THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OfrESON, TUESDAY, DEC. 26. 1944 PAGE FIVE Local News TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 29 degrees. Minimum last night, 15 degrees. ' TODAY'S WEATHER Temperature: 10 p.m., 22 de grees; 10 a-m., 24 degrees. Veloc ity of wind: 10 p.m., 2 miles; 10 a.m., 8 miles. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lyons of Shevlin, were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lyons, 27 Lake place. Mr. and Mrs. John Werner and family of Redmond, spent Christ mas as guests at the L. V. Smith home, 28 Lake place. Miss Gay Hamilton is in Bend from Fort Lewis, where she serves as secretary for Col. F. S. Besson, and is spending the holi days "with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Hamilton. Mrs. Pearl McCollum of Shev lin, visited Bend friends over the week-end. 2nd Lt. E. D. Tyler of the Red mond army air field, was a Bend caller yesterday. Phoebe Hafstad, Seaman 1c stationed at the Farragut, Idaho naval training station, is spending a weak here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Haf stad. . Mr. and Mrs. James L. Raeburn and daughter, Jean, of Portland, were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs? Byron Raeburn in Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Braaten and daughter, Gladys, spent the Christmas holidays in Bend visit ing relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Brown of Redmond, called on relatives and friends here over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Athel Dudley of Redmond, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Huff here. ' Lt. C. N. Parker of the Red mond army air field, was a week- LAST CHANCE TONIGHT And, Everyone's Saying ' Musical in Months Best mm $9 j4l end guest at the Pilot Butte inn. Byron Raeburn, seaman 1c, to day returned to Portland after spending the holidays with Mrs. Raeburn and two sons, in Bend. Lt E. D. Skidmore was a holi day visitor in Bend from the Red mond army air field. Cpl. and Mrs. Edward Hall be came the parents o( a son, born in Chicago, on lee. 21, Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Hall have learned. Cpl. Hall, recently promoted from private first class, was decorated in France for gallantry in action. He is now with Patton's Third army. The child is a first grand child for Mr. and Mrs. Freu Hall, who will celebrate their 35th wed ding anniversary here in January. Cpl. Ray Bills, of the army ord nance base at Stockton, Calif., is spending furlough here with his mother, Mrs. William Vestal. Mr. and Mrs. Vestal, with the corporal, spent Sunday and Monday in Red mond at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vance spent the holidays in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Homer M. Thomas left yesterday for San Francisco, Calif., where they will visit with their son, Lt. Homer Thomas, Jr., and his wife. Pfc. Pat Cashman spent the holi days in Bend from Camp Ball, lam. The D.A.V. and auxiliary will entertain their children at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baer, 974 Riverside, Thursday evening from 7 to 10 o clock, it was an nounced today. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Jorgenson of Gilchrist spent Saturday in Bend. Cecil Randall was in Bend on Saturday from Sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Olson of Shevlin shopped in Bend on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Watkins and 8-year-old son, Kenneth, ar rived today from Seattle for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Cuffin. Mrs. Fannie Wright arrived to day from Culver, where she spent Christmas with her son, B. Wright, to visit her daughter, Mrs. D. W. Entrikin and family. Mrs. Wright resides in Tulelake, Calif. Miss Hilda Bautz, attached to the staff of the school for deaf at Salem, is spending the holidays here with her cousin, Mrs. G. W. Winslow. Lt. Bill I. Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Murphy, Route 1, is home on leave from the Colum bus. Miss, army air field. Ensign Gerry A. Horstkotte, Is in Bend on leave, visiting mem bers of his family at 463 Congress street. Rev. and Mrs. Harold Oberg passed through Bend on Sunday enroute to Boise, Ida., to attend the wedding of their son. Rev Obere. formerly in charge of Sev enth Day Adventlst churches In Bend, Prineville and Redmond, is now a chaplain at the Portland sanitarium. