I PAGE SIX Market Renews Upward Trend By Elmer C. Walzer (United Prou Financial Editor) New York, Jan. 8 (tPi Wall street Interpreted President Roosevelt's message to congress as not unfavorable to the market and resumed buying on an in creased scale with the result that prices rose 1 to 3 points and the general average made a new high since September 4, 1937. Shorts received a drubbing, par ticularly in the roalroad shares where the main list rose 1 to 2 points and ordinarily Inactive is sues were up as much as 6 points In Minneapolis & St. Louis. Big four (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chi cago & St. Louis) gained 5 points on a few transactions. New York Central, which led the whole list in turnover, gained a full point to a new high. Gains of 2 points and more were noted In Nickel Plate preferred and Norfolk & Western. Southern Railway issues were up 2 points and more. Rail eouln- ments were strong with the rails. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 8 itli Live stock: Cattle 1800, calves 200. Ac tive. Steers and heifers strong to 25c higher; cows 25-50c up. Good choice fed steers $16.25-16.50; common-medium $10.50-14.50. Medium-good heifers $13.25 14.25. Canner-cutter cows $5.50-7.50. Medium-good beef cows $10.0012.50. Bulls $9.50-11.50. Good-choice veal ers $13.50-14.50; odd head $15.00. Hogs 2000. Active, fully steady. Good-choice 170-270 lbs., $15.75; heavier and lighter weights down to $14.50. Good sows $13.25-14.00. Feeder pigs $14.25. Sheep 850. Active, 25-SOc higher. Good-choice wooled lambs $14.00 14.75; top $15.00. Good yearlings $11.00. Good ewes $6.00-6.50. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 8 till Butter and egg prices were un changed today. Butter cube 93 score 42tPo; 92 score 42 Mc ; 90 score 42; 89 score 41 ',4c pound. Eggs price to retailers AA large 54c; A largo 52c; medium A 47c; small 42c dozen. Forest Officials Pouring Concrete The manpower shortage Is be ing keenly felt by officials of the Deschutes natlonul forest, when six of them left today for Ben ham Falls to pour concrete In the abutments of the new forestry bridge at that point. Several times recently attaches of the Bend offices helped in the work, but today the "crew" was aug mented by two outside rangers. In the "pouring party" today were Owen Aydelott, Ranger Eu gene Wllmoth, Glenn Rhoton, Fire dispatcher Vern Everett, Har old Nyberg, Sisters ranger, and Ranger Marshal Stencrson from Crescent. William Dickson, 68, Dies in Bend William James Dickson, 68, n retired carpenter, died at the St. Charles hospital yesterday. A na tive of Canada, Mr. Dickson had resided at the home of a (laughter, Mrs. Fred Hnrrigan, 57 Sullivan place, Bend, for the past seven years. He Is survived by two sons, William Dickson, Calgary, Can ada; Herbert Dickson, Condor, Al berta province; two daughters, Mrs. Harrigan and Mrs. Grace Washburn, Calgary, Canada; two sisters,, Mrs. Harry King, Cal gary; Mrs. Nellie Tyler, Palatine, 111., and five grandchildren. Funeral services will be held In the Nlswonger and Winslow chap el at 2 p.m. Thursday with Rev. Fred R. Decker officiating. Undiluted glycerin destroys l.inc-tenths of bacteria present in hree hours. Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulslon relieves promptly be cause It goes rlKlit to the Bent of the trouble to help loosen nnd expel Kerm Inden phlegm, nnd nid nature to soothe and henl raw, tonder, In flamed bronchial mucous mem brones. Tell your dniKKtst to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the coukIi or you are to have your money back. v CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Slievlin Quality PONDEROSA PINE Lumber and For a Little, Sell a Lot Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 85c 25 Words Three Times .. 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.35 All word orr 25 add 1e per word tlm number of liuartloni On month run, Mm copy, 46 day rata Minimum Charg-a, tie LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20c ClaMlfiad AdTertiainv. Caah in Advance Dally CkMlnc Tina 12:10 P. ml. FOB SALE TABLE TOP radio for sale cheap. 154 Adams Place. 2 WHEEL, 24 ft. trailer, like new, equipped with electric brakes. In quire Redmond Hardware, Red mond, Oregon. IF YOU want a good radio, better see Luckey's at 117 Lafayette to day while I have them. All sets re conditioned and guaranteed. Both console and table models. Better hurry. Phone 530. BALED HAY, excellent quality, now available at Scotty's Feed Store, north highway. Phone 776. REDUCED $800: Four room house for $700 for quick sale. Range, heater, garage, woodshed. Priced right. Act quick. Immedi ate possession. Gilberts Real Es tate. 1015 Wall Street. TRAILER one wheel, factory built with covered panel box. Pilot Butte Auto Court No. 4, Bend, Oregon. ONE LARGE electric National cash register, one kitchen range, large heating stove. Central Ore gon Agate Shop, Redmond, Ore gon. 5 ROOM modern house partly fur- mlshed. Also beautiful davenport and chair. 