PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2J. 1944 Tax Sales Bring Break to Market By Elmer C. Wulzer (United Press Financial Editor) New York, Dec. 27 1H Long postponed tax selling broke out on the stock market today when Washington repurts gave a clue to a bleak future for tax reduo tions. Prices broke 1 to more than points when selling was at its height at mid-session and for time the tickers were unable keep pace with the market. Traders who had anticipated do ing their selling to establish prof its for the income tax account next year to profit by a reduced tax dumped part of their holdings on a market unwilling to absorb stock except at reduced prices. However, the recession finally attracted new buyers and prices came back substantially from the lows in many instances. For a Little, Sell a Lot With Bulletin Classified Ads Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 25 Words One Time 85c 25 Words Three Times . 75c 25 Words Six Times $1.85 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland. Ore.. Dec. 27 nit Livestock: cattle 2.r0, calves 35, Active, steady. Steers scarce. Strictly good fed steers Tuesday $16.0016.50. Common - medium heifers today S9.0012.00. Fat dairy type cows $H.C 1-10.00. Med lum beef cows 11.00. Bulls scarce best beef bulls ..Tuesday $11.50. Good-choice vealers $13.50-14.50. Hoes 300. Active, steady. Good choice 180-250 lb. $15.75; 255-300 lb. $14.50-15.00. Good sows $13.25 13.75; lightweights to $14.00. Good-choice feeder pigs $14.00. Sheep 100. Steady. Good-choice wooled lambs salable $13.50-14.00 or above. Cull wooled lambs $8.00. Light shorn culls down to $6.00. Good-choice ewes salable $5.50-6.00. - PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland, Ore., Dec. 27 HJi Butter continues short In whole sale trade today although In spots deliveries were better because of supplies from Idaho. Prices were unchanged. Demand outstripped supply for better grade fresh eggs. Prices of eggs will drop two cents n dozen Thursday. Butter Cube 93 score 423$ c; 92 score 42!4c; 90 score 42c; 89 score 4114c pound. Eggs Price to retailers: AA large 59c; A large 57c; medium A 52c; small 42-43C dozen. All wftrdt OTrr 26 add lc per word timta numher of insertion! Ono month run. sama copy, H da ratt Minimum Charge. a WANTED USED GUNS and motors. Will pay good prices or liberal trade in allowances on new ones. Evans Fly Co. South highway. LINE RATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Clarified AdTertlfllnr. Cain in Advance Dalle Clo.lni Tim. 12:30 P. H. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 Meets Every Thursday Night F. O. E. Hall W. M. Loy, W. P. Phone 20-F-5 Harry A. Marshall, Secretary co Bend Dairy Store 139 BEND LODGE NO, A. V. to A. M. Stated Communication Tlmrs., Dec. 28, 8 p. in. E. A. Degrees Meet at 2 p. m. to Attend Whitmore Funeral George SinicrviHe, Sec'y. WANT TO BUY .22 rifle, prefer ably bolt action with either clip or tubular magazine. Call at 637 Federal after 5:00 p. m. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used raaios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. MATTRESS RENOVATING and rebuilding. Bend Bedding Com pany. Phone 753-J. USED CARS FOR SALE SINGER SEWING machine. Al most new. Inquire 648 E. 2nd. 3 ROOM house, corner lot fenced in, good garden spot, block and half from Brooks mill. Call at 117 Staats St., Bend. 1936 REO 1V4 ton 28 passenger school bus or flat bed. Also laa 22-passenger 114 ton Douge. Phone 644. FOR SALE or trade for cheaper coupe in good condition, 1937 Chevrolet 2-door sedan. See at 501 Georgia after 5 p. m. 1937 CHEV. sedan, very good con dition. Excellent rubber. Schuman Auto Electric. 