V Stocks Edge Up; Trading Active By Elmer C. Walzer (United Pru Financial Editor) New York, Jan. 11 IP Stocks tugea up on active trading today, ran into profit-taking which was well absorbed, and then made new'seuen.vpar hlahs Dozens of stocks made new nigns ana many held gains rang ing to more than two points. Ralls absorbed lnrpp nmnnnto nf wiaiiv. ing. Steels rose on announcement vi increased ceiling prices on live steel items. Motors were mixed, utilities firm, oils irregular, and coppers steady. Several preferred and high priced stocks rose five points or more, including Armour pre ferreds, Vicksburg, Shrevcport & St. Louis railway, and Household Finance. Special issues were in demand in many instances. Amer ican Woolen issues made new highs with the common active. International Telephone was ac tive and Op a point near closing time. BoninandKurile Islands Blasted Pacific Fleet Headquarters, Pearl Harbor, Jan. 11 Ul'i Army bombers from bases in the Pari anas and Aleutians have carried out new raids against strategic Japanese installations in the Bo nln and Kurilc islands, Fleet Ad miral Chester W. Nlmltz an nounced in a communique today. I LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes BANK OF BEND, a State Bank ing Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. J. A. FERRELL, and CYNTHIA FERRELL, husband and wife, De fendants. By virtue of an execution in foreclosure duly Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit's Court of the County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, dated the 15th day of De cember, 1944, In a certain action In the Circuit Court for said County and State, wherein BANK OF BEND Is plaintiff and recov ered judgment against J. A. FER RELL and CYNTHIA FERRELL, husband and wife, as defendants, for the sum of Eighteen Hundred ($1800.00) Dollars, with Interest thereon from the 11th day of April, 1941, until paid at the rate of sjx percent (6) per annum, together with attorneys fees and plaintiff's costs and disburse ments. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Monday, the 22nd day of January, 1945, at the west front door of the courthouse in Bend, in said County and State, at ten (10) o'clock In the forenoon of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all right and title that the above named defendants or either of them have or had at date of Bald judgment In the following describ ed property, to-wit: The Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW& of NE), Section Nineteen (19), Township Sixteen (16) South, Range Twelve (12) East of Wil lamette Meridian, in Deschutes County, Oregon. DATED: at Bend, Oregon, this 21st day of December, 1944. C. L. McCAULEY, Sheriff of Deschutes County. 14-19-25-31c Classified Rates , Local Paid in Advance ZB Words One Time 85c 85 Words Three Times 75c 28 Words SU Times $L3fl All wordi oir IS add e pr word tlaee number of insertion UM month run, uine tour, H dmy nt. THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY,- JANUARY II, 1945 FOR RENT 10 ROOM furnished house west side for rooming house or will rent 5 rooms downstairs to one or two couples. Inquire CIS E. Marshall. LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20c , I a. I , I J A J I -1 . . , . . Dollr Cloolnt Tin 11,10 p. . BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 xiarry a. juarsnau, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store A BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. Stated Communication Thurs., .Ian. 11, 8 p. m. M. M. Degree VUltlna Brethren Welrom George Slmervllle, Sec'y. FOR SALE WELL BUILT 12 foot row boat comnlptp with nn Broadway. SMALL ELECTRIC phonograph In good condition. Phone 172. 744 Colorado and Wall St. PRE-WAR DAVFNO mnlfoo ann, bed, $25. 1G4 E. Irving. ALFALFA HAY, No. 1 quality, $22.00 per ton. Wm. Kuhn, Rt. 1, Box 434. 2 PRE-WAR baby buggies. One collapsible $10.00,one Lloyd Loom, very strongly Dunt and in excel lent condition. 233 East Haw thorne, across from Allen school. ALMOST NEW 2 unit electric De Laval Sterling milking machine equipped for 16 cows. Will help install. S. M. Edgerton, 2 miles west on McKenzie highway and 1 mile north. Redmond, Oregon. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment. Electrically equipped. 141 Georgia. Ave. Phone 7C6. MODERN one room cabin suit able for one or a couple. 648Vi E. 2nd. PLEASANT UPSTAIRS room with hot water at lavatory. Fur nished for light housekeeping. Ac cess to shower bath. Call at 623 Hill St. REOPENING BOARDING house January 10th. $45 per month. Home cooked meals, warm rooms. Delaware Hotel, Mrs. Mason. Mgr. Phone 31-W. BRASS OLDS trombone and case, good condition. Phone 461-J. BEIGE COAT size 14, black fitted coat, 16; house dresses. 