THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, TUESDAY, DEC. 26. 1944 PAGE SIX United Nations Flag in Schools On V-Day Urged Washington mi-Youthful Betsy Rosses in schools throughout the country are being urged to stitch United Nations honor flags for special classroom ceremonies when Germany rails. Display of this flag, along with the American flag, is one of the many V-E-day exercises recom mended by the National Educa tion Assn. Emphasis will be on United Nations unity. The honor flag is designed to mark the joint victory of the 44 united and associated nations. Rectangular in shape, it bears four upright red bars symbolic of the four freedoms emblazon ed on a white background. It is about half the size of the Amer ican flag and Is displayed beneath it. The NEA has distributed spe cial pamphlets to schools with In structions for putting the flag to- pether. School children will use materials supplied in classrooms. Disulav of the flag would be ac companied by the recitation of a special pledge which is to be re peated lollowing ine pieuge ox w legiance to the U. S. "And I display the United Na tions honor flag in appreciation of all those who are my country's friends and allies, and who are dedicated with her to the common ends of peace, freedom and humanity." Flown at ininiDunon hiks The honor flag was first raised to the top of a flagpole at Dum barton Oaks on June 20, 1043. Since then it has been reported flying In many places throughout the world. On Memorial day, 1944, It was displayed at the tomb of the unknown soldier to pay honor to those who have given their lives in common cause with Amer icans. Representatives of the United Nations feel that the meaning of the flag will be greatly enhanced if it Is displayed by the people themselves instead of the govern ment instituting its use. "Of all the groups throughout the world it would seem that the schools can best lead in this glori ous and wholesome project. Stu dents have most to gain by win-J ning and maintaining the peace. By enthusiastically promoting the two-flag Idea they can help to in fluence the thinking of -the world and thereby the future of human ity," the NEA said. Canada's Double-Duty Carrier 1114 ' - v4 . -T 4 .WLJV r f . it i . v . Vt" " lit Pigmy mil-raft curriers, like the line pictuiea anine. ao amiuie dut.v loi the Royal Canadian Navy - wiving n raigu ship and s bust Im uircnill protecting convoys against II boats In photo above, taken at u Canadian port, crew nienibeis clem sniiw oil (light deck of converted merchunl ship'. while toward stein lung jjrain funnels deliver 7(100 tuns ol wheat into the hold der inside encircled capital. I'acitlc American torces set sights on other Philippines after completing capture of Leyto and Admiral Nimitz promises new and heavier blows following bombard ment or iwo island. Italy Canadian troops occupy Rossctta and push along east bank of Senio river toward Ger man stronghold of Alfonsine. County Court Proceedings War Briefs (By United Pr) Western Front Three power ful panzer columns, renewing their stalled offensive through center of first army, burst into Franco-Belgian border region within 14 miles of the Meuse In face of terrific allied air blows and heavy counterattacks against flanks. - Eastern Front Red army storms into Budapest from west after flanking