THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON, SATURDAY, DEC. 23. 194 PAGE SEVEN 3 f t Railroad Issues Reach New Highs By Elmer C. Waller (United freae Eiuacial Kditor).- New York, Dec 23 Rail road issues advanced to new highs since August 31, 1937, to feature a firm, quiet stock mar ket session today. The lift which the rails gave the whole market left the general average about unchanged from last week's close although the in dustrial, component failed to make up its losses, of the Wednes day session. ' Activity centered In the carrier group although International Tel ephone was the most active indi vidual issue of the whole list. Bal timore & Ohio had a heavy turn over and along with its preferred -made a new tou. Gains of a Doint j eacn were notea m coioraao v: soutnern. preterred. .Delaware & riuason, Illinois central pre ferred, and Louisville & Nash ville. The others rose fractionally and most of them made new highs. , Christmas Eve Exercise is Set. The Methodist church has made plans for a Christmas eve pro gram, to be held at the church on Sunday, starting at 6:30 p. m. The service will open with a can dle lighting exercise, followed by the processional, by the junior choir. Highlighting the Christmas eve program will be a pageant, "Christmas Night in a Foxhole." This is an original, modernized Yorama, written Dy Mrs. M. . ! Lyons, in which all Sunday school departments take part. The offer tory will be "Ave Maria." A quar tet, Joyce Conn, Maureen Lyons, Albert Miles and pavid Coyner, with Maureen Lyons as soloist, will be featured. The junior choir, directed by Mrs. Craig Coyner, will sing carols. Council Meeting Date Announced Redmond, Dec. 23 U Chair men of different Boy Scout activi ties in Central Oregon will go to Klamath Falls Jan. 14 to attend the annual council meeting, it was announced today by P M. Houk. head of the Central Oregon area ol the Modoc council. In announe ing the trip, Houk also named the different chairmen who were recently appointed, as follows: Dr. J. C. Vandeverf. Rpnri. hnjilth ' and safety; Ned Fields, Redmond1 finance; Henry Hulett, Prineville, camping and activities; Rev. R. H. Prentice, Bend, advancement, and Jack Burpee, Bend, organization and extension. LeRoy Fox of Bend, was re tained as district scout commis sioner. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Ore., Dec. 23 mi Livestock for week: cattle 3300, calves 275. Compared week ago cows and heifers strong to 25c higher, steers generally steady. Medium-good fed steers $13.25 15.50. Good fed heifers $13.00 13.50; common-medium $S.5012.50. Canners down to $5.00. Medium good beef cows $9.00-11.65; can-ners-cutters $5.00-7.00; medium good bulls $8.50-10.75. Good choice vealers $13.0014.50. Grass calves $13.00 down. Hogs 3350. Market 25c higher. Good-choice 180-240 lbs. $15.75; 245-300 lbs. $14.25-15.00. Good sows $13.00-13.75. Feeder pigs $13.00-13.75. Sheep 1680. Market 25-50C high er. Good-choice wooled lambs $13.75-14.00. Best shorn lambs $13.50. Good-choice ewes $5.00 6.00. TO OUR FRIENDS A Mobil Service C. D. Winn Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST 1036 Wall Street Evenings by Appointment For a Little, Sell a Lot Classified Rates Local Paid in Advance 26 Words One Time SBo 25 Words Three limes 76c 25 Words Six limes $L33 All word over 2S odd le pr word Ujkm number of insertions On month run, hbi copy, -rm da rata Minimum Charge, 84c LINE KATE 10c CAPITALS 20c Cl&acificd AdverUeins, Caah in Advance . Uallr Uloainr, l ime U iS9 P. M. BEND LODGE, NO. 218 1. 0. 0. F. Meets Every Monday Night; I. O. O. F. Temple 265 Franklin Avenue Robt. Leader, Noble Grand D. R. Miner, Sec., Phone 1069-W KNIGHT TEMPLAKS Christmas Observance Program 11 a. m. Christmas Day . MASONIC TEMPLE FOB SALE BICYCLE, phonograph, radio, new one man crosscut saw, 32 automatic with holster and am munition. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. WE HAVE a few dressed turkeys for sale. Leo Fischer's Ranch. ALL SIZES Christmas trees go ing for 25c apiece. 