14: shoes 6; child's overshoes, small other articles. Call mornings and eve nings. ii Federal. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have been appointed admin istrator, with the will annexed, of the Estate of Clarence L.Mannhel mer, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate should file the same, duly veri fied, at the office of my attorneys, De Armond & Goodrich, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice. S. D1ETRICK, Administrator, with the will annexed, of the Estate of Clarence L. Mannhei mer, deceased. De ARMOND' & GOODRICH, Attorneys at Law, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon. 14-19-25-31C NOTICE OK HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearing upon the final tic 'count ol W. J. BAER, Administra tor, with the will annexed of the Estate of Charles Hector, Deceas ed, filed herein, will be held in the Courthouse in the County court room in Bend, Oregon, at the hour of two (2) o'clock in the afternoon on Friday, the 16th day of Febru ary, 1915, and all persons inter ested in said estate are notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, If any they have, why said final account should not be approved, the estate settled and closed and the administrator dis charged. DATED: at Bend, Oregon, this 11th day of January, 1945. W. J. BAER, Administrator, with the will annexed, of the Es tate of Charles Hector, Deceased. De ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys at Law, Bend, Oregon. 31-37-43-49C HEAVY TEAM of gentle work horses with wagon and harness. 7 tons of alfalfa hay. A. E. Buck, 2 miles north of Tumalo. INNER SPRING mattress like new. 1947 West First. 1938 LA SALLE sedan. Also house trailer, sleeps three, all good rub ber and completely furnished, quick sale for cash. Can be seen at Redmond Trailer Park after 6 p. m. O. C. Countryman. SEED AND CULL spuds, $1.50 per sack. Bring your own sacks. Ieonard Nolan. 4 miles on Butler Market Road. BRED DOES for sale. Fred Zen ner, Rt. 1, Box 167, Bend. 1 mile east of Carroll Acres store across railroad tracks. MODERN 5 room home Including nice range, circulating heater, ga rage, 1 room cabin, woodshed, fruit cellar, garden plot, all fenc ed. Inquire 1334 Columbia. 10 TUBE RADIO $60.00. daybed $7.00, heater $5.00, bed and coll spring $7.00, inside door $3.00, drop leaf table $2.50, oil stove and oven $5.00, extension table $3.00, large canoe $10.00, other articles. 1225 Albany. WONDERFUL COUNTRY home close In, 3V6 acres on paved high way. Up-to-date modern house, nardwoott I mors, lurnace, electric range wiring, good outbuildings. $10,000, terms. Shown by appoint ment only. Anne rorbos, do ure gon. Phone 36-W. 1938 V-8 '4 TON pickup, new 6 ply 6:50 tires, oil filter, air horns, heater, motor overhauled, 4 speed transmission. All white porcelain garbage burner used 5 months; Hoosler kitchen cabinet with flour and sugar bins, white porcelain top; breakfast set, table has slid ing leaf; hot water tank complete with fittings; 26 cc capacity Qua ker oil circulator old style, good shape. Phone 31-F-3. West of Car roll Acres store 200 yards, first house on left. WEST SIDE, close In, 2 bedroom plastered modern house, attrac tive kitchen, new double garage, drilled hole. $3500, $1,000 down. $25.00 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. NEAR ALLEN SCHOOL, attrac tive newly decorated modern 2 bedroom house, large living room with hardwood floors. Electric range wiring, double garage, 2'si large lots. $3700. Loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. SPLENDID BUY. 5 acres, close in. 4 acres C.O.I., neat 4 room house. 2 cisterns, new barn, chicken house. $1700, $500 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes. 36 Oregon. M'hone 36-W. FOR RENT Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! WantPep? Want to Feel Yuri Younger? po von Mem. oihoatwr!. worn-out feellni en etet TnotiMnde aeeiefu et whet little pepptn. up wltn Oetrex bee done. Conteloe toole menr need el to, no. AO. forbodr old eolelr beeeueelow In rri,n: eleo nroporleetie deeee ellemin B,, eelelum. loe IJtro aurtorr elie now e7 We. Try cetrei Tonle Teblete for new pep. fount er leellne . into verr der. for tele el ell Una ewmi ererwkertv ' MODERN 3 room furnished apartment. Close to city center. Wood, water, lights furnished. $25.00. Adults only. Apply at 915 E. Second. 3 ROOM furnished house, not modern. Within easy distance of mills, garage If desired. Apply 207 Riverfront. CLEAN SLEEPING and house keeping room, kitchen and laun dry privileges. Linen and bedding furnished. Automatic heat. Phone 493-W. SLEEPING ROOMS, bo.