8 e t v r a I d a c b v r B n. A fit air griup planes dim;. PSGE SIX Nimitz Asserts Aid of Russians Would Be Help By William F. Tyroe (United Priws Wur Corrtttpmident) Ponrl Harbor, Jan. 2 HI'i Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz would welcome the Russians us Allies in the war against Japan. The Pacific commander's first "on-the-record" statement regard ing the Soviets came in answer to a correspondent's question at a press conference Monday at which Nimitz pledged that his command ers would use all available re sources against the Japanese "without loss of time." American reverses on the West ern front, he conceded, had upset the offensive schedule , for the Pacific. At the same time, he said the United States must he prepared to seize bases on the China coast and to invade the Japanese home land occupying "enough of it to win the peace." Nazi Blow KetarilH Returning from a lour of American forward bases with a forecast of a "very unhappy l!M!i" for the Japanese, Nimitz told newsmen at a press conference that the success of the Cleiman counteroffensive in Belgium and Luxembourg would delay the re development of forces In Europe, particularly the air forces. . However, the Pacific command ers "will continue to carry on our operation with what is avail able" with the goal of defeatilng Japan completely at the earliest possible moment, Nimitz said. "We will continue to move In the direction of Japan, to seize bases from where we can carry the war closer and closer," Nimitz said. "We hope to meet the remaining units of the Japan ese surface fleet and dispose of them as wo have in the past . . . Will Invudc JuiBin "We should be prepared to In vade Japan and we will undoubt edly have to occupy enough of it to win the peace. I believe also that it is essential for us to go to the China coast in order to secure the land masses necessary for the deployment of , our huge forc es. Nimitz said he had had a "very satisfactory series" of conferen ces with Admiral Sir Bruce i Kraser, commander of the new British Pacific fleet, and the future of coordinated American British efforts "looks very blight Indeed." Referred to 1945, re said: "I don't know yet the capacity of the Japs to take punishment In their homeland. What we will do this coming year will give us some Idea of what they can stand." As for 194-1, Nimitz disclosed In a year-end review that Japan has lost 6,fr0 planes nnltl 1,018 ships, including two battleships, five car riers and seven heavy cruisers In the" past 12 months. POUTI.ANH LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Jan. 2 Oil Live stock: Cattle 2100, calves 225. Market not fully established. Few early sales fed steers and beef cows around 25c lower. Some low er grades steady. Few good fed steers $15.00-16.25. Common-medium $10.00-13.00. Fed heifers held above $13.50. Good beef cows Sll.5012.00. Cannercutters $5.00 7.00. Medium -good bulls $9.50 11.50. Good vcalers $13.50-14.00. Hogs 1G00. Active, steady to higher on heavy weights. Good choice 170-270 lbs. largely $15.75; 275-325-lbs. $11.50-15.00. Good sows $13.25-13.75. Feeder pigs $14.0014.25. Sheep 600. Strong. Good-choice truekod ln lambs $14.00. Fed lambs quotable to $11.50. Good ewes $5.50-6.00. WILL I'SE STAIRS New York. Jan. 2 tli Fireman Jeremiah McGillicuddy will be taking the stairs down the next time he hears the station house alarm. Early today he slid down tlie shiny brass pole and frac tured his left leg. He's 56. Stop tire wear . , . keep wheels balanced and alined . . . drive safely! You can do all of these with BEAR alinement service from EDDIES. BEAR assures you of a precision test and correction to original manufac turer's specifications. And remember . . . RIGHT'S RIGHT AT EDDIE'S EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE by lashim; out' force of Jap ball and Greenwood ers off Siiniar Islaiideaan battle of the Philippi. yleious barrage nf fin, ed bomb hits on lint For a Little, Sell a Lot Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time . 