THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREG'6ft, WEDNESDAY. JAN. 17. 1945 7 PAGE SEYEN Growers of Seed lo Meet Jan. 23 New developments In Oregon's wrtified potato seed business will Z considered at the annual meet in? of the Oregon Seed Growers eaaue in Eugene January 23 and Exports Dr. M. B. McKay, Treutaale, who has been appoint ed chairman ol the potato seed committee by President Joe Har land of the league. Harry Jack man of Malin is vice-chairman of this commiuce. The OPA ceiling price setup and its effect on certified seed nroduction will be considered by the committee, which will draft -v,mmendations if necessary, ays Dr. McKay. Growers will be Iked to express their opinions on the premiums now allowed for ,,-titipd seed, and will also be if they think there is any further need for war approved seed. Tonics Listed The California market for Ore gon White Rose seed and the pos sibility of recovering some of the (nrmHr Burbank seed business ..-ill be up for discussion. The pos sibility of an expanded potato seed business with the develop ment of new postwar irrigation projects in the west will be looked into. Such new irrigation devel opments include the Columbia basin project, the north unit of hp Deschutes project, now near- inir completion, and the Sacra mento valley irrigation develop- mpnt. Other committees at the annual meeting will work on the prob lems of legume seed growers, cover crop seed producers, grass seed, weed control, and vegetable and miscellaneous seeds. The state seed league meeting is considered a vital factor in Oregon's seed business, which in turn is of primary importance in war food production, according to local committeemen. Telephone Users Elect Officers Grance Hall, Jan. 17 (Special) Officers for 1945 were elected by the 24 members of the Farm ers Teiepnone company present at the annual meeting last night, at the R. I. Hamby home. The company is composed of those iisino linos 1 2 10 and 29 AllllnK. lul. nuiumauc cuai siu linesCre repreLen except line 2 Officers elected were: Nick Meyers, president; Lloyd Parker, vice-president; Mrs. Lloyd Parker, secretary - treasurer. Homer .Brown waolected a. directors bx, ' serve three years. Wayne Hamby j' vivas elected director lor a twu year term. Earl Rodman, a hold over, will serve as director for one year. Grover Caldwell, past president now living in Prineville, was pres ent as a guest. Following the election Bud Bur rows was employed as a lineman and an application for member ship was received from Harry Crampton and Roy Bradetich. Ray I. Hamby App ears in Play KaV I. HamhV. Jr.. WhO h.1S I been employed in the prevention j of juvenile delinquency at Van couver, Wash., for the past year, finds time to act in his off hours, according to an article appearing in a Portland paper today. Ray, interested in the theater since his 'high school days here, was em J ployed at a Corvallis radio station' before going to Vancouver. His portrayal of the role of Jake in "Papa Is All1' was so well received in the Vancouver civic theatre that he will play the same part when the play opens tonight at the Portland civic the atre. The play is a comedy set in the Pennsylvania Dutch region. Hamby has participated in for mer productions of the Portland civic theatre. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Hamby, live in the Grange Hall district. I'OUTI.AMi LIVESTOC K Portland, Ore., Jan. 17 ill"" Livestock: Cattle salable 200, calves 50, cows and heifers pre dominating, market active, fully StPaHv hnifnrc 1" 13; canner-cutter cows 5.50- 7.50; fat dairy tvne cows 8-9.50; good l oef cows up to 12XM; me- ir- In K,'T'd UllS Sal?b' 9 3?' "hl-!;'0tl to choice vealersquot- , Hogs salable 400, market ac- ve, steady. good to choice 170-1 i'0 lbs. 15.75; 280 lbs. 15.00; good sows scarce, salable 13.00-14; good to choice feeder pigs, 15. Sheep, salable 100, nothing of fered early, lae Tuesday, market steady, good to choice trucked in limhs 15.00; good ewes salable 6-G.50. WHYPIMFISTS elways (So this tor IT COLDS! To rVomptV Relieve Ci)U5hing Sore Throat and Aching Muscle )nPVBy tV.m n. .!... nntrk (tftl.4 tfirrkPstj.throatsaniibarkjarerubbed . n Maitero'e. Powerfully ajo! : l cat to c s but also oris up , J"''""1 in PP' b-onchial tract. n oainroat. li'oinirulurjroiin-up. In 3 Strengths For a Little, Sell a Lot Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 85 Words One Time JSSo 25 