The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 01, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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News of 1944
(Continued from Page One)
transferred from Bend. B. A.
Stover Is named to head the
Fourth war bond drive. Lack of
manpower retards work on the
North Unit irrigation project.
With Oilie Bowman as chairman,
Bend launches its successful sal
vage paper campaign.
The fair rents committee holds
several sessions in an effort to
adjust local rents. The Junior
chamber of commerce Is organ
ized with Marion Cady as presi
dent. The grand jury returns a
report criticising asserted lack of
effort on part of Bend police to
enforce laws affecting juveniles,
ttev. Alfred Danielson of the First
Baptist church, announces inten
tion of leaving Bend. The Oregon
Trunk railway announces plans
to spend $70,000 on developments
in Bend, including new scales and
extended by pass. Bids are sought
for the construction of a new
Swalley ditch flume. The city
commission flays the presence of
youths In card rooms.
The City of Bend undertakes a
study of post-war development.
Under the direction of Mrs. J. K.
Arnold, a campaign is launched
for funds to relieve polio suffer
ers. The school board re-elects
Howard W. George as city super
intendent. Members of the Junior
chamber of commerce begin a
snow slide in west Bend. Civilian
pilot training at Prineville is halt
ed. Boy Scouts' "block of dimes"
nets $270 In polio relief drive.
Wixson & Crowe, Redding, Calif.,
contractors are awarded digging
contract for digging Smith Hock
irrigation canal bores.
Fifty fire fighters from Bend
and surrounding camps and towns
gather here as guests of Fire
Chief LeRoy Fox and map plans
for mutual cooperation against
, fire. Use of Joint equipment Is
" pledged. The Deschutes county
post-war planning commission Is
formed with Judge C. L. Allen as
chairman, who names committee
chairmen. The weatherman re
ports near-summer aridity for the
month of January. The new Jan
sen Villa, at Portland avenue and
West Fifth street, is opened.
Rolled by reports of exorbitant
rents, the fair rents committee
threatens to sign complaints for
Ihe arrest of greedy landlords, as
City Attorney E. O. Stadter
stands by to make formal com
plaints. City Commissioner Lovdo niak.
ley proposes that a fund of at
least $1,000 be set aside for a sur
vey of sewer conditions in Bend,
stating that correction of sewage
evils is one of Bend's primary
needs. While members of the staff
of the Deschutes national forest
worry about the long silence of
uave Davidson, caretaker at Pau
lina lake, State Officers Ray Hnf
stad and Capt. M. P. Hoover of
Camp Abbot, discovered that the
telephone line Is broken. Five
thousand Bend persons who have
imugni war bonds are guests of
Victor Mature at the Tower the
ater. The state salvage chairman
gives Deschutes county credit for
donating 52 tons o paper in the
current waste paper drive. Ac
cording to the Editor and Publish
er, a national newspaper trade
publication, The Bond Bulletin
leads the state in circulation In
crease. Thirty Bend high school
boys enroll to take studies and
aid in protection of the Deschutes
national forest during the sum
mer months.
Joint work by city and county
employes clears Bend downtown
streets of a snow blockade. Prizes
totalling $120 are offered Des
chutes county residents for post
war planning ideas. Dr. Wayne
S. Ramsey is announced as the
new Deschutes county health of
ficer. A. C. Friesen, veteran Cen
tral Oregon navy recruiter, Is
transferred to take charge ot the
Salem substation. Announcement
Is made that radio station KUND
Is to join the Mutual broadcasting
network. County and city officials
wage war on juvenile delinquen
cy, arresting 17 'teen age boys for
various offenses. Bend's school
board authorizes a salary in
crease for teachers. R. P. Syver
son wins contract to rebuild Swal
ley ditch flume. The Western
Pine association chooses a site on
The Shevllnllixon Company prop
erty for the erection of a pilot
Plans are discussed for the ren
ovation of the Bend USO head
quarters. Former District At
torney Irving D. Brown Is named
honor man by the navy, of which
lie is now a member. In Redmond,
W. V. Harriison is named to man
age the 19-14 Deschutes county
fair. Ward II. Coble announces
the purchase of the building on
Wall street housing the USO, and
Mink - Muskrat - Lynxcat - Skunk
Weasel - Domestic Rabbit
We Will Confinue the Purchase
of Deer and Elk Hides.
Coyote pelts ... No. Is and No.
