PAGE pSHT THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, SATURDAY, JAN. 20, 1945 Take Mart Lead By Elmer C. Walzer (United Prena Financial Editor) New York, Jan. 20 (IB Rail road shares led the stock market down In the short session today, rounding out a week of almost steady decline that wiped out more than $1,000,000,000 (Bj of valuation on all listed shares. Trading Increased to the heavi est volume since December 16 lor a Saturday. Losses of one to ' three points were spread over a broad list and very few issues mannced to move against the trend., , , ' Rails led in activity with heav iest dealings in New York Central and Baltimore & Ohio. Nickel Plate preferred lost three points and declines of a point or more were noted In Santa Fe, Atlantic Coast Line, Pere Marquette, Louisville & Nashville, and Texas & Pacific. U. S. Steel and Bethlehem each lost a point. Allied Chemical was down two points, iosses oi a noint or more were made by In ternational Telephone, Crucible Steel issues, Lima Locomotive, Westinehouse Electric, Interna tional Harvester, American Power Issues, and Urumman Aircrau. "Woman in Dormitory" Puts USO Staff in Dither Fort Worth, Tex. mi A frantic porter burst out of the elevator and into the service men's center. "There's a woman asleep in one of the bunks on the third floor," he yelled to night staff members.' A hurried conference was held, and the night staff rode up to the dormitory room a room for men only. . . There she was, sound asleep, her wavy brown hair spread on a pillow. "You can't do this you'll have to get up, right now," said Clar ence C. Tippitt, one of the staff. "We can't have a scandal. How did you get in? What are you do ing here?" ; i - , There was no response. Tippitt remonstrated, pleaded. To no avail. Finally, in desperation he grabbed the shoulder of the sleep er. Then, suddenly he grinned sheepishly. There were concentrated howls from the GI's occupying the other bunks. The figure in the bunk was wax a hold-over from the day when the building was part of a depart ment store. s , PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 20 tP) Livestock for week: Cattle 3085, calves 350. Compared week ago. fed steers 25-50c lower but no test since Monday, other cattle closed active, steady after early steady to 25c lower trend. Many loads good fed steers $15.50-15.75, part load choice $1625. Common-medium steers $11.00-14.00. Common-me dium heifers $9.50-13.00. Good heifers to $13.75, few $14.00. Me dium-good beef cows $10.00-12.50, Fat dairy type cows $8.50-10.00. Few to $11.00, canners-cuttcrs $5.50-8.00. Common-medium bulls $8.25-10.50. Good beef bulls to $11.50; good-choice vealers $13.50- 15.00, grass calves to $13.50. Hogs 2385. Market unchanged past two weeks except feeder pigs 25-50C higher; good-choice 170-270 lbs., again $15.75, ceiling 275-300 lbs., $15.00; 300-350 lbs., $14.50; 140-165 lbs., $14.50. Good sows $13.5013.75, lightweights to $14.00. Good-choice feeder pigs largely $15.00-15.25. Good stags around $11.00. Sheep 1285. Fat lambs 25c high er,, spots up more, ewes strong but no text on top ewes. Good choice trucked in lambs $14.50 15.00. Three carloads fed lambs $15.40. Recent high. Medium-good lambs $13.00-14.00. Common down to $11.00, culls down to $8.00. Medium-good ewes $5,756.25, good choice quotable to $6.50 and over, culls down to $3.00' and under. DEBT PAID AFTER 50 YEARS Decatur, Ind. till A 50-year-old debt for a team of horses was repaid recently to John Parr, a retired farmer, by a 90-year-old woman in Kansas. In 1894, when Parr decided to leave Kansas for his native Hoosler state, he sold his horses to his neighbor and took his note, on which not a cent was paid until the $100 check ar rived and surprised him. SOUTH STREET BLUES Bronkllne, Mass. (til A colli sion on South street here Involved the automobiles of Laurence Til ton of South street, Foxboro, and Gabriel Glendrange of South street, Medfield. drtwedtoiA