Words Three Times 7fte 25 Words (Six limes 11.33 All worda aer II add lc per wora tlmm nunbu ! toaeriMm On month run. Mm cupjr, 4fc day rata wiuiwuaa vnaraa, a,0 LINE BATE 10e CAPITALS 20c ClaMtffed Aflvcrttalnc, Caah In Advaaaa Uatu Cum lnx Ttma 12:3 P. M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshal, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store FOB SALL SPLENDID BARGAINS in ranch es: Close in 40 acres, 35 C.O.I., 3 bedroom house, $3250, $1000 down. 80 Acres, 69 C.O.I, good 2-bed-room house, gravity flow water, large barn, $5500, some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 2 ELECTRIC vacuum cleaners, $15.00 each. Also real good carpet sweeper, several real good buys in kitchen ranges and heating stoves; rockers, 2 good dressers, one with large beveled mirror, library table, kitchen tables of all kinds, wash tubs, kettles, skillets, cream separator, car jacks, bump er hitches, ball and socket trailer hitches, flat bed springs, all kinds of metal bedsteads, end tables, stand tables, almost new skis for children, breakfast table with 4 good chairs, hot water car heater, 50 egg incubator. 350 Division. ONE PAIR shoe roller skates, girl's size 6. $15.00. Betty Gilli land, 1070 Union. WINDSdR PIANO in excellent condition. 1345 Baltimore. 56 ACRE PLACER ground 36-pat-ented; 2000 ft. pipe, 2 giants, 36 acres, woven wire fenced. 5 room house. $4000 cash total price. Phone or call Medford Auto Wrecking Co., Medford, Ore. MAN'S PRE-WAR bicycle, good tires and inner tubes. Phone 987 or call at 1231 Hill St. 4 -BEDROOM MODERN house, east side, plastered, fireplace, sta tionary tubs, electric range wir- fine garden spot, fruit trees, $5000, loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W, ELECTRIC CABINET radio, $10 book shelves; 2 small chests of !(SiSWers; -pre-war baby stroller; baby basinette; high chair; hos pital bed; leather couch; leather duoiold. 3tu Division. PRE-WAR DAVENPORT, $25. Man's winter overcoat, like new, $7.50. Two new flour bins, large size, $3 each. Call afternoons or evenings at 733 Georgia Ave. LARGeFcOMMERCIAL electric popcorn popper. Fifty pounds pop corn included. Fine for confec tionery or restaurant. Priced right. Mrs. Jim Audrain, Westside Grocery & Serv. Sta., on McKenzie highway, Redmond, Oregon. WEST SIDE, rinse in. 2-bedroom nl.nivH mnrn hmiGn aHmp. tive kitchen, new garage, drilled hole. $3500, $1000 down, $25 per month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. DRY PINE slab wood, 16 foot length, $7.00 per cord delivered. 130 Canal St., Bend. PRE-WAR DAVENPORT and chair and other household articles. Phone 1032-W. ACREAGES: 4-room house, good barn. 5 acres, 4 C.O.I., $1700, $100 I down, $25 month. 7 acres, 6 acres Arnold, 4-room house, good out buildings, $2500, $100 down, $30 month. 20 acres, 19 C.O.I., large house, several outbuildings, $2500, I $700 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone .ib-W. NEAR ALLEN SCHOOL attrac tive newly decorated modern 2 bedroom house, large living room with hardwood floor, electric range wiring, double garage, 24 large lots. $3700, loan available. Anne Forbes 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. GOOD TRUCK, $150.00 cash. 1470 East 1st St. BErmooM SUITE , diirk complete with mattress and springs, large LircuIator npatcr. kitchen sink, Iwnshiinwn toilet with fittings.'j Grosser. Three new dolls, ! 21 inch, miscellaneous articles. 164 j E. Irving. BARBER SHOP for sale at Shev-j lin. Contact owner at shop. 1 I OR SALE OR TRADE 1931-74 -HAKLEY Davidson mo torcycle, good condition and pre war tires. See it at 1310 Federal St., any time. , 1 Oil KENT SMALL MODERN furnished cot taee. close in. large lawn and ga- Irage. Inquire 158 St. Helens. j WANTED CARING for small ranch . . tr)ck n(,ar Bend, shares or what nave you. -si m i --i"-". Frank Cooper, wrstiaKe, urcgon. I GIRLS OH HOYS k-e skates, sizes ' 10 to 13, Jr. 1. 2 or 3. Contact Bob :l)unlap at Pilot Butte Inn Tues day until Thursday noon. i WANTED TABLE SAW with motor. Room 208 Pilot Butte Inn after 5. WANT TO RENT 2 bedroom mod ern house. Want house on Feb ruary 1st. Ralph McNeely, Hq. 317 Wing, Redmond, Air Base. WANT TO BUY telephone box for rural line. Needed badly by rail road man. Rt. 2, Box 17, 2 miles north on. new highway. 2-WHEEL TRAILER, wheels to fit late model Chevrolet. 