Stocks End Year On Strong Note By Elmer C. Walwr ' (United PreM Financial Editor) New York, Dec. 30 IIP) Stocks closed the year on a strong note with the general average attain ing a new high since September 4, 1937. ;.,. . Trading Increased as compared with last Saturday. Aviation cor poration topped the active list and made a new high. Other actives included Lehigh Valley Coal, Pep si-Cola, Park Utah, Packard, New York Central, and Silver King Co alition Mines. The last made a new top on a gain of more than a point. All sections of the list particl pated in the rise. Rails made a new high since August 31, 1937; industrials, a new hign since Janu ary 3, 1940, and utilities a new high since January, 1940. Eastman Kodak gained 3 points and advances of a point or more were noted In American Can, Commonwealth & Soutiiern pre ferred, Distillers Corp.-beagrams, Crosley Radio, International Busl ' ness Machines, Johns - Manville, LaClede Cas preferred, Caylord Container, and the Westlnghouse Electric issues. The same influences that lifted the market yesterday were re sponsible for the extension of the year-end rally today, namely, bet ter war news, heavy reinvestment demand, and some short covering. Added to these were a better grain market and numerous fa vorable items for individual is sues. Malheur Onions Widely Sampled Portland, Ore., Dec. 30 etPt Onions grown in Malheur county are gaining new lame as result oi publicity received when sacks of the onions were sent to the gov ernors of several states by Ore gon growers, E. N. Weinbaum, manager of the trade and com merce department of the Portland chamber of commerce, said today. Each governor received a 50 pound sack, and replies from them indicated that the onions were accepted with pleasure. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Dec. 30 (in Livestock for week: Cattle 1650, calves 300. Unevenly higher on short holiday run. Week's trade 50c to 1.00 higher but much ad vance on common grades and be , low lost late. Good fed steers topped at 16.50, two loads 16.00. Other medium-good fed steers 13.75-15.50. Common -medium steers mostly 10.00-13.50. Common-medium heifers 9.00-13.00 Good heifers 13.50-14.00; medium- good cows 10.00-12.50. Canners and cutters 5.50-7.50 early with fat dairy type cows to 10.00 and over. Medium-good bulls 9.50 11.25. Odd head 11.50. Good and choice vealers 13.50-14.50. Grass calves mostly 13.50 down. Hoks 1875. suuply Inadequate, market very active, some strength on heavies and sows, otherwise unchanged, largely at ceiling. Good and choice 180-250 lbs. largely 15.75. 255-300 lbs. 14.50- 15.00. Light lights 14.50. Good sows 13.2514.00; choice 104 lb. feeder pics 14.25 late. Sheep 450 extremely light sup ply sold steady to strong. Good choice wooled lambs 13.50-14.00. No. 1 pelt lambs up to 13.50. Me dium-good lambs 12.00-13.25. Com mon down to 10.00; good and choice ewes 5.50-6.00. Common down to 3.00. The market will be closed New Year's day. Enough wood to build approxl matcly 1,500,000 six-room houses has been purchased for the armed services by a single central pro curement agency. FOR MOVING PAWNG, CRATING "0R4GE i0cl CARTAGt Ik. PHONE 788 210 Irving Ave., Bend 3 c Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST S036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Offle Phone 7 Kea. rhene 1.W &)AT ) YOUR I I For Classified Rates Local Paid In Advance 25 Words One Time 85c 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times Sl-35 All wordi n" If add It "r word nambtr of liuortlono Ono month run. Mine copy, t day rate Minimum Charie, He LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20e Cleinlfled AdrertUlnr, Canh In Adranee Dallr Cloohv Time KilO P. M. BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. Special Breakfast Sunday, Dec. 81, 9 a. m. VUlllna- Brethren Welcome George Slmervllle, Scc'y. BEND LODGE, NO. 218 1. O. O. Meets Every Monday Night I. O. O. F. Temple 265 Franklin Avenue Robt. Leader, Noble Grand D. R. Miller, Sec, Phone 1069-W FOR SALE DOWN takes four room modern home. basement. Large lot. Garage. Kitchen range, ou circulator. $1350. Must act now. Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall Street. 4 ROOM modern house on Colum bia '.4 block from Kenwood school. Garage, woodshed, basement. $2200. Small down payment. Bal ance easy terms. Apply 855 Ogden Ave. INCOME PROPERTY. Two three bedroom apartments. One on first floor. One semi-basement. One three room on same lot, all mod ern. Furnished or unfurnished. Wood fuel, refrigeration. Call 1128-W or 451-M for appointment. 