3 PAGE TWO. France Plans to Nationalize Its Maritime Lines Paris (IP France now has at her exclusive disposal only about 150,000 tons of merchant ship ping, which is one-twentieth of her entire merchant fleet in 1939. It total then 2,900,000 tons. ' This extraordinarily low figure is due to the fact that part of the fleet has been sunk or destroyed, and another part either is used by the allies or has been requisl- tioned bv foreign .countries such as Japan and the Argentine Re public. It is confirmed that 800,000 tons of French merchant vesnels have been destroyed; although the fate of 1,000,000 tons remains uncer tain, loss of the greater portion of this latter tonnage is probable. Thus, there are still 1,100,000 tons of French merchant shipping afloat, but 850,000 tons being used by the allied navies, and 100,000 tons held in Japanese and Argen tine ports, it means France has praottcally jio merchant marine at present. Subsidies to End The reconstruction of a mer chant fleet is one of the major problems the French government will face as soon as it becomes materially possible to tackle it. French shipowners are anxious to have a free hand but Minister of Transport Rene Mayer an nounced the government contem plates nationalization of regular lines. Accordingly, cargoes having no fixed itineraries and tramp steamers can continue In the hands of private concerns, but in stead of continuing to cash big government subsidies, the other companies must fall under direct state administration. Minister Mayer said that one or two "societies of public service" will be formed to operate in ac cordance with the different con ditions of administration. At least two organizations will function, .one for north and south Atlantic traffic; and another for the Medi terranean and Far Eastern traf fic. These societies will be under Many Values Offered Qt These values are subject to stock on hand, Oi WW(V' of J Of some items, quantities are limited, W oiAA MOTOR Olt gMQu, CRIB PI2 I T " $7" Popular "Tu Level" model In white or ivory. Mattress can be raised or lowered for Baby's Safety and Mother's Conveni ence. G2260. AUTO BABY SEAT Re9. $3.19 $2.44 Metol frame, wooden arms and floating teat. Comfortable and safe. C-27SS, fiw THROW RUG Originally $9.95 Large 30x50 Inch sire in oblong shape . . . shag rug in popular colors. G8236. 14x18' CHAMOIS A dondy domestic chamois for home or ear. XI 633. Rig. 9Sc .....Special strict government control, but or ganized on a commercial basis, Until nationalization can be ac complished, a provisional commit tee will replace the boards of administration in the subsidized companies: this committee is to include civil servants, union dele gates and representatives of tech nicians in the shipbuilding indus try, all of whom will be desig nated by the Minister of Trans port. The committee will admin ister the fleet belonging to each subsidized company, control the company Itself, and prepare the organization of the Society of Public Service. Plan Sea-Air Services In spite of that prospect, French shipowners are planning for post-war purposes a closer co operation between sea and air transport. Many feel that such co-operation can be developed much more than it has bien in the past. As early as 1935, one French company doubled its mer chant traffic on the line from French Senegal to Congo, using transport planes for that purpose. It was quite successful, and the combined sea and air services on the same line worked smoothly under the same management. More services of this nature may be started. There has been no fresh devel opment In the question of French ships requisitioned by the Argen tine government. The French companies owning these ships have adopted the Do Gaulle gov ernment point of view and ex pressed their opinion that the three ships held in the Argentine should Be returned to their French owners. It is probable that this question will come up again shortly. 'PUSHES UP' VVAIt DATE Montpelier, Vt. (ill Vermont has been fighting the war three months longer than her sister states. To facilitate payment of a bonus promised to the Vermont national guard, the state legisla ture declared that a state of war existed against the axis after President Roosevelt's order to the navy to "shoot-on-sight" at nazi U-boats. Twin-screw, 200 -horsepower towboats built in Missouri are in use on the upper Amazon, more than 2,500 miles from the mouth of the river. Per Quart In Gallon Containtr. Federal Tax In cluded. Equal to 35c per Quart Oils. Panel End 20 Allowance 20 trade-In allow once for your old battery on a famous Wizard or Western Giant. The batteries that hove OVER-SIZE "OXI-VITE" PLATES NON . OVERFLOW VENT PLUGS and ONE-PIECE MOULD ED CASES. Originally $13.95 45-Plote WIZARD, No. 1 Cose. Fits mast Chcvrolets, Dodges, Plymouths, Ford "A". 