THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, MONDAY, JAN. 15, 1945 PAGE SIX Russian Drive Affects Market By T. V. Kienli'n .(United Pre&n Staff Correspondent) New York, .Tan. 15 HP) A peace market developed In stocks today when the Russian army began an all-out drive throuch Poland to ward the German border. Prices dropped 1 to around 2 points at the low In the main list but late in the session there was a mild recovery from the lowest levels. Tradinc? started out at a clip that would have meant more than 2.500.000 shares for a full day but activity liehlencd after stock tick ers fell behind momentarily in the first hour. Although such "war babies" as steel shares and rails bore the brunt of the selling, there was an undertone of firmness In such peace stocks as low priced motors, motor enuipment slocks, and merchandise shares. Toward the-close active rails bad losses of around a noint In Santa Fe, Atlantic coast line and Delaware & Hudson with Nickel nlate preferred and Norfolk & Western both off 2 points and Pere Marquette prior preferred off 3'-i. Thousands Flock Into War Jobs (Tt United 1'riw) ( The threat of work or fight legislation has had almost as much effect In gettinrr men to transfer to war industries as a draft would and thousands of workers have jammed XI. S. em ployment offices throughout the country to sign up for war work, a survey revealed today. Many major war production centers reported the heaviest in creases in war lob seekers since D-day and In -Wisconsin alone, more than 11.000 apnlicants jam med USES offices with the great est increase reported in war-busy Milwaukee. ' The war manpower commission at Detroit reported that 5.000 of the apnlicants processed last week were "highly capable and quali fied 4-F's from service industries just the kind we're after." One of the largest Increases was reported In the Minneapolis -St. Paul area. Applicants last Mon day and Tuesday at St. Paul In creased 400 per cent over the pre vious weeks, while In Minneapolis, the increase for the first two weeks of this month topped a sim ilar period In December by 125 per cent. Boston reported a 40 per cent increase and In Pennsylvania ar plicants jumped more than 20 per cent. For a Little, Sell a Lot With Bulletin Classified Ads Classified Rafes Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 35c 25 Words Threo Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.35 OR SALE FAT IIOOS for sale. Third place from north junction old highway. ! Eli I'avich. All .ord. ...r u udd le n.r word time. ( hitches: De Laval cream separa- number of Intertlono Ont month run. tame ropy, Mlnlmom Charge, WANTED 24" BICYCLE in good shape. Will pay cash. Fred Berg. Phone 39 F-2. TO RENT a piano excellent care. 1309 East Third, Apt. 1. LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Clarified Adeertifllnr. Ch In Arf'anco Dalljr Clo.lnr Time 12:30 P. H. BALL AND SOCKET trailer j ii- uivai m-uui '"" 1 crn RADIOS Will rv-iv Inn d rat.''01' wiln "ltilrtHne,1,s 'or pu'',,ric j prices for good used radios. ul I or gasoline motor, guaranteed to Gcorpe's Radio Service. New loca- no in y.vuu wuikimk uhk-i , i-ujuu- j tior)i gg WaU St. Phone 900. tcl I .11. KUim-ll Ittllf, iiit-uiuiii ni.i. FOR SALE HELP WANTED modern, plastered. Cellar. Com- .,., ...., . u,i part enamel, 515; floor lamps: real nice breakfast table with 4 chairs, a real good buy: heating I.ADY to assist with cleaning on stoves: flat bed springs. S2 each; Saturdays. Also substitute work nlcteiv furnished. Frigidaire. Woodshed, garage. $2200. See Gil berts for terms. Gilberts Real Estate. GOOD FIVE ROOM MODERN: Paved street. Three lots. Large chicken house, double garage, other buildings. $325(1. Reason able down oavment. Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall St. PAVED STREET 3 bedroom fur nished modern house, good foun dation, double constructed stone garage. $3000. $1250 down, $35 month. Anne Forbes, 3G Oregon. Phone 3G-W. hllohes: replacement halls for trailer hitches; 5 and 10 gallon mill; cans, 50c to $1.50; small Ice box; car jacks. Open evenings. 350 Division. 12 YOUNG laving hens. S1.50 each. Also 500 chick canacitv elec tric brooder, $35.00. 1527 Division. MAN'S RAIN COAT, practically new, size 40. Also several ladies' suits and dresses, sizes 14 and 16. Phone 5G3-M. ALMOST NEW lady's camel hair and wool coat, size 18, $9: men's overcoats, real bargains: also new. fur chubby. 350 Division. 