The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 08, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Local News
Maximum yesterday, 52 degrees.
Minimum last night, 35 degrees.
I Temperature: 10 p. m., 40 de
grees; 10 a. m., 38 degrees. Velo
oily of wind: 10 p. m., S mites; 10
a. in., 8 miles.
Members of the Junior eriam
Brr of commerce auxiliary will
$ieet at 8 p.m. today In the Sun
room of the Pilot Butte inn for in
stallation of officers, it was an
nounced by Mrs. Don Higgins,
(Jut-going president. All mem-
-is were asked to attend.
Decree of Honor juveniles will
fceet in Norway hall at 4 p.m. to-
Mr. and Mrs. S. Friedman ol
lowell Butte visited Bend friends
ik or the weekend.
1 1 Mayor A. T. Niebergall was
S cormnea 10 ms nuuie a iuiu.
i 4 Lts. C. N. Parker and P. E.
t Jones last night were guests at
Pilot Butte inn.
The Deschutes County Veterans
fimincil will meet in the chamber
f - of commerce rooms for election
nf officers at 8 p.m. tomorrow.
i Loren Haneline of the U. S. for-
est service at Shevlin, with Mrs.
, "Haneline and son, yesterday vis
i Itod Bend friends.
3 Maj. VV. J. Ward of Redmond,
!; was a sunaay guest ui me rum
: Rntte inn.
, Charles J. Reach, stationed at
T fcie Redmond army air field,, was
- Knnri visitor over the weekend.
Bp, nrnr J,apine, speni yesieruay
In tsenfl.
S The Decree of Honor will meet
it 8 p.m. tomorrow in Norway
ill for installation ol omeers.
I,t. and Mrs. V. E. Leverson of
ledmond, called on Bend friends
7 -Jfcestprday.
I Flight O
V?ing of tli
Officer and Mrs. G. L.
the Redmond army air
ield snent the weekend here.
(The Deschutes county nutrition
' mmittee will meet at 7:30 to
light with Mrs. H. E. Beach, 161G
jteidl road.
Leonard V. Jenne, pharmacist s
inate 1c. is home on leave after
fl months of active duty in the
outh Pacific. Leonard, who en
tered the navy three years ago,
as participated in three major
neagements. He is a son uf Mr.
nd Mrs. Howard ti. jenne, si
olumbia street.
Senator and Mrs. G. A. Collins
re visitine Rav Anderson, 1429
iwbrey road, from their home in
laska. Collins serves in the ter-
a i t o r y of Alaska s Bicameral
Iwxly, to which senators and rep-
(Wf Hell I vra ait; Lii-m-u - .
Sear terms.
1 Circles 2 and 3 of the Catholic
liar soviviy win mtri m ittc
h hull at 2 p.m. tomorrow.
Miss Eleanor Bechen has joined
ie business staff of The Bulle
tin and will assume the position
ht'td by Mrs. L. S. Sillery when
the latter moves with her husband
I to Union where they have pur
lchased property.
ti ;I.awrcnce Peadmand of Silver
f Lake was in Bend today on busi
j ness.
ti-Vrho Eastern Star will hold a
mi cling and installation at 8 lo
ir Hlpht in the Masonic temple.
iFrank If. Mason, Jr., recently
i graduated from basic engineering
: 6diool at the Great Lakes nnval
nwni , umu ......
'? mm m. m. m m m I
Buy Conds for
ui ft
Jeweler- jj
Xett rp!tl Thettet
Phn m-R
station. According to a navy re
tease, Mason was selected for this
specialized training on the basis
of recruit training aptitude tests.
His wife lives at 402 West 12th
Older girls of the Methodist
church will meet at 8 tonight with
Mrs. Lee Grant, 1124 East Third
Don L. Willis, GM 2c, with a
record of four years service in
the navy, is here on a 10-day leave
visiting his father, Howard N.
Willis at the Pine Tree auto court.
Willis, who enlisted in Bend in
January, 1941, has been through
nine major engagements, and was
stationed in the Russell islands
for 11 months. He is scheduled to
report back to Treasure Island. He
served on a heavy cruiser.
