Local NewsT THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 194S PAGE FIVE (ri-MPF.RA'TL'RE L.vimum yesterday, 53 degrees. MVn'" it niirht. 28 decrees. jllntniu'" ----- -------- TODAY'S WEATHER Tpnitxrature: 10 pjm.. 84 de- ' . 10 a.m., w degrees, veioc ffof wind: 10 p.m., 8 miles; iojh.i '"" Mrs. John J. Mogan, a resident for many years, arrived yesterday Irom Fort Stellacoom, i'eh for a ween s visn wim u ;of j'ohn Mogan, 345 Delaware Upnue, and otner reiauves. r .Vtiiiiom Thomas was In Bend irom Madras yesterday. Ln'd visitor yesterday. l.jliss June II ii hranr-h of a mail order Ihnuse has been transferred to "?,.V,,r7 Wash., and left ves- IklltJlia""1 e' - - , , r. rrtav to assume her new duties. Miss " ;nent yesterday in Bend. MilHrpd Barnett was in Rend yesterday from Crescent. . J C. Harlan of Redmond spent vesterday in Bend on business. ' ... Mrs. E. M. Duvall of Gilchrist were shopping in Bend esterday. . nf Gilchrist trans acted business in Bend yesterday. The Quest club will meet at 7:30 tonight at the home of Mr. and Mrs Robert Nicholas, 420 Drake ioad, Miss Marian Mowery, presi dent, has announced. Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Benson, 57 Gilchrist, have learned that their son, Pfc. Roy M. Benson, ir o mnrinp corns, is now in the pacific theater of war. Roy, who .....nil iha mnrinp pnrns last Jflliccu - i tjune, had been stationed at Camp IPendieion, ucchhsiiuk, i-mii. Norland K. Monical, if, son or ! onrf Mrs f V. Monical. 745 lurtland, left today for San Diego hnr hp will take basic training fuith the U. S. marine corps. Nor land enlisted recently, tie nas three brothers in the service. They are SSgt. Gordon Monical, ....... In lha RnntVi Pacific- Rot Dallas Monical, with the army air iorce in the soutn facuic, ana vvi Mplvin Monical. stationed in .Maryland with an infantry unit. Mrs. Herbert S. -Francis left yesterday by bus for Portland, to be gone several days on an emerg. eney call to be with her son, First Sgt. Herbert Francis. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russell left for Everett, Wash., this morn ing for a visit with "relatives. MaVOr A. T. Niohorirsill i.,v,n has been confined to his home by a cold for several days, today re turned to his jewelry store on Wall street. E. A. Emery of Silver Lake, was a Bend visitor today. Mrs. H. C. Martin was a Dnnrt caller today from Silver Lake. mis. .uwin oiory ana Mrs. no land Dutv of Paislpv. last nir-hi were guests at the Pilot Butte inn. Mr. and Mrs. John Student wpro in Bend today from Lapine. frank Blacker, lor several months a clerk at the Pilot Butte inn, resiened todav and went to Portland. Myrl P. Hoover, president of Pacific Trailwavs. was hprp tn. day from Portland on business. ogi. niiora onooK, siaiionea at the Redmond armv air fiplrl. visit. ed Bend friends today. Just arrived at Bend Vintage Shop, sweet grape and berry wines. Finest qualities. Reason able prices. 120 Oregon Avenue. Adv. Checkerboard Cafe will be open from 9a. m. to 11 p. m. daily start ing Saturday, January 13. Adv. NOTICE Bay gelding, no discernable brand, old wire cut on upper left front leg, white spot on forehead, large white saddle mark on right wither. Horse has been annoying me for the last 6 months. Will not remain off the place when driven away. Owner may have same by paying damages, feed bill and cost of advertising upon proof of ownership. If not claimed this horse will be sold January 27 at my place. Charlie Williamson, Butler Market Road. Adv. VV.C.T.U. MEETS Redmond, Jan. 11 (Special) Apricot nectar, made by the home economics class of the high school, was served by the Misses Marian Drew and Georgia May Franks to members of the Junior W.C.T.U. 3 DAYS ONLY STARTING TONIGHT Hv 31 Gals. ..Gags... Giggles! LA i4m Love... Fun-making! GEORGE MURPHY . ADOLPHE MENJOU GLORIA OeHAVEN WALTER SLEZAK SPORT-SNAPSHOT NEWS J M I 3 DAYS ONLY STARTING lUdJULA TONIGHT A Ridin,' Romancin' Rodeo Show! at a meeting Wednesday In the First Christian church parlors. Miss Roberta Donahue and Miss Marv Lou Rnhprts BnnU nn th harmful effect of