The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 06, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Local News
Maximum yesterday, 42 degrees
Minimum last night, 86 degrees
Temperature: ,10 p. m., SO de
grees; 10 a. m. 42 degrees. Velo
city of wind: 10 p. ni. 11 miles; 10
a. m. 14 miles.
Lt. and Mrs. B. I. Murphy were
enroute back to Columbus, Miss,
after spending a 15-day furlough
in Bend visiting their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. F, Murphy and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred N. Van Matre. Lt.
Murphy, who is in the army air
corps, received his wings in Miss
issippi on Dec. 23.
Juveniles of the Degree of Hon
or lodge are to meet Tuesday at
4 p. m., in Norway hall, it was an
nounced today.
Cdet LeKoy F. Livingston, son
of Mrs. H. L. Livingston, 937 East
3rd St., Bend, Oregon, has been
promoted to cadet private first
class, at Hill Military academy,
The Degree of Honor will meet
Tues.lay aat 8 p. m. in Norway
hall Ivv the installation of new
officers. In charge will be Mrs.
Carl Alfrey, as installing officer;
Mrs. Charle.-s Griffith, tisher, and
Mrs. E. J. Giison, past president.
E. G. Huston of Burns was a
Bend business visitor today.'
Lts. E. C. La Trank, R. L.
Lynch, K. B. Kuttler, G. M. Herda
and L. K. Kramer last night were
guests aat the Pilot Butte inn.
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Graham of
Madias were Bend visitors yester
day. Thomas Power, Jefferson coun
ty judge, spent yesterday in Bend
on business.
Grant Perry of Portland was in
Bend today.
Circles 2 and 3 of the Catholic
Altar society will meet at 2 p.
m. Tuesday in the parish hall, it
has been announced.
Olyan Turner, seaman 2c, is
spending leave here with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Turner,
1557 Fresno, after completing boot
camp at Farragut.
Walter Kittridge, Silver Lake
rancher, spent yesterday in Bend. 1
Mrs. C. E. Shott of Gilchrist was ;
in Bend yesterday.
Lt. John Gillette, of the Red
mond army air field, spent yes-
terday In Bend.
Vein E. Singleton, seaman 2c,
is visiting his wife, and also moth-1
er, Mrs. Grace Singleton. He is i
stationed at Tacoma, Wash. j
Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis, Sgt.
and Mrs. James Curtis and Mrs. I
j y
cjtn&ljfn explodes with
iP1 JTI fffpSr V 11,1 dictatorship of Ctiianf
V v V 'fllj ftflrf4'$i Kai-Shek I Corruption in the
M-A ySgij7J. government! Our wor effort
joiniopcn periled I.
Ends "Last "Between
Tonight Ride" 0 Two Worlds"
Under Fire
- -,4 t ''"'
The growing wave of censure of
Army Intelligence as being
largely responsible for the sur
prise achieved by Germans in
their counter-offensive break
through puts the spotlight of
criticism on Maj.-Gen. Clayton
Bissell, above, chief of Army In
telligence. He is the fourth bead
of G-2 since Pearl Harbor.
V. Curtis, all of Santa Rosa, Calif.,
are visiting in Bend.
Mrs. Joe Harding of Redmond
was a Bend visitor yesterday.
Mrs. Walter B. Curtis, of Red-'
mond was a Bend visitor Friday.
Mrs. F. L. Williamson was in
Bend yesterday from Prineville.
Mrs. L. B. Shirley of Prineville
transacted business in Bend yes
terday. Mrs. Pete Trautman was in
Bend on business from her Prine
ville home yesterday.
The Episcopal Altar Guild will
meet at H:30 p. m. Monday with
Mrs. Bert Staples, 826 Broadway,
it was announced today.
Ralph W. Crawford, supervisor,
and Gail Baker, fire assistant in
the staff of the Deschutes Nation
al forest here, planned to leave to
morrow for a ranger station near
Carson, Wash., where they will
attend a week-long administra
tive conference. They were to be
accompanied by Supervisor Larry
Mays, and Assistant Supervisor
Merle Lowden of the Fremont
national forest.
As materials have been exhaust
ed, no more surgical dressings
20th CENTURY-FOX Release
will be made until further notice,
Mrs. A. E. Stevens, chairman of
the Red Cross surgical dressing
division, has announced.
Eugene Smith has been pro
moted from seaman first to store
keeper 3c, his mother, Mrs W. P.