The auxiliary of the Junior
Chamber of Commerce will in
stall officers tonight at 8 p.m.
when it meets in the Sun room of
the Pilot Butte inn.
The Red Cross executive com
mittee will meet at 8 tonight In
the Bend office.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heathman
left Bend on Friday for Southern
California where they plan to
live. They came to Bend six
months ago from Burns, Wyom.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Van Tassei, of
Shevlin, shopped in Bend on Sat
Mrs. Howard Cook and her sis
ter Mrs. E. Wilson of Madras,
were Bend shoppers on Saturday..
Ted Lyons was in Bend Satur
day from Culver.
Mrs. I nomas Abernathy re
turned from Boise, Ida., last night.
Her husband, stationed briefly in
Seattle, has reported to a Louisi
ana base for duty.
J. V, Weiser, senior field deputy
of the state unemployment com
mission, returned from Portland
yesterday where he attended
three -day conference on unem
ployment compensation. State and
federal unemployment compensa
tion, as covered by the "G.I. bili
of rights" was discussed.
Joe Boudreau, a member of
The Bulletin mechanical staff, is
confined to his home by illness.
Mrs. E. W. Becklpy and daugh
ter, Barbara Sue of 22 Hill street,
and Mrs. A. D. Moore and son
David, of 18 Hill stieet, left today
to visit friends in eastern points.
They left by bus for Boise, Ida.,
where Mrs. Moore will visit
friends for 10 days of two weeks.
Mrs." Beckley and daughter
planned to take a plane from
there to Yonkers, N. Y., to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O
Smithson for six weeks.
A Boy Scout court of review
will be held in the Deschutes
county courthouse on Tuesday
night, at 7:30 o'clock, with Cecil
Goodfellow as chairman. Several
boys are expected to appear be
fore the court for advancement.
An important meeting of the
Rim Rock Riders will be held at
8 o'clock tonight at the cavalry"
barracks, it was announced today
by President Glenn Gregg.
Carl A. Johnson, 1945 president
of the Bend chamber of com
merce, will discuss post-war in
dustrial development for Bend at
the Lions club meeting tomorrow
noon in the Pine Tavern, officers
of the club have announced.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Williams, route no. 1, at the
St. Charles hospital yesterday.
Some 25 persons attended the
annua! banquet of Jay H. Upton
camp of the United Spanish war
veterans and its auxiliary at the
Pine Tavern on Saturday, it was
reported today. A number of
Spanish war veterans from Prine
ville attended the banquet.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Britain, 424
East Seward, had as house guests
over the holidays Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Britain, Jr., Eugene
Sparks, Mrs. Charles Wyatt and
children, all of Pendleton, Pfc.
Jack L. Britain, their son is visit
ing them on furlough from Mc
Caw general hospital, Walla Wal
la, Wash. Mrs. A. E. Hatiey, of
Pendleton, spent this weekend
with the Britains. Mrs. Hatiey,
the former Mrs. Charles Phipps
of Antelope, plans to visit her
daughter, Mrs. William Ridings,
Lapine, and friends in Eugene be
fore returning to her Pendleton
Mrs. J. L. Hatch, former Bend
resident who now lives in I'rine-
f Do You Suffer Distress Fr em
V With K Nwtom
Tired Fellings?
Atmchtlme lfsmt
eiiffpr from cramps,
bckBche, feel tired,
nervous, restless, a
bit moody li due
to functional peri
odic disturbance
8trt at once try tyiiis E. Pink
tiim Vegrtable Compound to t-elleya
such symptoms. Ptnkham's Compound
helps nature! It's famous to ttUtja
such snnovlntr distress because of its
soothing effect on om or oiii
Talten resiitBriy this irrrat medietas
helps build up resistance ssatast stira
svnintomB. Alsoftcrand stomachic tonic.
Follow label directions. Buy today!
vllle, has been visiting here with;
her sister, Mrs. Roy Moffitt. Mrs,;
Hatch's hisband, a chief petty of
ficer in the navy, is aboard ship tn
the Pacific theater of war.
Miss Louise Homewood, former
Bend resident, is now serving with
the American Red Cross, as rec
reation director, In the Philippines
area, friends here have learned.
Louis Newsom, an owner of the
S. & N. Men's store In Bend, Is
here today on business from his
home in Oregon City.
