V i .1 FftGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JAN. 3, 1945 Industrial Shares Lead on Market By Elmer C. Waler (United 1'riiu Kiiiam-iul (alitor) Now York. Jan. 3 Uli HIbIipsI grade industrial shares led the stork market to new highs sinre Septemher 4, 1937, today on the heaviest trailing since last July 5. Higher priced railroad Issues made gains of a point or more while the others firmed frac tionally. As the rails rested after their recent sharp rise, the Indus trial stocks assumed leadership. Their averane crossed over to a new high since October 2.r. 193ft, and was within touching distance the railroad average. of the high since 1937 attained by A large amount of thp buying represented reinvestment of funds realized in last year s market and from year-end dividends. The fact that the Industrial average was confirming the rise In rails also attracted a considerable amount of new purchasing. International Telephone fea tured the market in turnover ami made a new high on a rise of more than n point. The steels were active with lietbleliem at a new high for more than n year on a rise of nearly 3 points. Oils Im proved with activity centering in Sneony-Vacuum. Airerafts, chemi cals, motors, amusement, and min ing issues were active, and strong. Local Egg Prices To Drop 3 Cents Beginning tomorrow, egg prices here will average a throe cent drop per dozen, it was announced today by t he war price and ration ing board, which at the same time made known ceiling prices for the ensuing week, fcgg prices are due to be cut for the next nine weeks, It was said. Kggs which are shipped In may have a higher ceiling price, pro viding they are segregated from local eggs and are so designated, according to E. I I. Kennedy, pi ice clerk. Celling prices for the following week are: , Group 1 Grades A 11 C (small stores) G'Jc 57c !2c Group 2 (med.) stores tile MJc 51c Group 3 (P. W.) (ilc 55c 51c Group 4 (cha.) stores GOr 5-lc 50c In , urging buyers to pay no more than the celling prices as set by the OPA, Kennedy said "price control tends to stabilize! prices and prevent Inflation", add ing that "it also protects the con sumer In times of scarcity and the producer when there Is an ubundancc." Minister Speaker At Club Luncheon, Europe's hope for after the war lies In the spirit kept alive In oc cupied countries by clergy of the Christian church, Rev. Robert Nicholas, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian church, told the Bend Kiwanls club at the weekly noon meeting of the organization at the Pine tavern. In the church, he declared, was the last stand of opposition to national socialism. "The ministers." he declared, "re fused to be silenced." Rev. Nicholas was introduced by Rev. K. E. Kiel, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene, program chairman for the day. PORTLAND PRODI ( B Portland. Ore., Jan. 3 dli Butter and egg prices were un changed today. Butter Cube. 93 score. 420: 92 score. 42V.C; 90 score. 42c; 89 score. 41Hic pound. Ekes Price to retailers: AA large, 57c: A large, 55c; medium ; A, 50c; small, 43c doz. Chest Colds To Relieve Misery Rub on Tested NOTICE OF EETING OF MEMBERS Notice is hereby qiven that the An nual Meeting of the Deschutes Fed eral Savings and Loan Association of Bend, Oregon, will be held in the of fices of the Association at 957 Wall Street, Bend, Oregon, at 2 p. m. Jan uary 17th, 1945, for the election of three directors and the transaction of any new business. 1 wederalSavings UIiiAND LOAN ASSOCIATION For a Little, Sell a Lot Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time S5c 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $05 All words .r S add lc per word time number of Initrtieni On month run. Mm copy, d rttt Minimum CharK. I4e LINE RATE lOe CAPITALS 20c CUMlflrd Adv.rliaint, Cain In Advance Daily Clualnt Tina UiJO P. M. BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. V. & A. M. Km'HuI Communication Tliiirs., .bin. 4, 7:30 p. in. M. M. Degrees Vlalllnt llrrlhran Wrlram George Slmervllle, Sec'y. