I PAGE SIX Bend CAP Aids In Plane Search Members of thp Bend squadron of the Civil Air Patrol played an Important part Sunday in the search for the missing Redmond army air field trainer, which was later found with the occupants dead, it.was disclosed today. Capt. Alph A. Thiessen and I,t. Max R. Smith lost their lives in the crash, 10 miles southeast of Bend. The Bend fliers were brought into service upon instructions from the army headquarters in San Francisco, relayed through wing headquarters in Portland. The Bend squadron of the CAP was ordered out early Sunday, and pressed six of their aircraft into the search, scouring desig nated areas where fast military planes were unable to make care ful survevs of the terrain. When the lost plane was found by army tilers, a Civil Air patrol aircraft assisted in guiding ground forces to the scene of the accident. Group Aids Search Commanded by J J. Larry Ler mo, nine pilots and five observers participated in the hunt. They were, pilots: J.ts. Ullfe Bowman, Tom Brooks. E. A. Ranger, M. G. Hitchcock, Fred Frederickson Walter Howard, Walter F. Peter son, 1st Sgt. Harold Maker and Electrician's Mate 1c Gerald Mc- Cann. The observers were Cant, Ward H. Coble and Lis. Del Hale, Willa McCann, Jim Chamborlln and Elmer Ward. A "ground crew" of six CAP cadets was also maintained throughout the day at the Bend Municipal airport. They were 1st Sgt. Norman Mikaelson, SSgts. jonn uerrigan, Gall Sigmund, George Chase and Wayne Allen, and cpl. Don Van Landuyt. CAP aircraft used were a Piper Cub, Plner Cruiser, Taylorcraft, Falrchild and two Piper Coupes. Twenty-four flights were made, with a total of 3014 hours of fly ing time. Profit Taking Weakens Mart By Elmer C. Walzer (United Prim Financial Killtor) New York, Jan. 9 mi Moderate amounts of profit-taking brought an appearance of irregularity into the stock market today although the general average managed to reach a new high since Septem per 4, liM7. Trading was heavy from the start when blocks of 1,000 to 6,000 shares appeared on the tape and the volume was so large that tick ers for a time were unable to keep pace. First hour sales of more than 700,000 were at n rate of 3,500,000 for a full session. Later dealings lightened but the day's total crossed the 2,000,000-share mark. The railroad average declined despite the fact that a majority of carrier issues registered gains ranging to more than a point in Santa Fe in the common stocks and to 3 points In Pere Marquette Prior preferred. The recession in the carrier average was ascribed entirely to a G polnt drop in the wide-moving Norfolk & Western. Shot of Penicillin Given Sick Bull Hardwick, Mass., Jan. 9 mi A wheezing bull gazed through the walls of an oxygen tent today while a veterinarian administered n giant-sized shot of penicillin In nn effort to save the royal guern sey prince from death by pneu monia. The patient, Caumsett Spit fire, already has received 2,500,000 (M) units of the drug under special dispensation by the war produc tion board at Washington, but his physician, Dr. Francis M. Austin of Belcherton, described him as "a pretty sick boy." Buy National War Bonds Now! LINE UP with There's no question about it . . . proper wheel alingement will save up to 50 on tire wear. Winter weather, with rough roads and slippery streets raise havoc with front end alinomont. It doesn't take an accident to throw the front wheels and chassis out of line . . . probably you would not realize it Until it was too late. Drive in now , . . have us check your car . . . and remember . . . RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIE'S EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE Wall and Greenwood For a Little, Sell a Lot Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Timo 85o 25 Words Thre Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.35 All words over ZS add le per word tlmM number of Inicrlloni Ono month run. un copy, Va day rata Minimum Charge, See LINE RATE lOe CAPITALS 20c Claeeifted Advertising-, Canh in Adranca Dailj Cloalng Time 12 :3V P. M. FOR SALE TABLE TOP radio for sale cheap. 