PAGE EIGHT ' THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, SATURDAY. JANUARY 13, 1945 - Market Develops Firmer Tendency By Elmer C. Walzer (UniU-tl Preai Financial Kditor) New York, Jan. 13 MB The stock market developed a firmer tendency In the short session to day with volume slightly reduced from last Saturday's pace. Montgomery Ward, which set off yesterday's last minute decline on heavy offerings by houses with Chicago connections, was quieter but weak. It opened 2,000 shares at 40, off V. and then extended its loss to more than a point. There were a few other losers, most of them in the railroad group which alone among the major divisions failed to record a gain. Nickel riate issues had declines ranging to 2 points in the preferred. International Telephone con tinued to lead in turnover and it made a new high. Talk of a merg er of this unit and several inter national communications compa nies was the huvlng incentive. The company's foreign stock made a new high on lighter volume. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 13 mi Livestock for week: cattle 27115, calves fi(I5. Compared week ago. steers and heifers strong to 25c higher, cows 2550c and more uo, closing rather slow at advance. Few loads pood-choice fed steers $ir.O0-l(i.5O. Medium-good $14.00-15.85. Common-down to $10.00; common medium heifers S9.50-13.00. medium-good fed heifers S13.25-14.25. Cutters down to $7.00: canner cutter cows $5.50-8.00. Fat dairy type cows $8.5010.00 heavy kinds to $11.00: medium-good beef cows $10.00-12.50; medium-good bulls $9.5011.50; good-choice vealers $13.50-14.50; few $15.00. Grass calves ut) to $14.00. Hogs 2935. Compared week ago market fully -steady, sows and feeder pigs strong to 25c higher; pood-choice 170-270 lbs $15.75. ceil ing 275-350 lbs S14.5015.00. Light lights largely $14.75; good sows $13.50-14.00: pood-choice feeder pigs $14.0014.75. good stags $105011.50 mainly. Sheep 1515. Compared week ago, market 25-50c higher; good choice wooled lambs $14.0014.75; lots $15.00, one choice lot 15.25: common medium $10.5012.00. Culls down to $8.00 and under: pood yearlings $100. Good slaughter ewes $0,000.50. Common-medium $4.00-5.00. RAILROADER IS SAILOR, TOO Beverly, Mass. till Belying the traditional busman's holiday, transman Harry p. McCausland of Beverly doesn't take a train ride on his day off. Instead, Mc Causland spends so much time sailing with his son on their 35 foot sloop that he can toss nauti cal terms around as freely as he can talk railroad language. BOUND TO HAPPEN Devils Lake, N. D. Ul'i A white Leghorn hen owned by Mrs. Charles Landls, who lives near here, apparently Is trying to di rect Its eggs 1o men in the serv ice. The hen laid an egg the other day marked distinctly with a "GI" In brown pigment. WAIFS MADE STATE WARDS Boston dl'1 Records show that 51 babies have been abandoned in Massachusetts during the past 14 years. In 11 cases the parents eventually were identified. The other waifs became state wards. Buy National War Bonds Now! LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned administra tor of the estate of Matilda Nel son, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Deschutes Coun ty, Oregon, his final account In said estate, and said Court has fixed the 22nd dav of January, 1045, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock p. in. and the Courtroom of said Court as the time and place for hearing of objections, if any. to said final account and the set I le nient thereof. Dated and first published this 23rd day of I'lereniber, 111 11. G. W. W1NSLUW, Administra tor. A. J. MOORE, Attorney for Ad mlnistrator. Hi JI-27-.'SoV Oregon Ltd. Contracting power Wiring ,.,Khl Commercial and Industrial Wiring Supplies and Appliances General Electric Dealer Sales