1245 Newport. SNAP ON tire chains to fit 6-16 tires. Call 366-J after 6 p. m. WILL BUY good small modern houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend. TO RENT a piano excellent care. 1309 East Third, Apt. 1. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. HELP WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN or girl for general housework. Permanent position. Phone 1046. 759 Roanoke. MAIDS WANTED at Pilot Butte Inn. Apply to housekeeper. WOMAN or girl for- general housework. Phone 556. 480 Broad way. SITUATION WANTED MOTHER with 2 year old daugh ter wants' job where she can keep child with her. Office and selling experience. 1617 W. 1st St. CHIMNEY SWEEP I SPECIALIZE cleaning chim neys, furnaces and fireplaces, 20 years experience. Phone 692. USED CABS 1936 CHEVRIOLET deluxe coach, under ceiling price, good tires. 144 Adams Place. 1935 FORD sedan, good rubber, A-l condition throughout. Price $400.00 cash. 1341 E. 3rd. '36 FORD V-8 pickup, good rub ber, fair running condition. 365 Seward. 1937 GRAHAM coupe, radio, $300 cash. See it at 32 Shasta Place. 1934 OLDSMOBILE sedan. See at 1475 Fresno. 1936 PONTIAC coupe, good motor and good tires. Phone 630-J or call at 815 Columbia after 5 p. m. 33 FORD COUPE,' radio' and manifold heater, good tires. See Harold Perron, Oasis Hotel, 526 Arizona. LOST BILLFOLD holding air corps iden tification papers, draft card, driv er's license and some money. Name J. Philip Brogan on leather. Return to Bulletin office. Re ward. MISCELLANEOUS WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machinesnd electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 136 Greenwood. Phone 583. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glayebrook, phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. FOR SALE Pajamas for men and women, panties with real clac tic, vests, gowns, slips now avail able in the famous Luk-Shu RS knit fabric. Also beautiful gowns, slips, etc., in crepes and satins. Phone 615-J. Elsie A. Dunn. No. 7 Westonia Apts., for appointment. Representative in Bend of the "House of Charm" C. & D. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., for the last 10 years. FULLER BRUSHES,' mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phono 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl Road, Bend. SfStxiBS rr, Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring ughi Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 614 Franklin Bend, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS WASHING MACHINE repairing at 136 Greenwood. I have consoli dated with Bend Washer Service and am devoting all my time to keeping your washer in good re pair. Thanks for your patronage, I hope I can continue to serve you at above address. A. J. Palmer, 1651 Galveston. Phone 665-W. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you lirte. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Strength in Rails Bolsters Market By Elmer C. Walter (United 1'refla financial Editor) New York, Jan. 17 IP Strength in rails and speculative buying in issues connected with television and electronics fea tured an active, generally higher stock market today. Steadiness in the list yesterday in the face of a Securities & Ex change commission proposal to ban floor trading on the ex changes bought in new buying. Market experts believed the floor trading situation would be solved by a compromise. This group holds that the floor trader plays a very important part in provid ing liquidity for the market. Radio Corporation of America led the television-electronics is sues in volume and equalled its high at 12 up point, a wide rise for that issue. New highs were made by Emersn Electric and Farnsworth Radio and Television. Zenith Radio rose more than a point. Westinghouse Electric and ueneral fc.lectric were firm. Bulletin Carriers Guests at Dinner : Twenty-one Bend Bulletin car riers and mailing clerks were en tertained last night with a dinner at the Pine Tavern, followed by a theater party. L. C: Kimsey, Bulletin circulation manager, act ed as host at the affair and ac companied the group to the the ater. Those present were Ray York, Robert Moody, Robert llolman, Joe Dysart, Barbara Mize, Eldon Bushnell, Robert Wells, Arthur Key, Robert Johnson, Joan Loehf, , Gordon Gaines, Rex Wharton, Don Brown, Herbert Langton, George St. Johns, Clyde Rhoads, Bill Berg, Bob Berg, Ronel Marsh, Darrel Amick and Richard Pierce. Pork Cuts Price Reduction Asked Washington, Jan. 17 UPi The office of price