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Perry and son, Fred, spent Christmas eve in Redmond at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pelmulder. Mrs. George Grunden and son Bobble are here from Hillsboro to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Thomp son and small son, Douglas, are here from L a k e v i e w, where ; Thompson Is attached to the U. S i forest service, to spend the holi days wim nis parents, ivir. anu Mrs. J. Alton Thompson. Robert Isham, apprentice sea man, left today for Farragut after spending Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Edna Isham. ! Roy Wiles left today for Port I land after spending Christmas ; here with his sister, Mrs. Edna i Isham. Mrs. Jeanette Mulkins spent the holidays in Dufur with relatives. Miss Phyllis McIIcnry left to Iday for a vacation in San Fran cisco. - Thor Frydenlund returned to day from Eugene where he spent the holidays with ills family. Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Gossard and son, Jack, spent Christmas here with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sherlock.. The Grange Hall ladies aid will hold Its annual party and gift ex change at 1:30 p. m. Thursday at the home of Mrs. C. L. Smith, 424 Kearney street, it was announced today. DEER HIDES. I would appreci ate it if you hunters who still have your deer hides in the cold storage plants would bring them m as I cannot pay the exorbitant price asked by the operators of those plants. Cecil C. Moore, 1132 Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon. Adv. WAR-DURATION ORDINANCE Chicago (U'l Cincinnati recent ly adopted a war-duration ordin ance authorizing the city manager to use regular employes during their vacation periods and holi days where there is a manpower shortage, according to the public administration clearing house. These employes will receive extra pay. New U. Si Ace j HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured ace, Captain Pale 10 Operatic solov 11 Beverage 13 Tangle 14 Alternating current (ab.) 15 Toward 17 Perform 19 Donkey 20 Musical note 21 Erbium (symbol) 22 Golf device 23 And (Latin) 24 Electrical VERTICAL 1 Chapeaux 2 Half -em ,3 Speed competition 4 Year (ab.) . 5 Bismuth (symbol) Scale of pay 7 Weight (ab.) 8 Tidy 9 Existed 12 He is a lead ing air 13 Spoils 14 Skill Awer fo PrtvfmM PhD. S ml!n ij. & 9 cloth 2$ Each (ab.) 27 Away 28 Employ 30 Enemy 31 Insect 34 Oceans 35 Mother 36 Proceed 37 Satiate tiectrical ,-No,,. meta. 39 Snake engineer (ab.) " - tn Pc,, - . . . n n n . .... ioopini ,U:..,M r 42 Female deer SERVICE REUNION Sundance, Wyo. lPi A father and his son, both in the service, met in Sundance recently for the first time in six years. SSgt. Vic Pattison, the father, was on fur lough from his station near Mem phis, Tenn. He heard that his son, Seaman 1c Jack Pattison, was arriving on leave, and obtained a five-day extension of his furlough so he might see his son. 'BIG' WINNINGS STOLEN Chicago (IP) Peter Parker, a painter, was robbed of 98 pennies while on his way home from a friendly poker game. 29 Distant 32 We 33 Upon 34 Plant part 36 Obtains 38 Bachelor of Arts (ab.) 40 Accomplish 41 Excitement 44 Bona 46 Therefore 47 Kitchen utensil 49 Male offspring 60 Near (lPint (ab.) 52 Be indebted 53 Greek letter 53 Particle 58 Vase 59 He shot down - ' 30 German planes 43 On top of 45 Mix 46 Box 47. Minute skin opening 48 Possess 54 Average (ab.) 56 Old English (ab.) 57 Tungsten (ab.) 58 Upward Servicemen Are Entertained At Newly Opened Bend USO Ji li I IA. 14' IS lb I h W -J nr I r 5" l""Wpirrlir r W$mxru zc-Sf if H srarsr T S 55" ptf 5T 5T ' ilk '"i H 1 1 1 n IJr Germans Escape By Rock Tunnel Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 26 (IB The 25 prisoners of war who broke out of the Papago park Internment camp near here Christmas eve es caped by way of a 200-foot rock tunnel, it was announced today by Col. William A. Holden, camp com manding officer. Holden disclosed that the nazis, led by naval captain Juergsn Wat tenberg, dug their way under the enclosure fence through solid rock, emerging near an irrigation canal. Only six of the escapees have been recaptured so far. May Head South Preliminary reports indicated the Germans including 12 naval officers scattered after leaving the desert camp. It was consider ed likely, however, they had a definite plan of action, calling for a flight to Mexico, about 150 miles due south through uninhabited desert. It was believed the escapees were hiding by day in the desert mountains and traveling south at night. Civil air patrol planes had join ed the law enforcement officers and army patrols in the intensive search. Col. Holden said the prisoners apparently were not armed and were without transportation. NEWS OF SOCIETY (All society items should be reported to The Bulletin not later than 10 a.m. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.) 