m Local News TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 53 degrees. Minimum last night, 44 degrees. TODAY'S WEATHER Temperatures: 10 p.m., 45 de grees; 10 a-m., 54 degrees. Veloc ity of wind: 10 p.m., 8 miles; 10 a.iiiM 16 miles. Mrs. Mildred Schrautemler and two daughters, Betty and Opal, who recently moved to Redmond from Alliance, Neb., were Bend visitors yesterday. They may make their home in Bend, it was reported. E. A. Emory, Silver Lake cattle man, was in Bend yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Stearns .vore in Bend from their La Dine H cattle ranch yesterday. street, left yesterday for Port land where she will spend the weekend. The nurses association of dis trict 14 will meet with Mrs. Oris sa Ahbott, 630 Broadway, at 8 p.m. Monday, it was announced. The Masonic Degree team will meet at 2 p. m. tomorrow in the Masonic Temple for practice, it was announced today. Viola Galvin, 1015 Bond Street, today was back in Bend after spending two weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. J. Yount, at Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Joseph F. Egg, 811 Georg ia, has returned from a two week's visit with her son, Ashley O. Coulter, seaman 1c, in Port land. Coulter, who recently par ticipated in Philippines action aboard a battleship, has been awarded a purple heart. Charles H. Overbay, assistant forester in the staff of the Des chutes national forest, was in Klamath Falls today attending a Boy Scouts gathering Miss Genevieve Skjersaa, past two The sergeant was uehter of Mrs. L. N. Skjersaa,iiv,,inoHv n . daughter of Mrs. L. N. Ski 115 Riverfront street, left today for Taeoma, Wash., where she will attend the St. Joseph's school of Nursing. Don H. Peoples, executive sec retary of the Bend Chamber of Commerce, today was in Portland attending a meeting of the Ore gon state game commission when angling regulations for the sea son were to be set. N. C. B. Kaas of Madras, was a Bend visitor today. A Richards and M. Wilson of Burns, were Bend business callers today. Fred C. Baker of the Boeing Aircraft Corp., Seattle, was a guest at the Pilot Butte inn last night. Mrs. W. G. Wilson. 1236 East i&cond street, left today for Port- -iianu wneie fine was iu meei nt?i Wilson, from Bremerton. The Deschutes county veterans council will meet at 8 p. m. Tues- day in the chamber of commerce Continuous Show From 1 P. M. You Have Learned My Secret ... I Must Kill You! Itieir's was a story ol turbulent emotion, exciting times, impa ixxti love .1 sinister secret that could net be revealed! TO LAKE PLUS Added Attraction 4 fUt'F '"wwiw m n. -taxi, .- n i rTi vaivi THfUUlHG AS A . i PHOTO-FINISH! e Ends Roy Tonight 0 Rogers offices, D Ray Miller, commander, said today. ...D- D- Price Shevlin c Uug mornihg for Barnes "--' u nospnai in Vancouver, Wash., to Visit hnr enn Di. George Price, who was woUnded in France and has returned to the States. Pfc. Price has turn hnih. s in service, SSgt. Robert D. nice in naiy and TSet. Alvin I. who is in the 41st division, anii nas Deen overseas 32 months. Mrs. William C. Jones rptnrn. ea inursaay from a visit to Port land. The Sons of Norwav will install officers for 1945 at a meetintr in Norway hall at 8 tonight, it was announced. Refreshments will be served loiiowing the installation. The LSO club rooms in Trinity parish hall will, open this after noon at 4 for the accommodation of service men. It will open to morrow at 2 p. m. An important meeting of the Bend UfaO council will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the new Trinity Episcopal church basement quarters, Carl A. John son, chairman, has announced. He urges all members of the council to be present. H. V. Spangler, an official of the U. S. weather bureau in Se attle, Wash., was In Bend today, conferring with members of the local airways weather staff. He planned