1 HELP WANTED PIANO in good condition. Call at 1534 West Third. WE HAVE a few fat hens left for New Year's. Place your orders now. Phone 1070-W or call 147 fc. Olney. INCOME PROPERTY. Two three bedroom apartments. One on first floor. One semi-basement. One three room on same lot, all mod ern. urmsnea or uniurnisnea. Wood fuel, refrigeration. Call 1128-W or 451-M for appointment. EXPERIENCED WOMAN groce ry clerk. Steady employment, good pay, reasonable hours. Write Bulletin 11760. WOMAN for maid work. Down ing Hotel. Phone 39. I U. S. Heroine 1 HORIZONTAL 80 Shade tree Aatwer Previous pnaal HE GIRL for general housework. Permanent position. Phone Mrs. Mackey, 832 or 4iz GENERAL ELECTRIC washing machine. Can be seen at 429 Georgia. HAY, VETCH heavy with oats and barley grain. Three-quarters mile north, half mile east of Alfalfa store. M. K. Baessler. NEWSPAPER ROUTES avail able. Owing to revision of old established routes, we have open ings for carriers, either boys or eirls. Good Day salary or com mission. See Journal, Jones Apt. 5. Phone 744-M. LOST CHECK-WRITER, good condition, $8.75; new adjustable swinging light fixture for work ' bench, $4.00. Hornbeck Typtwriter Co., phone 12, 122 Oregon Ave., Bend. J00, HE'S GREAT-GREAT, ETC. Houma, La. Hi'i Frank Berg eron, resident of Terrebonne par ish at Coteau, is now 100 years old. He is ten years younger than the city of Houma and was born here in 1844. Sixteen years old when the Civil war broke out, he remembers when Houma's main street was lined with palmettos and had only two stores. He is a great-great-great-grandfather; his oldest son is 73; he has over 70 grandchildren and nine children, three of whom are deceased. SMALL MODERN two bedroom home, electric stove, trash burner, circulating heater, laundry trays, hardwood floors, large lot, 1334 Columbia. 3000-4000 FT. 1x12, 10-8-6 lumber. 120 Thurston Avenue. ONE GOOD milk West 12th street. Stymied DAVENPORT and chair, 2 beds with springs, 1 with mattress, dining table and 4 chairs, heating stove, 2 cook ranges, kitchen table, floor lamp and general household goods. 829 Delaware. ROOM, modern, unfurnished house. Large living room with fireplace, also outdoor living room, fireplace, grill all enclosed with new white picket fence. 32b Congress. BOY'S .PRE-WAR "Streamliner" sled with steel runners. Phone 1043-R. 515 State. Trying his hand at a cross-word puzzle as ho waits transfer to a prisoner of war camp is Lieu tenant Leidermnn, who com manded a German engineer pla toon when he was captured by the U. S. 3rd Army at Ft Driant, Metz, France. cow at 1619 RED GUERNSEY cow. Ear mark ed. Strayed from Rt. 2. Box 248. Call Pine Tree Auto Court office. GOLD IDENTIFICATION brace let lost downtown Tuesday. 1016 Federal or phone 221-J. MISCELLANEOUS IDEAL CHRISTMAS Gifts. Spen cer Supports Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. J,5 Pictured nurse, Lt- Comdr. 9 Snake 12 Space 13 Ells English (ab.) 14 Oleum (ab.) 15 Fish eggs 16 Nickel (symbol) 17 Race circuit 18 Lieutenant (ab.) 19 River barrier 22 Upward 23 Therefore 24 Touches lightly 26 Tiny 28 Long fish ' 30 Dine 33 Erbium (symbol) 34 Musical note 35 Beverage 37 Mineral rock 39 Standard of value 40 Unharmed 41 Painful 43 Sign of ap proval (coll.) 44 She is chief nurse of a hospital .47 Anger 49 Either 50 Insect 51 Northeast (ab.) 63 Existed 65 Near 56 Sodium (symbol) 58 Sums up 61 She received the Bronze Star for meritorious service : 62 Organ of smell VERTICAL : 1 Blower 2 Dry 3 Biblical pronoun 4 Each (ab.) 5 Us 6 Aid 7 Lid 8 Measure of , cloth 9 Measure of area ' 10 Individual flight 11 Domesticated coy ylKii 1 iiiliilB animal 20 Mimic ' 21 Mother 22 Employ 23 Observe 25 Tellurium (symbol) ! 