THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, FRIDAY, JAN. 19. 1945 PAGE SEVEN Stocks Decline In Active Day By Elmer C. Walzer (United frew Financial diur) New York, Jan. J.9 MWStocks declined in all departments today on moderately active trading. The decline ranged to 3 points in iere Marquette preferred. Kaii road shares generally were tne hompst hit. Iney recovereu mod erately from trie lows and tne j other sections aiso sieauieu oe lore closing time. Experts said the decline was a normal, orderly one to be expected at this time in view of tne recent sharp rise. Thejrsaid it provided a breathing spell and may have been causea in part by the highly lavorable war news which has caused some traders to revise their estimates on the duration of tne war. Announcement of a civil .com plaint against 16 steel manuiac uirers filed by Attorney tieneral biddle was ignored marketwise. General Electric, indicted yester day for alleged cartel practices, held a small gain in contrast witn most other stocks. .' Yule Cards Sought In Local Campaign A drive has been starteu in Bend for used Christmas cards, which will be made into scrap books for distribution, to child rens' hospitals, it was announced today. Kenwood, Reid and Allen school children are collecting the cards and taking them to school where they are turned over to Camp Fire girls. Anyone wishing to aonate old Christmas caras may give them to pupils of these scnoois. - HELD FOB FEDERALS Madras, January li (Special) Frank Todd, bti Warm Springs, was found guilty by City Juuge N. Seaman Monday of selling liquor to an Indian and he was linea $10 and placed in the county jail to await federal authorities irom Portland wno came for him Monday night and returned with him to appear in the U. S. Dis trict couri for trial. MRS. SIURJPHY KE-ELECTED For the fifth consecutive year, members of Circles 2 and 3 of the Catholic Altar society, have elected Mrs. M. Murphy, 245 Jef ferson place, their president and secretary-treasurer, it was an nounced today. Tne next meeting of the group will be held Tuesday at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. E. Urifnth, 35 Park, place.: r..ijfj Five Day Forecast Oregon, Washington and Idaho east of Cascades snow flurries with few showers in valleys north portion beginning at. middle of period, temperatures near normal. Oregon, Washington and Idaho west of Cascades showers begin ning at middle of period, tem peratures near normal. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 19 di'i Prices steady and unchanged on the Portland dairy market today. Prices on dairy products: Butter Cube 93 score 42c; 92 score 42 'Ac; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41 Me pound. Eggs Price to retailers: -AA large 50c; A large 48c; medium A 45c; small 40c dozen. Cheese Oregon triplets 27.2c; daisies 27.7c; Oregon loaf 27.9c. Jobbers pay c below quotations. AlthoUEh 75 Der Cent Of Peru I is in the fertile upper Amazon i valley, the area has remained un developed for lack of communi cations; it is now accessible from Lima, the capital, by a flew high way. I LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT No. 114 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator of the estate of Lavona E. Rogers, deceased has filed his final ac count in the office of the County Clerk of Deschutes County, Ore gon, and that Monday, the 5th diiy of February 1945 at the hour of 2 P. M. In the afternoon of said day, in the County Court Room of said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of .objections thereto and