The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, December 28, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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In U.S. 'Tight;
Says OPA Chief
Portland, Ore., Dec. 28 (Spe
cial) Commenting on action
of the OPA in cancelling certain
' outstanding food ration stamps,
McDannell Brown, Portland dis
trict OPA director, pointed out
that the OPA had no alternative
in view of the tight food situa
tion. He reiterated statements
from Washington that the actions
were necessary because civilian
suDDlies of sugar, butter and com
mercially canned fruits and vege
tables are at- the lowest poini
since the war began and meat
supplies are declining.
Brown -said: "Supplies of food
. were not large enougn to permit
spending of both the 1945 ration
stamps and all of those carried
over from 1944.
"We all recognize that most
people who have old unspent
stamDS simply didn't need the
food at the time the stamps were
intended for use. Enough stampu
will be made good in 1U45 to as
sure each consumer his fair share
of the 1945 supply. It would have
been unfair to let some people
snend stamps unneeded In 1944
for food available In 1945."
Surveys Made
To show the extent of unspent
ration stamps and their possible
effect on future rationing, OPA
announced results of surveys
made in October by the census
bureau. The surveys showed that
at that time outstanding processed
foods (blue) stamps equalled z.
months supply, and that outstand
ing unspent meat and fats (red)
stamps equalled 2.5 months sup
ply. On sugar, the surveys showed
that unused sugar 'stamps ana
coupons equivalent to about two
months regular consumer ration
were outstanding. The sugar sur
vey did not include stamp 33,
which became good on Septem
ber 1.
In order to clear up some of
the existing confusion as to cur
rently valid stamps and on point
values of those canned food Items
which go back on the ration list,
Brown issued the following state
ment: (following quoted).
The following stamps are now
Sugar stamp No. 34. (AH .other
sugar stamps Including canning
sugar coupons are now cancelled.)
Processed food stamps (blue
stamps) X5 Y5 Z5, A2 and B2.
AH other processed food stamps
are now invalid.
Meats and fats stamps (red
Stamps) Q5, R5 and S5. All other
meats and fats stamps are now Invalid.
There Is no change at this time
in the meat and fats point values
with the exception of butter which
was raised to 24 points per pound,
effective Tuesday morning, De
cember 26, 1944.
Additional changes in meats and
fats points will become effective
Sunday, December 31, 1944.
The following processed food
Items were returned to the r
Hon list, effective Tuesday, De
cember 26, 1944: -
Asparagus, 10 points, No. !
cans. ,
Peas (exclude soaked dry peas)
20 points, No. 2 cans.
Spinach, 10 points. No. 2 cans.
Beans, green or wax, 10 points.
No. 2 cans.
Corn (except vacuum packed.
whole kernel, 12 oz. tin), u points,
No. 2 cans.
Corn (except vacuum packed,
whole kernel, exclude corn on
cob). 20 points. No. 2 cans.
"Point values on other food
items will be announced as soon
as they are received from San
Francisco," Brown advised.
Dealers Are Told
Of New OPA Rules
Reports that Bend dealers have
continued to accept red, blue and
sugar stamps for rationed foods
despite a recent order of the OPA
have reached war prices and ra
tion board headquarters here, it
was learned today. These reports
have resulted in Jackson T.
Moor,e acting on instructions
from state and national head
quarters, to Issue the following
official statement:
'Since many local dealers have
declared that they do not consider
that they have received proper
notification of the rationing rules
now in effect, these dealers are
hereby officially notified that any
rationed goods sold without the
To Front for Fact
Paul V. McNutt, above, War
Manpower Commissioner, soon
will leave Washington for Eu
rope where he and other WMC
and WPB representatives will
gather first-hand information on
the munitions supply situation
at the Western Front.
Buying of Bonds
Takes New Spurt
Portland, Ore., Dec. 28 (IP)
The sudden upsweep of bond buy
ing In Oregon during the past
few days has been attributed by
state sixth war loan drive offi
cials as due in part to the effect
of bad news from the war fronts
on the civilian population. .
The same trend is reflected In
blood donations, Red Cross of
ficials indicated.
Official figures released today
show that Oregon's series "E"
bond sales in the drive total $31,
668,332 or approximately 93.1 per
cent of the quota of 34 million.
However, bonds bought through
Dec. 31 will count toward the
state's quota.
At the Portland blood donor
center, calls for appointments
kept the switchboard operators
busy yesterday, as persons who
have lapsed for over a year be
tween donations attempted to se
cure immediate appointments.