sweep that dooms thousands or uerman and Ilun garlan troops to death or surren BE IT REMEMBERED, That at a regular meeting of the County Court held December G, 19-14, all members being present, the fol lowing business was transacted: In the Mutter of Claims Against the County: The following bills were pre sented and ordered paid: GENERAL FUND Don Shipley, extra janitor help $25.82 Allen Bishop, predatory ani mal control 3.00 Pacific Power & Light Co., courthouse electricity 94.95 West Publishing Co., law li brary : 500.00 I, M. Wells, Juvenile officer, mileage 30.35 Ruth Cook, sheriff, clerk hire 96.00 A. E. Stevens, commissioner 46.80 C. L,. Allen, county judge, postage 5.00 J. A. I'ountatn, assessor. travel 3.20; conv. 13.75 16.95 J. Alton Thompson, school supt., travel 26.15; post age 40.50 66.65 Bend Auto Parts, Inc., sher iff, auto exp 15.14 Visual School Report Co., school supt., supplies 45.96 Allyn and Bacon, school t V.- CLEARLV NOISELESSLY. COMFORTABLY nirw " mm vRtl NO BULKY BATTERY PACK NO BINDING BATTERY WIRES NO BATTERY CASE NO BATTERY GARMENTS supt., supplies 1.25 Bushong & Co., clerk supp. 42.50 Bend Water Department, courthouse water bill 9.25 Bend-Troy Laundry, jail exp. 1.73 Bend Iron Works, court house exp 26.18 Burroughs Adding Much. Co., sheriff 21.50; asses sor 33.30 54.80 Erlksen's Stationery, school supt. 17.85; election 13.75; assessor 4.00 35.60 George Brooks, prisoners' board 150.40 E. E. Varco, commissioner ... 44.11 Marguerite Lyons, sheriff, clerk hire 40.00 I. M. Wells, sheriff, travel 16.40; election exp. 19.40 ... 35.80 Bend Drug Co., soldiers' re lief 8.85 The Bend Bulletin, assessor 32.75; election 9.10; legal pub. 20.85 62.70 Standard Oil Company.sher- iff, auto exp 1.95 Doris Abernathy, circuit court, reporter 30.00 The Redmond Spokesman, legal pub. 19.25, election exp.. 34.65 53.90 Mowrey's Welding Service, sheriff, auto 2.50 C. E. Boardman, dist. atty., tele 1.10 W. Copeland Yards, elec tion exp 4.25 The Miller Lumber Co., courthouse fuel 91.20 State Industrial Acc.Comm., peace officers Ins 11.04 State Industrial Acc.Comm., watermaster Ins 99 Smith's Electric, courthouse 2.30; jail 3.75 6.05 W. B. Dillard, county clerk, vital stat 10.00 Elma Mullins. P.H.N.. mile age 35.75 Lucy Davison, P.H.N., mile age J3.9: Hazel V. Barclay, P.H.N., mileage 34.95 Gladys B. Cochran. P.H.N., mileage 11.50 Wayne S. Ramsey, M.D., health officer, mileage 105.45 ulen W. 1 hompson, sanitar ian, mileage 26.85 uurnicc Shumate, health dept., typist 56.44 Aubrey K. Perry, watermas ter 220.10 Eriksen's Stationery, health dept. 48.15; sheriff 1.50 49.65 Shaw Surgical Co., health dept 45.30 Magill Drug Co., health dept 1.G0 National Society for the prevention of Blindness, health dept 1.S0 Cutter Laboratories, health dept 32.84 Brandts Thrift-Wise Drug, health dept 8.73 McCann Poster Adv. Co., health dept 2.25 Bend-Troy Laundry, health dept 5.54 R. L. Lewis, T.B. & Bang's Indemnity 100.70 Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co., tele., various offices 124.55 County Treas., assignee, general assistance 192.36 GENEAL ROAD FUND Pacific Power & Light Co., electricity ...; 5.13 Roy Allingham, salary 170.55 T. C. Daly, salary'..'. 175.75 Herbert Franklin, salary 175.75 Leo Ilollenbeck, salary 180.55 Geo. II. McAllister, salary.