PAGE TWELVE THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 18, 1945 f A I AM AID pt. 25c . liVV SWEET CHOCOLATE . . . . 1 lb. pkg. 25c Guittard's Ground - ' ' MALTED MILK, reg. 35c size ... . . 29c Plain or Chocolate 1 ; Sun Dried Prunes ... .1 lb. pkg. 17c Fiesta, Medium Size Nestle's Sweet Milk Cocoa.. ...--1 lb. pkg. 19c Hershey's Cocoa i lb-P 2c Dessert or Pudding - 3 for 19c Royal Gelatine Assorted Flavors Stoley's Cube Starch, 12 ox. pkg 3 for 21 e Orange or Lemon Peel -1 lb .pkg. 39c Dried Pears. Fancy Grade 1 lb. pkg. 39e Hamburger or Sweet Relish, jar 19c Nalley's 12 O. Jar Thompson Seedless Raisins 4 lb. pkg. 45c Or Sun Kins Deluxe Soup Mix 3 pkgs. 25c Assorted Makes a Quart All Nu Floor Wax qt. bottle 49c No Rubbing, Waterproof All Nu Lemon Oil Polish 8 ox. bottle 15c For Floors or Furniture Ass't. Jams & Preserves, 1 lb. jar 33c - Kerr's No Points All Nu Window Cleaner 8 ox. bottle 15c Apply It, Wipe Off It's Clean! Purex Bathroom Tissue 4 for 15c Soft, White Cottonseed Oil ... qt. bottle 55c Dinner Bell No Points mm cocoa lib. .. BSt! 10c L AUNT JEMIMA Pancake Flour 5 Lb. Pig. 49c i Fresh Cucumber Pickles . . . .24 oz. jar 31c Heinz Apricade ............. .12 oz. can 13c Apricot Pulp Juice . - Orange Marmalade 11b. 21c Kraft's Cheese . . ... V. ... . . 5 bz. jar 19c Southern Yams .... .No. 2 can 27c Palmdale In Light Syrup i Ben Hur Hot Mustard ..... ...6 ox. jar 10c Ben Hur Season All - - 4 ox. pkg. 25c Delicious on steaks, haiwrs, etc. Apple Cider Vinegar pt. bottle 10c Speas Zee Paper Towels 150 to roll 10c Chicken Ravioli ..... .1 lb. jar 23c Riviera With Mushroom Sauce No Points Soya Mix 24 ox. pkg. 19c For Delicious Pancakes anil Waffles Spanish Stuffed Qlives 6 J ox. jar 49c Orbett Ripe Olives 10 ox. jar 23c Select Fancy Tuna 7 ox. can 35c While Star 3 Points Green Olives 10 oz. jar 49c Palmdalo Grated Tuna 6 ox. can 25c Ocean Chief Points Sardines in Tomato Sauce 15 ox. can 14c Katwell Columbia Salmon 7 ox. can 25c Mcrrlnmc 8 Points 11b. KHZ 29c Iffluijr Drip Grind 1 . r- 1 lb. pkg. 17c Jumbo 3 can Kg 15c IgS Fancy Red Salmon 1 lb. can 46c Seaklst l Points Layerpak Vegetables.. No. 2 can 24c For Salmis or Garnishes Green Beans, Julienne. .No. 2 can 27c S&W, Seasoned With Salt 10 Points Royal Ann Cherries, No. 303 glass 36c Palmdale 30 Points Krispy Crackers 2 lb. pkg., 31 e Chicken & Noodle Soup 2 for 25c Lynden lOij Oz. Can . Orange Juice No. 2 can 23c Slimline. Blended Juice No. 2 can 23c Sundlno S & W Tomato Sauce.. 8 ox. can 8c Tomato Juice. 12 ox. can 8c Sacramento 10 Points FRUITS and VEGETABLES RECEIVED FRESH DAILY PILAND'S MARKET Liver lb. 23c Young Steer Beef Veal Round lb. 39c Juicy, Tender Steaks Fresh Smelt .....2 lbs. 37c Pork Roast lb. 29c Loin Cuts Corn Beef lb. 35c Boneles Sugar Cure Olives 17c (.anrornia ureen GOOSE RARE IN OREGON SPENDING WINTER HERE Visiting In Bend with water- fowl of the Mirror pond this win- l ter is one of Oregon's rarest mi grants, Ross s goose, a bird whose i nesting place, now known to be In the isolated Interior of Alaska, remained undiscovered until re cent years, it was learned here today. Presence of the strange bird on the Mirror pond was called to the attention of H. H. Sheldon, local naturalist and photographer, by Charles H. Bishop, former city park gardener. Sheldon studied the migrant and positively Identi fied It as Ross's goose, named af ter Bernard R. Ross, British natur alist with Hudson's Bay company in early days. . Sheldon reports that Ross's goose is somewhat similar in gen eral appearance to the lesser snow goose, but is much smaller in size. Ross's goose Is about the size of a mallard duck, but Is white except for the wings, which have black tips and gray patches, and in some of