09810. Reg. price $8.25. Exchange price 45-Ploe WESTERN GIANT No. 1 Cose. FIBERGLAS INSULATION. Fits most Chevrolet, Dodges, Plymouths, Ford "A". 09910. Reg. price $8.95. Exchange price WITH CASE & M.I 7 Non -glare, medium smoke tinted lense goggles with leather ette case. C41 02. For Ford V-0 and Mercury I932-"I0 models. C5380-2 . . $6.40. IXCHANGI PRICE...- 88c THE Church Planning For Dedication The dedication of an all dark oak Interior will be highlighted Sunday at the 11 o'clock services at First Lutheran church by the Visit of Rt. Rev. H. L. Foss, Pacific district president. He will speak at the festival service in the morn ing nd at an informal gathering at two thirty in the afternoon. Formal dedication of these, furnishings will mark the com pletion of a major project for the congregation. Twenty two pews, a pulpit, baptismal font, choir screen, communion railing, and a heavy wine carpet comprise the items. They have been made pos sible through individual gifts, memorials, and the efforts of organizations. At the morning service, Bishop H. L. Foss will deliver the main dedication sermon. Rev. Foss re ceived his honorary "Doctor of Divinity" degree the summer of 1944 from Luther college, De corah, Iowa. The families of the church are serving a noon meal. Mrs. Ray Anderson and Mrs. Lloyd Broe head the group who are prepar ing for this. Talent To Assist In the afternoon gathering much local talent will participate. The senior choir is to sing "Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus", and' "Now the Day is Over". Beverley j Wennerstrom and Mrs. M. A.I Thompson wil also sing vocal I numbers. Those who are to give I three minute talks include Harvey i Jacobson on behalf of the Luther league, and Oscar Osmundson for the Men's Brotherhood. Mrs. H. L. Mikelson on behalf of the Ladies aid will give the carpet; Mrs. Geo. Erickson is to represent the pioneers; Mrs. Harry Herland will present the pulpit on behalf of the LDR; Mrs. Chas. Viergus will speak on the memorial bap tismal font; Larry Lermo speak ing for the Sunday school will give the communion railing; W. B. Anderson, the chief solicitor, Is to present the pews; C. J. Lindh is to give a greeting "Tomorrow"; . . Lot! In Your Own rffllU SUPflEMEU II MOtto. II 1 1 taatflrMlaf I w Truly o supreme quality oil . . double distilled from 100 pure Pennsyl vania crudes . . wax-free . . defies i extreme temperatures . . flows freely . . lubricates thoroughly. TRADE - IN $560 $716 "Sportglas" GOGGLES Guaranteed Factory Rebuilt Distributors $269 BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 18. and the guest Dr. H. L. Foss will accept the furnishings. It is announced that the public Is welcome at any time to see this refurbished auditorium. The f ur uiture was secured from Wauk esha, Wisconsin. Dr. H. L. Foss will be the guest of Rev. and Mrs. M. A. Thompson while in Bend. His home is at Seattle and he serves the area from California to Alaska in an administrative capacity. 300 Exhibits Planned For Home Exposition Chicago (in Eighty-six cities, representing 34 states, have al ready registered for. the exposi tion of the national association of home builders in Chicago, Jan. 15 20. George F. Nixon, chairman of the exhibit-convention committee, believes that advance registration "is a definite indication of tremen dous interest on the part of pro fessional home building agencies. "The public is eagerly waiting to learn at first hand what manu facturers of building materials and home equipment participat ing in the exposition will have to tell in their postwar story for prospective home owners." The exhibits, which are expect ed to number more than 300, will be produced in miniature and in clude complete, representation of materials and equipment which go into home building needs. sOTMKhMMM ,J Mummtrntm , 1 i 50 lb. bag 2.29 White Beans 5 45c Great Northern or Navy dr8& Quart W39c Pint . . .29c Mbsson Upton Heinz Baby Foods, 4 cans 25c straineu Kreamed Honey cup 31c Staley's Cube Starch . .4 pkgs. 25c I Lb. Jar No-Rub Floor Wax qt. 45c Velvet Tobacco Personal bar 5c large pkg. 23c For Week Listed USO activities this week-end will be under the supervision of the Methodist Women's society, Mrs. Craig Coyner, director, has announced. Members of the socie ty will serve on both Saturday and Sunday. The USO is located In Trinity parish hall at the south end of Wall street. The quarters are open on week ends only. The schedule is as fol lows: Saturdays: Opens, 4:00 Dance, 8:00 p.m.; Closes, p.m. Sundays: Opens, 1:00 p.m fot, Sunday special 4:00 Closes, 11:00 p.m. p.m. 11:45 ! Buf- p.m, From the first breaking of ground for a home to the