to stop in Crescent on his way south, to meet members of the staff of the first order sta tion in that northern Klamath county town. W. P. Marsh, an official of the Edward Hines Lumber Co. staff at Hines, died this morning in Chicago, 111., it has been learned here. On his way to Chicago for medical attention, Mr. Marsh stopped in Bend just prior to the holidays. Mrs. Byron Raeburn and Mrs. C. D. Raper left today to spend the weekend in Portland. Sgt. John Boyd, of Fort Lewis, Wash., has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Scott for the formerly stationed at CamD Abbot. Mrs. W. E. Parsons, former Bend resident now living in Klam ath Falls, is visiting relatives here. Her husband, is now a machinist's mate 1c with the Sea- bees. He was formerly a me chanic for Pacific'Trailways here. William Conroy of Madias was in Bend yesterday. Members of the Bend Civil air patrol will hold a party at the municipal airport tonight. Offi cials stated today that members are expected to provide their own transportation, but that a few cars will leave the Bend head quarters for the field between 8 and 8:30 tonight. Ervel Stigall, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Stigall, 420 Delaware, who recently enlisted in the mer chant marine, left last night for Catalina Island, Calif., where he will enter training school. Pvt. James R. Hosmer, 20, is now attending officer candidate school at Caiiyle barracks, near STARTS TOMORROW i . Bob and Crosby fir whitf?! NEWS OF SOCIETY (All society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later than 10 a.m. on the das of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.) P.E.O. Celebrates 20th Anniversary Chapter Al, P. E. O. Sisterhood, celebrated its 20th birthday an niversary on Wednesday night with a dinner meeting at the home of Mrs. G. W. Ager. Five charter members were present. They were Mrs. Fred A. Lieuallen, Mrs. Elmer Ward, Mrs. H. H. De Armond, Mrs. Horace Richards and Mrs. Elmer Ryan. A birth day cake was cut by Mrs. Elmer Ryan. A review of the chapter's ac tivities during 1944 was given by Mrs. Carl J. Lindh. Mrs. Phil Hitchcock of Klamath Falls attended the meeting. 2 Madras Lodges" Install Officers Madras, Jan. 13 (Special) A joint installation of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs was held Wednes day night. The Rebekah officers i'lected for the ensuing year were: noble grand, Gertrude Murry; vice grand, Velma DeShazer; sec retary, Alice VanWert, and treas urer, Lela Ramsey. Those elected for the Odd Fellows were: Noble grand, Ralph VanWert; vice grand, George T. Williams; T. M. Dizney, secretary, and J. W. War ren, treasurer. ... Tj. I). R. To MeetThe L. D. R. of First Lutheran church will meet at 8 p. m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ralph Adams, 701 Broadway. Mrs. Ray Stenriet Is in charge of the program. p Ladies Aid To MecV-The First Lutheran Ladies Aid meets Thurs day at 2:30 p. m. in the church parlors with Mrs. Ed Nystrom, hostess, and Mrs. M. Thompson giving the program. W.S.C.S. To Meet The Wom en's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church have an nounced three meetings for 2 p. m. Wednesday. Group 1 will meet with Mrs. F. G. Hall, 1977 West Second; group 2 with Mrs. Luther Miles, 354 Florida, and group 3 with Mrs. William Redeman, Irv ing apartments. Meeting Dates Given The De gree of Honor lodge No. 114, Bend, will meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 8 p. m. in Norway hall, it was announced today. A business meeting will be held on each second Tuesday and a social night held on each fourth Tuesday. ... Club Dinner Tomorrow The postponed New Year's dinner of the Social Pinochle club will be held at 4 p. m. tomorrow at the home of Mrs. C. E. Soderstrom, 85G Ogden avenue. Husbands and children of members will be pres ent, it was announced. Harrisburg, Pa. Jimmy, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Hosmer, was order to school upon reporting for duly following a Thanksgiving furlough spent in Bend. He is re ported to be the youngest candi date in a class of 200. The Presbyterian guild will hold I a rummage sale on Jan. 26-27, it was anonunced. Mrs. A. C. Brown of Redmond . i spent yesterday in Bend. L. A. Dennison was in Bond yesterday from Sisters. Just arrived at Bend Vintage Shop, sweet grape and berry wines. Finest qualities. Reason able prices. 