PAGE SIX Stocks Reverse, Reach New High By Elmer C. YValzer (United Preaa Financial Editor) New York, Jan. 10 'IPi Stocks reversed themselves abruptly in late afternoon dealings today and climbed to a new high for more than seven years after early soft ness. Industrial storks led the upturn rising to a further new peak since ucr. ;;., as trading crossed the million-share mark for the 26th time in the last 31 consecu tive sessions. wail street quarters found no specific development in the day's news to account for the late runup, but there were Indications that the period of adjustment af ter last week's bull movement had run its course. Virtually all of the selling that forced the list down just before Tuesday's close and that manifested itself in the first three-hours today was looked on as profit-taking. Ceilings Imposed On Live Cattle Washington, Jan. 10 ri Econ omic Stabilization Director Fred M. Vinson, acting to end a long and bitter fight between cattle men and meat retailers, today ordered imposition of ceilings on live cattle prices, effective Jan. 29. From Jan. 29 to July 2, the ceiling will be $18 per 100 pounds, live weight, at Chicago. On July 2 the ceiling will be reduced to $17.50. Changes In subsidy rates to packers and the so-called "sta bilization range" governing eligi bility for those subsidies also will be effective on the same dates. Vinson ordered the office of price administration and the war food administration to draft or ders prohibiting slaughterers from paying more than the new ceiling for live cattle. He also im posed restrictions on the Quanti ties of "choice" and "good" beef they may handle, a move intended to increase the overall quantity of beef available to civilians. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 10 HP Livestock: Cattle 350, calves 50. Active, steady but quality less de sirable. Medium-good steers scarce early. Fed common heifers $9-00. 10.50. Canner-cutter cows $5.50 7.50. Fat dairy type cows $8.00 10.00. Common-medium bulls $8 9.50. Good heavy beef bulls quot able to $11.50. Good grass calves S14.00. Good-choice vealers salable 514.50 and above. Hogs 350. Active, steady. Good Pholce 130-270 lhs. $15.75; 275-350 lbs., $14.50-15.00. Good sows $13.50 14.00. Choice feeder pigs $14.50. Sheep 150. Few sales steady. Common-medium 60-65 lb. lambs $10.5012.00. Medium-good 78 lb. $13.00, Good-choice wooled lambs salable $14.00-14.75. Good ewes quotable $6,00 6.50. Although enough aluminum is now available for the war pro pram, the $5,000,000 plant near Salt Lake City, now In operation for over a year, will continue, under present plans, its experi mental program Indefinitely. DIAGNOSING - - is half the cure! A great many things may be making your car misbe have: but it takes experts to pin down one particular cause. Better drive in give us the case history . . . and let us make a speedy diagnosis and prescribe te auto service remedy. After diagnosis, of course, comes careful, expert work to effect the cure. We shine there, too ! COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE TOWING BATTERIES ANTIFREEZE TIRES W. B. Anderson Nash Co. W73 W.ll SW .w. Phone 700 For a Little, Sell a Lot With Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 35c 25 Words Three times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.35 All word! atr It add lc vt ward tlnaa nomhar ml inaarttana On saanth run, sama ropr, day rat MinlaiDBi Charge, ijc LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Clarified AdvcrtUing. Caab In Att'anca Dallr Cloain( Tima 12:3a p. at. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. HaU W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store- BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. A. M. Stated Communication Thurs., Inn. 1 1, 8 p. in. M. M. Degree Vkltlnl Brathrrn Wclroma George Simerville, Sec'y. FOR SALE ONE LARGE electric National cash register, one kitchen range, large heating stove, 2 six ft. show cases. Central Oregon Agate Shop, Redmond, Oregon r'hone xi t.. IF YOU want a good radio, better see Luckey's at 117 Lafayette to day while I have them. All sets re conditioned and guaranteed. Both console and table models. Better hurry. Phone 536. WELL BUILT 12 foot row boat complete with oars. See this at 201 Broadway. REDUCED $800: Four room house for $700 for quick sale. Range, heater, garage, woodshed. Priced right. Act quick. Immedi ate possession. Gilberts Real Es tate. 1015 Wall Street. CLEANUP SALE on new fur chubbies, $20 plus tax. Only a few left. 350 Division. EXCULSIVE HOME: Ultramod ern 9 room home on Congress Street. Plastered, hardwood floors, tile kitchen, fireplace, out side fireplace, basement, furnace, air conditioned. You must see to appreciate. Very reasonable down payment. Gilberts Real Estate. PRE WAR DAVENO, makes good bed, $25. 