and Servico Phone 159 (ill Franklin Bend, Ore. For a Little, Sell a Lot Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time S.rc 23 Words Tlirce Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.35 All wurri ovr M arid 1c pr word limn number of lnntr1ionn One month run, uinf copy day rate Minimum Charge, 34e LINE RATE 10i' CAPITALS 20c Clairir1 Advrrtlalna-. Cw.h In Advance Ilallr Cloainii Time 12:30 l M. BEND LOIKiE, NO. 218 I. O. O. F. Meets Every Monday Night I. O. O. F. Temple 2G5 Franklin Avenue Robt. Leader, Noble Grand D. R. Miller, Sec, Phone 10G9-W I'OK SALE FURNISHED HOME: Four room modern, plastered. Cellar. Com pletely furnished. Krigidaire. Woodshed, garage. $2200. See Gil berts for terms. Gilberts Real Es tate. PAVED STREET 3 bedroom fur nished modern house, good foun dation, double constructed stone garage. $3000. $1250 down, $35 month. Anno Forbes, 3l Oregon. Phone 30-W. 5G ACRE PLACER ground 30-patented; 2000 ft. pipe, 2 giants, 30 acres, woven wire fenced. 5 room house. $1000 cash total price. Phone or call Medford Auto Wrecking Co., Medford, Ore. GRAND OPPORTUNITY west side duplex. Live in one, rent the other. Each unit 3 rooms. Large living rooms, hardwood floors, overstuffed furniture, basement. Separate septic tanks and drilled holes. One unfurnished, one fur nished. Anne Forbes, 30 Oregon. Phone 3G-W. NOTICE: Furnished four room modern. Redecorated. Two lots. Garage, woodshed. Near Kenwood school. Low down payment. $300 down. Gilberts Real Estate. ALMOST NEW 2 unit electric De Laval Sterling milking machine equipped for 16 cows. Will help Install. S. M. Edgerton, 2 miles west on McKcnzie highway and 1 mile north. Redmond, Oregon. DAY AND WEEK old calves. John E. Johnson, Rt. 1, Box 311-B. NOW IS THE TIM E uThuy that acreage. Excellent bargains. 20 acres. 19 C.O.I.. large house, three chicken houses, slone cellar, barn. Only $2500, $700 down, $35 month. Close in. Immediate possession. 14 acres, 6 Arnold. 7 room house, turkey sheds. Reduced from $2000 to $1500. $500 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. FARM: On highway. 80 acres. 30 C.O.I. Excellent four room house. Two barns. Farm machinery, trac tor. $3500. Price very low. Gilberts Real Estate. BEIGE COAT size 11, black fitted coat, 1(1; house dresses, 14: shoes 5, G; child's overshoes, small other articles. Call mornings and eve nings. 1112 Federal. 50 GALLON hardwood barrels, $1.00 each, while they last. These are the barrels that have been selling for $2.00. Gregg's Banner Bakery. 10 TONS of alfalfa hav. m miles northwest of Tumaln. Robert Koopman, Rt. 2, Box 173. HERE'S A STOCK RAN C II NEAR COItVAI.l.IS WORTH THE MONEY 1.T20 acres. 170 in cultivation. Will handle 250 head of cattle. 200 or 3I10 hogs. Housing for 1IMX) chickens. Living water for slock everywhere. Beaver dam and Chehalis soil. Power line thru place. 2 $10,000 homes. 1 ten ant house. 5 slock barns and 15 or 20 out bids, besides chicken Ileus es. Price S5fl,0(0. Can be sold In two chunks of 560 and 760 acres each with one fine bona- on each Tor $20,000 and $30,000. If you are Interested in something like this It will pay you to invest igale. Paul P. Hales, Realtor, Corvallis, Ore. INNER SPRING mattress new. 1917 West First. like PREWAR HOY'S bicycle, good tires and Inner tubes. Phone !N7 or call at 1231 Hill St. LARGE WOOD circulator in ex cellent condition. 219 Linster Place. I N C OM E PR( TpER TYKa7l Eigblh street. Four room modern. Knotty Pine. Ultra modern du plex. Furniture. Two lols. Reason able down pavment. Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall St. I '..' LA SALLE sedan. Also house trailer, sleeps three, all good rub ber and completely furnished. quirk s.ite for cash. Can be seen at Redmond Trailer Park after 6 p. 111. o. ('. Countryman. FAT lit ICS for sale. Third place from north junction old highwav. Eli Pavich. 