intoxicants. Worker Victim Of Falling Limb Victim of a logging accident, Albert L. Jones, 33, died at 6:45 last night in 'the Lumbermen's hospital. Mr. Jones, a faller, was struck by a falling limb near Shevlin about 3 p.m. yesterday. He was brought to the Lumber men's hospital where he died from a skull fracture. A native of Kansas, he had lived in.Bend for some time before mov ing to Shevlin three years ago. ' He leaves his wife, a son, John Wesley and a daughter, Linda; his mother, Mrs. Hattie M. Jones, Portland; two brothers, Henry Jones, Kendrick, Ida., and Richard Jones, Portland; four sisters, Mrs. Anna Garlinghouse, Lewiston, Ida.; Mrs. Stella Benson, Port land; Mrs. E. S. Joyce1, Arlington, Va., and Mrs. O. L. Mahaffey, Moscow, Ida. The body will be shipped to Lewiston, Idaho, tonight by NIs wonger & Winslow. Services will be held there at a date to be an nounced later. lone E. Robbins Funeral Is Set Funeral services for Mrs! lone Elizabeth Robbins, who died this week at her home in Bend, will be held Saturday at 1:30 p.m. from the Niswonger & Winslow chapel. Rev. Fred R. Decker will be in charge. A resident of Bend for the past 20 years, Mrs. Robbins was- a na tive of Missouri, having been born in Mound City. Her husband was the late Jeremiah Robbins. NEWS OF SOCIETY (All society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later than 10 a.m. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.) MOOSE PINOCHLE PAKTV Mrs. Nathan Murry and Ray Walter made prize winning scores at the pinochle party given by the Women of the Moose on Sat urday night. Mrs, Dora Galen and William McBride took second place. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Fred Carter and Mrs. Dick Culley. The next party will be given on Jan. 20. Moose Women To Meet Wo men of the Moose will meet at 8 p.m. Friday in Moose hall. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors who were so kind and thoughtful dur ing our recent bereavement in the loss of our son and Brother..; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Anderson and family. Adv. Auxiliary Holds Service for Mrs. Sadie Lucas A meeting of Percy A. Stevens unit No. 4, American Legion aux iliary, was held at the home of Mrs.'Antone Fosscn with Mrs. J. H. Walker as co-hostess on Thursday. A brief memorial service was held for Mrs. Sadie Lucas, who died on December 27th. Mrs. Lucas was the first president of the unit and a charter member. Mrs. D. Ray Miller, president of the auxiliary, opened the service, reading from the ritual. Prayers were read by the chaplain, Mrs. Stella P. Runge, and by Mrs. Anne Forbes. Gifts for Yanks Mrs. Miller announced that three shipments of gifts for Yanks had been sent to Portland. More than 160 gifts were collect ed, including stationery and toilet articles of all kinds. One woman donated a large box containing home-made cookies. The auxiliary wishes to thank the churches, or ganizations, and all who helped to make the "gifts for Yanks who gave drive such a success, Mrs. Miller said today. Mrs. Miller appointed a com mittee to call on and assist those who receive saddening messages from the war department. Mrs. J. H. Walker, chairman, Mrs. Runge and Mrs. Fossen are on the committee. The child welfare chairman, Mrs. Fosscn, assisted by Mrs. B. A. Shellhart, has distributed Christmas boxes of fruit, nuts and candy to veterans' families with children. A letter of appreciatioin was road from A. L. O. Schuler, chair man of the bond drive, thanking the auxiliary for their assistance in selling bonds. The next meeting will be a Joint meeting with the Legion In tho veterans' room in the courthouse on February 1st with a Valentine party and the Legion as hosts. I.II.S. Group Meets Friday The I.H.S. group of the Women's Council of the Christian church will meet at 2 p.m. Friday with Mrs. C. L. Hinman, 824 Newport, with Mrs. Arthur Nickel as as sistant hostess. Einera Club Saturday The Emera club will meet at 1:30 p.m. Saturday atjthe Masonic hall with Mrs. C. J. Lindh and Mrs. LeRoy Fox as hostesses. SOCIAL CALENDAR Tonight 7 p. m. Gideon annual banauet. Pine Tavern. 