7, I PAGE EIGHT Message of FDR Affects Market By Elmer C. Walzer (United Press Financial Editor) New York, Jan. 6 IP Stocks retreated today as cautious Wall street lightened holdings pending delivery of President Roosevelt's message on the state of the union. Railroads started the day on a firm note but most of them regis tered losses before the Close. Westinghouse Electric touched 120-Vt off 1- and Bethlehem steel 67-31 off 1 before meeting meager support. Rails continued to furnish the bulk of the volume. A few special issues provided some further ac tivity while the main list was quiet. Utilities held around the previous close. Oils, mercantile shares, liquors, motors, tire is sues, and chemicals eased. Cop pers held steady to firm. InRer-soli-Rand and International Sliver were strong on gains of 2 points or better. Small gains were held by American Telephone, J. I. Case, General Electric.Kennecott, Allis Chalmers, Du Pont, G. C. Murphy, and National Tea. Today's recession came after seven days of consecutive gain and was considered a normal re action in a rising market. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. G mi Live stock for week: Cattle 2425; calves 300. Market opened slow, steady to 25c lower on Increased supply, closed active and mostly steady on she stock. Good fed steers $14.25-10. Top $16.25, com mon to medium grades $10-13.50; common to medium heifers $9 12.50, good fed heifers $13.5014; medium to good beef cows $9.50 12.25, canners and cutters largely $5-7. Fat dahV type to $9 and over. Medium to good bulls $9.50-11. Heavy beef bulls to $11.50. Good and choice vealers $13.50-14.50, few $15. Grass calves to $14 Tues day. Hogs 2125. Active on starvation receipts, steady to higher, advance due to widening of weights at top. Good to choice 170-270 lbs., $15.75, ceiling, 275-360 lbs., $14.5015; most light lights $14.50; good sows $13.2513.75, few $14. Bulk good to choice above 58 lb. feeder pigs $14.25-14.50. Good stags $10.5011.50. Sheep 960. Fat lambs strong to 25c higher on short receipts, old er classes fully steady. Good to choice wooled lambs $13.75-14; few late $14.25. Odd head choice to $14.50; medium to good $12-13.25, ' common down to $10. Culls down-1 ward to $7. Yearlings $9-10.50; good ewes largely $6. Common to medium $3-5. Flying Cowboys Ridding Ranges of Wild Horses Washington U'i Modern cow boys wearing leather helmets and goggles instead of chaps and big hats, are now corralling wild horses in the west from high-flying planes. To clear govornment range land of wild horses and give cattle, sheep and wildlife better grazing opportunities, the department of interior grazing service reported today, sky-riding cow punchers have been at work rounding up some 23,000 wild horses since Oct. 13. In one grazing district of Wyo ming alone, the service said, 550 wild horses, most of them never before In captivity, found their un tamed speed and wisdom no match for the flying cowboys, who "buzzed" them into conceal ed corrals. "An average day on the wing," the service said, "will net n car load of horses 25 to 30 head.' NOW HE CAN ONLY SPUTTER Port Arthur, Tex. U' I lls com manding officer In a combat bat talion in France "kidded" Lt. Robert W. Bogel of Port Arthur so much about Texas that when Bogel received a picture of "Miss Texas" Joyce Com-rego from home, he hung It right up over the CO's desk. According to latest reports from the Texas lieuten ant, It's still there. REUNION 'DOWN I'NDKR' Kansas City, Mo. mi Lt. Clark McCarthy, late of Kansas City and now of the U. S.. navy, was standing nt a street Intersection In Australia recently when he was startled by the insistent honk ing of an automobile horn. The button pusher was Sgt. James Thoop, lifelong friend and erst while next door neighbor of Mc Carthy's. The chance meeting was their first In several years. Buy National War Bonds Now! Shevlin Quality PONDEROSA PINE ... 6 Lumber and Box Shooks For a Little, Sell a Lot With Bulletin CJriiiitr4 ffnt I FOR RENT . HELP WANTED , , ,......,.,,.,, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmm Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time Sfic 25 Words Three Times ... 