the specimens the neck and breast are washed or stained with rusty orange. It is a'lso distinguished from the lesser snow goose by its roughened war ty area at the base of the bill. In Oregon, Ross's goose is list ed on the basis of two specimens, it Is pointed out In "Birds of Ore gon," by Cabrlelson and Jewett. The first was reported by Charles E. Bendire, in 1877. This specimen was obtained on SUvies river. "It appears to be a rare species, and was shot out of a flock of 12 bv Sgt. Kennedy of my company," Captain Bendire sported in that distant dav. This specimen Is now in the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, in Cam- Dnage, nass. . The second Oregon specimen was from Adel, in Lake county, and was killed on November 3. 1921, by W. S. Wyble, of Adel, and presented to Stanley O. Jewett. Naturalists say that it is evi dent that Oregon lies to the west of the main flight line of this little goose, which regularly stops at Great Falls, Mont., "for lunch," then continues south to winter In the northern Sacramento valley. The Bend visitor, which prob ably dropped from a migrating flock this past fall, appears to have suffered a wing impairment, and will probably make Its home here through the entire winter. Its associates on the Mirror pond are the speckle breasts, another species of geese. Merchants Bar Japanese Trade Hood River, Ore., Jan. 18 tP Hood River- today was the second cpmmunity In Oregon where mer chants have barred Japanese trade, nine businessmen posting "No Jap Trade" signs at their stores. Several merchants at Gresham bave taken the same means of discouraging the return of Japa nese to the Pacific coast. Members of the Hood River American Legion post pointed out that the store proprietors in Hood River were supporting the legion stand and announced that probably more stores would fol low suit. The legion also circu lated petitions seeking names of those who were "100 per cent back of the legion's stand." - In opposition to the move, the Odell, .Ore., community church in Hood River valley passed a reso; lutlon . asking the American Le gion to restore the names of 16 Japanese - American soldiers ex punged from a legion roll of nonor. Jron rails, laid in 1826 on a four - mile railroad in Quincy, Mass., to haul granite blocks, were the first metal rails replac ing wood to be used in America. Pleasant Ridge Pleasant Ridge, Jan. 18 (Spe cial) Ed Olson left on Tuesday fo rhls home at Lebanon. Harold McKay and family of Terrebonne were Sunday visitors at the Kasmus Peterson home. Visitors at the homes of Ole Hanson and Mikkelsens are Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nicholsen of Hay- ward, Calif., and Mrs. Nelson and daughter-in-law of Salinas Cal., they are also visiting Mrs. Net son's son who is stationed at the Redmond air base. Monday visitors at the Rasmus Peterson home were Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hansen and Mrs. Mikkelsen and Alfred and their California guests. . , Mrs. Sid Conklln attended a party Saturday at the home of Mrs. Stanley Brown of Kedmond, Browns mother who is visiting the party was in honor of Mrs. her. Rasmus Petersen and Minnie Bursorr were ' Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vaughn of Redmond. Mrs. Alfred Pedersen was a Sat urday caller at the Rasmus Peter sen home. Mrs. Don Kissler of Redmond visited her mother Minnie Burson on Monday. Mrs. Idona Fix and daughters and Mrs. Betty Farsvedt and baby son of Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Berry were Sunday sup- FOOD MARKET and FEED STORE North Highway - Free Delivery Phone 776 "The Store of Personal Service" Fancy Prunes Clara Vol Brand 2 pkgs. .....35c LEAST TIMEk(j5$f Jumbo Size Can 15c Peanut