last coat of paint, the exposition, will emphasize the strides being made by the building industry to re duce costs and brine into the home the improvements which make for efficiency, economy and better American home -making sianaaras. SIGN OF THE TIMES Boston HP) Sign in a Boston tea-room: "Not responsible for snagged stockings. " Saving money Is easy sledding when you coast through your food buying at our famous WHITE FOODS SALE a blizzard of bargains in fine quality foods. It's a real economy event because so many of the foods you serve daily are white in color. Buy them here and bring your food costs sliding down because we've really taken prices for a sleigh ride this Fillsbury's Soy Mix Staley's White Syrup White Rice Blue Kose, Long Grain 2 lbs. 25c Quart . ; .53c NOODLES 0-St-GmKl KgB lb. pkg. 19c Raisins 4 lbs. 49c Mince Meat .2 lbs. 29c Shrimp can 37c Dill Pickles . ....... .qt. 29c Grated Tuna lean 25c Kotex,54inpkg... 89c 1945 -KBND- Voice of Central Oregon Affiliated With Mutual TONIGHTS PROGRAM 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Real Life Stories 6:30 Treasure Hour of Song 7:00 The Jaycees Speak 7:15 Lowell Thomas 7:30 Red Ryder 8:00 The Grange Reporter 8:15 Vaughn Monroe's Orchestra 8:30 True Detective Mysteries 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Rex Miller 9:30 Wings Over the Nation 10:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 10:15 Sonny Dunham's Orchestra FRIDAY, JAN. 19 7:00 News 7:15 Rise and Shine 7:30 Baker's Best Buys 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:55 News 8:00 Arthur Gaeth 8:15 Hillbillies 8:30 News 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Women in the News 8:55 Lanny and Ginger . week. rw No. 10 H 69c 24 Oz. Square feMMfi 5c iH figl Pint Ifcll Jar iy zoc 31c Si Lb. Pkg. 21c 1340 Kilocyclei Don I BfoaoWinq System 9:00 William Lang & News 9:15 Rationing News 9:20 Old Family Almanac Gloria LaVey 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Terry's House Party in.qn i.nncK.ion With Lopez 10:45 News of Prineville 11:35 Lady About Town 11:40 News 11:45 Lum 'n Abner 120 Teddy Powell's Orchestra 12:10 Sports xarns 12:15 Gaylord Carter 12:30 News 12:45 Farmer's Hour 1:00 Russ Morgan's Orchestra 1:15 Do You Need Advice? 1:30 Jan Garber's Orchestra 2:00 Handy Man 2:15 Melody Time 2:30 Deep River Boys 2:45 Back to the Bible 3:00 Griffin Reporting 3:15 Concert Hall 3:45 Johnson Family 4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 4:15 Music and Lyrics 4:30 House of Mystery 4:45 Coronet Story Teller 4:55 Central Oregon News 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Superman 5:30 Tom Mix Round Steak ...lb. 39c Guaranteed Tender Rolled Beef Roast lb. 39c No Bone, No Waste . Beef Roast lb. 29c Prime Steer Beef Liver, tender 2 lbs. 39c Beef or Pork Head Cheese lb. 25c Home Made CHICKENS FISH OYSTERS pkg. 15c IV2 . 15c White Sugar 10 63( MILK All Brandy Tall 3 cans 29c GRAPEFRUIT Arizona SPITZ APPLES 3 lbs. 29c CARROTS 2 bunches 15c PARSNIPS 4 lbs. 29c RADISHES ....bunch 5c I'KESH KltUITS AND VEGETABLES FOB YOLK TABLE, AKKIVING EVEBY DAY. Fountain Corn . .2 No. 2 cans 29c Apple Butter 28 oz. jar 23c Dainty Peas .... .2 No. 2 cans 29c Grapefruit Juice . .No. 5 can 33c Tomato Juice . .... No. 5 can 25c Apple Juice . . -if 5:45 Night News Wire o:uu uaonei Heatter 6:15 The Jaycees Speak 6:30 Double or Nothing 7:00 Sammy Kaye's Orchestr, 7:15-LoweU Thomas " 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00 Boxing Bouts 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Cecil Brown 9:30 Freedom of Opportunity 10:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 10:15 Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra GI'S COAT EXPLODES Mexico, Mo. HP) Pvt. Ned Hm. drix, somewhere in German" stowed his coat safely away toZ' a foxhole. He'd just about 2 pleted the foxhole when a X landed some distance away t& ing his head out, Hendrix ioua the concussion from the explodil shell had detonated the ammu tion he had put with his cat Everything went off at oneek eluding Hendrix's last pack old arettes. WHAT A RELIEF! Portsmouth, N. H. tuK the same old story for attornn Harold M. Smith, who nearly m fered a complete physical collar while trying to row his against the strong current ol (h, Piscataqua river. After he lilted his anchor, Smith found the cut. rent wasn't nearly so strong. Buy National War Bonds Nowii Gohrke's-Phone 207 SMOKED PORK LOIN Tenderized Tastes Like Ham By the Piece lb. 42c 1 lb. jar llll ORANGES Large, Juicy Smikist doz. 35c .....4 for 25c lb. 67( . qt. 25c gal. 89c 3 bars 20c Factor Rebuilt FUEL PUMP For Ford V-8, 1936 lo 1941. L8732, L8748. Price, $2 49. 845 Wall Phone 470 6 bars 25ci EXCHANGE PRICE. $1.49 At 1.17.49 CS J I JTSTS