26 Blood Donors
Visit Portland
Twenty-six residents of Bend
and surrounding community were
back here today after donating
blood on Saturday at the Port
land blood center in a program
sponsored by the Beta Sigma Phi
sorority of this city. The group
left here Friday evening and
went through the bank on Satur
day morning, returning to Bend
over the weekend.
Transportation for the donors
was furnished by funds raised oy
the sorority girls.
Making the trip to Portland to
help increase the much - needed
blood plasma supply were:
Lillian Tuslng, Fatrteia .ee-
her, Mrs. Earl Gregg, Isabelle
Pagoni, Mrs. Arnold DeCarmel,
Mrs. Jack Hollinbeck, Mrs. John
T. Murry, Mrs. G. B. Gantz, Mrs.
G. A. Horstkotte, Mrs. Herb
Meeks. Mrs. Frank S. McGaryey,
Jane McGarvey, Evelyn Zumwait,
Mrs. Othor Scott, Pauline Dren-
nan, Mrs. Harry West, Ann Kul
stad. Hazel Moorman, Mrs. Alice
Marr, Elizabeth Beaver, Mrs. May ,
Korthaus, Mary Ellen May, Elea
nor Bechen, Zelia Siaats, J. J.
Bradley and Louise Williams.
Already a signup of other don-i
ors for a proposed February trip!
is being made, by the sorority
members, it was said. Those wish
ing to join this group for the trip
to Portland were asked to tele
phone Mrs. Wayne Fadis at 520.
Health Schedule
For Week is Set
The schedule for the Deschutes
county department of public
health for the week is as follows,
it was announced today. .
Monday immunizations at
Reid and St. Francis schools.
Tuesday, first grade examina
tions, Reid and St. Francis schools.
Wednesday afternoon regular
child health conference, court,
Thursday immunization clinic
and child health conference at
Friday regular 1 J5.Ws? immu
nization clinic, courthouse.
The main subject of tonight's
meeting of the Civil Air patrol
cadets will be first aid, officers
of the group have announced.
The remainder of the evening will
be spent either with drills or
training films.
:K n . . . illinium! nmw . . - . m
I i UM
0 G
. 0
7 3 0
The New NestlI'S Evaporated Milk
3 times richer in Vitamin O
Anew label and a new valuc-at no in
crease in price. The new Nestles Evap
orated Milk is three times richer in Vita
min D, and is nutritionally better for babies,
growing children for everyone.
FOR YOUR BABY-Consult your Doctor for
correct formula. -
This improved milk under litis new label
replaces Ntls Alpine.
Ministers Plan
For 1945 Work
KonAvt hv Rv. W. I. Palmer as
president, members of the Bend
Ministerial association at their re
cent meeting named association
committees for 1945 and transact
ed other business, including vari
ous projects being sponsored by
the group, me i.ia wuiBucra
Executive and program: Rev.
Palmer, Rev. Robert E. Nicholas,
Rev. Kenneth A. Tobias.
Public service: Rev. Towas,
Rev. Robert Mclivenna and Rev.
Raymond E. Kiel.
Publicity: Rev. Nicholas, Rev,
Kiel and Rev. G. R. V. Bolster.
Radio: Rev. R. H. Prentice, Rev.
William Schwab and Rev. M. B.
Rev. Palmer presided at the
meeting, with Revs. Fast, Fitch,
Howard, Howell and Penhoilow,
all of Redmond, as guests. Rev.
Kiel was in charge of devotions,
and a talk on "Ministerial Ethics"
was given by Rev. Tobias, It was
announced that the theme "Go to
Simdav School and Church" will
be stressed In January. A special
aim for each Sunday has been
Banquet Planned
Dr. N. A. Jepson of Seattle,
Wash., has been secured as speak
er for the men's banauet on Jan
uary 23. Tickets will be available
through churches of tfie city. Ten
tative plans are being made for a
teacher training HiS5Huie in re
ruarv. for Sunday school teachers.
A fnilnwshin meetine for Central
Oregon ministers nas been set for
Redmond, on April 2.
The meeting was held in the
study of the First Baptist church.