Butter Skippy 1 lb. jar ....33c Pumpkin No. 21 can 15c Diamond A Fancy Diced Beets .No. 2 can 13c jCWheaties 15c RINSO Large Package 23c FLOUR Drifted Snow. 50 lbs. 2.39 CORN Whole Kernel HD Vacuum Pack can 15c Pork Roast ... .lb. 31c Choice Shouhler Cuts Beef Stew lb. 33c - , Boneless No Waste Hamburger ............... lb. 28c Fresh Ground Polish Sausage lb. 37c SSI? BEST BY triple TEST CI j,.:n-' -tkvlm "."9mm ' ' mtmamm. Jjm j 4asssssWsB-MWIssMssMsMHsss yiWi'ifi il .L-..tfMjjjftftffffj" jjL B )( We're talking about suits : ; ; not a soft drink c : : in case you were confused. Couldn't resist that headline, . ' ' though, because it fits these suits perfectly . . ; like they'll fit you. Triple Test Worsteds are their name' ; : ; for the sound reason that the fine looking material in each had to pass three stringent, scientific tests: first, a test for style, then one for quality, and finally one for value. And after carefully examining these Triple Tests we think you'll agree that they're the best buys in town (or out, for that matter). More than .agreeably priced at only $4500 and $4950 TRIPLE TEST WORSTEDS by Hart Schaffner & Marx Other Nationally Known Winter Suits ' Priced at $2950-$3500 103 Oregon per guests at the G. A. Kriger home. Jim Puckett is employed at the Hank garage in Redmond. Alfred Pederson and Charles Schliekelman were Sunday callers at the Ahlstrom home. War Briefs (By United Treat) Western Front American forces battle through north flank of Ardennes salient to within five miles of St. Vith; Germans widen bridgehead above Strasbourg In Alsace. Eastern Front Red army sweeps toward Germany's east ern frontier and military observ ers believe nazis may make stand behind Oder river inside reich. Pacific Japanese reported evacuating key personnel from Manila in expectation of early fall. Air War American heavy bombers attack rail and industrial center of Magdeburg. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Dhtrtss Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FrotBookToHiofHouMTroitanirithtt Mutt 1Mb or H Will Cost Vo Nothing Over two million bottlesof the WILLARD TRKATMBNThiT. been .oldfor relief of ymptoma of distress arising from Stsnwch and Diesdenal Ulesr. due to Sxcms AcM Oigsstlsn. fesar or UpMt Stomach, Q linns. IIsmLwii. Olss.lsi.nsis. etc., due to Cicvts Add. Sold on l&davs' trts.ll Ask for "Wlltard's Mtnmf" which fully explains this treatment tre. as BRANDIS THRIFT-WISE DRl'G STORE MAGILL DRUG COMPANY U. S. Army Leader Answer to Prevfetrs Pottle HORIZONTAL 41 Moths I Pictured 42 Learn militarist, Maj.-Gen: George & 43 Daybreak (comb, form) 45 Cases (ab.) w paymasters iu He com mander of the air forces in on boats VERTICAL China, India and Burma 12 Surgical saw 13 Number 14 Peer Gynt's mother ,15 Magic 16 God of love 18 Scheme 19 Amount (ab.) .20 Mythical king of Britain' 21 Coverlet' .22 Parcel post (ab.) 23 Clothes 24 Indian province 25 Depend 26 Mine 27 Poker stake 28 Cleave - 29 Laughter sound 30 Pochard 31 Caterpillar hair 32Tasto solo . (ab.) 33 Clamorous 34 Fruit 36 Heart 37 Abyss 38 Great Lake 39 Soft drinks 40 Blow a horn Id Put tntt llnA 1 Leather thong 17 Short-napped 2 Highest suit in cards 3 Lease 4 Mimic 5 Symbol for tantalum 6 Vigor 7 Short jacket 8 Affirmative 9 Half-em 10 Sequester 11 Colonize fabric ' 18 Nephrite 20Darinu - 21 Quod est' V (ab.) A 23Rentersi Sf- 24 Per 25 Tapes again 26 Mother 28 Altar screen' 29 High school (ab.l . 30 Painful 31 Containing soda s 32 Symbol for r tellurium j ,33 Lag -;35 Grazing. . J homestead (ab.) 36 Blood monfl 38 Divisions oj " geologicat time ' 40 Pinnacle . ,'42 Cubic (ab.) 44 Bone 1 1 s j I r ja ii ' fcvp ii !! I r A ww !l ,ZllEZZ r " ! H !! lr is- w&tti W JS IV&J ' I'll) a