THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 4, 1945 PAGE NINE Jockeys Discuss Plans for Work Miami, Fla., Jan. 4 (IP) More than 70 jockeys called a meeting to discuss plans for the relief of riders made jobless by the na tion's shutdown of race tracks, with the majority of them indi cating they would attempt to se cure employment in some line of work helpful to the war effort. Although many of the jockeys are quartered here for the win ter, it was understood that the relief measures would be drafted to enable those who desired to get to their homes in other sections of the country. Optimism in racingis ultimate future was reflected in the sale by auction yesterday. of 10 maiden thoroughbreds from the Guthrie Hall farm of Baron John Von Leisderdorff of Edgemont, Va., for a total of $6,500. Auction Spirited The auction, at the Hialeah track, developed into a spirited exchange of bidding and horse men considered the prices high in view of the fact that resumption of racing is indefinite. Top price of $1,900 was paid for Cavaluke, four-year-old son of the Kentucky derby winner of 1934, Calvacade. The horse went to Dr. M. J. Ben nett of Huntington, Va., who also bought the filly. Cauliflower, for $1,600 and the mare. Jilting, for $600. All were sold to horsemen will ing to take a chance on an in vestment in which no immediate return could be expected George Varoff Listed Missing San Francisco, Jan. 4 (P-Mrs.. George Varoff revealed today that her husband, a former world pole vault champion now a captain in the army, has been reported miss ing in action over China. In 1936, Varoff established a world's record when he vaulted 14 feet, five Inches and partici pated in the final Olympic trials the same year. While attending Balboa high school in San Fran cisco, he set a world's prep rec ord of 13 feet, three inches. Snead and Nelson Tourney Favorites Los Angeles, Jan. 4 (IP) A field of 136 of the nation's top golfers prepared for a final tune up today before the first round of the $13,333 Los Angeles Open tournament which opens tomor row. Pre-tournament favorites Sam my Snead, winner of the Port land and Richmond opens, and "Lord" Byron Nelson, titlist at the San Francisco open, were ex pected to be on hand for the open ing gun of the three-day tourney. Other big names included Ells worth Vines, National open king Craig Wood, Jug McSpaden and Olin Dutra. Bruce Coltart, a freckle-faced youngster from Atlantic City, set a torrid pace in the qualifying rounds, posting a 67-70 137, to lead the field. He was followed by young Jim my Walkup, San Antonio, who duplicated Coltart's morning round of 67, but slumped to 72 in the afternoon for a 139 total. Montagus Mystery Man Mystery man John Montague shot a sizzling 64 in the afternoon for the day's Jowest score to off set an unimpressive 76 in the morning session which put him in the third qualifying spot with 140. . Mildred (Babe) Didrickson Za harias, Western women's cham pion and one of the two female hopefuls of the preliminaries, made the grade with a pair of 76's. Alice Bauer, Long Beach, found the competition too tough, however, and was eliminated in the early rounds. Nelson estimated that a 285 would be enough to win on the tough 6,900-yard Riviera Country club course, but Wood said he figured it would take a 281 score, or better. THIEF TAKES 'HOT' PLATES Berkeley, Cal. UM One thief really had a pair of "hot" license plates in this city. Police officer L. J. Prosser reported that some one had stolen a license plate from his car and both of the emer gency plates which indicate he is a member of the police force. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes BANK OF BEND, a State Bank ing Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. J. A. FERRELL, and CYNTHIA FERRELL, husband and wife, De fendants. By virtue of an execution in ohone 82 J GROCERY I J 9i7 wau CLOROX Or. Bottle, 15c i Gal 25c Friday-Saturday Savings Hi Ho Crackers pkg.19c 4 : COFFEE t'luiso & Sanborn 1 lb. pkg, 29c During 1945 Shop Michaelson's For Quality Foods Low Prices Courteous Service Free Delivery SOAP bar 5c Mayonnaise KRAFT'S pi, jar 29c Luncheon Meat can 35c A TO Salad Oil .. pt. bottle 29c Mazola Cake Flour .pkg. 26c Softasilk Kraft's Dinner 3 pkgs. 25c Syrup 24 oz. bottle 31c Lumlerjack Milk .4 tall cans 39c Carnation Cocoa ctn. 35c Van Houten's Sardines 2 cans 23c Blue Jacket Baking Powder 25oz. can 19c KC Farina 28 oz. pkg. 19c A I tiers Margarine . . . .lb. 25c 2 lbs. 49c Rinso . . .' Ige. pkg. 23c Alber's Rolled Oats 3 " m 29c Borene giant size 59c Chicken Ravioli 1 lb. jar 21c Siicro Toilet Paper . . . . '. 4 rolls 29c l ulirik Soft FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Onions 10 lb. bag 29c Potatoes 10 lbs. 35c U. S. No. I's Grapefruit 4 for 25c Texas I'ink Oranges 2 doz. 59c Tangerines 2 lbs. 29c SOUP ISANCHO 4 cans 29c PRUNES OKKOO.V 2 lbs. 29c TUNA FISH J'KACOfK, 1','s can 33c foreclosure duly issued by tne Clerk of the Circuit's Court of the County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, dated the !5th day of De cember, 1944, in a certain action in the Circuit Court for said County and State, wherein BANK OF BEND is plaintiff and recov-; ered Judgment against J. A. FER- RELL and CYNTHIA FERRELL, husband and wife, as defendants, , for the sum of Eignteen nunorea ($1800.00) Dollars, with interest thereon from the 11th day of April, 1941, until paid at the rate of six percent (6) per annum, togetner wun attorneys iees pnu plaintiff's costs and disburse-: ments. 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Monday, the 22nd day of January, 1945, at the west front door oi tne courtnouse in. Bend, in said County and State, at ten (10) o'clock in the forenoon of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder lor casn, an right and title that the above: named defendants or either of: them have or had at date of said . luderment in the following describ-1 ed property, to-wlt: The Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NWtf of NEK), Section Nineteen (19),! Township Sixteen (16) South,: Range Twelve (12) East of Wil-, lamette Meridian, in Deschutes County, Oregori. DATED: at Bend, Oregon, this' 21st day of December, 1944. " C. L. McCAULEY, Sheriff ofi Deschutes County. 14-19-25-31C j NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have been appointed admin istrator, with the will annexed, of the Estate of Clarence L.Mannhei mer, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate should file the same, duly veri fied, at the office of my attorneys, De Armond & Goodrich, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice. S. DIETRICK, Administrator, with the will annexed, of the Estate of Clarence L. Wannhei mer, deceased. De ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys at Law, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon. 14-19-25-31C Notice is hereby given that First National Bank of Portland and Margaret S. Hemingway, co-executors of the Estate of Robert W. Hemingway, deceased, having filed their report for fina settle ment, and a petition for final dis tribution of said estate and the hearing thereon having been fixed by the Court for Monday the 15th day of January 1945 in the Coun ty Court Room of the Courthouse at Bend, Oregon, at 11 a. m all persons Interested in said estate are notified to then end there ap pear and show cause if any exist why said final account should not be settled and allowed and dis tribution made of said estate to the persons entitled thereto. Margaret S. Hemingway, First National Bank of Portland, Co Executors. 