Smith, of the Deschutes auto
courts, has learned. Eugene, a
Bend high school graduate and
former Bulletin employee, enter
ed the navy in July, 1943, and has
been In the Pacific area since
Ensign and Mrs. G. A. Hors-;
kotte returned to Bremerton,
Wash., this week, after spending
a nine day leave In Bend at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mi's.
G. A. Korskotte, Sr., 463 Congress.
Bruce Gilbert left today for
Klamath Falls on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fugitt
and sons are spending the week
end in Bend from their Vancouver,
Wash., home. They are former
Bend residents.
Mrs. Virgil Wagner, of Enter
prise, is visiting her mother here.
Airs. William Vestal.
Masons belonging to the Blue
lodge will meet at the Masonic
temple at 2 p. m. Sunday and will
attend the luneral of Paul Berg
at 2:30 p. m. it has been an
nounced. Mhe Deschutes county veterans
council will meet In the Chamber
of Commerce rooms for election of
officers at 8 p. m. Tuesday, D. Ray
Miller, commander, has an
nounced. The Deschutes county nutrition
committee will meet at 7:30 p. m.
Monday with Mrs. H. E. Beach,
1646 Steidl road. A film, "Mess
Improvement", will be shown by
Miss Frances Alexander, secre
tary of the Oregon nutrition
Charles Christy of Carrol Acres
has returned from Terre Haute,
Ind., where he has been since
July on a visit to his mother and
other relatives. '
Trinity Lutheran church will
hold its annual business meeting
at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the church.
according to an announcement.
Cpl. Hoy Bills plans to leave
tonight for the army ordnance
depot at Stockton, Calif., after
spending a two-week furlough
here with his mother, Mrs. Wil
liam Vestal.
Harry K. Brooks and Louis H.
Weber left earlier this week for
Palm Springs, Cal., where they
will spent part of the winter.
They made the trip south from
Portland by train.
Miss Viola Rynolds, former
Bend resident, is visiting here
from Anchorage, Alaska.
Anartmonta in tho Pinp Tavern
formerly leased by Dr. and Mrs, j emotional plea for lasting peace.
J. F. Hosch and the late C. L. '.
Mannhelmer have been rented toij
Ed Fitzgerald, specialist U. S.
recruiter, first class, and Mrs,
Fitzgerald, and to Mr. and Mrs,
Mike Mahoney.
Dance at Eastern Star Grange
hall Saturday night. Marshall's
orchestra. -Modern and old time
j music. No minors allowed without
chaperon. Adv.
3 day rummage sale. 426 Staats,
i across from laundry. Adv.
I IWA members local 6-7, cxecu-
tive board meeting Sunday, Jan.
17, at 2:00 p. m. Trustees meet at
10:00 a. m. District ballots will be
tabulated after meeting. Anyone
I wishing to vote on district ballots
may do so now. Adv.
We wish to express our heart
felt thanks to the Eagles and the
Auxiliary, the V.F.VV. and Auxil
iary, the Superior Cafe and Mrs.
Al Woods and the many friends j
who were so good to us in our
time of sorrow.
Mr. Floyd Ellis and Eugene
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Ellis
Mrs. Bernice Parkos. Adv.
- -ill W'-r
Shows at 2 -4:30 -7-9 P.M.
"Romance tmd W$'Tfl
Lady Legislators
Now Fine Friends
By Eulalle McDowell
(United Prau Staff Correpondent)
Washington. Jan. 6 ilPi Any
one looking for a fight In the new
congress may be wasting his time
if he's hoping for a direct clash
between. the two prettiest repre
sentatives Reps. Clare Boothe
Luce and Helen Gahagan Doug
las. Because Mrs. Luce, the repub
lican from Connecticut, and Mrs.
Douglas, the democrat from Cal
ifornia, seem to have buried the
hatchet if, indeed, a hatchet ever
More than a hundred Washing
ton newspaperwomen looked on' in
surprise Thursday when tne two
lady legislators shook hands and
smiled sweetly at each other to
bring a highly unscheduled cu-
max to a dinner given by the wo
men's national press .club.
Three Are Honored
The affair was given in honor
of the three new women in the
lower house of congress Mrs.
Douglas, Mrs. Chase Going Wood
house, D., Conn., and Mrs. Emily
Taft Douglas, D., 111. Other con-
gresswomen were present but tne
audience was mostly Interested in
the feud that was supposed to
exist between the Mesdames Luce
and Douglas.
With only Rep. Frances Bolto,
R., O., separating them,' the two
publicized rivals sat through a
couple of speeches without an
exchange of words.
Then Mrs. Douglas rose for her
"I have resented she began.
and turned sharply toward Mrs.