56 ACRE PLACER ground 36-pat. ented; 2000 ft. pipe. 2 giants, 30 acres, woven wire fenced. 5 room house. $1000 cash total price. Phone or call Medford Auto Wrecking Co., Medford, Ore. SXJNFLAME AtJTOMATIC hot water heater, children's sklis, 250 egg capacity incubator, also 50 egg Incubator, almost new hot water car heater, round kerosene healer. 350 Division. ONE 2-YFAROLD polled Dur ham bull. 1 '4 miles east of Blade tifh Bros, dairy. Rt. 1, Box 201. GRAND OPPORTUNITY west side dunlex. Live In one, rent the other. Each unit 3 rooms. Large living rooms, hardwood floors, overstuffed furniture, basement. Senarate septic tanks and drilled I nnies. une unturnisnen. une fur nished. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 3G-W. NOTICE: Furnished four room modern. Redecorated. Two lots. Garage, woodshed. Near Kenwood school. I ow down navment. $300 down. Gilberts Real Estate. RADIO SCHOOL I will accept a few more students --anv age who want to learn radio by practical methods as well as thearetical. Do actual jobs in the shop with service instruments. Starts at once. See M. W. Luckoy at 117 Lafayette St. JERSEY-GUERNSEY cow, 4 gal. per dav, double-tested. 4 Guernsey- Holsteins. freshen soon. Rav Davidson, 4 miles east, la mile north, Vi mile east Bend. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 15 mi Livestock: cattle 2500. calves 125. Uneven. Fed steers 25-50c lower, many unsold- Other classes steady to weak, some bid 25c lower. Good fed steers $15.00 16.00; common- medium $11.50 13.00. Medium-good heifers $13.25; common-medium $9.50-12.50. can-ner-cutter cows $5.50-7.50. Medium-good lieef cows $10.00-12.00. Bulls $9.50-11.00.Good cholcc veal ers $12.50-15.00. Hogs 1200. Steady. Good-choice 170-270 lbs. $15.75; heavier and lighter weights down to $14.50. Good sows $13.5014.00. Feeder pigs quotable to $14.75. Sheep 500. Strong to 25c higher. Good-choice wooled lambs $14.50 15.00. Fall shorn lambs $14.75. Common lambs down to $11.00. Good ewes salable $6,00 6.50. DAY AND WEEK old calves. John E. Johnson, Rt. 1, Box 311-B. NOwliSTHE'TIMEtobiiv that acreage. Excellent bargains. 20 acres, 19 C.O.I., large house, three chicken houses, stone cellar, barn. Only $2500. $700 down, $35 month. Close in. Immediate possession. 14 acres, 6 Arnold. 7 room house, turkev sheds. Reduced from $2000 to $1500. $500 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 30 Oregon. Phone 36-W. FARM: On highway. 80 acres. 30 C.O.I. Excellent four room house. Two barns. Farm machlnerv. trac tor. $3500. Price very low. Gilberts Real Estate. 50 GALLON hardwood barrels, $1.00 each, while they last. These are the barrels that have been selling for $2.00. Gregg's Banner Bakery. BFDROOM SUITE, dark comnlete with mattress and snrings, larie circulator heater, kitchen sink, washdown toilet with fittings, kitchen cabinet, high chair, conk stove, dresser. Three new dolls. 21 Inch, miscellaneous articles. 164 E. Irving. WELL EOUIPPFD fnctorv built Shult trailer house. Phone 1076-R. FOR KENT SMALL MODERN house, gas eoulnped, refrigeration. Inquire 516 Lava Road. (luring week. Bakery. Gregg's Banner FRY COOK or experienced wait ress at the Smoke Shop. MAID at the Cozy Hotel. WOMAN or girl for general housework. Phone 556. 480 Broadway. RIP SAW and cut off saw work ers at once. Chris Heindle, Oregon Trail Box Co. SITUATION WANTED CHIMNEY SWEEP I SPECIALIZE cleaning chlm neys, furnaces and fireplaces, 20 years experience. Phone 692. YOUNG MAN would like work In service station or as truck driver. 1021 Harriman. Phone 111-J. USED CARS 1936 CHEVRIOLET deluxe coach, under ceiling price, good tires. 144 Adams Place. 1935 FORD sedan, good rubber, A-1 condition throughout. Trice $100.00 cash. 1341 E. 3rd. '36 FORD V-8 pickup, good rub ber, fair running condition. 365 Seward. 1937 GRAHAM coupe, radio, $300 cash. See it at 32 Shasta Place. LOST Selective Service Status Is Cleared In order to clear up an appar ent misunderstanding on the part ' of many Bend men, J. D. Dono-j van, chairman of the Deschutes! county selective service board, to-! day explained that only those in ! non-essential jobs will be reclas-' sified. This anplies not only to those in the 4-F classification, but all other men in jobs not neces- j sarv to the war effort. "There have been numerous' calls from men even In the Bend mills inquiring about their sta-1 tus." Donovan stated. "It must be ; understood that the lumber in-; dustry is considered essential to ; the prosecution of the war, and that