THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, THURSDAY DEC. 28. 1944 PAGE TEN SUPER MARKET rams END-OF-THE-YE AR BARGAINS! Shrimp American Beauty oz. can 38c Chateau Cheese 2 s 89c Borden's Brick Delicious for Toasted Sandwiches Ripe Olives Net 1 0 j 23c No. 2 can 15c Tomato . IO'j oz. can 3 for 25c 3 pkgs. 19c Assorted Flavors PODDING TP Nucoa ...2 lbs. 49c Trupak Grapefruit Juice No. 2 can 37c Saxon House Orange Marmalade..... 2 lb. jar 33c Monopole Loganberry Jam 2 lb. jar 58c Sundine Orange Juice No. 2 can 23c Royal Chef Minced Clams 7 oz. can 25c Palmdale Honey 2 lb. jar 74c Season-All 4 or. pkg. 25c Ben Ilur Perfect Seasoning Durkee's Mayonnaise p. jar 31c Los Angeles Peaches ....No. 1 can 23c Ukelele Pineapple ....No. 2 can 27c Yamhill Pears...... .......No. 1 can 28c Durkee's Salad Aid.... qr. jar 39c Stuffed Olives... ......6 oz, jar 55c Spanish Canada Dry Mixers 2' 29c Plus Deposit Sweet Potatoes can 21c . Taylor's Fancy Whole 1 Lb. 2 Oz. Can Layer Pak Vegetables can 24c No. 2 Can Hot Mustard.... .771...... 6 oz. jar 10c Ben Ilur H & D Tomato Juice, No. 2 can 2 for 25c Pictsweet Corn, whole kernel No. 2 can 16c Blue Lake String Beans, No. 2 can 2 for 35c Oysters . .71 oz. can 39c . American Beauty Jacob Mushroom, stems and pieces, 4 oz. can 44c Soya Creme 1 lb., 8 oz. pkg. 19c ! or Delicious rnncaues ami names Duff's Ginger Bread Mix 14 oz. pkg. 21c DeLuxe Veg.-Noodle Soup........ 2 glass jars 21c niaKcs a (uuri Shredded Wheat 12 ox. pkg. 12c lor a Different Dressing Cucumber Pickles jar 38c iicinz I' resii i I'l. uz. .iur Concord Grape Juice pt. bot. 19c Church's Purex Toilet Tissue 4 rolls 15c Soft White Woodbury Soap 4 for 24c 4 Cuke Economy Deal Albert Quick or Regular OATS 3 lb. pkg. 29c with uvetiware m mi s T -ss id. iar 45c " Dark or Light Catsup 14 oz. bottle 22c Asparagus Tips No. 2 can 43c All Green Spears Artichoke Hearts 303 glass 45c FRUITS and VEGETABLES LETTUCE large solid heads 2 for 29c ORANGES medium size, all purpose ..doz. 43c APPLES Delicious .3 lbs. 29c PUMPKINS fresh for pies lb. 5c Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Received Daily .AMD'S MARKET POINTLESS MEAT VALUES Pork Roast 32c I.ean Shoulder Pork Steak lb. 35c Shoulder Cuts Veal Roast lb. 29c Ground Beef lb. 27c Crown Rib It No Cereal Added Veal Steak .lb. 33c Sausage .lb. 27c Tender and Juicy Country Stylo IAnitwer to PrTloB. Pawl. aviation W I Mi U ""ITC PbA HORIZONTAL 1,5 Pictured U. S. Marine Corps' leader, Brig.-Gen. 10 Symbol for samarium - 11 Garden tool 12 Operatic solo 13 Biblical pronoun 15 Wine vessel 17 Gazed 19 Is (Latin) ' 20 Curl 22 Decays 23 Roman philosopher 24 False report' 28 Ascended 27 Treatise 28 Newspaper paragraphs ' 29 Toward 30 Palm lily 31 Sailing vessel 34 Unclouded sky 38 Cuts 39 Goat antelope 40 Sailors 41 Spinning toys 45 Cognomen 46 Late Amer ican humorist' 47 Neck part 49 Gibbon 50 From 51 Russian city 52 Charged atom 54 Nova Scotia (ab.) 55.56 He is new VERTICAL 1 Celebrated 2 Exclamation , 3 Cut off super fluous parts 4 Forest creature 0 Stag 6 War god 7 Disencumber 8 Sun god 9 Universe 10 Dedicate 14 Short jackets 16 Points a weapon 18 Daybreak 19 Facility 21 Dislikes greatly 23 Civilian 25 Indian peasants 36 Natives of Rome y , 37 Pitchers 1 : 41 At that time 42 Shield bearing 43 Italian river 2G Cosmic orders 44 Levantine 31 Swedish seaport 32Chaplet 33 Wrap in cerecloth 35 Russian mountain ketch 47 Having three parts (comb; form) . 48 Also . 51 Either 'I 1 P H 5 u 1 r I h 1"! vsr ; ; t j&p' W m hi im m W! ?" so- as1 sz xsrwfiiM I I I I I I I I I I I u Sisters Sisters, Dec. 27 (Special) Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Bertha, Linn and Johnnie Wilson were dinner guests Christmas day at the George Wakefield home. Word has been received that Marie Sartz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Swartz, died very suddenly at her home Thurs day of last week, in Portland. The Swartzes were former residents of Sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Line were Christmas dinner guests of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Layle Van Tassel. Mr. and Mrs. Dobkins and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ireland and family were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Dobkins' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Coburn, of Bend. Mrs. Helen Baker and Sandra spent Christmas with Mrs. Ba ker's mother, Mrs. Povenmire, of Newberg. Mr. and Mrs. William BarKdoll spent Christmas at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hu bert Van Tassel. Van Tassel is ill. R. W. Hinton is very ill at the St. Charles hospital in Bend. Fvt. Haroia h;. Jones or uamn Wood, Texas, is home on a fur lough and will go back to his sta tion at Camp Orr, Calif., about Jan. 1. He is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Harnan. Dinner guests at the Farleigh home Christmas day were Walter Kydell and Mrs. Nettie Locke of Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller and Margaret Miller spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold of Cloverdale. Family dinner guests at the Frank Zumwalt home were Mr. and Mrs. Howell Roberts and son, Bert; Mrs. Nellie Bembry and children, Evelyn Zumwalt and Mrs. David Zumwalt. Mrs. Alma Patterson spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Benson and son, Gary, were Christmas din ner guests