2s will run between one dollar
and fifty cents ($1.50) and four
dollars and fifty cents ($4.50)
with a few exceptional pelts at
higher prices. No. 3s and 4s are
practically worthless.
Cecil C. Moore
1 138 Newport Ave. Bend, Ore,
Phone 643
x' if 4: ' i -: i y ' n id
(NEA Tehphoto)
Senator-elect Wayne Morse of Oregon, former WLB member, pats his saddle horses, "Spice ot Life" and
"OrcKnnna Bourbon," after arrival in Washington, D. C, delayed by Ice, sleet and snow and lack of gas.
Horses rode In trailer but Morse claimed he feared he might have to hitch them to his car to continue his
journey cross- country.
part of the Bank of Bend corner,
for the Lumbermen's Insurance
agency. Bend dog owners are
warned of the tie-up ordinance.
Ole W. Grubb, former county
commissioner, is named to the
county welfare board. Maj. L. H
Helphrey returns to former post
tion with Medo-Land creamery.
Bend's American Legion v post
nonors ueorgo . JincK, veteran
of World War No. 1, who Is now
a member of Uncle Sum s navy in
War No. 2. M. Harold Keefe .of
Portland buys the Bend Baking
company. Owen Aydelolt of Los
Angeles, arrives In Bend to lie
come Bend district ranger in the
Deschutes national forest, suc
ceeding Joe Lamml. The Cres
cent lake storage peak Is reached,
with 55,000 acre feet of water al
ready on hand, reports Aubrey E.
t'erry, Descnutes county water
master. Bend Elks make a dent in the
$22,500 Red Cross war fund drive
by contributing $500. At Camp
Abbot, Lt. Col. Russell D. Turrill
reports that $113,337 In bonds
have been bought by soldiers
there in the Fourth war bond
drive. The county defense council
makes arrangements to hold perl
odilcal meetings for pre-inductees,
at which time they will be given
a preview of military service by
experienced men. western Air
lines Informs the Bend Chamber
of commerce it has placed this
city on its regular urouosed in
land route to Alaska from Sun
Francisco. Officials at CamD Ah
hot report that a new guest house
will be named In honor of Capt.
J. L. Chute, former circulation
manager of The Bulletin, who was
killed in Australia.
E. II. Young files his candidacy
on tne republican ticket for Des
chutes county commissioner. In
Prineville, the Ochoco Lumber
company announces plans to build
a road to tap a large body of tim
ber in the Pilot Butte-Cradle Butte
area. Elmer Lehnherr, treasurer
of the Deschutes county war
chests, informs a committee meet
ing that there is a surplus of
$!I,GIG on hand after all specified
allocations have been met. Heavy
snowfall hits the Cascades, as 12
inches is repotted from Santiam
Junction and a lowering mercury
Is predicted.
Firemen of Central Oregon
gather In Redmond and pledge
joint use of equipment and man
power in combatting fires. Mrs.
Rowena llogan discloses that she
has purchased the O'Kane build
ing, of which she has been care
taker since 1(1.15. The Bend Fail
Rents committee has asked the
Ol'A to make a studv of rent con
ditions in Bend. Winners of the
Deschutes county postwar plan
ning contest me announced with
first prize going to Ccoreo Simer-
ville of Bend for proposed city
Improvements, and second prize
to Don II. Peoples for a tiroiectcd
county road building program.
The Oregon Trail Manufarur
ing company gets an assignment
from the government to make am
munition boxes. Official arrival
of the fire season In the Des.
chutes national forest Is announc
ed. Bend's city ordinance requiring
ine tying up oi does Itccnmes
effective. W. A. Lnckaff, chair
man of the Deschutes county sal-1
vage committee, reports that
county leads the state in paperl
salvage. Fire Chief LeRoy Fox!
cautions against fires dining the
dry and hot weather.
Daniel D. Cage, Ol'A rents of
ficial, calls a conference In Bend
to straighten out the rental mud
dle. Storage of water for use in
the Madras country In VMTt has
begun at Wickiup reservoir. C.
VV. Williamson, for 25 years en
gaged in the dairy business in
this community, sells his large
herd. The city places a $10,000
nucleus In the 1944-45 budget for
post-war development. I. M. Wells,
Deschutes county deputy sheriff,
is named juvenile officer. Thirty
veterans of World War II are
accepted as members of Bend's
American Legion post.
