PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON. THURSDAY. DEC. 28. 1944 J. C. Penney Co. Manager Named Change of management of thp local J. C. Penney Co. store, made necessary by the failing health of Glenn B. Thomas, for 12 years in charge of the business here, was made known ibis morning with the aiTival of Kenneth M. Long balla, who comes from (he com' pany's district office to assume charge of the Bend business. "It's been like old home week ever since I got in," Longballa re marked and explained that this was not merely because of pre vious visits made in central Ore gon. "You see, I wasborn and raised in Minnesota, fin ished high school there in 1921 and, naturally, I've been meeting a lot of peonle who came to Bend from Bemidjl when the mill oper ations started out here. Ex-Scattie Resident Longballa took his college work In the middle west, but the greater parttof his life since then has been spent in the coast states. He was for six years In banking in Seattle before Joining the J. C. Penney or ' ganization in 1930, working in the University store in the same city. In 1938 he was made assistant manager of the downtown store in Spokane and in 1942 ne was sent to Pendleton as manager. He remained In the round-up city for two years and since then has been In the district office in Port land. The new local manager is mar ried, has two daughters, one of them a freshman at Oregon State college, the other 11 years old and a son of 13 years. The family will loin him in Bend as soon as he can find suitable living quarters Thomas' withdrawal marks the completion of virtually a Quarter of a century oi service wnn ine J. c. Penney Co. He came to Bena in 1932 from St. Helens, where he opened a store in 1925. He had loined the organization in 1920 and had had the Williams avenue store In Portland from 1921 until going to St. Helens. Remains On Job Early this fall Thomas handed in his resignation, acting on the advice of his physician. Until his successor could be assigned, how ever, he remained in the Job. "I am greatly pleased that Mr. Longballa should be the one chosen," he said this morning. "The Bend store will have the benefit of fine management, which will naturally be of advan tage also to the store's patrons. As an individual he will fit in quickly In the Bend community." Thomas said his own plans are not yet well defined, but he does intend to move from Bend to a less altitude before long. The move will probably take place In early spring. The family will Join him after completion of the school year when a daughter, Iris, will have been graduated from high school. Stocks Recover Most of Losses By Elmer C. Walter (UniUxl r-reaa Financial Editor) New York. Dec. 28 till Stocks rallied briskly today, recovering virtually all of the loss of the pre vious session, but trading was at a much slower pace. All sections of the list joined the forward movement. Bullish ness was generated by a number of favorable business develop ments, Including plants of West inghouse Electric for a 4-for-l stock split-up and of United Mer chants & Manufacturers for a 2-for-l splitup. Steels responded well to a Wash Ington report that the office of price administration Is studying possible means of increasing pric es for steel to offset the Increased "fringe" wages ordered recently by the war labor board. Senior utility shares spurted to S points, following an an nouncement by the Edison Elec tric Institute that production of electricity in tne weeK endec Dec. 23 hit a new all-time high Fluctuations In power production are considered a direct barometer of Industrial activity. Vets' Yule Tree Sale Is Success The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Pondosa Post No. 1643, today re ported that their recent Christmas tree sale was one of the most suc cessful ever staged since they be gan this method several years ago to raise funds for the benefit of veterans. "I, and members of the post, wish to thank the residents of Bend and surrounding community for their support to this cause," Commander Cecil Rhoads said. At the same time it was re vealed that there was a largo at tendance at the veterans' Christ mas patty held last night in Moost; hall. A dance followed the program, with music being furn ished by Roy Allingham's orches tra. Refreshments were served by me ladies auxiliary. Buy National War Bonds Now! Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Offte. Fhon. T B. Phono ilt-W For a Little, Sell a Lot Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 85c 25 Words Three Times 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.85 All wordf over S add lc per word time number of Ineertlone On. month run, un. copy, H day rate Minimum marge, jec LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Clauifiad Advcrtleinc, Coih In Advance Dallj Cloiinc Time 12:10 P. M. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. Stated Communication Thurs., Dee. 28, 8 p. in. E. A. Degrees Meet at 2 p. m. to Attend Whilmore Funeral George Slmervllle, Sec'y. FOR SALE SINGER SEWING machine. Al most new. Inquire 648 E. 2nd. ONE NEW fur coat and fur chub by left. Real bargains. 350 Divi sion. 3 ROOM house, corner lot fenced in, good garden spot, block and half from Brooks mill. Call at 117 Staats St., Bend. PIANO in good condition. Call at 1534 West Third. REAL BUYS in used furniture. chairs, tables, kitchen ranges, heating stoves, con springs, Dea- steads, davenos. davenports, iron ing boards, library tables, used linoleum, dressers, dresser bases, kitchen cabinet bases, small cook stove, $12.50, almost new chicken wire and barbed wire, library diner table with 4 leather bottom ed chairs, ball and socket trailer hitches, bumper hitches, replace ment balls for trailer hitches, V pulleys for electric motors, fac tory made trailer house table, day beds, sanitary cots, single cots, flat springs, another supply Vic- trola records 10c each, assortment of dishes, fruit jars 25c do.., gas hot plate, small cream separator. 350 Division. WE HAVE a few fat hens left for New Year's. Place your orders now. Phone 1070-W or call 147 E. Olney. SEWING MACHINE, 8 tube radio, rocking chairs, 2 heating stoves, chest of drawers, one bu reau, end tables, men s, ladies' and children's winter coats. 526 Scott, across from laundry. INCOME PROPERTY. Two three bedroom apartments. One on first floor. One semi-basement. One three room on same lot, all mod ern. Furnished or unfurnished. Wood fuel, refrigeration. Call 1128-W or 451-M for appointment. 5 YEAR OLD, 1400 lb. work horse, also Maytag gasoline waching ma chine, $25.00; wind charger, $35.00; Plainvlew, 14 miles on Sisters highway. E. Weiss. CHECK-WRITER, good condition, $8.75; new adjustable swinging light fixture for work bench, $4.00. Hornbeck Typtwriter Co., phone 12, 122 Oregon Ave., Bend. ONE SET of new garage doors, 7x8 , complete with hardware. 414 Georgia Ave. SMALL MODERN two bedroom home, electric stove, trash burner, circulating heuter, laundry trays, hardwood floors, large lot. 1334 Columbia. 3 TWO WHEEL trailers to choose from. One with 17" wheels for $17.50. 350 Division. 3000-4000 FT. 1x12, 10-8-6 lumber. 120 Thurston Avenue. ONE GOOD milk West 12th street. cow at 1619 DAVENPORT and chair, 2 beds with springs, 1 with mattress, dining table and 4 chairs, heating stove, 2 cook ranges, kitchen table, floor lamp and general household goods. 829 Delaware. 8 ROOM, modern, unfurnished house. Largo living room with fireplace, also outdoor living room, fireplace, grill all enclosed with new white picket fence. 326 Congress. FOR PROMPT relief of colds, sinus, or catarrh, try a bottle of U. I. oil, no burning relieve nasal discomfort instantlv. Large size $1.25; small, 3 for $1.25. Wong's, 418 Bond. FOR SALE OR TRADE WILL SELL 1937 Chev coach with good tires or trade as down payment for 3 bedroom house. 720 Ogden. WILL TRADE12 ton stake Ford truck in good condition with good rubber for good passenger car with good rubber. Call at 1837 Harrlman, 3 blocks west of M. & N. Cafe. 2 LOTS 50x100, located on Lafay ette close In. Also good income property, apts. or houses all fur nished, close In cast side. Terms, might consider a late model car in trade. Owner 164 E. Irving FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED house. .v...",wor, garage and wood TodonS" 21 C'"""ta..Mike I,Cnu'hf,LAN' 3 ,0m m"""r 557 W e' E"ra2c- Phone FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom house close to both mills. Inquire 135 Jefferson. 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment. Phone 3-R-21 after 6:00 pm NICE, CLEAN, one room partly furnished house, semi modern, $12. Call at 048 E. 2nd. COMPLETELY FURNISHED modern seven room 4 bedroom house. Wood furnace, washing machine, mangle, vacuum cleaner. Inquire 1532 Harmon Blvd., or 331 E. Marshall. WANTED WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs. Also gentle saddle ponies and saddles. Please write W. R. Franks, Redmond or phone 78-J, Redmond, Oregon. BICYCLES Top cash prices for bicycles, wheels, tricycles, frames, wagons, parts of all kinds, broken ones OK. Carl Austin, 220 Green wood. 40 OR 80 ACRES good land. Would like modern home. Phone 842-J. WANT TO BUY a used oil heater. Write No. 11770 care of the Bulle tin. LIST YOUR PROPERTY: Have Waiting Lists: We need farms, cattle ranches, city homes, busi ness property, cafes, service sta tions, auto courts, stores. What have you. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Stree,t. USED GUNS and motors. Will pay good prices or liberal trade In allowances on new ones. Evans Fly Co. South highway. WANT TO BUY .22 rifle, prefer ably bolt action with either clip or tubular magazine. Call at 637 Federal after 5:00 p. m. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 wan St. Phone uu. USED CARS 1936 REO l'i ton 28 passenger school bus or flat bed. Also 1929 22-passenger 1V4 ton Dodge. Phone 644. 1937 CHEV. sedan, very good con dition. Excellent rubber. Schuman Auto Electric. 1934 FORD V-8 sport coupe. 5 good tires. Can be seen at 465 E. Olney. Sam Durfee. 2 CHEVROLET coaches, 1929 and 1931. Will sell cheap. 1236 Balti more. ' HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN groce ry clerk. Steady employment, good pay, reasonable hours. Write Bufletin 11760. GIRL for general Perrnanent position. Mackey, 832 or 41Z housework. Phone Mrs. EXPERIENCED MACHINE PRESSER WANTED. ASK FOR MR. NOVACK AT MASTER CRAFT CLEANERS. . LOST GOLD IDENTIFICATION brace let lost downtown Tuesday. 1016 Federal or phone 221-J. PARTY WHO took two sleds from front yard Saturday night is known. Return Immediately to 1444 Elgin and no questions will be asked. MISCELLANEOUS IDEAL CHRISTMAS Gifts. Spen cer Supports Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brinson, O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. LEARN TO PLAY Hawaiian and standard guitar by mail. Guaran teed course. For more information write or contact Chas. Whetzel, Bend Music Company, 114 Minn. Ave. Phone 712. PROMPT- GUARANTEED service on all makes of washing ma chines, oil burners and small household appliances. Bond Wash er Service, 136 Greenwood Ave. Phone 583. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you like. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Dec. 28 ili'i Live stock: Cattle 450, calves 50, less active, early sales steady, but many bids lower. Few common- meumm steers; good ieu iieiit'i-5 jjuo.ou- common-meo-ium grades $9-12.00. canner cutter cows, slow, at $5.50-7.50. Fat dairy type cows $810; med ium beef cows to $11.50; medium to good bulls $9-10.50; good to choice vealers $13.5014.50. Hogs, salable 300, market ac tive, steady, good to choice 180 25011)8. $15.75: good sows largely $13.50; lightweights to $14.00; feeder pigs around $14.00. Sheep salable 200, market quot able fully steady, good to choice wocled lambs salable $13.5014; common lambs down to $10.00; good to choice ewes quotable $5.50- Market will Year's day. be closed New POUTI.ANO PKODl'CE Portland, Ore.. Dec. 28 (UiDe- spite a shortage of fresh eggs. prices declined two cents a dozen today In all classifications except small sizes. The reduction fol lowed the OPA long-range price program and came at a time when seasonal price declines are usual. Butter prices were uncnanged. Butter Cube 93 score 42 c; 92 score 42 V, c; 90 score 42c; 89 score iV&c pound. Eggs Price to retailers AA large 57c; A large 55c; medium A 50c; small 42-44c dozen. Yuletide Dinner Still in Offing Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Deltrlck, Bend, are holding over the Christ mas dinner until early January. and there are two good reasons for the delay: Two of their three sons in the armed forces are to be home. TSgt. Richard Deltrlck was ex pected to arrive today from Camp Kerns, Utah, where he is station ed with the air force. Pfc. Brent Deitrick is due to arrive about Jan. 1, from Fort Lewis, where he is with the army. The third son. Max, In navy services, will be unable to be here for the belated Christmas dinner. LEGAL NOTICES I -I NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes BANK OF BEND, a State Bank ing Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. J. A. FERRELL, and CYNTHIA FERRELL, husband and wife, De fendants. By virtue of an execution in foreclosure dulv issued bv the Clerk of the Circuit's Court of the I County of Deschutes,- State of Oregon, dated the 15th day of De cember, 1944, in a certain action In the Circuit Court for said county ana state, wnerem bank OF BEND is plaintiff and recov ered judgment against 3. A. FER- KfcLL and CTNTHIA FERRELL. husband and wife, as defendants, for the sum of Eighteen Hundred ($1800.00) Dollars, with Interest thereon from the 11th day of April, 1941, until paid at the rate of six percent (6) per annum,! together with attorneys fees and plaintiff's costs and disburse ments. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I that I will, on Monday, the 22nd i day of January, 1945, at the west i front door of the courthouse in , Bend, in said County and State, at ' ten (10) o'clock in the forenoon of ; said day, sell at public auction to j the highest bidder for cash, all right and title that the above named defendants or either of them have or had at date of said judgment in the following describ ed property, to-wit: The Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW14 of NE'4), Section Nineteen (19). Township Sixteen (16) South, Range Twelve (12) East of Wil lamette Meridian, in Deschutes County, Oregon. DATED: at Bend, Oregon, this 21st day of December, 1944. C. L. McCAULEY, Sheriff of Deschutes County. 14-19-25-31c NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have been appointed admin istrator, with the will annexed, of the Estate of Clarence L.Mannhei mer, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate should file the same, duly veri fied, at the office of my attorneys, Do Armond & Goodrich, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice. S. DIETRICK, Administrator, with the will annexed, of the Estate of Clarence L. Mannhei mer, deceased. De ARMOND & GOODRICH, Attorneys at Law, Bank of Bend Building, Bend, Oregon. 14-19-25-31c Notice Is hereby given that First National Bank of Portland and Margaret S. Hemingway, co-executors of the Estate of Robert W. Hemingway, deceased, having filed their report for final settle ment, and a petition for final dis tribution of said estate and the hearing thereon having been fixed by the Court for Monday the 15th day of January 1945 In the Coun ty Court Room of the Courthouse at Bend, Oregon, at 11 a. m., all persons interested in said estate are notified to then and there ap pear and show cause if any exist why said final account should not be settled nnd allowed and dis tribution made of said estate to the persons entitled thereto. Margaret s. Hemingway, First National Bank of Portland, Co- Executors. 8-14-19-25c RED RYDER f RlOER,lF WE'RE V-fHIS 16 1ME V HAVE A fmiN' 60iG 0 RIMROCKT NEW RDAD 1 1 1H' ATTEMPT ON V OVER A lERRlBLETi TO INVESTIGATE, PECAUSE OF THIS 1 v o-Arv -rx. rtrvie(?VL-((? A investigation.' y With M MILLINER I Fetts-Beanies.etc. 1 si,.pp,;,..d..YogusAVE! (1 C25c- 50c 1 gV M headsHruW J J I Cotton and Rayon Ijrjt SH j. 9Sk Dss' Pf) 1 S)l f" . 1 Seersuckers and ginghams- , I j jf III 1 1 Q Qy 1 rayon crepes, spun rayons Jf ' I 1 tn ftt0 8uit dresses, too! A rackful ; J r&JVn j I 1 A ,5 U e sttqMW 1 . of big Penney clearance BJt&MM'X II 1 cAooPYJo8 , r a'9e 1 values, repriced to clear I A & 1 &Poti' rL 1 quickly. WfciiCflrV I Boys" Caps Suit JM &J Boys' dressy cloth 11 M VlAll I A cops In herringbone II Jf tftVfYl f ' " A rffef - and other designs, I I lll(flU" At'ie 1 some with ear flaps I 1 kuiatO"' 1 real bargains. I I .. A'1 '1 . 150 ,.L Plaques V c0" Hoeo; i( Handsome plaster . LC , note0?.,. W li wall plaques with LOO' TL. loosee i-yott 1 insert mirror-dress " . 4f'Ve r J up your home for 0 fvne T,9 rce. little money. l-- I Men's Handsomo Two-Tone Leisure Coats 5.00 Dressy, comfortable two-tone lei sure coats for men, in favorite brown and tan tones, soft Shetland materials, most sizes. Rugged, For Outdoor Work Slicker Pants 2.00 Those rugged black slicker pants you need for wet weather, only a few repriced to clear. Bulletin S& ttffflii SaveToday-on things you Every Home Should Have One or More Flag Sets 1.00 Large American flag, with flag pole and bracket for mounting. Buy yours now, and display the flag on every holiday! Baseball-Football Games 50c Whatnot Shelves 1.00 Lazybones Cloth Dog Boys' Denim Jimmies ONE OUTSIDE M OFFICE K.NOW5 IT? Classified Ads Good, serviceable merchandise that you can use now DRASTICALLY MARKED DOWN TO SELL AT ONCE! Slightly shopworn goods, broken sizes and odds and ends, but useful and useable CUT SHARPLY IN PRICE TO SELL NOWI 1 Buy War Bonds Mirror Back 2.00 1.00 Sizes 3 to 8 BARE&ACK ? ( I'M NOT IN A JOKIfO1 Y'' fX'-' f RE-D RYDER V PRACTICIM' j WQ0D RIGHT MM,)'. S V ' A VJANT-UM OUlCrO pun Lbiia can use Now Saddle Oxfords 1.00 Sturdily built and dressy saddle ox fords with , white fabric top, brown trim, durable composition sole, worn en s and girls' sizes. Rayon Handbag 25c Make excellent shopping or knitting :worddte"b,eray0nfabrICW!fh .Genuine Gender Pottery Novelty Vases 1.00 Novelty shapes in lovely pastel shades vases of Gender pottery. Fine for the home make excellent gifts. A Few, in Bright Colors, Ladies' Fabric Gloves pair 50c By FRED HARMAN