PAGE TEN THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1945 SUPER MARKET VALUES IN SUPER-FOODS Salad Dressing .............. qt. jar 29c Table Queen Pork & Beans 101 oz. can 10c Van Camp's, Jumbo Size 1 5c 12 oz. can 33c Waxed Paper 125 ft. roll 18c Bathroom Tissue roll 5c Soft White I'lirex Pyramid Salt 22 lb. cartons 15c Shoestring Carrots 20 oz. can 14c it & it Grated Tuna 6 oz. can 25c Ocean C hief Kidney Beans No. 2 can 13c Fancy Ited Yeg.-Noodle Soup Mix 3 pkgs. 23c Betty Crocker Jack 'n Jill Syrup 51b. jar 39c Minced Clams 14 oz. can 53c . Snow's H & D Orange Juice No. 2 can 23c H & D Sliced Beets No. 2 can, 2 for 25c H & D Jell Powder 3 for 19c Assorted flavors Ripe Olives, luncheon size 9 oz. glass 23c SUPER SPECIALS IN CANNED Unica Salmon 1 lb. can 25c bjjYf salmon 1 lb. can 39c Shrimp 7 or. can 38c " ft 4 41 m Frt2!'i mmwcu wiuiiis i u, bun Mb Itoyal Chef Seedless Raisins, Thompson, 4 lb. pkg, 47c Pancake and Waffle Flour . .pkg. 15c Soya Creme 24 Ounce Pkg. Piggly Wiggly Flour 49 lb. 1.95 Mexicorn Niblets 12 oz. can 16c Whole Kernel Corn With Sweet Ited and Green reppers Tomato Soup 3 cans 25c Campbell's I0'j Oz. Can Albers Oats .3 lb. pkg. 25c Quirk t llcgiilar Oven Glass While They I-ast Layer Pak Vegetables No. 2 cn 22c Veg-AII Mixed Vegetables 1 lb. jar 17c Fancy Sweet Potatoes 18 oz. can 19c Taylor's Yuciiiini I'uckcd Whole Potatoes Orange Marma lade 2 Lb. Jar 35c Scott Towels pkg. of 150, 10c Buckwheat & Wheat Flour... 9 810 lb. bag 89c AIIht's Self Kisliig Palmdale No. 2 tin 25c Southern Yellow Yams 111 Light Sugar Syrup Sweet Peas No. 2 can 15c Standby Marmalade 2 lb. jar 33c Saxon House Concord Grape Jam 2 lb. jar 35c Aniltu CHB Dill Pickles 24 oz. jar 35c S & W Catsup 14 oz. bottle 19c Sanitary Napkins 2 pkgs. 35c Tops, in (lie Package Parkay Margarine .' 2 lbs. 49c 71 oz. pkg. 3 for 25c FRUITS and VEGETABLES Apples Winesaps 4 lbs. 25c Fresh Tomatoes Mexican ..... lb. 29c Texas Pink Grapefruit 4 for 29c Danish Squash lb. 5c FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES RECEIVED DAILY PILAND'S MARKET Round Steak lb. 39c Grade A Steer Beef Roast lb. 37c lloncless Grade A Steer Ground Beef lb. 28c 100 I'ure Beef .lb. 27c Sausage Bets Influence Score of Game New York, Jan. 11 HB Coach Nat Holman of the City college basketball team revealed today that he had deliberately instruct ed one of his players, Bill Levine, to decline a free throw in order to prevent bookmakers from mak ing a clean sweep on bets in the C.C.N.Y.-Syracuse game at Madi son Square Garden last night. City college was a six to eight point favorite, which meant that bookmakers had given Syracuse bettors six points, but had taken eight points on bets by City col lege supporters. At the time of the foul on Levine, late in the game, City led by six points. Had Levine been permitted to shoot and make the free throw, the game probably would have ended with City col lege seven points ahead, giving the bookmakers winning bets on both sides. "When it gets to the point wre bookmakers instead of the coaches try to run the game, col lege basketball will be in bad shape," Holman said. "This time I Just happened to know the betting odds and J didn't want to give them any satisfaction." Oregon Gloves Tourney Delayed Portland, Ore., Jan. 11 (Hi A three-day golden gloves boxing tournament, originally scheduled by the State Amateur Athletic union for Jan. 17-19, has been postponed until March 7-9, Her man Dcvault, of the Ramblers club, who has been appointed di rector of the show, said today. Postponement was ordered be I cause of conflict with the Amer ican .Legion's amateur boxing tourney on the same date. Pro ceeds of the state tourney will be turned over to the march of dimes fund, Devault said. Sisters Sisters, Jan.ll (Special) Word has been received that Pvt. Bur ton Peck of Portland, nephew of Archie Teller, was killed in action on the western front. He is sur vived by parents, his wife, two year old son and two sisters. Cpl. Norman Myers was dis charged from the army on Dec. 12 after being confined to a hospital for some time, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Poschwatta went to Albany last week on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Casey went to Bend and Redmond last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Casey had as their dinner guests Friday eve ning Mr. and Mrs. Jess Owsley and Jim Dundee. Ilene McKenzle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Buster McKenzle, was taken to a Portland hospital on Saturday morning. Mrs. Lloyd Hewitt has returned from Portland. Elmer Jenkins Is ill this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Paul have moved here from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. Redman went to Albany. A special meeting of the Re bekahs will be held Jan. 17. All members are invited to attend the Initiation. Roy Williams Is stationed at the naval base at San Diego, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hitchcock and children of Klamath Falls are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Clifford Ullman is teach ing school this week substituting for Mrs. Lucille McKenzie while she is In Portland with her daugh ter who is ill. Mrs. A. Templeton and Mrs. Or ville Hanson went to Portland. C. G. Hitchcock went to Port land last Thursday. A surprise birthday party will be given Mrs. Mel Crawford on Tuesday evening at her home. Mel Crawford is building a new brick chimney on the forestry of fice building. Ray Stonehocker of Prineville is assisting him. Prineville won over Sisters In basketball, 11 to 33, on Friday night. Charles Sharp is ill in the Red mond Medical-Dental hospital. William Van Buskirk is work ing in Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. David Zumwalt have purchased a home in Oak land, Calif. David is stationed at Pearl Harbor. . Charles McGregor sprained his ankle last week. Don Trushiem is building a ga rage and woodshed on his prop erly. Mrs. Charles Brockett has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Archie TolCer in vited the Townsend club to their home for the regular meeting on Jan. 6. Officers were installed for coming year, Telfer acting as in stalling officer. Next meeting will be held at the church recreation hall on Jan. 13. A basket social and auction will be held also. Everybody is welcome. Lap me Lapine, Jan. 11 (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller returned home from Reno, Nev., last week. They spent the holidays with.Mr. and Mrs. Buck O'Day. Dan Monroe of Mitchell is ill in the hospital at Prineville. He is Mrs. Bill James' father. Maud Eaton, who recently mov ed to Sweet Home, is spending several days in Lapine. John Hunter returned home Fri day from Portland much improv ed. He was treated for an injured knee. Mrs. Carl Powell left for Eu gene on Tuesday. . Mrs. Mary Baker, who has been In Lapine for a couple of months with her sister, Mrs. Sarah Sly, FOOD MARKET and FEED STORE North Highway Free Delivery Phone 776 "The Store of Personal Service" jj Payday Food Savings Fri. Sat. CORN Fountain Cream Style No. 2 can 15c soap Sumt Suds Lge. Pkg 23c PEAS Klondike, No. 2's . . .can 10c PUREX Tim Perfect Bleach I gal. 25c m tjuiirl Me Albers Pancake Flour No. 10 Sack 67c Sauerkraut quart 16c Baking Powder can 9c Small Clabber Girl Brand g3 COFFEE fePy lb. 33c MILK Any Brand 2 cans 29c Self Shine Wax .....pint 33c tjuarl Mo Liquid Veneer LARD lb. 19c Swift's Silver Leaf "fO SAUCtS ANO GRAVIIS USC CARNAJIQM K' ROUND STEAK Try It Swissed lb. 37c 1 ligjp CashmanV January BLANKET EVENT This is an excellent time to replenish your supply of blankets. Cashman again features outstanding values in blankets of all grades. Cotton Double Blanket Large. size, heavy cotton blankets. Size 70 x 80. Ideal for cold nights. 