THE 8ERD BULLETIN, BiND;0RE60 SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1945 PAGE SEVEN Office Equipment FILING CABINETS We've a good stock in inexpensive to top quality filing cabinets handy built right for use and 1. i 1 qooa looningi DESKS Desks to meet your most critical require ments. Large ones, small ones, all hand somely finished. Typewriter Repairs Carbons Papers rersonai sranenery Greeting Cards Mimeograph Equipment Pendaflex Files Office Supplies ERIKSEN'S STATIONERY and OFFICE SUPPLIES Next to Chamber of Commerce ' Phone 141 Highest Type of Auto Machine Work BRAKE DRUM GRINDING . CYLINDER REBORING (Up to 7jj in. bore) PISTON REFINISHING MOTOR REBUILDING DRAKE'S AUTO SHOP Behind Stage Depot 1058 Bond Phone 795-J Put youi advertising mes sage on a blotter and it will be remembered. -Your business needs ' BLOTTERS . . A blotter will keep your name before your cus tomers constantly. Blot ters are an inexpensive way of getting results. Try them. THE BEND BULLETIN Telephone 56 j OUR STOCK of BICYCLE ACCESSORIES SUPPLIES PARTS COMPLETE Carl Austin REPAIR SHOP 220 GREENWOOD We FIX ''em! Complete Auto Repair To keep your car giving peak performance, bring it to us for attention while your troubles are still small. Motor, battery, radiator, transmission, tires, or just lubrication, we can do the job right. GATES TIRES - AUTOLITE BATTERIES Central Oregon Garage WALT NELSON EARL ZEEK Greenwood & Harriman Phone 240 -5? ivy ' " f If V J I . oH, LILU OH, IT'S YOU.' YOU' RE Y WEAH -THINGS) ( WnfV) P (ffK ' MOT SO Eizz IGETTINIG I QUIETED - V J vB I ( WmMM V fast JZ home dowm at ySL zsAt ijW $hK T.M. REGIUS. PAT. OFF. '''C- " I -Z"T - fl II P"-1 1 VOU BETTER Ml I I! 1 1 : ( VOU BET Wl I II IB ' ' ? .V i i , I ( HANG UP YOUR 11 VJ 1 pr ' IDO' f ' B I 1 ' Tvf JLM j.siOW MOM I Li I I ' A fJ ( CLOSE THAT , f I'M TRVINJ' OM OF COURSE IT WILL" YOU'RE Y IT'S ALL THE I I'LL CLOSE IT.' ANYTHING NO-L DONi'T; ? I DOOR, I SMARTV, BUT pyz. JUST A WEAKLING.' AKiD OUITJ SAME, AIN'T IT? )' TO STOP THEIR THINK SO J SNIP ) r IT WON'T PUSHING ME.' 1 1 J 7 HA, HA, NOW ' W'RAMGLING vrA LET ME fc-JlJ v sf'h V CLOSE ; J PUSH THE r-f t6,n I WHO'S TH' WEAK- SAY, THIS yrq CK 2 S TRY 7 3F ! - ' TOR, , ! ' POC-- - 1 f fe ff-i 8k 1