55.00 per year.) Irving H. ft tsther E, Morris 7,011.89 acres in Townships 19 and 20, SJl 14 E.W.M, for the term of Jan. 1, 19-15 to Dec 31, 153. $21035 for first year's lease to be paid on or before Jan. 1, 1945. In tna Matter of Vacating A Portion of the Deschutes Redmond County Boad ORDER VACATING This matter, coming before the Court at this time pursuant to resolution and orders made herein on September 8, 1944, September 20, 1944, and November 22, 1844, And it appearing to the Court that Notice has been given of the time and place for hearing, and proof of posting Notice having been lueo, ana tne matter coming on for hearing at this time, and there being no objection, fherft Is only one valus packed Answer to the Question There are only two main parts to any tin , . , the body and the tread , , acd GOODYEAR if superior in both. Two great, good looking, cafe, !ong-l;is! treads (All-Weather or Rib) and the beat-built body in tb busiaea caaure extra mileage, aervice end aafoty. OOODTt A8 HIAVTf DUTY y4 f 'mmm jt-s" M Is, therefore, ORDERED flat the lolJovring described portion of the Desch u tea- Redmond county row! be ami It to, hereby vac-ted and abandoned, to-rit; BeginnlDg at a point approxi mately 510 leet North of the East Tet minus ot the Ntchoi Market Road which is 400 !eet East of the waiter ol Section 26, Township 16 S., nmgg IX i, . v M, running (hense approximately 4100 feet in a Northerly direction paralleling the Oregon Trunk Railroad Tracks to an Intersection of the Dcschutes-Pleasant Ridge Market Road on the Wert side of the Ore- gon Tr unx Railroad Track. In the Matter of the Re-Sale of County Owned bak ORDER FOR SALE OF REAL PROPninr. WHEREAS, Deschutes County. Oregon, ta the owner of the real property hereinafter described, and the County Court deems it for the best interests of said County to mtt aW real property; - THEREFORE, BE IT ORDER ED, that the Sheriff be, and he is, hereby authorised and directed to sell ttm following described real property, In Use manner provided by law, for not Jess than the min imum price and terms set oppo site eaeh tract, plus costs of adver tising anil recording the deed. tareet No. 1 IMS 10, U. 13, 13, M, 15, IS, 1? in Block 109 and Lois 10, 11. 12 m Bloc 108, first Ado ttc-n to Bend Park. S2SO.O0 Cash. Parcel No. 2 SWi, Section 22, Twp. 15 S Range 13 E-WJd. tl6ttfi0 Cash. Parcel No. 5 hols 115, 10, 11. 12, 13, Block 52, Center Addition to Bend, Oregon. ( 5-150.00 down, balanc-e- ta one year.) SSSO.Ot) Terms. Parcel No. 4 WiSEW, Section 3, Twp, IS S Range 12 E-WJiL SlhOCB Cash.. There being no further busi ness. Court adjourned. C, Ik ALLEN, County Judge . E. E, VARCO, Commissioner A, M, STEVENS, Commissioner tested, SUKRIOR IM TREA.D Gccdyeaf Inada co part wh3 tit ta inilattd. bam ys mm rrti temt to ! and bfuiWi. , . 4Umr mmuf a are, maim silt I tor TOBr SUPERIOR IM BODY H low -Uich. nrisil Sup-tr-twiat enda pr 4vriep tea atranglk, fiMsd rtnUtncy to cnsMoa afcack . . . to ec'h a i'.Tr.9, tougher (in with m tutrix dia egoistl i::-:iei. INNER TU IIS $3.65 South of fori Offfca Hwneif3