12 Yoi-NG laving hrw.$i.rin each. Also "mi chick capacity elec tric brooder, $35.00. 1527 Division. MAN'S RAIN COATrpract'toatlv new, sle HI. Also several ladies' suits and dresses, sizes 11 and 16. Phone fid;! M. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Olllc l'hon. 73 Rr. l'hi.n 819. W I OI SALE LIBRARY TABLE $5.00, sturdy 'single bed, hospital height $7.50, 1 12 gauge double-barrel hammer 'less shot gun, $15.00. Inquire 1515 i E. 8th. ONE 2-YEAR-OLD polled Dur ham hull. 1 Vi miles east of Brade tich Bros, dairy. Rt. 1, Box 201. RADIO SCHOOL I will accept a few more students any agewho want to learn ' radio by practical methods as well as thearetical. uo actual lobs In the shop with service Instruments. Starts at once. See M. W. Luckey at 117 Lafayette St. JERSEY-GUERNSEY cow, 4 gal. per dav. double-tested. 4 Guernsey- Holsteins, freshen soon. Ray Davidson, 4 miles east, mile north, '! mile east Bend. GOOD FIVE ROOM MODERN: Paved street. Three lots. Large chicken house, double garage, oilier buildings. $3250. Reason able down payment. 1015 Wall St. ABOUT SEVEN TONS of rye hay. No. 2 potatoes, $2.25 delivery, 3 milk cows. Rt. 1, Box 219. FOR RENT SMALL MODERN house, gas eauinped. refrigeration. Inquire 51G Lava Road. FURNISHED ROOMS. Kitchen privilege or board. 42 Hawthorne. 5 ROOM modern house, full base ment. Inquire 1635 Awbrey road. MODERN 3 room furnished apartment. Close to city center. Wood, water, lights furnished. S25.00. Adults only. Apply at 945 E. Second. 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Wood, water and lights furnished. Clean, light rooms. Hot water heat. Suitable for 2 people. Call after 5:30 p.' m., 23G',i E. Irving. 3 ROOM furnished house, not modern. Easv distance to mills. Garage if desired. Apply 207 Riverfront. BOARD AND ROOM $15. Home cooked meals served family style. Warm rooms. Delaware Hotel. Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31-W. CLEAN SLEEPING and "house keeping room, kitchen and laun dry privileges. Linen and bedding furnished. Automatic heat. Phone 493-W. LARGE HEATED sleeping room for rent by day, week or month. 610 Congress. SLEEPING ROOMS, board ami laundry if desired, in well healed modern home. Quiet and close to citv center. Inmiirc 1532, Harmon Blvd. Phone 1184-J. FOR SALE OR TRADE 81 ACRE ranch near Bend, large new modern bai n and milk house fully equipped for grade A dairy. Good fi room modern house. Lots of good outbuildings. Near school and citv buses. Terms. E. J. Losch, Route 1, Box 156. ; 1S0 ACRES, 42 shares of Swallev. Will take smaller place in trade, I here or in the valley. With or with- out improvements. Lillian Tus- sing, Rt. 2, Bend. WANTED TO BUY either a portable or standard typewriter. Call 8S5 be tween 2:00 and 6:00 p, m. I 21" BICYCLE In good shape. Will I pay cash. Fred Herg. Phone 39-F-2. J WILL-BUYi ood small modern ! houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend. CHICK BROODER 500 or 1000 ca pacitv. Electric or kerosene. Write Route 1, Box 206. Telephone 9-F-3. TO RENT a piano excellent care. 1309 East Third, Apt. 1. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, S38 fall St. Phone 900. WANT TO BUY good two wheel luggage trailer. State price and condition. Write 9907 rare of Bul letin. TO GIVE small black and white; dog to someone that will give it a good home. Good pet for children. 1 See It al 712 Arizona. i'l'O RENT 2 bedroom modern fur 1 nlshed house. Close in. Phone ; STti M. 1C15 Awbrev road. HELP WANTED I LADY to assist with cleaning on (Saturdays. Also substitute work j 1 during week. Gregg's Banner i 1 Bakery. 