THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, TUESDAY, JAN. 16, 1945 PAGE FIVE Local News TEMPEBATUEE Mltflmu..i S" i degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 p. nt, 34 de- JT- 10 a. m., 34 degrees. Veloo f,?S wind: W p. m, 1 miles; 10 V, " "dies. get Robert Miller, former en gineer in the Bend fire depart ment and son of Mr. and Mrs. y f. Miller, 29 Hawthorne street, al leave here tomorrow lor Lin ln Neb., alter spending a short tu lougn visiting mentis and rel ates, uliher, a gunner on a temDer, has been stationed at La Sr'iexas, but will be reas oned upon reaching Lincoln. Mrs L. C. Davis, who under went a major operation last Thursday at the St. Charles hos pital, was -reported today to be uomg nicely. . pic. Kay ieBlanc, who has been in the hospital at Camp Wolters lor 2(i days, expects to be released soon ana will resume training, ac cording to intormation received by local iriends. Second Lt. Borden F. Beck, Jr., who is on furlough from 'ort Bragg, N- V., visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Borden K. Seek ol Redmond, was a visitor in Bend yesterday atternoon. Lt. Beck, who was attending Harvard when called into the service, is in the artillery. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wetzig of San Francisco, are here lor a week's visit with Mrs. Wetzig's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hur ley, 1040 Newport avenue. Wet zig is a metaismlth 2c in the navy, and is on a brief leave. i Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stockton of fiineville, were Bend visitors to day. ' James Jansen, builder of the Jansen Villa in Bend and the Jan sen Court at Redmond, was here today from his home in Ashland. Kenneth Emery of Silver Lake, O NOW O (APIA'S BESTI I raws '"' trmo waa a business caller here today. V. Y. Geis of Lakeview, last night was a guest at tne Pilot Butte inn. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones of Mitcnell, visited Bena frienus to uay. Lt. J. T. McLaughlin of the Red mond army air field, spent toaay in Bend. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Clark of Burns, were Bend callers today. Lts. K. L. McKie and T. H. Nance, Jr., stationed at the Red mond army air Held, visited Bend friends yesteraay. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rogers of Silver Lake, spent today in Bena. Mr. and Mrs. K K. lvicCullough were in Bend today from Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miles of Shevlin, snopped here today. D. D. Gairen, U. M. Herda, P. E. Jones, C. Madison, L. Meters and c. Shook stationed at the Redmond army air field, last nignt were guests at the Pilot Buue inn. Ralph W. Crawford, supervisor of the Deschutes national forest, today was called to Roseburg by the serious illness of a sister. Gail Baker, fire assistant in the staff of the Deschutes national forest, today planned to attend the annual State Wool Growers as sociation convention in Pririeville tomorrow in the interests of for est grazing. John Pershing Andrews, aero grapher's mate 1c, is spending leave with his mother, Mrs. b. Andrews, in Gilchrist. He has spent the past year at Kodiak, Alaska ana was recently trans ferred to Bremerton,' Wash. Gary A. Reid has been advanced in rating from Fireman 1c to motor machinists' mate 3c, his Bend friends learned today. Reid, in the amphibious forces, is sta tioned at a training base at Moro Bay. calif. Mrs. W. J. Dale and sons, Phil lip and William J., Jr., of Sausa lito, Calif., have gone to Lido Beach, Long Island, after spend ing a month with Mrs. Dale's mother, Mrs. S. Andrews, Gil Christ. W. J. Dale, boatswain's mate lc, is now stationed at Lido Beach. Mrs. Dale and sons spent an afternoon here with Mrs. Douglas Ballantyne. r The Modern Woodmen of Amer ica will install officers at 8 p.m. Friday in the Sons of Norway hall, it was reported today. SSgt. and Mrs. Roy Vernstrom are the parents of a daughter, Kristine Ruth, born in Portland on January 14, friends here have learned. Sgt. Vernstrom, now with the U. S. marines, is a former member of The Bulletin staff. Forrest Logan of Terrebonne was a Bend visitor yesterday. R. L. Anderson of Redmond transacted business in Bend yes terday. Miss Laura Harstad, consultant in the maternal and child health division of the Oregon state board of health, arrived last night from Portland and will spend two or three days in the oifices of the Descnutes cuumy uepartment of public health. Mis. B. Schuld and son, Don Lee, are