settlemeht thereof. Dated and first published Jan uary 5th, 1945. Last publication February 2nd, 1943. C V. SILVIS, administrator of the estate of Lavona E. Rogers, deceased. H. C. ELLIS, attorney for ad' imnisirator. xtj-M-aa-w-ovc drfuedtou eradicate INVESTMiNT CEttlFICATtS, SEtlES ONE JVikff " rrftutt frtm FriartpW Vmimmttr INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA Elmer Lehnherr I.ooal Representative 217 Oregon 1'hono 525 For a Little. Sell a Lot Classified Rates Local Paid in Advanea- ?5 Words Oho Time ., .S5c S VVonla- Three Tlinta , 7 a Wonla faix ilmea Lao All wwda ma If add lc par war Umm aummv al Uimiuom Oaa atk laa. an opr. Vk dap nla Minimum Camrpa, S4e LINK BATK 10c CAMTA1J iiuo ClaMtiied Advanuiac, Gaafc in Aavaaca vmuj vitaing lima II it f, M. FOB SALE 2 540-EGG electric Incubators, $25.00 each. New electric heating unit for 500 chick brooder, $12.00. G; A. Kriger, 10 miles north on old highway. . WINDSOR PIANO, in excellent condition. 1345 Baltimore. BUSINESS and INCOME PROP KKT'Y: One of going Restaurants m Bend. Sell nxtures complete. $7875. $2500 down. HOTEil., in bend, 40 rooms. $5000 down. 32 CJ.THT LOTS for sale. APART MENT HOUSE and home for sale furnished. $6000. Gilberts Real Estate. 56 ACRE PLACER ground 36-pat-ented; 2000 ft. pipe, 2 giants, 36 acres, woven wire tenceu. 5 room house. $4000 cash total price. Phone or call Medford Auto Wrecking Co., Medford, Ore. NOTICE If roads and weather continue to be good we will deliver dry body wood in cord lots to customers who are completely out of dry wood. Delivery promised from 3 to 5 days. Consumers must sign O.P.A. priority statement. Brook ings Wood Yard. Phone 767. $3200 BUYS 40 acres, 25 acres C.O.I., 4-room house, large barn, 5 miles out. $1000 cash handles. Immediate possession. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. FOUR ROOM HOUSE 1 Two bed room, garage, good yard, shade." Last-Olney. $1200. Terms. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. SEWING MACHINE, $25.00. Mis cellaneous articles. 1357 Kingston Ave. . ... CREAM SEPARATOR, high chair, dressers with real large beveied mirrors, knee hole desK, several real good hot water car heaters, ball and socket trailer hitches, 50-cgg incubator, also 250 egg incubator, several real good heating stoves, Colonial Junior kitchen range $15.00, bedsteads, flat bed springs, library tables, leather davenport, wash , tubs. Open evenings. 350 Division. 6-ROOM MODERN furnished house, garage, woodshed, chicken house, 2 lots, garden spot. 1245 Davenport. COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD furni ture: : Refrigerator,, gas range, bedroom suite, box springs and mattress, davenport and chair, di nette set, gas heater, baby bed. All prewar,, good condition. A. C. Jeanquenot, 184 E. Kearney. LARGE COMMERCIAL electric popcorn popper. Fifty pounds pop corn incluued. Fine for confec tionery or restaurant. Priced right. Mrs. Jim Audrain, Westside Grocery & Serv. Sta., on McKenzie highway, Redmond, Oregon. DARK BEDROOM suite $75.00, cook stove $15.00, baby's high chair $2.00, kitchen sinK $10.00, kitchen cabinet $2.50, small dress er $2.50. 164 E. Irving. S19nnn RHYS 120 acre dairv ranh mi wntnr irnnri imnrnve- munis' all stork, farm and dairv equipment, electricity. mile Irom paved road, possession in su days. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. FOUR HEIFERS now milking with first calf, some coming fresh. Pete Klobas, Rt. 2, Box 304, Bend, A mile north of 4 corners on Burns highway. A-l JERSEY-GUERNSEY cow, TB and abortion tested. Freshen, 3 weeks. Tom Fair, Rt. 2, Box 175, l',4 miles northwest of Tumalo. CIRCULATING HEATER, combi. nation wood and coal burner, like new. Call at 212 Yew Lane. DRY PINE slab wood, 16 foot length, $7.00. per cord delivered, 130 Canal St., Bend. 81350 BUYS large trailer house, well equipped. Would, consider trade for stock. C. V. Silvis, 118 Oregon. FUR BUSINESS: Buy residence; and furnished home. Business on 1 inventory. Three lots. Five room moaern home furnished. Fur stor-1 age. Real estate for $4500. $3000 j down. Rush. Gilberts Real Estate, j BARBER SHOP for sale at Shev-1 lin. Contact owner at shop. I SibixTBUYS 80 acres, 54 acres; iC.O.I., good house and outbuild lings, 30 acres alfalfa, one acre 1 berries, electricity, 6 miles from ' Bond. $2000 cash, balance easy : ! terms. Possession March 1st. C. V. ! : Silvis, 118 Oregon. I i FOR SALE OR TRADE ! 1 . I 1931-74-HARLEY Davidson mo torcycle, good condition and pre war tires. See it at 1340 Federal , i St., any time. i j I OK KENT ' I CLEAN SLEEPING and house- j keeping room, kitchen and laun dry privileges. Linen and bedding I furnished. Automatic heat Phone 433-W. I FOB BENT 3 ROOM furnished apartment, light clean rooms, hot water heat, vyood, water and lights furnished, suitable for 2 people. Call' after 5:30. 236V4 E. Irving. BOARD AND ROOM $45. Home cooked meals. Served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Ho tel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W, . . 4 BEDROOM modern furnished house, .large yard and garage, close in. Inquire 237 St. Helens. 3-ROOM furnished house, not modern, on west side. Inquire 1444 Hartford,, NICE CLEAN modern unfurnish ed 4 room house, close in, to re sponsible adults only. Inquire 246 Florida Ave., afternoons. MODERN 3 room furnished apartment, close to city center, $25.00. Adults only. Apply at 945 Ji.-second. WANTED WORK CARING for. small ranch with stock near Bend, shares or wages or as caretaker for lodge or what have you. best of references. Frank Cooper, Westlake, Oregon. SMALL USED tractor. M. L. House, Route 1, Box 235-A, Bend. TABLE SAW with motor. Room 208 Pilot Butte Inn after 5. s WANT TO RENT 2 bedroom mod ern house. Want house on Feb ruary 1st. Ralph McNeely, Hq. 317 wing, Kedmona, Air Base. WANT TO BUY telephone box for rural line. Needed badly by rail road man. Rt. 2, Box 17, 2 miles north on new highway. WILL BUY good small modern houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend. TO RENT a piano excellent care. uua Kast Third, Apt. 1. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion,. 838 Wall St. Phone 900. TO BUY electric vacuum cleaner. Telephone 623-J. ' CYLINDER HEAD for right side 1936 Ford V-8. SSgt. Vern Hart ford, Route 2, Box 209. Phone 26-F-13. TO GET in touch with Mrs. High tower. Please call Beauty Quest, Virginia Johnson or Mrs. Tiiornas. 81 Oregon. 'Telephone 170;')" J TELEPHONE for rural line. Pete Klobas, Route 2, Box 304, Bend, Ore. WANT TO BUY electric stove. Phone 224. Wm. E. Atlee, 1531 W. 4th. - HELP WANTED MAIDS WANTED at-Pilot Butte Inn. Apply to housekeeper. WILL GIVE responsible lady con venient living quarters in ex change for light service. Apply at Marley Hotel. Phone 294. OFFICE GIRL, typing and book keeping experience or training, for insurance office. Inquire 1054 Bond St., or call 331. WOMAN for office work. Must be typist, shorthand desirable but not necessary. Bend-Troy Laun dry. BEAUTY OPERATOR. Out of state operators acceptable. Li cense by reciprocity. Please get in touch with the Beauty Quest soon as possible, 81 Oregon Ave. Tele phone 170. USED CAHS 1934 OLDSMOBILE sedan. See at 1475 Fresno. 