1 : FRY COOK or experienced wait-1 ; l ess at 1 ne .smoke Miop. I'UU.KCTION' ATTOKNKY fori S:ilem rnetnploynient Ooimien;i- ' tinti Ceniiiiissinii, I'KHSONXKI. ! TKeilNiriAXS for Portland of ! fice: for I'KHMAN'KNT positions ; vviili 1 bo Slute apply at your local : Public Welfare. Hoard of Health.' or Unemployment Compensation! Commission office. I'lnal filing ! date January 27, 1 ASSISTANT STATISTIC! AV STATISTICAL CI.KHKS. riKl.D 1 'Ki i!ii ks: tor rt:i'.M.VN KNT ': positlms with the Stale anoh at vniir local Public Wei tan- 11 ard of Health, or I'nemployment Com pensaiion i. ommission office. Kinal filini; dale January 27. VM Positions locally or throughout I the state. HELP WANTED MAID at the Cozy Hotel. WOMAN or girl . for general housework. Phone 55G. 480 Broad way. RIP SAW and cut off saw work ers at once. Chris Hindel, Oregon Trail Box Co. EXPERIENCED FRY cook, top wages. Apply Allen's Cafe. USED CARS 1935 STANDARD Chev. Radio, heater, good rubber. Inquire Ma lone's Station on north highway. SITUATION WANTED CHIMNEY SWEEP . I SPECIALIZE cleaning chim neys, furnaces and fireplaces, 20 years experience. Phone 692. YOUNG MAN would like work in service station or as truck driver. 1021 Harriman. Phone 111-J. LOST ELK TOOTH with initials "V. L." on back. Finder please return to Bulletin office or Elks Club. MISCELLANEOUS CONTRARY to circulating re ports of our shop closing or changing hands we arc still in busi ness as usual with a good line of upholstery materials, also leather ettes. We thank you for your pat ronage. Have for sale one over stuffed chair, one davenport and chair set. also rough lumber. Phone 753-J. Harrison Upholstery, 3G5 Miller Ave. EXPERT LINOLEUM laying, 12 years experience.drain boards and cove base, floor sanding and car pet work. 3G5 Miller Ave. Phone 753-J. Harrison Upholstery. FOR SALE, one Airline radio. For rent, one 2-room, one 1-room house, furnished, with water and lights. Call 168 E. Irving. Phone 834-W. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Bovd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl Road, Bend. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any. printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Umatilla Visit Due for Ramsey Dr. Wayne S. Ramsey, Des chutes county director of public health, will leave on Monday to spend a week in Umatilla county as director of public health there. The Umatilla public health office, located in Pendleton, has been without a director for some time. Dr. Ramsey, whose local district includes Crook and Jefferson counties as well as Deschutes, will go to Pendleton on orders of the state public health service. While the matter has not yet been defi nitely settled, he is of the opinion that he will spend a week out of every month in Umatilla county herea fler. LADY LUCK UNBENDS Elizabethtown, III. (Ill J. W. Hawkins, with the infantry in France, has written his mother in Elizabethtown that his Thanks giving dinner consisted of a candy bar which a mess sergeant tossed him from a jeep. Two days later he had turkey, though. "I am lucky," he wrote, "for tonight I am going to sleep in a house that hasn't any shell holes in It, at least it hasn't any yet." BrooksScanlon Quality Pine Lumber Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. RED RYDER LITTLE SERVER:) x ,f PUT WHERE 1 With Bulletin Sgt. Constable Guest at Dinner Sgt. Clayton Constable, just back from the European theater of war, was a guest of honor at a dinner In the Pine Tavern last night sponsored by his" former associates at the Bend Garage Co., where the sergeant was employed for 18 years. Ten garage staff men -and Constable with an ag gregate of 184 years of service attended the dinner, at which a 23 pound turkey was served. Aver age length of service of employes was just under 17 years. Charles Corkett, with the Bend Garage Co. since 1919, led the entire group with 