The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 04, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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Local News
imnm yesterday, 48 degrees.
ium last night, 3Z degrees.
temperature: 10 p-m., 32 de-
10 a-m., 88 degrees. Veloc-
hfi of wind: 10 p.m., 7 miles;
It t-lll., I nuies.
Sir. and Mrs. M. L. Sauers have
irned from a three week's visit
l their son, Melvin- Sauers,
nan 2c, in Los Angeles. While
California, they were guests
ard Melvin's ship, and amphib
; personnel attack boat, while
fc'as being commissioned. Mel-
I II IS a graauaie irom uie cena
1 ah school with the class of 1944,
Miih enlisted on June 20, 1944.
tMiss Lois Lutz, home-manage-fmant
specialist from Oregon state
college, leit lor uorvaius today
after spending the last two days
there in conference with Miss Eliz
abeth uoecKii, nome aemonsira
tion agent.
Members of the Jay Upton
camp and auxiliary. United Span-
Wht War veterans, win meei at
8 pim. tomorrow in the assembly
tMm ai me cuuruiuuse, ii was
announced today. The two groups
also will hold a banquet at 2 p.m.
mi Saturday in the Pine Tavern.
The American Legion will meet
at 8 p.m. tonight in the court-
: The Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica ivill meet at 8 p.m. tomorrow
in tjie Sons of Norway hall.
J Walter Nelson is serving this
week as acting qhairman of the
E Beifcl war price and rationing
P IwtaWf rinrinrr the ahspnrp nf .7apU.
- - f. ...w
f, n T. Moore, permanent chair-
maQ. iviooie is aiiunuuig a cuiuei-
ience In Portland.
I fetty Officer James R. Neel,
L',ril 1n hac returned to rilltv af.
bat spending a leave visiting his
'j Nothing But Praise From
Last Night's Crowd
. .
mother, Mrs. Edith Neel in Alfal
fa, and sister, Mrs. C. Reed in
Redding, Calif.
Attorney Fred Coshow has re
turned to Bend after spending a
week in Portland.
C. M. Walters and R. Monson,
of the Portland Journal, were
Bend visitors today.
Eleva J. Eaton of the U. S. em
ployment service in Lakeview,
last night was a guest at the Pilot
Butte inn.
Marion E. Currey and Norma
Lee Fulton were in Bend' today
from Lakeview.
William H. Camp. Jr.. and Paul
E. Jones, stationed at the Red
mond army air field, visited Bend
friends today.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Norton of
Silver Lake, were guests today
at the Pilot Butte inn.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Olson of
Shevlin, were in Bend today. !
. Henry A. Cassldy and George
Giese of Lakeview, transacted
business here today.
Eastern Star officers for 1945
will meet for installation prac
tice next Sunday at 2:15 p.m. in
the Masonic hall, it was an
nounced today. Friends of the
Eastern Star members were in
vited to attend.
Lt. and Mrs. John E. Sellers
have arrived in Bend from Colum
bus, S. C, to visit their parents,
Joe Sellers, 131 Portland avenue,
and Mr. add Mrs. Frank E. Bock
man, 34 Allen road. Lt. Sellers, a
member of the Third air force
navigation squadron, is to report
soon at Kerns Field, Salt Lake
Norman Kenneth Ballantyne
has received a radioman 1c rat
ing, his mother, Mrs. Esther I.
Ballantyne, 1125 Harmon boule
vard, has learned. Norman en
listed in November, 1942 and has
been serving in the Aleutians
since August, 1943.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barnett
are in Bend from Reno, Nev., on
business. Bamett operated the
Trailways cafe here this fall.
Mrs. F. Haberstich of Madras
was in Bend yesterday.
Mrs. R. K. Abshier of Redmond
was a Bend shopper yesterday.