-..190.55 T C. Merchant, salary 165.75 D. D. Tussing, salary Dan C. Wood, salary 123.04 Clarence Walker, salary ,171.06 Robt. S. Farrell, Jr., gen. exp - 9.00 State Ind. Acc. Comm., ind. acc. ins 43.48 Pac. Tele. & Tele. Co., tele. 4.70 Bend Water Department, water 1-45 Schuman Auto Electric, parts 7-70 Bend Garage Company, parts 108.95 DeRoos' Garage, parts 1.00 George Chllds Hardware Co., txlw ..... 2.31 Moty & Van Dyke, Inc., parts -- 35.96 Central Oregon Garage, parts 4.50' Eddie's Sales & Service, gen exp 5.00 Reed Tractor & Equipment,- parts 5.20 Hitchcock & Lomax, lube 2.95: fuel 196.58 199.53 Bend Auto Parts, Inc., lube. 4.95: Darts 4.23 9.18 Andrew Foley, Agent, P.L. & PD , 8.80 A. E. Stevens, commissioner 32.76 E. E. Varco, commissioner ... 39.21 In the Mutter of Deeds To County Owned Lands: At this time the Court signed the following deeds: John T. & Verona F. Murray Lot 15, Block 10, Town of Lytle. $25.00. Ray M. Gipe Lots 5 and 6, Block 14, Wiestoria. $50.00. Arnold Horse & Cattle Ass'n. NWilNW'4 Sec. 26, T. 18 S.R. 12 E.W.M. $40.00. Ronald E. & Esther E. Span! Lots 10 and 11, Blk. 14, Staats Add. $70.00. S. M. Munnerlyn SWHNEK. SE14NWK, NEWSWVi, SV&SWVi, W',4 SEW, Sec. 7, Twp, 18 S.R. 13 E.W.M. $280.00. Deschutes County Municipal Improvement Distrlct-SE'iNEW, Sec. 30. T. 16 S.R. 12 E.W.M. $80.00. Earl & Pearl Farley Lot 8, Block 8, Keystone Terrace. $35.00. John & George Bradetich S'4. Sec. 17. Twp. 20.S.R. 15 E.W.M. $500.00. Walter W. Lantz et ux 0.08 acres in Redmond Townsite Com pany's 1st Add. $1.00. James Whitlock (redemption) SWNEW Sec. 25, T. 16 S.R. 11 E.W.M. $37.55. Central Oregon Irrigation Dis trict-SE '4 NW '4. Sec. 6. T. 15 S.R. 13 E.W.M. $40.00. Central Oregon Irrigation Dis trict NEy4SE'4, Sec. 28, and inwsswh, Sec. 27, T. 16 S.R. 12 E.W.M. $345.27. City of Bond Lot 15, Block 17, Wiestoria; Lot 13, Block 14, Wies toria; Lot 3, Block 24, Bend; Lot 8, Block 185, Third Add. to Bend Belfone scientists and engineers bring you revolutionary new HEARING AID COMFORTI The MONO-PAC combines transmitter and batteries into one compact unit weighs only 12 as much as old type hearing aids. Drama in Chaplin Trial 'WmmM ,W1 r fe.' SVM.,,rt I. T1. - TW-i C.Jri-!i HERE'S YOUR CHANCE One thing every driver can da to aid the war llort U take car ol h'u tire. Stop In rj. ularly at TIRE SER VICE HEADQUAR TERS. Out careful check-up and adrioi are free, repairs are reaionable. And (or B and C driven who rat certificates, w hav brand-new Gtade-I Goodyears. Bend Garage Co. THE WAY IT'S MADE MAKES THE BIG DIFFERENCE (NEA Telephcloi Joan Barry kisses her 14-month-old child, Carol Ann, before returning to stand In Los Angeles Court to continue the story of her love affair wiui Charlie Chaplin, who she claims Is the father of the child. This 1: tile first time Joan and baby have appeared together In court. - Park; W'A of EM of N',4 Block 13, Wiestoria. $50.00. In the Matter of Contracts To Sell County Owned Lands: The Court signed contracts as follows: J. A. & Millie P. Struss S'4 NW'4, W'SW'4, E4SW'4NE'4, E'jNWttSE'A, Sec. 11; SMiNE'4, SMiNW'4, SE'4, EMsSWK, NWfc SW'4, Sec. 10; N'iNE1., Sec. 15, all in Twp. 15 S.R. 12 E.W.M. ($144.00 cash, bal. in three pay ments of $192.00 each commenc ing March 1, 1945 6 int.) $720.00. Allen Grant Sec. 36, Twp. 20 S. R. 12 E.W.M. ($340.00 cash, bal. in three payments of $100.00 each