3 SHEETS 4'x8'xl4" used firtex. 1 sheet UxM plywood. Inquire 922 & Newport Avenue. SEWING MACHINE, 8 tube radio, rocking chairs, 2 heating stoves, chest of drawers, one bu reau, end tables, men's, ladles' and children's winter coats. 526 Staats, across from laundry. PAIR PRE-WAR eastern make lady's white figure skates, size 8. 1446 Newport. 5 YEAR OLD, 1400 lb. work horse, also Maytag gasoline wachlng ma chine, $25.00; wind charger, $35.00; Plainvlew, 14 miles on Sisters highway. E. Weiss. 1 DINING ROOM table and chairs, almost new. Margaret Miller, Sis ters, Oregoi... , TAUPE MOHAIR davenport In very good condition, rocking chair with upholstered cushion, baby high chair, cabinet graphonola with 50 records. Phone 22H-W. 504 Newport. ON PAVED STREET close in, 4 room modern house with shower, double garage, large lot, drilled hole. Unfurnished $2500. Furnish ed $2700. Loan available. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. ONE SET of new garage doors, 7x8', complete with hardware. 414 Georgia Ave. FRESH APPLE CIDER, that good kind from Puritan Cider Works, 55c gallon In your con tainers. Some more of those good eating and cooking Spitzenberg apples, $1.75, $2.00 box. Green wood Feed Co. Greenwood & Di vision Sts. TWO BEDROOM modern furnish ed house, on paved street, good location. Also good garage with living quarters on same lot. Can obtain terms. Phone 664-W or ap ply 1588 Awbrey. SEMI MODERN houses, west side: 3 rooms with porch, 2 stoves, good location, $900, $250 down, $20 month. 2 room, bullt-lns, hot water tank, range, ccplic tank, $900, $200 down, $15 month. 2 bed rooms, partly furnished, $950, $300 down, $25 month. Anne Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. GOOD ACREAGE: Good almost new 6 room modern house. City lights, city water. You must see to appreciate. Five acres. All irri gated, new garage, chicken houses, cellar, meat house. Also largo barn. Priced right. Low down pay ment. Gilberts Real Estate. WONDERFUL BUY. 40 acre ranch 3'4 miles from Bend, 35 C. O. I. 3 bedroom house and 3 room houser garage, only $3250. $1200 down, $25 month. Anno Forbes, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. 8 ROOM, modern, unfurnished house. Largo living room with fireplace, also outdoor living room, fireplace, grill all enclosed with new white picket fence. 326 Congress. STRAW SHIPMENT in now. Good alfalfa hay, baled from stack. Phone orders 78 or come in and see us. Crown Rabbit Pellets again available. Greenwood Feed Co. Greenwood & Division Sts. FOR PROMPT relief of colds, sinus, or catarrh, try a bottle of U. I. oil, no burning relieve nasnl 'discomfort Instantly. Large size $1.25; small, 3 for $1.25. Wong's, lis uona. LARGE CIRCULATING heater In A l condition. Dewey Crum, Rt. 2, Box 130, Bond. I HAVE SEVERAL console model raoios in excellent condition. Must sell at once for needed room. 117 'Lafayette. Phone 536. a Little, Sell a Lot FOR SALE OR TRADE WILL TRADE lKt ton stake Ford truck In good condition with good rubber for good passenger car with good rubber. Call at 1837 Harriman, 3 blocks west of M. & N. Cafe. 2 LOTS 50x100, located on Lafay ette close in. Also good income property, apts. or houses all fur nished, close In east side. Terms, might consider a late model car In trade. Owner 164 E. Irving. FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED house. 4 rooms, shower, garage and wood siied. Call 21 Columbia. Mike Todoroff. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment. Private bath. Phone 7bb. 141 Georgia. MODERN FURNISHED apart ment on paved street, close to town and mills. Inquire 87 Shasta or phone 962-J. TWO BEDROOM modern furnish ed house. Apply 610 Portland Ave. No garage. NICE, CLEAN, 3 room modern furnished house, garage. Phone 557-W. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom house close to both mills. Inquire at 135 Jefferson. SLEEPING or light housekeeping rooms, furnace heat. One block west of high school. Phone 451-M or call 608 Broadway. TWO ROOM furnished cabin, close In. Water and JJghts furnish ed, not modern. Inquire at 1234 Hill St. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, fnone 3-k-zj. alter e:uu p.m. 3 ROOM modern house furnished, with water and lights. 3 room not modern furnished house. Close in. Call 168 E. Irving. Phone 834-W. ROOM apartment with furni ture. Army couple preferred. 