26 years of service. Walter G. Coombs, owner of the plant, has 29 years of service, "but he did not compete", staff members explained. Present for the banquet honor ing Sgt. Constable were W. A. Hunnell, E. H. Gibson, A. E. Led better, James Cain, Clinton Pal mer, Clyde Corkett, Robert Daven- Lport, Wes Welcome, Charles Cor kett, sgt. constable and Coombs. Bend Sailor Still In Navy Hospital Alec Braid, seaman 2c, who was taken suddenly ill on Dec. 19 in San Francisco and operated on the next day at the Treasure island naval hospital for per forated ulcers of the stomach, is still in the hospital, although re covering his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Braid, 1631 East Eighth street, have learned. Alec is a twin brother of Don Braid, 18, also a seaman second class. Don is now in the Philip pine area aboard a seaplane ten der. The. young men planned to en list together, Mrs. Braid said to day, but could not as Alec suffer ed a broken ankle shortly before the enlistment date. At the time he was taken ill in San Francisco he had been ordered to active duty aboard a destroyer, but his illness prevented him joining his ship. BRIDGES,' KAILS TARGETS London, Jan. 13 HPi More than '. 900 Flying fortresses and Iiberat- . ors, escorted by about 400 r ight-' ers. attacked seven rail bridges : across the Rhine and two rail 1 yards today. iiunniniiuiuijjuuiuiiiniiJiinn I Counfy Courf Proceedings wmimniniTirmmifliiMinmiTirtirr ''BE IT REMEMBERED, That at a regular meeting of the County Court held December 20, 1944, all members being present, the fol lowing business was transacted: In the Matter of Claims Against the County: The following bills were pre sented and ordered paid: GENERAL FUND Pine Tavern, county court, misc $17.10 Marchant Calculating Ma chine Company, sheriff's exp J2.50 Bend-Portland Truck Ser., courthouse exp 85 Shell Oil Company, sheriff, auto exp 15.75 Charles B. Roth and Asso ciates, school suptr., sup- ' plies 6.00 N. R. Gilbert, sheriff, bond prem 100.00 Catholic Charities, Inc., ju- , venile exp 5.00 Association of Oregon Coun ties, association dues 72.00 Public Lands Committee, public lands 351.00 First National Bank, Nov. withholding tax 410.71 County Treas., Assignee, old age 1065.00; aid to depend end children 226.40; aid to , blind 16.00 ' 1307.40 A Navajo bAR PENDANT-' it APPEARS TORN LC05E ' LITTLE BEAVER'S. FAIR FUND Deschutes County Fair As sociation, fairs 4580.55 GENERAL ROAD FUND C. L. McCauley, sheriff, gen exp 2.00 Shell Oil Company, fuel G6.40; lube 53.83 120.23 Reed Tractor & Equipment, parts 11-97 Bend Garage, equipment ... 1577.00 First National Bank, Nov. withholding tax 127.12 In the Matter of Appli cations for Beer Licenses: The Court approved the follow ing applications for beer licenses: Maude E. Eaton, Lapine, Ore gon, Retail Beer Class "C" Li cense. John F. Van Allen, Carroll Acres, Package Store Class "A" License. W. W. Rose, Lapine, Oregon, Retail Beer Class "C" License. King's Market, Bend, Oregon, Package Store Class "A" License. R. Carl Powell, Lapine, Oregon, Package Store Class "B" License. B. L. Hampton, Sisters, Oregon, Retail Beer Class "B" License. B. L. Hampton, Sisters, Oregon, Package Store Class "B" License. Leona Callihan, Rt. 1, Bend, Oregon, Package Store Class "B" License. Leona Callihan, Rt. 1, Bend, Oregon, Retail Beer Class "B" Li cense, i In the Mutter of Vacation Of a Street in Redmond: Upon report of the County Roadmaster concerning the vaca tion of 5th Street between Grace and Howard in Fair Acres Addi tion adjoining the Townsite of Redmond, the County Court re jects the petition. In the Matter of Deeds To County Owned Lands: At this time the Court signed the following deeds: Alfred Incognito E'i-NWH, NWWNWW. Sec. 24, Twp. IS S.R. 13 E.W.M. $120.00. Fred