820 Georgia Ave. HAMILTON DE LUXE electric dry shaver. Inquire Elsie A. Dunn, No. 7 Westonia Apts. Phone 615-J. $500 EQUITY in $1500 apartment house, 7 rooms, modern furnished, d rnnmo llttuliiit'c nml 3 rlnurn Owners leaving town, possession Immediately. 1114 Uultimore. EXCULSIVE HOME: Ultra-modern 9 room home on Congress Street. Plastered, hardwood floors, tile kitchen, fireplace, out side fireplace, basement, furnace, air conditioned. You must see to appreciate! Very reasonable down payment. Gilberts Real Estate. WELLINGTON UPRIGHT piano, In good condition, $150. 2211 W. 4th, off Awbroy road. CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS. We have them to fit your car. Doug's Service Station. 4 BEDROOM modern house, east side, plastered, fireplace, station VL. "bf, t:lr ?, "Bi Z i"?',END. Old model O.K. Write Ilvan furnace, automatic coal stoker, sprinkling system, 2 lots, fine gar den spot, fruit trees. $5000, loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon Ave. Phone 36-W. MOTORIDE baby buggy, metal disc wheels, rublier tires, tubular steel frame, new winter front, brake. Collapsible, like new. 34 St. Helens Place. 7 ACRES, 6 acres Arnold, 4 room house, good out buildings. $2700. $500 down, $30 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 2 WHEEL trailer. Good condition. Apply No. 1 South City Limits Mo tel between 4 and 6 p. m. $312 DOWN takes four room house. Total price $750. Two lots. Stoves, some furniture, garage, woodshed, chicken house. $15 per month. Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall St. FOR SALE OR TRADE WORLD BICYCLE in good con dition. Will sell or trade for deer rifle. Prefer 30-30. Phone 35 F13. FOR RENT M O D E R N 3 room furnished apartment. Close to city center. Wood, water, lights furnished. $25.00. Adults only. Apply at 915 E. Second. 3 ROOM furnished apartment. Wood, water and lights furnished. Clean light rooms, hot water heat, suitable for 2 people. Call after 5:30 p. m. 23ti' E. Irving. PARTLY Fl'HNISIIEDfour room house at 120 Jefferson. $10.00 per month. Not modern. TWO BEDROOM modern- nicely furnished home. No small chil dren or pets. Fuel and water fur nished. $45.00. Permanent. 1245 Newport Ave. r Box Shooks FOB BENT 3 ROOM semlmo3ern furnished house. Inquire 1444 Hartford. NICE CLEAN 3 room furnished house. Water furnished. $20.00. In quire 1245 Newport Ave. MODERN 4-ROOM unfurnished apartment. Jansen Villa, 407 Port land Ave. 2 ROOM apartment. Inquire 504 Lava Road. Near Catholic church SMALL SEMI-MODERN house. Inquire Pickett's Gardens. 2 BEDROOM house with bath. heating stove and range. All floor coverings. Inquire at 1315 Jack sonville St. 3 ROOM nicely furnished house. Clean, good beds, some bedding, dishes, silverware and cooking utensils. iSuitable for 3 adults. Close to mills. Apply 412 River front. DESIRABLE ROOM' in a modern home, close In. Furnace heat, with or without housekeeping privileges. At 138 St. Helens Place. Phone 308. MODERN one room cabin suit able for one or a couple. 64814 E. 2nd. 3 ROOM furnished house not modern. Within easy distance of mills, garage it desired. Apply 207 Riverfront. WANTED BICYCLES Top cash prices for bicycles, wheels, tricycles, frames, wagons, parts cf all kinds, broken ones OK. Carl Austin, 220 Green wood. USED GUNS and motors. Will pay good prices or liberal trade In allowances on new ones. Evans Fly Co. South highway. DO YOU WANT to make someone happy besides making a few extra dollars by doing a grateful deed? O.K. then, get that old radio out of the basement, have Luckey's Radio Repair clean, repair, polish and tune it up. Then put a low priced nd in the Bend Bulletin. That's all there Is to it. No, it doesn't matter if it is a battery radio tor L,uckey can make it into an electric. 117 Lafayette. Phone 536. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WILL BUY good small houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend. ELECTRC WASHING machine. Phone 874-R or write 1235 Wilson. WANTED Turner, Rt. 1, Box 422. TO RENT 2 bedroom furnished modern house. Would like garage, refrigerator and washing ma chine. Write No. 11975 in care of The Bulletin. WANT TO BUY figurines, old dishes and colored glass. Mrs. Don Ray, 1357 Kingston. HELP WANTED WANTED, experienced waitress es at Downing Cefe. WOMAN OR GIRL for general housework, permanent position. Phone 10 16, 759 Roanoke. WANT SOMEONE to care for pre school children from 7:30 to 5. Prepare luncheon, no housework. Or someone to work for board, room and wages. 