The chamber of commerce is
informed that the Western Air
Express, United Airlines and
Southwest Airlines plan to make
Bend a terminal on proposed in-
Spare Horse Power for Oregon
Jap Dead
, . fYBl lelelilioto)
This dead Japanese soldier, victim of American naval fire in the assault
on tho Ormoc sector of Leyte Island, has scattered equipment about but
sUU wears glusseg over His sightless eyes. Aintricaus took heavy toll of
Japanese la Leytc corridor.
land routes to Alaska. The office
of war information sends a staff
into Central Oregon to make films
for display In liberated foreign
countries. Mid-month snow visits
Central Oregon, depositing five
Inches on the eastern slopes of
the Cascades.
Renovation of Bend's USO serv
icemen's club is begun. A group
of Bend property owners and land
lords lorm an organization to
cope with the rents problem. Con
tinued snows chili anglers who
visit their favorite "fishin' holes" !
on opening day. Camp Abbot con-!
stru cts combat sets for war train-!
Ing work. William J. Burton be-1
rm,. .. ,,.,!,., ,r ti.n U.....I iw
lice force. The army anil navy
he Cove power plant
. . .' . . I"."".
iiend high school students name ,
officers electing Phil Urogan pies-1
ident of the student bnilv. Gott-1
frcd Benson, former Bend city 1
councilman, Is taken by death.
Construction is begun on the
$70,000 Western Pine association i
experimental station here. The 1
newly formed Bond Junior Cham-
ber of commerce receives lis char -
ter. To forestall OPA action. Bend
auto court owners form an associ-
ation for self-adlustment of rents.
Work Is begun on the' two
North Unit irrigation project tun-
nels through the Smith Rocks
The Redmond junior high school
gymnasium is razed by a $40,000
fi e. which a small boy admits
wife of a pioneer lumtierman, dies.
XV .1, V .. , i.r.i . !
tral Oregon. A class of 11U is
graduated from the Bond high
school. All fires are forbidden In'
Ihe Deschutes national forest.
Revelation Is made that (ill In-!
dlanhnys from the Warm Springs i
reservation are now in the armed
Led by Maj. L. II. Helphrey. a
"draftee school" is begun in Bend.
Mrs. Oliver Fringer, 1445 Galves
ton avenue, reveals that she has
six sons in the service. In Prine
ville, the annual buckaroo feed ! nnm. maneuvers. Is announced bv
of the Oregon Cattle and Horse'stale Highway Engineer R. li.
Raisers association, attracts 1,000 Baldock. It. It. McAtee Cmnlc
persons. On the advice of the,
sanitarian, the high school swim-1
mlng pool is closed. In Redmond. School Superintendents' associa-1
10 tons of salvage paper is gatli- tion. The McKcnzie pass, closed
cred in one day. iby snow, is opened to travel on
Since the burning last month! June 12. Tho citv engages a dog
of the gymnasium, the Redmond ; catcher. The Deschutes national'
junior high school has a seventh! forest fire guard school opens at I
fire, believed Incemliarv. The ' Prlngle falls. The Deschutes na
county court authorizes the pur-Itional forest gains 9.130 acres in!
at Ormoc
I chase of a large road truck. Work
is begun on the resurfacing and
strengthening of Ihe Oregon!
Trunk railway roadbed. The Beta j
Sigma Phi sorority seeks funds
for' USO books. New st reel signs
are erected in many sections of:
tie tut.
A labor dispute brings Idleness
to the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber
Company Inc. plant in Bend, but
it is settled shortly after. The
Bend school board approves a
combined levy of $lG0,7ti3.3S. Bend
'" ' "' '
1,1(1 alter schedules Camp Abbot
J'l''ys "'t birthday City
'UKl'rI't P i""11'1'-? approve $2,000
"l'ii fcnooi aim iiarmon
I playgrounds.
ihe Deschutes national forest
18 '"''R by 90,000 acres in ant
nvi!in,m .. III. Tim l..,M IIi....J
' ""
J ',. " ", . . V ' ,sl,rcH'"s :
" , mui.-.
' ' "Y" ' 1 n' "H" 1 s n "m'
,? ,s " "?" V, U '"K !
J"' " V,,V' ?f M2J.3-51. Jun-1
' ' ' mmerce elects,
1", ''"" G lbert president.
