THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, TUESDAY, JAN. 16, 1945 PAGE SIX Post-War Buys Bolster Mart By T. V. Klenlen (United Prra Siaff Corrtionilcnt) New York, Jan. 16 Ul'i Stocks developed irregularity today as shares of companies with good peacetime prospects grew in pop ularity. Wall street analysts interpreted scattered buying as resumption of investment demand following yes terday's "peace scare" shakcout, coupled with a search for good post war "buys." In the latter group such stocks as Farnsworth Television, Emer son Electric, National Dairy, and Spiegel, Inc., reached new 1044-45 highs on gains ranging to a point in Emerson. Dresser Industries, a leading producer of oil drilling equipment, also rose more man a point. In the croup with Farnsworth, Radio Corporation also advanced fractionally. Such stocks respond ed to a prediction of an RCA of ficial that after the five full post war years of production the tele vision industry will gross nearly $1,500,000,0(10 annually and pro vide 300,000 new jobs. PfTRTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 16 nil Livestock: Cattle 200, calves 35. Slow, few sales steady with Mon day's uneven market. Medium good led steers $13.5015.00; ex treme top Monday $16.25 for choice steers. Best heifers $14.00. Cannercuttor cows fairly active at $5.50-7.50. Fat dairy type cows slow at $8.00-9.00. Good-choice vealers steady at $14.00-15.00. Hogs 200. Unchanged. Good choice 170-270 lbs., $15.75; heavier and lighter weights down $14.50. Good sows $13.5014.00. Good feed er pigs $15.00. Choice 88 lb. late Monday $15.25. Sheep 100. Nominal. Good choice trucked in lambs salable $14.5015.00; 3 loads 94 lb. led lambs late Monday $15.40, new recent high. Good ewes salable-$0.00-6.50. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 16 tilt But tor and egg prices were unchang ed today. Butter Cube, 93 score, 42'Sic; 92 score, 42 c; 90 score, 42c; 89 score, 41 '4c pound. Eggs Price to retailers: AA large, 51c; A, large, 49e; medium A, 46c; small, 41c dozen. Five Day Forecast Five-day forecast ending Satur day night: Oregon and Washington west of Cascades: Light rain late Wed nesday followed by showers on Thursday and rain Friday or Sat urday. Temperatures near nor mal. Idaho, Oregon and Washington east of Cascades: Considerable cloudiness with few scattered light snow flurries beginning of period and light snow central and north portion late Thursday and Friday. Otherwise fair weather with above normal temperatures. Dehydrated vegetables are to be put on sale soon In some 30 or 40 retail grocery stores to do termlne consumers reaction to these products. 1 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CKEDI'I'OKS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have been appointed admin istrator of the Estate of J. L. Nickel, Deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate should file the same, duly verified, lit the office of my attorneys, De Armond & Goodrich, Bank nf Bend Building, Bend, Oregon, within six (61 months from the date of the first publication of this notice. ARTHUR G. NICKEL, Admin istrator of the Estate of J. L. Nickel, Deceased. De ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys at Ijtw, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon. 29 35-11 -47c NOW!. Ready to IS - 8a.m. to 8 p.m. featuring Lubrication G. P. Batteries obil Service Station Clark Pangburn, Prop. Next to Shoop S Schulio 1273 Wall St. For a Little, Sell a Lot Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 25 Words Three Times 25 Words Six Times l qk I All word! or 25 add le per word tmj number of Iniertiom On month run, umi copy, ft day rate Minimum Charge, 34c LINE KATE 10c CAPITALS 20c ClaHlfled Advertising-, Conn in Advance Dallr Clo.lnl Time 12:30 P. M. FOK SALE SPLENDID BARGAINS in ranch es: Close in 10 acres, 35 C.O.I., 3 bedroom house, $3250, S1000 down. 80 Acres, 09 C.O.I., good 2-bcd-room house, gravity flow water, large barn, $."500, some terms. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. FURNISHED HOME: Four room modern, plastered. Cellar. Com pletely f u r n I s h e d. Frigidaire. Woodshed, garage. $2200. See Gil berts for terms. Gilberts Real Es tate. ONE PAIR shoe roller skates, gill's size 6. $15.00. Betty Gilll land, 1070 Union. GOOD FIVE ROOM MODERN: Paved street. Three lots. Large chicken house, double garage, other buildings. $3250. Reason able down payment. Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall St. 56 ACRE PLACER ground 36-pat-ented; 2000 ft. pipe, 2 giants, 30 acres, woven wire fenced. 5 room house. $-1000 cash total price. Phono or call Medford Auto Wrecking Co., Medford, Ore. SET OF CAR chains, size 6:16, In good condition, ear Jack, truck mirror, 16 lb. maul. 1129 Hill St., corner of Portland Ave. NOTICE: Furnished four room modern. Redecorated. Two lots. Garage, woodshed. Near Kenwood school. Low down payment. $300 down. Gilberts Real Estate. 4 -BEDROOM MODERN house, east side, plastered, fireplace, sta tionary tubs, electric range wir ing, furnace, automatic coal sto ker, sprinkling system, two lots, fine garden spot, fruit trees, $5000, loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phonp 36-W. DAY AND WEEK old calves. John E. Johnson, Rt. 1, Box 31I-B. FARM: On highway. 80 acres. 30 C.O.I. Excellent four room house. Two barns. Farm machinery, trac tor. $3500. Price very low. Gilberts Real Estate. PRE-WAR DAVENPORT, $25. Man's winter overcoat, like new, $7.50. Two new lour bins, large size, $3 each. Call afternoons or evenings tit 733 Georgia Ave. 50 GALLON hardwood barrels, $1.00 each, while they last. These are the barrels that have been selling for $2.00. Gregg's Banner Bakery. WEST SIDE, close In, 2-bodroom plastered modern house, attrac tive kitchen, new garage, drilled hole. $3500, $1000 down, $25 per month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. HERE'S A STOCK RANCH NEAR COKAI.LIS WORTH THE MONEY -1320 acres. 170 iu I cultivation. Will handle 250 head of cattle. 200 or 300 hogs. Housing for 1000 chickens. Living water for stock everywhere. Beaver dam and Chchalis soil. Power line thru place. 2 $10,000 homes. 1 ten ant house. 5 stock barns and 15 or 20 out hltls. besides chicken hous es, Price $50,0(10. Can ho sold ill two chunks of 500 and 700 acres each wilh one fine home on each for $20,000 and $30,000. If you un interested 111 something like this it will pay you to Investigate. Paul P. Bates, Realtor, Corvallis, Ore. PRE - WAR DAVENPORT and chair and other household articles. Phone 103L V. FAT HOGS for sale. Third place from north junction old highway. Kll PaVh. serve you with superior AUTO SERVICE ar a Tire Service Federal Tires Pho 1042 I OK SALE ACREAGES: 4-room house, good j qcjp'narn, :i acres, 'i ciwu 75Cuioun, momn. i ucit-s, ulii- Arnold, 'l i oom nouse, gnou oui- month. 20 acres, 19 CO. I., large house, several outbuildings, $2500, $700 down, $.'10 month. Anne Forbes, : Oregon. Phone 30-W. INCOME PROPERTY : East Eighth street. Four room modern. Knotty Pine. Ultra modern du plex. Furniture. Two lots. Reason-, we down payment, oiioens neai , Estate. 1015 Wall St. jNKAR ALLEN SCHOOL attrac tive newly decorated modern 2 i bedroom house, large living room j wit h hardwood floor, electric range wiring, double garage, 2'i 1 large lots. $3700, loan available. Anne Forbes 30 Oregon. Phone' 30 W. 1938 LA SALLE sedan. Also house trailer, sleeps three, all good rub ber and completely furnished, quick sale for cash. Can be seen at Redmond Trailer Park after 6 p. m. O. C. Countryman. GOOD TRUCK, $150.00 cash. 1470 I East 1st St. BEDROOM SUITE, dark complete with mattress and springs, large circulator heater, kitchen sink, washdown toilet with fittings, kitchen cabinet, high chair, cook stove, dresser. Three new dolls, 21 inch, miscellaneous articles. 