commencing Dec. 2, 1945. G'c int.) $640.00. Theodore R. Metcalfe SW4, Wi.NW"4, Sec. 15, T. 18 S.R. 12 ($80.00 cash, bal. in one year. 67c int.) $400.00. In the Matter of Application for Motor Vehicle Wreckers License: - At this time the Court approv ed the application of Floyd Ma lone for a license to wreck motor Vehicles. . In the Matter of Petition For Vacation of Street: The County Court referred the request of Mrs. W. M. Clar!: 'for vacation of 5th Street between "Grace and Howard in the C'ty of Redmbhd, to County Roadrr.tistcr for his report as to whether anve named street should be vacated. In the Matter of Applications For Beer Licenses: The Court approved the follow ing applications for beer licenses: Jesse Elmer Owsley, fistev! Oregon, Retail Beer Clc3 "C License. Jesse Elmer Owsley, R'stirs, Oregon, Package Store Cats "3 ' License. James William Lemke, R'o. 2. Bend, Retail Beer Clasj "C" Li cense. William Albert Rahn, Brti-PT, Oregon, Retail Beer Clcs3 "C Li cense. T. S. Anglin, Bend, Oregon, 1C45 Service License. T. S. Anglin, Bend, Crcr'Mi, 1CC5 Restaurant License. Sam Shaver, Brothers, Retail Beer Class "C" License. There being no further busi ness, Court adjourned. ' C. L: ALLEN, County Judge E. E. VARCO, Commissioner A E STEVENS, Commissioner HEW WW MICB rflKT HJJsi 6.00-1$ (xA No more "Bully Battery Blues".' Th. MONO-PAC bnr.,. you qloriom ntw frt lom. Don't wait, com. In nd try Bellon. MONO. PAC todly or Please ask for Mr. S. C. Mitchell Pilot Butte Inn Tues. and Wed., Dee. 26 and 27 1:00 to 8:00 P.M. FLOWERS and PLANTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS You are always assured of lovely fresh blooms when you .Phone 530 PICKETT Flower Shop & Gardens Phone 530 629 Ouimby It Sells Twice As Fast When It's Displayed As every retailer knows, merchandise always sells faster when it's displayed. When people see a product, they're twice as likely to buy. That's why smart manufacturers keep showing your customers the products you sell ... by displaying them in ads in your newspaper. And when your own store displays feature the same products your manfacturers advertise in the paper, then you've got super-selling power! Display and Sell Your Stocks in The Bend Bulletin Central Oregon's Only Daily Newspaper HERE IX IS . . . today's best-tire-made . the new Grade-1 Goodyear.' It's superior . . . be cause of Goodyear's unequaled tire-building: skills, developed by Goodyear Research through 29 years of sales leadership . . . and 20 years of Research in synthetic rubber. You get PLUS PERFORMANCE when you bring that preaous certificate into TIRE SERVICE HEADQUARTERS for a new Goodyear. STOP co F0R THIS DIG BATTEL" power battery w.lh aea c p acUvedutyw.thtop-quaUV teed to give you quick staru, steady service. grease w" - liiOW YOU CAN BUY TUBES WITHOUT A CERTIFICATE noplace your old thin tubes with sturdy C 0 g now Goodyears, and get more miles out 3 ol your tires. We've a good selection in P'" uzes for most every car. Size 6.00-16 &OODYEAR AIR WHEELS Are you using passenger car tires on your light truck? Essen tial small-trucK users are eligible to apply for certificates for truck tires to do a truck's work. 10W COST. .HWHVAlUk 20.95 plus tax Size 6.00-16 BUY WAK fONDS-IIr FOR KfCM it AN OFFICIAL TIKI INSFICTION STATION IBend.CiARaceC South of Postoffice Phone 1 93