Thaw In January
Aids Road Crew
The recent warm wave thawed
out county roads sufficiently to al
low blading to be done, George Mc
Allister, Deschutes road master,
said today. A grader went to work
this morning in the Terrebonne
district and two graders were
dispatched to Alfalfa. Roads in
the vicinity of Terrebonne and
Alfalfa are most In need of
smoothing - off operations, McAl
lister said.
Blading will be continued on
county roads until they freeze
again, he stated.
Official Records
John W. Ekiund estate; Final
account by James D. Donovan,
executor. Hearing set for Feb, 28,
Ohatlcs G. Christiernson es
tate: Final account by loulse H.
Thielsen, administratrix. Hearing
set for Feb. 28.
Matilda Nelson estate: Final ac
count ly G. W. Winsiow, admin
istrator. Hearing set for Jan, 22.
.Notarial Commission
W. B. Galligan, Redmond: No
tarial commission iiled.
E N I Z E 0
R A T E 0
u ai 4
HORIZONTAL was a leading
J Pictured pub
lisher. Gordon
Jl Beverage
12 Space-
13 Female deer
14 Tangle
15 Howl (
IS Tavern
11 Erbium
19 Doctor of
Science ab,
20 Near
21 Therefore
23 Egyptian ma
24 Accomplish
1 Jelly
2 Winglike part
S Units of
4 Stale
5 Brought up
8 Lampreys
7 Short sleep
8 He was a
9 2000 pounds
10 Five and Ave
18 Rodent
20 Excitement
21 Street ab.)
22 Either
25 And (Latin)
23 Print measure
27 Give credit
29 Make speech
31 Kitten's calls
SS Guide
33 Biblical
40 Indian army
41 Symbol for
42 Behold!
43 Notary publii
44 Pair ab.)
46 Doctor fab.)
4? Seed
81 Bom
64 Upward
(comb, form)
SS Nevada ciiy
58 Anger
51 His Journal
Sergeant Perry
Ordered to North I
S'Sgt. Jack W. Perry, who re-:
turned in October after many
months of South Pacific duty with
the 4 1st division, recently report
ed 1o the Santa Barbara, Calif.,
reassignment center and was or
dered to Fort Missoula, Mont., his
parents nave learned.
Jack, a graduate ot Bend high
school in 1940, left here with com
pany I and went overseas in
March, 1912. He participated in
four major engagements end suf
fered an abdominal wound on
baiamaua, after which he was
flown to a New Guinea hospital
for treatment.
The sergeant, who was award
ed a purple heart, Is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Perry, 28 Rived-
Machine Gunner
Slightly Injured
Pfc. Thomas D. Robinson, 21, a
machine gunner serving with
United states forces, was slightly
wounded fn artitm an Decem
ber 23, in Belgium, his mother,
Mrs. J. E. Mcflinnis, 1136 Federal j
street. Bend, has been notified by;
the war department. It was the:
second time Tom was Injured In!
fighting in France, lie is a veteran j
of the "D-day" invasion and his'
et w KTstu s tvpoito atc
i Itotul cjjimx BJMe far it aw -
frpttb&c uj ibr ijfmrii tm ol
1 Th tn of lfnn!tf hiswM
! frmrth iHiiMii)in your -
oc nana urn.
28 Myself cloth
1 28 United Service 38 International
Organization language
(ab.) 44 Equal
30 Dined 45Poshkw.
31 Mine 47 Kitchen,'
32 Electrical en Mtessa
gineer tab.) 48 Individual
33 Aperture
43 For
34 Tree fiuid
35 Sorry
38 Vegetable
37 Measure of
50 Uppermost
52 Before
53 Ever sonlr.)
i ti rrrr"a i,
it sipt""'
ST-pa fes j w aaj 1
hs? "" mmmam
S 55" tSJk
"1 1 P 1 1 1 ITtt:
outfit was among the first to
reach the Normandy beaches.
lorn, who attended Bend high
school, has been in the service
two years.
Services Are Set
For John Harris
The fuiieral for John James
Harris, three-months' old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris, 823
Colorado street, who died of pneu
monia In the St. Charles hospital
early Saturday, will be held at 9
a, m. tomorrow in the Nlswonger
and winslow funeral chapel, it
was announced today.