Luce. The audience of newspaper
women gasped and even Mrs.
Luce looked startled..
Position Kesented
"I have resented the position
they have jockeyed us into," Mrs.
Douglas continued.
Then, like a flash her hand was
out and Mrs. Luce jumped up to
grasp it. '
Blonde republican and brunette
democrat, whose so-called rivalry
has been building up since last
summer when each took the fcml
nine spotlight at her respective
party convention, shook hands
firmly, and stood there beaming
swpetly at each other.
The audience cheered.
Then each returned to her cor
ner, Mrs. Douglas to declare:
"They didn't promote fights be-
I tween the hilly-billy senators.
ne proceeaeo. wnn an earner,
j IVId bUHi Ar Td liqe
Paul Berg Funeral
Bend Masons will conduct
graveside services in Greenwood
cemetery at 2:J0- p.m. tomorrow
for Paul Berg, 81, veteran forest
guard, who died Monday in the
at. Charles hospital, lt was an
nounced today. Members of the
Masonic lodge were asked to
gather at the Masonic hall at
2 p.m., and go in a body to the
Funeral arrangements were
made by Niswonger and Wlnslow.
Midland, Tex. di'i Army air
plane pilot trainees in West Texas
Know now to combine work and
future pleasure successfully. On
their training mission the pilots
indicate on their flight maps loca
tions of lakes on which there arc
ducks. Then on their furloughs,
the trainees return to the lakes
for successful shooting,
In the clam the organs for equi
librium that correspond to the
semi-circular canals in the middle
ear of man, are found in the foot.
! :r. . - 'i V ffr ta'
(All society Items should be reported to The Bulletin not later
than 10 a.m. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Jr. League to Aid
Polio Drive Here
At Month's End
Mrs. J. F. Arnold, Deschutes
county chairman of the Infantile
paralysis drive, discussed plans
for the president's birthday ball
at the regular meeting of the
Junior League Thursday night at
the home of Mrs. Howard W.
The Junior league will be in
charge of a tag sale to raise funds
In the downtown district, Mrs.
Arnold said. Members of the club
will also assist with the sale of !
tickets for the ball, and a commit-
too Will iricit ,1m Piwlmnn
air base. A huge birthday cake
and intermission specialties will
oe featured at the dance.
At Thursday's meeting Mrs.
Norman Gilbert, president, called
a meeting of the executive board
to complete plans for the year's
W. B. A. Schedules
Three Meetings
The Women's Benefit associa
tion has scheduled three meetings
for next week, it was announced
today. The auditing committee
will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the
nome ol Mrs. Henry Nelson, 74
Portland avenue.
The Past Presidents club of the '
W.B.A. will hold an all-day meet-1
Ing with Mrs. Nelson on Wed-1
nesday. Luncheon will be served '.
at l p.m. ,
The annual business meeting of
the organization will lie held at
8 p.m. Thursday in Norway hall.
Newly elected members should
attend this meeting, the announce
ment stated.
The Wee Women's 4-H club met
on Dec. 29 with Mrs. Herbert Bart
lett in Boyd Acres. They are tak
ing first and second year sewing
with one member taking third
year sewing.
Members nrespnt were Drucilla
Bartlett. Lois McKav. Bettv Jo
Jackson, Nancy Dyer, Emmajoan
Bartlett, Adelva Bartlett and
Carol Jackson. Leaders present
were Anna Bartlett, Pearl Stev -
enson and Inez Drake.
Faculty Dames To Meet -The
Faculty Dames will hold a lunch-
eon meeting with Mrs. beaton
Smith, 878 Riverside, at 1:15 p.
m. Tuesday. Mrs. Claude Cook
will act as assistant hostess.
Eastern Star To Install Instal
lation of officers for 1945 will
follow the regular meeting of the
Eastern Star in the Masonic tem
ple at 8 p. m. Monday, Mrs. Frank
H. Loggan, worthy matron, has
announced. Mrs. Gale Blakley will
act as relreshment chairman.
Pythian Sisters To Install The
Pythian Sisters will meet at 8 p.
m. Wednesday in Norway hall for
installation, it was announced.
Mrs. H. D. Hamilton will art as
installing officer, assisted by Mrs.