120 Oregon Avenue. Adv. Checkerboard Cafe will be open from 9a. m. to 11 p. m. daily start ing Saturday,. January 13. Adv. Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday nights. Ladies free. Adv. Buy National War Bonds Now! SHE PASSED Ends Tonight nil 1 l-IKfc THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON. SATURDAY. JANUARY SOCIAL CALENDAR Tonight 4 p. m. LSO opens. Service men and junior hostesses. 8 p. m. Sons of Norway instal lations, Norway hall. 8 p. m. Joint installation, L O. O. F. and Rebekahs, 1. O. O. F. hall. Sunday 2 d. m. USD oriens. service men and Junior hostesses. USO council meets. 4 p. m. Social Pinochle club dinner with Mrs. C. E. Soder strom, 856 Ogden. Monday 7:30 p. m Royal Neighbors In Norway hall. Tuesday 7:30 p. m Camp Fire guard ians in library basement. 8 p. m. Catholic Altar society circle 1, Mrs. R. W. Brandis, 1324 West 6th. Wednesday 2 p. m. W. S. C. S. group 1, Mrs. F. G. Hall, 1977 W. Second; group 2, Mrs. Luther Miles, 354 Florida; group 3, Mrs. W. Rede man, Irving apartments. 8 p. m. Circle 4 Catholic Altar society with Mrs. W. Curtis, 2425 Tweet place. 8 p. m. L. D. R. of First Lu theran church with Mrs. Ralph Adams, 701 Broadway. Thursday 2:30 p. m. First Lutheran Ladies Aid in church parlors. 2:30 p. m. First Presbyterian mission study group with Mrs. R. Graham, 1314 Federal. FOUNDER'S DAY OBSERVED Redmond, Jan. 13 (Special) Chapter AQ, P. E. O. Sisterhood, met Thursday night at the home of Mrs. William .Tweedie. A founder's day program was pre sented with Mrs. George Fairfield in charge. Mrs. Jack Harley, president, an nounced that members of the 1945-46 program committee would be Mrs. William Glang, .Mrs. H. E. Van Arsdale and Mrs. W. B. Ualligan, . Royal Neighbors On Monday The Royal Neighbors will meet at 7:30 p. m. Monday in Norway hall. The refreshment committee is made up of Mrs. Louis Young berg, Mrs. George H. Zufelt and Mrs. Walter Wise. All members are urged to be present, it was an nounced today, as plans for instal lation will be made. Circle 1 Meets Tuesday Catho lic Alter society circle 1 will meet at 8 p. m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. R. W. Brandis, 1324 West sixth street. Circle 4 To Meet-Cirele 4 of the Catholic Altar society will meet at 8 p. m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. William Curtis, 2125 Tweet place. Recently elected of ficers will take office, it was an nounced. They are Mrs. William Hatch, president, and Mrs. Gilbert Moty, secretary-treasurer. Official Records Jus! lee Court Wilson George, Bend justice of the peace, fined the following per sons this week: Norman C. Halo, Eugene, no 1045 license on a truck and trail- c- . n i . , -in c '-, . no trailer light, $1.50, Jan. 11. Thaddeus A. Taylor, Pine Tree auto court, failure to observe traffic signs, $2.50. Mnrriuge License Elwyn Lee Putnam and Mary Stefanis Vodvik, both of Bend, both legal age. Miscellaneous Honorable discharge filed: Earl J. Lang, U. S. army. Power of Attorney: John E. Sellers to Mrs. John E. Sellers. Cerates are preparations simi lar to ointments hut are given a more firm consistency by the ad dition of wax. STARTS TOMORROW SHOWS: 2 4:30 7 9:30 OUT ON CARY! NO WONDER ...ShVs jut discovered hit favorite tunU have poisoned their 13th gentleman friend t PLUS SPORT SNAP SHOT NEWS MM j RAYMOND HUSKY ' ; JACK (AkJOtt tOW. IV. HORT0N J AMU 0UAI0M I Frank Sinatra in "STEP LIVELY" Captain John 1, ; rVL. m. ft IV. til V' -.