26 Moist 27 Before ' 41 Street (ab.) 42 Rhode Island (ab.) 43 Verbal 45 Half-em 46 Sicilian mountain 48 Finishes 49 Be indebted .29 Sheltered side 52 Compass point 31 winglike part 54 Samarium 32 Paving substance 36 Inquire 37 Removed 38 Tell 39 By (symbol) 55 Part of "be" 57 Aluminum (symbol) . 58 Any 59 Accomplish l i i W I 15 lb 1 18 I IT"" lo II s ii- r- " rB" iT" 10 U I PT e- rw ST m gsLMri l TBS in W X 'A so-s-pr 4oT "fm I uS UJ ' 33 tfsif "TfT w" 4 "" --""SO"- 5T 51 J "Ml M I f 1 I I r I I 1 27 LEARN TO PLAY Hawaiian and standard guitar by mail. Guaran teed course. For more Information write or contact Chas. Whetzel, Bend Music Company, 114 Minn. Ave. Phone 712. PROMPT GUARANTEED service on all makes of washing ma chines, oil burners and small household appliances. Bend Wash er Service, 136 Greenwood Ave. Phone 583. FOR PROMPT relief of colds, sinus, or catarrh, try a bottle of U. I. oil, no burning relieve nasal discomfort instantly. Large size $1.25; small, 3 for $1.25. Wong's, 418 Bond. FOR RENT NICE, CLEAN, one room partly furnished house, semi - modern, $12. Call at 648 E. 2nd. COMPLETELY FURNISHED modern seven room 4 bedroom house. Wood furnace, washing machine, mangle, vacuum cleaner Inquire 1532 Harmon Blvd., or 331 fc.. Marshall. FOR SALE OR TRADE WILL SELL 1937 Chev coach with good tires or trade as down payment for 3 bedroom house. 720 Ogilen. WANTED RAW FURS WANTED Mink Muskrat - Lynxcat Skunk Weasel Domostic Kabbit We Will Continue the Purchase of Deer and Elk Hides. Coyote pelts , , . No. Is and No. n -ii i i n it win run Doiween one aonar and titty cents ($1.50) and four dollars and- fifty cents ($4.50) with a few exceptional pelts at higher prices. No. 3s and 4s are practically worthless. Cecil C. Moore 1132 Newport Ave. Bend, Ore, I'hone 613 WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs. Also gentle saddle ponies anil saddles. Please write VV. K. Flanks, Redmond or phone 78-J, Redmond, Oregon. 10, block 15, Boulevard addition. Dec. 21 Deeds Gerald D. Moore to Guy Cham ness, lots 11 and 12, block 2, Red mond townsite first addition. Deschutes county Title and Ab stract company to Eva Millett, lot 4, block 28, Boulevard addition. Dec. 22 Deeds Louise L. McDowell to Frank A. Gray, portion of 9-18-12. Deschutes county to Oregon and Western Colonization company, lot 8, block 7; lots 17, 18. 19 and 20, block 8; lot 10, block 12, David son's addition and all section 25 1510. City of Bend to Joe Wood, lot 8, block 185, Third addition to Bend park. ., Dec. 22 Mortgage Release i First National Bank to William L. Stollmack, lots 2 and 3, block 5, Bend. B. L. R e n n o 1 d s to Howard Tweet, lot 12, block 7, Ororkla. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you ll:e. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. CHOCK FULL OF LUCK Kankakee, 111. IP Lt. Col. Mi nor E. White, who is on the staff of Gorgas army hospital in the Panama Canal Zone, recently home on leave, said he found a man with a million-dollar industry in the Canal Zone. Col. White said this man raises nothing but four leaf clovers, and practically all of them are shipped to the United States. Kiwanis Told of Peace Time Plans ; : William Niskanen, president of the Bend chamber of commerce, was the speaker at the Kiwanis club luncheon at the Pine tavern this noon, telling of plans for in dustrial development in the post war years. Raising of a $10,000 fund to stimulate such develop- ment is under way, the amount to be matched by the city of Bend. General discussion which followed Niskanen's statements featured remarks by William J. Baer, B. A. Stover