THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17. 1945 PAGE THREE f Hood niver japs Like Neighbors Hood River, Ore., Jan. 17 1Pi Three recently-returned Japanese American citizens of Hood River MUntv today voiced their appre ciaiioii for the kindness of their neighbors and for the relaxing of rult.s which kept them away from their homes since the beginning of the war. . "Our Hood River valley Is the most beautiful spot on the face of the earth to us," said Ray Sato and t Nj' of Pa-!dalc, Ore., and Min Assi, of Barrett, Ore. They are the young Japanese who have come back to their orchards in the vallev. "We've been looking forward to Vs homecoming through many Dreary weeks and there's noth ing like being homo where you were born, brought up, sent to school and taught everything you Know about farming," they as serted. The three Japanese went to the war relocation authority office in Portland, Ore., and announced that their neighbors in Hood River have been more than gra cious in welcoming them back. BUSINESS NOT WANTED Gresham, Ore.. Jan. 17 UPi Whether business is good or bad, two Gresham merchants will get along without the Japanese trade. "No Japanese trade solicited for the duration," say signs on the stores, those of a grocer and a hardware merchant who are mem bers of Oregon Anti-Japanese Inc., an organization devoted to dis couraging Japaneso-A m e r i c a n evacuees from returning to Mult nomah and Clackamas counties. Tank Camouflaged for Winter Warfare. INF.A Iiatlio-Telcuholo) Camouflaging his tank to blend with snow that covers western front, Cpl. Theodore Herbert, Marquette, Mich., throws paint on the bogie wheels of his M-35 In Luxembourg. Signal Corps radlo-telephoto. SAMEQican Heroes by JULIAN OLLENDOTTPF- to Utilize Adair Facilities Lt. Douglas, Utah, Jan. 17 UPi Headquarters of the 9th service command here announced the nar- tial re-activation of Camp Adair, Ore., effective Feb. 1. ; Warehouses will be the only , part of the installation affected. , They wil be used as additional i storage space for the Utah army ! service lorces depot at ugaen, Utah. The carrtp training facilities will remain inactive and camp person nel will be limited to a skeleton crew large enough to keep the warehouse operation functioning properly, headquarters said. The camp will be under the jurisdiction of the Ninth service command headquarters, at least temporarily, it was reported.- It had been announced previous ly that the main portion of Camp &jaii will be used as if navy hos-"5) t'lal, to be opened In several months. Jaycees Planning Charter Banquet Prineville, Jan. 17 (Special) Members of the recently organ ized Prineville Junior Chamber of commerce, today were formu lating plans for holding a charter February he worked at the Ore gon Shipbuilding Corp., Port land, Ore. He was promoted to fireman, first class, last June. Realfy Transfers Jan. 0 Deeds Olga Johnson to Ernest Wel kin,! NFV. Jt1S.11 Army to Utilize " ., W&MJ L ffiwMBm H f5- - Ian. 8 Deeds Floyd E. Henn to Walter De Boer, lot 12, block 4, Mill addition. Deschutes county to VV. If. Me Coin, SEHSW 3617-13. Francis C. Jacquot to Clifford J. Veline, portions of 2-15-10. Etta Sehultz to John DeBoer, lot 4, block 5, Hastings and part of lots 5 and 0, block 5, Hastings. Ed I'hipps to Ralph Hammer, lets 4, 5, G, 7 and 8, block 92, Hill man. Ray J. Neff to George W. Dev enport, NE'i 9-18-13. Ray J. Neff to George W. Dev enport, W'-iNW' 9-18-13. Burton Davis to Edward Risen, lots 11 and 12, block 12, Kenwood. Oregon and Western Coloniza tion company to Victor Morris, lots 10 and 12, block . 26, David son's. Mike Redding to Victor Morris, lot 11, block 2li, Davidson's. L. IT. Evringham to Anne Forbes, lot 6, block 8, Deschutes. Inn. 8 Mortgage Kelease Squaw Creek Irrigation district to Chester A. Searcy, SEH 14-115-10. Inn. 9 Deeds Flernon Berry to Hal D. Blanch ard. lot !), block !, Center addition. Hal D. Blanchard to Howard Baldwin, lot 9, block 5, Center ad- ; dition. banquet at which the president of , today on its 24th trip to France I fitting and the headlines movcVfV'T, ,,4!!, the Oregon State Junior chamber since D-day, continuing its vital inland these whale-like vessels ,7 i . ' ' nf pnmmnrin tirill a nnoct it ' inh nf nnnK-ina nlllrl fnrpoo i i u..:- : Kedmono. lignting in turope. 