1936 PONTIAC coupe, good motor and good tires. Phone 630-J or call at 815 Columbia after 5 p. m. 37FORD :OUPE," "radio and manifold heater, good tires. See Harold Perron, Oasis Hotel, 526 Arizona. 1931 BUICK sedan, two good tires, others fair. See It at Entri ken's Garage on Greenwood Ave. 1931 CHEVROLET sedan, heater, good rubber, 5 tiros. Phone 579-W or 6. 1254 E. 3rd. 2i2 rO. ' Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring Light Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 644 Franklin Bend, Ore. USED CABS 1934 HUDSON "8" sedan, convert ed Into panel, fair tires, sealed beam ' headliehts. Needs some work, but is in running condition. $125. Lewis Gilmore Garag Sis ters, Oregon. LOST 20 FT. COW CHAIN lost between Bend Iron Works and' town. Ke. turn to Bulletin for reward. , TWO '4 and one 3 ration books issued to Mary and Carl Allen, 14 Allen Road, lost Tuesday. Finder return to Bulletin. FOUND TWO KEYS on chain found down town Wednesday. Owner may have them by calling for and pay ing for this ad at Bulletin. MISCELLANEOUS WRINGER ROLLS! , All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women s belts. Pnone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brlnson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glayebrook, phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 17J4 Steidi Road, Bend. WASHING MACHINE repairing at 136 Greenwood. I have consoli dated with Bend Washer Service and am devoting all my time to, keeping your washer In good re pair. Thanks for your patronage, I hope I can continue to serve you at above address. A.'J. Palmer, 1651 Galveston. Phone 665-W. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you lte. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. - f. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK ; Portland, Jan. 19 ilP Livestock. ! Cattle salable 25, calves 10, most- i ly the cleanup market, closing, trade mostly steady, with wetfk1 ago but- no- best steers -offer late; early market 25 to 50 cens lower with week's extreme top $16.25; common steers today $11 12.00; canners and cutter cows $6-7.50; common-medium vealers, $10-11.00; good, to choice salable $13.50-15.00. Hogs, salable 100, market aft tlve, steady, few lots good-choice 195-235 lbs. $15.75; good 440-sows o; gooa 10 cnoice ieeaer pigs, In board demand at $15-15.25. . Sheep salable and total 25, of-! fcrings limited to few cull lambs and ewes, market nominally steady, good-choice truckin lambs . quotable up to $15.00, fed carloads j eligible to Monday s top of $15.40; good ewes salable $6-6.50 or above. MRS. KANOFF SECRETARY Redmond, Jan. 19 Mrs. George W. , Kanof f has been appointed secretary of the house committees on forestry, game, public welfare and unemployment for the pres ent session of the Oregon state legislature. Mrs. Kunoff is stay ing with her daughter, Mary, a sophomore at Willamette uni versity. The first drilled oil well in the I world was completed in 1859, : near Titusvllle, Pa. RAW FURS WANTED Mint Muskrat Lynxcat - Skunk Weasel Domestic Rabbit We Will Continue the Purchase of Deer and Elk Hides. Coyote pelts . No. Is and No. 2s will run between one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) and four dollars and fifty cents ($4.50) with a few exceptional pelts at higher prices. No. 3s and 4s are practically worthless. Cecil C. Moore 1132 Newport Ave. Bend, Ore, Phone 6-13 RED RYDER OUR DAUGHTER , HANASA ,) FINE, CEBfiE TOO CAN) "MO HAlf BREEDS R0DT DID YOU YE5M0 1HE tEWDKHI go white: eaooi- Jf help