THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON. FRIDAY. DEC. 29. 1944 PAGE SEVEN Active Session Aid to Stocks By Elmer C. Wsker (United Praa Financial fiditor) New York, Dec. 29 up Stocks added fractions to more than four points to yesterday's gains in an active session today, lifting the general average to a new high since September 4, 1937. The rise was seen as a -typical year-end rally such as has been experienced in industrial stocks in 42 out of the past 46 years. The industrials rose more than a point in the average, but the rails made a better percentage showing and their average touched a new high since August 31, 1,937. The utility average on a fair-sized gain made a new high since January 8, 1940. Many factors combined to lift the market. In the first place, the funds for stock buying recently accumulated in the form of year end dividends and amounts real ized when profits were taken a few sessions ago were being spent. Improved war news and a glimmer of a hope for tax adjust ments when Germany is wiped out also aided the list. Near clos ing time some short covering came Jnto a few issues, notably Chrysler which rose more than four points. Avery Ejection Not Biddle Plan Chicago, Dec. 29 P Montgom i ery Ward and company refused I today to turn over its books to the army officers named by the government to operate the com pany's facilities in seven cities under a presidential seizure order. H. L. Pearson, vicerpresident and treasurer of the wholesale and retail store firm, said he would not give up the books, at least not until he had talked to Sewell Avery, militant chairman of the board of directors, who has challenged the government's right to take over the plants. ' Avery on Job Simultaneously, at a' court hear ing, attorneys for the company said the firm would not comply with any mandatory orders for turning over the books but added that they were accessible if the government representatives want ed to come in and look at them. Meanwhile, at Washington At torney General Biddle said there would be no attempt to evict ( Avery forciblyv ! Biddle said Avery was' "perfect ly harmless" and when asked why he was less harmless now than a few months ago when he was car ried out, the attorney general added: "He always was harmless. I guess we are following a new technique this time. PORTLAND MYESTOCK Portland, Ore., Dec. '29 (Ill Livestock: Cattle 75, calves 10. Two loads arrived late not shown. Mostly a. cleanup market. Bulls and canner-common cows 50c low er for two days. Other grades and classes quotable steady. Light mixed dairy type steers and heif ers 7.00-8.50. Cannercutter cows $5.00-7.00. Shells downward to $3.00. Cutter bulls $7.00. Common medium calves $8.0012.00. Good choice vealers salable $13.50-14.50. Hogs 100. Active, steady. Good choice 180-240 lbs. $15.75; 250-320 Its;. $14.00-15.00. Good sows $13.25 13.75. Good-choice feeder pigs quotable to $14.00 or above. Shsep none. Nominal. Good choice w o o 1 e d lambs salable $13.50-14.00. Common grades down to $10.00. Good-choice ewes quot able $5.50-6.00. The market will be closed New Year's day. .. PINE ORDERS DROP Portland, Ore.. Dec. 29 HP. Or ders for western pine lumber dur ing the week ending Dec. 23 total ed 34,443,000 board feet, as com parrel with 40,595,000 feet for the prevfpus week and 40,281,000 feet for the corresponding week a year ago, according to the Western Pine asipciation's weekly report today. Pine lumber shipments were 41,365,000 for the past week, 43, 013,000 foet tor the previous week and 44,630,000 feet for the same week last year. Production fig ures were 35,342,000, 39,622,000 and 38,795,000 lox the same per iods. ' For a Little, Sell a hot With Bulletin Classified Ads Classified Rates Local Paid in Advanea 85 Words One Time ..SSc X5 words -Three Times .75c iS Words Six Times $LS5 Alt rat m If M u r ward ttaua number ml laMrtteaa Qm nth run, uni copy, 4fc day rata Muuainai laarsa, a LINE BATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Claulf tad AdT.rtUlof, Cad. In Aaaaca Dally Ctoalat TIbm ItiU P. ML BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. Special Breakfast Sunday, Dee, 31, 9 a, m. V lilting Brethren Walcema George Slmervllle, Sec'y. FOB SALE $300.00 DOWN takes four room modern home. basement. Large lot. Garage. Kitchen range, oil circulator. $1350. Must act now. Gilberts Real Estate. 