Davis MeCaffcry of Redmond
: spent yesterday in Bend.
i Mrs. J. M. Kearns of Culver
; shopped in Bend yesterday.
i An eight-pound, five ounce son
! was born last night at St. John's
' hospital. Longvicw, Wash., to
Mr. and Mrs. Slanley Wiechman
! It is their first child. Mrs. Wiech
; man is the former Barbara Dustin
: of Bend. Wiechman is a son of Mr.
i and Mrs. A. M. Wiechman, 720
I Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Meagher
I have returned from Portland
I where they spent the holidays
with their son, Harris Meagher,
and his family.
Mrs. Fannie Wright, who spent
trie holidays here with her daugn
ter, Mrs. D. W. Entrikin, left yes
terday for Portland to visit an
! other daughter, Mrs. Boyd Wag-
i ner. Mrs. Wright, a former Bend
i resident, now lives in Tulelake,
; Calif.
John O'Keefe was in Bend yes
terday from Silver Lake.
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne S. Ram
sey have returned from San Fran-
i Cisco where they spent the holi
! days.
j John R. Hunt, flight officer
! formerly stationed at Carlsbad,
' N. M., has ben transferred to the
Victorville, Calif., field for radar
training, his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Marshall Hunt, have learned.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Seaman were
Bend visitors yesterday from
Glen Martin of Silver Lake
transacted business in Bend yes
terday. Mrs. Kenneth Binder of Madras
spent yesterday in Bend.
Howard G. Smith, county agent,
was in Bend yesterday from his
Redmond headquarters.
Cpl. George Lowe has returned
to Barnes general hospital, Van
couver. Wash., after spending the
holidays here with Mr. and Mrs.
Newton Morris of Milhcan.
George, who recently returned af
ter 33 months in the South Pa
cific, is a former Bend resident.
Sbgt. Tom Dewhurst is visit
ing his mother, Mrs. Christine
Dewhurst. He will return to the
Dibble, general hospital, Menlo
Don Boyd, aviation radio man
3c, is at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Boyd, Bend, on
leave from Miami, Fla. He has
oeen in tne navy about a year.
His brother, Sgt: Calvin Boyd,
overseas for the past two years.
is now building air fields behind
the lines in Belgium. Calvin, who
enlisted following two years at
u.b.c, is an aviation engineer at
tached to the Ninth air force.
Both young men are graduates of
Bend high school.
Ensign Robert Martin has been
transferred from Pensacola, Ha.,
to a Maryland base, his aunt, Mrs.
May Fryrear, has learned. Rob
ert, a graduate of Bend high
school and of Oregon state col
lege, Is a son of Mr. and Mrs,
Robert L. Martin, who now live in
Seattle where Martin is in the
naval postal service. The ensign's
wife, who has been living in Pen
sacola, wU make her home in
Portland for the duration.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hewcs, 357
Roosevelt, former Boulder City,
Nev. residents, reported they have
a son and sons-in law in the serv
ice. They are R. E. Hewes, Jr.,
motor machinist's mate 1c, now
in the Pacific area; Maj. R. P.
Segdwick, a son-in-law, in the
European theatre, and Lt. William
J. O'Hara, with the air force in
the European theatre.
Dance at Eastern Star Grange
hall Saturday night. Marshall's
orchestra. Modern and old time
music. No minors allowed without
chaperon. Adv.
3 day rummage sale. 426 Staats,
across from laundry. Adv.
Ray Todish, 31, a laborer from
Spokane, Wash., today faced ar
raignment in municipal court on
a drunk charge as a result- of his
arrest early today by city police
on Drake road.
705 Columbia
Phone 350
Drip or
lb. 29c
H&D Cream Corn,
H&D Peas
Santiam St. Beans,
Yolo Tomatoes . . .
White or
Brown. I'kg.
Ilrenkfast Cereal
pkg. 21c
1 pkg. Corn Flakes
1 pkg. Pep
Bofh 19c
(All society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later
than 10 ajn. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Novel Shower
Marks Silver
Silver dollars, a shower of
than, VilcrMiahteH the silver Wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin E. Elmquist, held at their
home, 303 f ederal street, on me
nlrrltt rtf Via 93 Thp rnlinlo.
honored hv the sumrise annivers
ary party, have lived in Bend for
some 20 years.
