THE BEND BULLET.' BEND, OREGON, TUESDAY, DEC. 26, 1944 PAGE SEVEN itocks Decline; Volume Lighter New York, Dec. 26 IIP) Antici pated year end evening up opera- ions today orougnt an irregular lecline lntp the stock market on ontracted volume. Railroad shares stood out as the L-atting strong spot and their av rage rose to a new high since August 31, 1927. This demand was Ittnbuteo to the beliel that the loads face a good earnings period b long as tne war is going on and prospect oi higher rates when fcace comes. I A few rails, notably the Santa e group, had losses ranging to lore than a point New highs ere made by Baltimore & Onio, ielaware & Hudson, Missouri- jansas-Texas Issues, Lehigh Val- ly, Illinois Central, Norfolk & Western and Northern Pacific. Iiese rose fractions to more than RUUU1U iAmerlcan Airlines made a new 'jjgh. Several special stocks made 'ilghs, including Robert Reis pre rred, Youngstown Steel Door, Uver King Colaition Mines, and Tnermoid Co. Deputy Sheriff " Lions' Speaker Juvenile problems In Deschutes county came in for attention at t-jtiay's meeting of the Bend Lion's tib when I. M. Wells, deputy tljeriff, spoke informally about some of the problems and the necessity of securing full coopera tion of all people if these prob lns are to be solved. Early teach Wells stressed, is largely re- iionsible for the later behavior of Ic child. He added that under I'sent laws, enforcement agen l Is have but little control of tiildren under 12 years of age. Wells suggested that supervised play for both adults and children would be an ideal setup for Bend, and would be extremely beneficial los tne younger ioiks. Gerald McCann, EM 2c, home on 'leave from his duties in the service, said that the worst en emy he- had encountered in the Aleutians was the weather. Mc- CaQn is city commissioner, on leave of absence while in the service. County Still Lags In 'E' Bond Sales ' The "E" bond quota in Des chutes county for the sixth war loan drive reached 79.4 per cent lot its quota on Dec. 21, A. L. O. I Uhueler, chairman of the county Jrwap finance committee, was in formed today by the Portland f headquarters. Twenty-eight Ore- goo counties nave topped ues chfltes in meeting the E bond quita. Deschutes county ranks 22nd in safes of all bonds and, on Dec. 21, had topped its quota of $1,120,000 bj 41.4 per centSchueler was in fqiroed. ;i r 'I PORTLAND LIVESTOCK I'ortland, Ore., Dec. 26 U' Livestock: Cattle 900, calves 200. Sfcarply higher on light receipts. Tb.n,innl i;nn.1 nn Viiirlii-i,. MnHinm. god7ed steers $13.75-16.50. Good ltd hellers si4.uu; common-me- :um $9.50-13.00. canner-cuner )ws $5.50-7.50. Medium-f airly lod beef cows $10.00-11.50. Me .. i k..h cq nni i nn nnnrl. tfioice venters $13.5014.00. Good SiO lbs., grass calves 3.3U. Hogs 1400. Active, strong con- liioice 170-250 lbs., largely $15.75. ,ood sows $13.25-13.75. Feeder tigs $14.00. Sheep 350. Strong. Good wooiea imho CUV) Strintlv .pnnri.rhoice juotable o $14.00. Few good ewes D.3U. PORTLAND PRODUCE Portland. Ore.. Dec. 26 U' Butter and. egg prices were un changed today. Butter cube, 93 score, 42$ c: 92 score, 42'4c; 90 score, 42c; 89 score, 41",iic pound. F!trirsnrir'e to retailers: AA large, 59c; A large, 57c; Medium A, 52c; small, 42-43C dozen. Ri;,fir nnwHnr used extensively in minine. is more sensitive and ignites more quickly when it con tains a small amount of moisture. RAW FURS WANTED Mink - Mukrat - Lynxcat - Skunk . Veasel - Domestic Rabbit We W'H Continue the Purchase of Deer and Elk Hides. Coyote pelts ... No. Is and No. 2s will run between one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) and four dollars and fifty cents ($4.50) with a few exceptional pelts at higher prices. No. 3s and 4s are practically worthless. Cecil C.Moore 1132 Newport Ave. Bend, Ore, Phone 613 Dp. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by App;n,men Offic Phon. 7 B. Pbon. For a Classified Rates Local Paid in Advanca " 25 Words One Time , J5e 25 Words Three Times . tSo SO words SU Ttiuctt $UU All warda over is tM lc par ward tiaua numbar ai tnMriMoa Ona math run, ume copy, day Tata alUumnai Charge, 4e LINE BATE lOo CAPITALS 20c ' Clawilicd Advartlalna;, Caah In Advanca Iteily Unui Tuna 1X:10 P. U. FOB SALE, BICYCLE, phonograph, radio, new one man crosscut saw, 32 automatic with holster and am munition. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. 3 ROOM house, corner lot fenced in, good garden spot, block and half from Brooks mill. Call at 117 Staats St., Bend. WE HAVE a few dressed turkeys for sale; Leo Fischer's Ranch. PIANO In good condition. Call at 1534 West Third. ALL SIZES Christmas trees go ing for 25c apiece. 1588 Awbrey. Phone 664-W. INCOME PROPERTY. Two three bedroom apartments. One oh first floor. One semi-basement. One three room on same lot, all mod ern. Furnished or unfurnished. Wood fuel, refrigeration. Call 1128-w or 451-M for appointment. HAY, VETCH heavy with oats and barley grain. Three-quarters mile north, half mile east of Alfalfa store. M. K. Baessler. PREWAR ELECTRIC train and transformer, few extras, good condition. Price $20.00. Call after 6:00 p. m. at 323 East Lafayette. SMALL MODERN two bedroom home, electric stove, trash burner, circulating heater, laundry trays, hardwood floors, large lot. 1334 Columbia. BABY'S PLAY pen, yew wood bow, 60 lb. pull, hunting arrows and quiver. Also I9d0 cnev. sedan in good condition. 1378 Federal. TWO GOOD dressers with mir rors, sewing cabinet, library table, kitchen table with or without chairs, library diner table with 4 leather bottom chairs, wicker rocker, davenport and chair to match, day beds, single cots, sani tary cots, bedsteads, bed springs (coil or flat;, gas or electric hot plates (restaurant size), baby bed, milk cans, buckets, men's and women's used clothes, cleaned and pressed in good condition, heating stowes, -cook, stoves, extra chairs SOc each. 350 Division. Open eve nings. HAND VACUUM cleaner in good condition; one pair of 8-power binoculars; one Remington four some electric shaver, like new. Call at 1622 West Fourth or phone 1005-J. DAVENPORT and chair, 2 beds with springs, 1 with mattress, dining table and 4 chairs, heating stove, 2 cook ranges, Wtchen table, floor lamp and general household goods. 829 Delaware. STANDARD REMINGTON noise less typewriter, used player piano rolls. Box 23, Gilchrist, Oregon. SKIS New Anderson Thompson laminated, bindings and poles. Phone 727 after 6:00 p. m., 124 Delaware. 8 ROOM, modern, unfurnished house. Large living, room with fireplace, also outdoor living room, fireplace, grill all enclosed with new white picket fence. 326 Congress. FOR PROMPT relief of colds, sinus, or catarrh, try a bottle of U. I. oil, no burning relieve nasal discomfort instantly. Large size $1.25; small, 3 for $1.25. Wong's, 418 Bond. GOOD USED piano tin easy terms. Bend Furniture Co. I OK KENT 3 ROOM modern furnished apart ment, $20.00 per month. Also 3 room furnished house not modern. Inquire at Museum of Wonders, north highway. TO MARCH 1st, 19-16, 2V4 acres, good 3 room house not modern. Good basement. City water, no electricity. Good barn and cow shed. Chicken house. R. F. D. and school bus convenience. See D. S. McClellan, 629 W. 14th St., Bond. CLOSE IN, 2 and 3 room apart ments. Fuel, lights and water fur nished. 35 Hawthorne. Phone 39. VERY NEAT 3 room modern fur nished house, good neighborhood, garage. Adults only. Apply 1255 E. Third. FURNISHED MODERN 4room apartment, water and lights fur nished. Garage. Two loads of wood to be had. 735 Columbia. DIAMONDS KEEP FAITH ! Buy Bonds for KEEPS A. T. NIEBERGALL Jeweler Next t Tapltol Thratvr Phone 14S-R WATCHES Littl e) Sell a Lot I 02 RENT WANT TO sub rent a modern 5 room furnished house. Vacating Dec. 27. 2 Scott St. COMPLETELY FURNISHED modern seven room 4 bedroom house. Wood furnace, washing machine, mangle, vacuum cleaner. Inquire 1532 Harmon Blvd., or 331 E. Marshall. CLEAN SLEEPING and house keeping room, kitchen and laun dry privileges, automatic heat Phone 493-w. 3 ROOM furnished house, not modern. Easy distance of mills. Apply 207 Riverfront. WANTED ROCKHILL Everbearing straw berry plants. Must be free from disease, true to name, state price per thousand. Lloyd Bowers, Shedd, Oregon. WANT TO RENT furnished house or apartment, preferably with 2 bedrooms, pnone on. WILL BUY any kind of cattle or hogs. Also gentle saddle ponies nrl eaUW Dlaacn urr-ito U7 D aim .