-Ny i i mi.u ut ut.uit.i--, .null. inc. Captain John R. Shumway and Mrs. Shumway, the former Elizabeth R. Ennls of West Springfield, Mass. They were married in November at Manhasset, Long Island. Capt. Shumway, former Cen tral Oregon resident, recently completed 100 missions over Europe as a fighter pilot. He holds the distinguished flying cross, the air medal and 18 oak leaf clusters. i Sleeting Postponed The meet ing of the League of Women Vot ers, scheduled for Tuesday night, has been postponed as the speak er, Dr. Wayne S. Ramsey, direc tor of the Deschutes county de- Eartment of public health, will not e able to appear. Date of the next meeting will be announced later, according to league officials. w p Study Group To Meet The afternoon Mission study group of the First Presbyterian church will meet at the home of Mi's. Ralph Graham, 1314 Federal street, at 2:30 p.m., Thursday. Mrs. Frank Riley will direct de votions, and . Mrs. Claude Me Cauley will present a program discussion. . CLUB SEES FILMS "Better Health and Food Hab its" was the title of a film shown members of the Business and Pro fessional Women's club by Miss Elizabeth Boeckli, home demon stration agent, at a meeting Wed nesday night in the Pilot Butte inn. Metke Is Named To Cadet Unit John Patrick Metke has been appointed a cadet lieutenant and ordered to an aviation cadet regi ment at the Corpus Christ!, Tex., naval air training station, his Darents. Mr. and Mrs. Luther I Metke, 1434 West Fourth street, have been informed by the offi cers commanding the marine regiment. "Pat's record at this base has been exemplary and in keeping with the best standards set for navaKofficcrs," the commanding officer, Lt. Col. J. W. Sapp, Jr., wrote Mr. and Mrs. Metke, re cently, continuing: "May I con gratulate you for the competency and ability he has consistently displayed." Pat was student body president and football star with the Bend high school during 1940-41. He graduated in 1911 and enlisted in the marine corps shortly after. His brother, Lt. Don Metke, is now with the army air force in China. Slick Prisoners Make Key, Escape Council Bluffs, la., Jan. 1.3 mi Two slick prisoners escaped to day from the city jail. The convicts, Edgar Cook, 31, and John Giles, 37, held under robbery charges, unlocked their cell block with a key fashioned from a toothbrush handle and then fled in a police squad car, which had been parked outside. rouR SERVICE FOR MOVING PACKING, CRATING STORAGE l0cl CARTAGE "MRIBUTI0N M PHONE 788 210 K ing Ave., Bend 13. 1945 ShumwayWeds 7 i ,.3 ' 7 .V. -.,V I Williams Case Heard in Court Chester L. Williams. 18, indicted by the Deschutes county grand jury on a morals charge on Nov. 6, appeared before Judge R. S. Ham ilton in circuit court here yester day and pleaded guilty. Williams appeared before Judge Hamilton again this morning and the case was referred to the Oregon state board of eugenics. Williams was remanded to the custody of Sher iff C. L. McCauley pending a de cision by the board. Pvt. Robert Calhoun, 21, of the U. S. marine corps, arrested near The Dalles and returned to Bend Wednesday to face larceny charg es preferred by Mrs. V. Page,! appeared b-t'fore Judge R. S. Ham ilton of the Deschutes county cir cuit court yesterday afternoon and pleaded guilty. He was sentenced i to one year in the state peniten tiary. Officers ot the marine corps waived jurisdiction. Auxiliary Officer To Speak in Bend Mrs. Harold Barchus, a mem ber of the Rose City unit of the American Legion auxiliary In Portland and president of district No. 1, is to be the guest speaker on the auxiliary broadcast over KBND Monday at 6:30 p. m.,' members of the local unit have announced. i Mrs. Barchus is to discuss the , auxiliary s salvage program. Eetter to See And See Through Votir llltln girl will IihiU pret tier in prnier glosses und her eyes will greatly benefit by our expert examination, prescrib ing and titling. Dr. M. B. McKenney OPTOMETRIST Offices: fool of Oregon Ave. I'lione 4II5-W DIAMONDS KEEP FAITH ! Buy Bonds for KEEPS A. T. NIEBERSALL Jeweler Nfll In Capitol Theater I'hona UH-K WATCHES FLOWERS and PLANTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS You are nlwny nssnriHl nf lovely fresh bloom when you Phone 530 PICKETT Flower Shop & Gardens Phona 530 629 Quimby 4 Forest Men to Attend Parley Four U. S. forest service men from the midstate will leave to morrow for a ranger station near Carson. Wash . whpiv thpv will ! attend a week's conference on job training methods and other ad ministrative matters pertaining to the conduct of forest work. Going from Bend will be William E. Naylor, administrative assistant in the Deschutes national forest staff. Naylor will be accompanied to the Washington sessions by Ad ministrative Assistants Henry Sarles, Fremont national forest; Joseph Thalhofer, Ochoco nation al forest, Prineville; and Ernest Smith, Malheur national forest, John Day. Supervisor Ralph W. Crawford of the Deschutes forest, and his fire assistant, Gail Baker, were due back to Bend this weekend af ter attending a week's parley at the same place. PROGRAM CHANGE MADE The radio program, "Voice of the Missionary Baptist church," formerly heard at 1:30 p. m. on Sundays, will be broadcast here after from 12:30 to 1 p. m. Sun days, effective tomorrow, Elder L. H. Boswell, pastor, said today. Waste Paper Collection Tomorrow (Sunday) For complete details tee story on page one For Wartime Health Serve Popular, Because It's GOOD! S. Navy Air Unit HORIZONTAL VERTICAL 1 Depicted Is J Chief eod of insigneof Memphis Squadron 2 Aircraft 33, U. S. Camera stand naval aviation 4 Crimson 7 Its are 5 Overtime always ready tan.) for action 6 Native of Latvia 13 Hounded 14 Perish 15 Dry 10 Carry 'coll.) lOLnth 20 Jump on one foot 7 Equal 8 Nine (Roman) 9 Lord Privy Seal (ab.) 10 Lubricators 1 1 English street 21 Anesthetics car 23 German ii river 17 Exclamation 18 Symbol for 24 Possess 26 Sailor 28 Helped 30 Stair part 33 Symbol for samarium 34 Morlndin dye 35 Part of "be" 36 Rough lava 37 Extra 39 Birds' homes 41 Essence (ab.) 42 Obtain 43 Vehicle 45 Rare tellurium 50 Wlnglike part 33 Operatic solo 55 Type of molding 56 In bed 57 Finishing tool 59 Dangled 61 King's home 62 Victims of , leprosy PAGE FIYE Gestapo Accused Of Mass Deaths London, Jan. 13 lUWThe Dally Herald reported today in a dis patch datellned "Bande on the Ardennes Front" that the Gestapo had killed nearly all the young men of Bande Christmas eve, in reprisal for the alleged firing at a staff car when Germans re treated through the village last September. . , One man who escaped reported the massacre to the British. Thirty-four frozen bodies were recovered, the dispatch said, add ing that a report of 300 bodies of civilians found a few miles from the village had not been con firmed. Worship God In God's Way CHURCH OF CHRIST Galveston and Columbia KBN.D Dally 2:45 (if' wJTlV At Your Grocers tit trtvlUff Pusslf 21 Without end 22 Unusual 46 Center 47 Symbol for silver 48 Music note 49 Prison room 51 Look askance 52 Addends 54 Wine vessel 56 Swiss mountain 58 Out of (prefix) 60 Whirlwind 25 Has on 27 Girl's name 28 Onager 29 Little demon 31 Dine 32 Abyssinian prince 38 Antenna 40 Horse barn 43 Elsh 44 Space vUCMNl IuioiaInI IslAlr eRjjaJ o ppRA Pig. W ffiE E U- M - ft U S Y E AIRE ;5Ml-i 12 O RjgF L'?V.N Hu N E Q a V '2i Ily f: AL1 ii!?. AK LS a JB ALAflSNt o c.. HLO YE SI lulSO T N fi Nf. 5 API IC! IvT ' !t-l QlwIN 5 I I"- i It 15 lb I ! p p I10 l p - 5 it S - zo-1 a-1 n:3fj i W Jt; ':'r-r iz is r5' : 1 si I I I I I I I I I , I I ,'S - Ti ItW KtWtWteWei