154 Adams Place. 2 WHEEL, 24 ft. trailer, like new, equipped with electric brakes. In quire Redmond Hardware, Red mond, Oregon. IF YOU want a good radio, better see Luckey's at 117 Lafayette to day while I have them. All sets re conditioned and guaranteed. Both console and table models. Better hurry. Phone 53G. REDUCED $800: Four room house for $700 for quick gale. Range, heater, garage, woodshed. Priced right. Act quick. Immedi ate possession. Gilberts Real Es tate. 1015 Wall Street. ONE LARGE electric National cash register, one kitchen range, large heating stove. Central Ore gon Agate Shop, Redmond, Ore gon. 5 ROOM modern house partly fur nished. Also beautiful davenport and chair. 820 Georgia Ave. EXCULSIVE HOME: Ultra-modern 9 room home on Congress Street. Plastered, hardwood floors, tile kitchen, fireplace, out side fireplace, basement, furnace, ain conditioned. You must see to appreciate. Very reasonable down payment. Gilberts Real Estate. WELLINGTON UPRIGHT piano, In good condition, $150. 2211 W. 4th, oft Awbrey road. CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS. We have them to fit your car. Doug's Service Station. 4 BEDROOM modern house, east side, plastered, fireplace, station ery tubs, electric range wiring, furnace, automatic coijl stoker, sprinkling system, 2 lots, fine gar den spot, fruit trees. $5000, loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon Ave. Phone 30-W. MOTORIDE baby buggy, metal disc wheels,1 rubber tires, tubular steel frame, new winter front, brake. Collapsible, like new, 34 St. Helens Place. 7 ACRES, 6 acres Arnold, 4 room house, good out buildings. $2700. $500 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon: Phone 36-W. 2 WHEEL trailer. Good condition. Apply No. 1 South City Limits Mo tel between 4 and 6 p. m. $U2 DOWN takes four room house. Total price $750. Two lots. Stoves, some furniture, garage, woodshed, chicken house. $15 per month. Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall St. THE BEST BUYS ever offered in kitchen ranged. We have some real good stoves from $5 to $15. It you need a stove get it this week while they are cheap. We are cleaning up on our entire stock of stoves. 22 Kemington rifle, archery set this Is u real good how with accessories for only $7.50, electric iron, electric sandwich toaster, baby buggy, real good wicker rocker and chair, dinette set, library diner table with 4 chairs, dresser, wood or metal bedsteads, coil springs, 'Vi bed, drop leaf tables, round table with 4 oak chairs $8.00, dresser bases, breakfast nook table, office chairs, large piece of veneer, iron ing boards, gas hot plates, ice boxes, clot lies wringers, ball and socket trailer hitches, bumper hitches, replacement halls for trailer hitches, V pulleys of all kinds, day beds. Open evenings. 350 Division. BRASS OLDS trombone and case, good condition. Phone 461-J. Don't Wait Until Your Tire Is Ruined SAVE RUBBER With Famous Bear Wheel Balancing and Alinement Service FOR SALE 1 BLUE CHIFFON formal size 20, worn once, $5. 1 pair navy pumps, 1 pair beige pumps, sizes 8Mi A. 1 pair ball bearing roller skates $3. 1 burner hot plate $2. 1 alarm clock. All in good condition. Call 934-W. 1635 W. 3rd. HEAVY TEAM of gentle work horses with wagon and harness. 7 tons of alfalfa hay. A. E. Buck, 2 miles north of Tumalo. SEED AND CULL spuds, $1.50 per. sack. Bring your ovvn sacks. Leonard Nolan. 4 miles on Butler Market Road. CLEAN-UP SALE on new fur chubbies, $20 plus tax. Only a few left. 350 Division. BY OWNER, 5 acres, 5 room mod ern house. City lights and water. Finished in knotty pine and Fir tex. Lots of built ins. Garage, large chicken house, 2 small chick en houses and hog house.' All buildings double constructed. Irri gation water. 5 minutes walk from city bus, store, garage and service station. Call 1012-R or stop at second house on Trap Club road between 3:30 and 7:30 p. m. Tues., Wed. or Thurs. STUDIO COUCH, overstuffed chair, kneehole desk, center stand, bridge lamp, floor lamp, circu lating heater, occasional chair, Montag range with coils, oak breakfast set, dining table and 4 chairs, console Victrola, bedroom set of bed, inner springs mattress, box springs, vanity and bench, chest matching chair and night stand. Call at second house on Trap Club road between 3:30 and 7:30 p. m. Tues., Wed. or Thurs. 