and Crosby H. Shevlin. a C. L. Allen was program chair man. For a final number he intro duced his son, Lawrence, who re cited verses having to do with the woes of a farmer. Nazis Raid Paris, Hit Service Club Paris, Dec. 27 tlPi A bomb drop ped a German plane In the first air raid on Paris in two months collapsed a servicemen's club filled with 200 wounded American soldiers "like a house of cards" last night, killing and further wounding a number of them. "It felt like all Paris was com ing down on us," Pvt. Harvey Althiser of Newburgh, N. Y.; a transportation corps driver, said. French and American litter bearers gathered up the dead and several wounded and took them to hospitals. ; " Mrs. William Bell Services Are Set Mrs. William H. Bell, 56, died at her home, 1212 Davenport, last night after a short illness. A resi dent of Bend for the past 20 years, Mrs. Bell was born in Long Creek. She Is survived by her husband; required to appear at said hear ing ana snow cause jr such there be why said accounting should not be settled and allowed. two sisters, Mi's. Pearl Casey, Sis ters, , and Mrs. Blanche Fisher, Taft.'and a brother, Bert Scrog gins. Long Creek. Funeral services will be con ducted by Rev. Kenneth A. Tobias at 2 p. m. Friday in the Nis wonger and Wlnslow chapel. Buri al will be in Greenwood cemetery. On many hand tools plastic han dles have replaced those formerly of wood or metal. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed with the county court of the state of Ore gon for Desqhutes county his final accounting as executor of the estate of John W. Eklund, deceas ed and that the judge of said court has fixed February 28, 1945, at two o'clock- p. m. at the county court room at the courthouse in Bend, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to and for settlement thereof; and all persons Interested are hereby JAMES D. DONOVAN, Execu tor Estate of John W. Eklund Dec. - 13-18-24-30c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed with the county court of the state of Ore gon for Deschutes county her final accounting as administrat rix c. t. a. of the estate of Charles G. Chrlstiernson, . deceased, and that the Judge of said court has fixed February 28, 1945, at two o'clock p. m. at the county court room at the courthouse in Bend, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to and for set-, tlement thereof; and all persons interested are hereby required to appear at said hearing and show cause If such there be why said accounting should not be settled and allowed and the undersigned discharged from her trust. LOUISE H. THIELSEN, Ad-; minlstratrix c. t. a. Estate of Charles G. Christiernson, Dec. 13-18-24-30c LEAVE YOUR TIRE WORRIES TO A TIRE EXPERT I GIRLS' 'SILLINESS' IRKS ' Kansas City, Mo. (IB Girls looked plain "silly" running around in boys' jeans with their shirttails flapping. At least that's what Billy Turney, 11-year-old student, thought. And to show them just how "silly;" they were, he appeared at school recently clad in his sister's clothes plaid skirt, blouse, hair . ribbon, and everything. Buy National War Bonds Now! BICYCLES Top cash prices for hirvrloQ vlinil tHevflnc fvinnc I wngons, parts of all kinds, broken ones Ois. Carl Austin, 220 Greenwood. 