at Mrs. S. S. Sorensen. Guests at the C. W. Bush home were Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gammon and daughters, Mrs. Perry, Mr. nnH Tl'c Mnncnn nnH ffitnilx Mr I and Mrs. Earl Russell, Mr.' and Mrs. Stanley Day and family, Mrs. Templeton and Jimmie Chapman. After the dinner Mrs. Earl Rus sell and Mr. and Mrs. Hansen left for Portland. Lulu Glover, of Salem, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Glover. Willard Cyrus has returned home from the St. Vincent hos pital in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lalli of Shev lin and Mr. and Mrs. John Buscoe of San Francisco are spending Christmas week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Winkle. Jack and Jim Trushiem, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Don Trushem, are leaving Saturday for Portland to join the merchant marine. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hitchcock went to Spray to spend Christmas at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Frank Crawford. Word has been received that Victor Roach was released from the hospital at Portland and is staying at the Imperial hotel. A farewell Christmas party was hold at the C. G. Hitchcock home Friday evening for Jack Nunnol- I Ice who is stationed at Tonopah, 1 Nov. Thirty five guests were pres ent. After the gathering, Mr. and Mrs. Nunnellee left for Tonopah. Mr. and Mrs. Edgington and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Crawford spent Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Collins in Tumalo. Frank Leithauser of Portland is spending Christmas week at the home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Leithauser. Fifth Sunday rally will be held at Bend Dec. 31 by all Christian churches and Sisters will furnish the devotional services. The Sisters Townsend club held its regular meeting and Christ mas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Huntington. The Sisters Townsend club will hold its next regular meeting Dec. 30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brockett of Sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Guy McLoughlln spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Roush in Bend. NEW kind of ASPIRIN tablet doesn't upset stomach When you need quick relief from pain, do you hesitate to take aspirin because it leaves you with an upset stomach? If so, v.'Wv.''wiwp-'-. KM v.iia iicn mem STJPERIN, is "just what the doc tor ordered" for you. Superin is aipirln plus contains the same pure, safe aspirin you have long known but developed by doctors in a special way for those upset by aspirin in its ordi nary form. This new kind of aspirin tablet dissolves more quickly, lets the aspirin get right at the job of re lieving pain, reduces the acidity of ordinary aspirin, and does not ir ritate or upset stomach even after repeat doses. Tear this out to remind you to get Superin today, so you can have it on hand when headaches, colds, etc., strike. See how quickly it relieves pain how -jrra fine you feel after laKine-AiyouraruK- v gist's, 15 and 391. The Kirby Co. of Bend KIRBY HOME RENOVATION SYSTEM Sales and Service of the Kirby vacuum cleaner. Phone or write for a free demonstration. 440 Division Brooks'Scanlon Quality Pine Lumber Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Inc. From America's Finest Workrooms Come These WARflfl 0VEBC0AIS They're quality right They're styled right They're priced right. There's an O'coat at Cafliman's for every purse and purpose. OVERCOATS By Hart-Schaf f ner & Marx A Hart-Schaffner and Marx coat is a fine combination of wools, tailoring and toughness. At a glance you can easily tall that an H. S. & M. overcoat is the one for you. 00 3950.45 They're the kind of top coats that rep resent smart buying! Cut from all wool fabrics that are sturdy and crush re ristant styled for comfort and good looks. Superbly tailored, they meet the high quality standards for which Cashman's is . famous. Fleeces and other popular materials. 3 2450 - 35 00 Cashman's ... . The Home of Hart-Schaffner and Marx SUITS FOR MEN fe 103 Oregon Home of Slart Schattner & Marx clothes Pleasant Ridge Pleasant Ridee, Dec. 28 (Spe cial) The Deschutes - Pleasant Ridge extension unit met at the home of Mrs. Ole Hansen on Dec. 21. Miss Elizabeth Boeckli was the leader. Twelve members and two visitors were present. A surprise birthday party on Dec. 16 was given in honor of Min nie, Burson. Nine guests were present. C. C. Gillenwater who has had the flu, is up and around again. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Suter returned last Thursday from a honeymoon trip to San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Petersen and children, Mr. and Mrs. George Coffelt and Mrs. A. Ahlstrom at tended the Christmas party at the Redmond grange on Friday. Minnie Burson left Thursday morning for Gresham where she spent Christmas with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Wolgomott and family. Laura Petersen of Portland spent the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Petersen. John Petersen and family were Sunday evening visitors at the J. W. Petersen home. 4ywiny y'y y yr" CrTpss&w K'-' unit ?' ryn " u 4i ia Q new, th n Point0 I 71; i'M 1 V 1 'ouie 'ihe EMPIRE BUILDER I BetwMit PORTLAND t TACOMA I SEATTLE s SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL CHICAGO