" . m u-
!' .' ' " ,ul l's 'uonai loresi, out
i'1,1"0 !1,1nli;Kp ls l.l("u'- Special
M,'m1,1'la.1. 1 a' services are held
' the high school gymnasium
when Bend veterans pay homage
lo ""' 1,;uL
,. , lime
! The bureau of reclamation here
1 "I"'" lmls foV " construction of
' , K'1' crossings and n
' " '";''"' with he
chutes county's budget is
i nounced as Ix-ing S3t4,373.G4 for
1!)'I4 15. with $149,903.64
to be
raised by taxation. The Ninth
service command confirms the re
port that Camp Abbot personnel
is being moved to Fort Ix'wis.
Wash. Rev. Glenn Coie resigns
tin. VV'nctM. l),...o.t. .,..;
.,,, in ,,,,', ,,.,. . y
Sohueler in charge, the Fifth war
loan drive opens. The Pant and
Russell planing mill in Redmond
burns with a loss of SS0.OOO.
Plans to repair damage to The
Dalles-California and Lakeview-
Burns highways, done during
count v school superintendent is'
named nrrwit,-nt nf tho Cmmtvl
the Tumalo district in a transac
tion with Anthony J. and Ann
Connolly. Word is received that I a n-,,w $9000 Seagraves fire truck.
Deschutes ponderosa pine is used jThe scout summer camp opens at
In building the B-20 Superfort- Crescent lake. The Junior cham
res? which bombed Tokyo. ber of commerce assumes respon-
"Million dollar" rain visits Cen-1 sibility for the salvage paper drive
tral Oregon, cheering wheat grow. 1 n Bend. Fred S. Simpson resigns
ers and stockmen. Hans Slagsvold
resigns as chairman of the war
mice and rationing board. "The
Engineer," publication at Camn
Abbot, susDends. Paulina peak
gets 12 inches of snow heaviest
in years. Francis G. Gates of
Bend, is named iunior vice com
mander of the Oregon Veterans
of Foreign Wars. Dr. G. W. Wins
low is reelected school director,
as voters also aoprove funds for
post-war expansion. Heeding peti
tions, the city commission votes
to shorten the dog tie-up period.
A flO-mile chase bv auto and
horseback through Central Ore
gon "bad lands" ends In the cap
ture of a youth who stole District
Attorney Charles Boardman's au
tomobile. Jackson T. Moore is
named head of the Bend ration
board. The contract for the con
struction of the North Unit irri
gation flume across Crooked river
is awarded a Santa Cruz, Cal.
firm. Aged petrified tree emitting
"lights" is found east of Bend.
Strict fire rules are imposed in
the Deschutes forest by Supervi
sor Kalpn w. urawiora. ine
chamber of commerce is host to
4-H club members who tour Bend
plants. The mercurv reaches 90 on
the 29th. Mavor F. S. Simpson
pleads for a "quiet July Fourth."
Marion Cady and Sam R. Scott
of the Bend Troy laundry, buy the
Citv Cleaners & Dvers from Har
rv M. Wood and Ivan Thatcher.
July frosts are on the pumpkin
vines, and nearby lakes are lev on
the. 3rd. Lightning starts 15 fires
in the Deschutes forest. Miners
concentrate on comnleting tunnel
No. 2, of the North Unit irrigation
Droject, in the Smith Rocks. Gene
Lear, former Deschutes county
agent, wins rating of ensign in the
A flre-at Camp Abbot burns
over 12 acres. Bend Elks observe
the 25th anniversary of their
lodge. D. Ray Miller is named
commander of Percy A. Stevens
post of the American Legion. Fire
which swept over 20 acres In the
Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company
Ine. logging area is brought under
control. Redmond voters approve
a $:u,uuu oono issue to erect a new
high school gymnasium,. Bend's ;
city budget gets formal anoroval
as public opposition is lacking at
citv hall meeting.
The famous Portland army air
base band plays to thousands in
Drake park as an aid to the war
bond drive. Chairman Oilie Bow
man ot the Deschutes county sal
,yage committee, announces the
campaign for tin cans will be dis
continued. Rural route No. 2 Is ex
tends to include the Brooks-Scanlon
camp. A United Air Lines
Mainliner makes a pioneering
flight over Central Oregon, land
ing at tho Redmond army air
field. John B. Cusick announces
his intention of resigning as as
sistant manager of the Bend
branch of the First National bank
of Portland. Central Oregon po
lice officers form the Police
DO YOU KNOW THAT A full page advertisement can be delivered
to over 16,000 Central Oregonians in THE BULLETIN for about one
half the cost of postage alone on a direct mail piece?
. . . That The Bulletin is delivered daily to more than 97 of the
homes in Bend plus carrier delivery in other Central Oregon com
munities and mail delivery to every rural area?