140 OU 80 ACRES good land. Would like modern homo. Phone I S42-J. LIST YOUR PROPERTY: Have i Waiting Lists: Wo need farms, cattle ranches, city homes, busi ' ness properly, cafes, service sta ' tions, auto courts, stores. What have you. Gilberts Real Estate, 1 1015 Wall Street. niiniliiumiiliMimiiiimitiinililiiliMiiiiiiiiiliiillliHiliitiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitmi Realty Transfers iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmuiiiimiiiiiMiiiiiiuiiiii Dec. 16 Deeds Peter Nelson to C. W. Segar, lot 2 and SWUNEM 21812. Dec. 18 Deeds Farley J. Elliott to George C. Blalock, lot G, block 25, Boulevard addition. I Anne M. Forbes to Virgil C. Lyon, lot 8, block 5, Center addi tion. Frank Livingstone to Virgil C. Lyon, lot 7, block 5, Center addi tion. P. A. Erickson to Elmer Whip ple, lot 4, block 41, NWTS second addition. Deschutes county to James Whitlock, SW'4NE'4 251611. Nels Anderson to Mervin C. Samples, tract 5, Norwood. J. Earl Lynam to Mose C. Snel grove, lots 10, 11 and 12, block 11, Davidson's addition. Dee. 18 Mortgage Release U. S. of America to Arthur Appling, W'iiSW'i 15-14-13. Dec. lit Deeds G. W. Wltte to Roy E. Rickey, lot 2, hlork 6. Deschutes. Dec. 19 Mortgage Release George Solhmiin to Walter S. Nash, tracts 3d, 37, 38, 39 and 40, Sotlumm. Dec. 20 Deeds Deschutes county to Alfred In cognito, E'iNW'iiNWW 24-18-13. Deschutes county to Fred S. Brisllin, NWV.NE'-i 11-1G-12. Dee. 20 Mortgage Release Deschutes Federal Savings and Loan association to Pat Hoist, lot BrooliS'Scanlon Quality Pine Lumber Brooks-Sccnlon Lumber Company Inc. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment Offlt Phona 7 Rea. Phone l.w DIAMONDS KEEP FAITH ! Buy Bonds for KEEPS A. T. NIEBERGAIL Jeweler Nekl to Capitol Theater Phono leM.R WATCHES INVISTMINT CIMIMCATIS, JCIIfS ONI PmPtitui 9n rroiwif frtm IVianOa Vnimmtn INVESTORS SYNDICATE MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA Elmer Lehnherr Ixical Representative 217 Oregon Phone 325 aiai TIRE REPAIRING . Did you know that we can vulcanize a sizable break in a tire ao expertly that we guarantee it to outlait the rest of the tire? You ihould see how expertly we patch tubes, toot So, before you scrap a tire or tube, toe us. QUALITY RECAPPING . It talcei yean for a iktlled tire man to become a quality recapper. Every tire li dif ferent the "carcass" must be sound and the recap must be tallormade to fit tt, using the latest equip ment and factory-control methods. Shoop & Schulze Tire Service 1291 Wall Street Phone 565 WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS HAIR NATURAL' Y BEAUTIFULLY TINTED. Added highlights and a new rich tone with Koux or Eternal the very best tints made. LADIES HAIR CUTTING ,A SPECIALTY Powder Puff Beauty Shop May Koldrs Owner Phone 484 MONUMENTS R. C. CARYL "The Monument Man" 1533 Awbrey Rd. Tel. 629-M Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL e HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bono Xr Mlnnwantu Phone KIW TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE Va! Bee Hive Trucks may be used anywhere In the U.S.A. without red tape or special license when transporting your own goodp. Long trips, short trips any where. See your Texaco dealer.' Mission Service Station Bond Franklin Phone .840 Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 168 839 Columbia Specializing In Long Distance Household Goods Movement LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Daily Service Every Dav Of the Year Phone 544 RED RYDER Bv FRED HARMAk t.oRRr, kyder; 1 KNOW HOW YOU FE.EL, LOSING YOUR 5ADDLE HORSE IN inc. rlKfc,' ZiJ ? i:.;' ff i E ) Til L ( our "ViffeoTAN -v ' you 1 x I xrAiTM i i ww wni-v ii . i r . i wrrii . i - " i ruwmTma 1 z. - n. w i dtti ii ida r 1 i ryrjs'.:lLV,TrmTTi i i; ai um i i ir xr iw""-'y inn, , nw x ui ( FEW SCRATCHES rXEBfcE THE-rN ( 1 DON'T CARE THAT'LL) AND VISIT A CLOTH V (rf A rORE lApORWT uoTTII WloUru! I V eETHUNDER'5 J? STORE .'OUR CLOTHES I Jaf PLACE FIRST ThT, EAPEDSA LIKE VOE J VVSECRETr j ' -ARE RUNEDf f SHERIFFSj l A.