'ihe layover back and forth from Britain to orccd to leave the tank he was Jriving when water in the fuel line caused it to stall, Pvt. Abe Fortner of Livermore, Ky., later returned, cleaned the fuel sedi ment bowl and got the machine in operation, while still under heavy fire. The tank, repeatedly hit, stalled and Fortner repeated his cleaning until it finally went up in a blaze. The private has a bronze medal for hisfeat but war Bonds must be sold to replace the tank. ' V. S. Treasury I)et Tletarhneiil Bend Sailor Takes Part in 3 Beach Blows Against Europe Aboard the USS LST 375 in tho'saults against Hitler's Europe. English Channel (Delayed) Dec.l However, "fireworks" are only 18 After a short overhaul, this I starters for the 375 and other Lti wanaing snip, tank) starts U. S. navv T.ST's. I.ntw after thn1 Hoffman, portions of 3G15-12. .Ian. 10 Deeds John DeBoer to Lawrence J Hansen, portion of lot 1, block 3, North addition.' Fred W. Newman to Anne M. Forbes, lot 0, block 5, Wiestoria. Ian. HI Miirtgase Releases Deschutes Federal Savinps and Loan association to J. W. Sheets, lot 5, blo-k 27, Highland. Deschutes Federal Savines and Loan association to William J. Baer, lot 15, block 27, Highland. May Eslick to Irene Garred, portion of 81812. Jan. 1 1 Deeds I.eRoy Chaiiier to John De Boer. lot 15, block 27, Highland. Oscar R. Reiten to J. W. Shults, lot 10. block 13G, Third addition to Bend Park. ' Oregon and Western Coloniza tion company to Homer A. Elkin, lots 2 and 3, block 24, Davidson's C. W. Bush to Homer A. Elkin, lot 1, block 24, Davidson's. A. W. Clavton to William R. Shelley, EVjSWU 8-18-11. Ian. 11 Mortgage Michel D. Urell to Mable O. Armstrong, lot 7. block 7, Red mond second addition. lun. 1 1 Mortgage Releases John DeBoer to LeRov Chart ier, lot 15, block 27, Highland. Equitable SavlniTs and Loan as sociation to Walter VV. Lantz, block A, Redmond T. S. H. F. Brogdon to J. A. Mitchell, SE", 8-18-1 1. I n. 12 Deeds ' Lucy Gilbert to O. L. Gilbert, lot 3, block 1, Sisters. Ian. 12 Mortgage Joseph N. Hunter to Bank of Bend, parts of lots 4 and 5, block 13, Deschutes. Inn. 12 Mortgage Release U. S. of America to Allen L. Harrington, portions of 26-15-10. Ian. 13 Deeds D. B. Stuart to Tom Faeg. lots 12, 13, 14 and 15, block 79, Bend Park. R. Carl Powell to Phiness W. Beasley, lot 16, block 3, Park addi- Senator Slain (NF.A Televhoto) State Senator Warren Q. Hooper, found shot to dentil In his car near his Albion, Mich., home. Police, searching for his killer, hinted that his testimony In Michigan's one-man grand Jury investigation may have caused his death. tion. Central Oregon Irrigation dis trict to David Gordon Guthrie, SViSWH 30-17-13. Ben W. Olcott to David G. Guth rie, SWV4 3017-13. Ian. 15 Deeds Union Central Life Insurance company to W. E. Redemnn, E! SE'i. 7-16-12. John H. Hall to Gustine Gibson, part of lot 6, block 3, North addi tion. Melvin N. Bue to Adam Rep nock, portion of 17-1812. Gustine Gibson to John H. Hall, part of lot 5, block 3, North addi tion. Ian. 15 Mortgage Don C. Ray to J. A. Walker, por tion of 321712. Ian. 15 Mortgage Release J. A. Walker to Louana G. Ter lisner, portion of 32-17-12. Oregon Woolmen Open Convention Prineville, Jan. 17 (Special) Oregon woolgrowers opened their annual convention here today, with several business sessions and committee meetings held prelim inary to a full schedule tomoi"- V and Friday. A full discussion of factors which have reduced sheep flocks in eastern and central Ore gon will be held. Present for the opening meet ings were officials of various stock associations, federal offi cers. Oregon State college men, county agents and state officials. Program Announced The program for the banquet to be held tomorrow night at the grade school auditorium, was an nounced today. Garhet Barrett will act as toastmaster, with the following furnishing entertain ment: String trio, Mariel Westberg, Sally Lewis and Sharon West berg; singing waiters, Paul Thai hofer, Ward Sybouts, John Good win, Don Page, Herb Henry and Don Peeler; accordion solo, Sally Lewis; xylophone solo, Welles Ad kisson; group singing, George An gel ; Swiss y o d 1 e r, Elizabeth Boeckli, and vocal solo, Pfc. Jack Hoffman of the Redmond army airfield. Rigid rationing of food puts Sweden in a better situation this winter than at any time since the outbreak of the war. ROOMS Available! IF YOU LET US KNOW YOU'RE COMING! Drop n a cord a day r w In advanu, mr PHotm or Wlr Mon Uavlng horn If yw eon. Or, upon arrival In Port land PHONE AT ONCf or com dlroct ro tho , hold ROOMS WITH BATH 2" WASHINGTON STREET 0 AT SOUTHWEST 12th JORTLAND r 1 was announced. The date for the proposed banquet has not yet been set. The local Jaycees recently elect ed officers for 1945, naming the following: Dan Lawler, president; Ed Tussing, first vice-president; Frank Burr, second vice-president; Jack Parrish, secretary, and Ed Cook, treasurer. brought a little well-earned rest for the crew, including Norman E. Bowers, fireman, first class, USNR, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Bowers, 1305 Fresno ave nue, Bend, Ore. The 375 has seen, as Bou-ors