1104 Baltimore or phone 967-J after 5 p. m. A KIND motherly woman to care for an eleven year old school girl who lives near the Reid school. 820 Georgia Ave. MEAT CUTTERS. We have per manent position open in our mod ern meat department at Redmond, Oregon. Top salary and pleasant working conditions with advance ment opportunities. For complete details see your local Safeway manager. SOMEONE to do washing for single man in your home. Phone 21 1 days. RESIDENT SALESMAN to sell broadest lifetime income health and accident policy for old-line company. Lends- furnished. Lib eral commissions. Can earn very large income. Your county open at present time. Write qualifica tions to Continental Casualty Co., &(3 S. W. Oak, Portland. Oregon. The Kirby Co. of Bend KIRBY HOME RENOVATION SYSTEM Sales and Service of the Kirby vacuum cleaner. Phone or write for a free demonstration. 1212 Davenport Phone 1 120 Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Otflca 1'h.in ;j THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY SITUATION WANTED HUSKY MAN wants part-time job. Days preferred. Write No. 11924 care of Bulletin. EMPLOYED MAN, good typist, bookkeeper and salesman can de vote several hours daily after 4 p. m. to other work. Write No. 11992 care of The Bulletin. CHIMNEY SWEEP. I specialize in cleaning chimneys, furnaces and fireplaces. Phont 692. USED CABS 1935 LAFAYETTE Nash 4-door sedan, $500, ceiling price. Must sell quickly. Am leaving for Merchant Marine. Inquire at 109 Broadway. Donald Smith. 1937 PLYMOUTH coupe to trade for sedan. Call after 6 p. m. or Sunday. 164 E. Irving. LOST BLUE SAPPHIRE earring in gold setting at Policeman's Ball. Find er please return to Bulletin for reward. COLLIE PUPPY, 3 months old, white breast and one front foot. Reward for return to 543 Florida. STRAYED or stolen, Sun., small black dog, short legs, long body, white on breast, named "Curley." 424 E. Seward or phone 313-W. Re ward. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brinson. O'Kane Bide., or Box 164, Bend. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl Road, Bend. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS ninTier re: uvbfrv r:ivPM That the undersigned has been! duly appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Sadie Alice Lucas, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified, as by law required, at the office of my attorney, H. C. Ellis, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this no tice. Dated and first published this 8th day of January, 1945. . ARVILLA MURPHY, Adminis tratrix. H. C. ELLIS, Attorney. 28-34-40-4GC Millions of waste paper will be needed In 1945 to meet military and essential civilian demands. Save your paper. You can't BANK OF BEND A HOME OWNED INSTITUTION RED RYDER OUTFlTTlNo HIMSELF WITH NEW CLOTHES, CHAPS, 6ADE1E ArtD ROPE, RED RETURNS TO HIS RAtfCH WITH LITTLE FEA!Er?.- With Bulletin Homeless Solons Now Plan For Own Apartment House Bv Frederick C. Othman (United Preaa Suiff Correspondent) Washington, Jan. 8 UPi You know what those homeless con gressman are up to now? They're talking about solving their hous ing shortage by building them selves an apartment house. Noth ing elaborate. Just a little $3,000, 000 palace. That fixes -congressmen, but what about the countless ordinary citizens, like Othman, who also have housing problems? Othman, for example, lives in a one-roomer barely big enough to hold a nine by 12 rug. Other members of the "WWNPL" Washingtonians who need places to live are in the same fix, if not worse. We claim a congressman can pull his bed down out of the wall, too. You listening, fellers? if you alnnt tha rniinltltirtn nf Rpn. Adolph Sabath of Illinois to build j yourselves an apartment nouse and another for your clerks, then you'd better reserve some space 1 for the WWNPL. Or we'll hex you. Personally, I'll get myj uncles to vote against you. I've' got a lot of uncles. j What I mean is we're irked, i We can't rent houses. We can't' buy 'em. We 'can't get the ma- terial to build 'em. And we can't ! even pass a bill to do something; about it. Rep. Sabath points out that you ' lads in congress are so worried about your housing problems you don't get your work done. What about, say, Othman's work? Catch on, congressmen? If we've going to suffer and bump our heads every time we go to the kitchenette in the basement, we wonder if maybe you congress men couldn't get along for a while T I without a new $3,000,000 apart i ment. 