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store FOR SAl.r. BABY CRIB and mattress almost new. Phone 489-W evenings or 5SS days. THESE THINGS MUST GO! Here's our price What's yours? Any offer considered -NEW $t" o'coat $15, wheelbarrow $2.50, $15 table radio $12.50. load of wood $3.75, 2 new tennis rackets 75c ea., assorted garden tools new $1 ea., roofing paper, assorted new electric fixtures 10c up, young pet goat $5, sowing machine $10, 75 lb. Ice box $5, piano bench $1.50. desk table $1.50. axe $1.75, worn-, an's leather riding boots NEW 5, 5'n) $10, large beautiful land scape $2.75, three new Spencer corsets? 2nd house, Traj Club Rd. Phone 220. 2 WHEEL trailer, all steel frame work, lb" tires, new turn's. Ars neaw drag saw, twin cylinders. 1931 Ford motor Just overhauled and mounted for portable power unit. $50 each. Alvan I in ner, lit. 1, Box 422. NEW STYLE white enamel range, a real buy: dresser, library diner table with 4 leather bottomed chairs, dark walnut bed, double deck coll springs, almost new tent, round oaK table and i cnairs. $S.OO; heating stoves, metal bed steads, dresser bases, archery set. ball and socket trailer lutein's and bumper hitches, replacement balls lor trailer mtcnes, useti cnairs auo each. 350 Division. MODERN 5 room house. Includ ing nice range, circulating heater, garage, woodshed, extra one-room cabin, fruit cellar, garden plot. In quire 1334 Columbia. 9 ROOM, modern, unfurnished house. Large living room with fireplace, also outdoor living room, fireplace, grill all enclosed with new white picket fence. 326 Congress. MEN'S AND LADIES' used coats just cleaned anil pressed, real bar gains. 350 Division. NEW FINGER TIP length fur coat, reduced price, last one. Also new fur chubby. 350 Division. BULLS of all kinds. Hereford. Guernsey and Jersey. Some nice milk cows ready to freshen. Sad dle horses and saddles. Franks Service Station, phone 78 J. W. R. Franks, Redmond. MUST SELL at once, 4 room mod ern furnished house, three blocks from business district on pave ment, has utility room, builtin tubs, electric refrigerator, electric range, circulating heater, and well furnished. Priced to sell. Write No. 11S91 care of Bulletin. LARGE WALNUT dresser with plate glass mirror. Call at - 27 Mueller or phone S59-W. 22 FISTOU '3ti IXxIge 4 uassenger coupe better than average paint and tires, many extras. Motor just rebuilt. Phone Sisters 7SI after fi p. m. NEW LIVING room, bedroom sets, lamps, tallies, dishes and complete household furnishings. 1535 W. 4th St. Everything must sell. ANNUAL If)K SALE AM. THE CIGARS you want for sale at The Smoke Shop. FOR SALE OR TRADE WOULD LIKE to trade: New wal nut bedroom suite, breakfast set, prewar Uaveno and matched mat tress and box springs for good trailer house. Will pay some dif ference. 13G Canal St., Bend. PURE' BRED Guernsey bull 20 mnnlhe nlil m- tt-.lili for anm mlllr cow. 9 mill's north on old Red mond nignway, mile east irom Peterson's rock gardens. Geo. M. Colfelt. FOR RENT COZY 3 room newly cleaned fur nished semi-modern house. Fire place and indoor toilet. Call at 147 E. Olney. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, wood, water and lights furnished. 35 Hawthorne. Phone 39. 2 ROOM apartment with furni ture. Army couple preferred. 72G Wall. 3 ROOM semi-modern furnished house. Inquire 1444 Hartford. COZY WARM 4-room modern partly furnished house. Phone 36-F-2. (JG4 Penn Ave. MODERN three room furnished apartment. Close to city center. Wood, water, lights furnished. $25.00. Adults only. Apply at 9-15 E. 2nd. ROOM AND BOARD for men at Shirley Hotel. 78 Kearney. Phone 590-W. SLEEPING ROOMS In modern home. 1532 Harmon. Phone 1184-J. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment. Private bath. Phone 706. 141 Cleorgla. WANTED WILL SOMEBODY sell me a box or 2 wheel trailer. Phone 220. BICYCLES Top cash prices for bicycles, wheels, tricycles, frames, wagons, parts of all kinds, broken ones OK. Carl Austin, 220 Green wood. WE DO mattress revonating and reuuiiuing, worn g u a r a n i e e u. I Bend Bedding Co. Phone 753-J. j USEIr:nNK!iml motors vTTl I pay good prices or liberal trade in allowances on new ones. Evans Fly Co. South highway. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. WANT TO BUY a low Iron wheel wagon In good shape. J. B. LaRue. 19S8 Awbrey Road. TO RENT or lease small acreage with four or flee room house in Redmond vicinity. Rt. 1, Box 155, Redmond, Oregon. USED OR SHOT OUT gunsT" Put that old rusted, broken down or shot out gun into cash. Such guns as 22. 25 20. 32-20. 30-30. 45-70. all bolt action etc. I want them for, arts and rebulldin". Eugene! Clark, 1037 Harmon Blvd., after: 0:00 p. m. j WILL BUY good small bouses on west side. P. O. Box 735, Bend. HELP WANTED BELL HOPS wanted at Pilot Butte Inn. GIKL for general housework. Room and board and good wages. Mi's. Martin Lino, 42 Louisiana. WOMAN OR GIRL for general housework, nrmanent position. Phone 10-lti, 759 Roanoke. SURE MILK CAN HELP YOU PRODUCE MORE FOR VICTORY! Now Is the time to put your ran on the Sperry tl.arro) Siiremllk Feeding System. The first step U to obtain a free copy tif the Miremilk Dairy Book. It tells you about this wonderful feeding system and in addition contains much vslu nble Information that should tc In the library of every dairy man. Ask us for II. Central Oregon Farm Supply East A St., Aorws Tracks Phone I'.'l licdmoiul Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Otdr rwn. rj h. rv-n. s.j.w A THIS CURIOUS WORLD ANSWER: Martinique, a volcanic island in the West Indies. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED service station attendant wants position. Write Rt. 1, Box 353. ISED CARS 1941 SPECIAL De-Luxe Ford V-8, good rubber. Motor just overhaul ed. Sleeping trailer easily made into flat rack. See Claude Lunriy, Box 50, Rt. 1. LOST THE PARTY was seen who pick ed up red male cocker spaniel dog just out of Brooks-Scanlon camp Sunday. Return to Fred Denham at camp or phone 551-J Bend. Dog was boy's pet. Reward. BLUE AUSTRALIAN shepbard dog between Bend and Hampton on Dec. 19 or 20. Answers to name of "Doc." Finder please notify Hero AleeKs, Brothers, Oregon. LADY'S HARVEL wrist watch with black band lost downtown Saturday. Reward. Call G. H. Nen zel at telephone office. Phone 187. PILOT'S WINGS engraved R. L. M. 4-12-43. Please return to 515 Lava Road. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress t and surgical. Men's and women's ! belts. Phone 068 or 21-F-4. Mrs.! Edna Boyd Brinson. O'Kane BUIg., I or Box 164, Bend. i SKATES HOLLOW ground, keysi made, saws filed. Guns, locks, pho-' nographs, electric appliances re- paired. Soldering, shears, knives sharpened. Open Sunday and eve nings. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you llr.e. Estimates gladly given. Ine Bulletin. j TRAFFIC HAZARDS Boston 'Hi There are no fewer than 70,000 burned out lights on ' automobiles using Massachusetts highways, according to an esti mate by Motor Vehicle Registrar Rudolph F .King. RAW FURS WANTED Mini . Muskrat Lynxcdt Skunlt Weasel - Domestic Rabbit Wo Will Continue the Purchase of Deer and Elk Hides. Coyote pelts . . . No. Is and No. 2s will run between one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) and four dollars and fifty cents ($4.50) with a few exceptional pelts at higher prices. No. 3s and 4s are practically worthless. Cecil C. Moore 11S2 Newport Ave. Bend, Ore, Phone tMS "ecpKvnpp With Bulletin J f ' A CRIPPLED DRESSAWKER s I IN A SMALL VILLA&E IN f GERMANY, INVENTED THE 1 I about ieas I n?m&, THEODORE ROOSEVELT wSfflMiilS BEAS-HUNTlNe EXPIOITS VtTwA GAVE IT ITS NAViE' V VEARS(' COW. IMS BY HZA SERVICE, INC. THE STATE OF IS &ETTIN& LARGER ALL THE TIME, AND 26 OTHER STATES ARE DONATING THE SOIL, SQUIRRELS ON CABLE DIET Hernando, Miss. l!i Hernan do's squirrels aren't co-operating in the nation's program of war conservation. Lately they have acquired a new diet wire cables. On several occasions recently, they have put a number of tele phones