H. H. De Almond and Mrs. G.
Jr. Hostesses Mwl - Junior hos-
fnucne nf thn I TSO mppt ill flip
club rooms last night to plan fnr'y
the last USO dance of the holi
day season. It was decided that
the dance, to be held tonight at
Trinity parish hall, would he a
"dress-up" affair. Miss Elizabeth
Boeckli, acting chairman, pre
sided. Belwkahs To Meet The Ile
bekahs will meet in the I. O. O. F.
hall at 8 p. m. Friday, it was an
nounced today. Those on the re
freshment commit tee arc Oscar
Larson, William Bevins, W. Hoe,
Oscar Olson, Robert Lender, Ora
Allingham and Frank Riley.
Auxiliary Plans Pracllre-The
Women's auxiliary of the Patri
archs Militant will hold a sppclal
meeting in the I. O. O. hall at
8 p. m. Tuesday, Mrs. Frank
Riley, president, has announied.
Following the meeting members
will hold degree praetiee to pre
pare for the installation of offi
cers on Jan. 19.
You are always assured of
lovely fresh blooms when you
Phone 530
Flower Shop & Gardens
Phone 530 629 Quimby
8 p.m. USO dance, service men
and junior hostesses.
8 p.m. Public card party spon
sored by Women of Moose, Moose
1 p.m. Bend Study club with
Mrs. W. A. Lackaff, 532 River
side. 2:30 p.m. Episcopal Altar
! Guild with Mrs. Bert Staples, 820
"l ,,..'' '
I.OU JJ. 111. I-H'tiL-UHlfS IllllllllUIl
i 1646 Steidl.
8 p.m. Eastern Star meeting
and installation. Masonic temple.
8 p.m Methodist older girls
group with Mrs. Lee Grant, 1124
fcast drd.
8 p.m. Red Cross executive
! '"nullte
meeting in Bend of-
2 p.m. Sunshine club with Mrs.
Bill Bevins, 1424 Hill.
7:30 p.m. Trinity Episcopal
Ladles guild in parish hall.
8 p.m. Degree practice, Patri
archs Militant auxiliary, I.O.O.F.
8 p.m. Auditing committee of
W.B.A. with Mrs. Henry Nelson,
74 Portland.
10:30 a.m. W.B.A. Presidents
club with Mrs. Henry Nelson, 74
Portland. '
8 p.m. Pythian Sisters Installa
tion, Norway hall.
8 p.m. Annual business meet
ing W.B.A. in Norway hall.
Red Cross Pins
Given Members
Of Sewing Club
l -
The Carroll Acres Sewing club,
spent 970 hours during 1941 in
making a total of 815 articles for ;
the Red Cross, Mrs. Eugene ;
Ackeley, Red Cross production:
chairman, said today. The club
made 263 garments during the
year and 552 comfort articles for;
service men and women. It met
'during the year at
the home of (
i Mrs. Cary Chambers.
j At a club meeting on Dec. 26
Red Cross production pins were
i awarded members who had spent
'50 hours or more during the year;
in Red Cross sewing. Those;
awarded nins, and the number of ;
hours worked, follow': Mrs. C. W
Chambers, 100; Mrs. Clarence
Ives, 65; Mrs. Lucile Smead, 60;
Mrs. L. H. Nodrow, 70; Mrs. Kate
Murray, 60; Mrs. Ernest Griffin,
80; Mrs. Oscar G.irvlk, 60; Mrs.
II. C. Gilliland, 75; Mrs. Ernest
Nelson, 70; Mrs. Vic Her, 70; Mrs.
Sam Wagner, 60; Mrs. R. C. Col
ver, 65; Mrs. Roy Van VIeet, 60.
The following club members, all
of whom worked less than 50 :
hours, diil not earn pins: Mrs.
Felix Springstuhc, 30; Mrs. L. II".
Gless, 15; Mrs. R. M. Nedrow, 5; '
Mrs. P. Rieflel, 35; Mrs. Deld;
Shaw, 10; Mrs. John Burleigh,
15; Mrs. Clinton A. Hoppock, 25.,
Sunshine Club tin Tuesday
The Sunshine club will meet at 2
p. m. Tuesday at tlip home of Mrs.
Bill Bevins, 1121 Hill street. I
Trinity Guild To Meet -Trinl-
Kplscopal Ladles guild will
meet in I he parish hall at 7:30
p. m. Tuesday, it was announced
today. Mrs. Stella Pearl Runge
will act as hostess.
.ii ix;e SAYS 'NO' ON ROUES
Crown Point, Ind. HI'' The
Chicago crime commission sug
gested that jurors wear robes tn
: add dignity to the cnurls. but
Lake county Judge William .1.
i Murray replied that Justice was
j more Important than pageantry.
I In fact, lie continued, most judges
don't wear robes, and jurors are
less expected to don the garb.
Buy National War Bonds Now!
