PAGE TV0 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 4, 1945 Lease of Airport Details Studied The Rim Rock Riders today held an option from the city to buy four lots on which the cav alry barns now stand, as a result of action taken last nifiht at the regular meeting of the city com mission. The option is for the pur chase of the property after the war is ended. The riding group also sought to purchase a fifth lot on which the clubrooms stand, but the commis sion observed a request of Brig. Gen. Ralph P. Cowgill of the Ore gon State guard, that the city do not involve that lot in any trans action until the Bend unit of the guard has no further use for it. The riding group was given as surance that it could buy this lot after the state relinquishes its claim on It. To Improve Rullrilug The Rim Rock Riders plan to improve the buildings and make permanent headquarters there, ac cording to Glenn Gregg, presi dent. Besides Gregg, H. C. Kerron and N. R. Gilbert appeared be fore tne commission in behalf of the riding organization. The commission heard further discussion on a proposal that the city lease the municipal airport to A. J. Tilse for a period until after the war is over. Details of a lease were to be worked out by Tilse and City Manager C. G. Reiter, wfth the understanding that the commission would act upon it In a special meeting. Ollle Bowman and Walt How ard, members of a special airport committee for the city, appeared to support Tllse's request for the lease. Gerald McCann, city com missioner on leave while he serves in the navy, also attended the meeting and urged that the city officials take steps to further de velop the airport. All Heads lietnineri Reiter reviewed the commis ion's annual organization meeting held Tuesday, and explained that after A. T. Nlebergall had been named mayor, and H. C. Ellis had been re -appointed municipal judge, and Reiter had been re tained as city manager, he had decided to keep City Recorder George Simervllle, Street Super intendent Percy Drost, Chief of Police Ken C. Gulick a.nd Fire Chief LcRoy Fox in their posts. The commission approved a beer license for Daniel B. Murphy at the Pasjtime, 1017 Bond street, and renewed a license for the En triken Brothers auto wrecking and repair yard. Bid Accepted Reiter also told the commission that the cily had accepted a bid from the Union Oil company for several thousand gallons of gaso line at 17 '4 cents. Attehding the meeting last night were Mayor Nlebergall, Commissioners Loyde S. IMnkley and Melvin W. Munkres, Reiter, Simcrvilie and Fire Chief Fox. Overdue Sailor Gets Free Trip The next time this sailor wants informalion regarding a ride back to his ship from which he is over due, he won't go to state police headquarters in Bend for it! John Bower Vanderhuerk, 17, seaman 2c, vowed this today whim he was enroute to Portland in the custody of Ed Fitzgerald, specialist recruiter 1c, with a charge of being a straggler from the U. S. navy facing him. Late last night Vanderhuerk walked Into the state police head quarters where Earl Huff was on duty. He asked how he could ob tain a ride to San Francisco where he was supposed to join his ship. Becoming suspicious. Of fleer Huff questioned the youth and found that he had no leave papers and was supposed to be in San Fran cisco last Tuesday. He arrested him, and today released him to Chief Paul H. Connelt, in charge of the Bend recruiting station for the navy. A wedge of salt pork Inserted ill the nose has stopped hemorr hage even when caused by leu kemia, hemophilia, hypertension, or measles. Accused Slayer Heads for East St. Helens, Ore., Jan. 4 IP) Ben jamine Franklin Male, 73, bid nls friends and neighbors on near by Sauvies island goodby today and prepared to leave for Fair- mount, W. Va., to stand trial for slaying a school teacher 39 years ago. Male, whose desire to live the rest of his life in his beloved West Virginia hills prompted him to confess the slaying, will make the long journey alone. Sheriff M. R. Calhoun to whom Male made his confession, left the aged farmer on his honor to re port at Fairmount Jan. 9 for his arraignment on the murder