164 E. Irving. BARBER SHOP for sale at Shev lin. Contact owner at shop. FOR KENT FOUR ROOM semi-modern house. 56 McKay. Inquire at 27 McKay Ave. SMALL MODERN house, gas equipped, refrigeration. Inquire 516 Lava Road. 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Wood, water and lights furnished. Clean, light rooms. Hot water heat. Suitable for 2 people. Call after 5:30 p. m., 236 H E. Irving. 4-ROOM FURNISHED modern house with furnace. Root cellar, wopdshed and garage. One partly furnished 4-room modern house with garage. Call Mike Todoroff, 21 Columbia. UARGE HEATED sleeping room for rent by day, week or month. 610 Congress. WANTED GIRLS OR BOYS ice skates, sizes 10 to 13, Jr. t, 2 or 3. Contact Bob Dunlap at Pilot Butte Inn Tues day until Thursday noqn. TO BUY either a portable or standard typewriter. Call 885 be tween 2:00 and 6:00 p. m. WORK CARING for small ranch with stock near Bend, shares or wages or as caretaker for lodge or what have you. Best of references. Frank Cooper, Westlake, Oregon. RADIO SCHOOL I will accept a few more students - any age --who want to learn radio by practical methods as well as thcaretical. Do actual jobs In the shop with service instruments. Starts at once. See M. W. Luckey at 117 Lafayette St. WANT TO BUY telephone box for rural line. Needed badly by rail road man. lit. 2. Box 17, 2 miles north on new highway. 2 WHEEL TRAILER, wheels to fit late model Chevrolet. 1215 Newport. SNAP ON tire chains to lit (MO tires. Call Mii-.I after fi p. in. WILL BUY good small modern houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend. TO RENT a piano excellent care. 1309 East Third, Apt. 1. USE D R A D 1 OS -Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. CUM, WANTEP for MAKKINli and CHECK I NO PERMANENT POSITION Apply at Mastervraft Cleaners OiM'Kon Ltd. Contracting P,m,.r Wiring -,.,, Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Service Phone 159 BH I'ranktln lleiul, Ore. JIKM' WANTED MAIDS WANTED at Pilot Butte inn. iu nuuarM.Tir( LADY to assist with cleaning on Saturdays. Also substitute work during week. Gregg's Banner Bakery. WOMAN or girl for general housework. Phone 556. 480 Broad way. SITUATION WANTED MOTHER with 2 year old daugh- tcr wants Job where she can keep child with her. Office and selling experience. 1U17 W. 1st St CHIMNEY SWEEP I SPECIALIZE cleaning chim neys, furnaces and fireplaces, 20 years experience. Phone 692. YOUNG MAN would like work in service station or as truck driver. 1021 Harriman. Phone 111-J. USED CARS 1936 C11EVRIOLET deluxe coach, under ceiling price, good tires. 1,44 Adams Place. 1935 FORD sedan, good rubber, A l condition throughout. Price $-100.00 cash. 1341 E. 3rd. '3G FORD V-8 pickup, good rub ber, fair running condition. 365 Seward. 1937 GRAHAM coupe, radio, $300 cash. See it at 32 Shasta Place. LOST FEMALE GOLDEN Cocker Span iel. Answers to name of Judy. Call after 7 p. m., 1140 Union. ELK TOOTH with initials "V. L." on back. Finder please return to Bulletin office or Elks Club. MISCELLANEOUS WRINGER ROLLS! All makes and sizes. Expert re pairing on all makes of washing machines and electrical applianc es. Top prices paid for used wash ers, any condition. Bend Washer Service, 130 Greenwood. Phone 583. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone G68 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brinson, O'Kane Bldg.