10 TUBE RADIO $60.00, daybed $7.00, heater $5.00, bed and coil spring $7.00, inside door $3.00, drop leaf table $2.50, oil stove and oven $5.00, extension table $3.00, large canoe $10.00, other articles. 1225 Albany. WONDERFUL COUNTRY home close In, 3'j acres on paved high way. Up-to-date modefh house, hardwood floors, furnace, electric range wiring, good outbuildings. $10,000, terms. Shown by appoint ment only. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. WEST SIDE, close In, 2 bedroom plastered modern house, attrac tive kitchen, new double garage, drilled hole. $3500, $1,000 down, $25.00 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. NEAR ALLEN SCHOOL, attrac tive newly decorated modern 2 bedroom house, large living room with hardwood floors. Electric range wiring, double garage, 2V4 large lots. $3700. Loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. SPLENDID BUY. 5 acres, close in. 4 acres C.O.I. , neat 4 room house. 2 cisterns, new barn, chicken house. $1700, $500 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. I'OH SALE OK TltADE WORLD BICYCLE in good con dition. Will sell or trade for deer rifle. Prefer 30-30. Phone 35-F13. 1'OU KENT MODERN 3 room furnished apartment. Close to city center. Wood, water, lights furnished. $25.00. Adults only. Apply at 945 E. Second. 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Wood, water and lights furnished. Clean light rooms, hot water heat, suitable for 2 people. Call after 5:30 p. m. 2364 E. Irving. PARTLY FURNISHED four room house at 120 Jefferson. $10.00 per month. Not modern. MODERN 4-ROOM unfurnished apartment, .lanscn Villa, 4(17 Port land Ave. SMALL SEMI-MODERN house Inquire Pickett's Gardens. 2 BEDROOM house with bath heating stove and range. All floor coverings. Inquire at 1345 Jack sonvllle St. 3 ROOM nicely furnished house Clean, good beds, some bedding dishes, silverware and cooking utensils. Suitable for 3 adults. Close to mills. Apply 412 River front. MODERN one room cabin suit able for one or a couple. 6484 E. 2nd. REOPENING HOARDING house January 10th. $15 per month. Home cooked meals, warm rooms. Delaware Hotel, Mrs. Mason, Mgr. Phone 31 W. VACANCY in Coyner Apart ments. Inquire 720 Georgia or Room 8, O'Kane Bldg. WELL FURNISHED 3 room mod ern house, close in. Inquire 58 Greeley or phone 610-W. 2 ROOM furnished with water in side. $8.00 per month. Inquire 375 E. Kearney. 3 ROOM furnished house, wood shed and garage. $15.00 per month. Call at 1025 Cumberland before 2:00 p. m. or call at 931 Ogden, Bend Abstract Co. THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON. TUESDAY. JANUARY 9, FOR RENT 2 ROOM apartment. Inquire 504 Lava Road. Near Catholic church. WANTED USED GUNS and motors. Will pay good prices or liberal trade In allowances on new ones. Evans Fly Co. South highway. DO YOU WANT to make someone happy besides making a few extra dollars by doing a grateful deed? O.K. then, get that old radio out of the basement, have Luckey's Radio Repair clean, repair, polish and tune It up. Then put a low priced ad in The Bend Bulletin. That's all there is to it. No, it doesn't matter if it is a battery radio for Luckey can make It inio an electric. 117 Lafayette. Phone 536. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WILL BUY good small houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend. WANTED WORM DRIVE TRUCK REAR END. Old model O.K. Write Ilvan Turner, Rt. 1, Box 422. TO RENT 2 bedroom furnished modern house. Would like garage, refrigerator and washing ma chine. Write No. 11975 in care of The Bulletin. WANT TO BUY figurines, old dishes and colored glass. Mrs. Don Ray, 1357 Kingston. WANTED ALL Ex-cel cis users to know we have the exclusive agen cy in Bend to handle full line of Ex cel-cis cosmetics. King's Mar ket on south highway. CURTAINS and lace table cloths to launder in my own home. Mrs. Moody, 615 Federal St. Phone 963-M. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs. Also gentle saddle ponies and saddles. Please write W. R. Franks, Redmond, or phone 78-J, Redmond, Oregon. HELP WANTED WANT SOMEONE to care for pre school children from 7:30 to 5. Prepare luncheon, no housework. Or someone to work for board, room and wages. 1404 Baltimore or phone 967-J after 5 p. m. MEAT CUTTERS. We have per-1 manent position open In our mod-! ern meat department at Redmond, Oregon. Top salary and pleasant , working conditions with advance- ment opportunities. For complete details see your local Safeway j manager. RESIDENT SALESMAN to sell broadest lifetime income health and accident policy for old-line company. Leads furnished. Lib eral commissions. Can earn very large Income. Your county open at present time. Write qualifica tions to Continental Casualty (Jo., 333 S. W. Oak, Portland, Oregon. BEAUTY OPERATOR, very good wages, excellent working condi tions. Apply at slate s Barner At Beauty Shop. SITUATION WANTED EMPLOYED MAN, good typist, bookkeeper and salesman can de vote several hours daily after 4 p. m. to other work. Write No. 11992 care of The Bulletin. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have been appointed admin istrator of the Estate of J. L. Nickel, Deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate should file the same, duly vermeil, at the office of my attorneys, De Almond & Goodrich, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon, within six (6) mouths from the date of the first publication of this notice. AR THUR G. NICKEL, Admin Istrator of the Estate of J. L. Nickel, Deceased. De ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys at Law, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon. 29-35-4 l-47c Piles ! Ow ! ! But He SMILES, Now Bo wlftp m hr was. X'bp nanif formula used by tlox'torA adjiiiu-tlvi'ly at noted Thorn ton & Minor Clinic. Surprising QUICK palliative relief of pain, itch, soreness. Itelpa aoften and tends to shrink swell ing. Got tube Thornton A Minor's Rectal Ointment or Thornton A Minor HectaJ Suppositories. If not deliKhted with thia lnVToKS way. low cost is refunded. At all good drug stores everywhere, RED RYDER I I .-r I S - I ' AV ME ,RD RlCtRy b- ttE FINISH BRAID-Urt) WflT BUT STEALTHY vi, XSr sAevo quirt for. ' A nvW "L Su. steps do NOT With Bulletin LOST COLLIE PUPPY, 3 months old, white breast and one front foot. Reward for return to 543 Florida. AT EASTERN STAR dance, Sat urday night, brown purse contain ing ration books 3 and 4 issued to Clara, Patricia Louise, and Verna Jean Hall. If found, return to 15 Gilchrist St. FOUND BLAtK COCKER Spaniel with brown on legs and feet, has been injured. Will owner please claim him. 5 Hastings Place. USED CARS 1935 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan. Good tires, motor runs good. Real brakes. $300. 22 Lake Place. 1936 PLYMOUTH coupe, 5 pre war tires, motor overhauled. Will trade on later model car. 352 E. Kearney or phone 865. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brlnson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl Road, Bend. EXPERT LINOLEUM laying, 12 years experience, drain boards and cove base, floor sanding and car pet work. 365 Miller Ave. Phone 753-J. Harrison upnoisiery. CONTRARY to circulating re- Dorts of our shop closing or changing hands we are still inbusi ness as usual with a good line of upholstery materials, also leather ettes. We thank you for your pat ronaee. Have for sale one over stuffed chair, one davenport and chair set. also rough lumoer. Phone 753-J. Harrison Upholstery, 365 Miller Ave. Circulation Growth 1920 ....ll.".." 1045 1930 2870 1940 3580 1945 4552 ADVERTISE FOR RESULTS . . DO YOU KNOW THAT A full page advertisement can be delivered to over .16,000 Central Oregonians in THE BULLETIN for about one half the cost of postage alone on a direct mail piece? . . . That The Bulletin is delivered daily to more than 97 of the homes in Bend plus carrier delivery in other Central Oregon com munities and mail delivery to every rural area? . . . 