The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 04, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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Stocks Soar to
Seven Year Highs
By Elmer C. Walter
(United Prcu Financial Editor)
New York, Jan. 4 (Hi Stocks
rose to new 7-year highs in the
general average again today fol
lowing a lirief digestion period in
the early trading. Volume, still
above a million shares, was light
er than the previous session, but
the market breadth enlarged in
Liauor shares were oarticular-
ly active and strong following an
estimate that the distillers will bo
able to turn out as much as 5C,
000,000 proof gallons of Rye and
Bourbon whisky, gin and blending
spirits in the January production
holiday granted by the war pro
duction board.
Railroad shares were heavily
traded with the higher prices is
sues showing gains ranging!) to
3 points. Aircrafts rested al
though aviation corporation con
tinued aclive at the previous close.
Some of the coppers, steels, oils,
and ulililies displayed strength.
International Telephone .again
was active hut unchanged. East
ern air lines made a new high
while American Airlines eased
Portland, Ore., Jan. 4 U'i Live
stock: Cattle 200, calves 50. Ac
tive, fully steady. Few common
medium steers 11.00-12.50. Good
fed steers up to 15.00 Common
medium heifers 9.00-12.50; few
medium-good grades 13.00. Can-ner-cutter-cows
5.00-7.00. Medium
good beef cows 10.00-11.50. Medium-good
bulls 9.5011.50. Good
'waters 14.00; choice quotable to
14.50 or above.
Hogs 300. Aclive, steady. Good
choice 170-270 lbs. 15.75; heavier
and lighter weights down to
14.50. Good sows 13.5014.00. Feed
er pigs salable 14.25-14.50.
Sheep 200. Active, steady. Good
choice wooled lambs salable 13.75
14.00 or above. Medium-good 78
lb. lot 13.00; culls 8.00 down.
Good ewes 6.00.
Portland, Ore., Jan. 4 dl'i Egg
prices today dropped three cents
a dozen, in line with the OPA
long-range price policy. The sup
ply continued short, but the trade
shuns B grade eggs. '
Butter prices were unchanged.
Butter Cube 93 score 42:)ic;
92 score 42 Vic; 90 score 42c; 89
score 41MjC pound.
Eggs Price to retailers: AA
large 54c; A large 52o; medium
A 47c; small 42 dozen.
Official Records
Discharges Fileil
Honorable discharges from the
V. S. navy were filed here yester
day by Clarence E. McKinney and
Charles E. Boardman.
An application for a retail beer
. license, class C, was filed yester
day by Ed L. and Roby B. Wells
of Brothers.
An application for a dance hall
license was filed yesterday by
Eastern Star grange No. 482.
Vim Are Invited to Alti'ini
Convention Oregon Council
Painting & Decorating
Contractors of America
Portland, Silt., .Inn. 13, 11)15
Albert W. Ilolmirni. Hrc. nil H. K. J4lh
Ave., rurlUnil, Or.
Great Way
to relieve stuffiness, Invite
if nose fills up
It's wonderful how a little Vft-tro-nol
congestion. Also relieves distress of
liend cotdsl Follow directions In folder.
rrw drops
Announces Change of
Schedules For Salem
Effective Jan. 8, 1945
Leave Bend 7.30 A.M.
Arrive Salem 12:35 P.M.
Leave Salem 1:50 P.M.
Arrive Bend 7:10 P.M.
Connection! are made at Salem to and from all Willamette
Valley and Coast points.
For additional information call PACIFIC TRAILWAYS
DEPOT Phone 500.
'Ah-h-h' Man
Snub-nosed and freckled. Van
Johnson, above, new Hollywood
find, appears to be the current
heart-throb, especially among
the more mature segment of the
swoon sisterhood. His pictures
attract long lines of sighing
girls, who spurn Frank Sinatra
to see Johnson make faces,
which, they declare, "does some
thing" to them.
Junior Chamber
Plans Observance
Bruce Gilbert, President of the
Bend Julilor chamber of com
merce, announced today that the
week or January 14-21 is being
observed nationally as Junior
chamber of commerce week. On
January 22 the United States
Junior chamber of commerce will
celebrate its 25th anniversary,
with over 800 local organizations
joining with the national Junior
chamber of commerce In staging
rounders day banquets.
