THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON. FRIDAY, JAN. 5, 1945 PAGE FIVE Local News Maximum yesterday, 49 degrees. Minimum last night, 34 degrees. Temperature: 10 p. m., 40 de grees; 10 a. m., 41 degrees. Velo city of wind: 10 p. m., 8 miles; 10 a. m., 13 miles. Eastern Star officers for 1945 will meet at the Masonic hall Sun day at 2:15 p.m. for installation practice, it was announced today. Pvt. Sherwood K.- Jerome, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jerome, 815 Harmon, has been trans ferred from Buckley field, Colo., to a plane engine mechanics school at Keesler field. Miss., his parents have learned. He entered the air fqree in July. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Ikeler of Burns, last night were guests at the Pilot Butte inn. Ikeler is head of. the Squaw butte range experi ment station. Maj. R. L. Maughan of the Red- cz O NOW O Continuous Tomorrow ff "Buck Ml tlthord TRAVIS Cherfci LAN! lUanor Parker-Jack LaRua PLUS 2ND. HIT O NOW O Continuous Tomorrow in tiittiriit hsr Utair Hill JB with js I i IT T i f Rath's Annual After-Inventory of COATS and rr "?V if lPh I if M j" v jM Kiwi i'sfiild T One Fur Jacket, reg. $145 Sale $115 Plus tU Federal Tax Only one. hut it' a beauty. Kirh blue fox Jacket, for 1 1 who uants t save $.'!. One Fur Coat, reg. $330 Sale $275 Plus '.! Federal Tax This in a II. tiK.: a beautiful Northern Blaek Muskrat, Hol lander blended: Save $..". mond army air field, visited Bend friends yesterday. ' E. L. Steimnger of Prineville, was in Bend today on business. MSgt. Tommy Amundsen, sta tioned at the Redmond army air field, was a Bend visitor today. William Niskanen and family left this afternoon for Salem where he will on Monday take his seat in the state legislature. Supervisor Ralph W. Crawford of the Deschutes national forest, W. H. Myers and A. L. O. Schue ler, manager and assistant mana ger of The Shevlin-Hlxon Corn pay, today were in Klamath Falls attending timber exchange hearings before the county court. H. H. Sheldon, who has been In San Francisco since the death of his wife, the authoress "Gene Henry", in Denver last summer has returned to Bend. The Shel- dons left Bend for Colorado in the summer of 1943 and were en gaged there in writing and out door photography at the time of Mrs. Sheldon's sudden death. The Bend Study club will hold a luncheon meeting at 1 p. m. Monday with Mrs. W. A. Lackaf f, 532 Riverside, it was announced today. The United Spanish war veter ans will meet at 8 tonight in the I courthouse. The post and auxil iary will hold their annual ban- queet at the Pine Tavern on Sat- : urday from 2 to 4 p.m. I The Modern Woodmen of Amer- 1 ica will meet at 8 tonight In Nor- S way hall. USO junior hostesses will meet at the club rooms at 8 tonight, !Mrs. Craig Coyner, director, has I announced. I The Tumalo Home Economics club will meet after the grange meeting tonight. ! Mrs. Ethan Innis, district presl I dent, announced today that all I Rebekahs who will take part in the joint installation ceremonies twill meet in the I.O.O.F. hall at , 2 p.m. Sunday for practice. Mrs. Irvin Branson, 56 Norton ' street, has returned to her home after spending several months as I a patient in the Medical-Dental I hospital, Redmond. I Earl Small stopped in Bend ; yesterday on business while en route from Portland, where he spent the holidays, to his home in Silver Lake. He left for Silver Lake this morning. ! Mr. and Mrs. B. L. (Pinkie) Rennolds were In Bend yesterday from Redmond. Rennolds, who i was confined to a hospital in The Dalles for some weeks with a heart ailment, was released on Dec. 6 but has not yet recuperated i sufficiently to resume his busi- . ness. J. C. Long, Portland after-dinner speaker, who appeared on sev- i eral programs with the late Will 1 Rogers, will be guest speaker at 7 p.m. Monday in Redmond at the j Khyanis club dinner meet, it was ' announced today. Officers for 1945 will be installed at a business i meeting following the dinner. Mrs. F. G. Lewis of ;Redmond was in Bend yesterday, j Mrs. Jack Weigand of Terre bonne spent yesterday in Bend. I Fred Raycraft, water tender 3c i has returned to the San Diego, ' Calif., naval base after spending leave here with his parents, Mr. SUITS SAVE! on Coats $J to $ SAVE! on Suits to stock of winter coats and suits. and some reductions are up to over! 12 8 COATS of every description, every siie, every popular color the same smart Chesterfields, fit ted and boxy numbers that have proven so popular. Sizes 10 to 44! and Mrs. George Raycraft, 1145 Kingston. Mrs. Esther Emery was in eena yesterday from Silver Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Gus De Lude of Warm Springs were Bend visi tors yesterday. The Episcopal Altar Guild will meet at 2:30 Monday at the home of Mrs. Bert Staples, 826 Broad way, it was announced today. Mrs. James Ross who recently returned from