-tl i -J . 1E.K . . lit. i. . . Franks.'Redmond or phone 78-J, ! Redmond, uregon. BICYCLES Top cash prices for bicycles, wheels, tricycles, frames, wagons, parts of all kinds, broken ones OK. Carl Austin, 220 Green wood. YELLOW or gray Persian male kitten for boy's Christmas pres ent. Call Wetle's store or 716-R be fore 6 p. m. today. LIST YOUR PROPERTY: Have Waiting Lists: We need farms, cattle ranches, city homes, busi ness property, cafes, service sta tions, auto courts, stores. What have you. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. USED GUNS and motors. Will pay good prices or liberal trade in allowances on new ones. Evans i Fly Co. South idghway. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices lor good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 Wall St. Phone 900. MATTRESS RENOVATING and rebuilding. Bend Bedding! Com pany. Phone 753-J. USED CARS 1936 REO Hi tern 28 passenger school bus or flat bed. Also 1929 22-passenger Vk ton Dodge. Phone 644. FOR SALE or trade for cheaper coupe in good condition,-"1937" Chevrolet 2-door sedan. See at 501 Georgia after 5 p. m. HELP"w ANTED WOMAN for maid work. Down ing Hotel. Phone 39. GIRL for general housework. Permanent position. Phone Mrs. Mackey, 832 or 412. NEWSPAPER ROUTES avail able. Owing to revision of old established routes, we have open ings for carriers, either boys or girls. Good pay salary or com mission. See Journal, Jones Apt. 5. Phone 744-M. WOMAN to care for preschool children school days and do light housework. Hours: 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Telephone 787-W or call 1204 Hill. SITUATION WANTED FIREMAN JOB or odd jobs. Write P. O. Box 331 or call at Houk's Motor before 9:00 a. m. Charles Whitman, Sr. LOST RED GUERNSEY cow. Ear mark ed. Strayed from Rt. 2, Box 248. Call Pine Tree Auto Court office. BLACK BILLFOLD containing several licenses, registration card, gas stamps, and some money. Kinder please return to John Flatebo, 326 Sisemore St. lOUND LIGHT COLORED goat came -to my place south of Harvey place. If owner will pay for advertising, feeding and breeding, they can have same. Sprlnggate. MISCELLANEOUS LATE MODEL hearing aid can be had at big reduction due to illness. Mr. Mitchell, co Pilot Butte Inn. Either bone or air conduction. Hurry! WILL LADY who loaned chains to party who was stuck out east highway please call lor then at Stale Police Office. Better Equipped In our new office to help you with your health problems. Our modern equipment and meth ods Include Hydro and Convenient Terms Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chiropractic rhyilclan 124 MinneHota Ave. Phone 704 Eliminator MISCELLANEOUS SKATES HOLLOW ground, keys made, saws filed. Guns, locks, pho nographs, electric appliances re paired. Soldering. Shears, knives sharpened. Open Sunday and eve nings. Henderson s Repair bnop, 112 Minnesota. IDEaITcHRISTMAS Gifts. Spen cer Supports Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna Boyd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. WE WISH YOU a Merry Christ mas and Happy Newi Year, and thank you for your past year's business. Due to OPA regulations and weather; we are only permit ted to deliver wood to customers who have only a few days supply on hand. Brookings Wood Yard. Ph. 767. LEARN TO PLAY Hawaiian and standard guitar by mail. Guaran teed course. For more information write or contact Chas. Whetzol, Bend Music Company, 114 Minn. Ave. rnone tre. PROMPT GUARANTEED service on all makes of washing ma chines, oil burners and. small household appliances. Bend Wash er Service, .136 Greenwood Ave. f none ssa. PRINTING YOUR LETTERHEADS can be made any size you desire, with any printing you llrse. Estimates gladly given. The Bulletin. PVT. LEIGHTON WOUNDED Terrebonne, Dec. 26 Mr. and Mrs. H. Leighton of Terrebonne have been informed that their son, Pvt. Harold Ernest Leighton, was wounded in