Syndicate ofC4ni INVISTMINT CIMIMCATIS, SOU) ONI frMffffw m rvMi( rra Pnmeipal Vadtrwriti INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Elmer Lehnherr Loral Representative 217 Oregon Phone 525 II 1 For a Classified Raies Local Paid in Advance 25 WordsOne Time S5o 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times . $1.35 All nnU arer IS dd lc pr word tiara naaiber of brtieiu On ownth run, hm copr, day rata Minimum Chaw, tie LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20o Claiildad Adwrtlilnf, Caih In Advanc DalUr CtMlnlt Tima 12:10 P. M. BEND LODGE, NO. 218 1. 0. 0. F. Meets Every Monday Night I. O. O. F. Temple 265 Franklin Avenue Robt. Leader, Noble Grand D. R. Miller, Sec, Phone 1069-W FOR SALE 2 540-EGG electric Incubators, $25.00 each. New electric heating unit for 500 chicK orooaer, ivs.uu. G. A. Krlger, 10 miles north on old highway. 2 SMALL, SINKS; 55 feet soil pipe and connections; linoleum and some water pipe. Inquire after 10:00 a. m. Sunday at Wahee cot tages. BUSINESS and INCOME PROP ERTY: One of going Restaurants in Bend. Sell fixtures complete. $7875. $2500 down. HOTEL in Bend, 40 rooms. $5000 down. 32 CITY LOTS for sale. APART MENT HOUSE and home for sale furnished. $6000. Gilberts Real Estate. RABBITS 3 does and one buck. New Zealand whites. Also hutch es. Cheap. 1435 Baltimore, call af ter b:00 p. m. NOTICE If roads and weather continue to be good we will deliver dry body wood in cord lots to customers who are completely out of dry wood. Delivery promised from 3 to 5 days. Consumers must sign O.P.A. priority statement. Brook ings wood Yard. tjnone 7b7. 3-ROOM HOUSE, 16'x28', shingled roof, and sided, to be moved oft place. Man's bicycle in good shape. Phone 37 F-23. Rt. 2, Box 312. W. H. Selken. $3200 BUYS 40 acres, 25 acres C.O.I., 4-room house, large barn, 5 miles out. $1000 cash handles. Immediate possession. C. V. Silvls, 118 Oregon. JOHNSON OUTBOARD motor, boat and trailer. $60 takes the works. Call at 1480 W. 5th Sunday. FOUR ROOM HOUSE: Two bed room, garage, good yard, shade. mast uinoy. siuu. Terms. uiiDerts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. . 25 TON first cutting alfalfa hay in stack. Ray Haver, Route 2, Box as, Bend. 6-ROOM MODERN furnished house, garage, woodshed, chicken house, 2 lots, garden spot. 124s Davenport. 1 WOOD RANGE, 30-gallon hot water tank and cast iron wood heating stove. Call 701 Hill St. COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD furni ture: Refrigerator, gas range, bedroom suite, box springs and mattress, davenport and chulr, di nette set, gas heater, baby bed. All Jrewar, good condition. A. C. eanquenot, 184 E. Kearney. NEW WEASEL fur coat, size 40, cost $395.00. Sell for $300.00. Ad dress 416 Hill Street. DARK BEDROOM suite $75.00, cook stove $15.00. baby's high 1 chair $2.00, kitchen sink $10.00, kitchen cabinet $2.50, small dress er $2.50. 164 E. Irving. SADDLE MARE, coming 4 years, rancn raised, well broken, rangy, weight 1150. High headed but gentle and sensible. No fuzztall. Priced right. C. F. Doerfler, 3 mnes norm oi Aiiaiia store. $12,000 BUYS 120 acre dairy ranch, C.O.I, water, good improve ments, all stock, farm and dairy equipment, electricity, mile from paved road. Possession in 30 flays. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. FOUR HEIFERS now milking wllh f Irst calf, some coming fresh. Pete Klobas, Rt. 2, Box 304, Bend, W mile north of 4 corners on Burns highway. DRY PINE slab wood, 16 foot length. $7.00 per cord delivered. 130 Canal St., Bend. $1350 BUYS large trailer house, well equipped. Would consider trade for stock. C. V. Silvls, 118 Oregon. FUR BUSINESS: Buy residence and furnished home. Business on inventory. Three lots. Five room modern home furnished. Fur stor-' ago. Real estate for S1500. $3000 down. Rush. Gilberts Real Estate. BARBER SHOP for sale atShev lln. Contact owner at shop. $3,000 BUYS80resr54acres C.O.I., good house and outbuild ings, 30 acres alfalfa, one acre berries, electricity, 6 miles from Bend. $2000 cash, balance easy terms Possession March 1st. C. V. Silvis. 