'he. last session of congress, . Rep. Sabath (who lives in a suite at the Mayflower hotel) thought $2,000,000 would be about right for a , congressional apartment house. The committee on public buildings and grounds never got around to It. I Now comes Rep. Sabath again,' reintroducing his bill, saying that , he's doing so on request of many i members, and employes, and ad-1 ding $1,000,000 more to the cost.: Something plain and simple, con-: grcssman Sabath says he wants: 1 something close to the capitol, something at a reasonable rent, j Undersland, now, I'm not say-1 ing this in a spirit of carping criticism, but I've got some ideas ' of my own on the housing of con-' gressmen. The legislators have ! three magnificent, hand-tooled of- j fiee buildings, equipped with two f restaurants ue luxe, two cuie terias, several lunch rooms, bar- SAVE YOUR IRES! aiford to take needless trips to town simply to pay a few bills. Pay them by check. Save mileage on your car and wear on your tires. Under war conditions a checking account will be especially valuable to you. Open one at this bank. ... 1 ! j - iy T? A OTEEF FULL UP ME "llRED TOO-V t THERE Aftep fi,-.ut,V - ,1 Y rU nAKMAn j U -WEe"L2S PLENTY GLAD TOV TOUR U OUTLAWS AND Y EXCEPf-UN RDOSIfcRj S itesT s!2j iwy 8, 1945 ber shops, beauty parlors, steam rooms and gymnasiums. Every congressman has a suite of two large rooms, thickly carpet ed and furnished with mahogany tables and easy chairs. There are tall book cases for those who like to read, running water, indirect lamps, daily maid service, steam heat, telephones, plenty of sun - light, handsome vistas from every pfW'- All The Time in 45 . : . DEPEND ON PENNEY S I A New Dress For Kitchen Windows Cottage Curtain Sets 1.98 These crisp, attractive curtain sets give privacy and light at the same time. Lower panels hang straight, upper are ruffled and tie back. Sheer Voile Ruffled Ties 3.98 Sheer white 6-foot tie-back curtains for bedroom, etc., adorned with six-inch ruffle. J Heavy Cocoanut Door WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS HALLOWELL KOLD WAVES Just Ask the Girl W ho's Had One! Well Qualified and Experienced Operators MAY LAl'KA BILLIE Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 484 MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1535 Awbrtfy lid. Tel. 629-M Classified Ad window, and fresh towels every morning. Whateha say, boys? Let's move In some cots and save that $3,000, 000. Later on, maybe, when the war's over, you can have your new apartment house. BEZNER BABE FIRST Redmond Army Air Field, Jan. 8 Lt. Ray Bezner of the tactical air inspector's office, was reveal ed today to have been the father of the first baby born in the Red mond clinic this vear. The six ' pound, eight ounce boy and Mrs. Bezner are reported doing well. BATHROOM WINDOW CURTAINS 3.49 Waterproofed to keep their rrispness in spite of warm steam. These are ruffled tie back style, in colors and pat terns to match your other bath room accessories. Useful and Decorative Too! SHOWER CURTAINS 3.49 Made of glossy waterproof ma terial decorated with pretty col ors to match or contrast with your bathroom decorating scheme. Metal eyelets for hang ing. All Rubber or Cloth Top 4-Buckle Arctics 3.49 Real protection for wet weather -heavy all rubber 4-buckle over shoes or cloth top arctics as you prefer, sizes 6 to 1 2. Same, Colored 1.75 Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bond ft Minnesota Vhonp 888 TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE V2! Bee Hive Trucks and Trailer may be used anywhere in the U.S.A. without red tape or spe clal license when transporting your own goods. Ixing trips, short trips anywhere. See your Texaco dealer. Mission Service Station Bond & Franklin Phone 310 THREE PASSES WON Redmond Army Air Field Ja" 8 While weather conditions h not permit the usual "crew ot m week" tests, three men statioiS' here nevertheless won three passes for crewmen efficien They are Sgt. Ralph Stone, Cr feries. The Industrialization of Peru progressing rapidly with theco pletion of many miles of roadsl? mines and outlying districts, g creased mining, and the develf' ment of hydroelectric power & irrigation. , ' J( Mats 1.65 Long Distance Hauling I BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Goods MovcmDnt LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Dtf Of the Year Phone 544 iji i.u ic i h y ,f. tin