'The most outstanding week end I have ever spent In my life," is what one service man called his two-day Christmas . holiday In Bend when he thanked USO of ficials for their help in making the weekend happy for him. The USO assisted some 73 other serv ice men in having a good Christ mas, it was announced today by Mrs. Craig Coyner, director. A formal dance last night clim axed the weekend's festivities at the USO, now quartered In the parish hall of Trinity Episcopal church. College girls, army wives and soma 15 visitors were present to aid some 35 service men in en Joying themselves. Highlights of the evening was a display of elaborate cakes made by many Bend women as mem orials to their sons in all parts of the world. Service men selected the cake they preferred through sampling and were later served generous' portions. Several men asked lor the recipe of the cake they iiKea best to send home. The recipes were furnished. -. Every boy who wished to dine on Christmas day with a Bend family had his wish gratified. In fact, Mrs. Coyner stated today, the supply oi dinners iar exceeaeu inn supply of men. The uso was open on.unnsi- mas day irom noon until mid night. The organization wishes to express its thanks to the follow ing persons wno assisted, Mrs. Coyner said today: Mrs. Anne Forbes, Mrs. Earl Huff, Mrs. Kay Brown, Mrs. Jere Glllls, Mrs. George St. Onge, Mrs. O. B. Sim- onls, Mrs. Rodney Jungqulst, the hostesses and the following: . Mrs. A. B. Burleigh, cooking chairman, who arranged for pre paration of the memorial cakes; Mrs. Eugene Ackley, who procur ed dish towels for the' center; Clair Fuller, of the roller rink, who donated wax for the- floors; Mrs. J. C. Vandervert, who loaned Christmas lights for the tree. The Elks club, Mrs. Coyner stated, was especially helpful for It provided a Juke box, records and coat racks. oena is1 Over Holidays In general, celebration of Christ mas in Bendtwas reasonably or derly, police reports indicated to. . day, but one suspect made the mistake of appearing at the an nual policemen's benefit ball in the roller rink in an asserted in toxicated condition. In jail today for this offense was Lemor S. Haner, 23, 230 Vi East Irving ave nue. Pvt. Zapata, 23, of Redmond, was taken into custody for fight ing and turned over to military police. Archie Anderson, 52, of 710 Colorado avenue, was held on a drunk charge. .-, 35c Any Seat TONIGHT TOMORROW BARGAIN 35r u Any Seat NIGHTS REALY A SUPER-SWELL 2 HIT PROGRAM "THE FOREST KAhucKj ry inOverman-wfDekker-toPalletter,v tkm mm 1 , li ' Intut , tltm siismi tow Wit It lrW SHrt I'w I rtl T ' f LU5 2ND FULL LENGTH FEATURE WARNER BAXTER fMWTTJ WARNER BAXTER Nettie A. Nance Dies at Age of 72 Funeral services were held here this afternoon for Mrs. Nettie A. Nance, 72, who 'died In the St. Charles hospital last Friday, after a residence in Central Oregon for more than 21 years. The last year and a nail oi Mrs. Nances lire was spent in Bend. Rev. Kenneth Tobias officiated at the rites in . the chapel of the Niswonger and Winslow funeral home, with bur- la) following In the Greenwood cemetery. I Mrs. Nance is survived by three i sons, Zonie and Mancel of Madras, j and Sabe Nance of Bend; four i daughters, Hattie M. Lowe, Cas- tlewood, Va.; Alma Barnett, Oak wood, N. C; Topsy Moore, Wilks boro, N. C, and Mazie Aikens of Bend. Twenty-six grand children and seven great grand children also survive. . Canton Deschutes Auxiliary Elects Officers for '45 Officers of the ladles auxiliary of Canton Deschutqs No. 19 were elected last Tuesday following the official visit of the state president, Mrs. Viola Spencer of Roseburg. Mrs. Spencer and other guests present were Introduced by Mrs. A. E. Stevens, program committee chairman. Prior to the business meeting a dinner was served to members of Canton Deschutes, the auxiliary and their families. Officers elected were: Mrs. N. D. Graham, president; Mrs. Edgar Barnes, vice-president; Mrs. Fred Gibson, secretary; Mrs. Carl John son, treasurer. Officers will be Installed at the Jan. 19 meeting. It was announced. V. F. V. Party Tomorrow Nlpht All war veterans, and particular ly their children, have been in vited to a Christmas party In Moose hall at 8 p. m. tomorrow by the Veterans of Foreign wars and their auxiliary. There will be a Christmas tree and treats for the children and dancing for tneir elders, Cecil Khoads, com mander, has announced. Executive Board Meets Tomor row The executive board of the Women of the Moose will meet at 1:30 p. m. tomorrow in Moose hall, it was announced today. W. S. C. S. Plan Offlcors Day The annual W. S. C. S. officers' day will be conducted at 2 p. m. Wednesday In the fireside parlor of the Methodist church by Mrs. M. B. Smith. North End Club to Sleet Mem bers of the North End club will meet Friday evening at the home of Mrs. C. F. Lyons, 27 Lake place, It was announced today. r 1 SOCIAL CALENDAR Tonight 8 p.m. Degree of Honor party for juveniles, Norway hall. Wednesday 1:30 p.m. Executive board, Women of Moose, In Moose hall 2 p.m. W.S.C.S. officers' day. Methodist church fireside parlor. 