7 p. m. P. E. O. dinner meeting with Mrs. G. W. Ager, 1477 W. Third. 8 p. m. D. A. V. and auxiliary with K. C. Bennett, 16S4 West Fifth. 8 p. m Eagles auxiliary in stallation, Moose hall. o p. m. W. B. A. business meet ing, Norway hall. Friday 2 p. m. W. C. T. U. with Mrs. Duckworth, 535 Lava road. 2 p. m. I. H. S. group with Mrs. C. L. Hinman, 824 Newport. o p. m. Women ol Moose in Moose hall. Saturday 1:30 p. m. Emera club at Masonic hall. Pyfhian Sisters Install Officers Wednesday Night Mrs. H. D. Hamilton acted as installing officer on Wednesday night when the Pythian Sisters installed officers for 1945. She was assisted by Mrs. H. H. De Armond, grand manager, and Mrs. Gilbert Anderson, grand senior. Following installation ceremonies a business meeting was held. Re freshments were served later in the evening. Officers installed were: Mis. Paul Loree, past chief; Mrs. William Bevins, most excel lent chief; Mrs. C. P. Becker, ex cellent senior; Mrs. Eugene Ack ley, excellent junior; Mrs. L. B. Carter, manager; Mrs. Claude Kel ley, mistress of records and seals; Mis. Floyd Stookey, mistress of j finance; Mrs. W. A. Brinson, pro- tector; Mrs. H. N. Van Matre, i guard, and Mrs. R. D. Kctchum, musician. Miss McFadden Is Guest at Dinner Redmond, Jan. 11 (Special) j Miss Doris McFadden, was guest of honor op her 16th birthday nt a 6 o'clock dinner, given for her by Mrs. Jack Hartley Tuesday evening. Guests included the Miss es Joan Hodecker, Louclla Hartke, Dorothy Simmons, Betty McKcn zip, Doris Chase and Lorraine Qhrisman. ' Mrs. Glaup, sister nf Mrs. Hart ley, assisted in serving. b. wan TOOTH BRUSH PEACETIME ECONOMY TODAY r Ks -when you shop here, you pay no more for manv nationally " home drugs, toiletries and accessories than vou did Yes- advertised .before the war some preparations even cost less! Enioy this peacetime economy today by coming to BRANDIS where ECONOMY was . . . is . . , and always will be headlined! COLD CREAM 39c Analgesic Balm 1 ounce tube 19c Nw T nnnun far Quick IMM of Mil Dv to Chnpf rtoariocn THtETI .98 100 Vitamin A Caps .$1.89 25,000 Unit 200 Aspirin Tablets . . . . 31c 5 Grain Epsom Salts 5 lbs. 29c 1 s-i Vr 11 '.'Mi hit 1afr 1 i??.w"m Twm SI I ' "oyi Com... ifs-UYI ' I t "illinium., Saturday r:-;j: T 705 Columbia Street Phone 350 Saturday FOOD MARKET ) FT (5)11 mmmww I P Crackers j Jip r T 3ic caddy Can 35c lb. 29c Mfg Fels Naptha Soap 4 bars 22c J Prune Juice quart 29c Wesson Oil quart 57c Oval Sardines can 14c Raisins 15 oz. pkg. 13c Noodles, Frillets 16 oz. pkg. 24c Tenderoni 3 pkgs. 25c Walnuts pound 42c H&D Kernel Corn can 17c H&D Peas can 15c Staco String Beans can 15c H&D Beets ....can 12c Quality Meat At Real Savings Short Rib of Beef for Braising... lb. 19c 1 Ucd I'oiiil Breast of Veal Pocket for Stuffing lb. 19c 1 Quart Kraut and 1 Pound Franks both 49c Mock Chicken Legs, Individual Servings ea. 5c Heavy Colored Hens per lb. 42c Kraft Dinner 2 pkgs. 19c Morton's 'fPf Salt jpja 2 pkgs. 15c jya Qts. 39c f.'VHFI Jj Borcne Wlm 69c IODENT THE SMOKER'S DENTIFRICE .37 $1.25 Codonal 89c Malt Tonic $1.50 Super D ...$1.39 Cod l.lver Oil $5 Vi-teens .....$4.49 High Potency $2.39 Bax Capsules 1.93 Multiple $1.25 Beef, Iron & Wine 89c Tonic Hi AVOID 5 O'CtOCK SHADOW 50c 4-Way Cold Tabs 43c. 25c Zerbst's Caps. .19c 60c Piso's Syrup 54c $1 Pertussin 89c 50c Minit Rub 43c 3Cc Mctholarum ...27c "Can You Refill This?" Yen. we can reflti a prescrip tion unlcHH the liiHlructiong on the iHittle specifically stale otherwise. However, for your own safety, consult your physician first. He knows best whether the pro portion of the ingredients Is suited to your present condi tion or should lie changed. Always follow this safe pro cedure especially ltefore hav ing medicine refilled that was prcscrllicd for a prevl; oils Illness. . Open Daily Until 8:110 1'. M. VALENTINES 5c to $1.00 Add 20 Fedoral excise tax to Cosmetics, Jewelry, Luggage Sundays 9 to 12 noon (i to 8 P. AI. ! Degree of Honor Installs Officers On Tuesday Night The Drpifp of I Innor Protective association