( or Box 164, Bend. TRAINED AUCTIONEER with ability and experience. I can get you more money for that live stock. O. E. Glayebrook, phone 23-J or call at 1015 Wall St. . FOR SALE Pajamas for men and women, panties with real elac tic, vests, gowns, slips now avail; able in the famous Luk-Shu Hi knit fabric. Also beautiful gowns, slips, etc., in crepes and satins. Phone G15-J. Elsie A. Dunn, No. 7 Westonia Apts., for appointment. Representative in Bend of the "House of Charm" C. & D. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., for the last 10 years. WASHING MACHINE repairing at 136 Greenwood. I have ennsoli dated with Bend Washer Service land am devoting all my time to keeping your washer In good re pair. Thanks for your patronage, I hope I can continue to serve you at above address. A. J. Palmer, U551 Galveston. Phone 6G5-W. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and manv other household aids. Phone 5'J1. Lloyd Wheadun, 1714 Steidl Road, Bend. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS cun be made nny size you desire, with i any printing you line. Estimates I gladly Riven. The Bulletin. I SKN. MAI.ONKY OIKS Meiiden, Conn., Jan. 1G Uin Son. brands T. Maloney, D., Conn., died today t Mei iden hos pital where he had been a patient ' sinee New Year's day, suffering! from grippe and heart disease. I Buy National War Bonds Now! Thousands of men and women I iftf found that time-teated Stuart Tablet brine, quick, ' happy relief to aloe p-robbing j symptom of acid Indif Uoa, t&ssiness. and upset stom ach. Tasto delicious, easy to j takeno mixing, no bottle. Try 1 them bar a good night' sleep ) and wake np in tae morning feeling ! like a $1,000,000. Get genuine Stuart Tablet at your druggist only 25c, 60c, or S1.20 undei mak er's positive money-back guarantee. RED RYDER , , . , f TWO DM5 CN Tri' ' MLO 1 r7 LARGO CANYON - CUT eilLL NO SloHi rrr hf ROUoH 60IN',eUT 1 OF TH 1NDIAN5 rCPs , l' TtvAIL 15 CLEAR f J H6 4sPI With Bulletin War-End Catalog Aid to Business Chicago, Jan. 16 UP) Montgom ery Ward and Co. anticipated that the war would end by Jan. 1, 1945, and issued a special mid-winter sales catalogue on that as sumption, according to an affi davit on file in federal court to day. The affidavit, filed by Maj. Warren F. Daley, government manager of Wards' seized Chicago plants, said that as a result of the catalogue, business had increased and the army was having diffi culty in filling orders. PROCLAMATION WHEREAS. MAURICE HUDSON, Cor imration Commissioner of the Stnte of Ore gon, w required by Section 77-318. O C ' A did on the thirtieth day of December 1944, report to me as the Cover nor of the S'ate of OrcKon. a lit of all the foreign rorporutioiiH which, for two consecutive year or more next preceding the uid fJnrtieth day or December. 1!44, have failed, riettlwted or refused to furnfcth him. the Haul Corporation Commimuoner, any annual Rtatement required to be furnished under any luw of thin mute, or to my the license fee required to be paid under any law of this state: and WHEREAS, hb id report of the Corpora tion ComniisH.onur, no made an aforesaid r.MritainH the of the following foreign corporation!) which, for two consecutive yearn or more next preceding the date of the report, haye failed, nefflected or re fused to furnish any such Htatement or to pay any such license fee. to-wit; Foreign Coos Bay Land Company Delhi Company Humbolt Metallic Corporation, Ltd. Monroe Timber Company Myrtle Creek Lumber Corporation Northern Counties Investment Trust. Limited, The. Oh liter Register Comnuny T'ine Creek Placers, Inc. Kn few-ay Loon Corporation Standard Consolidated Minei Onmnanv NOW. THEREFORE. I. EARL SNELL. ns Covernor of the State of Oretron, by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by Sect 77-308, O. C. L. A , and under and , w ...t n-nM uiki jiiuvihiuiin inere- of, do hereby declare the riirht of each anil all of the furetrointt and above-named cu-Kratioiifl to transact businciw within the State of Oretcon revoked and repealed, and all powers conferred by the law of this Htnte upon such c-ur miration are hereby declared inoperative and void. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. T have here unto net my hand and caused the Seal of State to be. hereunto affixed at the Capitol, at Raleni. Oreon, this thirtieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one tlioiiHimd nine hundred fourty-four, (SEAL) EARL SNELL (over nor. ROUT. S. Secretary FARRELL, JR. it State 3!5c PROCLAMATION WHEREAS. MAURICE HUDSON. Cor poration Commissioner of the State of Ore tron, as required by Section 77 -4 08b. O. C. L. A., did on the thirtieth day of December, 'Mi, report to me aa the (Jovernor of the State of Oretron a list of all nonprofit corporation, which, for two consecutive years or more next preceilinir the said thirtieth day of December, li44, have failed, newlfcted or refused to furnish a duly ex wutcd power of attorney, although demand therefor was duly made by letter upon said corporations : and WHEREAS, said rejort of the Corpora tion Commissioner, ho made aforesaid, con tains the names of the followitiK nonprofit corporations which, for two consecutive years or more next preceding the date of such report, have failed, netttected or re fused ho to furnish auch power of attorney, to-wit : Nonprofit Hawthorne Workers Defense Cluh Independence Defense Recreational Com mittee. Inc. Mac Arthur Victory Cluh Salem Transport Committee Sweet Home Chaml-cr of Commerce Utopia Relekab Unltfe No. 62, 1. O. O. F. Valley (iolf Club Victory Memorial Center. The NOW. THEREFORE. I EARL SNELL. as Stiver nor of the State of Oretron. hy virtue of the authority conferred upon me by said Section 77-48b, O. C. L. A., and under anil pursuant to the terms and pro visions thereof, do hereby declare each and all of the forotim and above-named corporations dissolved, and their articles of incorporation revoked and repealed, and all powers conferred hy low upon auch corporations are hereby declared inopera- SYSTEM : e You can get thousands of extra miles out of your tires if your wheels are dynamically balanced and in proper alinement and if your brakes are correctly adjusted. Drive into our shop without delay . . . save money . . . serve National Defense . . . and perhaps save your life! And remember . . . "RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIES" EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE Wall andi Greenwood live and void. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here unto set my hand and r nutted the Sen) of State to be hereunto affixed at the Capitol, at Salem, Oretron, thU thirtieth day of De cember, in the year of our lortl one thoimand nine hundred fuurty-four EARL SNELL Governor (SEAL) Attest : ' ROUT. S. FARRELL. JR. Secretary of State 8r,c' fKOCLAMATION WHEREAS. MAURICE HUDSON. Cor poration Commissioner of the State of OreKon, eh required by Section 77-246, O. C. L. A., did on the thirtieth day of De cember, 1944. report to me as the Coventor of the State of Oregon a list of all of the corporation oriranized under the laws of the State of Oretron for Rain which, for two consecutive years or more next pre ceding the said thirtieth day of December, 1!M4, have failed, nexlected or refused to furnish him, the said CoriKiration Com missioner, any statement required to be furnished under any law of this state, or to pay any license fee required to be paid under any law of this stale; and WHEREAS, said report of the Corpora tion Commissioner, so made as aforesaid, contains the names of the following cor porations which, for two consecutive years or