8 p.m. Pythian Sisters In Nor way hall. 8 p.m. V.F.W. party and dance for all veterans and families. Moose hall. Thursday 8 p.m. Moira Andros sorority "hen party" with Barbara Sue Devereaux. Mrs. Fred Burrows Guest of Honor at Christmas Party Mrs. Ivan Pickett acted as host ess at a Christmas party of the Women's Benefit association, given Wednesday In honor of Mrs. Fred Burrows, who was presented with many gifts. Those attending were: Mrs. Wil liam Spencer, Mrs. Edith Beach, Mrs. Robert Stout, Mrs. Olive Ord way, Mrs. Noah Walker, Mrs. Al bert Felan, Mrs. Cecil Hollins head, Mrs. Charles Catos and Mrs. Henry Nelson. Those who sent gifts but were unable to attend were: Mrs. Wal ter Prichard, Mrs. R. L. Winters, Mrs. Willis E. Denton and Mrs. Jack Davis. "Hen Party"' Thursday Moira Andrns sorority will give a "hen party" on Thursday at the home of Barbara Sue Devereaux. Levis and plaid shirts will he worn and the members have been asked to bring refreshments, It has been announced. Degree of Honor Party Tomor rowThe Degree of Honor will hold Its annual party for Juveniles in Norway hall at 8 p. m. tomor row. Pythian Slstcm To Meet To morrowThe Pythian sisters win meet at 8 p. m. tomorrow in Nor way hall. U.S. to Pay Loss To Midstate Roads Damages to Central Oregon highways, estimated at S7.025 and incurred by military operations, will be paid to the state ot Oregon by the federal public roads ad ministration, according to word received here today from Wash- lnpton, I). C. I Repairs costing $4,459 were ' made to the Ochoco highway near Redmond owing to excessively heavy hauls made on the road during the construction of the Redmond army air field. The Dalles-California highway also suffered to the extent of $2,099 : due to the same operations. The I Ochoco hirhwav suffered to the . extent of S1.367 during the con struction of runways In a civilian pilot training field near Prineville. : it was revealed. WHITMOItE FUNERAL SET The funeral for Harry Whit-' more who died hrre Thursdny, ' vlll be held at 2:30 p. m. next Thursday at the N'swongcr & Winslow funeral chapfl, wiih bur ial following in Greenwood ceme tery, it was announced today. Rev. Robert Mcllvenna will have charge. U. S. GUARANTEED LOANS TO (Discharged) Servicemen) To buy, build, or repair a home; To purchase a farm or farm equipment; to repair arm buildings or machinery; To purchase land, supplies, machinery, tools, etc., to go into any proper gainful occupation, etc., etc. 1 citizen8 "J'k" f if , , .ii,ibi. ,,., 1 (JOIv'cIsCy tHB I ,h, be glad lo bin rou apply 1 lo a4Ve. for i loin under ill liberil pro. 1 iOUgW W ri,ioni. Cook in for drtiill ind m for ibe bcM coopcrtiioo we n J BANK OF BEND A Home-Owned State Bank Yuletide Singers Bring Cheer to Boy in Hospital Christmas carolers who visited the St. Charles hospital on Christ mas eve, brought cheer to at least one small, suffering boy, It was revealed today. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Renno, who wrote The Bulle tin a letter asking that their thanks be conveyed to the singers who were unknown to them. Their note read In part: "We certainly wish to express our appreciation to the carol sing ers who came through St. Charles hospital Christmas eve. Our small son enjoyed tnem very much and wished to thank them." Take Your Choice - - - Between Getting Enough Sleep or wearing yourself out over a tub and ironing board Those extra hours you spend washing and ironing actually coir you money in your own time and health, aside from the ma terials you use. You'll find it more economical all ways to let' us take over your laundry. You'll benefit tn the way you feel; the time you have for other things; your satisfaction in the beauty of finely laundered belongings. Bend-Troy Laundry 60 Kansas Phone 1 46 k. iVff ! I ft ''' XT 'A. CD ' ?S L' ;a-j: '.w- 'I Womeit They Never Forget In the drama of Army surgery, only doctors wield the; scalpel. But YOU, as 9 Wac surgical technician in the Army Medical Department, can lend the woman's touch to care of wounded soldiers. You can perform important non-professional duties before and after the operations. Get more detailed information about your opportunities as a Wac nf ' tlie Army Medical Department today! lie a Wac in the V. S. Army Medical Dept. 13. 1 ARMY MCRUITINO STATION PmI (lirlre, Rut., Oregon PIom tnd mo, without any obligation on my part, tho now illwitrotod bookUl about the) Wad. NAMI ADDRESS . I . .. ... CITY. STATI w.. .20Nl., ..pom NO.. .. t,kt mrssACE srONSORED BY nitOWN & HALEY, TACOMA conations. TL.Tw. kno rou'r. K icemen -'"" " ;ih thaK, 10 WHI