It was on January 21, 1920, that
the Junior chamber of commerce
movement was founded in St.
Louis with twelve organizations
as the original nucleus. The Jun
ior chamber of commerce in Bend
was organized in February 1944.
The local organization is hold
ing Its Founder's day banquet on
Saturday, January 20. The ban
quet will be the high point of
local plans and will feature the
presentation of a distinguished
service award key .to the young
man of the community, bel.ween
the ages of 21 and 35, who has
rendered the most outstanding
contributatlon to the communilyi
in- the past year. Similar pre-'
sentatlons are being made by
Junior chambers of commerce
throughout the nation upon the
approval of nominees' qualifica
tions by the United States Junior
chamber of commerce which pro
vides the awards.
Bus Line Plans
Schedule Change
An important change in the
Hammnn Stage lines schedule be
tween Bend and Salem was an
nounced here today by Floyd
Hamman, owner. The change is to
become effective next Monday,
Jan. 8.
Buses which now leave from
Bond for Salem at 6 p.m., will af
ter that date leave here at 7:30
a.m., Hamman said. The bus will
arrive in Salem at 12:35 p.m., and
leave on the return trip to Bend
at 1:50 p.m., arriving here at
7:10 p.m.
Hamman staled that (he revised
schedule will make it possible to
make connections with other serv
ices north and south from Salem,
as well as to a number of western
cities such as Monmouth, Dallas,
Philomath, Newport, McMinnville
and Newborn.
With the opening of the state
legislature in Salem soon, Ham
man believed that this schedule
change would prove attractive to
a number of Bend folks wishing
to attend the sessions.
.On mink fur farms the animals
are usually housed in separate
pens because of their pugnacious
Classified Rates
Local Paid in Advance;
23 Words One Time ..85o
23 Words Three Times ... 73c
25 Words Six Times $1.83
All wards or 2S add lc pr word tluaa
number of
Ono month run. umo eopr, v day rat.
Minimum Chargo, lie
ClaulNed AdrtrtUIni, Coin In Adrnnet
Daily Cluing Tim. 12:10 P. M.
A. F. & A. M.
Special Communication
Thuis., Jan. 4, 7:30 p. in.
M. M. Decrees
VUlllns Bnthron Weleomo
George Siiuervllle, Sec'y.
Meets Every Thursday Night
F. O. E. Hall .
W. M. Loy, V. P. Phone 20-F-5
Harry A. Marshall, Secretary
co Bend Dairy Store
BABV CRIB and mattress almost
new. Phone 489-W evenings or 588
SPLENDID BUY, 5 acres, close in.
4 acres C.O.I. Neat 4-rooin house.
2 cisterns. New barn, chicken
house. $1700, $500 .down, $25
month. Anne Forbes, 3(i Oregon.
Phone 3U-W.
2 WHEEL trailer, all steel frame
work, 16" tires, new tubes. Ars
neaw drag saw, twin cylinders.
1931 Ford motor just overhauled
and mounted for portable power
unit. 550 each. A van Turner. Rt.
1, Box 422.
2-WHEEL trailer $12. Open eve
nings. 350 Division.
MODERN 5 room house, includ
ing nice range, circulating heater,
garage, woodshed, extra one-room
I cabin, fruit cellar, garden plot. In-
quire 1334 Columbia.
THESE THINGS must go! Here's
our price what's yours? Any
offer considered. Young pet goat,
$3.00; 75 lb. Ice box, $3.00; axe,
$1.75; woman's leather boots, new
(S, 5'.i) $8.00. 2nd house Trap
Chiub ltd. Phone 220.
BULLS of all kinds, Hereford,
Guernsey und Jersey. Some nice
milk cows ready to freshen. Sad
dle horses and saddles. Franks
Service Station, phone 78-J. W. R.
Franks, Redmond.
ATTRACTIVE 3-bedroom modern
house, newly decorated inside and
nut Pljiit.rn.I now ronf Rnuji.
ifYlMnl rlnilhln friiriiiro "Wnfl Inun
available. Anne Forbes, 36 Ore
gon. Phone 36-W.