2.50 Nashua Blanket Satin bound, 50 wool blankets. Na tionally known for their quality. 72x84. 4.95 Regent Blanket 25 wool, size 70 x 80. In choice of several colors. An exceptional value. 5.95 50 Wool Blanket Rose or green, satin bound 50 wool blanket. Size 72 x 84. Big and fluffy. 7.95 80 Wool Blanket Pendleton grey, 4 pound 80 wool blan ket. Made for long wear. 8.95 89 Wool Blanket Better grade, 89 grey wool blankets. 9.95 Levi Strauss All Wool Blanket Satin bound, 72 x 84 all 4ft QC wool blanket. A super lV79 value. Camp Blanket $5.95 Heavy weight, grey. CAMP QUILTS and BED COMFORTERS 103 Oregon Pendleton All Wool Blanket The choice blanket value of the season. It's nation, ally-known. In smart pastel shades. 15.95 went to Eureka, Calif., last week NEW kind of ASPIRIN tablet doesn't upset stomach When you need quick relief from pain, do you hesitate to take aspirin because it leaves you with an upset stomach? If so, this new medi cal discovery. SUPERTM, is "just what the doc tor ordered" for you. Superln is aspirin plus contains the same pure, sate aspirin you have long known tout developed by doctors in a special way for those upset by ajpirin in its ordi nary form. This new kind of aspirin tablet dissolves more quickly, lets the aspirin get right at the job of re lieving pain, reduces the acidity of ordinary aspirin, and does not ir ritate or upset stomach even after repeat doses. Tear this out to remind you to get Superin today, so you can have it on hand when headaches, colds, etc., strike. See how quickly it relieves pain how snr-ssr- fine you feel after LtLibi to visit another sister. ' Four children of Mr. and Mrs. D. Candle entered school last week: Eva Mae and Juanita in the high school and Marjorie and Eu gene in the grade school. Cotopaxi, the 19-600-foot Ecua dorean volcano, is the highest ac tive volcano in the world; its al most perfect conical top is covered with snow except at the margin of the crater. U. S. State Head HORIZONTAL VERTICAL 1 Pictured gov-"" 1 Cautioned crnor, 2 Pressed H. 3 Limb 4 Lone Scout tab.) 5 Affirm 6 Female 1 servant 7 Within 8 Permit 9 Greater in ' size 10 Posture An.wer to 1r.vlns rntxlp 11 War god 12 It proceeds (music) 13 Tidy 14 Leaping amphibian 15 Blood vessel 17 Snare 18 Ghi's nnme 20 City on Mont- h Card came real island 15VotreEmi- 22 African nence (ab.) antelope 16 Chaos- 23 Female rurt 18 Places 25 Build 20 He is gover t i More, unusual 28 Solicitudes ' 29 Symbol for! samarium ; 30 Thoron (sym.1 31 Muse of " poetry 34 Be in accord 38 Native of ' Rome 39 Driving lines 40 Short sleep 41 Gateways " 46 Make an edging 47 Mpre.msr i 2 E js) SEEL. S.I v " t PAULINE M xgg LORD EMUjH ICEvPnS pIeIbItI lAJc-lTlRte SSI nor of 21 Drinks ol the gods 24 Roman god-". dess 26 Stove 31 Sea eagles 32 Wandered 33 Unit of electricity 35 Ceremony 37 Royal Italian family name 42 Alleged force. 43 480 sheets' 44 Against 45 Compass point 48 Intellect ' 50 Male swan 52 Ells English : (ab.) 54 Symbol for 36 Render capable calcium ' 1 P I1" I Is lb I I7 Is l9 l' i Si's " Jl t. .. . 2" nxzrfel- rr ' t" t. 1 J 'o-- Su' tt n sr -J 5, ' I I I I I I I I I ,n Short Ribs lb. 19c Grade A Steer Beef Fryers lb. 45c Colored Hens lb. 39c Colored Country Style Salmon Steak lb. 40c Center Cuts Halibut Steak lb. 41c Center Culw Summer Sausage lb. 59c Goto Bore Kxtra Dry Pork Chops lb. 39c uiKinK. yuururiur- v"" n 49 Low sand hill gist's, lot and S9f. 50 Third power (math.) Sl'Great Lake 53 Near 54 Fuel 55 Judicable