Voice of
Central Oregon
Affiliated With Mutual Don Le. Broad catting System
1340 '
5.00 Sam Hayes ,
5:15 Central Oregon News
5:20 Musical Interlude
5:25 Sport Yarns
5:30 Tom Mix
5:45 Night News Wire
6:00 Gabriel Heatter
6:15 Real Life Stories .
6:30 Sammy Kaye's Orchestra
6:45 Joan Brooks
7:00 Tommy Dorsey's
7:15 Lowell Thomas
7:30 Red Ryder
8:00 The Grange Reporter
8:15 Vaughn Monroe's
8:30 True Detective Mysteries
9:00--Glenn Hardv News
9:15 Rex MiUer
9:30 Carmen Cavallero's
9:45 Your Navy'
9:50 Oroan Molnrlloc
10:00 Fulton Lewis Jr.
10:15 News
7:00 News '
7:15 Rise and Shine
7:30 Baker's Best Buys .
7:45 Morning Melodies
7:55 News:
8:00 Arthur Gaeth '
8:15 American Folk Singers
8:30 News
8:45 Today's Bulletin Board
8:50 Women in the News
8:55 Lanny and Ginger
9:00 News and Gabriel Heatter
9:15 Rationing News
9:20 Old Family Almanac
9:45 Quintones
10:00 Glenn Hardy News '
10:15 Terry's House Party
10:30 Luncheon With Lopez
10:45 News of PrinevUle
11:35 Lady About Town
11:40 News
11:45 Rollo Hudson's Orchestra
12.00 Lum 'n Abner
12:15 Music A La Carter
12:30 Music
12:45 Farmer's Hour
1:00 Alfred Wohl Orchestra
1:15 Do You Need Advice?
1:30 Headlines In, Harmony
2:00 Handy Man
2:15 Music
2:45 Back to the Bible
3:00 Griffin Reporting
3:15 Concert Hall
3:45 Johnson Family 1
4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr.
4:15 Vincent Lonez' Orchestra
-4:30 Music and Lyrics
4:45-Coronet story Teller
4:50 Oleanders Quartette
5:00 Sam Hayes
5:15 Central Oregon News
5:20 Musical Interlude
5:25 Sports Yarns
5:30 Tom Mix
5:46 Night News Wire
6:00 Gabriel Heatter
6:15 Real Life Stories
6:30 Double or Nothing
7:00 Jan Garber's Orchestra
7:15 LoweU Thomas
7:30 Lone Ranger
8:00 Boxing Bout3
9:00 Glenn Hardy News
9:15 Cecil Brown
9:30 Freedom of Opportunity
10:00 Fulton Lewis Jr.
10:15 News 1
Official Records
Charles Dugan, 45 Park place
was arrested last night on a dls!
orderly conduct count, city reo
ords show.
Leona Callihan, route 1, applied
yesterday for a retail beer and
package license, class B.
Bond Garage company yester
day filed a lien upon a 1934 Chev.
rolet sedan owned by Harold L.
Williams on account of storage,
labor and materials amounting to
$104.83 expended upon said vehicle.
Mannheimer estate: Robert J.
Mannheimer and Norman B.
Mannheimer have been appointed
trustees of the estate of Clarence
L. Mannheimer, deceased and will
take possesion of said estate at
the closing of probate proceed,
reported that he was unable to
find where anything had been
Portland Drunks
Due for Roundup
Portland, Ore.,. Dec. 28 u
Portland police were under or-i
proper stamps constitutes a viola-1 ders today to arrest every per-
tlon of the luw and is subject to
The new order of the OPA,
which cancelled certain red, blue
and sugar stamps as of Monday
midnight, Is In effect in Bend
Mooreadded, and these cancelled
stamps may not be accepted by
Cars registered to four Bend
residents were recently tagged
for overtime parking on down
town streets, police reports dis
closed today. The cars were regis
tered to A. A. Symons, 840 Port
land.avenue; P. B. Johnson, 2042
West Seventh street:-Patt Skin
ner, 220 Drake road, and L. Carter,
1445 West Fourth street.
After breaking the lock off the
door, burglars entered and. ran
sacked the apartment of Bob Reid,
Gilchrist apartments, according to
police reports today. The victim
son found on the citys streets
-under the influence of liquor, asi
plans were being lnid to reduce j
the number of traffic fatalities!
during the coming week. I
Four of Portland's five traffic
deaths over the Christmas week-J
end Involved persons who had,
been drinking, and in addition fi5 1
per cent of the accidents in the
city Involved drunken drivers, ac-;
cording to Capt. James W. Pur-;
cell, head of the police bureau's
traffic division. '
Purcell declared that every of-'
fleer and every piece of equip-1
ment would be used, if necessary '
to avoid a recurrence of week
end tragedies. The orders, effec
tive immediately,, will be con
tinued indefinitely, he said.