charge. Male told Calhoun that in 1905 he struck and killed Walter O. Smith with a grubbing hoe after the latter attacked him in the school yard when he protested a whipping Smith had given his son. Indictment Ixist The original indictment for the slaying had been lost but a grand jury returned a new one and Male was ordered to return to stand trial. Mule requested that his ex tradition be postponed until after the New Year so he could spend the holidays with his family and see a grandson who was return-1 ing home on furlough. Marion county prosecutor Har-1 rison Conaway last night ordered , Sheriff Calhoun to put Male on I the train and reservations were made for him to leave tomorrow. ! Under West Virginia law, Male ! will face death by hanging or life . imprisonment If convicted. If acquitted, he said he planned to j take his family to the west vir-1 glnla hills where ho wants to spend the remainder of his life. I As animals are not allowed in public air raid shelters in Eng- I land, at the height of the London j raids, 7,241 animals which had j been buried under debris were ! rescued in a single week. Bowling Notes Bend Recreation bowlers rolled high score on their home court last night In Womens league play, amassing a total of 2575 points. Results of the games follow: Oasis E. Monlcal .... 89 105 132326 iB. Myers 109 100 104313 M. Ellison 120 144 123387 M. Christy 102 129 128359 A. Roberts 416 165 176-57 Handicap ....204 204 204612 I Total 740 847 867 2454 Bend Recreation D. Brown 160 H. Gordon 139 D. Werner 114 M. Blucher 108 M. Dowsett ....136 Handicap ....216 126 134-420 104 118361 103 125342 143 103-354 164 150-450 216 216648 Total 873 856 846 2575 Coca Cola M. Keith 172 116 151439 M. Webster ....121 164 94379 D. Lewerenz :. 79 100 147256 H. Judy 97 104 124325 L. Anderson ....127 132 135394 Handicap ...224 224 224672 Total 820 840 875 2535 Elks O. Grino -144 119 106369 D. Applegate ..133 101 116350 L. Brant 100 142 120362 E. J. Scholl .... 95 87 78260 L. Sanders ...143 108 163414 Handicap ....240 240 240720 Total 855 797 823 2475 Stilwells Lunch B. Fields 93 121 107321 J. Gailington ..118 115 138371 E. Smith 112 141 106359 V. Curd 140 139 126415 O. Alf 176 150 172498 Handicap ....136 136 136-408 Total 775 812 785 2372 Gregg Banner Bakery L. Ferguson ....125 86 111322 L. Carlisle 147 123 113-383 W. McCann .... 65 97 92254 H. Stlrnes 107 97 133337 E. Roats 156 149 157462 Handicap ....207 207 207612 Total 807 760 813 2180 Ttia lunnnMP Hnim to he nro- uucing iuuui;auuw uii iui n- 1 planes from coconuts is probably untrue, as 011 irom coconuts aim aviation lubricants from petro leum, the only satisfactory known' source, seem to be completely unrelated. -KBND- 1340 Kilocycles Voice of Central Oregon Affiliated Wifh Mutual Don Lee Breadcattinq System TONIGHTS FBOGBAM 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Central Oregon News 5:20 Musical Interlude 5:25 Sport Yarns 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Real Life Stories 6:30 Treasure Hour of Song 7:00 Sonny Dunham's Orchestra 7:15 Lowell Thomas 7:30 Red Ryder 8:00 The Grange Reporter 8:15 Tommy Tucker Time 8:30 True Detective Mysteries 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Rex Miller 9:30 Wings Over the Nation 10:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 10:15 News FRIDAY, JAN. 5 7:00 News 7:15 Rise and Shine 7:30 Baker's Best Buys 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:55 News 8:00 Arthur Gaeth 8:15 Melody Mustangs 8:30 News 8:45 Today's Bulletin Board 8:50 Women in the News 8:55 Lanny and Ginger 9:00 News and Gabriel Heatter 9:15 Rationing News 9:20 Old Family Almanac 9:45 Brass Hats 10:00 Glenn Hardy News 10:15 Terry's House Party 10:30 Lunchaon With Lopez 10:45 News of Prlneville 11:35 Lady About Town 11:40 News 11:45 John Kirby's Orchestra 12:00 Lum "n Abner 12:15 Al and Lee Reiser 12:30 Music 12:45 Farmer's Hour 1:00 Merle Pitt's Orchestra 1:15 Do You Need Advice? 