administration to day ordered a reduction in the wholesale price of certain, pork cuts and said the changes Would bring an average savings of one halt to one cent a pound to con sumers throughout the country. Pork cuts involved were smoked loins under 10 pounds and rough shoulders (neck bone in). On the loins, OPA reduced wholesale prices from $28.50 to $27.50 a hun dredweight (central price zone) while the prices of fresh or frozen shoulders were reduced from $19.75 to $19.25 (central price zone). The reductions will be reflected in retail ceiling prices. Library Board Member Named Mrs. Meredith Bailey, Jr., mem ber of the Deschutes county li brary hoard of directors, was re appointed lo the board today at the bi-monthly meeting of the county court. Mrs. Bailey's term I expired this month. i County Judge C. L. Allen ami Commissioners E. E. Varco and A. E. Stevens were present at to-! day's meeting, devoted mainly to authorizing payment of bills and1 other routine matters. I GOOD NOSE FOR JAI'S j Houston, Tex. (l -Chief Leo- i man Ira D. Humphreys caught ! two prisoners with his nose. When ' we landed on Guam, he noticed a ' strange smell in the air "and it wasn t the smell of the dead." He ; looked around and found two Japanese sitting in a foxhole : smoking. When they saw Hum-; phreys, they came out with their j hands up and surrendered. ' RED RYDER STILL NO SIGN OF LITTLE "N Jt4f ,Bf AlWrF)! 'JR With Bulletin THIS CURIOUS WORLD ) '. ' COM. 1M BY NA fttaviCK. WO. I rNv-svN T.K. Ml. ore, ) CREATURES ' t2- I COMMONLY HAVE I I APPEAR AS SHADOWS ' pSf (l , ITS ALL A PART OP HVia'i07 tj I1) 1 natures camoufiase, Smvii CASHEW NUTS ARE NOT AUTS, BUT SEEDS THEY SROW OKI THE OUTSIDE OF THE CASHEW APPLE, WHICH ITSELF IS EATEN IN COUNTRIES WHERE THE PLANT IS &ROWN. , ANSWER: In Miscellaneous Power of attorney: David L. Ellingson to Georgia L. Elling son. : Honorable discharge: George F. Price from U. S. army, .i! Notarial . commissions: Secre tary of state for Oregon to J. S. Davis and to G. E. Davis. "" rOKTLANI) MARKET , Portland, Ore.. Jan. 17 iui. Prices held firm on the Portland dairy market today. The trade heard conflicting re ports on a reported WFA freeze predicted lor civilian sales of can ned poultry and restriction on the amount of poultry that can eo into other foods, such as chicken samp.. Prices were as follows: " ' ' Butler Cube 93 score 42 c; 92 score 42 Vic; 90 score 42c; 89 .score 41 Sac pound. Eggs Price to retailers: AA large 51c; A large 49c; medium A 146c; small 41c dozen. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO ( 1;KI)IT()I(S Kstate No. I IMt NOTfCE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Mary Evelyn Harrigan was, on the 9th day of January, 1945, appointed by the County Court of Deschutes County, Oregon, as the administratrix of the estate of VV. J. Dickson, deceased. All persons havini? claims neainst said estate I are hereby required to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to said administratrix at the office of her attorney A. J. Moore, at Room 4 O'Kane Building, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published at Bend, Oregon, this 101 h day of January, 1945. MARY EVELYN HARRIGAN, Administratrix of the Estate of W. J. Dickson, deceased. 30-36-42-48C NOTK'kI)!' IlKAItlNti NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ocdnetica. dfiic. INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES, SHIES ONE Pmfittlul OH Ttuttl frem ttinttpnl Undtrwriltr INVESTORS SYNDICATE MI.NNEArOI.IS. MINNESOTA Elmer Lchnherr l.oval Itcprewntntive 217 Oregon riioue U'lt Official Records v VAHR"S -ec.fVeR P Sydney. Australia. that hearing upon the final ac count of LLOYD E. ROBIDEAUX, administrator of the Estate of John Olson, deceased, filed here in, will be held in the Court house I in the County courtroom in Bend, Oregon, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon on Thursday, the lath day of February, 194b, and I all persons interested in said estate are notified to appear at said time and place and snow cause, if any they have, why said final account should not be ap-, proved, the estate settled and: closed, and the administrator dis- - charged. ; dated: at uena, urogon, tms i 10th day of January, 1945. I LLOYD E. ROBIDEAUX, Ad ministrator of the Estate of John Olson, Deceased. De ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys at Law, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon. 