118 Oregon. FOR KENT ! CLEAN SLEEPING imd house keeping room, kitchen and laun '; dry privileges. Linen and bedding i furnished. Automatic heal. Phone . FURNISHED not modern 3 room ! house on bus line. Inquire at 1475 1 Baltimore Ave. Phone 358-J. Little, Sell FOR BENT 3 ROOM furnished apartment, light clean rooms, hot water, heat, wood, water and lights furnished, suitable for 2 people. Call after 5:30. 236 V4.E. Irving. 3-ROOM MODERN house, vacant February 1, 2-room house and 1 room housed All furnished, with water and lights. Call 168 E. Irv ing. Phone 834-W. BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. 4 BEDROOM modern furnished house, large yard and garage, close in. Inquire 237 St. Helens. ROOM for young working woman in pleasant home. Kitchen and liv ing room privileges. $15.00 month. Come between 5 and 6 p. m. 1617 West First. 3-ROOM furnished house, not modern, on west side. Inquire 1444 Hartford. NICE CLEAN modern unfurnish ed 4 room house, close in, to re sponsible adults only. Inquire 246 Florida Ave., afternoons. MODERN 3 room furnished apartment, close to city center. Wood, water, lights furnished. $25.00. Adults only. Apply at 945 E. Second. WANTED SMALL USED tractor. M. L. Rouse, Route 1, Box 235-A, Bend. WANT TO BUY telephone box lor rural line. Needed badly by rail road man. Rt. 2, Box 17, 2 miles north on new highway. . 1 - ' WILL BUY good 3mall modern houses on west side. P. O, Box 735, Bend. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. TO BUY electric vacuum cleaner. Telephone 623-J. CYLINDER HEAD for right side 1936 Ford V-8. SSgt. Vern Hart ford, Route 2, Box 209. Phone 26-F-13. 1 . TO GET in touch with Mrs. High tower. Please call Beauty Quest, Virginia Johnson or Mrs. Thomas. 81 Oregon. Telephone 170. ' TELEPHONE for rural line. Pete Klobas, Route 2, Box 304, Bend, Ore. .. , HELP WANTED MAIDS WANTED at Pilot. Butte Inn. Apply to housekeeper. WILL GIVE responsible lady con venient living quarters in ex change for light service. Apply at Marley Hotel. Phone 294. a'pPLY for MERfTSYSTEM EX- AMINATIONS at your local Pub lic Welfare, Board of Health, or Unemployment Compensation Commission office. Final filing date January 27, 1945. Positions locally or throughout the state. OFFICE GIRL, typing and book keeping experience or training, for insurance office. Inquire 1054 Bond St., or call 331. WOMAN for office work. Must be typist, shorthand desirable but not necessary. Bend-Troy Laun dry. BEAUTY OPERATOR. Out of state operators acceptable. Li cense by reciprocity. Please get In touch with the Beauty Quest soon as possible, 81 Oregon Ave. Tele phone 170. USED CARS 1931 BUICK sedan, two good tires, others fair. See It at Entri ken's Garage on Greenwood Ave. 1931 CHEVROLET sedan, heater, good rubber, 5 tires. Phone 579-W or 6. 1254 E. 3rd. 1934 HUDSON "8" sedan, convert ed into panel, fair tires, sealed beam headlights. Needs some work, but is in running condition. $125. Lewis Gilmore Garage, Sis ters, Oregon. 1930 CHEVROLET coupe, 5 good tires, excellent condition, under ceiling price. 334 Hunter Place af ter 5 p. m. Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring UgUt Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances Genoral Electric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 644 Franklin Bend, Ore. a Lot USED CARS 1936 CORD sedan, good tires. In quire at 41 Gilchrist. .. .. LOST 20 FT. COW CHAIN lost between Bend Iron Works and town. Re turn to Bulletin for reward. TWO 4 and one 3 ration books issued to Mary and Carl Aljen, 14 Allen Road, lost Tuesday. Finder return to Bulletin. LOST DOWNTOWN Friday, key tainer with 4 keys; between Bend Dairy and Pastime pool ... hall. Phone 338-J. Ed Mehlhoff. MISCELLANEOUS WRINGER ROLLS! ; -All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. . , SPENCEP SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glayebrook. phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl Road, Bend. WASHING MACHINE repairing at 136 Greenwood, i have consoli dated with Bend Washer Service and am devoting all my time to keeping your washer in good re pair. Thanks for your patronage, I hope I can continue to serve you at above address. A. J. Palmer, 1651 Galveston. Phone 665-W. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. T.M.MO.W.a.PAT.1 NAMED FOR ITS APPEARANCE IN AREAS RAVA&ED BY HAS INVADED THE BURNED OUT SECTIONS Better Equipped In our new offices to help you with your health problems. Our cnodern equipment Mid meth ods Include Hydro and Tox Eliminator Convenient . Termi Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chtropractlo Physician 134 Minnesota Ave. Phone 794 RED RYDER THIS CURIOUS WORLD gST mifs ? - y J ) HAVE BEEN SETTING ' ' . f 11 .' vOVSdfi SINCE DECEMBBR V AjQ' . Jf H 21 T, BUT UNTIL TODAY I A -i -""" I --the mornings Lym.. " l HAVE BEEN 6ETTIN& C""UiJIr - (SO W9 II I f tetn 1 EONl VvANf TO EENO, WHITE tM' YEI-BI-CHI CEREfNONTl lPON1 SCARE" OFPX 'CCvnE CVv.THOMDER. , WE'RE" Wiw-CM lONLY A SCORED FOR INDIAN , fjfj Ti ( .Lefi- 1 l601' JUST Tri' AND v WANT" TO FwSt IrmtT J&COtM- TOD NCHGOjl&lffl I LE BEYERS LIFE- I VHis IS ONE TlE 1 YJISH M J With Bulletin Tests of Cattle In Area Planned . . . , n Pine Forest, Jan. 20 '(Special)-. Paul Reldel, agriculture commit tee chairman for the Pine Forest grange, today began listing cattle in this district to be given tuber cular and Bang's disease tests in the near future, and asks that any cattle owners wishing to have their stock tested communicate with him by writing to his ad dress on Route 1. .. The next examination of cows will be from Pine Forest out to the George Murphy ranch, Reidel said. At a grange meeting held Tues day, Reidel gave a report on the recent cattle testing in which 34 cows were examined. Vic Her, chairrpan of the legislative com mittee, also reported on the uni form truck and blanket primary bills now pending in the state leg islature. The grange voted to stage a dance on Feb. 2 for the beqefit of the "march of dimes" and the Foundation for Infantile Paraly sis fund campaign. Mrs. Stella Nelson was appointed to attend the Camp Fire Girls council In this connection. , , Tuesday's social hour consisted of' a monologue by Alice Walker, a skit by the Y.G.A. ladies and Roy Van Vleet, some songs and a quiz contest. . SINK JAP SHIPS Chungking, Jan. 20 (IBA 14th air force communique announced today that fouf more- Japanese ships had been sunk off the China coast and said, final reports from Wednesday's raid on Shanghai airdromes showed that 72 Jap planes had been destroyed, 10 probably destroyed and 11 dam aged. Fertilizers totalling over a mil lion tons were produced in Can ada last year; over one-half was used locally and nearly one-half exported. ' ' ' - f When our enemies sive oor THEY'LL HAVE TO J. M.JONES. Better to See And See Through Your little girl will look pret tier In proper glasses and her eyes will greatly benefit by our expert examination, prescrib ing and fitting. Dr. M. B. McKenney OPTOMETRIST Offices: Foot of Oregon Ave. Phone 465-W J U. S. Army Group HORIZONTAL 48 Indian 'lDeuicted is 48 Falter . insigne of the VERTICAL U. S. Army 1 Bounded 84th ,t Light brown 8 AccomplifJ) 2 Within 3 Fish 4 Drunkard . . '5 Upon 6 Cuddle 7 Hurl 10 Blow a horn 9 Seine II Pinnacle' .12 Caterpillar' "hair ii French coin 116 Paused 18 Bristly ' 11 Trial 12 South Dakota (ab.) 13 Like 15 Employed 21 German city 22 Change . 