MUST SELL at once, 4 room mod
ern furnished house, three blocks
from business district on pave
ment, has utility room, builtin
tubs, electric refrigerator, electric
range, circulating neater, and well
furnished. Priced to sell. Write
No. 11891 care of Bulletin.
$75.00. 860 Federal. Phone 647-W.
LARGE WALNUT dresser with
plate glass mirror. Call at 27
Mueller or phone 859-W.
5 ROOM modern house Including
coal and wood circulator, hard
wood floors, double garage, three
lots. 352 E. Kearney.
22 PISTOL, '36 Dodge 4 passenger
coupe better than average paint
and tires, many extras. Motor just
rebuilt. Phone Sisters 781 after 6
p. m.
MEN'S AND LADIES' used coats
just cleaned and pressed, real bar
gains. 350 Division.
NEW STYLE white enamel range,
a real buy; dresser, library diner
table with 4 leather bottomed
chairs, dark Walnut bed, double
deck coil springs, almost new tent,
round oak table and 4 chairs,
$8.00; heating stoves, metal bed
steads, dresser bases, archery set,
ball and socket trailer hitches and
bumper hitches, replacement balls
for trailer bitches, used chairs 50c
each. 350 Division.
4 BANTAM HENS and 2 roosters i
all for $1.50. 1131 Davenport. I
1,7 Pictured U.
S. governor
12 Asylum
14 Rounded
15 Observe 1
7 Zodiacal
8 Railroad (ab.)
9 Ever (contr.)
10 Greek letter
1 1 Fiber knots
10 Winglike part 13 Pol'Sv
17Mvstc iifusu
18 Knock i
19 He is governor
21 Predisposed
24 Cognomens
28 Existed
29 Perfect
30 Symbol for
31 Ambary s
1!) Inertness
20 Makes '
21 Weighting
22 Rhode Island
23 Stove parts
25 Repasts
26 Babylonian
32 Aromatic
35 Skirmish
37 Fundamental
38 Inflow
39 Advents
43 Point
48 Rough lava
47 Ailing
48 King (Fr.)
51 Enraptured
53 Substance
55 Make amends
56 Acknowledges
1 Doctors (ab.)
2 Tinv
3 Native of
4 Greek (ab.)
5 Cured
6 Having height
1 - J """t If b U lio i
5-1 p
3 7T-E 1
ft rJ
S )ty A P
x A "7
5T ii r h ' sr $sSi
" lw " , T"
r, fj- rs tr
J t;
L-L.J I.I I 1 I I I I I r
or sau:
ALL THE CIGARS you want for
sale nt The Smoke Shop.
SEMI-MODERN houses, west
side. 3 rooms, 2 stoves, $900, $250
down, $20 month. 2 bedroom
house, partly furnished, $950, $300
down, $25 month. Anne Forbes,
3G Oregon. Phone 3G W.
NEW FINGER TIP length fur
coal reduced price last one. Also
new fur chubby. 350 Division.
ONE BOX trailer, 4x8 1G" wheels.
Sturdy one piece weld job. See at
57 Gilchrist Ave.
WOULD LIKE to trade: New wal-
nut nedroom suite, breakfast set,
prewar daveno and matched mat
tress and hnx tinrlnrna for- cmnri
trailer house. Will pay some dlf-
lerence. 13b Canal St., Bend.
PURE BRED Guernsey bull 20
months old or lrnrtp fnr anm milk
cow. 9 miles north on old Red
mond highway, la mile east from
Peterson's rock gardens. Geo. M
! 3-R O O M furnished apartment,
! wood, water and lights furnished.
35 Hawthorne. Phone 39.
2 ROOM apartment with furni
ture. Army couple preferred. 726
3 ROOM semi-modern furnished
house. Inquire P144 Hartford.
COZY WARM 4-room modern
partly furnished house. Phone 36-F-2.
6G4 Penn Ave.
MODERN three room furnished
apartment. Close to city center.
Wood, water, lights furnished.