Ttio oironino ivdg cnnt In nlav-
i .... ' J I I -
ing games, singing old songs and
ended witn a DUiiet supper ai miu-
Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson,
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Todd, Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Nelson, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Farrell, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Segarstrom, Mr. and Mrs.
Ole Nordstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Gus
nvlntirl Mr iinrl Mrs Pnrl Moson.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Mosen, Dr.
and Mrs. Paul Woerner, Mr. ana
Mrs. Axel Hawkenson, Charles
Gunderson, Hugo and Ed Peter
son, Claus Elmquist, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Elmquist.
Mr. and Mrs. Elnar Meistad,
750 Divisiqn street, entertained
with a dinner on New Year's day.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Hartwig, Mr. and Mrs. Bon
Isack, Mrs. Ann Omitt and .0
A group of friends were enter
tained later in the evening. They
were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Use, Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Strom, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Eastman and Mrs. May
Faculty Dames To Meet The
Faculty Dames will hold a lunch
eon meeting with Mrs. Seaton
Smith, 878 Riverside, at 1:15 p.
m. Tuesday. Mrs. Claude Cook
will act as assistant hostess.
Eastern Star To Install Instal
lation of officers for 1945 will
follow the regular meeting of the
Eastern Star in the Masonic tem
ple at 8 p. m. Monday, Mrs. Frank
Logan, worthy matron, has an
nounced. Mrs. Gail Blakley will
act as refreshment chairman.
Jr. Hostesses Meet Friday All
USO junior hostesses have been
requested to attend a meeting at
8 p.m. tomorrow in the USO hall,
it was announced today.
Pints - 23c
Qts. , 39c
can 15c
can 15c
can 17c
can 16c
3 pkgs.
Staley's Cube Starch . . .3 pkgs. 19c
Parkay Oleomargarine . . .2 lbs. 49c
Lumberjack Syrup . . .24 oz. bot. 28c
Raisins '. . . 15 oz. pkg. 13c
Quality Meats At Real Savings
Little Pig Sausages, home-made lb. 42c
(! Kel IVilulh)
Hamburger, No Cereal, fresh made lb. 30c
(t Keel Piiints)
Large Colored Hens for Roasting lb. 40c
rresh llnswl
Large Colored Fryers lb. 45c
I'reMl Ireved
8 p.m Jr. League with Mrs.
Howard H. Givans, 525 Hill.
8 p.m Legion auxiliary with
Mi's. Antone Fossen, 538 State.
8 p.m. Ex Libris club with
Mrs. Donald Waddell, 2'JO Port
land. 8 p.m. Neighbors of Wood
craft in Moose hall.
1 p.m. Women of Moose ritual
practice, Moose hall.
8 p.m Junior hostesses meet
ing at USO.
b p.m. Tumalo H.E.C. after
grange meeting. Grange hall.
2-4 p.m. Annual banquet Span
ish war veterans and auxiliary.
Pine Tavern.
8 p.m. USO dance, junior hos-
tesses and service men.
8 p.m. Public pinochle party
given by Women of Moose, Moose
8 p.m. Eastern Star meeting
and installation. Masonic temple.
8 p.m. Older girls group of
Methodist church with Mrs. Lee
Grant, 1124 East 3rd.
1:15 p.m. Faculty Dames
luncheon, Mrs. Seaton Smith, 878
H.E.C. Changes
Meeting Date
The Home Economics club of
Tumalo grange voted to hold its
regular meeting hereafter follow
ing the first grange meetings of
each month. This decision was
taken at a meeting in Tumalo
grange hall yesterday afternoon.
The H. E. C. will meet -tomorrow
night following the Tumalo
grange meeting.
At yesterday's meeting the fol
lowing officers were elected for
1945: Mrs. George Beimler, chair
man; Mrs. Ole Grubb, vice-chairman;
Mrs. Thomas Deal, secretary-treasurer;
Mrs. Henry Myers
and Mrs. A. C Suhre.