164 E. Irving. CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS. We have them to fit your car. Doug's Service Station. STANDARD SIZE Royal type writer. Inquire 1314 Columbia af ter 6 p. m. MOTORIDE baby buggy, metal dlscwheeis, rubber tires,. tubular steel frame, new winter front, brake. Collapsible, like new. 34 St. Helens Place. 2 PRE-WAR baby buggies. One collapsible $10.00, one Lloyd Loom, very strongly built and in excel lent condition. 233 East Haw thorne, across from Allen school. $312 DOWN takes four room house. Total price $750. Two lots. Stoves, some furniture, garage, woodshed, chicken house. $15 per month. Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall St. BRASS OLDS trombone and case, good condition. Phone 461-J. THE BEND FOR SALE 2 WHEEL trailer. Good condition. Apply No. 1 South City Limits Mo tel between 4 and 6 p. m. HEAVY TEAM of gentle work horses with wagon and harness. 7 tons of alfalfa hay. A. E. Buck, 2 miles north of Tumalo. 1938 LA SALLE sedan. Also house i side for rooming house or will trailer, sleeps three, all good rub-1 rent 5 rooms downstairs to one or ber and completely furnished, j two couples. Inquire G35 E. Mar quick sale for cash. Can be seen j shall. at Redmond Trailer Park after 6; : p. m. O. C. Countryman. j MODERN one room cabin suit- able for one or a couple. 648'4 E. SEED AND CULL spuds, S1.50; per sack. Bring your own sacks. Leonard Nolan. 4 miles on Butler Market Road. BRED DOES for sale. Fred Zeh ner, Rt. 1, Box 107, Bend. 1 mile east of Carroll Acres store across railroad tracks. BY OWNER. 5 acres, 5 room mod ern house. City lights and water. Finished in knotty pine and Fir tex. Lots of bulltins. Garage, large chicken house, 2 small chick en houses and hog house. All I buildings double constructed. Irri gation water. 5 minutes walk from city bus, store, garage and service station. Call 1012-R or stop at second house on Trap Club road between 3:30 and 7:30 p. m. Tues., Wed. or Thurs. MODERN 5 room home including nice range, circulating heater, ga rage, 1 room cabin, woodshed, fruit cellar, garden plot, all fenc ed. Inquire 1334 Columbia. STUDIO COUCH, overstuffed chair, kneehole desk, center stand, bridge lamp, floor lamp, circu lating heater, occasional chair, Montag range with colls, oak breakfast set, dining table and 4 chairs, console Victrola, bedroom set of bed, inner springs mattress, box springs, vanity and bench, chest matching chair and night stand. Call at second house on Trap Club road between 3:30 and 7:30 p. m. Tues., Wed. or Thurs. COLEMAN OIL circulating heat er, 8 inch. 803 Delaware. Phone 31 W. 10 TUBE RADIO $60.00, daybed $7.00, heater $5.00, bed and coil spring $7.00, Inside door $3.00, drop leaf table $2.50, oil stove and oven $5.00, extension table $3.00, large canoe $10.00, other articles. 1225 Albany. GIRL'S SHOE ice skates, 22 Rem ington rifle, real good tow with lots of arrows a real bargain $7.50, collapsible baby buggy looks like new $8.00, good double deck coil springs, btKl, real nice wicker rocker, dinette set. round table with 4 oak chairs $8.00, drop leaf tables, metal or wood bedsteads, ball and socket trailer hitches. bumper hitches, ice boxes, clothes i rant size' gas' grill dresser bases. ' Don't forget our sale on heating and cooking stoves, real bargains, $5 to $15.00. 350 Division. WONDERFUL COUNTRY home close in, 3 "a acres on paved high way. Up-to-date modern house, hardwood floors, furnace, electric range wiring, good outbuildings. $10,000, terms. Shown by appoint ment only. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. 19.18 V-8 ' TON pickup, new 6 ply 6:50 tires, oil filter, air horns, heater, motor overhauled, 4 speed transmission. All white porcelain garbage burner used 5 months; I lousier kitchen cabinet with flour and sugar bins, white porcelain Hop; breakfast set, table has slid- ! ing leal; hot water tank complete with fittings; 211 cc capacity Qua- ; ker oil circulator old style, good shape. Phone 31F-3. West of Car- ! roll Acres store 200 yards, first house on left. WEST SIDE, close In, 2 bedroom plastered modern house, attrac tive kitchen, new double garage, drilled hole. $3500. $1,000 down, $25.00 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36 W. NEAR ALLEN SCHOOL, attrac tive newly decorated modern 2 bedroom house, large living room with hardwood floors. Electric range wiring, double garage. 