1015 Wall Street. SINGER SEWING machine. Al most new. Inquire 648 E. 2nd. WE HAVE a, few fat hens left for New Yearls. Place your orders now. Phone 1070-W or call 147 E. Olney. ' GEESE for New Year's dinner. Also bred, white giant doe rabbits. Call 1040. INCOME PROPERTY. Two three bedroom apartments. One on first floor. One semi-basement. .One three room on same lot, all mod ern. Furnished or unfurnished. Wood fuel refrigeration. Call 1128-W or 451-M for appointment. 1 SEWING MACHINE, 8 tube radio, rocking chairs, 2 heating stoves, chest of drawers, one bu reau, end tables, men's, ladies' and children's winter coats. 526 Staats, across from laundry. 5 YEAR-OLD, 1400 lb. work horse, also Maytag gasoline waching ma chine, $25.00; wind charger, $35.00; Plainview, 14 miles on Sisters highway. E. Weiss. REAL BUYS in used furniture, portable Victrola, chairs, tables, kitchen ranges, heating stoves, coil springs, bedsteads, davenos, davenports, Ironing boards, libra ry tables, used linoleum, dressers, dresser bases, kitchen cabinet bases, small cook stove, $12.50, al most new chicken wire and barbed wire, library diner table with 4 leather bottomed chairs, ball and socket trailer hitches, bumper hitches,'i replacement -balls for trailer hitches, v pulleys tor elec tric motors, factory made trailer house table, daybeds, sanitary cots, single cots, flat springs, another supply Victrola records 10c each, assortment of dishes, fruit jars 25c doz., gas hot plate, small cream separator. 350 Division. TAUPE MOHAIR davenport In very good condition, rocking chair with upholstered cushion, baby high chair, cabinet graphonola with 50 records. Phone 226-W..504 Newport. . CHECK-WRITER, good condition, $8.75; new adjustable swinging light fixture for work bench, $4.00. Hornbeck Typtwrlter Co., phone 12, 122 Oregon Ave., Bend. SMALL MODERN two bedroom home, electric stove, trash burner, circulating heater, laundry trays, hardwood floors, large lot. 1334 Columbia. ONE SET of new garage . doors, 7x8', complete with hardware. 414 Georgia Ave. TWO BEDROOM modern furnish ed house, on paved street, good location. Also good garage with living quarters on same lot. Can obtain terms. Phone 664-W or ap ply 1588 Awbrey. 3000-4000 FtTTx12, 10-8-6 lumber. 120 Thurston Avenue. GOOD ACREAGE: Good almost new 6 room modern house. City lights, city water. You must see to appreciate. Five acres. All irri gated, new garage.chicken houses, cellar, meat house. Also large barn. Priced right. Low down pay ment. Gilberts Real Estate. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore.. Dec. 29 UI--A decrease in demand for butter to day was expected to relieve the continued shortage of supplies. Prices remained at ceiling levels. Shortage of laying hens was held 'a factor in the continued scarcity of top quality cRfp, fol lowing yesterday's reduction oi two cents a dozen in OPA prices. Butter Cube, 93 score, 42 c, 92 score, 42V4c: 90 score, 42c; 8a score, 414c pound. Eggs Price to retailers: aa large, 57c; A large. 55c; medium A, 50c; small 43c doz. -Although many substitutes for gasoline to power motor cars have neen touna, no sauswi'"' stitule for petroleum lubricating oil has been located or developed. ONE GOOD milk cow at 1619 West 12th street. FOB SALE OB IBADE WILL TRADE Itt ton stake Ford truck in good condition with good rubber for good passenger car with good rubber. Call at 1837 Harriman, 3 blocks west of M. & N. Cafe. 2 LOTS 50x100, located on Lafay ette close in. Also good Income property, apts. or houses all fur nished, close in east side. Terms, might consider a late model car in trade. Owner 164 E. Irving. FOB BENT 6 ROOM ui.turnished modern house, 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen. 14th and Fresno, on Century Drive. Good garage. Water and light includ ed. $20100 month. Inquire 1371 Fresno in back. THIS CURIOUS WORLD MODERN FURNISHED house. 4 rooms, shower, garage and wood shed. Call 21 Columbia. Mike Todoroff. MODERN FURNISHED apart ment on paved street, close to town and mills. Inquire 87 Shasta or phone 962-J. NICE, CLEAN, 3 room modern furnished house, garage. Phone 557-W. SLEEPING or light housekeeping rooms, furnace heat. One block west of high school. Phone 451-M or call 608 Broadway. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment. Phone 3-R-21 after 6:00 p.m. 2 ROOM apartment with furni ture. Army couple preferred. 726 Wall. NICE, CLEAN, one room partly furnished house, semi modern, $12. Call at 648 E. 2nd. 3 ROOM scml-modern furnished house. Inquire 1444 Hartford. WANTED MEDIUM SIZE wood circulating heater. Phone 357-M. BICYCLES Top cash prices for bicycles, wheels, tricycles, frames, wagons, parts of all kinds, broken ones OK. Carl Austin, 220 Greenwood. TO BUY immediately sturdy, 2 wheel trailer. Must have 16" wheels, and preferably 5 lug wheels. Phone 406-W. G.Asendorf. 