more next preceding the date of the report, have fulled, netrleeted or refused to furnish any such statement or to pay any such license fee. to-wit : Domestic ,. Advance Drilling Co. Albany Canning Co., Inc. Ardmoore Candy Company Arsro Corixtration Arlintrton-RooseVelt Ferry Ashland War Industries, Inc. Astoria Flying Club Automobile Securities Company Baxton Development Company Kaldridtre Implement Co. Baker Fruit Company liaker Golf and Country Club, The R. W. Heck. Inc. Berry Motor1 Company, Inc. Helmont Terminal Co. Benton Utility Company Beaver Island Fruit Acres. Hilton Entiineerlnir Corp. Bonded Adjustment Company Boulder Creek LoKtrintr Company , Hovex Laboratories, Inc. Brock man Chevrolet Company Craftsmen ' Carbonic Control Coriwratlon Cascade Catering Company , Colder wood Electric Cascade Produce Distributors Caskey Wuste & Ratr Co. Challenger 1'roducts Co., The Construction Associates, Inc. Coldor Corporation Consolidated Defense Industries Coast Commercial Co. ' Columbia Distributing Company . Coos Oregon lagging Company Crook's Motor Service Cook Creek Logging Co. Davenport Chemical Corporation Dolph Hardwood Company Eastgate Builders Inc. Earl'H Market Inc. Eagle Oyster Packing Company, Inc. Economy Finance Corporation Edgemont Investment Company Equitable Service, Inc. Erico Class Works Corivoration Eugenie Realty Company Eugene Home Appliance Co., Inc. Eugene Neon Sign Company Eugene News, Inc. Evergreen Beverage Co., Inc. Fairway Market Federal Founders Corporation Flowers. Lester Goodman, Inc. Fostoria Co. Francis Construction Company Free water- Milton Apple Show, Inc. Franklin Printing Company Fui-uya Co., M. Oiimbrlnun Brewing Company (learhart Kunnel and Turf Club, The Cillen-Cole Co. Glen Creek Logging Company Goehler Heating Systems. Inc. Goud.y Mortgage Ioan Company of Oregon Granite-Sumpter Teleuhone Company Growers' Supply Company II. & L. Construction Co., Inc. Harper's Corp. ll..ol.l IniiMlmont Co. Hillsboro Concrete Brick & Tile Company High Grade Luber Co. Inc. Honeyman Hardware Company Holliday Land Company Howton Radio Alarm Company Hughes, Humphrey & Company Idenl Homes Construction Co. IgliH Inn, The Irvin Grocery, The John Day Flying Club. Inc. Joe & Kay Products Co.. Inc. YES... Care Will Save Your Car . . . Tire Companies and Automobile Manufacturers Recommend BEAR SAVING SERVICE . 'VE JO AST f THEM NAVA, Classified Ads Kaufman. Inc., Ionard Klamath Jockey Club . L, and H. Corporation Iogging Contractors. Inc. Lovegren Logging Company Lumber Promotion of Oregon, Inc. Maxlne Apparel Shop Marion Garage Malheur Milling Company Maupin Milling Company McCredie Hut Mineral Springs Inc. Me Far Manufacturing Co. Mercantile Acceptance Corporation of Oregon Mercantile Insurance Service corporation Metal Industries Inc. Merchants Wholesale Grocery Co. Medford Trailer Camps, Inc. Medford Winter Pear Committee Inc. Missouri Bend Logging Company Morris A Evens Company Morris Investment Company Mullen Company. S. Madaton Mutual Development Corporation Multnomah Housing Corporation National Table Tennis Company Neisci-tt Delake Construction Company New Opera House Laundry Company Necanicum Shingle Co. Northwest Insecticide Company Northwest Properties, Inc. One Four, Inc. Oratorio Society of Salem, Oregon, The Oreland Mining and Engineering Corporation Oregon Bond St Mortgage Company Pacific American Shipbuilding CoriKtration Pacific Fiber Corporation Pacific Native Nurseries, Inc. Pacific Coast Timber Co. Petroleum Development. Inc. Phillips Shoe Company Pine Box Co. Pouring Spouts, Inc. Portland Broadcasting Company Portland Dental Supply Co. Portland Metal Venetian Blind, Inconwrated Portland and Pacific General Investment Company Printers, Inc. Preeisiun Meter Company Purchase Exchange Corporation Quality Fruit Co. Red and Gold Trucking Co, W. Riverside Telephone Company Rosleii Company. 