2 'a large lots. $.1700. Loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36W. SPLENDID BUY. 5 acres, close In. 4 acres C.O.I., neat 4 room house. 2 cisterns, new barn, chicken house. S1700, $500 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. FOR KENT M O P E R N 3 room furnished nnartment. Close to city center. Wood, water, lights furnished. $25 00. Adults only. Apply at 945 E. Second. PARTLY FURNISHED four room house at 120 Jefferson. $10.00 per month. Not modern. Gooeftteus! OR rOlKS WITH SNIFPtV Head Colds Quick relief from dlj treas of head colds Is hnl you wnnt. Bo use V-lro-nol. A If wdropa up each nostril soothe Irritation, rellfve con gestion. Also helps pre vent many colds from developing if used In time. Just try It ! Follow directions tu folder. tPtCUl OmMaOaty Nll DttSS Wattl Fast Trauatt 1st -SL a. BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY FOR RENT CLEAN, MODERN, 3 room fur nished apartment. Refrigeration, lights, fuel and water furnished $38.00. Phone 107G-W. SMALL SEMI-MODERN house. Inquire Pickett's Gardens. 10 ROOM furnished house west 2nd. PLEASANT UPSTAIRS room with hot water at lavatory. Fur nished for light housekeeping. Ac ers to shower bath. Call at 623 Hill St. REOPENING BOARDING house January 10th. $45 per month. Home cooked meals, warm rooms. Delaware Hotel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31VV. 2 ONE ROOM houses furnished with water and lights. $6.00 and $8.00 per month. Near mills. 168 E. Irving. Phone 834-W. IVACANCY in Coyner Apart- ments. Inquire 720 Georgia Room 8, O'Kane Bldg. WELL FURNISHED 3 room mod ern house, close in. Inquire 58 Greeley or phone 640-W. MODERN FURNISHED apart ment on paved street, close to town and mills. Inquire 87 Shasta. Phone 962-J. 3 ROOM furnished house, wood shed and garage. $15.00 per month. Call at 1025 Cumberland before 2:00 p. m. or call at 931 Ogden. FOR SALE OR TRADE WILL TRADE 30-40 Krag sport model rifle for 30-30 carbine or other medium caliber rifle. Prefer Remington pump. Phone 905-R. WANTED ROADSTER or coupe. Ford or Chev. preferred. Call at 365 Miller. USED GUNS and motors. Will pay good prices or liberal trade In, allowances on new ones. Evans Fly Co. South highway. DO YOU WANT to make someone happy besides making a few extra dollars by doing a grateful deed? O.K. then, get that old radio out of the basement, have Luckey's Radio Repair clean, repair, polish and tune It up. Then put a low priced ad in The Bend Bulletin. That's all there Is to it. No, it doesn't matter if it is a battery radio for Luckey can make it into an electric. 117 Lafayette. Phone 536. TO KENT a sun lamp. Phone USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WILL BUY good small houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend. WANTED WORM DRIVE TRUCK REAR END. Old model O.K. Write Ilvan Turner, Rt. 1, Box 422. TO BUY flat top electric range in good condition. Phone 785-J. TO RENT 2 bedroom furnished modern'house. Would like gaVage, refrigerator and washing ma chine. Write No. 11975 In care of The Bulletin. WANT TO, BUY figurines, old dishes and colored glass. Mrs. Don Ray, 1357 Kingston. WANT TO BUY good milk cow, now milking not less than 4 gal lons. Write John E. Johnson, Route 1. Box 311 B, Bend. WANTED ALL Ex cel cis users to know we have the exclusive agen cy in Bend to handle full line of Excel cis cosmetics. King's Mar ket on south highway. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs. Also gentle saddle ponies and saddles. Please write W. R. Franks. Redmond, or phone 78 J, Redmond. Oregon. HELP WANTED WANT SOMEONE to care for pre school children from 7:30 to 5. Prepare luncheon, no housework. Or someone to work 'for board, room antl wages. 1404 Baltimore or phone 907-J after 5 p. m. BEAUTY OPERATOR, very good wages, excellent working condi tions. Apply at Slate s Barber & Beauty Shop. RED RYDER " By FRED HARMAN BUSY SHOEING A HOEKgTV-, Hlfr. Bo)"ivS.& VBUENOM L WM 1 j HELP WANTED MEAT CUTTERS. We have per manent position open In our mod ern meat department at Redmond, Oregon. Top salary and pleasant working conditions with advance ment opportunities. For complete details see your local Safeway manager. SITUATION WANTED EMPLOYED MAN, good typist, bookkeeper and salesman can de- Ivote several hours daily after 4 ; p. m. to other work. Write No. 11992 care of The Bulletin. LOST AT EASTERN STAR dance, Sat urdav nieht. brown nurse contain ! Ing ration books 3 and 4 issued to I Clara. Patricia Louise, and Verna Jean Hall. If found, return to 15 Gilchrist St. USED CARS 1935 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan. Good tires, motor runs good. Real brakes. $300. 