Fort Wayne, Ind., is a patient in the Medical-Dental hospital in Redmond, where she underwent an operation Wednes day. Lt. Ross, assistant operations ; officer at Baer ield, ind., is ex pected here soon. Mrs. L. S. Davis of Pasco, Wash., and a former Bend resi dent, is visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. O'Brien, of 58 Greely street. The Deschutes county veterans council will elect officers for 1945 at a meeting in the Chamber of Commerce offices at 8 p. m. Tues day. All members are requested to be present, D. Ray Miller, com mander, announced today. Mrs. W. G. Coleman and child ren, Patricia, 9, and Roland, 6, re turned this morning from Van couver, Wash., where Mrs. Cole man's mother, Mrs. Albert West lund, underwent an operation this week. Mrs. Westlund, reported to be recovering satisfactorily, is well known here as she resided at the Coleman home for some thing over a year, leaving for Vancouver in September. All members of Bend lodge no. 139, A. F. of M. haye been request ed to meet at the Masonic temple at 2 p. m. Sunday. Members will later conduct funeral services for the late Paul Berg at the Nis wonger and Winslow chapel, it was announced today. Dance at Eastern Star Grange hall Saturday night. Marshall's orchestra. Modern and old time music. No minors allowed without chaperon. Adv. 3 day rummage sale. 426 Staats, across from laundry. Adv. NOTICE IWA members local 6-7, execu tive board meeting Sunday, Jan. 7, at 2:00 p. m. Trustees meet at 10:00 a. m. District ballots will be tabulated after meeting. Anyone wishing to vote on district ballots may do so now. Adv, Masonic Groups Install Officers Madras, Jan. 5 (Special) Con cordia chapter of Eastern Star and A. F. A. M. No. 169 held a joint installation last night. Offi cers installed in the Eastern Star were: Edna Taylor, worthy mat ron; associate matron, Haze Brown; associate patron, W. R. Cook; conductress, Mable Ander son; associate conductress, La Verne Leach; secretary, Louise Irving; treasurer, Effa M. Pil- lette. Louise Irving will be instal ling officer, Julia Dussault, mar shal and Allie Cram, musician. Masons inducted into office in cluded H. A. Dussault, worshipful master; Chester Luelline, senior I ye A chance to save $7 to $12 50! Don't miss looking them .1 SUITS in dressy and tailored models, cardigans, too! Colors and sizes for everyone and those prices! Reductions of $8 to $12, so you can't fail to win. Charge It Or Uso Our Lay-Away Plan RATH'S "For Style and Economy" 831 Wall Phone 282 Congressional A a hi Iv , fi 1 -1 I fj , , -i' t tlh.A ItlephotB) Standing erect and confident, Major Richard I. Bong, Poplar, Wis., top ranking Anglo-American combat ace, proudly wears Congressional. Medal Df Honor, pinned on his blouse by General MacArthur at Leyte Island ceremony. Bong's score of 38 combat vlctorys, at time of award, h. i now reached 40. Photo by Stanley Troutman, NEA-ACME photographer for War Picture Pool. i warden; Kenneth W. Sawyer, Ju nior warden; Howard W. Turner, treasurer, and A. D. Anderson, secretary. M. H. Smith, 60, Dies in Maryland M. II. Smith, 60, who left here on Dec. 6 to spend the holidays with relatives in Maryland and Virginia, died suddenly at the home of a sister, Mrs. Minnie Belcher, Conowingo, Md., on Dec. 31, his wife, who resides at 611 West 16th street here, has learned. . Mr. Smith, a native of Virginia, came to Bend with his family from Grundy, Va., in 1940. He re sided for a time on Butler road and later was employed by a lo cal box factory. He Is survived by his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Zenith Fierman, Klumath Falls; two sons, Pfe. Mesca) N. Smith, with the U. S. marine corps at San Diego; Har man J. Smith, machinist's mate 1c, now in the South Pacific; two sisters, Mrs. Belcher and Mrs. Nancy Lawman, Conowingo, Md., and a brother, Thomas Smith, who resides in Virginia. Funeral services will be held in Bend at a date to be announced later. Official Records DISCHAIIGES FILED Honorable discharges from the U. S.. army were filed here yes terday by Guy L.. Paxton and Darwin S. Heath. SMART SHOES WITH New arrivals in sandals for. A wid selection of and non-rationed. Stop Rationed: Biege Patent Pink Patent Blue Patent Alligator Print Lizard Print Medal for Bong George Sothman Wins Promotion Lt. George Sothman, former , district maintenance engineer fori the state highway department at1 Redmond, has been given a tem-j porary appointment to captain.! the war department announced! today. Capt. Sothman is wllh jhe i corps of engineers, and for thei past year and a half has been; stationed at Camp Clayburn, La.! Capt. Sothman enlisted from Klamath Falls where he was maintenance engineer for the highway department. Ho was in ; Central Oregon recently on a leave, and visited his mother, Mrs. Caroline Sothman at 144 North Sixth street In Redmond. His wife, Grayce Sothman, is now residing