1588 Awbrey. Phone 664-W. HAY, VETCH heavy with oats and barley grain. Three-quarters mile north, half mile east of Alfalfa .store. M. K. Baessler. PREWAR ELECTRIC train and transformer, few extras, good condition. Price $20.00. Call after 6:00 p. m. at 323 East Lafayette. BABY'S PLAY pen, yew wood bow, 60 lb. pull, hunting arrows and quiver. Also 1930 Chev. sedan in good condition. 1378 Federal. HAND VACUUM cleaner in good condition; one pair of 8-power binoculars; one Remington four some electric shaver, like new. Call at 1622 West Fourth or phone 1005-J. STANDARD REMINGTON noise less typewriter, used player piano rolls. Box.23, Gilchrist, Oregon. SKIS New Anderson Thompson laminated, bindings ana poles. Phone 727 after 6:00 p. m., 124 Delaware. 8 ROOM; modern, unfurnished house. Large living room with fireplace, also outdoor living room, fireplace, grill all enclosed with new white picket fence. 326 Congress. FOR PROMPT' relief of colds, sinus, or catarrh, try a bottle of U. I, oil, no burning relieve nasal discomfort instantly. Large size $1.25; small, 3 for $1.25. Wong's, 418 Bond. GOOD USED piano on easy terms. Bend Furniture Co. FOB BENT CLOSE IN, 2 and 3 room apart ments. Fuel, lights and water fur nished. 35 Hawthorne. Phone 39. TO MARCH 1st, 1946, 2 'A acres, good 3 room house not modern. Good basement. City water, no electricity. Good barn and cow shed. Chicken house. R. F. D. and school bus convenience. See D. S. McCleUan, 629 W. 14th St., Bend. DIAMONDS KEEP FAITH ! Buy Bonds for KEEPS A. T. NIEBERGALL Jeweler Next to Capitol Theater Phona 148-R WATCHES YOUR SERVICE FOR MOVING i PACKING, CRATING STORAGE LUl CARTAGE OiSTRIBUTION mmmmmz - ? coat n m rT PHONE 7S8 '210 Irving Ave., Bend 1 FOB RENT WANT TO sub rent a modern 5 room furnished house. Vacating Dec 27. 2 Scott St. VERY NEAT 3 room modern fur nished house, good neighborhood, garage. Adults only. Apply 1255 E. ihira. . CLEAN SLEEPING and house keeping room, kitchen and laun dry privileges, automatic heat. Phone 493-W. 3 ROOM furnished house, not modern. Easy distance of mills. Apply 207 Riverfront. WANTED ROCKHILL Everbearing straw- berry plants. Must be free from disease, true to name, state price per thousand. Lloyd Bowers, Shedd, Oregon. WANT TO RENT furnished house or apartment, preferably with 2 bedrooms. Phone 877. BICYCLES Top cash prices for bicycles, wheels, tricycles, frames, wagons, parts of all kinds, broken ones OK. carl Austm, 22U ureen wood. YELLOW 'or gray Persian male kitten for boy s Christmas pres ent. Call Wetle's store or 716-R be fore 6 p. m. today. LIST YOUR PROPERTY: Have Waiting Lists: We need farms. cattle ranches, city homes, busi ness property, cafes, service sta tions, auto courts, stores, wnat have you. Gilberts Real Estate, 1015 Wall Street. . USED GUNS and motors. Will pay good prices or liberal trade in allowances on new ones. Evans Fly Co. South highway. USED RADIOS Will pay top prices for good used radios. George's Radio Service. New loca tion, 838 wall St. Phone 9uo. MATTRESS RENOVATING and rebuilding. Bend Bedding Com pany. Phone 753-J. USED CARS 1936 REO l'4 ton 28 passenger school bus or flat bed. Also 1929 22-passenger la ton Dodge. Phone 644. HELP WANTED WOMAN for maid work. Down ing Hotel. Phone 39. GIRL for general Permanent position. Mackey, 832 or 412. housework. Phone Mrs. NEWSPAPER ROUTES avail able. Owing to revision of old established routes, we have open. ings for carriers, either boys or girls. Good pay salary or' com mission. See Journal, Jones Apt 5. Phone 744-M. WOMAN to care for pre-school children school days and do light housework. Hours: 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Telephone 787-W or call 1204 Hill. SITUATION WANTED FIREMAN JOB or odd jobs. Write P. O. Box 331 or call at Houk's Motor before 9:00 a. m. Charles Whitman, Sr LOST RED GUERNSEY cow. Ear mark ed. Strayed from Rt. 2, Box 248. Call Pine Tree Auto Court office. BLACK BILLFOLD containing several licenses, registration card, gas stamps, and some money. Finder please return to John Flatebo, 326 Sisemore St. FOUND LIGHT COLORED goat came to my place south of Harvey place. If owner will pay for advertising, feeding and breeding, they can have same. Springgate. MISCELLANEOUS LATE MODEL heal ing aid