22 Lake Place. 1933 PLYMOUTH sedan. If inter ested wrtie care of W. R. Carter. P. O. Box 891, Redmond, Oregon. 1936 PLYMOUTH coupe. 5 pre war tires, motor overhauled. Will trade on later model car. 352 E. Kearney or phone 865. MISCELLANEOUS SAWS FILED, keys made, shears, knives, skates ground, guns, bicy cles, phonographs, locks repaired, soldering, lawn mowers and sew ing machines bought. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's ruiltc Phnna f',Q rf 91.V.A Vfr-c belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl Road, Bend. EXPERT LINOLEUM laying, 12 years experience, drain boards and cove base, floor sanding and car pet work. 365 Miller Ave. Phone 753-J. Ha.-rison Upholstery. CHIMNEYS CLEANED, oil burn ers cleaned and adjusted by local reliable men. Phone 829-M or 1070 J. CONTRARY to circulating re ports of our shop closing or changing hands we are still in busi ness as usual with a good line of upholstery materials, also leather ettes. We thank you for your pat ronage. Have for sale one over stuffed chair, one davenport and chair set, also rough lumber. Phone 753-J. Harrison Upholstery, 365 Miller Ave. CHIMNEYS CLEANED, oil burn ers cleaned and adjusted by local reliable men. Phone 829-M or 1070-J. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Official Records Discharge Filed Chester J. De Witt filed I honorable discharge from the U. S. army Probate W. J. Dickson estate: Mary El len Harrigan, a daughter, appoint ed administratrix of the estate, valued at $3,407.85. J. S. Davis, W. C. Coyner and Kathryn Kelley appointed appraisers. Margaret Burlrh Estate An inventory was filed by K. E. Sawyer, John Welle and Ivan F. Thatcher, appraisers, stating the estate consisted of $6,817.07 in cash: $6,652.50 in U. S. savings bonds: other stocks and bonds, $17,425.50; real property, $16, 477.73. Total value of the estate. $47,372.80. Joe F. Burirh Is the ad- HEALTH TO YOU! Correct Ractaf, Colon Allmtntt Hemorrhoid., (Piloi), Fl- uro, ruiula. Hernia (Hup- . tut) diioy liealih-powot I to arn-abtlity to ojur lil. j Our moibod ol treatment 1 without hoepltrf) operation 1 iicceealully employed for ' w yearn, uDerai credit terme. Call lor examination. or lend for FREE booklet. Open Ertmmgt, Mon., VVtJ., Fri, 7 to 9 X) Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Phytlctam and Surgeon IV. E. Cor. E. Bumitde and Grand At. Telephone EAt 3918, Portland 14. Oreoon 1 vf-unmmmLLLWimniiLii 1 10. 1945 Bulletin mlnistrator. The fol.Sperrs appeared Justice Court before tice of the peace, ary 3 and 9: Albert N. Young. Eugene: 1945 motor vehicle license. 51. Dennis D. Reed. Dufur; no 1945 motor vehicle license, SI. Charles N. Loyd, 2305 Awbrey, no operators license. S10. Loren E. Wells, Sisters; no ope rators license, $10. Harold J. Perron, Oasis hotel, no operators license, $10. Ole Ostby, selling liquor to an Indian, 90 days. Herbert M. Franklin, driving while intoxicated, $54.50 and six I months in the county jail, nacea on probation and parolled to the Deschutes county court follow- ing payment of fine. Ray W. Ben?ner, 1601 West Third street; basic rule, $5. Dan W. Warner, Redmond; no tail light on vehicle, $1.50. Gordon L. Wilcox, route 2; con cealed motor vehicle license, $1.50. Frank Pettlngill, 328 Columbia street; no tail light on motor ve hicle, $1.50. Walnah E. Francis, Bend; basic rule, $5. Billy Haupt, Bend: assault and battery. Case dismissed for lack of evidence. Thomas J. Wynn, drunk on a public highway. Case dismissed on recommendation of arresting of ficer. .. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 10 wi The egg trade today awaited tomor row's price reduction of three cents a dozen, while the shortage of quality stock continued. The price reduction Is in line with the loPA long-range policy I b -1 5 ... . Butter prices were unchanged.! Prices on dairy products: i Butter cube, 93 score, 42J4c;' 92 score, 42'iC; 90 score, 42c; 89 score, 41 'ic pound. Eggs price to retailers: AA large, 54; A large, 52; medium A,; 47c; small, 42c doz. More than half this year's pack of California sardines will be used for the armed forces and lend lease requirements, because of the high food value of this fish, its low cost, and the transportability of the canned product. I LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ' That Mary Evelyn Harrigan was, on the 9th day of January, 1945, appointed by the County Court of Deschutes County, Oregon, as the administratrix Of the estate of W. J. Dickson, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to said administratrix at the office of her attorney A. J. Moore, at Room 4 O'Kane Building, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published at Bend, Oregon, this 10th day of January, 1945. MARY EVELYN HARRIGAN, Administratrix of the Estate of W. J. Dickson, deceased. 