75c 25 Words Six Time $1.33 All word! ovtr 25 add le per word time number of liuertlotil One month ran, some copy, Vfc dsj rate Minimum Charge, See LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Clasalfled AdertUlnx, Caih In Ad'ence nelly Uloelnc lime 1Z:3Q f. M. BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. Special Communication Sun., Jan. 7, 2 p. in. Funeral. Service for Paul Berg George Slmerville, Sec'y. BEND LODGE, NO. 218 I. O. O. F. Meets Every Monday Night I. O. O. F. Temple 2G5 Franklin Avenue 'Robt. Leader, Noble Grand D. R. Miller, Sec, Phone 1069-W FOR SALE SPLENDID BUY, 5 acres, close In. 4 acres C.O.I. Neat 4-room house. 2 cisterns. New barn, chicken house. $1700, $500 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 2 WHEEL, 24 ft. trailer, like new, equipped with electric brakes. In quire Redmond Hardware, Red mond, Oregon. BALED HAY, excellent quality, now available at Scotty's Feed Store, north highway. Phone 776. HOBERT CABLE piano for sale. Excellent condition ana reason ably priced. Call B. B. Moore, 124 Congress. ATTRACTIVE 3-bedroom modern house, newly decorated inside and out. Plastered, now roof. Base ment, double garage. $3500, loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon. Phone 36-W. GENUINE LEATHER daveno. Reasonably priced. 1237 E. Third. TRAILER one wheel, factory built with covered panel box. Pilot Butte Auto Court No. 4, Bend, Oregon. 5 ROOM modern house partly fur nished. Also beautiful davenport and chair. 820 Georgia Ave. $500 EQUITY in $1500 apartment house, 7 rooms, modern furnished, 4 rooms upstairs and 3 down. Owners leaving town, possession immediately. 1114 Baltimore. 5 ROOM modern house including coal and wood circulator, hard wood floors, double garage, three lots:' 352 E. Kearney. WELLINGTON UPRIGHT piano, in good condition, $150. 2211 W. 4th, off Awbrey road. 4 BEDROOM modern house, cast side, plastered, fireplace, station ery tubs, electric range wiring, furnace, automatic coal stoker, sprinkling system, 2 lots, fine gar den spot, fruit trees. $5000, loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore gon Ave. Phone 36-W. 8 TUBE RADIO, 2 end tables, chest of drawers, 2 heating stoves, chairs, rooking chairs, writing desk, lamps, sewing machine, fur chubby size 18, dishes. 426 Staats, across from laundry. COLLAPSIBLE BABY BUGGY In good condition, kitchen stools, wal nut bed, walnut dresser, Colonial Jr. kitchen range a real buy for $17.50, Ice boxes, Ironing boards, metal bedsteads, only two heating stoves left, several cheap cook stoves, dresser bases, library diner table and 4 chairs, round oak table with 4 chairs $8, office chairs, breakfast nook table with 3 chairs, 3-sectlon folding screen, also rigid 10 ft. walnut veneer screen, leather couch, rubber boots, V pulleys for electric mo tors, ball and socket trailer hitch es, bumper hitches, replacement balls for trailer hitches, day beds, sanitary cots, almost new tent, hand cultivator. 350 Division. 7 ACRES, (i acres Arnold, 4 room house, good out buildings. $L'7lX. $500 down. $.10 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36 AV. SEM I "MODE R N houses, west side. 3 rooms, 2 stoves, $9(X), $250 down, $20 month. 2 bedroom house, partly furnished, $950, $.100 down. 525 month. Anne 1-orbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ONE BOX trailer 4x8 16" wheels. Sturdy one piece weld Job. See at 57 Gilchrist Ave. I OK KAI.K OirfiS V1IK WOULD BICYCLE in good con dition. Will sell or trade for deer rifle. Prefer 30-30. Phone 35 F-13. THE 3 ROOM semi-modern furnished house. Inquire 1444 Hartford. MODERN 4-ROOM unfurnished apartment. Jansen Villa, 407 Port land Ave. MODERN FURNISHED 4 room house with breakfast nook, refrig erator, piano. 2 bedrooms, garage, lenced yard, suitable for family with one or two small children. Inquire at 1616 Hill St. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment. Private bath. Phone 766. 141 Georgia. MODERN three room furnished apartment. Close to city center. Wood, water, lights furnished. $25.00. Adults only. Apply at 945 E. 2nd. WELL FURNISHED, clean com fortable room, modern home, de sirable location, close to town and mils on paved street. Mrs. Brook ings, 138 St. Helens. NEAT SMALL 2 room house, partly furnished, good garage. 4 room house partly furnished, not modern. Inquire 236 E. Haw thorne. J. H. Buchholz. CLEAN SLEEPING and house keeping room, kitchen and laun dry privileges. Linen and betiding furnished. Automatic heat. Phone 493-W. SINGLE GARAGE at the Wes tonia Apartments, West Third and Portland. Inquire Apt. 7 or phone 615-J. 2 ROOM apartment.' Inquire 504 Lava Road. Near Catholic church. 