can be had at big reduction due to illness. Mr. Mitchell, co Pilot Butte Inn. I Either bone or air conduction. ! Hurry! NURSE LOSES FAT SAFELY AYDS WAY Get slimmer without exerdst Eat ttarchru, potatnrs, (rnvy, just cut down. AYDS plan is .ife, wnsiblc, easier. No tier ciw, No drugs. Nolaxalivct. Ntir one of more t hat n ItM periotii loilcifl 14 to IS Ibt. uitmee In a few wrekB Id trata witfi Ayrta Htm conclude! by mtnJicul doctor. Drlicioua AYDS before each ippcute. Yet you Ret vilaminn. meal dulls the appetite. Yet you Ret vitamin, mincraii. essential nutrients in Ayd. Stiri the A yds way to lose weight now. .TO day nupply o( Ayds, $2.25. If you're nnt delight M with result MONEY BACK with the verv lint bo. Phone iw, u ramus iiiriirwise. Better Equipped In our new offices to help you with your health problems. Our modern equipment and meth ods Include Hydro and Convenient Terms Dr. R. D. Ketchum Chiropractic rhytlclan 124 Minnesota Ave. Phone 794 I m Eliminator XSjCl. MISCELLANEOUS WILL LADY who loaned chains to party who was stuck out east highway please call for then at State Police Office. SKATES HOLLOW ground, keys made, saws filed. Guns, locks, pho nographs, electric appliances re paired. Soldering. Shears, knives sharpened. Open Sunday and eve nings. Henderson's Repair Shop, 112 Minnesota. IDEAL CHRISTMAS Gifts. Spen cer Supports Dress and surgical. Men's and women's belts. Phone 668 or 21-F-4. Mrs. Edna - Boyd Brinson. O'Kane Bldg., or Box 164, Bend. WE WISH YOU a Merry Christ mas and Happy New Year, and thank you for your past year's business. Due to OPA regulations and weather, we are only permit ted to deliver wood to customers who have only a few days supply on hand. Brookings Wood Yard. Ph. 767. LEARN TO PLAY Hawaiian and standard guitar by mail. Guaran teed course. For more information write or contact Chas. Whetzel, Bend Musio Company, 114 Minn. Ave, Phone 712. PROMPT GUARANTEED service on all makes of washing ma chines, oil burners and small household appliances. Bend Wash er Service, 136 Greenwood Ave. Phone 583. To Sell Property Hood River, Ore., Dec. 23 (IP) The American Legion post here through paid newspaper adver tisements today urged Japanese Americans not to return to Hood River county but promised that if they did return the post would do its best to uphold law and order and would "countenance no violence." The post recently gained na tionwide attention by expunging from its war honor roll the names of 16 Japanese-Americans serving with the armed forces, defending its action by declaring these serv icemen were citizens of Japan while professing loyalty to the United States. "Let us face this issue square ly," the advertisements said. "Un der the war department's recent ruling you will soon be permitted to return to this county. Certain' incidents have already occurred that indicate the temper of the citizens of this county. Some Sell Lands "Public records show that th&re are about 25 or 30 families out of some 600 Japanese who have not already sold their property in Hood River county. We strongly urge these to dispose of their holdings. "If you desire assistance from this post in disposing of your yand we pledge ourselves to see that you get a square deal. "If you do return we also pledge that to the best pf our ability we will uphold law and Hflppmess MAY IT BE YOURS TO ENJOY ON THIS,'. THE GREATEST DAY OF THE YEAR . , . AND OUR SINCERE THANKS FOR ALL THE FAVORS YOU , HAVE EXTENDED IN j THE PAST, - o - . COLUMBIA FOOD MARKET il m Columbia II j RED RYDER ' By FRED HARMAN (X"ANO IVE HEARD TWAT MOST OF T WELL, 1 FOR. OMf DON'r 1 ' f I DON'T WANT TO T &MTV MOM, foM, COMB NOW, SOM, ' OONT TUB PA BENTS IN SUXOVSIDZ ARB WANT TO BE A VESTEE- ftp STCCTLY STOCK ITS NOT . 