1 945 A.B.C. AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS 1945 MISCELLANEOUS CHIMNEYS CLEANED, oil burn ers cleaned and adjusted by local reliable men. Phone !W-m or 1070-J. i PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be moa anr el70 vnll rlpslrp. With any printing you lfke. Estimates gladly given. Tne Bulletin. Tokyo Jittery (Continued lrom Page One) day and Sunday and sent swarms of planes against Formosa and the Ryukyu islands today. B-29's from China followed through today with a daylight raid on what the war department in Washington called "military In stallations" on Formosa, bottle neck through which Japanese land, sea, and air reinforcements pass to the Philippines. Other Superfortresses from the Marianas, estimated in enemy broadcasts at from 60 to 90 strong, raided industrial targets in To kyo and elsewhere on central Honshu, the main Japanese home island. A Pacific fleet communique said planes from Vice Admiral J. S. McCain's fast carriers in the Third fleet attacked Japanese air craft, installations and shipping in their raids Monday (Formosa time) in and around Formosa, Ishigaki, Miyako and Okinawa, the last three along an arc stretch ing northeast from Formosa to within 325 miles of Japan proper. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 9 (lli Live stock: cattle 200, calves 300. Ac tive, steady. Load good fed steers $15.25. Odd medium steers $12.50 14.25. Canner-cutter cows $5.50- 7.50. Fat dairy tvpe cows $8.00- j salable $10.00-12.50. Bulls 9.50- THE BEtlD BULLET! in DEITIAnD 16,000 READERS SwIHGHT f CuLVRjl 1te(WE30NNE SistersRedImomo Bfnd(b) I OlLCHRIST CRUCBHJ V. cufmuit Rem In 97BEnD'soms. 7k PROGRESSIVE mKmiSyiiicfefoWjtreSalesVoum. The Bulletin w economicall again do a efficiently, THE BEND This newspaper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations: On request we shall gladly furnish a copy of our latest A. B.C. report. Classified Ads 10.00. Medium-good beef cows 11.50: one load good 400 lb. grass calves $13.40. Good-choice vealers salable $13.50-14.50 or aDove. Hogs 350. Active, steady. Good choice 170-270 lbs. $15.75; heaviers weights $14.50-15.00. Good sows $13.25-13.75. Feeder pigs salable $14.00-14.50. Sheep 300. Steady. Medium good shorn lambs no. 1 pelt $13.50 13.75. Good-choice wooled lambs quotable $14.00-14.75; extreme top Monday $15.25. Good-choice ewes salable $6.00-6.50. CAN ALWAYS COUNT ON 'EM Seattle tlB-The little red school houses were bursting with patrio tism when the sixth war loan drive rolled around. Students cracked open their piggy banks sml shelled out $564,000 for war bonds on a designated school bond I day. Quality of Product Is Essential to Continued Success! ORDER CHICKS EARLY THREE REASONS WHY EARLY CHICKS MAKE MORE PROFIT 1. They are In production when egg prices are liiffli 3. They mature and feather faster In cold weather 3. There is always a good demand for early broil ers and fryers. BUY SEXED ROOSTERS AND SAVE MONEY We have heavy or light Cockerels at BIS SAVINGS 4c I Oc Each. EVERY FRIDAY Call or Place Your Order Scotty's Feed Store North Highway Readthoroudhly ..Because l3HB.Abodlth The news Full United Press Coverage InterestLnq Dail Complete local news Advertisers messages good advertising job for you in with results that pay dividends. BULLETIN FACTS AS A MEASURE OF - iii r r tarmutreTs Rating, Transfer' Earl Huff, for eight years a member of the state police staff In Central Oregon, with head quarters in Bend, has been pro moted to the rank of sergeant and will be transferred to the com mand of the Tillamook head quarters, it was announced here today. The transfer to the coast city ii to be effective on Feb. 1. Officer Huff learned of his pro. motion while in Salem yesterday. He and Deputy Sheriff I. M. WellsO had taken some prisoners to the state prison. Sgt. Huff, during his tour of duty here, was instrumental in solving crimes. numerous important Phone 776 Fecdures ADVERTISING VALUE By FRED HARMAN Title Insurance Welt Peak -Abstracts Phone 174