men employed in it will not he disturbed unless they are j found to have a record of ab-' seiueeism. ineir status will re main unchanged unless the selec tive service laws are changed. "Certainly, the men who are not in essential work know this fact, and these men are the ones we will call in and reclassify," Donovan added. ELK TOOTH-with initials "V. L." on back. Finder nlease return to Bulletin office or Elks Club. MISCELLANEOUS EXPERT LINOLEUM laying, 12 years experience.drain boards and cove base, floor sanding and car net work. 365 Miller Ave. Phone 753-J. Harrison Upholstery. Truce Ends Fire In Greek Strife Athens, Jan. 15 mi A truce ended the shooting in the Greek civil war today. ' ' Some ELAS units were under stood to have fnilorl tn i-opoiuo notification of the signing of the; truce, which became effective at j n.Kii a. m. The ELAS forces, however, gave every indication of observing the terms of the truce. They had been pulling out of the banned areas as fast as their superior officers spread the word of the agreement. Buy National War Bonds Now! FURNISHED ROOMS. Kitchen privilege or board. 42 Hawthorne, 3 ROOM furnished anartment. Wood, water and lights furnished. Clean, light rooms. Hot water heat. Suitable for 2 peoole. Call after 5:30 p. m., 236 '4 E. Irving. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21F-4. Mrs. Edna Bovd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 161, Bend. 3 ROOM furnished house, not modern. Easv distance to mills. Garage if desired. Apply 207 Riverfront. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and manv other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl Road, Bend. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 15 ll" Butter and egg prices were un changed today. Butter Cule 32 score 42'Vic: 92 score 42'ic; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41'ic pound. Eggs Price to retailers: AA large 51c: A large 49c; medium A 46c; small 41c dozen. 10 TONS of alfalfa ha v. 1' northwest of Tumalo. Koopman, Rt. 2, Box 173. I LARGE HEATED sleeping room ; 1 tor rent nv dav, week or month. a miles ,610 Congress. IVJUfl I I I'Olt SALE OR TRADE 3-ROOM MODERN furnished HERE'S A STOCK R A N C H j f.lItU son r mnn.h 1 Z ,'ral1 NEAR CORVALLIS W O R TH m,,..,' r n,,ttl.,ll,An AIII 1......II.. 'lA J ' of cattle. 200 or 300 hogs. Housing for 1000 rhickens. Living water for stock everywhere. Reaver dam and Chchnlls soil. Power line thru place. 2 $10000 homes. 1 ten ant house. 5 slock barns and 15 or 20 out bids, besides chicken hous es. Price $50,000. Can be sold In two chunks of 560 and 760 acres each with one fine home on each for $20,000 and $30,000. If vou are Interested In something like this It will nay you to investigate. 81 ACRE ranch near Bend, large new modern barn and milk house fully eotiiuoed for grade A dairv. Good 6-room modern house. I,ots of good nut buildings. Near school and clt v buses. Terms. E. J. Losch, Route 1, Box 156. P. Hates, Realtor, Corvallis, Paul Ore. LARGE WOOD circulator in ex cellent condition. 219 Linster Place. 180 ACRES, 42 shares of Swallev. Will take smaller place in trade, i here or in the vallev. With or with j out improvements. Lillian Tos sing, Rt. 2, Hentl. WANTED TO BUY either a portable or standard typewriter. Call 885 be tween 2:00 and 6:00 p. m. INCO M K PROPERTY: East I'.ighlh street. Four room modern. Knotty Pine. Ultra modern tlu-1 plex. Furniture. Two lots. Reason-! utile down Davment. l.tllierts Real north on new Estate. 1015 Wall St. I SNAP ON the chains to fit 6 lfi WANT TO BUY telephone box for rural line. Needed batllv by rail road man. Rt. 2, Box 17, 2 miles FOR SALE Pajamas for men and women, panties with real elac tic, vests, gowns, slips now avail able in the famous Luk-Shu Ri knit fabric. Also beautiful gowns, slips, etc.. in crepes and satins. Phone 615-J. Elsie A. Dunn, No. 7 Westonia Apts., for appointment. Representative in Bend of the 'House of Charm" C. & D. Co., Mich., for the last 10 years I LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned has been duly appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Sadie Alice Lucas, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified, as by law required, at the office of my attorney, H. C. Ellis, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this no tice. Dated and first published this 8th dav of January, 1945. A R VILLA MURPHY, Adminis tratrix. H. C. ELLIS, Attorney. 