In- denning the policy to be
followed in the city's traffic
courts, Municipal Judge J. J. jQuil-
Jin warned that drunken drivers
will be given jail sentences.
Buy National War Bonds Now!
705 Columbia
, '.'
Phone 350
mbhimhhhmmhbmhmhmhwmJ Friday
Tomato Soup
3 cans 25c
Golden West
1 lb. 32c
2 lb. 63c
No. Ill Bag
I'cnn ( hump
Floor Wax
2 pt. bottles 59c
Si - 69c
Swans Down
4 Lb. Buk.
Luncheon Meat
can 35c
Duff's Ginger Bread Mix . . .pkg. 25c
Cream of Wheat pkg. 24c
Tea Garden Grape Juice . . . .qt. 39c
Tenderoni .3 pkgs. 25c
Jam, assorted flavors . .5 lb. jar 1.19
Merrimac Salmon, i size . . . .can 26c
H&D Cream Corn can 15c
Merrimac Peas ...... No. 2 can 15c
Staco String Beans can 15c
Milk, all brands 4 cans 39c
C.H.B. Catsup bottle 19c
V-8 Vegetable Cocktail. No. 5 tin 33c
Quality Meats at Real Savings
Hens and Fryers lb. 40c to 45c
Large Colored
Pure Lard 5 lb. cake 69c
Kettle Rendered
Home Made Mince Meat ... .lb. 25c
Fresh Salmon Fillet of Snapper
and Oysters
lb. pkg.'
We welcome the New Year with bell-ringing values in fine
quality foods from each of our five abundantly filled depart
ments to mt !.e our stores first for savings in the New Year
and for the whole year, too, because we pledge ourselves to
continue our policy of EVERY PRICE A LOW PRICE EVERY
DAY ... a policy that has made our stores the buy-word
for all food needs.
rine 2 Points b- 2 bs- 49c
Salad Dressing quart 35c
ed can 35c
3 :
Navel Oranges
f doz. 39c
Tangerines ............... doz. 29c
Arizona Grapefruit ...... .4 for 25c
Large Size
Rutabagas .4 lbs. 25c
Sweet Potatoes ........ .3 lbs. 29c
Danish Squash lb. 4c
Fresh Vegetables Arriving Daily
Ginger Ale .qt. 20c
Sparkling Water qt. 20c
Coca Cola . .6 bottles 25c
Pepsi-Cola ..6 bottles 25c
7-UP ..........6 bottles 25c
- s
Grow M ......n
L. J1BV-
3 cans
2 lb. jars
Fancy Peas
: Standby No. 2
2 cans 29c
Green Beans
Fountain, Fancy
2 cans 29c
Sliced Peaches
No. 2'2
can 25c
Raisins ........ 4 lbs. 49c
Dill Pickles quart fruit jar 29c
Sperry Pancake Flour . .10 lbs. 69c
Swans Down Flour 50 lbs. 2.29
Triangle Oats ..... .10 lb. bag 49c
Kerr Jellies .2 lb. jar 49c
Durkee's Mayonnaise ....pint 31c
Dude Ranch Syrup . . . .qt. bot. 29c
Milk, all brands 3 cans 29c
Chic-Noodle Soup 3 pks. 25c
Krispy Crackers . 2 lb. box 31c
60c Alka Seltzer .49c
quart 08
39c 111
jlllir 3 lb.
Ijfesqif 9c
Ige. pkg.
DUZ .....pkg. 23c
Diced Beefs
2 cans 25c
Gohrke's - Phone 207
Sugar Cured
Boston Butts
TastesJust Like Ham!
Roasting Chickens lb. 45c
Pan Ready, Colored
Beef Roast lb. 29c
Tender Steer Bed
Liver Tender! '. ... .2 lbs. 35c
Pork Roast 33c
Lean Shoulder Cuts
4 med. bars.. 25c
3 ige. bars ...29c