r THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY II, 1945 PAGE NINE 'Bring 1 Sunday' To Be Observed "Bring One" Sunday is to be ob served in the Sunday schools of Bend this week-end, officers of the Bend Ministerial association, sponsoring organization, have an nounced, adding that boys and girls are being asked to bring friends who do not now attend any school. A survey conducted this week by members of the ministerial as sociation led to the discovery that there are over 400 students in the Bend grade and high schools who have entered in their records "No preference as to church affilia tion." It was also found that there are scores of pupils who did in- dicate a church preference, but who are not now enrolled in any Sunday school. A statement from the Bend min isters adds: Leaders Of Tomorrow "The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow. What shall that leadership be? Whether or not the boys and girls of the country have Sunday school train ing in their early years will have much to do with the answer to that question. There is no more effect ive deterrent to crime among youth than good Sunday school training, according to statements of many juvenile court judges. A noted New York judge found that only three out of 5,000 boys he had sentenced were at tending Sunday school. A nation wide survey revealed that less than one-half of one per cent of juvenile offenders were Sunday school members. 'Of course I be lieve in the Sunday school,' said J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI. 'Crime among youth- could be come practically negligible if the 1 young people of America attend- ed Sunday school regularly dur ing their formative years.' " Tumalo Tumalo, Jan. 10 (Special) The North Tumalo Red Cross unit met last Wednesday at .the home of Mrs. George Beimler for an all day meeting with a pot luck luncheon at noon. Mrs. Henry Meyer will be hostess to the group at the next regular meeting. The State highway department has greatly relieved the corrugat ed condition of the Cline Falls way up the grade from Tumajo. road north of Tumalo by putting a surface of clay and gravel part Mrs. E. M. Wright and Mrs. Joe C. Henry were hostesses for . supper at grange last Friday evening. The lecture hour was given over to games and skits. I Mr. and Mrs. fiorrinn have named their son born last month, Richard. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fair are spending a couple of weeks at King City, Calif., with his father, wno is ill. They left New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Scoggin and son, Fayet, were New Year's day dinner guests at the Gilbert Harris home near Prineville. xnrs. Ben Gedney entertained at dinner, Sunday December 31, in honor of her daughter, Suzan's third birthday anniversary. Tom Sandwick spent a week during the Christmas vacation at Sandy and visiting friends in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Windom and Mrs. Ben Gedney and daugh-j ter, .Susan, had New Year's day ainner at the M. King home in Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Vandevert were hosts to the Tillicum Study club dinner party New Year's eve. Assisting hostesses were: Mrs. Floyd Scott, Mrs. L. E. Cre celius, Mrs. R. J. Walker, Mrs. C. I. Dunlap and Mrs. C. L. Allen. Grace, Mary and David Van devert spent the Christmas vaca tion at the home of their uncle, T. W. Vandevert. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kissler and son, Ronnie, of Powell Butte, were overnight guests Christmas eve and Christmas day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hall. C. I. Dunlap and Wright Ellis have completed building a double garage on their place. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gerklng had as their guests Christmas day, their mother, Mrs. Nancy Gerk ing and brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Becker. Paulet, visiting them this week. Pvt. Paulet has just recently re turned from 30 months of service in New Guinea. Mr. ana Mrs. Boyd Simmons, Mrs. Ray Le bianc ana uaughier, buzanna, ana ait. ana Mrs. George Biliingsley were ainner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Edgar in Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith of Terrebonne have rented the John son place ana plan to move there soon. Ernest Hammack has gone to Mitchell where he Is wonting at the Spoo mill. Mrs. Frank Arnold has been ill with the flu since Christmas. Mrs. Henry Powers and her daughter, Mrs. Cal Charmon of Bend, came out Wednesday to at tend the meeting of the Home Economics club, 'ihe ladies of the club decided to sponsor several more