726 Wall. 3 ROOM furnished house. Wood shed, garage. $15.00 a month. C. H. Spaugh, 1045 Cumberland. 3 ROOM semi-modern furnished house. Inquire 1444 Hartford. ,' WANTED BICYCLES Top cash prices for bicycles, wheels, tricycles, frames, wagons, parts of all kinds, broken ones OK. Carl Austin, 220 Green wood. WILL CARE for invalids, old peo ple or one who needs care, in my home at 1258 E. 2nd St. Phone 593-W. TO BUY immediately sturdy, 2 wheel trailer. Must have 16" wheels, and preferably 5 lug wheels. Phone 406-W. G.Asendorf. A 4 OR 5 room modern house on west side with enough space for garden and chickens. Large down payment, will deal with owner or agent. Inquire at 1222 Cumber land. WANT TO BUY 3 or 4 thousand feet of rough lumber. Call at 351 West Railroad St., Bend. GOOD ANVIL. Creighton, 1446 Hill. Phone 733. WANT TO BUY a used oil heater. Write No. 11770 care of the Bulle tin. GOOD HOME for friendly shep herd dog, nice for children. Apply biu r'ortlana. LIST YOUR PROPERTY: Have Waiting Lists: We. need farms. cattle ranches, city homes, busi ness property, cares, service sta tions, auto courts, stores. What have you. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. WE DO mattress revonatlng and rebuilding, work guaranteed. Bend Bedding Co. Phone 753-J. USED GUNS and motors. Will pay good prices or liberal trade in j allowances on new ones. Evans Fly Co. South highway. WANT TO BUY child's pre-war sled. 1455 Cumberland. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. HELP WANTED BELL HOPS Butte Inn. wanted at Pilot EXPERIENCED MACHINE PRESSER WANTED. ASK FOR MR. NOVACK AT MASTER- CRAFT CLEANERS. SITUATION WANTED WILL CARE for preschool chil dren between 8:30 and 5. Mrs. Phillips, Apt. 3, behind Museum of Wonders, north highway. rSEI) CARS 1936 REO 1 ton 28 passenger school bus or flat bed. Also 1929 22-passcngcr 1V ton Dodge. Phone 644. 1934 FORD V-8 sport coupe. 5 good tires. Can be seen at 465 E. Olney. Sam Durfee. 2 CHEVROLET coaches, 1929 and 1931. Will sell cheap. 1236' Balti more. 1930 MODEL A Ford coupe, $150. Inquire at Tower Confectionery, next door to Tower Theatre. CLEAN 1930 model A. Good en gine, body and rubber. Schuman Auto Electric. CURIOUS WORLD LIGHT PERSONAL PLANES', ACCORDING TO THE CIVIL AERONAUTICS .AUTHORITY, WILL BE POPULAR AFTER THE WAR, WITH SOO.OOO OF THEM FLY1NS THEAMENSKIE5BVI50. BUT THE LI&HT PLANE SS NOT NEW THE 26-HP MODEL ABOVE WAS BUL rANO FIOWH V -. AT MIDDL6TOWN, OOPft. 1Md BY NiA ftERVICf. INC. o -EARTH TODAY IS APPROXIMATELY THREE MILLION AMLES NARA THE SUN THAN ITWAS LAST JULY. T. M. REQ. II. a. PAT. OFF. Capitol, Starts Sunday Fred MacMurny, Dorothy Lamour in l co-starring Betty Hutton with Diana LOST LADY'S WRIST WATCH down town Bend. Imperial with 3 rubies on each side, black band. Return to Bulletin for reward. PARTY WHO took two sleds from front yard Saturday night is known. Return Immediately to 1444 Elgin and no questions will be asked. MAN'S BILLFOLD containing driver's license, social security card and other identification. Re turn to 20 Mi Minnesota or Bulletin office. STRAYED, black and white bird dog pup. Spaniel and pointer breed, 5 months old. Reward for return to 147 E. Olney or phone 1070-W. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. PROMPT GUARANTEED service on all makes of washing ma chines, oil burners and small household appliances. Bend Wash er Service, 136 Greenwood Ave. Phone 583. Shevlin Quality PONDEROSA PINE Lumber and RED RYDER HERE5 GOVERNOR HOLLE.T , ALL T056ED OUT . TOU MEET XT J With Bulletin OrW. Qutiwtf Octets WI&HTY ACHES FROM LITTLE TOE corns eRowy juy EORSE DIFFENDERFER, CoMngswooc, Aeus etmy. scene from "And the Angels Sing," Lynn and Raymond walburn. MISCELLANEOUS TOR SALE or rent 3 room mod ern house, partly furnished, or furnished if necessary. 117 Staats. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you Hkc. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. ; Terrebonne V Terrebonne, Dec. 30 (Special) The seventh and eighth grade pu pils and their teacher, Mrs. Kuoy Scott, held a Christmas party at the school Thursday evening. Gifts were exchanged and refresh ments were served by the group. The pupils won this party by get ting the largest group of P.T.C. members. : Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thorn burgh and children were Christ mas eye dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams and family. Mr. and- Mrs. Art Appling moved to M a u p 1 n Thursday, where Appling Is employed. Mr.. and Mrs. Louis Powell of Oregon City spent Christmas with Mrs. Powell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Saxton. Box Shooks RED; TEILS ttE Y AND WE WANT TO NEED YOUR THE KRONE- SHERIFFS pROTHERS .' Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Howard were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Foss Sunday. Albert Smalley of the army, is spending his furlough with his wife and children and relatives here this week. Charles Avery, son of Mrs. Louis Arney is home on leave from the navy. Avery's ship was sunk in the battle of Leyte and he is waiting to be re-assigned to another ship. The Arneys expect their other son, Johnny, home about January 4. He has been in the European theater of war. Harold Doty and Dale Knorr of Redmond, are spending several days of the Christmas vacation with their cousins, Mavis and Nell Knorr. Mrs. A. C. Surott expects to return from Seattle witth her father, Vick Butler, as her hus band, Sgt. Surott, is leaving for overseas duty. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shortreed have received word that Short reed's brother, E m m e 1 1, was killed in action somewhere in France. Mrs. Elbert Smith has been con fined to bed by a sprained back. Mrs. Marion Garmlre of Canby, Is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Park, for the Christmas vacation. A bridal shower In honor of Miss Getty Park was held at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Park. Refreshments of cake and ice cream were served to the 30 guests by the hostesses, Marjorie Foss, Mavis Knorr, and the Misses Faye and Dorothy Eby. The bride-to-be ; received many lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petty of Wal lowa are spending the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Petty's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Park. Petty is the agriculture Instruc tor at the high school in Wallowa. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Knorr en tertained at a Christmas dinner Monday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doty and son, Har old, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Knorr, Mr. Frank Knorr, Mr. Frank Hal ley, Mr .and Mrs. R. R. Knorr and children, Mavis and Neil, and Mr. Duffy Knorr and children, Dale and Kay. Mrs. Joe Howard and son, Joe, were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Park. . Terrebone, Dec. 30 (Special) Heaton Steelman has been taken to a Portland hospital for medical care. Mrs. Bertha Inman is ill at her home in Terrebonne. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Bodtker were hosts to a small group at a Christmas eve dinner at their home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald MacGregor and daughter, Phyllis; Mrs. Tracy Tyler and daughter, Mrs. Randall Miller and son and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weaver and Al Newman. CAT OUTLIVES 9 LIVES Fort Worth, Tex. UP Accord ing to the veterinarians, Old Tom, the patriarch of Fort Worth cats, should have died about 18 years ago. But the 23-year-old Tom doesn't seem to know about that. It seems to be his intention to go on wolfing down his four or five meals a day of chopped meat and flounting science for another 23 years. The pine-looper, a forest pest known technically as Bupalus pi niarius, is being killed in Sweden by spraying from a low-flying plane a preparation called gesarol wnicn is Harmless to numans ana higher animals. WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS HALLOWELL KOLD WAVES lust Ask or the Girl Who's Had One! Well qualified and ' Experienced Operators MAY LAURA BILLIE Powder Puff Beauty Shop rnone 4X4 MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1535 Awbrey Rd. Tel. 629 SI NAY' 1 f LOOK. RED ' THAT'S BLAIR, lltSC THAT. GOVERNOR A I HELfV) i DIRECTOR OF THE 5TATE SI rfilf I 5 WHAT WE'RE J : U HIGHWAY . TT-vV IK. UaiEL.