1:30 Headlines In Harmony 2:00 Handy Man 2:15 Music 2:45 Back to the Bible 3:00 Griffin Reporting 3:15 Concert Hall 3:45 Johnson Family 4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 4:15 Vincent Lopez' Orchestra 4:30 Music and Lyrics 4:45 Coronet Story Teller; 4:50 Lanny and Ginger 5:00 Sam Hayes 5:15 Central Oregon News 5:20 Musical Interlude 5:25 Sports Yarns 5:30 Tom Mix 5:45 Night News Wire 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Real Life Stories 6:30 Double or Nothing 7:00 Russ Morgan's Orchestra 7:15 Lowell Thomas . 7:30 Lone Ranger 8:00 Boxing Bouts 9:00 Glenn Hardy News 9:15 Cecil Brown - 9:30 Freedom of Opportunity 10:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 10:15 News Turkeys in Linn Yield Big Wealth Albany, Ore., Jan. 4 (IP) Tur key sales in the Albany area net ted growers over $2,500,000 during 1944, with production amounting to 6,654,000 pounds a growers' re port said today. - Three local turkey processing plants handled 414,630 birds dur ing the year to establish a new all-time high. The turkeys filled 222 railroad cars. At Shellhart's, Friday and Saturday JVL J. B. Coffee or Regular 2 i" 65c 2 Lb. Box pP31c KANCHO SOUPS Ttmutto, Asparagus, Tea 4 cans 25c 2 Lb. Box 31c Skippy Peanut Butter lb. 33c 3 Pint r7 I fDURKEETl f ROYAO unniNG va Assorted Ma Mil s PKG. 7c Hunt's Hot Sauce 3 cans 19c S&W Marmalade 2 lb. jar 37c Kerr's Apple Butter 2 lb. jar 32c Karo Syrup, dark 11 lb. jar 15c Sliced Beets, 2's 2 cans 25c 2 Red Points 2"49C I- JLs Egg Noodles osoGood pkg. 19c Macaroni o-so-Good 2V2 25c Oranges doz. 49c i i l.nrKc Navels Grapefruit 3 for 25c Tex us Pinks Fancy Carrots 2 bunches 15c 1 ri'-h California lliinrh Dry Onions 6 lbs. 25c I . S. No. I s Turnips 4 lbs. 29c I'rosll. ris No Tops Shellhart's Grocery Beans Great Ninllicrii 3 lbs. 25c 929 Wall Free Delivery Phone 24 Fancy Rice nine ltuse 2 lbs. 23c CARROTS 2 bunches lc , 1 1 Ounce lfi 3 pkgs. 11 25c Fill your entire order from our abundant displays of fine quality foods and see how quickly our dally low prices add up to SAVINGS! Here . . . there . . . everywhere in our complete food market you will see convincing proof fhat we have the VARIETY and the VALUES! No need to jump all around town like a "jitter-bug" to find the quality and the prices you want come here and get BOTH . . . plus extra savings, because every price is a low price every day! Noodle Soup Mix 3p 23c Heinz Baby Foods M 4 25c Lettuce 2 heads 29c Large, Crisp Heads Utah Celery lb. 12c fresh Green Stocks Large Oranges doz. 39c Juicy Sunliist Arizona Grapefruit 4 for 25c Rome Apples box 3.25 3 lbs. 29c Grapes, Pears, Avacados, Tomatoes, Egg Plant, Squash, etc. 3 tgya TALL CANS EiSfif All Brands jSSrl lAPORTtl 2 LB. BOX 31c 7 I?RahA Asparagus No. 2 can 32c Palace Tomatoes 2 can 15c Cut Beans j--2 cans 29c Fountain No. 2 Can Cream Corn 2 cans 29c Fountain No. 2 Cun Sweet Peas 2 cans 29c Orejron Harvest No. 2 Can Whole Kernel Corn 2 cans 29c Diamond A No. 2 Can Sweet Potatoes can 19c Taylor No. 3 Can Stoy Soy Flour lb. pkg. 10c Buckwheat 10 lb. bag 89c rcaeurk Whole Wheat Flour sack 55c No. 10 Sack Wheat Germ can 31c Golden Center Raisin Bran 2 pkgs. 23c Carnation Wheat 2 lb. 25c COFFEE 1 lb. jar 31c 3 pkgs. 25c Rancho Soup can 5c PEA OK ASPAK VGl S Mother's Oats 3 m 29c CICK OK KKGl'I.Alt Tuxedo Tuna Malted Milk Borden's 1 lb. jar 30c Instant Cocoa Nesllc's 1 lb. pkg. 19c Morton's Salt 24 Ounce pkg. 5c can 23c No. , et Pack Shrimp can 39c BIKGESS, LARGE SIZK ffgft V-8 Juice can 29c l No. "i Cay U.fl Apple Juice pt. 10c , 0 Tomato Juice can 25c ?sPs Orange Juice can 55c No. .i Can Sauerkraut Juice pt. 10c Grapefruit Juice No. 5 can 31c Dill Pickles ..qt. 29c I'riiil lur Kibbled Dog Food 3 pkgs. 10c Austin's Golden Syrup 1 b. 15c Staley's H-B Hot Sauce 3 cans 25c III Ounce Cans Vt A. Gohrke's Phone 207 Tender Beef STEAK Kill Oils X Points Pound lb. 34c Liver, young and tender . . .lb. 20c No Points Chili Con Carne brick 25c Beef Roast ... lb. 29c Slerr Beer (3 Points) Pork Roast lb. 33c (3 Points) Baby Beef Liver lb. 22Jc (1 Points) Hens Fresh Fish Oysters Sunbrife 3 cans 14c Cleanser :ieaneze quarr 3oc Ascot V)-D Napkins 2 pkgs. 39c Self Polishing Wax. quart 69c Sunlex "us i tu Mr. FOODS ALL POINT FREE ! Birdseye Frozen Peas pkg. 25c Birdseye Frozen Beans pkg. 23c Birdseye Frozen Corn pkg. 23c rl VANO Sgal "-49c W Purex I gal. 23c Purex