G. and Fannie M. Brist lin NWWNE'4, Sec. 11, Twp. 16 S.R. 12 E.W.M. $415.35. Pearl Kilpatrick Lot 17, Block Save Your Tires With OK RECAPS Highest quality materials and workmanship guaranteed. AVAILABLE NOW Tires for A-Card Holders Third grade tires (certificate obtainable) covered with long wearing OK recaps. Ask about them. O.K.RUBBER WELDERS and Mobil Service C. D. Winn Bond and Franklin Phone S33 WHO'S WHO in BENS AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS HALLOWELL HOLD WAVES Just Ask the Girl Who's Had One! Well Qualified and Experienced Operators MAY LAURA B1I.I.IE Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 484 MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1KB Awbrey Rd. Tel. 629-M 7 Th' TRAIL leads thi trouble: Classified Ads 17, Boulevard Addition. $293.55. Oregon & Western Colonization Co. Lot 8, Block 7; Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 8; and Lot 10, Block 12, Davidson's Addition to Sisters, Oregon, and all of Section 25, Twp. 15 S.R. 10 E.W.M. $1.00. In the Matter of Leasing County Owned Lands: The Court signed the following Henry Stenkamp SWWSWM, Sec. 22, Twp. 17 S.R. 13 E.W.M. (Jan. 1, 1945 to Dec. 31, 1949 at $2.50 per year.) v Wm. A. McLeod All t Sec. 36; SViSE'4, Sec. 26; and SW54 NW!4, SW!4SW!4, Sec. 25, all in Twp. 16 S.R. 12 E.W.M. (Term: Jan. 1, 1945 to Dec. 31, 1954.) In the Matter of Deed For Stock Pile Sites: . Pursuant to Resolution the Court executed a deed to the Ore gon State Highway Commission conveying certain lands along the Brothers-Harney County Line Sec tion of the Central Oregon High way for stock pile sites. In the Matter of the Re-Sale or County Owned Lands: ORDER FOR SALE OF REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, Deschutes County, BUI Avt oa Paint right over old wallpaper, stains, kalsominel Washable! Quick Dryingl Easy to Apply! PER GAL 2.85 Protect What you have with Boysen Save For the home you want in and Keep them! Buy Bonds Now Plan Now Build Later 3 1 8 Greenwood Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond & Minnesota Phono WW TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE V2I Beo Hive Trucks and Trailer may be used anywhere in the U.S.A. without red tape or spe cial license when transporting your own Roods. Long trips, short trins anywhere. See your Texaco dealer. Mission Service Station ' Bond & Franklin Phone 310 I VOAT-.-WI- pVI 1-S.TA WCM II K---r5: I VCARRIED off; 1 7 -T - " .aSrrOv Oregon, is the owner of the rea property hereinafter described! ana tne county court aeems it f0. the best interests of said Count to sell said real property; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDER, ED, that the Sheriff be, and he Is' hereby authorized and directed i sell the following described rej property, in the manner provide by law, for not less than the mir imum price and terms set oppo sue eacn iraci, pius cosis oi ai vertising and recording the deed Parcel No. 1 WMsSWy.NE', Sec. 11, Twp. 15 S.R, 12 E.W.V W'iNWWSEW, Sec. 11, Twp. r S.K. 12 Ji.w.M. S4U.UU cash. Parcel No. 2 WVjSE'A, Sec. 1! Twp. 18 S.R. 12 E.W.M. $250.0 Cash. Parcel No. 3 S'iNWW, Set 32, Twp. 15 S.R. 11 E.W.M. $U per acre. Parcel No. 4 Lot 2, Block 45 T.' W. Townsite Co's Second Adit tion to Bend. $40.00 Cash. There being no further busi ness, Court adjourned. C. L. ALLEN, County Judge E. E. VARCO, Commissioner A. E. STEVENS, Commissioner Buy National War Bonds No mm - n IATVIA? 100 pure paints. the future Buy War Bonds' Phone 110 Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing in Long Distance Household Goods Movement LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Daily Service Every DaT Of, the Year Phone 544 By FRED HARMAN NAVAJOS.'lCArvTl BELIEVE IT.' I r cc -h; it tw.tcc t t rc u 5 n err! "jjPL,