85c 23 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.85 All word oyer 25 add lc pr word time number of Iniartlona One month run. umo copy, fa day rata Minimum Charge, lie LINE KATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Claaiified Adverlliinf, Caih In Advance Daily Limine Time UiJO P. 14. FOR SALE 4 ROOM modern house on Colum bia 'A block from Kenwood school. Garage, woodshed, basement. S2200. Small down payment. Bal ance easy terms. Apply 855 Ogden Ave. BABY CRIB and mattress almost new. Phone 489-W evenings or 588 days. 3 SHEETS 4'x8'xM," used firtex. 1 sheet 11x14 plywood. Inquire 922 Vi Newport Avenue. 2 WHEEL trailer, all steel frame work, 16" tires, new tubes. Ars neaw drag saw, twin cylinders. 19.'H Ford motor just overhauled and mounted for portable power unit. $50 each. Alvan Turner, Rt. 1, Box 422. PAIR PRE-WAR eastern make lady's white figure skates, size 8. 144G Newport. LANG 2 burner, 220 volts electric grill, 3 heat control, $25.00. 1800 East First. DINING ROOM table and chairs, almost new. Margaret Miller, Sis ters, Oregon. 6 ROOM completely furnished house, Electric stove, washing ma chine, refrigerator, etc. Garage and woodshed. 440 Division St. Phone 1120. Immediate posses sion. ON PAVED STREET close In, 4 room modern house with shower, double gurage, large lot, drilled hole. Unfurnished $2500. Furnish ed $2700. Loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. MODERN 5 room house, Includ ing nice range, circulating heater, garage, woodshed, extra one-room cabin, fruit cellar, garden plot. In quire 1334 Columbia. FRESH APPLE CIDER, hat good kind from Puritan Cider Works, 55c gallon In your con tainers. Some more of those good eating and cooking Spltzenberg apples, $1.75, $2.00 box. Green wood Feed Co, Greenwood & Di vision Sts. SEMI MODERN houses, west side: 3 rooms with porch, 2 stoves, good location, $900, $250 down, $20 month. 2 room, bullt-ins, hot water tank, range, ceptlc tank, $900, $200 down, $15 month. 2 bed rooms, partly furnished, $950, $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. WONDERFUL BUY. 40 acre ranch 3 '4 miles from Bend, 35 C. O. I. 3 bedroom house and 3 room house, garage, only $3250. $1200 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 30 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 8 ROOM, modern, unfurnished house. Large living room with fireplace, also outdoor living room, fireplace, grill all enclosed with new white picket fence. 326 Congress. STRAW SHIPMENT In now. Good alfalfa hay, baled from stack. Phone orders 78 or come in and see us. Crown Rabbit Pellets again available. Greenwood Feed Co. Greenwood & Division Sts. FOR PROMPT relief of colds, sinus, or catarrh, try a bottle of U. I. oil, no burning relieve nasal discomfort Instantly. Large size $1.25: small, 3 for $1.25. Wong's, 418 Bond. HULLS of all kinds, Hereford, Guernsey and Jersey. Some nice milk cows ready to freshen. Sad dle horses and saddles. Franks Service Station, phone 78 J. W. R. Franks, Kcdmnnd. 1 START 1945 With Proper LINE-UP for YOUR CAR Phone 64 THE FOR SALE LARGE CIRCULATING heater in Al condition. Dewey Crum, Rt. 2, Box 130, Bend. FOR SALE OR TRADE WOULD LIKE to trade: New wal nut bedroom suite, breakfast set, prewar daveno and matched mat tress and box springs for good trailer house. Will pay some dif ference. 130 Canal St., Bend. FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM modern furnish ed house. Apply 610 PortlantKAve. No garage. COZY 3 room newly cleaned fur nished semi-modern house. Fire place and indoor toilet. Call at 147 E. Olney. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom house close to both mills. Inquire at 135 Jefferson. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, wood, water and lights furnished. 35 Hawthorne. Phone 39. VACANCY at Ainsworth Apart ments, 3 rooms with bath, best of laundry facilities, strictly modern, on first floor, adults only. 344 Delaware. Phone 306-W. SLEEPING ROOMS in modern home. 1532 Harmon. Phone 771-J. 2 ROOM apartment with furni ture. Army couple preferred. 726 Wall. DESIRABLE ROOM facing river. In business district. Garage. 902 Broadway. Phone 367-J. 3 ROOM furnished house. Wood shed, garage. $15.00 a month. C. H. Spaugh, 10-15 Cumberland. 3 ROOM semi-modern furnished house. Inquire 1444 Hartford. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment. Private bath. Phone 760. 141 Georgia. WANTED WILL SOMEBODY sell me a bcx or 2 wheel trailer. Phone 220. BICYCLES Top cash prices for bicycles, wheels, tricycles, frames, wagons, parts of all kinds, broken ones OK. Carl Austin, 220 Green wood. WILL CARE for invalids, old peo- pie or one wnonceos care, in my i".V, al laa - "na BI- 1 none 593-W. A 4 OR 5 room modern house on west side with enough space for garden and chickens. Large down payment, will deal with owner or agent. Inquire at 1222 Cumber land. GOOD HOME for friendly shep herd dog, nice for children. Apply 610 Portland. WE DO mattress revonating and rebuilding, work guaranteed. Bend Bedding Co. Phone 753-J. USEDGUNSmidotoTs7 Will pay good prices or liberal trade in allowances on new ones. Evans Fly Co. South highway. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. HELP WANTED BELL HOI'S wanted at Pilot Butte Inn. EXPERIENCED MACHINE PRESSER WANTED. ASK FOR MR. NOVACK AT MASTER CRAFT CLEANERS. GIRL for general housework. Room and board and good wages. Mrs. Martin Lane, 42 Louisiana. GIRL for general housework, per manent position. Phone 10-16, 759 Roanoke. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED service station atterdant wants position. Write Rt. 1, Box 353. I'SED CARS 1941 SPECIAL Ile-Luxe Ford V-8. good rubber. Motor just overhaul ed. Sleeping trailer easily made into flat rack. See Claude Lundy, I Box 50, Rt. 1. G. P. BATTERY These power packed batteries are designed to give you com plete and satisfactory service in any weather. They're built to last. We've a siie and type to fit your ar. Mobil Service and O.K. Kl BBK.K WELDERS C. I. W Inn Bond I'rankllii Phone 333 BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, TUESDAY, JAN. 2, THIS CURIOUS WORLD gST aATU V if seen from one of J 1)1 o V XrtVf 'o ( THE OTHER PLANETS, 1 V 1 aV WOULD APPEAR AS A Quotfuy Octets I SEND US AN ODD TO OJUOTE IN CALIFORNIA. DEW IS DUE IN SUMMER, BUT RAIN IS DUE IN WINTER 'VI I'll LOST THE PARTY -was seen who pick ed up red male cocker spaniel dog just out of Brooks-Scanlon camp Sunday. Return to Fred Denham at camp or phone 551-J Bend. Dog was boy's pet. Reward. BLACK BILLFOLD containing identification, $5.00 check and snapshots. Finder please return to Bulletin office. BLUE AUSTRALIAN shephard dog between Bend and Hampton on Dee. 19 or 20. Answers to name of "Doc." Finder please notify Herb Meeks, Brothers, Oregon. LADY'S HARVEL wrist watch ''iwith black band lost downtown Saturday. Reward. Call G. H. Nen zel at telephone office. Phone 187. MISCELLANEOUS ; SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. SKATES HOLLOW ground, keys made, saws filed. Guns, locks, pho nographs, electric appliances re paired. Soldering. Shears, knives sharpened. 0en Sunday and eve nings. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. FOR SALE or rent 3 room mod ern house, partly furnished, or furnished if necessary. 117 Staats. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you llrfe. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. Personal Property Blanks Mailed Out Some 1,200 personal property return blanks were mailed out -sr, 1 . - I J today by J. A. Fountain, Des- North American Aviation, and chutes countv assessor, to those : Lockheed. These registered ad whose names appeared on the vances ranging to more than a 19-14 tax rolls. Fountain added point. that, Willie no records are avail able, approximately the same number were mailed last year. The personal property returns are to be signed, filled out and returned to the assessor's office on or before March 2. Due to the shortage of help, Fountain stated today that the returns should be sent back to his office as early as possible. Persons failing to file their re turns for the stale personal prop erty tax will tie penalized, accord- i ing to law, at the rate of $10 for' each day of delinquency, Foun tain staled. Newcomers to Deschutes coun ty and others who do not receive a blank through the mail this week for the payment of personal property taxes, may obtain one Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Eveningt by Appointment Offk Tlione 