8-14-19-25C NEW kind of ASPIRIN tablet doesn't upset stomach When you need quickrelieffrom pain, do you hesitate to take aspirin because it leaves you with an upset stomach? If so, Ihirt npur mnrli.. mm ..,1 Aimrwnrv SUPERIN, is "just what the doc tor ordered" for you. Superin it aspirin plu contains the same pure; sufa aspirin you have long known but developed by doctors in a special way for those upset by aspirin in its ordi nary form. This new hind of aspirin t dissolves more quickly, lets the aspirin get right at the job of re lieving pain, reduces the acidity of ordinary aspirin, and docs not ir ritate or upset stomach even after repeat doses. Tear this out to remind you to get Superin today, so you can have it on hand when headaches, colds, etc., strike. See how quickly it relieves pain how Tnss-. fine you feel after 'mt.J taking. Atyourdrug- VJJtSST'W gist's, 15 and 39!. NftaSs' Cocoa SPECIALS FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 Kb. jar 41c Skippy Peanut Buffer . . lb. jar 33c Hi Ho Crackers Lge. PkB. 19c lip Wheaties 8 oz. pkg. 10c Shelled Walnuts l ib. 55c Chicken-Noodle Soup, 2 cans 15c KAXCHO PORK CHOPS Pork Chops Lean Cuts (HI Point) lb. 38c New York Cuts Choice Boneless Beefsteaks (13 PU.) lb. 52c Leg Pork Roast lb. 39c Quality Cuts (6 Points) Turkey Tomales each 20c Fresh Today Round Steak 39c Ask for Them Tenderized (13 Points) Spiced Herring ...jar 43c Roasting Hunt, Turkeys, Fresh Sea Foods Bisquick Ige. pkg. 32c COMB HONEY. .... .12 oz. comb 39c Hershey Cocoa I,b. Wig. 10c 80 Sunshine Krispy Crackers 2 U. Pkg. 31c CANNED GOODS Fancy Peas ........No. 2 can 15c Llnhy's 20 Points Sweet Peas 3 cans 25c Uivuru, 80S JO Points Fancy Cream Corn.. No. 2 can 15c Preferred Stwk 20 Points Diced Beets can 12c No Points Blue Lake Cut Beans.. can 18c Oregon 1'uncy, No. 210 Points Sliced Beets ....2 cans 25c No. 2 Can No Points Apple Sauce No. 2 can 17c Sliced Peaches No. 21 can 25c (10 1'olnlH Bartlett Pear No. 2 can 29c fit) PoilllH JUICES Tomato Juice No. 5 can 25c Walla vallu Tomato Juice, No. 1 tall, 3 cans 29c Llbuy's Grapefruit Juice ... .No. 5 can 33c Texas No Point Pineapple Juice ....No. 2 can 15c No Points Blended Juice No. 2 can 19c No PoilllH V-8 Cocktail 2 cans 25c No. 2 Can Prune Juice ..quart 27c Ubby's Clam Juice 24 oz. bottle 23c No Points Kraut Juice . . .24 ox. bottle 13c SPAGHETTI, curve cut, 21 lb. pkg. 19c BREAKFAST CEREALS Hungry Jack Pancake No. 10 bg. 53c Picket Pancake No. 10 bag 43c Post Toasties 6 oz. pkg. 5c Cream of Wheat ....Ige. pkg. 23c Kellogg's Pep 2 pkgs. 19c jMESBfc KcliHIiiiir COFFEE 11b. jar 32c Drip or Ki'Kiilar FRQ!TED'tP--OOP POINT HIKE Peas pkg. 25c Cut Deans , pkg. 23c Cut Corn pkg. 23c Sliced Peaches .......pkg. 32c Boysenberrics pkg. 37c Asparagus Cuts , pkg. 36c Upton'. TEA 16 Buff Pkg. 19c Ji Pkff. 49c fov Swan. Down FLOUR 49 lb. sack 2.29 lammmmatSm SOAPS and CLEANSERS Rinso Ige. pkg. 23c Sunbrite 3 cans 14c Rain Drops Ige. pkg. 23c Boraxo pkg. 14c Parson's Ammonia quart 24c Aerowax pint 25c Skimp Silver Polish jar 15c WINESAP APPLES Fancy Grade box 2.69 Dry Onions .10 lb. bag 33c Sunkist Oranges case packed 2.95 Texas Grapefruit, pink dozen 69c California Bunch Beets 2 for 11c ll'l'l XJ'mwmmmmtmmi imi imum mm itvi WfTT1 2l:lJKf If n RED RYDER By FRED MARMAM HAND OVER THAT ""w ( COME ' ERE , ( YOU' 1 f ALIVE 6 HOST, (-AN' TAKE THIS, (SOVERUCft HOllETjKES,