PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 18, 1945 Deschutes Jury List Is Released By County Court The Drschutps county court, in bi-monthly session yesterday named Iho following to the 1915 jury list: Dorothy Nedrow, Charles L. Griffith, Marguerite Lyons, Lydia A. Cooper, Ella Dunigan, Dorothy Haner, Paul O. Miller, W. E. Reno, Burnice Shumate, Florence A. Spencer, Mrs. Geo. R. Brick, Laura Emard, Orpha Ferguson, Joe W. Hunter, John Newby, Waller Headrick, Carl A. Johnson, B. E. Whisenand, Antonc Fossen, Ralph C. Adams, George A. Buegler, Elsie Pickard, Hugh E. Simpson, Ken Hodkinson, Martha Johnson, Clara Smith, Grace Meh'enzle, Clarence W. Nelson, Paul C. Barr, Virginia Hamilton, Jennie All good, Clair Burnett, Mrs. Gale Blakley, Richard W. Brandis, Wil bur J. Buxton, Ralph VV. Craw ford, Mrs. George M. Dyer, Mil dred E. George. i H. G. Gilcher, Mabel L. Gove, Irene E. Herbring, Esther Cyrus, R. J. Skelton, Nellie Bembry, M. G. Hitchcock, Harold Nyberg, An na Wilkinson, James H. Drew, Mrs. Pearl Welgand, Ethr' 'lew ell, Molly Taylor, Florence Fried ly, Rose M. Steidl, Ruth Burkart, Thomas F. Brooks, Clara Chand ler, Elinor Craven, S. Deitrick, Harry Hamilton, Mary O. Higgins, Frank Inabnit, A. D. Lewis, Lil lian Loggan, Elizabeth M. Naylor, Maria Sherlock, Don Williams, Adelaide C. Branaman, Rena Car roll, Elizabeth Emerson. List Continued Irene Entrikin, Norman E. Gil bert, Lcora McNeeley, Corn E. Newman, Jessie Peoples, LaDessa Walter, Dorothy May Cbilders, Fred Ellcnberg, Mrs. Mabel Hilt zel. Geo. F. Hoover. Rubv Wel lcome, Lura Myrtle Tyler, Stuart T. Fox, Marie G. Hunt, Delbert (Hale, Clyde M. McKay, Iva D. Monahan. Lottie Redeman. J. E. Rentschlar, Terresa Rose, Lena Zeek, Stella Nelson, Victoria Whit taker, Ida D. Olausen, Florence T. Silvis, L. E. Crecelius, Martha Hopper, Carrie V. Scogglns, K. E. Sawyer, Alphia Sexton, Archie Symons, S. Ray Peoples, Elmer Johnson, Mrs. Frank Keller, Irv ine Hardendorf, Ruby M. Allen, Mrs. Lillian Anderson. Ruth A. Barnes, Edith M. Beach, Eleanor Bechen, Loyde Blakley, Leatha Boyd, Joe Burich, Mrs. Maud Bostick, Berenice Bartel, Melvin E. Crawford, Marjora Coahran, Mrs. I. L. Cram, Mrs. Paul Crocker, Wilma Charmon, Marie Cashman, Martha B. Conk lin, Hazel Christ, Norma Crum, Lucille Coe, Dorsey M. Coyner, Nellie Drost, Hooper Dyer, Ray IAmegican heroes by dUUIAN OLLENPOPTT, Save Time Save Walking Shop at CONGRESS Your Conveniently Located Complete Food Market Specials Friday (Saturday Grapefruit. .... .4 for 29c Largo Texas Pinks Oranges lb. 12c Siniklst m 65c lb. pkg. 19c Dried Prunes . .lb. pkg. 19c jjf He Frozen foods are delicious, easy to prepare, economical and UNRATIONED ! Full Line ! Margarine . . .2 lbs. 49c Saves Red Points RALSTON 1c SALE 25c SHREDDED RALSTON WITH REGULAR RALSTON ..BOTH 26c Leslie Table Salt 10 lb. bag 29c 3 lb. pkg. 69c MEAT SPECIALS Beef Chuck Roast lb. 30c Uruilc A 3 Points Pork Roast lb. 35c Shoulder Cuts S Points Mock, Chicken Legs... 6 for 29c Veal Short Ribs lb. 22c Or Neck No Points SEE OUR STOCk OF HOUSE DRESSES Seersuckers Ginghams Cotton Prints Rayon Prints Pretty and practical washable frocks in dozens of designs, smartly styled, of fine materials and all reasonably priced. Just look them over. Siies 1 2 to 42. 2.95 to 5.95 HERE NOW SEE THEM New Spring HATS Felts Beanies, etc. Due Soon, Big Shipment of SNOW SUITS Gloves, Slacks, Hosiery, Sport Coats, Skirts. ' " X J Lis company sur prised by Japs in the early, morning, Tech. Scrgt. Henry G. Bohlen of Kansas leaped from his foxhole, killed six and wounded several more That done he helped his buddies bring about the surrender of 12J nd kill or wound another 41. Bravery won Bohlen a lilver tar. That kind of action will speed .victory when supported by; War Bond sales. .U.S. Treasury Department Dahl, Jack S. Davis, Katherine Duffy, John DeBoer, Anderson B. Davenport, Blanche Davis, Wil liam Dorrell, Everett Donahue, R. J. Ensstrom, E. D. Fitzgerald, Ethel Foss, I'hosa Fairfield. Names Listed Etta Fields, Dorothy Franks, Edward T. Gerrish, Bertha Ger king, Bernlce L. Hoogner, Mary M. Hansen, Mrs. R. I. Hamby, Fay Hall, May E. Harvey, Craigie Han neman, New Howland, Olaf Hem sted, Mrs. Fred Hodecker, Ruby C. Johnson, Mrs. R. E. Johnson, Mildred M. Kelley, Chris Kostol, Edwin Kennedy, Jesse Kelsay, Elizabeth Kanoff, Grace Kelley, Jessie King, Lois Keeney, Mabel M( Kendall, Gus Lemke, Helen Lackaff, Josephine Llndh, M. A. Lynch, Olive E. Lewis, Alexander Mayne, Frank H. May, ureta Ma- gill, Edith C. Mallery, Geo. M. MacGregor, Carl Mitchell, Olive Means. Frank M. Neth, Doris Prentice, Mabel S. Prince, W. T. Padgett, Mary E. Putnam, Mrs. Norma Raycraft, Elsie Allen Redifer, Mrs. Ray