dances to be held at the com munity hall during the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Titus of Redmond were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Goodrich on Sunday. ALLEY OOP 3y V.T.HAMLIN LAf' BUT WE'RE Y'rv;' f I DOMT GET THIS pttfT VH.UClMOH, MEM, III iiNTH BATTLE'S GOIJGTOSUME)fk!', at ALL ...I NEVER S,j'JEU-,K1MgX LETS GET THIS f) WHATCIBET CV tOFTOESE THERE'S OUR) ya (WERVvlTR' LgP i PECKDKISS THEV THINK, XJR JAVJglGHT, MEW, XM" 9 i LEMtAWS LAVIM" , 1 OBJECTIVE. A-J.' Cloverdale Cloverdale, Jan. 11 (Special) Robert Johnson has started driv ing the high school bus and will drive until time to start farming. . Mrs. W. B. Simmons has been appointed librarian for Cloverdale and Plainview communities and has books from the Bend library at her home. There is a wide assortment of both fiction and non fiction and anyone wishing books can obtain them from her. All books may be kept two weeks and renewed if desired, and orders can be placed for any special book one may want. At a meeting held at the Plain view grange Saturday night George Biliingsley was elected to take the office of master and Ellis Edglngton to be secretary, replac ing Mr. and Mrs. W. W. King who have moved to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. George Cyrus have had. their nephew, Private Terrebonne Terrebonne, Jan. 10 (Special) Mrs. Henrietta Hobbs and grand son. Jay Larson, spent Sunday in Bend with Mrs. Hobbs daughter, Mrs. A. L. Burleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shoitreed and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lisius of Red mond Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith are moving to the Johnson place in Cloverdale. They have sold their ranch In the Terrebonne commu nity. Andy Bodtker made a business trip to Junction City and is spend ing some time visiting relatives there. Bert Drew is stationed in Ta coma, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Knorr and son, Billy, and Miss Mavis Knorr made a business trip to Bend Sat urday. Vick Butler returned from Se attle where he spent several weeks visiting his daughter, Mrs. A. C. Suratt. Mrs. Suratt and in fant son, Victor Lauren, returned to Redmond with him where Mrs. Suratt will make her home at the residence of her sister and broth er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Knorr. Mrs. Glen Shortreed has been elected noble grand of the Terre bonne Rebekah lodge. Elbert Smith returned from Ar- nett, Okla., Sunday. He had spent several weeks in Oklahoma where he was visiting his brother and family. Joe Gray recently returned from California where he had spent some time with his mother, Mrs. Gray. He reported that she is much improved in health. Mrs. George MacGregor spent a few days in Idaho last week. Pfc. Albert Smalley, who lost his left hand in an accident, was taken to Portland for treatment after he had been given blood transfusions at Redmond. Reports say that he is doing very well. Mrs. Bob cornett, sister oi Wil liam Drew, who was reported missing in action, received a letter from him dated a week after he had been reported missing. j. w. taion ana Beatrice, ana Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Foss and Mar- porie attended the annual yearly meeting and dinner at the Chris tian church in Redmond Sunday alteiyioon. Johnny Miller, foster son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Arney, and his wife arrived in Teirebonne Satur day to spend a few days with the Arneys. Johnny is a machinist mate in the navy, and has recently been in England. Early this week Mr. and Mrs. Miller went to Prine ville to visit with his two broth ers, Jimmy and Chester Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howard re turned Saturday night from a week's honeymoon in Portland. Mrs. Howard is the former Betty Park. They will make their home at Lower Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Molne of Grants Pass visited Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Shays New Year's week end. The Crooked Eight bridge club met at the home of Mrs. R. W. Brown Wednesday, Jan. 3. First prize was won by Mrs. Purl Wei gand, and Mrs. Bud Adams of Lone Pine won the low prize. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Paxton of Tillamook spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Brown. Mrs. I Paxton and Mrs. Brown are sis ters. Mrs. Ray Kingsbury left this week for Portland to spend some time visiting friends and relatives. From automobiles to mile range anti-aircraft an 11- was the conversion successfully cannon 'made by one American company; these giant weapons with many high-precision parts are designed) to shoot enemy planes out of the atmosphere. Buy National War Bonds Now! .OB. MT;.J V T 1 Tf .ffT? ' " ;: 1 f40 -'A vS Vf Tii i'miiiiinii'Hi)rnr" "- ' - 1 v y SEE ARTUR0 DE CORDOVA IN PARAMOUNT'S "FRENCHMAN'S CREEK" Can you score over Arturo do Cordova? A native of South America, Arturo de Cordova knows coffee almost like an expert! So be romped through this M. J. B Coffee Quiz with flying colors as maybe you can, too. Give a try anyway it's fun! Read the quiz questions carefully and pick an answer for each. When you've done this (and not before, please!) check bejow for correct answers and Arturo de Cordova's score. Q. English coffee houses were once closed by Charles II because such public gathering places . ; : flouted the health laws I I didn't pay taxes . . I1 stimulated free speech Q. Which of the following beverages is th favorite drink among U. S. aviators? pineapple juice Q coffee I I ginger ale Coffees used in M. J. B's rich, full-flavorea blend are prepared by . . i ll special machinery Q hand methods I I consulting astrologers For most people, tests show, the energizing effect provided by a cup of coffee lasts about . . . Q 15 minutes Q '2 hours Q 2 hours Pick M. J. B for extra pleasure in every cup ... wc guarantee there is no finer coffee! Here's wonder ful coffee flavor, full and mellow-rich, brought to you at peak freshness. Vou sec, the goodness of M. J. B's superb blend is locked in by our vacuum pack (the highest of any coffee). Try M. J. B next time. Make your coffee with the same care you've used in the past . . . then you U know I c Qa For most people, tests show, the energizing f I jjy ( Arluro dc CotAott amuerti SK5"7''-i5mL J "'" "I qucu'tom tarrtctly Vt T """ in Ihe ahovt Coffee Quh.Cm- f VjxX - 2 rcrt n,w". i order, are: f !7jF-WS " ' Pi limulateireepeeih; (off ret Double your money back If yea don't ogre u. b's the finest coffee you ever tatted I ON ERICKSON'S FOODS FRIDAY SATURDAY PLUM or FIG PUDDING. .1 lb. pkg. 49c While They Last Regular 79c Value POP CORN 2 pkgs. 29c White or Yellow Thompson's Chocolate Flavor MALTED MILK 1lb.lar35c Meat Balls & Gravy jar 33c 2 Ked 1'olnts Pumpkin No. 2 can ISc No Poinls Sweet Peas 3 cans 29c I.avoras, 308 III Points String Beans No. 2 can 13c Green Tag 10 Points Whole Kernel Corn can 15c II I) Vacuum, 12 Oz. Tin 10 Points Clam Juice 24 oz. btle. 23c F. A. B. Chili Con Came can 23c No. 1 Tall Veal Loaf, Libbys can 23c Deviled Meat 2 cans 11c Tomato Juice - - ..3 cans 29c , No. 1 Tall Van Camp's Pork & Beans No. 1 Tull 3 cans 29c fill Cnniplx'Il's Tomato Soup 2 cans 15c Sunshine KriHpy Crackers 2 I-h. Box 31c Grapefruit Juice ...No. 2 can 15c Texas Blended Juice No. 2 can 19c Orange Grapefruit Apple Juice ..qt. 25c Hood ltlver Concord Grape Jam, 1 lb. 5 oz. 29c l.ii)l)j's No Points Red Raspberry Preserves, 10 oz. 35c Hunt's Or.-Grapefrt. Marm., 1 lb. jar 21c Everbest Orange Marmalade, 2 lb. jar 33c Saxon Sliced Peaches can 15c No 1 Tall Plums No. 10 can 59c Apple Sauce ....... Nor 2 can 17c Jl-D Cocomalt 1 lb. jar 41c TWISTIE NOODLE DINNER, 1 lb. jar 13c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE No. 5 can 31c Gloss Starch, Amaizo..2 pkgs. 13c Paper Towels, Zee roll 10c Toilet Tissue, Gingham.. 3 rolls 14c Guitfard's Sweet Choc. 1 lb pk 27c Ground Meat Sauce bottle 19c Crosse and niavkwcll Catsup, Dundee 12 oz bHe 15c 80 Point Chic-Noodle Soup Mix, 3 pkgs 25c Upton's Postum Cereal 1 lb. pkg. 19c Speedi Mix Pie Crust ....pkg. 22c N.B.C. Shredded Wheat., pkg. 11c Choc. Malt Syrup 2 lb. jar 45c Snuiilrr's 1 KtvaitN Down mm FL0UR fTur 4! Mi. Sack : X 9 90 V t fjjiwSSj?! Suar-s Down Ppyj . Cake Flour 25c Toasties W pkg. 5c 0mm m Swiss Steak SWSS0Onde A Steer, W Pis. lb. 39c Hamburger . . . .2 lbs. 55c Fresh Groumi, No Cereal I Points Lb. Pork Roast lb. 39c Choice lA-g VutH 6 1'oliits Codfish lb. 47c Pound Brli ks Point Free Veal Roast lb. 29c Shoulder Crown 3 Points Roasting Henj Turkeys Fresh Sea Foods Snowdrift Shortening 3 lb. jar 69c Seedless Raisins 4 lb. pkg. 49c Sunshine Foam . . .qt. 55c Itug Cleaner Glocoat 1 gal. 2.75 Johnson' Aerovax quart 45c Vano quart 25c Ammonia quart 23c Vursnn'n Moth Balls pkg. 69c Mystic. Hand Cleaner . .pkg. 9c Victory , Washing Povder pkg. 10c Pop 24 irr.. BIRDSEYE FROZEN Lima Beans pltg. 33c Peas pkg. 25c Peas and Carrots pkg. 25c Green Beans pkg. 23c Cur Corn pkg. 23e Boysenborries pkg. 38c Mixed Fruit pkg. 36c Frozen Crab I lb. pkg. 1. 1 5 Grapefruit ... .3 for 29c Texan Pink Oranges 2 doz. 35c Sunklst Lemons doz. 15c Parsnips 2 lbs. 15c k Beets lb. 4c 10 lb. bag 29c i Sweet Potatoes lb. 8c i ..i