-rd and laundry If desired, in well heated modern home. Quiet and close to city center. Inquire 1532 Harmon Blvd. Phone 118-1-J. WELL FURNISHED 3 room mod ern house, close In. Inquire 58 Greeley or phone G40-W. MODERN FURNISHED 'apart ment on paved street, close to town and mills. Inquire 87 Shasta. Phone 962-J. 3 ROOM furnished house, wood shed and gnraee. $15.00 per month.' Cnll at in9ri PllmWIrmJ before 2:00 p. m. or call at 931 Ogden. FOR SALE OR TRADE WILL TRADE 30-40 Krag sport model rifle for 30-30 carbine .or other medium caliber rifle. Prefer Remington pump. Phone 905-R. WANTED USED GUNS nnri mntnro Will pay good prices or liberal trade In allowances on new ones. Evans Fly Co. South highway. WILL BUY good small modern nouses on west side. P. O. Box 735. Bend. TO RENT a sun lamn. Phono 623-W. CHICK BROODER 500 or 1000 ca- nacity. Electric or kerosene. Write Route 1, Box 206. Telephone 9-F-3. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WANT TO BUY good two wheel luggage trailer. State price and condition. Write 9967 care of Bulletin. TO BUY flat top electric range In good condition. Phone 785-J. WANT TO BUY good milk cow, now milking not less than 4 gal lons. Write John E. Johnson, Route 1, Box 311-B, Bend. TO RENT 2 bedroom modern fur nished house. Close in. Phone 876-M. 1645 Awbi-ey roid. EXPERIENCED FRY cook, wages. Apply Allen's Cafe. top WANTED ALL Ex ccl cls users to know we have the exclusive agen cy In Bend to handle full line of Ex-col-cls cosmetics. King's Mar ket on south highway. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs. Also gentle saddle ponies and saddles. Please write W. R. Franks, Redmond, or phone 78-J, Redmond, Oregon. HELP WANTED BEAUTY OPERATOR, very good wages, excellent working condi tions. Apply at Slate's Barber & Beauty Shop. SITUATION WANTED I SPECIALIZE cleaning chim neys, furnaces and fireplaces, 20 years experience. Phone 692. LOST AT EASTERN STAR dance, Sat-, unlay night, brown purse contain ing ration books 3 and 4 issued to Clara, Patricia Louise, and Verna Jean Hull. If found, return to 15 Gilchrist St. USED CARS 1936 PLYMOUTH coupe. 5 tire war tires, motor overhauled. Will trade on later model car. 352 E. Kearney or phone 865. 1935 STANDARD Chev. Radio, heater, good rubber. Inquire Ma lime's Station on north highway. MISCELLANEOUS SAWS FILED, keys made, shears, knives, skates ground, guns, bicy cles, phonographs, locks repaired, Miiui-i ink, inwii iiii,vt-is iiiiii sew ing machines bought. Henderson's Repair Shop. 112 Minnesota. SPNCTiT: SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 6iW or 21-F-l. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brlnsnn. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all purpose cleaner, and main- other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadou, 1714 Steidl Road. Bend. CONTRARY to circulating re ports of our shop closing or changing hands we are still inhusi ness as usual with a good line of upholster' materials, also leather ettes. We (hank you for your pat ronage. Have for sale one over stuffed chair, one davenport and chair set. also rough lumber. Phone 75,1. T. Harrison I'pholsterv, 365 Miller Ave. Dr. Pauline Scars OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN (Graduate under Dr. A. T. Still) No. 2 Newberry Bldg. Bend, Ore. Phone 4 10-W MISCELLANEOUS EXPERT LINOLEUM laying, 12 years experience.drain boards and cove base, floor sanding and car pet work. 365 Miller Ave. Phone 753-J. Harrison Upholstery. CHIMNEYS CLEANED, oil burn ers cleaned and adjusted by local reliable men. Phone 829-M or 1070-J. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 11 ill'iEgg prices today dropped another three cents a dozen in the larger grades, with smaller reductions in the small sizes. The supolv was beginning to show a fair gain, but still there was no considerable surplus In fresh lay. Butter prices were unchanged. Prices on dairy products: . Butter cube !).') score 42c; 92 score 42 '4 c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 41 lie pound. Eggs Price to retailers AA large 51c; A large 49c; medium A 40c; small 41c dozen. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore'., Jan. 11 ilii Livestock: cattle 300, calves 50. Active, strong. Steers In limited supply. Few common medium grades held around $11.00 13.00. Common medium heifers $9.50 12.00. Canner -cutter cows $5.50 8 00. Fat dairy type cows $8.50 11.00. C o m m o n medium -bulls $8.00100.00. Good-choice vealers salable $13.50 14.50 or above. Hogs 400. Fully steady. Good choice 170-279 lbs $15.75; heavier and lighter weights down to IS14.50. Good sows $13.50-14.00. Choice feeder pigs $14.50. I Sheep 100. Practically nothing available early. Good-choice wool- ed lambs salable $14.00-14.75; ex treme top Wednesday $15.00. Com mon grades quotable down to $10.50. Good ewes salable $0.00-6.50. Veterans Plans for Member Contest A membership contest started today between Pondosa Pine post No. 1643, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and its auxiliary, Cecil R h o a d s, commander, has an nounced. Decision to hold the con test was made at a V.F.W. meet ing last night in the courthouse, presided over by Rhoads. The los ing organization will provide a dinner for the winners. - A prize of $10 will be given the member securing the most new members and smaller cash prizes will be given to runners up. The contest will end on March 28. The largest attendance In sev eral months marked last night's meeting. Members voted to pur chase a $1,000 war bond. They al so discussed the possibility of se curing a club room or meeting place other than the quarters pro vided by Deschutes county offi cials in the court house. This mat ter was put over to the next meet ing. Membership fees for the coming year are now due and payable, Rhoads stated. Major D.L. McKay Is Bend Visitor Major Duncan L. McKay spent last night at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde M. Mc Kay, while enroute from Salt Lake City, U. to San Francisco, Calif., where he will meet his wife. The major, attached to the engineer corps and stationed at the Salt Lake headquarters, is in charge of the legal department which handles claims and surplus property. A reserve officer, he entered the army four yeai-s ago, just two months after he li been admited to the Oregon and opened an office. He attend University 'of Oregon and gral ated from the university of d rado. His brother, Gordon McKay; warrant officer with the Seabd has been in the South Pacific some time. He enlisted two yel ago while attending tne umd sity ot uregon. Old Age Ceiling Of $50 Proposed Salem, Ore., Jan. 11 UIia to place a ceiling of $50 on amount of money payable to dividuals under the old-age asi tance law will be introduced ! the senate by Sen. Coe McKeni he said today. I The present ceiling is $40, whl another bill, previously intfw duced by Sen. Thomas MahonH would completely remove the if All The Time in '45 . . . Mothers of families, people on budgets, Need a dependable family store! In short, they need Penney's, where they can be certaii. I . -y last dollar is sure to buy more! Depend on Penney s ! NEW itm j Single & Double Breasted SaS? AWh TAILOR-PERFECT Ol 1 1 s suns- m if NOdl ' "TP V - 'Reg. U.S. P... Off- W J' f " , It Isn't so much that a suit looks if vM.lTfCy ,k 7' 4" we1 when yu f;rst try on- 1 f 111 " v 7"ro I l i Almost any suit will, if properly I tt It I ' V L-s-' jj f J 1 " f I J ; ' fitted. Continuous good fit is what ft 1 ll 1 I - I f 1 '6 you want, and that is achieved 1 1 ..-ll - ilk t " y M11 ,S' j -i through subtle but hidden worlc- 11 1 fYffi , . $$j$t 1 ' manship. You'll discover and ap- s S : 1 A P; if 1' precite .this in your Town-Clad Suit! fil l? 1 1 1 I " L ' ,i ' 'iAt- j All wool worsteds, good stripes & & I ft I fJ Vi'-1"1" llllf S I - "J plaids! Browne blue,, grays. ft 1 1 U P ffjff 2 "U.S.Pat.Off. I I ii il ' "Jj fc kirn to 1,1 ' t i n a 0 F CAROL EVANS DRESSES 1275 One 'or. two piece rayon crepes tactfully tucked and gathered for those ever-so-flattering necklines and graceful skirts! Black with brightbuttonsorj:olor8.. So Refrething for Trtmtition Day$ NEW ACCENTS ON AUSTELLE DRESSES Printed1 lerscyare ideal 'transition i dresses! Though you don't put away your jewel-tone wools and velvety blacks, brighter days will seem more ' springlike if you're wearing a. frock, villi just a few light lingerie touches!. Charming Flowered Rayon Housecoats Smartly tailored house coat with plenty of wrap around in skirt, of brightly flowered rayon, sizes For Men With An Eye For Style Dress Oxfords Heavy Scotch grain dress Ox ford, capped toe model, with double leather soie and rubber heel. A rugged but dressy shoe, long wearing and comfortable. Medium Blue Shirting! Sanforized Work Shirts 1.39 A neat, comfortable shirt- work in. Can be washed aaain and again and it will fit as well as the day you first put it on. Sanforiied so that shrinkage won't bo more than l"'. NEW ARRIVALS YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR Lace to Toe Loggers 7.90 Heavy oil tanned lacs to toe logger with rubber tap sole and heel. 50 Wool Underwear 3.98 Spring needle knit union suits, half wool for winter warmth. 7? i o i -v. i ii mm i i i ii wm Boys' Waist Overalls 98c Husky denim overalls, sanforiied, rein forced at points of strain. Women's Outing Pajamas and Gowns 1.23-1.59 Two qualities in white and colored outing flannel gowns value!