insliillcd officers for 1 1015 at a meelii)),' held on Thins 1 duy ninlil in Norway hall. In JslalliiiK officer was Mrs. Carl Alfrcy, assisted hy Mrs. K. J. Gib j sun, past president, and Mrs. C. h. Griffith, usher. j Those installed were Mrs. Kni lest Walker, past president; Mrs. Clyde Scott, president; Mrs. Lawrence Clausen, vice-president; Mrs. Leslie Chapman, second vice- president; Mrs. Clilfnril lirown, ' usher; Mrs. Dnunlas Hallantyne, j assistant usher; Mrs. Maiiini (Jales, financial secretary; Mrs. fcllKTl Staples, treasurer; Mrs. I I). J. Maudlin, Inner watch; Mrs. Cecil Hupp, outer watch; Airs. I. M. Michel, ri(!lit assistant; Mrs. Marion Armstrong, left assistant; Mrs. Marry Mimical, juvenile di rector; Mrs. C. I., (iriffith, advisoi tn the president; Mrs. Chester. Morris, pianist; Mrs. C. I,. Crif filh, drill team captain; Mrs. Del-! her! Staples, glee club director. ! I i rectors installed were Mrs. Leslie Chapman, Mrs. Delliert Staples, Mrs. Clll lord Hi own. Thej escort shift consists ol Mrs. I lurry Monical, Mrs. William Tyson, j Miss Viola Mollis and Mrs. Leoi Michel. Commuters Appointed Committee members appointed for the year were: Mrs. Lawrence Clausen, Mis. I. ,1. Maudlin, Mrs., Ernest Walker, Investigating com mittee; Mrs. Leslie Chapman, Mrs. Harry Monical, Mrs. William Tyson, auditing committee; Mrs. Krnest Walker, Mrs. Clyde Scott, Mis. Lawrence? Clai.rn, Mrs. Leslie Chapman, relief commit-: tee; Mrs. Martin Gales, Mrs. Del-; belt Staples, Mrs. C. L. Griffith, Mrs. Clyde Scott, Mrs. Cliflord Brown, welcoming committee; Mis. C. L. Griffith, Mrs. Leo Milchel. Mis. I'. M. Michel, Mrs. Chester Morris, clilei lammetit committee; Mrs. Winfield J. Creigliton, scrap hook committee; Mis. Leslie Chapman, publicity. Kcl'reshiiient Committees Those on the refreshment com mittee lor January are Mrs. C ; L. Giiltith, Mrs. Carl AUrey, Mis. Delliert Staples and Mrs. J. D. Lal'lant. .Members of the refreshment committee for February are Mrs. Leo Michel, Mrs. Lawrence 'Clau sen and Mrs. I'. M. Michel. ... Mrs. Dart Honored At Birthday Party Mrs. Eil ilh V. Dart was guest of honor last night at a dinner party given hy Mr. and Mrs. George W. Nelson at their home in celebration of her birthday. Guests present were Mrs. Rob ert Stout, Miss I mm Klingham- i,,i. Mivu i,lvr,liT .letwnn Thnr Kiydenlund, Mrs. Charles Ander son, Miss Zola McDotigall, Mrs. Jeannctle Mulkins, SSgt. and Mrs. Harold Larsen, Mrs. Harold Hayes and daughter Sharon, and Miss Iiiiogeni' Scholl. ... SOCIKTV S1KKTS Redmond, Jan. 11 (Special).' Mrs. I. M. Ilouk was hostess to, the Juniper Literary society onj Wednesday. The program was ar-! ranger! by Mrs. Charles Heine, Mi IJnv !!neeri rear! it hnrl story and an officer from the army air field discussed meterol og. MIIHU.lt I OH MltS. SAHIX Lapine, Jan. 1 1 (Special) Mrs. Lawrence Sabin was entertained at a bridal shower here at p.m. Tuesday with some 50 guests jresent. Mrs. Sabin, the former Miss Peggy James, was married last week In Hend. Among guests present were Mrs. Burr Lester of bend. ... flasket Social Held Members of the Klrst Presbyterian church held a box social and party in the church parlor last night. Follow ing the supper the group enjoyed games in the basement recreation hall. Jack Burpee, assisted by a committee of men, was in charge of the arrangements. Leo Bishop was head chef. Prize for the best basket went to Mrs. Peter Valley. I'.K.O. Meets Tonight Tho P.K.U. will hold a dinner meeting at 7 tonight at the home of Mrs. G. W. Ager, 1177 West Third st reel. . Insinuation Tonight -The aux iliary of the Eagles will install at S tonight in Moose hall, Mrs. W. M. Loy, president, has reported. Do FALSE TEETH Rock, Slide or Slip? FASTERTH. an improved powder to be iprinkled on upper or lowr plates, holds false teeth more firmly In place. Jo not slide, slip or rock. No inimmy, irooey, pnnty tnste or feeling. KA8 TKETH is alkaline (non-acid). Does not Hour. Checks "piste odor" (denture breath). Get FASTUKTH at any drug tore. iff ioaan s mmio O'Kanc Building Will Be Closed Until February 1st , . ,