73 Rca. rhon 810-W RED RYDER I TriE? tTJ lKf-? l?V . cOVKNOR, TILL WE J THEY THINK WE'RE DEAO .yllSlS-Cf I WE A PlrtCH lLl W M l Tly- YE"T 'Vj OUT VvHAT taJ SAUTTER S,-4 NEED 1 OUR HELP.' sAv 1 LrSFZrni THEY'RE, .V- OVER ' t .TTTyii lE TCTH lib SsM With Bulletin ARE BELIEVED TO BE DESCENDANTS rC A CI Vlf TAurM ACUIDC TUCDC BTCArT.JOHNMEEKjINISIS, FR0 , THETRADIN6SHIP-ENTERPRI5E" by calling at the office or making a telephone request that one be mailed. All persons owning personal property are required to file a re turn, Fountain said. Personal property is assessed at 40 per cent of its real value. Bend per sonal property is taxed at the rate of $7.84 per $100 value. The Redmond rate is considerably lower for 1944, being set at $6.56 per $100 value.- Aircraft Shares Lead on Market By Elmer C. Walzer (United Preai Financial Editor) New York, Jan. 2 ui'i Prices moved in a narrowly Irregular area today in a stock market dom inated by transactions in aircraft shares and low-priced mining is sues. These two groups made up 25 per cent of all the business done on the big board. A few rails and utilities plus Pepsi-Cola contrib uted a fair amount of volume. But the main list of stocks fell into the typical first of the year doldrums. ' Prices turned down after a steady opening. At the lows, Chrysler sold at 94 off l'i; U. S. Steel 59 off. ; and Atlantic Coast Line 52 off 1. These is sues came back partially and the whole list displayed a steady to firm tone near closing time. Anticipation of an increase in the depreciation allowance for in come tax purposes as proposed by War Mobilizer Byrnes. aided the alrerafts. Aviation corporation featured the whole market in 1 turnover and made a new high I Heavy trading also was noted in 1 Luruss-w r 1 g n , tsen Aircratt, SimDlfl nilei need not wrack nnd torture you with maddening itch, burn md irritation. smart' rvramld Sunpotitof lei bring M I quick, welcome relief. I heir grand medi- W cation rnerns reel comfort, reduces strain. helps tiRhteo relaxed mcmbrnnes, gently lubricates and sottens. no tec live and I anti-chafhng, 10 easy to ue. Gn genuine Stuart a ryramld Suppositories at your drug stnre without delay 60c am on maker's money-back guarantee. The Kirby Co. of Bend KIRBY HOME RENOVATION " SYSTEM Sales and Service of the Kirby vacuum cleaner. Phone or write for a free demonstration. 440 Division Phone 1120 1945 Stocks Enhanced $8 Billions, Reach Peak for Seven Years By Elmer C. Walzer (United 1'resa Financial Editor) New York, Dec. 30 lU'i Valua tion of all stocks listed on the New York stock exchange rose by. $8,000,000,000 during 1944 to new highs since 1937 in the gen eral average, while bonds also made new seven-year tops. . The vear ended on a rising mar ket induced by a new demand for .....:i o.ntmnnt hv i Will UlUllMltll OIIU O.M.i "J . - J iwuj , " - - high-ranking army and navy OPA long-range program. Sup-1 wi10 attended her at the St. cnar leaders the end of the conflict ply remained inadequate to meet j les hospital. After emergency still was far off. I demand. treatment the child was taken to Earlier in the year there had been several interruptions to 1 the rise based mainly on "peace I scares." Wall street would wel-! come peace and resumption of I civilian output, but the trading element fears that the transition neriod mav be a difficult one. Hence each time-the end of the war appeared in sight they sold stocks as a precautionary meas ure. Experts are agreed that the new year may have similar un settling markets. They foresee a highly selective trading. The post-war era is expected to find the United States swinging more and more to an internation alistic attitude. As a result, many are predicting heavy listings of foreien stocks here. Volume ahead is not expected; to reach the variety of 1929 which j set an all time record, but an; increase of moderate proportions is foreseen. The 1944 volume! around 258,000,000 shares com--pared with 278,741,765 in 1943. I Kanroad stocKs ana doiius were the outstanding performers of the year. They led their respective markets higher and the rail stock average showed an appreciation of more than 33 per cent as com-; pared