Clara R. Cheney,
Arthur Lara Wed
Arthur Lara, who operated a
general merchandise store onithd
site now occupied by J. C. Penney
here for many years, was mar
ried at Newport on Dec. 19 to Mrs.
Clara Cheney, according to In
formation received today by Mrs.
Anne Forbes. Lara, who settled in
Bend shortly after tha turn of
the century, left here several
- -
SiffWa rw
No. 10 Bug
Tenderoni . . . . .3 pkgs. 25c
Kraft Dinner 2 for 19c
Rice Dinner 2 for 19c
Milk, all brands ..4 for 39c
Toilet Soap
( ii 1 1 my
3 bars 20c
for Quick R.K.f of Pain J j
i uu to mpl ftoadacfw
Tired Eyes
m sMOKiirs
i 100
years ko and Is now owner and
operator of the Yaquina lodye,
W.S.C.S. Installs
Officers for '45
The following officers for 1M!
wore Installed by the W. S. C. S.
yesterday afternoon during a
moetinfi held in the fireside par
lors of the Methodist church:
Mrs. H. K. Johnson, president ;
Mrs. VV. A. Wirtz, vice president ;
Mrs. Howard George, recording
secretary; Mrs. John Gumm, or
ganization secretary; Mrs. Antone
Fossen, treasurer; Mrs. W. H.
Lawson, suerintendent of mis
sions: Mrs. Cora Newman, super
intendent of Christian . social rela
tions; Miss M. Vandevert, socio,
tary of children's work; Mrs. J.
Alton Thompson, secretary of stu
dent work; 'Mrs. K. E. Johnston,
secretary of supplies; Mrs. M. K.
Lyons, secretary of girls anil
young women; Mrs. Iee Grant,
secretary of literature; Mrs. I,. I.
Ililtzel, secretary of spiritual life;
Mrs. Craig Coyner, membership
chairman; Mrs. Joy Walker, fel
lowship chairman; Mrs. T. I"). Sex
ton, publicity chairman; Mrs. liar- i
vey Drake, women's chairman;
Mrs. Willard Iliggins, Queen;
Ksther. counsellor; Mrs. M. A. ,
Cochran, flowers; Mrs. Robert
Mcllvenna, musician. Group chair- ;
mpn Installed were Mrs. Frad G.
Hall, Mrs. Harold Summers and i
, Mrs. I-uthcr Miles.
! ...
Rebekahs Install
Officers for Wl."i were installed
by the Triple Link club of the
Rebekahs Tuesday alternoon following-
a politick luncheon In I.
O. O. F. hail. Mrs. Nary Kettlcson
acted as installing officer.
Those installed were: Mrs.
Ethan Innis, chairman; Mrs. lt.
U; Winters, vice-chairman; Mrs.
Ucrt Leader, secretary.
Older (;irts Meet Monday The
Older Girls group of the Metho
dist church will, meet at 8 p. tn.
Monday at the home of Mrs. Lee
Grant, Fast Third street.
I SO Ilance Saturday Service
men and junior hostesses will
dance at the USO in Trinity par-j
i ish hall at 8 p.m. Saturday "night, i
I II w
l OUT'
II -
J .37 I
"Hit the enemy first." That'i the victoriout strategy of our fighting -forces
and it's sound strategy for vou, too, in your fight against
seasonal ills. Keep your medicine chest ready tor action against
Winter's attack by keeping it filled with tried and proven health
guards quality-tested in the laboratory . . . quality proven by
daily use in millions of homes.