2 BEDROOM house with bath, heating stove and range. All floor coverings. Inquire at 1345 Jack sonville St. 3 ROOM nicely furnished house. Clean, good beds, some bedding, dishes, silverware and cooking utensils. Suitable for 3 adults. Close to mills. Apply 412 River front. LARGE STEAM heated sleeping rooms. Breakfast, living room and laundry privileges. Also use of telephone. Call at 1532 Harmon or phone 1184-J. DESIRABLE ROOM in a modern home, close in. Furnace heat, with or without housekeeping privileges. At 138 St. Helens Place. Phone 368. MODERN one room cabin suit able for one or a couple. 648'2 E. 2nd. 3 ROOM furnished house not modern. Within easy distance of mills, garage if desired. Apply 207 Riverfront. WANTED BICYCLES Top cash prices for bicycles, wheels, tricycles, frames, wagons, parts or all kinds, broken ones OK. Carl Austin, 220 Green wood. USED GUNS and motors. Will pay good prices or liberal trade In allowances on new ones. Evans Fly Co. South highway. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WILL BUY good small houses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend. SEWING MACHINE In good con dition. Singer or White preferred. Call or write Mrs. L. E. Lisen bury, 904 Roosevelt. ELECTKC WASHING machine. Phone 874-R or write 1235 Wilson. PLAY PEN, will rent or buy. Cora Crelghton, Mil! Hill St. Phone 733. FLEXIBLE FLYER sled. Phone 934-J. HELP WANTED WANTED, experienced waitress es at Downing Cafe. WOMAN OR GIRL for general housework, permanent position. Phone 1016, 759 Roanoke. AT YOUR SERVICE FOR MOVING PACKING, CRATING HORAGS 10cl CARTAGE W1RIBUTI0N PHONE 788 vfeaXv;: t AiIw$Z2Jy,l BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, SATURDAY, JAN. 6, WOMAN to care for 2 pre-school children during school week. Hours 8:30 to 4:30. Phone 787-W or call 1204 Hill. RELIABLE PERSON to care for 2 small children during office hours. Room and board if desired. Good wages. Call 831 during day or 859-W after 7 p. m. ATTRACTIVE CLERICAL posi tions open for young ladles with substantial local concern. Require ments: high school education; some ability to type, no dictation; experience with adding machine desirable but not essential; appli cants must be permanent resi dents of this community. Write No. 11934 care of Bend Bulletin stating age, education, experience, address and telephone number. RESIDENT SALESMAN to sell broadest lifetime income health and accident policy for old-line company. Leads furnished. Lib eral commissions. Can earn very large income. Your county open at present time. Write qualifica tions to Continental Casualty Co.. 333 S. W. Oak, Portland, Oregon. SITUATION WANTED HUSKY MAN wants part-time job. Days preferred. Write No. 11924 care or Bulletin. USED CARS 1931 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan. 4 new tires. Phone 33-F-12. Rt.-2, Box 18, north on new Dalles-California highway. " 1936 DELUXE Chev. coupe. 5 pre war tires, heater, seat covers. Mo tor just overhauled. Call 865. IMS-Lafayette" Nash 4-door sedan, $500, ceiling price. Must sell quickly. Am leaving for Merchant Marine. Inquire at 109 Broadway. Donald Smith. 1937 PLYMOUTH coupe to trade tor sedan. Call after b. p. m. or Sunday. 164 E. Irving. 1937 CHEVROLET sedan in good condition, ceiling price. 501 Geor gia. LOST BLUE SAPPHIRE earring in gold setting at Policeman's Ball. Find er please return to Bulletin for reward. LADY'S LIGHT BROWN kid glove. Reward. Call 19 J. COLLIE PUPPY, 3 montiisold, white breast and one front foot. Reward for return to 543 Florida. FOUND PLAIN GOLD band ring, engrav ed inside, found 2 or 3 weeks ago. Probably has keepsake value to owner. 6 Lava Road. BOARD AND ROOM REOPENING BOARDING house. Home cooked meals served family style. Nice warm rooms. Board and room at Delaware Hotel, Mrs. Mason, manager. Phone 31-W. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21F-4. Mis. Edna Boyd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 161, Bend. FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor waxes, furniture polish, the new safe odorless all-purpose cleaner, and many other household aids. Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714 Steidl Road, Bend. QUIET CHEERFUL home and considerate care for aged or ail ing. Phone 493-W. Your duty as a soldier on the Inline front is to fight the enemy wlth waste paiier. 