'Hie Ross Motor Company Roseburg Plywood Corporation Roamer Tug & Lighterage Co. Roseburg Veneer Corporation Rose City Casket Co. S A S Lumber Co. Sanitary Beer Equipment Service, Inc. Salmonberry Shingle Co. Hhrock, Inc.. Clarence R. Shaw Wiseman Lumber Co. Silica Brick and Tile Company Smiley-I-ampert Lumber Company Smart's Term in ul Co. Southern Oregon War Industries, Inc. Supple Docks, Inc. Sullivan. Inc., A J. Sunset-Sunrise Patrol Service Swiss Hall Association Tillman Company. The J, Ti 1 1 amook Can n i ng Co. II. PERFECT BALANCE Bend Dairy Quality Products BUTTER EGGS . BUTTERMILK CHOCOLATE MILK FOR OVER 25 YEARS HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRY PRODUCTS OF QUALITY LOCKER PATRONS Meat points up . . . butter points up . . . that's where your locker comes in. A good for locker storage and may Meat, in your locker, can be kept for many months inquire about this service including cutting, curing, wrap ping, etc. SI Greenwood Ave. HEADED N)TO 7 U&W COUNTRY ITS LIKE ) T V n FOR A NEEDLE Itf Ji- JU- Tomfohr Overhead Door Company Two Rivers Shipbuilding Company Tyee Lumber Corporation Ulrich Company. G. C. . Umqua Flying Club University Hotel Co. Union Bridge Company Union Steel A Rail Co., Tnc. United States Painting Corporation VandermoM A Walters, Inc. Westwood Hills. Inc 1 West Cooat War Industries, Inc. Western Distributing Company Western Ferro Chrome, Inc Western Mineral Product Company Winchester Bay Lumber Co. Wiley Creek Logging Company Wil lamina Merc. Co. Wiest-Scritsmier Logging Co. Wool pert Pharmacy Zenith Powder Company Zimmerman-Wells-Brown Co. Cooperative Coos County Lime A Fertilizer Assoc is. tion Coos-Curry Cheese Corporation Deschutes Seed Growers Association Eastern Oregon Onion Growers Ajjgoci&tA Gaston Growers Association Gaston Nut Growers Hardenbrook Dairy Produrts Association The ' Malheur County Livestock Association Muiheur Purchasing Cooperative Asaocia. tion Nysfa Onion Storage Cooperative Oregon Blackberry Control Board. Inc. Oregon Celery Growers Association Oregon Turkey Cooeratives. Inc. Southern Oregon Dairy Cooperative Association South Tillamook Farmers Cooperative Welch Road Water Association, Barbara Irrigation & Drainage Beaver Creek District Improvement ' Company Bear Creek District Improvement Company Grey Eagle Bar District Improvement Company Mining Greystone Gold Mines Company Kookaburra Mines, Inc. Oregon Placer Mines, Inc. Oregon Washington Mining Company P. C. S. Mining Co. Paramount Quicksilver Mine, Inc. Red Cloud Mining Company Tyrrel Consolidated Mining Co. NOW, THEREFORE, I. EARL SNEI.L as Governor of the State of Oregon, by vir tue of the authority conferred upon me by Section 7 7-2-1 fl. O. C. L. A., and under and pursuant to the terms and provisions there of, do hereby declare each and all of theft foregoing and above-named cororation4 dis-1 solved, and their articles of incorporation! revoked and reealed, and all powers con" ferred by law upon ttuch corporations an hereby declared inoperative and void. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have her, unto net my hand and caused the Seal of State to be hereunto affixed at the Capitol, ut Salem. Oregon, this thirtieth day of U cember, hi the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred fourty-four. (SEAL) KARL SNE1X Governor Attest : ROHT. S FARRELL, JR. Secretary of Stute 35c Planning well balanced meals is difficult LET BEND DAIRY MILK HELP YOU! It's Grade A It's pasteur ized! Serve the milk with the sanitary bottle cap! CREAM MILK ICE CREAM COTTAGE CHEESE variety of meats !s available be purchased at low nrices. Phone 101 By FRED HARMAN BUT HERE t GO mm