Servtcc-1 wtit be conducted ry
Rev, Edmund Hyiand, with burial
in the Catholic cemetery.
Eight cases of communicable
diseases were reported by al
county physicians for the week
ending Jan, C. Dr. Wayne S. Ram
sey, director of the Deseliutes
county department of pubii
health, said today. Cases report
ed were gonorrhea, 1; chicken pox,
1; whooping cough, 4; measles i.
Abstract Co,
Title fnsurnee Abifrsch
Walt Peal Phone 174
This new Nestles Milk
meets a vita! need
(if mmunmii daily Tcqni ictn&it iif
li, S. fKi uflitials.
or ymrs, many amlkal men have
f Krn ai.iR: "At, habit ttftd irw
tftjf (hiUlftn getting A prajter
amount of i'itnntin li under i&dgs
ttvtttg tondilioni!" I
More Vitamin D needed, i
Sctenca finds
TUr c&nriuwtn rrwhrd sm hun
that tftjants awrf gr&wttig f&i&rf&
rirri at irait 4QQ Vitamin -D nn&s
.nttmiursaintimtUiftfi thai txirz
V fumin I innrccuKiiv ftr ttm
lv3ma(eij Milt. It ha aH the ftirt
WOtj Mpine iA'&
&iiir4 Vitamin It ihr mm of Via-
mm TJ that jft:ijf n;ilJHy m rod j
iii?f nil ani a iotm thst H ptotXaatd
is;itmaH m thz hamxts hmi by sua
fin hint nmi mppHr 40) V$P i?f
, , , tht fttti minimum dnify TfHr$ i
tssrnl tif Vitamin J iftetnprd r is-
fanit, fhtUtrn ami sdulH h$ ifig
LK A, f vsiti and iit ug Aitniittiiirativn
Here's what the fiew NSlTll'S
Evaporated Milk mearrs to yati
&rdT for infants it'iti apprwrd
by yovr drtrtoi for yoitr baby,
in yrtnr rnfir mi in vtiur ffmkmt
Mtii,u hrip evtTTouc m yratt fatn
iy fill hi daiiy rcquif cvbc& t Viu
min D,
Prinevilie, Jan. 8 The war de
partment today had notified Mrs.
lisei E. Gardner, Rt. 1, Box 299,
Prinevilie, that her son. Pvt. Gene
Gardner, has been wounded In ac
tion In the Mediterranean theater
of war.
the opening of the
Checkerboard Cafe
11:00 a.m. Tomorrow
Tues., Jan.9
I New Owners, Mr. end Mrs. Martin Lane jg
j i35 Oregon
'too uttle-too usmt
Romembef only s sound, strong tire cosing ccm
be safely recapped, 2 worn through info the
fabric or badly damaged, jom tire becomes a
total loss.
I All wsrk ds iy xprls wift Goodyeor
iaclory raafertctls and by Goodyear factory
. methods. Thorough inspection careful work
manship proper curing thew ihirsgs give
you a tew fere that is
ready Is thoueands mors
If our insperficn ik&m your
fire h foo feadiy worn its aibw
recapping, you cats app for
rcpUceoionr ihe or a sew
iynrhetie lire depesdjng on
your mitnsge aSowsnce. When
you get your csriificale, come
here for ihs best fire values
money can buy.
" ""v " Expert
I ! AcEvice
Wl3a!rr your Urc prcS-
IODAY. It'f ear lub to ht5p
rduc tij wear? end slesd
til. Hot ehtck btsktf
b!. wU c fine Yeall
find out iBrim ttliehtt, cur
i (bargtf natenabU, S? ia toss.
A food nsme is ysitr best guide
Cambridge, Macs, (IP- Ag the
doors of subway car were clos
ing, a hand reached in from the
station platform and snatched a
handbag containing $108 from the
lap of Mrs. Anna Snath, The train
moved away before she could
catch a glimpse of the thief.
Stop driving in time.
Sne yevr tins ten new bm
r&capp&d without a ration permit -
mm mm facts Bifosf yob m?
tough ond resilient m
rnOee of safe seme.
-joo ,1
1 '(Sf'"!,
fs! 193
South of Peifoffics