out of commission here by gnawing away the wires. SOO' STARTS 'SWEET SUE' B-29 Superfortress Base, West ern China IU' The fact that all desserts here are called "sweets" plus the fact that the most popu lar Chinese waiter in the officers' mess is named Soo, causes a small uproar nearly every day. Usually everyone is chanting: "Sweet Sue." I LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed with the county court of the state of Ore gon for Deschutes county his final accounting as executor of the estate of John W. Eklund, deceas ed and that the judge of said court has fixed February 28, 1945, at two o'clock p. m. at the county court room at the courthouse in Bend, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections toj and for settlement thereof; and all persons interested are hereby required to apiicar at said hear ing and show cause If such there be why said accounting should not be settled and allowed. JAMES D. DONOVAN, Execu tor Estate of John W. Eklund, Dec. 13-1S-24-30C NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed with the county court of the state of Ore gon for Deschutes county her final accounting as administrat rix c. t. a. of the estate of Charles G. Christiernson, deceased, and that the judge of said court has fixed February 2S. 1945. at two o'clock p. m. at the countv court room at the courthouse in Bend. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing ooiections to and tor set tlement thereof; and all persons' interested are hereby required to I appear at said hearing and show cause if such there be why said ; accounting should not be settled ; and allowed and the undersigned ' discharged from her trust. i LOUISE H. THIELSEN, Ad-! ministratrix c. t. a. Estate of; Charles G. Christiernson. Dec. 13-1S-24-30C ' GOOD HEALTH Your Greatest Possession Regain U by being rellered ot Hemorrhoids (FUet). Fis sure. Fistula. Heraia (Rup ture). Our athod of treat stent without hospital op eration sufceisruitT usevi tor W Tears. Liberal credit terms. Call for -xisuoatioo 2 or send lot f HE booklet. Open FvertMiaj, Won., Wed., Fru, ? to 8 30 Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC PhysJcfan and Suroeoa N. C. Cor. I BumM ni n.-. Telephone EAstJSlj Portland U Creaoa RiinnnKHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiuiiiituiiiiiiiii i Realty Transfers utiwmmiiiiMt'miiiuiii TW. 23 Deeds Central Oregon Irrleatij0" dis trict to Frank W. Mc(i"'ry, MWllK'lVK 9fl.14.lS Frank W. McCaffery tola'Ph Fmmei-t NWUNWU 201 J13 PYnnk W MeCafferv tr Jake Mpvpi-. NFl'.NWli 20-14-13 Joseph N. Hunter to Cl;"p K. Fuller, lot 17, block 17, Be - W. J. Connolly to Bert ha E. Connolly, H interest in lot 1 ana EV4 lot 2, block 5, Kenwoo . Deo. 23 Mortgages Ralph Emmert to Frank A . Mc Caffery, NW'iNW'j 20-14-p- Jake Mever to Frank V- Mc Caffery, NElj NW'i 20-14-V-s-Dec. 26 Deeds I Glenn D. Nelson to Gol'e V. Nelson, portion of 16-1-1-13. . Glenn D. Nelson to Goljdie V. Nelson, lots 2 to 10 inclusive and 23, 24 and 25, block 1 : lots 16. 7, 8, 9, 20, 21, 26G, 27, block 3; lij,s 1 t0 10 inclusive and 23 to 3? inclu sive block 18: lot 14, block pi: lots 1 to 7 inclusive and 25 to 32 in clusive, block 20; lot 3, bl'ock 36; lots 1 and 32. block 37 and 'lots 23, 24. and 25, block 39. Hillman. Central Oregon Irrigation dis trict to Joe Hince. W!BNjE'; 32-17-13. , North Fork Livestock company to Frank W. McCaffery. K's 1. 2. 3. 4, 9, 10. 11, 12. and Nl!J ot 5, block 8, Mt. View. ', Christina Mohr to Weste Ore gon Conference associatior of 7'h Day Adventists, SENE'i 815- 13. , Dec. 26 Mortgage Release Deschutes Federal SavirKs and Loan association to Geoge W. Raycraft. lot 3, block 13. Boule vard addition. ; Dec. 27 Mortgage Releases Equitable Savings and Ioan as sociation to Stanlev Powning, por tion of lot 8. block C, Redmond first addition. Ennilahle Savinps and I.oan as sociation to Ethel L. Smr'h. lotsi 9 and 10, block 55 and lots' H and 12, block 6, Redmond. Dec. 28 Mortgage Releases Pacific Fii-st Federal a"i Loan association to Alfred