action on Leyte Dec. d. pvt. Leighton, a cavalryman, has been overseas 10 months, and was in iNew Guinea betore being iransierreo to tne i'nuippines. GILCHRIST MAN WOUNDED Gilchrist, Dec. 26 The war de partment announced today that Pvt. Fred L. Depuo, son of Mrs. Rose Berry of Gilchrist, has been wounded in action in the Mediter ranean war theater. Gas -turbine locomotives have been under tests for over a year on tne swiss icderai railways. THIS CURIOUS WORLD -S3 AT LASr HAS SOLVED THE RIDDLE OF WHERE CHIMNEY SWtPM sfAfO me wAreA. ... namely. IN THE SOUTH AMERICAN REPUBLIC OF PSRUf SOME OLD-TIME ,. NATURALISTS WENTSO FAR AS TO SAY THE 5IRDS HIBERNATED INTHE AT THE BOTTOMS Or STPE.A5. ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OVER, OSe - TH&D OF ALL. THE DAYS LOST IN AMERICAN INDUSTRY. Brooks'Scanlon Quality Pine Lumber Brooks-Scanlon Lumber , Company Inc. RED RYDER 1HROUGH THE COOLING If FOLK5 , V0"rT 7H' TOD mEAtf EM&ER5,RED LEADS THE (OLY LIVINS frElNGS j ( OUR HORSES. PARTY &CK TO THE LOCSE VTHAT ESCAPED "Wj- l V ARE DEAD.' Widi BuUetm Iwo Jima Island Yuietide Target Somewhere in the Marianas, Dec. 26 (lD(Via Navy Radio) Navy surface units, teaming up with giant B-29 Superfortresses, Liberator bombers and P-38 Light ning lighters m a Christmas "gift" to the Japanese, rained ex plosives Dec. 24 on the already hard-hit enemy base at Iwo Jima in the Volcano islands. -; In addition to the heavy dam age inflicted on the island's air field, 600 miles from Tokyo, our surtace units sank an enemy de stroyer, one escort patrol craft and a medium-sized landing ship in the second coordinated air-surface attack on the base in Decern- ier. Procedure Told The planes from one of the Su perfort squadrons acted as range finders and spotters for the ships after unloading their cargo of bombs, and Maj. Thomas E. Ped dy, commanding officer of the seventh air force bomber squad ron said: "The naval craft shell ing lasted more than an hour. Those boys have an accurate aim and I don't think the Japs have a very rosy future." Returning pilots gave graphic accounts of the plastering of the major enemy base. Jungle Corporal Aids With Makeup Cpl. Robert Garcia, now teach ing camouflage at the Redmond army air field after many months spent in Pacific jungles, thrilled participants in the "Christmas Eve in a Foxhole" scone in the the Methodist Christmas program by briging his own jungle clothing and make-up equipment and "making up" th( boys who ap peared as jungle soldiers. They were David Coyner, Albert Miles arid Bill Hlggins. The pageant was directed by Mrs. M. F. Lyons while Mrs. Craig Coyner was in charge of the music. - The program was presenicd at the Methodist church at 6:30 p.m. Sunday. By WBSaaa FafjttMii MUO i Flashlights throw a steady UfeHT, NOT A FLASH LI6HT," . S6T. EVERETT BERRY, Winter Style I This Is the new cape being used by American infantrymen in snow-covered areas of Belgium. White clotn wrapped around rifle lessens visibility. Sgt. Marvin C. Etuis Jr. ot Owensboro, Ky, models the outfit at Washington demonstration. Match Folder He May Haye Bv Mary Lainir (United l'rcaa Staff Correspondent) Chicago UP) Peter J. Schmitz, who has a collection of almost 17,000 full match folders, is a little nervous about rumors of an Impending match shortage. This may seem paradoxical, but Schmitz explains that he is a cigar r.rr.&ker as well as a match collector and is afraid that he may have to cut Into his collec tion, which he calls his "own per sonal treasure." Only Full Folders The trouble is that in order to qualify for a place in his collec tion, a folder must be full. He says he has thrown away or given away more folders than he has kept because they either were only partially filled or the same as another in the collection. Schmitz', who is an elevator op erator at the U. S. custom house here, started his collection 10 years ago. "I went Into a drug store one night to buy some cigars," he re called, "and got some matches that were real pretty. I thought to' myself, 'I'm going to save that,' and right there I started to col lect." Cover the. World Since