$25.00. Adults only. Apply at 945
E. 2nd.
ROOM AND BOARD for men at
Shirley Hotel. 78 Kearney. Phone
NEAT SMALL 2 room! house,
partly furnished, good garage. 4
room house partly furnished, not
modern. Inquire 236 E. Haw
thorne. J. H. Buchholz.
keeping room, kitchen and laun
dry privileges. Linen and bedding
furnished. Automatic heat. Phone
WILL SOMEBODY sell me a box
or 2 wheel trailer. Phone 220.
BICYCLES Top cash prices for
bicycles, wheels, tricycles, frames,
wagons, parts of all kind.-, broken
ones OK. Carl Austin, 220 Green
wood. WE DO mattress revonatlng and
rebuilding, work guaranteed.
Bend Bedding Co. Phone 753-J.
USED GUNS and motors, WM
pay good prices or liberal trade In
allowances on new ones. Evans
Fly Co. South highway.
USED RADIOS Will pay top
prices for good used radios.
George's Radio Service. New loca
tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900.
WANT TO BUY a low iron wheel
wagon in good shape. J. B. La Rue.
1988 Awbrey Road.
TO RENT or lease small acreage
with four or fice room house in
Redmond -vicinity. Rt. 1, Box 155,
Redmond, Oregon.
that old rusted, broken down or
shot out gun Into cash. Such guns
as 22, 25-20, 32-20, 30-30, 45-70, all
bolt action etc. I want them for
parts and rebuilding. Eugene
Clark, 1037 Harmon Blvd., after
6:00 p. m.
WILL BUY good small houses on
west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend.
SEWING MACHINE in good con
dition. Singer or White preferred.
C-ill m wrllrt Mre I I
I ... .... 1.I.-1CI-
bury, 904 Roosevelt.
BELL HOPS wanted at Pilot
Butte Inn.
Aliftuer In Pr'evlnilB Puiile
27 Frojcn rain
33 Indian army
34 Scratch
35 Subjected to
43 Beverage
44 Interest (ab.)
45 Golf teacher.
48 Portuguese
3G Early English 49 Ontario (ab.)
, (ab.) 50 Belongs to it
40 Rodent. 52 Any
41 Contends 54 Millimeter ,
42 In the manner (ab.)
It-It rAbl5l. i A,t Ql
g spt; L o ma Mi 5 3 a1
GIRL for general housework
Room and board and good wages.
Mrs. Martin Lane, 42 Louisiana.
WOMAN OR GIRL for general
housework, permanent position
Phone 104li, 759 Koanoke.
WOMAN to care for 2 pi e school
children during scnooi ween.
Hours 8:30 to 4:30. Phone 787-W
or call 1204 Hill. - -
2 small children during office
hours. Room and board if desired
Good wages. Call 831 during day
or h:h w alter 7 p. m.
EXPERIENCED service station
attendant wants position. Write
Kt. l, tsox JUJ.
1941 SPECIAL De-Luxe Ford V-8,
good rubber. Motor just overhaul
ed. Sleeping trailer easily made
into fiat rack. See Claude Lundy,
Box 50, Rt. 1.
1931 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan,
4 new tires. Phone 33-F-12. Rt. 2
Box 18, north on new Dalles-Cat
ifornla highway.
1936 DELUXE Chev. coupe. 5 pre
war tires, heater, seat covers. Mo
tor just overhauled. Call 8b5.
PILOT'S WINGS engraved R. L.
M. 4-12-43. Please return to 515
Lava Road.
ALMOST NEW. right hand leather
glove, soldiers. 6 Lava Koad.
PLAIN GOLD band ring, engrav
ed inside, found 2 or 3 weeks ago.
Probably has keepsake' value to
owner, b Lava Road.
Home cooked meals served family
style. Nice warm rooms. Board
and room at Delaware Hotel, Mrs.
Mason, manager. Phone 31-W.
and surgical. Men's and women's
belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs.
Edna Boyd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg.,
or Box 164, Bend.
SKATES HOLLOW ground, keys
made, saws filed. Guns, locks, pho.
nographs, electric appliances re
paired. Soldering.. Shears, knives
sharpened. Open Sunday and eve
nings. Henderson's Repair Shop,
112 Minnesota.
FULLER BRUSHES, mops, floor
waxes, furniture polish, the new
sate odorless all-purpose cleaner,
and many other household aids.