- V GO N lO f INU l E Classified Ads Consumer Groups Back OPA Move Washington," Dec. 30 (IB Fif teen national consumer groups have sent a telegram to food and rationing officials praising the restoration of most meats and pro cessed vegetables to the ration list as a boon to men and women "who have neither money nor storage space to hoard." The organizations, including the Farmers union, CIO cost of living committee, and American Associa tion of University Women, said they hoped rationing of scarce foods would be continued "with out relaxation" until plentiful sup plies were actually on hand. In statements released together with the telegram representatives of the 15 groups asserted that radio commentators and others "who purported to voice the pro tests of housewives against the new rationing regulations" did not speak for the majority of Ameri can consumers. Caroline F. Ware of the univer sity women's group said that, "far from protesting the restoration of meats and canned vegetables to rationing consumer organizations have been asking for this action since these products were made point-free." . LEGAL NOTICES National Forest Timber For Sale Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Bend, Oregon, up to and not later than January 8, 1945, for all the live timber marked or designated for cutting and all merchantable dead timber located on an area embracing about 1228 acres within Section 31, T. 16 S., R. 11 E., and Sections 4, 5, 6 and 9, T. 17 S., R. 11 E., W.M., Deschutes National Forest, Oregon, estimated to be 4,000,000 feet B.M., more or less, of ponder osa pine saw timber. No bid of less than $7.50 Der M feet for pon- derosa Dine will be considered. In! nHrlitinn in thn nrlpps hid for the of $.30 per M feet B.M. to be used by the Forest Service for paying the cost of slash disposal for the total cut of timber under the terms of the agreement, will be required. Bids with rates in excess of those permissible under MPR 460 will be reduced to the allow able maximum in making the award. $15,000.00 must accom pany each bid, to be applied on the purchase price, refunded or retained in Dart as liauidated dam ages, according to conditions of sale. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Before bids s submitted, full information concerning the timber the condi tions oi sale ana suomission ui i Forest Supervisor, Bend, Oregon. 1-11-21C NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned administra tor of the estate of Matilda Nel son, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Deschutes Coun ty, Oregon, his final account in said estate, and said Court has fixed the 22nd day of January, 1945, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock p. m. and the Courtroom of said Court as the time and place for hearing of objections, if any, to I said final account and the settle- i ment tnereoi. I Dated and first published this Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oreqon Equipment Co. Hon d Hi Minnesota Phone WW JRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE Vi Bee Hive Trucks may be used anywhere in the U.S.A. without red tape or special license when transporting your own good. Long . trips, short trips any where. See your Texaco dealer. Mission Service Station Bond ft Franklin Phone 840 23rd day of December, J944. G. W. WINSLOW, Administra tor. - A. J. MOORE, Attorney for Ad ministrator. 16-21-27-33o NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the County Court of Deschutes County, Orc- Igon, entered on the 22nd day of November, 1M44, the undersigned Sheriff will on the 6th day of January, 1945, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M.J at the front door of the Court House in Bend, Oregon, sell to the highest bidders for cash or terms as hereinafter stated, the following described real property, located in Deschutes County, Ore gon, provided no bid shall be ac cepted for less than the amourft set opposite each respective tract, which is the minimum prfce fixed In calH nlito Ancta rt etc. Parcel No. 1 SEHNE&, NEK. SE, Sec. 25, Twp. 14 S., R 12 E. nr Tut can no rou .. . . . . Parcel No. 2 W&W&, Sec. 17, Twp. 20 S., R. 18 E.W.M. $160.00 Cash. . . i . Parcel No. 3 NWSWK, SWNW!4, Sec. 12, Twp. 18 S., R. 12 E.W.M. $80.00 Cash. Parcel No. 4 NEW, Sec. 5 and NWii, Sec. 4, Twp. 22, S., R. 10 E. W.M. $320.00 Cash. Parcel No. 5 WV&SEVi, Sec. 22, Twp. 18 S., R. 12 E.W.M. $80.00 Cash. Parcel No. 6 SE14, Sec. 21, Twp. 21 S., R. 10 E.W.M. $320.00 Cash. Such sale shall be subject to the right of any municipal corpora tion claiming an unpaid assess ment lien for local improvements thereon to purchase such prop erty within 20 days after notice of such sale. C. L. McCAULEY, Sheriff 4-10-16-21C "I Resolve to bring up a healthy, happy r child," should head the list of every mother's New . Year's resolutions. Our rich, creamy milk plays a vital part in nutrition. BRADETICH BROS. Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing in Long Distance Household Goods, Movement LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Sendee Every Day Of the Year Phone 544 By FRED HARMAN