here liom their Oregon City nome to visit Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Madsen. G. p. Anderson has gone to Seattle to see his son, Danny, seaman 2c, who is now attending a specialist school there. Miss Grace Danielson arrived last night from Portland and is guest ai the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cuffm. Her sister, Marilyn, arrived in Bend a few days ago. Their father, Rev. Alfred N. Danielson, was formerly pastor of the Bend Baptist church. Sheriff C. L. McCauley returned last night from Salem where he gave over Pvt. Robert Calhoun to the custody of state penitentia ry oificials. Mrs. Bert zuieit naa as nouse guests over the weekend her cousin, Lt. Donald Werner ana his wife. Lt. Werner, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller of Bend, has recently completed 50 air missions. He has been award ed the presidential citation. Lt. and Mrs. Warner left last night for the re-assignment center at Santa Monica, Calif. The Silhouette Shop will be closed this Wednesday and Thurs. day for redecoratlon, and open for business Friday morning. Adv. NEWS OF SOCIETY (All society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later than 10 a.m. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.) TONIGHT TOMORROW 35c BARGAIN 35C 2 HITS NIGHTS 2 HITS HURRY ! HURRY ! SEATS WILL BE SCARCE ! TOP WESTERN OF ALL TIME! ! 'THi LIGHT OF WESTERN STARS Victor lory . k m Sqtrs tutuD RaydM Morris JUknm 1. Firrsll HieDs.sle Noak Ier, Jr. okui t uu u .imid ihhmah moouciiok ANOTHER KI M. LENGTH HIT TOO HURRY! ! A Mystery-Riddled Scandal! HURRY! ! Ik 1 A iWiLl AUDREY LONG Boy Scouts Plan For Active Year Inspired by a meeting of Modoc council, Boy Scouts of America, at Klamath Falls on Sunday, scout leaders of Central Oregon today laid plans for expanding scdut activities, including the re cruiting of more scouts, further ing out-door scouting and greater attendance at tne summer camp, and the promotion of adult lead ership, training and scout ad vancement. A feature of the Sunday gath ering, which was attended by approximately 100 scout leaders, was the presentation to Joe Slate of Bend, of the Silver Beaver award as the outstanding scout of the council. This is the high est award that can be presented in scouting, it was said. . N antes Listed At'tendine the meeting from Central Oregon were George Tay lor, Ned Fields and H. W. Gunther, committeeman from Redmond; District Chairman i: M. Houk, Redmond; Scoutmaster Alfred Erickson of Prinevllle; G. W. Stromberg, scoutmaster, Red mond; Charles H. Overbay, chair man of camping and activities for the council, Bend; Commissioner LeRoy Fox, Bend; Scoutmasters Joe Slate, Cecil Goodfellow, Virgil Moss, Leo Herbring and Don Ben son, Bend ,and Committeeman Gil Moty. Two Small Boys Guests of House Salem, Ore., Jan. 16 (tl'iMas ters John and Harvey Barnet, aned nine and 11 respectively iwerei given the courtesy of the house of representatives yester day. The youngsters are grandchil dren of Rep. Harvey Wells, Mult nomah county, and were visiting him on the floor. i Rep. Earl Hill requested the courtesy and recalled the day nearly 12 years ago, when Rep. I Wells dashed out of the house in order to be near his daughter at Harvey's birth. Piles! Ow!! i But He SMILES, Now ' B wlso ' wm. v" amc 'ormula usM ! by iloelnm adjunctive! at notpil Thnrn ' ton ft Minor Clinic. Surprising QUICK 1 palliative relief of pain. Itrh, upreneM. 1 Helps aolten ana lenus in em in. I I inc. Get tube Thornton ft Minor Reetal : Ointment or Thornton ft Minor Rectal Siipnnritnrle. If not delighted with thia , ' DOCTORS' way. low cost la refunded, j At all good drug stores everywhere. Vodvik-Putnam Married in Local Church Miss Mary S. Vodvik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Vodvik, and Elwyn Lee Putman, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Putman of Tumalo, were married at 12:30 Sunday before the lighter altar of the First Presbyterian church by Rev. R. H. Prentice. Calla lilies decorated the chancel. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor-length gown of white lace and net and a flowing veil. Miss Doris Vod vik, bridesmaid, wore a formal gown of orchid silk. Both bride and bridesmaid carried roses. Joseph Henry, Jr., of Tumalo, was the best man. Mrs. Hilda Bush, accompanied by her daughter, Dorothy, sang, "1 Love You Truly". Many frieds of the couple at tended the wedding. Following a short honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Putman will be at home in the Ainsworth apart ments here. Jr. League To Meet The Juni or League will meet at 8 p. m. Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ored Sptvey, 508 Hill St. Mrs. Vern Larson will have charge of the program. All members are urged to be present as announce ment will be jnade of hostesses and program, chairman for the balance of the club year, accoring to Mrs. Norman Gilbert, presi dent. m Past Presidents To Meet The meeting of the Past Presidents of the Degree of Honor, originally set for Tuesday, has been post poned to 8 p. m. Thursday and will be held at the home of Mrs. E. J. McDermont, 1630 West 11th, it was announced. Ex Libris on Thursday The Ex Libris club will meet at 8 p. m. Thursday at the home of Mrs. Harold Gentry, it was announced today. Card Purty Saturduy The Sons of Norway will hold a public card party at 8 p. m. Saturday in Nor way hall, it was announced. Church Night On Wednesday Howard George, Bend superin tendent of schools, will be the guest speaker at a program to follow a G:30 p. m. potluck supper at the First Christian church on Wednesday, it was announced today. SOCIAL CALENDAR Tonight 7:30 p. m. Social Pinochle club with Mrs. J. S. Egg, 811 Georgia. Potluck. 7:30 p. m. Camp Fire guardians in library basement. 8 p. m. Catholic Altar society circle 1, Mrs. R. W. Brandis, 1324 West Sixth. Wednesday 1:30 p. m. Home Economics club of Eastern Star grange with Mrs. Alex Walters. 2 p. in. W. S. C. S. group 1, Mrs. F. G. Hall, 1977 W. Second; group 2, Mrs. Luther Miles, 354 Florida; group 3, Mrs. W. Rede man, Irving apartments. 8 p. m Circle 4 Catholic Altar society with Mrs. W. Curtis, 2425 Tweet place. 8 p. in L. D. R. of First Lu theran church with Mrs. Ralph Adams, 701 Broadway'. Thursday 2 p. m Evergreen Circle with Mrs. Charles Billatleau. 2:30 p. m. First Lutheran Ladies Aid in church parlors. . 2:30 p. m First Presbyterian mission study group with Mrs. R. Graham, 1314 Federal. 8 p. m. Neighbors of Wood craft in Moose hall. 8 p. m. Junior league with Mrs. Fred Spivey, 508 Hill. 8 p. m Ex Libris with Mrs. Harold Gentry, 254 Jefferson. 8 p. m. Degree of Honor Past Presidents with Mrs. E. J. Mc Dermont, 1(530 W. 11th. Friday 30 a. m Boyd Acres extension unit with Mrs. W. Selkln. 8 p. m Ladies auxiliary of Patriarchs militant installation, I.O.O.F. hall. Miss James Weds Cpl. Sabin Here Miss Marguerite James, daugh ter of William James ot Lapine, became the bride of Cpl. Law rence R. Sabin, of Pacoima, Calif., at a ceremony performed by Wil son George, Bend justice of the peace, on Jan. 2. The bride wore blue silk with matching accessories and gar denias. On Jan. !) a miscellaneous show er was given for Mrs. Sabin at the Lapine hall, with some 50 per sons present, including members ol Hie Lapine high school gradu ating class of 1944, of which Mrs. Snhin was a member. Cpl. and Mrs. Sabin are living at 1518 Newport avenue. The cor poral is stationed at the Redmond army air field. Mrs. Will Smith, Mrs. A. B. Smith and Mrs. J. W. Thom. Neighbors of Woodcraft The Neighbors of Woodcraft will meet at 8 p. m. Thursday in Moose hall. it was announced. Hostesses will be Mrs. D. Ray Cooper and Mrs. Frank Cook. Camp Fire Girls The Camp Fire girls of Bend and Redmond will play an Import ant part in the present campaign m Deschutes county to raise $4,- 000 for the Foundation for In fantile Paralysis, it was reported today. Not only will the girls have charge of the "March of Dimes" feature of the drive, but they will also handle school so licitations, it was said. Mrs. Joe Elder, supervisor of the Camp tire girls in Bend, to day went to Redmond to con fer with Mrs. Chalmers Nooe, Camp Hre girl leader there, and perfect arrangements for the girls' participation. Meeting Is Set Members of the Junior Civic league were scheduled to meet with Mrs. J. F. Arnold, chairman of the polio drive in the county, and make arrangements for the establishing of booths at strategic places In the business district. It was announced that milk bot lies would be placed throughout the city for the collection of smaller contributions, and that Camp Fire girls might vie with boys In staging another "mile of dimes" on Wall street. Special Classes For Adults Due Typing and shorthand classes for adults will be started soon in the commercial department of Bend high school. A. W. Nelson Itoyil Acres II. K. V The Boyd Acres home extension unit will meet Friday at 10 a. m. at the Evergreen on