1939 TRUCK FOR SALE Deschutes County Court will accept sealed bids at the office of the County Cleric until the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., Tuesday, January 9 for one 1939 Chevrolet truck chassis with cab. Motor number T265767I, scries 6VD076II4. Truck has 700x20 8 ply tires, duals on rear, overload springs and heavy duty radiator. No bid will be accepted for more than $530. In case of tie bids, the buyer will be determined by drawing. All bids will be opened at 10 o'clock a. m., January 9, 1945. Deschutes County Court By C. L. Allen, County Judge M RED RYDFR - l! IIS0, toCWV "-llWEiL.svoB.WHu Hl,,,- iBv FRED HARMAN I &yjff rats mem OREGON STATEHOUSE JOTTINGS iiitumiimi jiiiiii liiiiNiimiiiinuiiiiniNUim miinuiiu jutiiimumiiuuiiiiiuigiiruiiui lujimimiliiimiillilltiliiliiil mm By Erie W. Allen, Jr. (United Free Staff Correspondent) Salem, Ore., Jan. 6 IP Oregon state legislators began to arrive in Salem today, for the house and senate caucuses tomorrow, and the opening day of the 43rd regu lar session of the legislature on Monday. Virtually all of them had obtain ed places to stay during the ses sion, but sometimes with diffi culty, in the crowded in politically-conscious capital. In lighter vein than most of the serious, wartime and postwar pro posals which will come before the group, is the idea, brought for ward by Mrs. George Gerlinger, republican national committee woman, that the group authorize the placing of statues of two Ore gon men in Statuary hall in Wash ington, D. C. The proposal was first made in 1921 but it has never been acted upon. Two most prominently mention ed men to receive the honor are Dr. John McLaughlin, early Hud son's Bay company factor, and Jason Lee, pioneer missionary to the Willamette valley. Mrs. Gerlinger also wants the legislature to do what it can to abolish the electoral college sys tem in national elections, and to go on record as favoring an 8 year limit, for U. S. presidential service. There will be some interest shown In the new legislature re garding the conditions under which inmates of the various state institutions, particularly the slate hospital and other mental institutions, now live. Advocates of more adequate funds for state school support will be heard at the session. A bill I LEGAL NOTICES -I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING : Please take notice that a public i hearing will be held by the under-1 signed at the County Court House . at Bend, Oregon, on Friday, Jan uary 12, 1945, at the hour of 1:15 P.M., at which meeting testimony and evidence will be taken relat ing to the following specific mat ters, and to amend Offiical Order No. 19 now in effect in Deschutes County: 1. Establishing production rec ord on basis of four low months' production in the the preceding calendar year upon the basis of fluid milk delivered to the market, testing not to exceed 4.4. 2. To provide for payment to producers by distributors on the basis of milk testing not to exceed 4.4 7o. 3. To consider such other mat ters as may probably come before tins hearing relating to produc-1 tion and distribution of fluid milk in Deschutes County, Oregon. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 4th day of January, 1945. E. L. PETERSON, Director. 26 27c , NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned administra tor of the estate of Matilda Nel son, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Deschutes Coun ty, Oregon, his final account in said estate, and said Court has fixed the 22nd day of January, 1945, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock p. m. and the Courtroom of said Court as the time and place for hearing of objections, if any, to said final account and the settle ment thereof. Dated and first published this 23rd day of December, 1944. G. W. VVINSLOW, Administra tor. A. J. MOORE, Attorney for Ad ministrator. 