r& t vn searchim' fok this horning with tell theia lf wheik we wegoims HE LIKE rAKE TALK LITTLE &EAVER HE DISAPPEARED BOY YOU DESCRIBE VWHEKE lKik t'JRP VS&n .WITH YOU, CbWEOY.' J VV0ITH TWO HORSEMEN)- WWLj THEY A5KED TO FIND s. 7 lA.Ii' ijKPV N ra-M' CHI With THIS CURIOUS WORLD ' VJgy ) s : ' 1 TRAVELS ABOUND THE SUM t'i $$.: JT VV ( ATA RATE OP IS&. )' IfS'VCW&IV ( AMLfiS PER SECOND, Oft .' IjfKS&S- . i' SEVENTEEN TIMES THE I, Wfef&A iS55Sisi' '1 SPEED WITH WHICH &jQCC,i PROJECTILES LEFT THE 1 -SH MUZZLES OP GERMAN 6UNS THAT BOMBARCD I NOA PARIS IN WORLD WAR!. m a Mt 004'R. 1M1 BY hi WHV'.CX. IC f IS THERE A BREED OF DO&S 1 k born wrrHour TAttsp I u ANSV:JR: The Schipperke, only naturally tallies! dog.. SATURDAY and MONDAY, JAN. 20 and 22 Salmon .......... . . . .tall can 27c Alaska Pink Pumpkin .No. 21 can 15c Coffee ............... 1 lb. bag 29c Chase & Corn ' Whole Prunes Fancy Cocoa Bilkers lb. can 11c Mussels ..can 29c Peas 2 No. 2 cans 29c Swwt, Tender Tomato Juice ....... No. 5 can 25c DUZ Large pkg. 26c Ivory Soap 4 medium bars 25c 4 LI CAMAY 3 bars 20c CAMAZ4 P&G SOAP 3 bars 14c USE BULLETIN WANT lis Bulletin WERE NAMED WE WUPAtAS ABOUT 1523, IN HONOR OP PRINCE PHILIP, OF SPAIN., relative ot tb PoBMrapian, is th PHONE 466 Sanborn ...No. 2 can 15c Kernel .2 lb. pkg. 33c Largo Pork & Beans Van Camp's jumbo can 15c Sperry Drifted Snow FLOUR 50 Lb. ling $2.39 Bisquick pkg. 33c ADS FOR BEST RESULTS! Classified Ads Captain Watson: Wins Citation Mrs. Frank. E. Watson, Jr.j whose husband, Capt Watson was recently awarded the bronze star by Lt, Gen. Wajter Krueger, com mander of the Sixth army, for meritorious operations against the Japanese in Leyte harbor on Oct 25, arrived in Bend yesterday with her daughter, Donna Jean, to visit friends here. They are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pol lard, 362 East Clay street. Capt. Watson, former army In spector for CCC camps in this area, left Bend In 1941 for active duty with the army. Mi's. Watson has since lived: in Redding. . Wins Citation His citation read, in part: When anLST (landing ship tank) approaching shore was bombed by enemy planes and many casual ties ana considerable damage re sulted, Captain Watson quickly organized work parties and par ticipated actively himself in clear ing the ship, "By his personal example In re moving bodies in the face of re peated, attack, he encouraged the LET US DIAGN0S YOUR CAR TROUBLE We're experts in pinning down whatever may be wrong with your car experts at repairing the trouble tool It's wise to have your car inspected at frequent intervals during difficult winter, months. Bring it in today for a thorough check-up by our experienced mechanics. O FACTORY REPAIR METHODS O TRAINED MECHANICS O COMPLETE BODY SHOP O PAINTING SPOTTING O LUBRICATION SERVICE Keep Your Car Running Weil Have It Serviced Regularly at the . . . Bend Garage Co. South of Postoffice Brooks'Scdnlon Quality Pine Lumber Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. troops to expedite unloading. By his unflagging spirit and perse verance he prevented chaotic con fusion and made possible the sav ing of much valuable equipment" Present production capacity of hlgr.-octane aviation fuel Is over 500,000 barrels a day; in post-war days aviation will probably use this supply, but automobile fuel will be several octane numbers -higher than pre-war levels. THEY'RE COMIN" FOR MILES TO SEE THE GREATEST RADIO SHOW OF ALL NOW ON THE SCREEN "The National J Barn Dance" TOWER SUNDAY , MONDAY 1st Show Sunday at 1 P. M. (Be In Line) Phone 193 Bv FRED HARMAN