. . . The Bulletin will again do a good advertising job for you in
1945 economically, efficiently, with results that pay dividends.
Marksmanship club to. promote
cfieieney in shooting.
Bend fire department receives
as mavor of Bend and is succeed
ed bv Commissioner A. T. Nieber
gall.' Louis H. Helphrey is appoint
ed as commissioner to fill the va
cancy. The Bend chamber of com
merce lists an ambitious program
for the year. A thunderstorm
brings 1.50 inches of rain to the
Crescent district. Bend Elks as
sume the task of raising $140,000
to complete the county's E bond
quota. Lightning bolts start 18
first late in tho month. The USO
clubrooms in Bend are loaned the
Youth club. Jaycee members press
a new paper baler into service in
their salvage paper campaign.
Without explanation, tho city
police close all card rooms in
Bend. Camp Abbot is declared sur
plus by army officials and steps
are taken to dispose of the prop
erty. Change of a city ordinance
grants dogs their freedom from
being tied up in Bend. The paper
salvage depot is moved from the
rear of The Bulletin building to
the Oregon Trail Furniture plant
on Wall street. Soldiers stationed
at the Redmond army air Held
lend aid to farmers in harvesting
potato crops. More than 350 cen-
tral Oregon pioneers gather at
Prineville for a celebration. Don
H. Peoples announces his plans to
abandon the post of executive
secretary of the Bend chamber of
commerce as soon as a successor
can be found.
The Pacific Trailways places
two new buses in service on the
Portland-Bend run. Howard Smith
becomes new Deschutes county
agent. H. W. Derry of the new in
dustries branch of the Pacific
Power & Light company, address
es an open meeting of the cham
ber of commerce and tells of
Bend's industrial outlook in the
future. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. King
start small toy factory In Bend.
Deschutes farmers are urged to
wage war on the potato beetle.
Cooperation of Bend and state po
lice is lauded by Lt. T. E. Penn
ington of the military police at
Camp Abbot as he leaves for Fort
Lewis. The Bend Eagles lodge
stages a big picnic in Shevlin
The bureau of reclamation
seeks bids for the construction of
new unit at the Cove power
plant. Jaycee members stage a
Sunday pickup of salvage paper
all over Bend, gathering about 10
tons. The Bend chamber of com
merce approves a plan for joint
storage of water in Crane prairie
and Wickiup reservoirs. The sum
mer scout camp closes at Crescent
lake after an attendance of more
than 400 boys. Experts analyze fu
ture of Madras, and predict city of
1,000 or more after North Unit
irigation water reaches area. The
annual harvest of weeds along the
bottom of the Deschutes river in
Bend begins.
Federal officials, Including
army engineers, confer in Bend
on the disposal of Camp Abbot. A
wave of dog poisoning hits Bend.
Miss Ruth Devereaux wins the
.SisrERsRErjiMOMO -
l WIM1--shewn
X. Achfmult
Read In Bepd's Horns.
PROGRESSIVE mKmtiSyuidelomeSotoVolumt
This newspaper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations:
On request tre shall gladly furnish a copy of our latest A. B.C. report.
title "Miss Deschutes county."
Eugene V. Clarke, coordinator,
warns that Bend may lose voca
tion school due to lack of public
inteerst. Louis H. Helphrey is
named Deschutes county veter
ans' service officer. Announce
ment is made that Bend is first in
traffic safety contest. Plans are
announced for the reforming of
Bend's unit of the state guard.
September opens with light
ning storms dampening the forest
lands, reducing the fire hazard.
The county Veterans' council stag
es a wild west rodeo at McDonnell
field. Paul H. Connet, chief
'specialist, arrives in Bend as the
I navy's new Central Oregon re-
cruiter. Bend's city firemen hold
1 "open house", and explain the
i rudiments of f iref ighting to many
: visitors who admire the city's
i new pumper. Shortages cause
firewood and coal priorities in
Bend. The Federation of West
ern Outdoor clubs, reporting in
Portland, state that the Newberry
crater and Paulina area should be
withdrawn from mining entry.
Reviewing last month's weath
er, the observers calls August
"chilly and dry." Bids are opened
by the bureau of reclamation for
the construction of a new power
unit at Cove, with C. J. Montag
& Sons of Portland being the low
est bidder at $122,967.50.
The practice of poisoning dogs
still annoys Bend police who are
unable to get trace of the killer.