$1.00 Wind and Weather Lotion, 50c
TUSSY Vi Price Sale
Johnson's Baby Oil .... 2 pints $1.69
Special Offer
rim inii nj iwtttc
100 Vitamin A $2.79
25,(100 Unit
250 A. B. D. G.
Capsules $3.59
72 Vitamin Plus... $2.69
180 Vita-Health
Capsules .. $3.69
100 Octaplex
Capsules $2.29
8 Vitamins
250 Bexel Capsules $4.23
Vitamin B Complex
100 Ascorbic Acid $2.19
100 nig. Tablets
250 Halibut Liver
Oil $2.69
10,000 Unit Cups
100 Anti-Gray
Hair $2.50
Vitamin Tubs
250 Adex Tablets. $2.29
Squiblm A anil I)
60 Box Capsules.. $1.98
' Multiple Vitamin
200 Iron & Yeast
Tablets . 98c
250 Brewers Yeast
Tablets 89c
Add 20 Federal excise tax to
Mrs. Craig Coyner, director, an
nounced today.
Essential Food
Groups Displayed
An exhibit of the basic seven
essential food groups, prepared
by the junior homeinaking class
of Ucnd high school and spon
sored by the Deschutes county
nutrition council, went on display
yesterday at the City Drug com
pany. II was prepared by Mildred
Frcdrlckson, JIazel l'rater and
Joyce I'erry, under the direction
of Miss Harriet Harris, home eco
nomics teacher.
in older to plan properly bal
anced meals food from each of
the basic seven groups should be
used every day, the home econom
ics department of Ihe high school
has announced.
Grange Hull, Jan. 4 (Special)
The Farmers Telephone associa
tion will hold its annual meet at
8 p. in. Friday, Jan. 12, at the
home of K. I. Ilamby In the
Vou aro always assured of
lovely fresh blooms when you
Phone 530
Flower Shop & Gardens
Phone 530 629 Quimby
Co. Adnriian Euh he IM4
$1.25 Shaving
Brush $1.19
$1.50 Clothes
Brush $1.39
Tek Tooth
Brush 2 for 51c
i Double Value.
Woodbury Shave
Bowl 75c
Vju'Ii Hteii in the compound-
ing or a prescription ny our
experienced nharmaclsts is a
mouei or precision worn
iiieaHiirinir up to the most
exacting standards of the
medical profession . . . con
forming exactly to the mtn
utest measurement, We sc-
lert, weigh, measure and
mix with painstaking pre
cision because that is the
only formula that produces
absolute accuracy the pre
cision that means letter-per
fect medicine.
Cosmetics, Jewelry, Luggage
9 tali noon
6 to 8 1 M.
Grange Hall district, It was an
nounced today. The association
Is composed of those using tele
phono lines 1, 2, 10 and 29.
Now Many Wear
With More Comfort
FASTBItTH, a ploiumnt alkallnt (non
ncld) powder, holcU fatae iath more
nnnly. To eat and tallt In moro com
"or" junt aprlnklo a little KASTBBTlt
on your plates. No gummy, gooey, panty
tuate or fooling. Chrk "plMjodor
ldi.nture breath). Get FASTEETH At
any druc store.
Without Painful Backach
Many suffercn relieve najurjnfi .barkavM
Quickly. onr thry discover tht the real
CtuiM of thair trouble may b tired ktdtwyk.
Tho kidneys ara Nature b chief way of tak
(nit tbe nieces acids and waato out of tha
blood. They help moat people paw about 3
pints a day. t
Whpn disorder of kidnry function permit)
poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it
may rauao nattgiriK backache, rheumatic pains,
leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up, swolunR, pufltness umlor tho eyes,
beiulnche and dUiinrns. Frequent or scanty
riftsBtiffcs with smarting and burning scnv
iincs shows thera is snmethiac wrung with
your klducvs or bladder.
Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Dosn
Tills, uard successfully by millions for over
40 yc aim. They give happy relief and will holp
the IS miles of kidnoy tube Hush out poison
ous waste Irum yuui blood. Get Doan s PiUs
Better Equipped
In our new offices to help you
with your Iwolth problems. Our
modern equipment and meth
ods Include
Hydro and
Dr. R. D. Ketchum
Chiropractic Physician
121 Minnesota Ae. Phone 794