puts it, "all the fireworks" of no less than three major beach as- tfTBCTRA V, Save used fats for your country! Keep saving all used kitchen fats. Your country urgently needs them ... to help make medicines, parachutes, synthetic rubber, munitions, paints and soaps for military and civilian uses. So keep up your good work. Save every pos sible drop of used fats. Remember, for each pound you turn in, you &et 2 red ration points! Save Used Fats For the Fighting Front Approved by OPA and U FA. Paid for by Industry 7 -!rj Normandy's beaches, then to re opened ports such as Eres!, Cher bourg and LeHavre, and now right into the heart of liberated France, with regular trips up the Seine river. Bowers and his shipmates have dodged plenty of shot and shell since D-day, lull I hey talk most of something that happened to them in the Mediterranean. During a surprise air attack an enemy plane caught the 375 perfectly, spilling a bomb that arced down for a square hit on the main deck aft. The missile pierced the unarmorcd top deck. Hie next compartment below, and continu ing its path, dropped completely through the ship without explod ing! One man suffered a sprained wrist when his hunk was sheared off its t r i c i n g s as the bomb whizzed downward. Otherwise, none was hurt. Another close call came after an air attack when an inspect ing officer discovered a small hole through the tank dock and hull. Repairs were made and the 375 continued in service, but when time came to make permanent repairs, a 250-pound unexploded bomb was found in the punctured compartment where it had been i rolling around for almost seven 1 weeks. Bowers and his mates! promptly eased it over the side1 into deep water. ; Before joining the navy in Ian. 9 Mortgage Release Federal Land bank to Jacob This is a Samurai sword the kind carried in battle by Jap officers. It makes a good souvenir and that's why re treating Japs often make them into Booby Traps by attaching an explosive charge to them. Ifut our troops, trained in the detection of Booby Traps, know better and disarm the sword before they pick it tip ! Poor Digestion? Headachy? Sour or Upset? I Tired-Listless? ! Do you foel headachy and urwt Hup f n poorly ..posted food To fwl clKf.-fui t and haipy again your lood must bo I dig'sttd properly. , f Each day. Nature must produro about two pints of a vital dif-stive juirii to : help digest your food. If Nattiro fails, your food may remain limligr-otrd I leaving you lieadarhy and irriiUiIo. j Thoroforu, you must im-rcase the h dw I of thia digestive juirp. Carter's Liulo Liver Pills increase this flow quickly I oftf-n in as little as 30'jtn. And, you're on the road to ff-f!ir better. 1 Don't depend on artif. -i;d aids to i counteract indigestion v. hen Cane's j Little Liver I'.iis aid cigc-ti(.n after Na- j turn's own ontr. Tzk Carter's Littlfi i Liver Pills a? directed. Cct iLcitt ill any j drugstore. Ooly 2.X, j TWTEN and women who wear J-"- bifocals, often are puzzled by their inability to see clearly at "arm's length." Univis 3-Way Lenses provide for this deficiency in vision, by the addition of a third focal power for "arm's length" vision. Let us explain how Univis 3-Way Lenses help you continue your natural and youthful visual habits. STffPUS f OPTICflL P34 WAttysteEET END. OREGON iii m hi) .I y., ft fi!f .' MM I ) 1 v ?v E ) Watch MrSi 2m K Out! lOS ll-fihh This is a Samurai sword iJLMF' A II I :M lfrld the kind carried in battle by & WlL II il -y4 PLAY SAFE ... Get a Safety Shellubrication Today! This hidden part of your car is the steering knuckle, the means by which you steer it. Neglected, it can become a Hooby Trap throw your car out of control. When your car is Shcllubricatcd, Shell experts examine your steering knuckle see that it is properly lubri cated for your safety! m lh Wartime Stop-and-Go driving becomes even harder on your car as it gets older! Unseen parts your steering knuckle, braking system, battery cables, gears and many others need constant care for your safety's sake! Shellubrication is a special system of car maintenance, de veloped by Shell engineers provided by Shell Dealers and Shell Service Stations. Far from being a mere "grease job," Shellubrication not only protects a score of important chassis points, but reports on the condition of many hidden parts where destructive wear can be gin... possible booby traps. And you get a receipt showing exactly what's been done. CHANGE TO GOLDEN SHELL MOTOR OIL! These are no times to take a chance with grimy, sludgy oil. Give your faithful car all the protection it deserves. Give it Golden Shell winter-grade motor oil. SHELL OIL COMPANY, Incorporated. Care for your car for your Country yMr cate for SHELIU8RC1T0V 75ty