In Redmond, the contract is let
for the building of a new high
school gymnasium at a cost of
$81,390. Republicans begin the
"50,001" signup in Deschutes
county for presidential candidate
Dewey. At the request 01 tne
Bend chamber of commerce, the
state game commission halts all
I fishing in Davis lake owing to
ilow water. E. O. Stadter, Bend
city attorney, resigns.
W. E. Redeman, Deschutes
I county dairyman, announces the
'sale of the Bend dairy to Roy
Swenson of Swiss home. Greater
air activity is promised Central
J Oregon as announcement is made
that fliers irom tne roruana
army air base will be transferred
to the Redmond field. The newly
formed unit of the state guard in
Bend is allowed use of part of
tne nign scnooi gymnasium, ouuw
piankeis me iasu-auc peuns as int.
weatherman assured midstate
folks that fall is around the cor
ner. Decision is reached to close
Bend's USO club on Nov. 15. Bend
adopts Its first zoning ordinance,
restricting certain building in resi
dential districts.
Louis H. Helphrey, Deschutes
county veterans' service officer,
reports that 132 Bend servicemen
have been discharged during
present hostilities. The, Bend
Youth club lays plans for a fund
drive. The Deschutes county fair
opens with a record crowd in Red
mond, and is ruled over by Queen
Lorelei Hagman of Culver. L. H.
Helphrey resigns as city commis
sioner and is succeded by Melvin
W. Munkres. Miners complete dig
ging No. 2 tunnel in the Smith
rocks, for the North Unit irriga
tion project. The government
trailer camp off south Third
Read Thoroughly
Full Unitd Press Coverage
Inlerestinq Daily
Complete local news
Advertisers messages
street, Is being removed. A dele
gation of Central Oregon men re
turn from Boise and report that
the bureau of reclamation of
ficials view favorably the pro
posed Benhall falls reservoir. Bend
is invaded by an army of red
hatted nimrods and forest of
ficials Issue fire warning as the
deer hunting season approaches.
Further storage of water in the
Wickiup reservoir is planned as
soon as the Pacific Power and
Light company report has an ex
cess of flow for the generation of
power. State police estimate that
at least 500 deer were taken from
Central Oregon hunting grounds
on the opening day of the season.
Melvin W. Munkres, newly ap
pointed city commissioner, a.
tends his first commission meet; i
ing. Closure of Bend's city jail is
threatened by lack of fuel oil,
but the jailer of the county jail
says he will quit if he has to care
for city prisoners. The city buys a
new type of stove and keeps its
own prisoners.
An increase of predator animals
is noted in Central Oregon by
visiting D. D. Green, chief of the
predatory and rodent control serv
ice of the U. S. fish and wild life
service. Mayor A. T. Niebergall,
Commissioner Melvin W. Munk
res, William E. Piland. Walter L.
Howard and Charles J. Lamer
ding file for positions on the city
commission. Junior chamber of
commerce members report that
another eight tons of paper are
collected in a Sunday pickup
around Bend. Howard Smith, Des
chutes county agent, estimates
that a $1,500,000 harvest of po
tatoes will be made in Central
With a $24,000 quota, the 1944
war chest campaign opens' in Des
chutes county under the leader
ship of H. R. Edwards, and is con
cluded in less than three weeks
with an oversubscription. With
125 teachers attending, the teach
ers' institute opens in Bend with
County Superintendent J. Alton
Thompson in charge. At mid-
month an electric storm ana rain
fall visit Bend, firing several trees
and dropping .05 inch of precipi
tation. Bend's USO servicemen's
club is declared to be on an in
active status. George E. Aitken,
pioneer Deschutes official and
sportsman, dies in Sisters.
The Brooks Scanlon Lumber
Company Inc. donates more than
2,500 ponderosa pine boxes to
Bend residents for mailing over
seas gifts to fighters. The govern
ment reports that among the sur
vivors of the torpedoing of a
Japanese prison ship is Maj. Wil
liam C. Chenoweth of Bend. Death
claims Tracy T. Tyler, for 22
years a clerk in the Bend post
office. Vandalism exceeds that of
many previous years In Bend as
police record activities of Hallo
ween night incuding several dam- J
aging explosions.
Residents protest and Bend po
lice roundup a number of 'teen
age youths as an aftermath of the
Halloween celebration, said to
have been marked by greatest
vandalism in years. Mrs. Edna
Skjersaa is named chief clerk of
(Continued on Page 8)