30-3642-48C NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearing upon the final .ac count of LLOYD E. ROBIDEAUX. administrator of the Estate of John Olson, deceased, filed here in, will be held in the Courthouse in the County courtroom in Bend, WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS HALLOWELL KOLD WAVES Just Ask the Girl Who's Had One! Well Qualified and Experienced Operators MAY LAI HA BILLIE Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 484 MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1333 Awbrey Rd. TeL 629-M Classified Ads Oregon at the hour of two o'clock yirguu, m me in the afternoon on estate are notified to appear ui SStiml and place and show " , if -nv ,hev have why sa d noicause, if an tne nave, u "nai dLcuum " , , provea. closed, ana tne aum...- ," K- Oregon, this' 10th day of January, 1945. -" - .. . Olson Deceased n armond & GOODRICH, Attorneys at Law, Bank of Bend i Building, Bend, Oregon. 30-3G42-48C NOTICE Notice is hereby given of the ex piration of the period of redemp- tlnn for vour nroDertles foreclosed by that certain decree dated Jan- uary 25th, 1944, in the matter of the 1943 foreclosure list of Des chutes County, Oregon, signed by the Honorable Ralph S. Hamilton, Judge of the Circuit Court of Des chutes County on the aforemen tioned date. tT Notice Is further given to all ,.oom at the courthouse in Bend, concerned, that your properties j Oregon, as the time and place for ordered sold under the a foremen-1 hearing objections to and for set tioned judgment and decree, un-itiement thereof; and all persons less sooner redeemed, will be I interested are hereby required to deeded to the county immediately j appear at said hearing and show upon the expiration of the period j cause if such there be why said of redemption, to-wit; January .accounting should not be settled 25th, 1945,, and that every right of interest of any person in such properties will be forefeited for ever to the county. C. L. McCAULAY, Sheriff of Deschutes County, Oregon. 30-3Gc Keep your fires In good condition fires will probably be difficult to obtain during 1945.. Bend Auto Parts have been in the recapping business for many years. Equipment is the finest and skilled workmen repair your tires to highest specification. Drive in! B o39 6Q OB.EOON AVE Pkor MACMILLAN DISTRIBUTORS FOR DESCHUTES. JEFFERSON AND CROOK COUNTIES Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond Minnesota Phone 888 TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE V2! Beo Hive Trucks and Trailer may be used anywhere in the U.S.A. without red tape or spe cial license when transporting your own (foods. Long trips, short trins anywhere. See your Texaco dealer. Mission Service Station Bond Jt Franklin Phone 340 i NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Mntice Is herebv given th.m ,- h - , r ...... . ' ".in inn the state of Orn. 6"" . -"'mi accounting as executor of the restate oi jonn w. cruuuu, ueceas- . . f , , has fixed February 28, 1945. .,. o'clock d. m. at the count. ,-ourt roQm the Bend, Oregon, as .the time and : .l.-. tut honi'ino P - required to appear at said hear- ing and show cause if such there be why said accounting should not be settled and allowed. JAMES li. duinuvain, Kxeet tor Estate of John W. Eklund.' Dec. 13-18-24-30c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING : j k hm ,.,i.t. ,J j county eourt o the state 0f Ore. gon for Descnutes county her final accounting as administrat rix c. t. a. of the estate of Charles G. Christiernson, deceased, and that the judge of said court has fixed February 28, 1945, at two o'clock p. m. at the county court and allowed and the undersigned discharged from her trust. LOUISE H. THIELSEN, Ad ministratrix c. t. a. Estate of Charles G. Christiernson, Dec. 13-18-24-30c Don't Put Off RECAPPING of Smooth, WORN TIRES w . 909 Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Goods Movement LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Sendee Every DftT Of the Year Phone 544 o VICKSVATRONOL