Mui'z. lot 9. block 16, Redmond. ' Federal Land Bank .o R. L. Moore, Dortions of 24 lfi-12. Dick Phillips to L. G.'Dean. lots 3 and 4, block 20, Redmond. Dec. 29 Deeds Glenn Sturdivan to William W. Durfee, portion of 16 1513. Harriet E. Starks to Edward T. Hanneman, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 20, Laidlaw. Lewis A. Gasset to Amos B. Anderson, portion of 291712. Ivan F. Thatcher to Evelyn E. Thatcher. interest in SW'2 lot 3, block 11. Bend. Gertrude Munz to fesrfter O. Inks, lot 9, block 16, Redmond. Dec. 29 Mortgage Releases State Corportion commissioner Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly ir you rnfler from rheumatic, nrthritli or neuritis pain, trr tt simple lncxpriuue hnrrw rrvti tint thousand are usIik. f.rt a pari. of Hti-Ki Oiiupoucd. m two- siii.ijy tUjr. Mil It with a quart ot wjt.-r sid tin Juice of 4 Irmoos. Hi -. No trouble at nil and ple.is.iltt. Ymj oeel only S tabltport fuls two times a ay. oftea wllMo 4 hoar sometime overnUM plendid results are oMalDed. U tt.t iwita do n.-t qulrkfv leave aud If j-pu do Dot few N-tter. nturo t(; empty rars.iffe and Ru-Kx will r.t jou rWr" ln to try as It Is sold by yur .Iruut under ftU atWvlUte OlOMwMcV ini.nnr. u. .. rompouud is for su-t aiJ rvcoiumended iy The Owl Pharmacy and drug siores everywhere WHO'S WHO Ira RELIABLE BEAUTY SHOPS I HALLOWELL j HOLD WAYES I .lust Ask tht' Cirl J Who's Had One! I j Well Qualifird anil I F.xperienitHl Openi'ors ! MAY LAl'KA B1I.I.IK : Powder Puff Beauty Shop ! Phone 4S4 MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 153o Awbrvy lid. Tel. 6i9-M Classified Ads to Sherman Nash Weisgerber, lots 7 and 8, block 5", Redmond. Bank of Bend to George F. Hoover, lots 11 and 12, block 3, Kenwood. Bank of Bend to R. E. Ullrick, lot 8, block 10, Staats addition. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 3 iiw Live stock: Cattle 200, calves 35. Ac tive, steady. Good fed steers quot able 14.25-16.25. Common-medium heifers 9.0012.50; few 13.00. Can-1 SURE! YOU CAN KEEP YOUR CAR ROLLING FOR THE DURATION If your tires are worn smooth and you're worrying about whether they'll carry you through until you can buy new tires again . . . here's the answer to your problem. Bring us your worn casings just as soon as the treads wear smooth. With our modern equipment, with our expert "know-how" and the best recap ping material we can buy, we can put new treads on your tires that will give them a new lease on life keep them rolling safely and dependably. The important thing is don't wait until the fabric shows through. Then it may be too late to save the tire's life. If you have just one smooth tire or four, come in today. No certificate needed. Shoop & Schulze Tire Service 1291 Wall Brooks'Scanlon Quality Pine Lumber Brooks-Sccnlon Lumber Company Inc. AX ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR V BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES Refrigerator Service A'l Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS e COMMERCIAL e HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Rnn,l A- Mlnnpiot Phonr- RAR TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE V2! Bee Hive Truoks nwv be used aii- here in the l".S4. nithout red tape or special license when transporting your own gotklrs Ixine trips, short trips' anv w here. See your Texaeo dealer. Mission Service Station Rnii.l Franklin PitoneSUI ner-cutter cows 5.00-7-00. Fat dairy type cows 7.50-9.00. Common-medium beef cows 8.00-11.00. Bulls 9.5011.00. Good vealers 13.50-14.00; choice quotable to 14Hogs 400. Fully steady. Good choice 170-270 lbs. 15.75; heavier and lighter weights down to 14.50. Good sows 13.2514.00. Feeder pigs strong to 25c higher at 14.25-14.50. Sheep 100. Strong. Good wooled lambs 13.75. Fed lambs quotable to 14.50; common 68 lb. 10.50. Good ewes up to 6.00. Phone 565 BEMU J-ong Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Goods Movement LOCAL CARTAGE EEND-PORTLAN0 TRUCK SERVICE Fast Daily Service Every Day Of the Year Phone 544