40 OR 80 ACRES good land. Would like modern homo: Phone 842-J. WANT TO BUY 3 or 4 thousand feet of rough lumber. Call at 351 West Railroad St., Bend. 3 TWO WHEEL trailers to choose from. One with 16" wheels for $17.50. 350 Division. 8 ROOM, modern, unfurnished house. Large living room with fireplace, also outdoor living room, fireplace, grill all enclosed with new white picket fence. 326 Congress. ONE NEW fur coat and fur chub by left. Real bargains. 350 Division. FOR PROMPT relief of colds, sinus, or catarrh, try a bottle of U. I. oil, no burning relieve nasal discomfort Instantly. Large size $1.25; small, 3 for $1.25. Wong's, 418 Bond. WANT TO BUY a used oil heater. Write No. 11770 care of the Bulletin. ( BIRO CONTORTIONIST ' . , it lifts rrs less out ' i Vl 'liny OP THE WATER, SHAKES fMA CUvj1 ) THE AOISTURE FROM THEM, ff'T " XB ( THEN FOLDS THEM OVER - ftf "j&Spv I THE &AOOMa rs gjij, , -AMERICA'S FIRST WERE PINE KNOTS, PLACED IN lON BASKETS AND LIGHTED BY NIGHT WATCHWEN. T. m. nco. u. a. mt. art. ANSWER: San Bernardino county, in Colifoinia, rquare mile. 4uts X II V. II Portland Stores Are Cited By OPA Portland, Dec, 29 IIP) The of fice of price administration in Portland today served complaints on eight branches of Safeway, Inc., and four branches of a local chain group, Fred Meyer, Inc., alleging unlawful acceptance of expired ration stamps after new standards were announced earlier this week. It was charged the stores ac cepted sugar, red and blue ration stamps and sold ration-free canned vegetables which had been re turned to the ration list Miss Cecilia Gallagher, enforce ment attorney for the OPA, said that hearings on the complaints had been scheduled Jan. 8 before a regional hearing commissioner from the San Francisco office. Confusion Blamed The cited stores were Involved in confusion on Tuesday result ing from failure of the OPA to Area. 2a 175 LOST LADY'S WRIST WATCH down town Bend. Imperial with 3 rubies on each side, black band. Return to Bulletin for reward. GOLD IDENTIFJCATION brace let lost downtown Tuesday, 1016 Federal or phono 221-J. PARTY WHO took two sleds from front yard Saturday night is known. Return immediately to 1444 Elgin and no questions will be asked. WILL ANYONE finding turf-tan right hand leather glove, please call 1038-W. MISCELLANEOUS LEARN TO PLAY Hawaiian and standard guitar by mail. Guaran teed course. For more information write or contact ChaS. Whetzel, Bend Music Company, 114 Minn. Ave. Phone 712. MISCELLANEOUS SPENCER SUPPORTS Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. PROMPT GUARANTEED service on all makes of washing ma chines, oil burners and small household appliances. Bend Wash er Service, 136 Greenwood Ave. Phone 583. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates giaoiy given, ine Bulletin. Flake calcium chloride added to coarse sand or screened cinders Is recommended as a skldproofing mixture for winter icy roads; from 50 to 100 pounds of the chemical Is used for each cubic foot of the abrasive. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the county court of the state of Ore gon for Deschutes county appoint ed administratrix of the estate of Ruuscl S. Lucas, deceased, and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Ross Farnham, at torney at law, In Bend, Oregon, within six months after the date hereof. Dated and published first time December 15, 1944. SADIE A. LUCAS, Administra trix, Estate of Russel S. Lucas, Dec. 9-15-20-26C have formal notice of ration! changes and, the reported prao uce oi me stores in following previous standards. Hundreds of customers jammed the stores and police were called in one instance when angry customers were noti fied the store had abruptly switched to the new rules. McDanhell Brown, OPA direc tor here, said after the one-day buying spree he was astonished and shocked that the public and stores would ignore press and ra dio notices of the rationing changes. Trade officials said about 85 per cent of the stores abided by the changes. Stores keeping the former stan dards virtually were cleaned out of stock on which changes were made in the new regulations. Other stores wanted to comply with the new rules but were con fused as to which foods had changed, and local OPA heads could offer little help in the ab sence of official notification for Washington. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned has been duly appointed Administrator of the Estate of Marcellous M.Thom as, deceased, and any and all per sons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pre sent said claims, duly verified, as by law required, at the office of my attorneys, DeArmond & Good rich, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. DATED and first published this 15th day of December, 1944. . EVERETT WALKER, Admr. De ARMOND & GOODRICH, attys. 915-20-26C LIST YOUR PROPERTY: Have Waiting Lists: We need farms, cattle ranches, city homes, busi ness property, cafes, service sta tions, auto courts, stores. What have you. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. WE DO mattress revonating and : rebuilding, work guaranteed. Bend Bedding Co. Phone 753-J. USED-GUNSand motors? wfii pay good prices or liberal trade in allowances on new ones. Evans ! Fly Co. South highway. I WANT TO BUY chllds pre-war sled. 1455 Cumberland. WANT TO BUY .22 rifle, prefer ably bolt action with either clip i np rithiilar1 mnfravlnfj Pull at fi.T7 Federal after 5:00 p. m. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 WaU St. Phone 900. USED CABS 1936 REO lh ton 28 passenger school bus or flat bed. Also 1929 22-passpnger 1 VSi; ton Dodge. Phone 644. 1930 FORD coupe. $150 or best offer. Pine Tree Auto Courts, No. 18. Phone office 414. 1937 CHEV. sedan, very good con dition. Excellent rubber. Schuman Auto Electric. LEAVING TOWN. 1935 Ford V-8. Call afternoons and evenings. 400 Sisemore. 1934 FORD V-8 sport coupe. 5 good tires. Can be seen at 465 E. Olney. Sam Durfee. J 2CHEVROLET coaches, 1929 and 1931. Will sell cheap. 1236 Balti more. ' HELP WANTED I HAVE SEVERAL console model radios in excellent condition. Must enll at nnfP for needed room. 117 I Lafayette. Phone 536. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Ofllce Phona 7 Rx. Phone 1-W GIRL'S OVERSHOES, black, size 3'i; pair of boy's overshoes be tween 7 'is and 8. boy's leather boots, size 7'i, all in good condi tion. Phone 989-R. FOR SALE OR TRADE WILL SELL 1937 Chev coach with good tires, or trade as down payment for 3 bedroom house. 720 . Ogden. EXPERIENCED WOMAN groce ry clerk. Steady employment, good pay, reasonable hours. Write Bulletin 11760. EXPERIENCED MACHINE PRESSER WANTED. ASK FOR MR. NOVACK AT MASTER CRAFT CLEANERS. Keeping Our Wartime Motor Transportation Going on the Home Front is a Big Job - - We have specialized mechanics with years of experience and equip ment available to do any truck repair job. Keep that truck running efficiently drive in for a cheek-up. BEND GARAGE COMPANY South of Post Office Phone 193 BACK IN ENGLAND London, Dec. 29 (IW Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden arrived in England today, return ing from Athens where they took part In Greek peace discussions. Court Rules Hines Must Pay Biq Tax aaiem, ure., uec z lufl The state supreme court today upheld the Harney county circuit court in Its decision that the Edward Hines Lumber company must pay $8,284.14 for a 1940 corporation excise tax. The Harney court had held that the company's business was not unitary in nature and that its Oregon business had yielded a net income. . The company had brought suit against the state tax commission, represented by Charles V. Gallo way. Justice George Rossman wrote the decision. Buy National War Bonds Nowl Mrs. Sadie Lucas Funeral Time Set Funeral services for Mrs. Sadie Lucas, who died suddenly at her homtf Wednesday night, will be held In the Niswonger and Wins low chapel at 3 p.m tomorrow with Rev. R. H. Prentice officiat- -ing. Entombment will take place later at the Portland mausoleum. Mrs. Lucas, long active in local civic affairs, had resided in Bend some 40 years. . . Fred Lucas, one of her two sur viving sons, is expected to arrive tonight from Tacoma, Wash. The Proverbial Ounce of Prevention May Be a Pound of Grease With cold weather making new demands and straining different points of wear in your car the need for the right weight of grease is paramount! Let us' do a thor . oucjh cleaning and greasing job for you, ana preserve your car through winter's demanding months of driving. . Anti Freeze Radiator Complete Motor Service Electrical and Body Work Towing W. B. Anderson Nash Co. 1173 Wall Street Phone 700 Shevlin Quality PONDEROSA PINE Lumber and Box Shooks OIVIDINO NOTICI TV hav4 4 Dtowton f liwwtan Mataat, (M. hM fed. AndcftrJ of Hart? mn pn riur py.tofe oa DtccMter 17. IM4 u .Wdaoldrr. m Mtartf m tt Dnvfter l. I9M. B. ft. CRABB. IWriMi ELMER LEHNHERR. 217 OrKn RED RYDER By FRED HARMAN I MOW YEP. RED-' laEEM'Ett (SO k1W'ENTr fMtf UTS A0 t VI f 1 RECOLLECT) PtENTTTHEY SUILT THEY HAP J I IT? (iOVi LET'S FIND SOMETHINT GOVERNOR HOLUT rco with; I rtf' introduce our- " awr v K.r V selves to w keoies; fi'irt