Thursday The home of Mis. William Selkin on Evergreen Circle will meet at 2.' the Bend-Burns highway. Children p. m. Thursday with Mrs. Charles will be cared for at the meeting Biladeau. Mrs. Louis Youngberg place. The subject will be "slip will be assistant hostess. Mrs. ; covers," it was announced. Roy Welser and Mrs. l.eorgc 11 Zufelt are on the program com mittec, it was announced Sociul Pinochle Club The So cial Pinochle club will meet with Mrs. Joseph S. Egg, 811 Georgia! at 7:30 tonight lor party. Ladles Auxiliary to Install The Ladies Auxiliary of the Patri archs Militant will install officers at 8 p. m. Friday in the I.O.O.F. hall. According to, an announce ment, members of the refivsh- potlucklment committee will be Mrs. I Frank Riley, Mrs. A. E. Stevens, Shevlin Quality PONDEROSA PINE Lumber and Box Shooks Save Your Tires Wifh OK RECAPS Highest quality materials and workmanship guaranteed. AVAILABLE NOW Tires for A-Card Holders Third grade tires (certificate obtainable) covered with long wearing OK recaps. Ask about thom. O.K.RUBBER WELDERS and Mobil Service C. D. Winn 2 pkgs. 39c M-D SANITARY NAPKINS Your PHOTOGRAPH Says "I Love You"! Keep your image close to him during lonely hours on a far-away front send a smiling Val entino photograph Hollywood styled by our trained photographers. Have it made new! Just stop in at your convenience no appointment necessary. STUDIOS "PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION" 906 Wall . . Next to USO . . Phone 89 . . Bend Open Weekdays Closed Sundays 9:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. Studios also In Klamath Falls, Modford, Albany, Portland. A Pacific CoaU Paper Mills Mllnfham, Wuhlndon Manufacturers 0 M-D Toilet Tissue 2A Better to See And See Through Vour llllln girl will look prel tier in prorx-r kIih"m nml Iiit rv- will En-ally Ix-rii-fil by our expert examination, prescrib lug anil filling. Dr. M. B. McKenney OPTOMETRIST Offices: Kx,t of Oregon Ave. l'hone 450-W . 1 NEWS that's smart in print A Nm7fim," rWnga-trfm, 2 peplum it nawi definltelyl aj SBkT'H-"! Especially in thil imorf, EjEtf thadowy print Toilortd KBT''' with rh ctavar knock for" RJj V 7 I " iltnderijing typical of a 1M ' I Young Viewpoint Of fine vfjjL fSl I ' rayon jersey Ihol'i 10 Jjlffi 11 eaj o wear, and easy' JifJ' I 1--' lo care for became ' Tj V if rarely wrinkles V I VefrI 22.50 I Y j if rou must wear women $ sizes but won't wear women's sty'esf ' Wtl.LE VH PLAC TO TRADE trade and Industrial coordinator, said today. It is planned to hold the classes on Mondays, Wednesday und Fri days. The hours have not yet been set, Nelson stated, adding that the classes will be scheduled between 4 and 6 p. m., or from 7 to 10 p. m. Persons Interested In studyliiR shorthand or typing have been asked to telephone Nelson at 1001 and state the hour most conveni ent to them. The classes will start at the hour preferred by the ma jority of applicants. Buy National War Bonds Now! Brooks'Scanlon Quality Pine Lumber Brcoks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. IA , Iltll" t'll'-ftl Bomber Commander HORIZONTAL 59 Czar ' 1 Pictured ric.id60ComPanion of U. S. 20th Bomber Com mand, Brig." Gen. 11 Fowl 12 Incline 13 Native mctnl 15 Cut off short 17 Bamboolike grass 18 Periods of geological time 19 Dibble 21 Diminutive of Edward 52 Skill 23 Parent 95 trnnevs 28 Whirlwind 30 Sprigs 32 Character istics 34 Peer Gynt' mother 35 Midday 30 Negative word 37 Envoy - 40 Unit of electricity " 43 Manuscript (ab.) 44 Toward 15 Early English (ab.) 46 Senior (ab.) 47 Soak up 4 8 .Novel 50 Plant part 52 Pause 55 Individual 53 Station (ab.) VERTICAL 1 Cognizance 2 Wife of Geraint in Arthurian legend 3 North Caro lina (ab.) 4 Auricle I h A v HORACE e A SlL I I N 0,L. IPKftV?; MANN clAsF lAte c te '-' .4'' J. ... p. To 1- gt AKl 1 Alii 5 e pP Ld ET E" Z PjfeiN $l. . B S. si t-lFRtrrtc:is c nVvoiu 1 Knther 18 Gaelic 20 Peer 22 Ari ivnl (ab.) 5 Woody plants 23 Sacred song 6Pavsatten- 24 Church parts linn to 7 Married 8 Onward 9 Pedal extremity 10 Sea eagle 11 High school 26 Slave 27 Sicilian volcano 28 Smells 2D Compound pthcr 31 Regular (nb.) 39 Apex 41 His bombed Japai 42 Equal 47 Observes ' 49 Direction " 50 Therefore . 51 Powerful cx plosive (ab.) 53 Female saint (ab.) 54 Symbol for tantalum ..u v 00 ui:i-'.-..- yum, .'1 i..t 14 Electrical unit 38 Particle 57 Part of "bt" I 12. 1 1 It 1 t. 7 8 S 10 5 ibT'T ' 1 ' 1 "' ii 20" u Tp 25 zr n rrpr "sr b 3 TZZZ!! Jju W Bond and Franklin I'liune IMS