23 Pint tab.) 24 Delirium tre mens (ab.) 25 Symbol for ! selenium 26 Decimeter ( (ab.) 7 Negative 29 Right (ab.) 30 Cloth measure 32 Debit note I (ab.) 33 Test 35 Hindu queen 37 Make sad 39 Repeals 40 Hawaiian I wreath 41 Footless ii Late Amerl- . I .can humorist Either Farm Cerfsus Under Way In Deschutes The Deschutes county 1945 ag riculture census was in full swing today, following the completion of a course held for the census takers In Redmond. The course was conducted by R. L. Acker man of Lakeview, supervisor for District No. 3 of Oregon. Census takers and their districts follow: Mrs. Gladys D. Carroll, Bend city and Pine Forest; Marion C. Prichard, Eastern Star; Melvin J. McClaln, Tumalo; D. L. Ellis, Plainview and Sisters; Hilda M. Jones, Redmond city and Red mond Grange; Roy N. Dover, Bonne Home and Lapine; Mrs. Elsie Stoffel, Alfalfa; Mrs. Clara G. Bednarek, Terrebonne, and Glenn H. Slack, Millican. Indian Orphan Boy Holds . Soft Spot With Soldiers . Hammond, Ind. IIP) An army air force quartermaster unit sta t i o n e d in India has adopted "Kayo," an orphaned boy who came out of the hills and was found eating out of the camp gar bage cans. Pvt. Glen W. Williams of Ham mond, a member of the unit said that Kayo was about five years old when they found him. That was two years ago. They cut down GI clothes to fit him and have taught the lad to read, write and speak English. As soon as he was fitted with clothing, the Americans gave him a mess kit and thereafter he took his place with the soldiers for all meals. Pvt. Williams said that in two years the air corpsmen have saved over 5,000 rupees which will be WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS HALLO WELL KOLD WAVES . Just Ask the Girl Who's Had One! Well Qualified and Experienced Operators MAY LAUKA BILL1E Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 4S4 MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1533 Awbrcy Kd. Tel. 629-M ' Classified Aaawrv t Xfovfona Pvasl. E 1 n:.7los ,: m an E k I fi 2! X H X E I . SO " 'hp p o Hp! PHIL SixIE ' taBjll SPfWLNY SaT ' 17 Name 36 Bare 18 Pertaining to 38 Symbol for . the East sodium 39 Paid notice . ! 42 Hawaiian food 20 Animals 28 Verbal 29 Vegetable 43 Morsel 46 Him 48 Note in Gui- 31 woolly 32 Strike out 34 Notion do'j scale. I 12. I a w 1 is lb . ' n . up w . '' TT- " IIIIIL IH- n : it , : w if 0 IP ?JuMJi U"F"" n7 7ter" J 1 1 ' ' 1 1 1 ' used for Kayo's education. Ar rangements also have been made for the Indian boy to live with an American family when the sol diers return to, the states after the war. VERSATILE DENTIST Danville, 111. HP) Dr. S.B. Fried man who combines his dental practice with an interest in a local hotel, is thankful for experience PUBLIC SALE Tues., Jan. 23 10 a. m. First house north of Eastern SJar Grange hall, S. W. corner of Bend Airport, 8 miles northeast of Bend., 14 head long-yearling steers 13 head work horses 2 sets of harness, new Farm Machinery, full line 1 stack hay -1 stack straw 1937 Chevrolet H ton truck Some household furniture, and other articles too numerous to list. E. 0. Fitzgerald, John S. Cripe, owners. Dean Van Matre, clerk Pinkie Retinoids, A. Lewin, auctioneers Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Wonrt MlnnxoHi Phono WW TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE V2! Bee Hive Trucks and Trailer may be used anywhere in tho U.S.A. without red tape or spe cial license when transporting your own goods. Long trips, short trips anywhere. See your Texaco dealer. Mission Service Station Bond & Franklin Phone 340 obtained when he worked his Way through college. It helped him out here recently when Friedman found himself working In his ho tel kitchen. The manpower snort age, you know. 1 ILL LUCK ON GROUND Anderson, Ind. ufi Mrs. George Hughes received a letter from her husband in England, saying that after flying 140 mis sions without any ill luck, he suf fered a broken leg as he jumped from his disabled plane. AT YOUR 'SERVICE MOVING yMKm.CRATlNG 5rOR4Gf si , let 'later 1 PHONE 788 210 Irving Ave., Bend Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 1 68 839 Columbia Specializing in Long Distance Household Goods Movement LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every W Of the Year Phone 544 Bv FRED HARMAN 71