M. Rogers, Emma E. Royal, Mrs. Daisy Smith, Glenn H. Slack, Mrs. Elsie Stoffel, E. A. Sather, Marvella K. Smith, D. V. Starr, Lota Stanton, Ethel L. Smith, Mrs. C. H. Sawyer, Addie Triplett, Alice Teater, Jess Teth erow, Dorothy Van Allen, Caroline Van Mntre, Caroline K. Wood, Mrs. Cassie Wells, Mave Her, Mattie Ives, Hazel Bowden. Japs Note Loss Of 2 Admirals " Tokyo, Jan. 18 (U'i The deaths of Vice Admiral Sadimich Kajioka and Rear Admiral Minegoro Kam eyama have been announced by the Hokosuka naval station, the Dumei news agency said today in a transmission recorded by the FCC. The dispatch gave no details. Their deaths brought to82 the number of Japanese admirals re ported to have died on active duty since May, 1944. PROFESSOR HELPS OUT Amherst, Mass. tlH Prof. W. H. Tague of Massachusetts state college decided recently to do something about the hundreds of sewing machines which house wives couldn't get repaired be cause of the shortage of repair men. So he set up an all-day sew ing machine clinic at Town hall. The women brought their ma chines to the hall where they re paired them themselves under Prof. Tague's watchful eye. OWN FOREST FOR STUDENTS South Hadley, Mass. iui -South Hadley soon will be one of the few school systems in the Berk shires to own its own forpst. The department plans to purchase a 3!5acre forest where the students, can learn practical woodcraft. Giant Airships May Linkil. S. And Australia Akron, O. II'i Airship service, using giant dirigible of the luxury-liner class, may be instituted after the war between the United States and Australia, reports here Indicated. Such service was the subject of recent conversations between offi cials of the Goodyear Aircraft Corp., potential builders of the dirigibles, and two members of a leading Australian banking con cern. The airships, numbering ' at least two and possibly four, would be of 10,000,000-eubic foot capa city with helium gas, on which this country holds u world monop oly. There would be two types of ships one a cabin-ship job com plete to private staterooms and baths for 100 passengers, the other with accommodations for 200 to 300 tourist class passengers in chairs. . No detailed designs of the pro posed giant dirigibles has been made yet, but they are proposed for a load of 92 'A tons and with a useful lift of 305,000 pounds. They would cruise at a range of 2,500 miles, approximately the distance between San Francisco and Hono lulu. A Goodyear Aircraft spokes man said, "We have given them (the Australian bankers) the po tentialities of the-airship and have told them what it can do; but we are not and cannot be the oper ators." All facilities of the local plant at present are engaged in building fighter airplanes and airplane parts and will continue to do so for the duration, he said. Airport construction materials in Mexico are now on a high pri ority rating because more land ing fields are necessary for the increased airplane service. (fVowtiose A Drops Mass r Breathing I Easier I Invites I Rsstful I Slesp I -Spoils Sleep Tonight, You'll like the way Va-tro-nol works right where trouble is to open up nose-relieve stuffy transient con gestion. ( Also grand for relieving sniffiy, sneezy, stuffy distress of head colds.) Follow directions In folder. VlfiKS VA-TRO-NOL Help Build the B-29 SUPERFORTRESS (THE BIG NEW BOEING BOMBER) BOEING REPRESENTATIVE NOW INTERVIEWING IN BEND Free transportation to Seattle, Washington. Men especially needed. x Physically qualified women also eligible. Good pay Excellent working conditions. You will be paid while training. ' 1 Help build America's most needed big bomber. DON'T DELAY! APPLY AT THE UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE OF THE WAR MANPOWER COMMISSION, COUNTY COURT HOUSE Those now engaged in essential war work need not apply. HHP BUfID FOR VJCTORr WV'tV Ti fV ?V tV t$ rtV V TV V Ttf rv rt -rV ,fS W rv V 7V r' rv ?v . rv -TV r rV'Of jrVrvTVv ' SHAKESPEARE The world's meit famous playwright and post was born of obscure parents in Stratford-onAvon, England, in 1564. Throughout the centuries since, Wilii Shakespeare has stood out because he wrote .such lines as have placed him first among the earth's literary great. L QUALITY IS ALWAYS WORTH WAITING FOR Blitz -Weinhard beer does, in truth, stand out. The consistency and quality of its goodness' are certain as spring. That's why people who really know taste enjoyment would rather wait for Blitz -Weinhard ... the beer so good it's guaranteed satisfying. KHizWeniiiUTO Guaranteed Satisfying BEER keep asking BlITZ-WEINHARD COMPANY PORTLAND, OREGON r- : One always stands out I ZFOR IT BY NAME Trrgf5ff .... fJf 'isr FOOD MARKET lJ 2I0 Congress phone 360