Phone 594. Lloyd Wheadon, 1714
Steidl Road, Bend.
considerate care for aged or ail
ing. Phone 493-W.
made any size you desire, with
any printing you like. Estimates
gladly given. The Bulletin.
1944 Numbers to
Stay on Coupons
Motorists In the Portland OPA
district were advised today by E.
W. Eggen, milage rationing rep
resentative, not to change the en
dorsement on their present gas
oline coupons when they get their
new motor vehicle registration
stickers. They are instructed to
leave the old license number en
dorsements "as is" on present
coupons as service station opera
tors may not accept coupons on
which endorsements have been
altered, Eggen emphasized.
Motorists in Southwestern
Washington who will receive new
1945 license plates instead of
stickers, and those out of state
motorists now in Oregon who ob
tain license plates, are also ad
vised not to change the license
number already endorsed on their
coupons. These motorists should
change their book cover or identi
fication folder of present coupons
by drawing a line lightly through
the old license plate number and
placing the new license plate
number above or below.
Also, the license number should
be changed on the milage ration
ing record which all motorists
received from their local boards
with their coupon book. These
changes should be made in ink,
indelible pencil or by typewriter.
Buy National War Bonds Now!
Dr. Grant Skinner
1036 Wall Street
Evenings by Appointment
Oilier rhoni TS
Ru Phon 819-W
ThoaModa of mto and women
hav found that tima-taited
Ituart TfcbltU briat quick.
nappy reuaf to weep-robbing
armptoma of acid iadlfcttiaa,
nMintsa. and asatt atom
aca, Taita daUcloua, met to
taka no Boidnt bottle. Try
tham bava a food nifht'a alp
and waka op in the morning feUac
Ilka a Sl.OOO.0OO. Get genuine
Stuart Tableta at toot druggist
olf 2Sc. OOa, or Si. 20 nndet suk- ,
ac'a poaitifa noaeT-batk guarantee, j
a 0
1 945
L 5t a
Jacquard Design Blankets
Big 72-84 blanket of soft cotton in bright Indian designs, ( "f
sateen bound a real Penney value! At
Similar jacquard blanket in same
stitched ends.
5 Wool For
Extrai Warmth:
Plaid Pairs
Full double bed size plaid pairs, 72x84,
of long staple cotton with 5 added
wool for extra warmth and lustre,
satten bound.
80 Wool
Camp Blanket
Husky blanket of 80 wool in dark
blues and grays fine for work, camp
or car.
100 Wool Filled Rayon Taffeta Comforter 13.50
Rich and Lovely and Warm! A Wonderful Bedding Value!
Double Breasted
Wool Mackmaws
Long model, two slash pockets, two flap pockets
model, half belt. All wool and flannel lined.
Blanket Lined
Covert Work Jacket
Husky gray covert cloth work jacket, zipper fast
ened, with warm flannel lining.
, Part Wool Work Sox, white, colors, pair 25c
Just In
Heavy blue and brown sinner! trula'
alls, bib, high back, sanforized
SAi ! t
bright designs, 70x80 size,
Feather Bed Pillow
All new feather pillow in choice of striped or flowered
ticking, 20 by 26-Inch size.
Better Bed Pillow 1.98
Same size pillow, all new hen feathers, striped or flowered,
heavier ticking with bound seams.
Men's All Wool
Coat-Sfyle Sweater
Warm and neat looking utility sweater, 1 007
wool in coat style, blue and tan tones.
Rich Looking
Twill Snow Caps
Weatherized satin twill snow caps with ski visor
and ear flaps, olive drab.
For A Gayer Spring!
59c yd.
e Season of opening buds, cap
tured in a soft, smooth rayon.
e Printed crepes and solid col
ors for a dress that's pretty!
e Prints, gayly incautious or very
discreet! Come see!
e Easy-to-work-wlth spun rayons,
perky summer patterns.
Other rayon fabrics of higher qual
ity same lovely designs usable!
79c yd.
9 raa
1.98 bmim
Blue and white striped dairymen's overalls
sanforized, heavy reinforced denim