56 A SAD APPLE GETHEt using jive-tauc, mom. how come? day's miss x wAwr -i want to Be LADYLIKE; GCTfZT TVr:: -v .i ,i i?, TflE , 6R006Y its hot GETHELP Y St '1 V M ifm TIMES s wtVH BECOMING ' V W THIS CURIOUS WORLD lrw"aiy - " I . II T at rig. u. ft, pat. Of r. 1 I CANADA IS NEARER m lsoyriEA lJ. ERMINE "IS THE FUR OF WHAT ANIMAL ? . COPR 1B44 BY NCA BEffvlCC. IN0 , ( Mm ANSWER1 it Is the order and will countenance no violence. "In this program we ask the support or the citizens of this county." MotKer Receives Award for Son Mrs. Sadie A. Lucas, Bend, has received from the war depart ment a purple heart posthumous ly awarded her son, Pfc. Russel S. Lucas, who was killed in action in Italy this fall, while serving with American forces. Pfc. Lucas, a chaplain's assist ant at the time of his death, wa born and raised in Bend, and was an officer of the First Presbyter Ian church. Memorial services for the Bend soldier were recently held. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OK SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the County Court of Deschutes County, Ore gon, entered on the 22nd day of November, 1344, the undersigned Sheriff will on the 6th day of January, 1945, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M., at the front door of the Court House in Bend, Oregon, sell to the highest bidders for cash or terms as hereinafter stated, the following described real property, located in Deschutes County, Ore gon, provided no bid shall bo ac cepted for less than the amount set opposite each respective tract, men $ yteelinqs AMERICAN FRIENDS EVERYWHERE MAY YOU HAVE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING if GILBERT'S Real Estate and Insurance 1015 Wall i Ads GOT THEIR NAME FROM DAYS WHEN THEY WEOE SHIPPED IN cavsro6A wagons winter coat of the weasel. which Is the minimum price fixed in said order: plus costs of sale etc.. Parcel No. 1 SEUNEW, NEW- SE!4, Sec. 25, Twp, 14 S R 12 E. W.M. $80.00 Cash. Parcel No. 2 WMsWHi, See. 17. Twp. 20 S., R. 18 E.W.M. $160.00 Cash. . Parcel No. 3 NW'4SW!4, SW4 NW W , Sec. 12, Twp. 18 S., R. 12 E.W.M. $80.00 Cash. Parcel No. 4 NE'A, Sec. 5 and NW, Sec. 4, Twp. 22, S., H. 10 E. W.M. $320.00 Cash. Parcel No. 5 WV4SE14, Sec. 22, Twp. 18 S., R. 12 E.W.M. $80.00 Cash. Parcel No. 6 SEW, Sec. 21, Twp. 21 S., R, 10 E.W.M. $320.00 Cash. Such sale shall be subject to the right of any municipal corpora tion claiming an unpaid assess ment lien for local Improvements thereon to purchase such prop erty within 20 days alter notice ol sucii sale. C. L. McCAULEY, Sheriff 4-10-16-21C NOTICE OV HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned administra tor of the estate of Matilda Nel son, deceased, has filed in the County Coiti t of Deschutes Coun ty, Oregon, his final account in said eslate, and said Court has fixed the 22nd day of January, 1945, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock p. m. and the Courtroom of said Court as the time and place for hearing of objections, if any, to said final account and the settle ment thereof. Dated and first published this 23rd (lay of December, 1044. Ci. W. WINSLOW, Administra tor. . A. J. MOORE, Attorney for Ad mlnlslrator. 16-21-27-33c WHO'S WHO in BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF KELIA1ILE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES BEAUTY SHOPS HAIR NATURALLY BEAUTIFULLY TINTED Added IiIkIiIIkIiIm and a new rich tone with Itoux or Eternal the very l-t Hutu made. , LADIES HAIR CUTTING A SPECIALTY Powder Puff Beauty Shop ftluy Kllw Owner Plume 4X4 MONUMENTS Re C. CARYL "The Monument' Man" Tel. 820 M 0). LL . , i S Ray Cooper Insurance Agency I IJJJ TO YOU. OUR TrTi I FRIENDS AND , II J CUSTOMERS. p : .. ' . ... O'DONNELL MEAT MARKET WAM1EB!- 15 to 20 Men . For Construction Work apply LOCAL UNION 915 83 Oregon Ave. U. S. E. S. Clearance Necessary Refrigerator Service All Types of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD Oregon Equipment Co. Bnrl r Mlimwwla I'ruiiio toot TRUCKING SERVICE TRUCKS FOR RENT! MOVE YOURSELF SAVE Va! BtMt Hive Trucks may be tiMd aiiywliitrn in the U.S.A. without red tape or HKtcial limine when truiiKjMirUng your own good. IahK trips, itliort trips any where. See your Texaco dealer. Mission Service Station lloml A Franklin Phone 840 FRIENDS, EVERYWHERE Long Distance Hauling BEACH TRUCK SERVICE Tel. 1 68 839 Columbia Siieclullzln; In Long Distance Household Goods Movement LOCAL CARTAGE BEND-PORTLAND TRUCK SERVICE Fast Dally Service Every Day Of the Year Phone 544 Office Phonn 7S . Phone l-W