In The Dalles. PINE ORDER GIVEN Portland, Ore., Jan. 5 mi Orders for western pine lumber showed an increase from 31,370, 000 board feet two weeks ago to 32,031,000 feet for the past week, according to the Western Pine as sociation in its report today. Orders for the same week a year ago were 4S,2"in,000 feet. Shipments of pine lumber last week totaled 35,030,000 feet, while the figures for the previous week were 40.075,000 feet. Similar fig ures for production were 25,573, 000 feet 34,275,000 feet, and 32, 107,000 feel. SCHOOL TESTS SET Examinations on the semester's work will start at Bend high school on Tuesday afternoon and continue for the rest of the week, it was announced today. The new semester will start on January 15. that you've been waiting materials in both rationed in now! Not-Rationed Wino Green Rod Platform Solo Sandals Look Your Loveliest in these Pretty Wear them around the house wear them to market wear them when you're spending an afternoon with the girls ... or the boys. They're pretty, pert, flattering and above all washable! They re ready, willing and able to take over day in and day out to keep you looking as frash as a daisy. NARDIS Combination Creation Smart Nardis styled white blouse of wool jersey featur ing an unusual neckline -soe it! plus . . . New dirndl peasant skirt, also by Nardis, in deep navy with wdite, red and green trim. Unusual beauty! Both 13.90 COAT SALE WO IE UH PLACE TO TRADE Paul Berg Funeral Set for Sunday rnner;il services for Paul Here, Kl, widely known lookout guard employed I mm 1!M2 lo 1!)32 by the Deschutes national forest who died In the SI. Charles hos pital early Monday morning, will be held at 2:30 p.m.. Sunday from the Niswonger and Winslow fu neral home. Funeral services will lie con dueled under the auspices of the Masonic lodge. Ilurlal will he In the (iieenvvood cemetery. 7 Officers, 6 Men Missing on Flight Headquarters, 11th AAK, Jan. 1 (Delayed) 'II'' -Seven officers arid six enlisted men were report ed missing in action today fol lowing the failure of two Mitchell bombers to return from yester day's aerial strike against the Northern Kuriles. None of the personnel were from the N'lilhwesl. M VIOK IN l OMMAM) IN'flmond, Jan. 5 Succeeding Major It. If. Vincent, who was transferred, Maj. Vinton II.. Luth er from March Field, Calif... has assumed command of the Red mond army air field, it was an nounced today. Maj. Vincent was Sunny Sue FROCKS 1.69 Lovely floral prints in a variety of patterns, smartly tailored and so inexpensivel Sizes 12 to 40. Frocks by Betty Baxley and Berkshire 2.49 to 10.95 Astounding variety! Seersucker in stripes and checks gay floral and pattern prints bright ginghams. One and two piece styles by these famous designers, sizes 12 to 44. Colorful New Blouses 1.98 to 6.95 Short and long sleeve blouses, tailored and dressy types, in gay prints and favorite stripes a blouse for every occasion, sixes 32 to 40. Wool Jersey Blouses by Nardis of Dallas 4.98 Lovely wool jersey blouses, styled by Nardis, long sleeve models both tailored and dressy, whites and colors. Add Skirts Skirts to go with blouses, sweaters, sport coats-they're all here in sizes for evory fig ure. Wool and part wool, pleated and gored, in plaids, herringbones and plain col ors. Sizes 12 to 30. 3.98 to 8.95 DRESS SALE NOW ON! transferred to March field. KKKVK'KS ANNOUNCE!! Funeral services for Russell Melvln Anderson, 2!, who died Wednesday niuht at the St. Charles hospital, will lie held at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow in tne iis- woncer and Winslow chapel. Rev. M. A. Thompson will con- I duet the services. Hurial will he in Greenwood cemetery. KNKMV POINTS HIT London, Jan. HI'' Almost 2,- Bronchial (Resulting From Colds) Buckley's Fimoui "CANADIOL" MiKloio Acts Bika Flash Hriend a t'-vr n-nlrt todny f miv ilrtu? atnrf. rr bottle ef HiickloyH CA.N.U'tOL, Mnturn (irlulo ai-tlnnl. Tiik a coupln of Hll'H at bciltlm. Fel Its ItiMtant iHjwrrul nt'tlv ai-tlon proat thru thrnut, h.:,1 ami hron'hl'it till,,.!.. It ittitrlM nl oru-o tl lnon up thlrk. ctmktriK phlfRm, sooth raw mMiibrancea and makt braallt tnK nwler. , . , .Htinvrrrn from thoji p-r8lttnl. rimty IrrltHtltiK rouh or bronchial Irritation iluo to colon rind Ruck. loV lrtnm quirk nn.l rtt-ctlve ro ller. I'on't wuit K"t HuckW-y's nn atllol tod:iy. Von Kut relief Instantly. Owl Pharmacy Brantlls Thrift Wise Drugs COUGHS ml 000 American and British planes, resumed the heavy air offensive against Germany, hammered i..i-- than a ......... of v. ...w..y supply points behind the front today and nal radio reports other Allied aer ial forces over the Reich early tonight. Truly Memorable A funeral within any family's budget. No matter how little arrangements cost our per sonal attention and efficien cy are the same. FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE 118 Niswonger and Winslow Morticians