then, Schmitz has col lected about 15,000 regulation matches from countries ail over the world including the three axis nations. In addition, he has 2.000 non-rcgulatlon books of vari ous dimensions, one ot them 20 Inches long and another eight Inches square. He says he got most of them from broken) at the custom house. They are filed away In a cab inet, now so packed that he has started saving them in cigar boxes. Among Schmitz' favorites are two folders from a Chicago flor ist, which he describes as the "prettiest" in the collection. He also like a "Remember Pearl Har bor'" folder, which contains matches with Japanese faces on WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OP RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS " Refrigerator Servicn Long Distance Hauling HAIR NATURALLY All Typos'of Mechanical Service BEACH TRUCK SERVICE BEAUTIFULLY TINTED , TnBt ! , ,f. fl , L" Added liigliiightH und a new REFRIGERATORS I ol. 1 68 839 Columbia rich tone with ltmx or Ktarnul COMMERCIAL Q .... . -the very best tints mad,, . HOUSEHOLD L J&SSttriMA ladies hair ( i THNfi Oregon Equipment Co. Goods Movement A specialty iw.mi a- Minnwmn i'h.,,ip km wooos wiovemenr Powder Puff Beauty Shop TRUCKING SERVICE May".w""',er TRUCKS FOR RENT! LOCAL CARTAGE r - MOVE YOURSELF rkm MONUMENTS SAVE Val BEND-PORTLAND Bee Hive Trucks may be uwd rotifu ccDVirE R .,, anywhere In the U.S.A. without TRUCK SERVICE C. CARYL red tape or Hpeclul llewwo when pt Dally Service Every Day w traiiNHirtliiK your own kwkIk ... .. TU M, ,, ii.-ii 1-otiK trip. Hhort trip any U,B ,Br The Monument Man whi-re. Sec your Thu-o dealer, - . U535 Awbrey Rd. Tel. 62aM Missjon Service Station PhOne 544 . lliiinl Franklin flume 8-10 Classified Ads Note for Yank Fighting Men Jh Collector Fears to Dig Into Pile the end. The cover urges: Strike cm Dead! ORDER IS RESCINDED Following a Portland hearing on Dec. 10 the Oregon liquor con trol commission rescinded its de cision of Nov. 15, by which the liquor license of the Waldorf Cigar store, 1023 Bond street, had been suspended for 10 days. The Waldorf was granted permission to operate a retail and package business, the proprietors have been informed. George H. Brew ster, Redmond attorney, repre sented owners of the Waldorf. SOjyiPS CONSOLATION Akron, O. (U'l Nicholas Klein of Akron recently was compelled by robbers to remove and hand over his trousers containing a bankroll of $3,000. The bandits overlooked a $500 bill which Klein had in his vest pocket LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT No. 1152 Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator of the estate of James R. Low, de ceased, has filed his final account in the office of the County Clerk of Deschutes County, Oregon, and that Thursday the 28th day of De comber, 1911, at the hour of 2 p. m. In the afternoon of said day, in the County Court Room of said Court lias been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and settlement thereof. Dated and first published No vember 2H, 1944. Last publication December 26, 1944. K. E. SAWYER, Administrator i of the estate of James R. Low, de-! censed. ! II. C. ELLIS, Address Bank of, Bend Bldg., Bend, Oregon, Attor-1 ney lor Administrator. Ill: 153-612-17 f YE& ' NOT A S DON'T CRY, SURE .ME HAlfS OR BCN!T ; ?g LITTLE BEAVER HAPPY NOW? ITS -t LEFT fr-VJJ.-v I A NEWPORT KCHRlSTfAASfv 1 1 .Hv", i J INF, A Telroholo) Iced Lines (Continued from Page One) the Santlam highway, with the route being sanded throughout. Icy conditions prevailed on The Dalles-California highway south from Bond to Camp Abbot, and through the Wapinitia cutoff to the north. Traffic which normally flowed over the McKenzle pass; today was being routed over the Wil lamette and Santiam highways. The McKenzle pass was closed Saturday evening. Buy National War Bonds Now! G. P. BATTERY, These power packed batteries are designed to give you corn plqte and satisfactory service in any weather.' They're built .to last. ' We've a sizo and type to fit your car. ' Mobil Service and O.K. RUBBER WELDERS C. D. Winn Bond & Franklin Phone 833 By FRED HARMAN Y.-J 1