16-21-27-330 1945 which would have amended the constitution providing for consid- lerably more tnoney for schools, was defeated by popular vote at the November general election. Some observers say it was defeat ed because it was in the form of a constitutional amendment. At any rate, there will be considerable sentiment for providing addition al funds. A number of new expenses con nected with the extension of state health services will be proposed. Included are recommendations for a $20,000 tuberculosis case finding and epidemological program, and a proposal that the North Pacific Dental college in Portland be made part of the state system. But the main problems of the session remain those of the com ing readjustment period, which some feel may not be too far awav. It will be a big job, and the legislators of the state will start it with a serious and heavy sense of responsibility. GETS DEER WITH MUSKET Brunswick, Me. ipi Using a musket that dates back' to 1827, loaded with black powder and a home-made musket ball, Irving Barnes shot a deer within 800 yards of his home. The seven point duck weighed 180 pounds. RESOURCES Cash and Due From Banks S 849,671.60 U. S. Government Bonds 2,773,359.07 Total 83,623,030.67 Other Bonds '. 65,928.77 Loans and Discounts (Including overdrafts) 398,577.83 Bank Building 27,250.71 Furniture and Fixtures .:......:: 10,247.68 Real Estate Sold 4,224.69 Income Earned, Not Collected 13,196.07 Other Assets ,. 3,935.92 $4,146,392.34 Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits Demand Deposits Time Deposits 'Other Liabilities WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS HALLOWELL KOLD WAVES .lust Ask the Girl Who's Had One! Well Qualified anil Experienced Operators MAY LAURA BILLIE Powder Puff Beauty Shop Phone 484 MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1335 Awbrey Rd. Tel. 629-51 Classified Ads I - p Affair Lavhlt'pu'lMil'wlllrotaM Carriers Attain Five Star Status Two more carriers for the Bend Bulletin "Five Star" status of ef ficiency, today were awarded $25 bonds by the newspaper. Bonds are issued regularly to the car rieVs who have established note worthy records for service to their patrons. The new winners arc: Joe Dysart, 14, of 35 Hood place, who has been delivering The Bul letin in the business district for one year. This is his second bond. Barbara Mize, 13, of 219 Linster place, who has been with The Bulletin for six months, and de livers the paper in the northeast section of Bend. 7 Year Sentence Facing Pummil Bruce A. Pummil, arrested, here on Dec. 27 and charged with lar ceny of an automobile valued at $710 and owned by Harriet Han sen, waiving an indictment and pleading guilty, appeared before Judge R. S. Hamilton in circuit court here at five p. m. yesterday and ivns spntpneed to seven vears in the state penitentiary. Pummil, on his own request, was not re presented by counsel. Pummil, a Prineville resident, was released from the state peni tentiary on Dec. 10, where he had been held on a forgery charge. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF Bank of Bend OF BEND, OREGON DECEMBER 30, 1944 ( Condensed) LIABILITIES JJtafrigeaterervice All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS ' COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Ronrl Minnesota Phong WW TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE Vz! Bee Hive Trucks and Trailer may bo used anywhere in the L'.S.A. without red tape or spc clal license when transporting your own goods. 1,0111 trips, short trips anywhere. See your Texaco dealer. Mission Service Station Bond & Franklin Phone S40 Sheriff C. L. McCauley said i. F day tnai rummn win prooably beg taken to me eaiem prison Mon-t day. Asserts Texas Soldiers Need Stretching Room Roby, Tex. IP It's Staff Sgtl Ray T. Farley's bet that most Texas boys who get hjt in this? war, are wounded about the hea' and upper part of the body. "You take an old Texas boy lo used to the wide open spaces aw' plenty wagon room, slide him inioi' one of those prairie dog holes overt there for a few cramped hourj& and he's gonna sit up and stretch a bit, in spite of falling skies anil flying shrapnel." f; Sgt. Farley ought to know. Thaj: is the way he got it the first time h sitting up In a foxhole with hlipj head sticking out "like a sotti thumb." Farley has'been wounded':" twice again since that first time; . and he's home on sick leave now! His complaint is that thoser "doggone badger holes don't fit-.-a Texas boy anyway." Buy National War Bonds Now!'' Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Office Phone 73 Res. Phone 819-W $ 70,000.00 35,000.00 ;. 28,068.98 '3,033,081.61 970,815.03 9,426.72 $4,146,392.34 Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing; in Long Distance Household Goods Movement LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every D Of the Year Phone 544