28-34-40-46C PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire. with any printing vou like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. SPEEDING IS CHARGED Reported by police to have been driving an automobile on South, Third street at a speed of 45 miles i an hour. Floyd Dennis Ellifritz, 30, of 642 East Seward street, to day was scheduled to appear in municipal court on a charge of violating the basic rule. He was overtaken by officers at Marshall and Third street. I TOP WESTERN STORY OF ALL TIME! ! ZANE GREY'S "LIGHT OF WESTERN STARS" TOWER Tomorrow Wednesday RUCK IS RECOVERED A pickup truck, Ix-longing to J. M. Dyer, and which was stolen from In front of the Eagles' hall Saturday night, was recovered near the Redmond army air field, GOOD TRUCK, $150.00 cash local police reported loday. I East 1st St. 1938 LA SAI.I.K sedan. Also house trailer, sleeps three, all good rub ber and completely furnished, quick sale fin- cash. Can be seen at Redmond Trailer Park after 6 p. m. O. C. Countryman. Do You Suffer 'PERIODIC With Its Weak, Nervous "Dra?rH Out" FmIIrm? In my own home. Mrs. j Rt ,,. mvou Uk, ,0 m,nT tires. Call 366.1 after 6 p. m. I i CURTAIN'S and lace table cloths I to Intitule Moody. 61 1170 5 Federal. Phone 963 M WILL BUY good small modern ; houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Hentl. WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS HALLOWELL KOLD WAVES JiiM Ask the lrl Who' II wl Oik-! WHl ii.!!fi.d ami y.xiMfrUtu-f'i Operator. MA V LAI H i llll. I. IK Powder Puff Beauty Shop I'bune 4M MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "Ttv Monument Man" 10W Atrr hi. IkL ?. M Refrigerator Service AH Typos of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. nim Mint,. .In l'h.,1.,. HSU TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE Vj! Hoe Illve Truck it oil Trnllrr itr Ih used iinuheri In the I S A. Million! red tiiM- or rial IIm-iimi wlii-ii traii-.KrtiiiC iir own Ktxxls. Iiiik trliH, Klxirt Irliw miyuhi-re. Sim- your Trui ili-ttlcr. Mission Service Station , Wood Franklin I'hone Klir Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 1 68 839 Columbia' Sn'cliili.liie In ! Long Distance Household : Goods Movement LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fust Dully Service Every Dav Of the Year Phone 544 ftirls end women suffer from cramps, hpftdftcbe. backache, feel tired, reatleu, bit moody all due to functional peri odic disturbance Start at once try Lydia E, Ptn hnm's Vegetable Compound to relieve auch symptoms. It's famoui not only to help relieve monthly pain but also Accompanying tired, wrnk, nervous feel ings of this nature. This Is because of Its soothing effect on oki or woman's most important oroaVis. Taken regu larly Pinkham's Compound helps build up resistance apalnst such symp toms. Follow label directions. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S K Oregon Ltd. Contracting Power Wiring Usht Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer .Sales and Service Phone 159 Ml Franklin Benil, Ore. Preludes to Spring v& -if V) A carefree, fresh touch gives new flattery to these trim black rayons. They're perfect for the in-between season, and you can wear them all through spring, too! Everyone will admire you in one of our rayon jerseys with their gay, splashy flowers. Wonderful colors! Rayon jersey prints spring gardens in themselves! Bright buttons, crisp organdy ruffles on beautiful black! All so lovely! LACE-TO-TOE LOGGER 7.90 Built for rugged wear! Heavy oil-tanned upper, lace-to-toe model, with solid leather sole, plus heavy rubber tap sole and heel, 8-inch top. A real work shoe. Light Weight. All Wool STAG SHIRT 7.90 Double back all wool stag shirt, light weight, in deep blue and black lumbermen's plaids warmth without weight! 25 Warm Wool SHIRTS DRAWERS ea. 1.49 Short sleeves, long legs, underwear that pro vides winter protection without undue bulk. Defies Cold Wind SHEARLING VEST 6.95 Sheepskin vest, the leather side dyed a deep brown, soft natural piie, lipper fastened. 1 6-Lb. Cotton UNDERWEAR 1.33 Heavy spring-needle knit union suits of long staple cotton, long sleeves and legs. RED RYDER By FRED HARMAN HOWDY, RED.' DUCHESS .'A A f frill WHY A f NAVAJ03 ARE WHAT'S ALL COUWE OF V WOULD His I fY5TE.Rl0D5 f EOPlE-' JH' RUCKUS ?A NAYAJOs JU5T K OWrt UHEKE'f- sOfNETHxrVG , RAN AwW 4 1RlfrE5MEtf rDEEP BEHIND T ( BUT I'LL oLT 1 f YOU'D BETTER, TKEEP AN) E.YET'l V H1N BACK V OR BUST A ON) W RANCH I xi.yfwV-: it ss; BUCKLE ADIOS. A