with the close of 1943. I Utilities were given a whirl be fore Nov. 7 as a sort of election bet. Some declined when Presi-1 dent Roosevelt was re-elected, but they turned up again before thei end of the year. Numerous spe-j cial issues and special groups re-1 ceived attention. Investors bought j rather heavily of preferred stocks and the higher priced issues of j the major groups. I Since the United States entered the war in late 1941, stocks have risen by around $20,000,000,000.! Bond valuation has increased con siderably more,- but that gain was , largely caused by addition to list-1 ings of vast amounts of U. S. gov ernment bonds. Industrial production held at a level just under the record set 1 last year, while income payments reached a new top. This had a j favorable influence on the market as did a fairly large flow of divi-: dend payments. I Prospect of tax reductions of; NEW kind of ASPIRIN tablet! doesn't upset stomach When you need quick relieffrom pain, do you hesitate to take aspirin because it leaves you with an upset stomach? If so, this new medi cal discovery. SUri'JIUN, is "just what tho doc tor ordered" for you., j Superin is aspirin plus contains! the same pure, k.j:u lupirin you! have long known lint developed, by doctors in a special way fori those upset by aspirin in its ordi nary form. This new kind of aspirin tablet ssolvcs more quickly, lets the .IJcunlvM mAra rniiM-hr aspirin get right at tho job of re lieving pain, reduces the acidity of ordinary aspirin, and does not ir ritateor upset stomach even after repeat doses. Tear this out to remind you to get Superin today, so you can have it on hand when headaches, colds, etc., strike. See how quickly it relieves pain now fine you feel after taking. At yourdrug gist's, 13(! and 39r. Classified Ads moderate amounts when the war ends also aided the share market. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Jan. 2 HI'i De spite the increase in red points required for butter, demand today continued in excess of supply. Prices remained at OP A ceilings. Another Diiee cut in eggs is scheduled for Tbursdav under the . Buttercube 93 score wsc; 92 score 42!ic; 90 score 4c; a score 41 Vic pound, Eggs price to retailers: AA large 57c: A large 55c: medium A. '50c; small 43c dozen. I . SETTLE VIA MARRIAGE Independence, Mo. mi Robert W. Davis, proprietor of the Spring Street cafe here, recently tried to buy the Maples cafe, but couldn't come to terms with the owner, Mrs. Pearl Thomas. Dickering continued and finally the pair solved the problem with a person al merger, Mrs. Thomas becoming Mrs. Davis. Start the New Year Ricjht ... One of the first requisites for health anil happiness is milk. Beml Dairy Grade A milk coniuins the nec essary body-building ma terials, milled to keep your family healthy. Start '4.') with Bend Hairy. Bend Dairy Quality Products BUTTER e EGGS BUTTERMILK e CHOCOLATE MILK ! 1 FOR OVER 25 YEARS HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRY PRODUCTS OF QUALITY 9laHsalaKaaBMaaMsOTMMHU For locker patrons quality your locker well-filled with have meat available when its We are glad to advise freezing meats for locker use. EEC KaaaaaaauaaaKauamiKKKiiM4uaiaaaaaaaaa 51 Greenwood Ave. Phone 101 Brooks'Scanlon Quality Pine Lumber Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. MARRIAGES STILL LEAD Marriage licenses issued in Des. chutes county during 1944 out numbered divorce complaints ly more than two to one. Mrs. Dari P. Dacey, county clerk, said to day. Divorce complaints filed dur ing the year totaled 80 while mar riage licenses issued numbered 172. SMALL GIRL HURT r--n; f.r,m her roller skates while playing in the front room of h fnmilv home, Janet Lindsey, ived a broken left wrist .-.i,,,' ..,.nr,lini to the physician ! npr home, uaiumuie. Barry (The Little Priest) Fihger gerald who made you laugh, cry and cheer ... in "Going My Way" ... is on his way again, with Paulette Goddard and Sonny Tufts ... in "I LOVE A SOLDIER" ! CAPITOL Wed.--Thurs.Fri.--Sat. O CREAM MILK ICE CREAM COTTAGE CHEESE meats are available here. Keep quality meats save money and needed. - you in preparing, curing and By FRED HARMAN - Sitiuf i