Abstract Co.
Title Insurance Abttracti
Walt Peak Phone 174
Z Euy Bonds for
Jeweler Jjj
Neil In Capllol Theater
I'hn I4H-K
Official Records
Discharges Filed '
Harold F. Slietfold filed a cer
tificate of service in the U. S.
army. Shef fold, who served some
time with the army, was placed
on the enlisted reserve list in Aug
uest, 1943.
Honorable discharges from the
army were filed yesterday by
Stuart Cummings and George G.
Sadie Lucas Estate
Arvilla Murphy was appointed
administratrix of the estate of
Mrs. Sadie Alice Lucas, who died
intestate on Dec. 27 leaving an es
tate valued at approximately $10,
000. R. H. Prentice, Mittye Van
devert and J, F. Arnold, were ap
pointed appraisers of the estate.
Miss Jackson Due
To Visit Chapter
Miss Grace Jackson, field repre
sentative from the San Francisco
area office of the Red Cross, is ex
pected to arrive in Bend on Mon
day, Mrs. R. W. Hemingway, ex
ecutive secretary, said today.
Miss Jackson, who will spend
four days In the county, will as
sist local Red Cross officials in
planning the 1945 war fund drive.
At 8 p. m. Monday Miss Jackson
will meet with the executive com
mittee of the Deschutes county
chapter In the Red Cross offices
In the Bank of Bend building.
Kerrville, Tex. (Ul Add a cat
and a deer to the list of animal
friendships. Tabby and a deer on
the W. E. Dieterat ranch near
here have played together since
the deer was a fawn.
U. S. Army Group
1.(1 Depicted is
insigne of the
U. S. Army
Division '
12 Solitary
4 Powerful ex
plosive (ab.)
5 12 months
6 Destiny
7 Lubricants
8 Hubber tree
0 Of the tiling
mimed )
i wur wmi i-
1.1 Those who ail
14 Annex
lri Gossip
17 Assist
19 Existed
21 Regrets
22 Man's nar.'.c
23 Symbol tor
24 Compass point
25 Maxim
28 Ostentation
31 SuIix
.12 Indian army
33 Morindin dye
34 Jumbled type
35 Card game
37 Flowers
39 Half-cm
40 Therefore
41 Sea eaglet
43 Boat paddles
47 Gaelic
50 Head covering
51 Greedily
53 Beverage
54 Having
greater height
58 F.iRlc's homo
5B Changes
59 Female horses
1 Lose color
2 Of greatest
3 International
10 Go from place
to place
11 First Chinese
14 Heart (Egypt)
16 Tungsten
18 Debit note
20 Countries
22 Encompass
25 Encountered
Churches Observe
Special Month
Churches of Bend are qbserving
January as "Go to Sunday School
and Church Month," it was an
nounced by local pastors today.
The first Sunday will be "every
member present Sunday" and the
second will be "bring one" day,
and pastors hope that many not
now attending Sunday school will
attend. The third week is to be
devoted to "the whole family In
Sunday school." The fourth week
Is to be "every one there" day.
"The Bend Ministerial associa
tion, in sponsoring the month, is
cooperating with similar groups
in other cities In drawing the at
tention of the citizens of the state
to the value of Sunday school,"
an announcement states. "Very
few people would deliberately
choose to move Into a community
without churches or Sunday
schools," the announcement adds,
concluding: "Therefore this effort
is being made to secure a greater
use of the facilities of church life
in our community."
Buy National War Bonds Now!
Worship God
In God's Way
Galveston and Columbia
KBND Daily 2:45
It's GOOD!
A it i r tn PrevluiiN 1'ar.fli
26 British ac-
43 Above.
44 Ventilates
45 Road (ab.)
46 Shut violently
48 Observes
49 Babylonian
51 Malt drink
52 Truly
55 Lieutenant
57 Railroad (ab.)
count money
27 Cereal grain
28 Organ of
29 Mimic
30 It is (contr.)
36 Rent roll
38 Sally forth
41 Exclamation
42 Polynesian
K A I U WE KH..I JS,&iQi
R&Ai AB ,C bte SciftM E; kwhlkn gggltjtl
' n o A 1 C-I.
,ENb;s WINSOR Tj,MjoiB
IaImia I - ? olrjfel
RuL eloieT: TrJy a-JraAl
I 12- U 14 15 It 17 la h jio la
rz is
I n -j- 1 -?w 1
T" Ht '7T IT" 7T u jS"! " 1
M sT 55
eg si
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TMwill'riiriwerii'tT-ii jm ' ' '" "
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