3U-3H-42-4HC NOTICE Notice Is hereby given of (ho ex piration of the period of redemp tion for your properties foreclosed by that certain decree dated Jan uary 25th, 1944, in the matter of the 1943 foreclosure list of Des chutes County, Oregon, signed by the Honorable Ralph S. Hamilton, Judge of the Circuit Court of Des chutes County on the aforemen tioned date. Notice is further given to all concerned, that your properties ordered sold under the aforemen tioned Judgment and decree, un less sooner redeemed, will be deeded to the county Immediately upon the expiration of the period of redemption, to-wit; January 25th, 1915, and that every right or interest of any person In such properties will be forefeited for ever lo the county. C. L. MeCAHI.EY, Sheriff of Deschutes County, Oregon. 30-3(ic BEAUTY SHOPS HALLOWELL KOLD WAVES .lust Ask (he Girl Who's Hud One! Well Qualified and Experienced 0M-rntorH MAY LAI KA BILLIK Powder Puff Beauty Shop I'hoiic 4X4 MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1535 Awlirey ltd. Tel. 62!) M HOWDY , R5fJ LITTLE WITH VOHAT HALF ftREErS MAVE Classified Ads Motorists Told Of Gas Records All operators of passenger cars with basic "A" rations must have "mileage rationing records" to be eligible to apply for any gasoline rations, E. W. Eggen, district OPA mileage rationing represen tative, emphasized today. These milage record forms re placed he old tire rationing rec ord, on which was kept list of all gasoline rations issued to the vehicle. Without this important record form, no motorist may be issued a a or (J supplemental ration, Eggen explained. Information has been received from local OPA boards that many motorists did not understand the use of the record form and lost or destroyed theirs. No supplemental rations or spe cial or lurlough rations for cars with basic "A" rations may be issued to an applicant who does not present his mileage rationing record with his supplemental gas oline application, Eggen empha sized. In cases where a motorist was not issued a mileage ration ing record, or' it was lost or de stroyed, he should apply at once to his local board for a duplicate. .V. ' i Ml mm It can cleanse your engine It can remove carbon ' It can save gas It can add pep It can save repair bills It can increase acceleration ASK FOR MACMILLAN t 69 OftEOON MACMILLAN DISTRIBUTORS FOR DESCHUTES, JEFFERSON AND CROOK COUNTIES WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND 1'KOFESSIONAL OFFICES " Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical bervica On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bom! MIlHloHntu I'hnno UK TRUCKING SERVI2E TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE Vil Dm Hive. Tnn-kn unci Trailer may In uwd anywhere In the l.S.A. without red tune or hmv Will liwnso when transport ing your own goods. I-oiik trlm, stinrt trips anywhere. See your Trxmco dealer. Mission Service Station Bond & Franklin Phone Sill FRlND 1V LOO W PEVErt RODE THI5 1 SUSPECT WERE TWO sou tm'Ti Bnmo tvilv ialis; r- i Carrel Boylan Listed Missing . Pfe. Carrel Boylan, 24, has been missing In Germany since Dec. 21, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Boylan, 9509 Southeast Knight street, Portland, 6, have been In formed by the war department. Carrel, a graduate of Bend high school in 1939, enlisted while- at tending Oregon State college about two years ago, was attach ed to the engineer corps and sent back to Oregon State college to study engineering. When the army training program was dis continued he was reassigned to an infantry unit and sent overseas. His father, formerly district at torney in Jefferson county, was later district atorney for Des chutes county and then became Bend city attorney, tor the past three years he has been a special attorney for the lands division of the U. S. department of Justice with offices in Portland. A brother, Ralph Boylan, 330 East Kearney, Bend, left recently for Fort Lewis, Wash., for army induction. His family plans to re- side in Bend for the duration, ac cording to information received today. Crude petroleum oil was bot tled and sold less than a century ago, represented to have "wonder ful curative powers." AVE Pkowe Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Goods Movement LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Day Of the Year Phone 544 By FRED HARMAN fllGHT-LIPPED, HUH? "St WAY H I WELL, I n STATIN AROuNr